How to... write a report Learning Centre

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How to...
write a report
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What is a report?
A report is the formal writing up of a piece of research or project
work. Reports contain precise detail and are written clearly, without
waffle. They are made up of facts and arguments on a specific
subject, supported by evidence.
The purpose of a report could be to:
inform someone about a particular subject;
research a problem and draw conclusions about it;
make recommendations about ways of doing things,
improvements or changes.
Writing the report
Before you write your report you should consider the following:
who the report is for;
what you are trying to say;
the style it should be written in;
how you are going to set it out.
These points are laid out in more detail on the next page.
Writing the report
Who is your audience/who is
going to read the report?
What type of language and
style should you use/how
should the report sound
when it is read?
If you are writing the report for
an expert it is important to use
key vocabulary and technical
The language you use should be
formal; do not use slang or
contractions (don’t, won’t).
If the reader is new to the topic
don't blind them with science;
write clearly in a way they will
Your report should be written
using a factual and objective
style. Avoid using personal
opinions and unnecessary detail.
You should write in the third
person, for example, “50 surveys
were sent to residents.” Don’t
write in the first person, using
“I” or “me”, for example,
”I sent 50 surveys to the
How should you set out the report?
Think carefully about the order in which you want to present the
information. What has to come first? What has to follow it? The
order will be linked to the purpose of the report and must have a
logical progression, e.g. chronological, order of importance, or
general information leading to specific information.
You can use subheadings or number each paragraph to make the
information very clear and easy for your reader to find at a glance.
Planning your report
Planning the structure of your report before you start means that
your final report should contain all of the key information, presented
in a logical sequence that is easy for the reader to follow.
Have a look at the suggested structure for a report on the following
pages. Also see the Learning Centre “How to... plan your writing”
guide for more information on planning what you are going to write
in your report.
Report structure
Please note:
Not all reports are structured in exactly the same way.
The following information gives you a guide to the key sections but
you may not be expected to include each section in your report.
Check with your tutor because they may have a preferred or specific
structure for your report.
This is a suggested report structure:
Title page
List of illustrations
Introduction or Terms of Reference
Main body/Findings/Discussion
Title page
The title page is the front page of the report. The title page should
include the title of the report, the author’s name and the date. You
may also be asked to include your course title.
This may not always be required but it is your opportunity to thank
those who have helped you produce your report.
The contents page is a list of the sections in the
report with the related page numbers. This is
possibly the last thing you will complete. If
your report is short (less than two pages) a
contents page may not be necessary.
For more detailed reports with headings and
sub headings, you may need to use a more
detailed numbering system to organise the
List of illustrations
This contains the title and page numbers of all graphs, charts,
tables and illustrations used in your report.
This is a summary of your report and should contain approximately
150 words. It is a good idea to write this last.
The abstract should cover:
an outline of what you investigated;
why you chose this area to investigate and briefly refer to
previous research undertaken;
your prediction of what the investigation will show, also referred
to as a hypothesis;
a brief summary of your methodology;
a summary of your findings and how they relate to your
suggestions for any further research.
Please note:
Check with your tutor if an abstract is necessary for your report.
Depending upon the level of your course, an abstract may not be
Introduction or Terms of Reference
This section is an overview of the task you were set or the research
you carried out.
It can include:
details of who, if anyone, requested the report and why;
aims and hypothesis of report, i.e. a clear explanation of the
purpose of the research or project; and what you expect the
results to be;
links to other work, reports or projects;
details of any limitations (time, money, etc).
The methodology contains specific details of how you carried out the
research or project. It also details who was involved, what
equipment/research method you used and why you chose your
research methods, e.g. questionnaire, survey, experiment or case
Present the results of your investigation upon which you have
drawn your conclusions. Use clear and concise titles, and describe
what the graphs, tables or data show. This information will form the
basis of your main body section.
Please note:
Check with your tutor because they may ask you to incorporate
your results within the main body of the report instead.
Main body/Findings/Discussion
This section of the report should contain the information that you
found out as a result of your research. It should make up about
60% of the report. Each paragraph in this section should contain
factual information about one key point, which you discuss and
Remember that as well as presenting your results, you also need to
analyse them. Explain what the results show in relation to the
purpose of your report and also in relation to the evidence you have
found from your research.
The conclusion is made up of a summary of the main findings. This
is where you show what you think of the information you have
found. Make sure that you clearly show how you came to your
conclusions and that they are based on your findings.
Everything in this section is based on the findings and you should
not introduce any new points.
This is where you explain what should be done as a result of the
findings, including why it should be done and by whom. Your
recommendations must be based on the findings of the report. You
may also want to show that you have thought of the implication of
your recommendations, for example, financial cost.
Please note:
There may not be any recommendations in a report which has
been compiled to give information only.
Remember to note down where all your information came from,
including websites, as you collect it. See the Learning Centre guide
“How to... reference (and avoid plagiarism)” for more details on
how to do this.
It is usual to list the references alphabetically.
Please note:
If you are an Access student, please speak to your tutor who
will explain the reference and bibliography requirements for
your course.
Appendices should only include information that the reader may
want to refer to out of interest, or information which is required as
evidence. For example, a copy of the survey that was sent as part
of the research would go in the Appendices.
If information such as graphs and tables needs to be looked at
whilst reading the report, it should be in the Results or Main
body/Findings section, not the Appendices. Ideally, Appendices
should be lettered A, B, C and so on.
BBC. [no date]. Key Skills: Writing a good report. [Online].
Available at:
(Accessed: 15 August 2005)
BIZ/ED. (1996). Study Skills: Report Writing. [Online]. Available at:
(Accessed: 15 August 2005)
COLEG GLAN HAFREN. (2005). A guide to business report writing.
[Online]. Cardiff, Coleg Glan Hafren. Available at:
BusinessReportWriting.pdf. (Accessed: 15 August 2005)
UNIVERSITY OF WALES. [no date]. Quick guide to report writing.
[Online]. University of Wales. Available at: (Accessed: 12 June 2007)
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