BRITISH AND INSECTS HOW TO THEM KNOW BY BASTIN HAROLD WITH 36 PLATES TWELVE GO. METHUEN " ESSEX STREET LONDON LTD. W.G. Published First in 79/7 61 1 PREFACE I^HE r JL of this littlebook aim introduction It has been penned naturalist,whose habits of chief is to far in his groups " G. H. edition of whose work, may be consulted student. Dr. " " the with (which Natural History") It is to be form chief of men ledge" know- is reasons " outline adopted from in articles whose an {scienceinto The etc. to the Encyclopaedia Britannica," and Life," : their Structure " Insects David hope Therefore the 120 page Carpenter, and Insects indicate orders, families,genera, Professor " to relationshi inter- working " him. guide printed on their cannot a to separated by are classification" current made and structure record pursuit without been insects and the whose systematist, naturalist the of classification attempt has the of the discover insects. British standpoint of the lies with interest But why from more provide a popular of study livingthings,than object advance the to is to advantage Sharp's a should hoped, however, that be " the serious volumes two part of also by The read those on Cambridge and who reread. may be INSECTS BRITISH vi induced by perusal a the await still if account, I wish T. C. reproduce Histories and (from and appears to my who C. Habits ") Plate the veriest the tyro his on own well. and friend Rev. the to me correct indebtedness my for Jack book, common emendations. acknowledge E. with many helped several my on honestly M.A., suggested to that thanks my so mence com- content discoveries work will to pages rest of make to D.Sc., also have Messrs. which offer and proofs, I he Fowler, Canon the hope only to not investigation, reasonably may will life-histories The species following the insects of study booklore. of " their Insects photograph to permission Their : of the to Life- May-fly IV. H. B. CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER I. II. INSECTS GENERAL IN FISH i - INSECTS, EARWIGS, COCKROACHES, AND - ALLIES THEIR - III. BOOK-LICE, STONE-FLIES, 17 - MAY-FLIES, AND DRAGON-FLIES 31 - IV. THRIPS, BUGS, APHIDES, SCALE AND INSECTS 43 - V. SNAKE-FLIES, ALDER-FLIES, LACEWINGS, AND SCORPION-FLIES 55 - VI. BEETLES 62 - - VII. MOTHS, CADDIS-FLIES, BUTTERFLIES AND - VIII. TWO-WINGED FLIES FLEAS AND 94 - IX. ANTS, WASPS, BEES, AND 106 KINDRED THEIR 79 - OUTLINE CLASSIFICATION OF BRITISH INSECTS INDEX - - - - - 120 -121 LIST ILLUSTRATIONS OF I. Metamorphosis of II. Metamorphosis of III. Common Tettix Earwigs Dragon-fly Mask" Dragon-fly " Bush hopper Grass- Cheep House- " 18 - of Tip " Meadow A " " lapponica Ectobia 8 - bipunctatus " May-fly" " Puss-moth Lesser " IV. Frontispiece - and cricket Mole-cricket Dragon-fly with Nymph Nymph's Mask" " tended ex- 32 - V. Shield-bug " VII. Alder-fly IX. Wing of moth" X. Larva and of XI. " Willow-stem of Hooks wasp Ichneumon Wasp or - Wing " - and Larva " or Marble Long- - - 98 - Ant " Saw-fly and Cocoon " 94 Gall-wasp " "Worker" 80 Pupa- Daddy " Sheep-tick" " Midge by Solitary Wasp Bee's on " " of Hawk- Emperor-moth Crane-fly 62 - Hawk-moth" Retinaculum " Ked " - of Parts Crane-fly " galled "Nest XII. Blow-fly Drone-fly " of Pupa-skin Female and " 56 - Water-beetle Hawk-moth Poplar skin legs Hawk-moth 50 Caddis-fly" " " Mouth Caddis-fly" Centrotus " - beetle, Male 46 - - Timberman-beetle " Frenulum - Snake-fly " Stone-fly " Worm of " Scale Scorpion-fly " Stag-beetle Glow- " Currant Lacewing-fly VIII. tipularius Cuckoo-spit" " Insects Brown " Neides Water-scorpion " " Cuckoo-spit cornutus lineavis " laniarius Capsus VI. Ranatra " " Digger" tary Soli- 106 INSECTS BRITISH BRITISH INSECTS TO AND KNOW HOW THEM CHAPTER INSECTS I GENERAL IN \ T)ROBABLY insect JL put in see we who tortoise for words, have laid down is dogs, and monkeys and don't when used definite time in the as all crabs, and less by common for that been insect, 1 he Also called the the of class, or Thus, when in first of a that " i.e., " with more At vast " one group animals,1 centipedes, nowadays, Gnathopoda (" six-footed") naturalist place much it is reserved the Hexapoda name Arthropoda But naturalists, among the life. insect insect, realize. "foot-jawed or forms alternative means of a Cats " an term lobsters, spiders, ticks, familiar given. the people reported : here's has sense, is follows this that railway classifying He as members particular section, the is many the consent which has dogs, but Gnathopoda, including many is than it covered known somewhat fact of to ourselves the necessity freightage. scientific its meaning the find of an asked were heard law The count." we know we might we has of the that if but ; with purposes to to one into faced was believe us difficulty. Everyone porter a when conception our of most speaks the of creature jointed feet." an in BRITISH 2 INSECTS legs,a distinction which at once crabs, lobsters,spiders,ticks,centipedes,etc., six questionhas Here, then, c*urt. which is only one their six-footedness So before that well shall do insects as The the discuss to consider " (" to insect cut viz.,the head, are insects see characters many all other animals. insects in detail,we of brieflythe peculiarities " from is derived the Latin verb "),and is very appropriate,since body is divided into three sections " the thorax, and the abdomen. These always obvious, especiallyin young and shall as caterpillars grubs ; but we in these cases the tripartite even plan is such already sketched reached. But not later that revealed British upon into typicalinsect's parts among based. of class. a name insecure we be may separate insects from to serve out foundation sure a of insects knowledge our which have we puts when Each out, as it were, and waiting to be is life-history final stage of the of the three main sections the of the body is made up of rings or segments. In the head always, and often in the thorax, these are so intimatelyfused togetherthat the lines of juncture are insect's obliterated ; but in the abdomen of most practically tke segments can usually be distinguishedwithout portant difficulty.This segmentation of the body is an imto support the view point,because it serves held by scientific men that insects have descended now from worm-like whose ancestors creatures body was composed of a simple head-lobe followed by a series of nearly identical rings,each of which carried a pairof l"comotor feet." This appendages or idea, once details of insect firmly grasped, explains many that might otherwise structure difficult to comprehend. prove It will help us, for instance,to understand " " INSECTS GENERAL IN 3 jaws," of which there is reason for thinking three distinct pairs. There are that these three pairsof mouth-parts trace their origin of appendages which to a corresponding number of the the head-lobe belonged to segments behind to have Nature, in fact,seems early ancestral stock. telescoped" the parts, with the result that the several of the modern insect includes "head" rings, or quite distinct therefrom in its segments, that were remote progenitors. Possibly these archaic beings developed an appetitefor harder foods than they had the insect's mouth-parts, or this as " " erstwhile room eaten. for doubt Be that certain it may, of their there seems no body-ringswere mediate speak, into the im- pushed graduallyforward, so to neighbourhood of the mouth, and that the turned wards, inappendages carried by these rings were that each pair could be used for nippingand so biting. This is why the above-cited group of animals foot(including insects)is called Gnathopoda, or jawed." of an In the case or insect,such as a cockroach a cricket,which subsists upon solid food, the positionof There is the mouth-parts is not difficult to make out. first a kind of plate,called the upper lip,or labrum. in the middle This is hinged to the head line,and it are the three behind pairs of jaws, or foot-jaws, termed in the order of their arrangement the mandibles, The mandibles the first maxilla,and the second maxilla. are powerful nipping organs, speciallydesigned for The maxillae breaking up hard or tough substances. much delicate structures, and of both pairs are more the food finely, to mince or to pass probably serve the opening suitable fragments into the mouth i.e., which leads to the gullet. Unlike the mandibles,each " " BRITISH 4 in INSECTS piece, the maxillae retain their primitivejointedcharacter, being severallycomposed lobes. basal parts and two of two Moreover, each maxilla carries a little feeler,termed a palpus. The first maxillae are always separate, but the basal parts less closely or of the second pair are generallymore this reason naturalists usually refer to For united. the lower lip,or Idbium. The as them masse en only here is a other mouth-part that need be mentioned the inner,or front,side of the kind of skinny fold on the tongue, linguaor hypoas labium, which is known which of is one pharynx. student would-be The of insects should form a clear picture of the relative positionsoccupied by these mouth-parts, and familiarize himself with their He will then be able readilyto technical names. appreciatethe nature of the changes, or modifications, fit insects to partake of different kinds of food ; which for the above generalizeddescriptionapplies only to insects of the mandibulate or bitingtype, and there feed either wholly or in part on kinds which are many liquids. Some suck nectar from the flowers. Others the piercethe skins of plants or animals and extract methods of feeding obviously Such blood. or sap demand specialadaptationsof the mouth-parts,and in shall see how subsequent chapters we marvellously mental these have been addition effected. the of an mouth-parts, the head The latter insect carries eyes and a pair of antennae. often "feelers," used to explore are by their owner foreignobjects; but in many insects the antennae are of smell,while undoubtedly the chief seat of the sense other well. The senses as possibly serve they may In diverse forms to of the antennae in different kinds of INSECTS insects suggest that IN GENERAL 5 their functions may be almost kinds of eyes have two Insects may equallyvaried. simple and compound. Each simple eye, or ocellus, is a small polishedlens set above a cup-shaped retina, Certain with the brain. which is connected by nerves have little groups of insects (e.g., a caterpillar) young " these eyes if they are each on side of the head all,the ; but in the adult, ocelli usuallyoccupy a has central position. A bee, a wasp, or a dragon-fly, its three of these eyes arranged in a triangleupon able to judge,the ocelli are brow. So far as we are and are probably more exceedingly short-sighted," serviceable in distinguishing lightfrom darkness than in forming images. The compound eyes, of which each adult insects have most on a pair situated one The side of the head, are organs. very marvellous surface layer,or cornea, is composed of numerous facets,or separate lenses,connected with the brain by It is mechanism. an extremely complex nervous possibleby the aid of the microscope to photograph an object,such as a postage stamp or the flame of a of an insect's eye ; candle,through the isolated cornea this is done, we and when obtain a multiplex picture of the object one image, in fact, for every facet in the cornea. This interesting experiment led certain of the early naturalists to conclude that the compound of separate images to the eyes present a multitude present at " " insect's brain. number would In the be case of some hawk-moths the something like 27,000 for each eye! Of what use this amazing portraitgallerycould be to the creature concerned, no one attempted to explain. need not pass in review We all the learned disputations to which the problem of insect vision has given rise. Suffice it to say that the theoryof a multiplex BRITISH 6 INSECTS It is now believed,for image has been discarded. good and sufficient anatomical reasons, that each facet in the brain not a complete picture, of the eye registers but merely the small part of the picturewhich happens of the lens,and that to be exactlyoppositethe centre in the retinal all these fragmental images combine regionof the eye. A mosaic pavement, composed of numberless piecesof stone or marble in close contact, helps us to grasp the idea. Indeed, we may take it as highly probable that an insect's visual perception of an object does not differ greatlyfrom our own, although we know very little concerning the actual and extent of any insect's sight. power it is joined by a Behind the insect's head, to which slender neck," is the thorax, which often appears to be one piece, but is, in reality,composed of three rings,or segments, termed pro-,meso-, closelyfitting metathorax and respectively.Each segment of the carries a pair of jointedlegs, which thorax vary greatly in form in different kinds of insects. In almost instance, however, the five principal every The be easilydistinguished. parts of each leg may haunch, or coxa, fits into a socket in the thorax ; then which is follows a small jointcalled the trochanter, " sometimes divided into two ; after this comes the thigh,or femur ; then the shin,or tibia; and finally consist of from one to the foot,or tarsus,which may five joints, the usual number being five. The last,or distal joint of the tarsus, is usuallyfurnished with a these technical It is worth while fixing pairof claws. terms firmlyin the mind, ibecause they have a much definite meaning than more possible English any equivalents.The tarsus of an insect,for example, is foot in the ordinary something very different from a " sense of the word. " BRITISH 8 the hindmost The latter is made segments, form the a of which For the more tip of another. " that so to the six the identification their the part, however, most the abdomen to body the abdomen. of rings or a varying number often fused togetherand are the less flexible or Since attached of up modified, difficult. of section some otherwise INSECTS be series,thus moved legs of thorax, the an from adult abdomen is segments permitting one point to insect are be must all scribed de- legless; but it frequently carries appendages, which probably represent the paired limbs that were of the the posteriorsegments present on wormlike certain of ancestral stock. Indeed, among the lowliest existinginsects we shall see that the abdominal In appendages still assist locomotion. insects and May-flies)the (e.g.,cockroaches many bears or three, extremity of the abdomen two, antennae-like termed cerci,"which appear processes, be to olfactory. perhaps tactile or sense-organs find that is the tip of the abdomen Finally, we the usually adapted to meet requirements of the In the female insect there is reproductive processes. often an elaborate egg-layingapparatus, or ovipositor. We kind of mental have now constructed a key to the outward of an insect. form It remains to be said, however, that the visible crust, or cuticle, of the as " " " " creature the word. is not its true It consists " of skin " in the strict sense of stance, peculiarnon-livingsubhorn-like but chemically quite in appearance, distinct from horn, termed chitin. This is excreted by the underlying layer of living cells which form the true insect has no outer skin, or epidermis. The Its soft tissues are bony skeleton. supported and held together by this outer layer,or exoskeleton, to which a IL EMPTY EGG-SHELLS COCOON ON BARK X EMPTY LARVA OR CATERPILLAR PERFECT METAMORPHOSIS INSECT OF PUSS-MOTH PUPA-SKIN INSECTS muscles also the chitin is often ; but armour the are IN attached. layer is In 9 adult insects the thick, hard plates,like pillars, insects, such as cateryoung parent. thin, flexible,and transvery deposited in many GENERAL as explanation is the in which insects breathe. no manner They have lungs,nor is their blood pressed into service to carry to the tissues. Atmospheric air passes into oxygen the body through small openings called spiracles," of the of which may be seen some along the abdomen poplar hawk-moth, whose photograph is reproduced After enteringthe spiracles,the air Plate IX. on circulates through a of minute tubes, or system the insect's living tracheae, which ramify among and the oxygen for tissues, supply to them requisite the various vital processes. The air-tubes, or tracheae, formed are by an in-pushing of the outer skin, or epidermis, and their inner wall is supported by a of chitin. an Thus, when spirallycoiled thread insect moults (we shall see shortly that this is a while growth is proceeding)it frequent occurrence discards not only its crust, or exoskeleton, but the liningof its tracheae as well. point Another that calls for " With space food internal organs of the insect we have not deal. shall find much Since, however, we the to for their of insects thought in the behaviour individual and habits, parental activities, apparent in surmounting the difficultiesof their everycuteness day well to state that these creatures life,it seems endowed with a highlydeveloped nervous are system, which differs in important respects from that of a vertebrate In animal. its more simple, ancestral form, the insect's central nerve-cord was composed of " two INSECTS BRITISH 10 distinct threads ventral, wall of the running within the lower, or body its location being thus " it,as is the case digestivecanal, not above with a fish,a reptile, In each a bird, or a mammal. the twin threads were swollen, forming segment tuted paired knobs, or ganglia; and each ganglion constiof brain which a kind governed the affairs of its own immediate little concerned surroundings,but was with those of neighbouring segments, albeit a certain amount of nervous exchange would take place to insure perfect co-ordination of the various bodily functions. So, at least, we figure the nervemay mechanism of the primitive insect ; and even to-day modern the same principleobtains,although in most insects the mechanism itself has been greatlymodified, of the originally porated. separate ganglia being incormany One called by courtesy the such mass, It is brain," is found in the front part of the head. with connected the eyes and the antennae, by nerves and exercises kind of controllinginfluence where a concerned. movements of the legs and wings are walk or flyin an Yet a brainless insect can aimless, below the " " " erratic which manner, because stimuli send to the the actual muscles motor of the nerves, legs and ganglia in the thorax ; it can also eat if food be placed in contact with its mouth-parts,the from the latter and their reason being that the nerves palpi are connected with a ganglion(next behind the brain)situated beneath the gullet. In view of these facts,it is scarcely surprisingto learn that insects are True, lacking in intelligence. of the more to some highly organized kinds appear remember," and to profitby experience to a limited wings, go to " extent ; but in most of their actions insects are mani- festlyenslaved is instinct working we in by the do not 11 impulses of know, but numberless on ways instruction Without GENERAL IN INSECTS instinct. What we see any may summer opportunity for or it day. imitation, of intricate tasks for their perform all manner ference their offspring's own or good. The only possibleinis that each succeedinggenerationof insects ery, machininherits from its parents a self-acting nervous comparable to an elaborate piece of clockwork, wound ments ready to perform its destined moveup and The release the spring is released. soon as as of the insect appears to be of the spring in the case effected by some simple stimulus,due either to internal know of which next to nothing. external causes, we or In this way the wheels set are going, so to speak, insects and the inherent marvellous whole sequence of the creature's skilfulness is reeled off. the growth and development of insects. With few exceptions,insects of some In the case lowlykinds, the young,, lay eggs. when they hatch, are miniature reproductionsof their parents. They simply increase in size as they grow in the vast from youth to maturity. But majorityof insects growth and or development involve a more less marked The form-change, or metamorphosis. growing insect,in fact,casts its outer cuticle at stated intervals in its life-history instances each ; and in most succeeding moult renders it less like its pristineself like its adult forbears. and more Take, for example, We must the cockroach newly turn now and hatched its parents, but more attention the mole-cricket. insect has noticeable much of to In each the same case form the as wings. These organs growth proceeds,becoming more after each moult, but remaining is destitute develop graduallyas and our BRITISH 12 INSECTS until the cuticle has functionless been cast for the last Indeed, until the final or adult stage of the is reached, the wing-rudiments lie within life-history time. of the pockets scale chitinous life we of insect outer find still more uninitiated The crust. Higher in the morphoses. strikingmetafail to would connect of the dragon-fly sluggish,mud-coloured young with the alert and resplendentwinged being by which it was begotten. Highest of all,we find such insects as which bees, and two-winged flies, butterflies, begin life as a hungry caterpillar, grub,or maggot, pass through food is taken, and a no period of quiescencewhen then undergo a final moult before reaching sexual the wing-rudicases ments maturity. In these last-named within little pockets or in-pushings lie hidden of the true skin or epidermis until the quiescentstage of development is reached at the period of the ; but moult, they are withdrawn, penultimate,or last-but-one, and at its conclusion are plainlyvisible beneath the newly-formed cuticle or exoskeleton. the Several insects When in convenient different there is usuallyreferred leaves the egg no to terms are used to describe stages of their metamorphoses. is quiescent period, the creature as a nymph from the time when it until it becomes adult. But when the subsequent to hatching, exhibits three life-history, first strongly contrasted stages, the insect is known as a larva,then as a pupa, and finally as an imago,or The adult. term is applied to any larva," which that differs markedly from animal its parents, young is in practice often discarded in favour of a more the larva is soft expressive substitute. Thus, when and cylindrical, with pairsof short,stumpy prolegs certain of its hinder segments, it may on properlybe " " " BRITISH 14 from the flowers ; the from their adult forms INSECTS grub is exempt from all self-effort by the instinctive provision made by its of its community. In parent, or by adult members view of facts such as these, and because every animal is seen the particularniche which it to fit accurately of existence, it is scarcelysurprising occupies in the scheme that the larvae of many insects differ widely bee's ; nor can we wonder that an interveningperiod of quiescence(the pupa stage)has exists the gap which become to bridge over necessary between the two totallydistinct phases of life. To formation, transAvebury, the necessary quote the late Lord in the case of a caterpillar,could hardly take place while the insect was growing fast, and consequentlyfeedingvoraciously; nor, if the change " could be thus effected,would stages, be in the mouth, in its intermediate fitted for biting and reasoning applies also to chewing leaves. The same the digestive organs. goes underthe caterpillar Hence if any, change, except in size, and the little, metamorphosis is concentrated, so to say, into the The changes then become last two moults. so rapid and extensive that the intermediate sarily period is necesof quiescence." one Before concluding this chapter,a few words must be said respecting classification. Formerly its chief aim to was things in convenient groups arrange accordingto their obvious agreements and differences. But of classification put forward nowadays the schemes by naturalists are deliberate attempts to express outward be it noted, relationship not mere similarity, but actual kinship. For since the days of Charles Darwin naturalists have become firmly convinced have descended that all existingplants and animals " any way in unbroken IN succession from inhabited of life which We already have been from derived speak ; and the in any remote who have stock. This qualifiedto are alter the to agree this way, past. to appear ancestral authorities classification of insects made insects all those these when simpler forms in the earth worm-like by 15 the much that seen a is admitted much GENERAL INSECTS that means fresh earthed discovery. They have unhitherto obscure, evidence of relationship some thus able to add to our and are knowledge of insect bear in mind, however, that all must lineage. We be somewhat of classification must schemes artificial, they have because a of convenience for the sake have we to group which seem most together those nearly akin. These groups have no real and separate of insect life upon existence in the long sequence the earth. future become Just as past, present, and the countless so generations of merged in eternity, kinds insects which race For Linne, or that which to form Linnaeus, known seemed one immense great Swedish the as to to since in use botanist, Carl called. resemble assembled and each other gave animals the species closely most two names generic name, and a exclusive to the group, von He he into little groups, each of which In this way species received every common are we of plants and species, him, the familytree. now is often he to all the kinds,or were another one of classification the method to to be succeeded have began combine indebted names of insects called a genus. " a specific cerned. particularplant or animal conblack Take, for example, our three common and white butterflies,which belong to the genus Pieris. The large white is called Pieris brassica,the small white Pieris rapa, and the green-veined white name, to the BRITISH 16 Pieris napi the the kinds of to " The Latin plants fact the of mind The lack significance to Russian the know at Linnaeus which These of been group order smaller found advisable " is of the which hundreds to to genus belong to (it may make up characters, which of the which group ; and comprises hexapod) type. would larger groups, again into classes. bring the Linnaeus's in often are time kind another and the split up into genus remember to our insects. of are that be are so all all bound are not on the of we animals these theless never- the of species than species ; genera species which the go together by definite outside seen until akin distinct thousands) are several The more or all knowledge nearly more two family a he or still since but express affinities same Frenchman, contrived, artificially divisions, although "natural" the sections, sub-orders, sub-families, important intended to meant. these to in consists insects, into large groups called species nationality butterfly might the between family the ones, It etc. orders, and still in use, while ; the means his studied had are the " no " German, his genera called terms it has the massed he what Pieris brassica what once by precise meaning a large white " if he ; but caterpillarsfeed. often, but matter no words be. the reference justification,however, student, may having peculiarityof some they bear that the insects chief Their which on of invariably,suggest in specific names three names question. INSECTS to come of the the confines the insect class, (alias CHAPTER II EARWIGS, FISH-INSECTS, COCKROACHES, ALLIES THEIR THE first Aptera. Its main delicate with resembling adults really off branched whether climbed points moot to which is essentially boxes, cupboards, a variety damages books, upon the Its paper. shaped " " is The scales. cerci, whence to this of they insect body completely and its "silver or described covered with carries " near Lepisma bristle-tails relatives. saccharina. 17 it feeds at as " of silvery long, slender is often The times "carrot- minute, three in surface the aptly known dwelling and away the lady,"1 where substances, pointed tail-end 1 2 " present best insect, by gnawing etc., the or winged certainly shelving, among of their to they stock, level are fish," they since ancestral high the that sense Perhaps vegetable name the household a and the a but ; "silver little is the in Whether retrograded simplest of all living insects. species size. no exactly young in original insects undergo modification no subsequently efficiencyand are or the once " primitive " from they state, except little sustained have hatched newly the the are They the is termed tiny, wingless biting mouth-parts. metamorphosis, Aptera all are which is divided (or Hexapoda) members into order, or group, Insecta class AND antennae applied are INSECTS BRITISH 18 longer than the cerci,and very mobile, while the with extraordinaryrapidity; so that, despite legs move its skulking habits, Lepisma is wonderfully alert and agile,and on the smallest alarm scuttles nimbly to some place of hiding. A very similar species, but with a more pronounced taste for the good things of warehouses and life,frequents especiallyLondon even bakeries, where " A it is known Science brat." baker's leaves dead and species,2which looks abounds heaps the All among " fire brat," or calls it Thermobia third, nearly white, species1 among on the as a is mould garden like furnorum. fairlycommon large of loose ; while brown stones fourth a Lepisma, at spots some coast. above-cited the relatives,make segments, some bristle-tailed the up Thysanura) species,which, of the of which Aptera, have carry pairsof with their section (or near order sub- abdominal ten small " limbs"; these are is used to assist locomotion though whether known. A second section (sub-order not definitely Collembola) includes the quaint little insects known as more spring-tails."They are usually much compactly built than their bristle-tailed allies,with only six evident abdominal segments ; but the most in many characteristic feature species is a forked appendage, lying beneath the body and actuated by of which is able to the creature muscles, by means hurl itself into the air whence the popular name. in Spring-tailsof various species are very common side, decaying vegetable matter, on herbage by the roadof ponds. and on the banks kinds disport Other " " themselves salt,and are upon the surface of water, both able to sustain Campodta staphylinus. long periodsof 2 Machilis fresh and submersion. maritima. III. COMMON AND LESSER EARWIGS A MEADOW GRASSHOPPER (Stenobothrus) Tettix bipunctatus BUSH CHEEP (Thamnotrizon) HOUSE-CRICKET (Gryllus) Ectobia lapponica BRITISH 20 The INSECTS of foldingthe wings is very complicated, is well described and by Mr. O. H. Latter in the first followingpassage : The lower radiatingveins delicate membrane come together, creasing the mode " rather second fanwise them between basal the near fold cross of dilated hard in fold cross a ; part, and the is then is followed direction reverse made by close a to the divergent veins ; a close to the base, so that the contraction then occurs is compressed, the softer parts folded structure whole the abdomen is passing below the hard ; and, finally, the nippers at its end turned employed to up and A small portion of each push all snugly 'home.'"1 folded wing, however, always projectsa little beyond The its tegmen common cover. or earwig, being in flight ; mainly nocturnal in habit, is rarely seen brush and the but, by using a small camel's-hair blunt end of a fine needle, the wing of a newly-dead difficulty. specimen can be unfolded without much The male of the common earwig has nine evident abdominal segments, the female only seven, though in is ten. The the actual number each case forceps of also differ those of the male being strongly the sexes and toothed at their bases, while those of the curved without teeth, and cross at female are almost straight, female has no ovipositor. She lays her the tips. The watches until they and them over eggs in the soil, them again into a heap if they should hatch, collecting a line spots on " chance to be scattered. It has from also been stated that place to another in be exposed constantlyto the conditions order that they may favourable to their development,and that most during the early stages of their she fosters the young she carries them i " about Natural one History of Common Animals." EARWIGS 21 is points, however, the evidence The young earwigs are hatched somewhat conflicting. in the spring. They undergo several moults, and of the same attain maturityin the late summer year. but otherwise resemble They have no wings at first, the adults in generalform. Thus, it is often said that there is no metamorphosis ; but, in view of the fact that the attainment of wings as growth proceeds constitutes in itself a notable change, we shall probably if we the mark that metamorphosis is be nearer state slight. Earwigs have mouth-parts of the ordinary biting type, and are omnivorous, destroyingsnails, and pupae, but also doing considerable slugs;small caterpillars, damage in gardens by feeding on the petals of flowers,leaves,and fruit wall fruit beingespecially On growth. these " liable to attack. The earwig" calls for a word of explanation. It appears in the widespread belief to have originated that the of sleepers,and even ears earwigs enter In almost all European countries penetrate the brain. the popular name of these insects has reference to the same supposed habit. Little evidence exists to support the theory,although Mr. Latter tells me that he heard in which of a case once an earwig did enter the ear of name a " child,and caused some inconvenience before it when mankind, in his dislodged. Perchance barbarian days, sleptprone upon the ground in a cave beneath the shelter of an or wigs overhanging rock, earis than were more apt to take refugein his ears the case to-day. The third order of insects, termed Orthoptera, is represented in Britain by the cockroaches, grasshoppers, All these insects have and crickets. biting mouth-parts of the usual type. The fore-wings(tegcould be BRITISH 22 INSECTS and much mina) are thickened, relatiyelynarrow for the larger,more delicate hindservingas covers wings, which fold up like a fan. Orthoptera may be divided into two sections,accordingas they habitually walk the hind-legs or leap. Thus, in the cockroaches used are for walking or running, and do not differ greatlyfrom the other legsin appearance ; but in the grasshoppersand crickets the hind-legsare very long, with their femora often greatlythickened, and the insect usually progresses by a series of leaps. The of Orthoptera (like those of earwigs)closelyreyoung emble their parents, of functional wings. The in the in size and save absence familiar sorial, example of the running, or curcockroach,1 or Orthoptera viz.,the common is not indigenous, of our kitchens but black-beetle," It is practically an politan cosmoimmigrant from the East. carried from in its range, having been one country to another by shipping. The male is capable of flight, reduced but the wings of the female to are small, movable plates,which reach back only to the most " " " third segment of the thorax. Like of its many near this insect is nocturnal in habit,and hides by relatives, It is nearly omnivorous, and in day in dark crevices. weaker brethren, captivityfeeds readily on its own although when choice is possibleit appears to favour a vegetariandiet. Onion is a coveted dainty,and is said to be one of the best baits for a " black-beetle " trap. native speciesof number, all belong to Our in smaller much not found 1 than cockroach the genus their domesticated in houses. Blatta the orientalis. The family,2three Ectobia. They are relative,and commonest seems 2 to Blattida. are be the COCKROACHES which blackish,E. lapponica, dark,almost nettles,or under be 23 in seen and moss number, from sunshine leaves. dead great lives in shrubs, the It rnay times some- males flying point of vantage to A testaceous or another. greyish species1 has a the especiallynear speciallikingfor sandy districts, The third species2 appears to be somewhat coast. has been but captured in several English rare, It is counties, including Surrey and Hampshire. the activelyin one pale straw-colour,with a reddish tint on the pronotum roaches the dorsal plateof the prothorax,which in cocki.e., is a prominent feature, especiallyin the ing winged adults, being usuallyround, and often projectIn E. livida considerablyover the sides and head. both sexes can fly,but in the other two speciesof the genus the wings of the females are rudimentary. cockroaches have no ovipositors.They lay Female their eggs in protectivecases, or capsules,which vary in size and form according to the species. The egg cockroach is bean -shaped, capsule of the common dark mahogany coloured,with a fluted ridgealong the sixteen eggs, arranged in two It contains dorsal side. parallelrows, and is carried about protruding from the posteriorend of the female's body until a suitable for it is found. After hatching, the young hiding-place cockroaches push against the sides of the capsule, thus opening a slit along the dorsal ridge,through The duration which of the common they escape. " cockroach's life,and pointswhich Some reached have observers not the yet been have until the fourth individual may 1 E. extend panzeri. number stated year, to of its moults, are established. definitely that maturity is not and that five years. 2 the In life of the the E. livida. case of BRITISH 24 cockroaches, however, other some known course be to of a Besides INSECTS much few months. least six other exotic at ovientalis, in Britain,two having established Blatta cockroaches more development is rapid,being complete in the occur colonies flourishing in several localities, though always within the shelter of buildings. One of these is the is a wild, woodland German cockroach,1 which species in many parts of Europe and a household pest in is the American other The Germany and France. is said to be real home cockroach,2 whose America, although it has spread with commerce, is now in most found parts of the world. South Both and these in many speciesare numerous warehouses, restaurants, and in London, and in some of the hotels,especially in Regent's Park. houses at the ZoologicalGardens The former is rather small (aboutfive eighthsof an inch from head to tail), reddish-testaceous in colour, with two marks the pronotum. The latter dark, longitudinal on is a handsome, chestnut brown inch and a one insect, in length. In each speciesboth sexes quarter or more have fully-developed wings. The section of the Orthopleaping,or saltatorial, tera comprises the short-horned grasshoppers,3the and the crickets.5 long-hornedor tree-grasshoppers,4 In addition to the great development of their hindof these insects characterized are legs, many by remarkable auditorystructures, or "ears," while the males usuallypossess stridulating by means organs, of which they are able to produce chirping" sounds. The females are equipped with ovipositors,which " 1 Phyllodromiagermanica. 3 Locustida 4 " the Acvidiida Phas%onurid"z. 2 of Periplanetaamericana. authors. some 5 Gryllidce. GRASSHOPPERS 25 grasshoppers)are often very (exceptin short-horned conspicuous, projecting far beyond the extremityof the abdomen. be recognized by grasshoppers may short antennae (composed of not more relatively tory tarsi. Their audithirtyjoints)and four-jointed Short-horned their than structures are situated one on each side of the segment, immediatelyabove first abdominal lation the articu- hind-leg. Each consists of a tympanum, drum," with a complex arrangement of nerve, of the " or muscles, tracheal and tubes. The tympanum may be depression,or it may be less roofed over, so to speak, so that one more or only The males broad slitwith a cavitybeneath. sees a of the hind-legs stridulate by rubbing the femora against the tegmina or fore-wings. If we examine with a strong magnifying lens the hind-legof a male side of the shall find on the inner grasshopper, we femur tubercles. of minute a ridge,carrying a row visible This upon externallyas is the a bow a with prominent vein shrill sound. It is rimmed which fiddles the littlemusician of the fore-wing,thus producing " fact that the interesting song varies in different species,and an expert is often able kind of grasshopper what to tell,merely by listening, is making merry in a given spot. The female grasshoppers have to not stridulatingorgans, appear althoughthey have well-developed"ears." This lends held by many naturalists support to the belief now that the chirpingof the male is a kind of courtship accomplishment, calculated to excite amorous sities propenin members of the oppositesex. The ovipositors of female short-horned grasshoppersare inconspicuous. The eggs are laid in the soil,a number being deposited in one hole together with a quantityof fluid which a an " 26 BRITISH INSECTS ultimatelyhardens, forming a protectivecapsule. All the Locustida are exclusively vegetable feeders. Some in Britain,if we fifteen speciesoccur include the stray visit us. locusts l which occasionally Only the common field grasshoppers, however, are truly indigenous. These fall into three genera Gomviz.,Stenobothrus, phocerus,and Tettix. The last includes two species, which may be known at once by the crrious extension " of the pronotum backwards over abdomen. the In wings are long and the pronotum is has short wings and the while T. bipunctatus nearlyflat, The latter species,which highly arched. pronotum ings to be the more frequentsdry clearcommon, appears T. subulatus in the woods, where it hides amongst dead leaves. It spring,hibernates during the cold be found by searching all the year weather,, and may round. The Stenobothms (six species) and genera Gomphocerus (three species) include the well-known meadow of the former grasshoppers," members being distinguished by their thread-like,tapering lays in its eggs " antennae, while those of the latter have the antennae guished distinare club-shaped. The species of Stenobothms which characters be dealt cannot by minute with here. species Probably the three commonest and 5. bicolor,all of which S. viridulus, are S.parallelus, be found almost on any grassy spot throughout may the summer. Gomphocera vufus is reddish in colour, its specific as name implies. It frequentsdry, grassy places,especiallyupon hillsides. G. maculatus,which in sandy districts, be recognized by its occurs may G. sibiricus is reallya mountain spottedappearance. in the the British list on insect, and is included is said to have specimen which strength of a solitary 1 So far as is known, these large speciesdo not stridulate. BRITISH 28 apparent relish. July,and in The INSECTS adults lay autumn at appear their eggs the in the end of earth, in in the pithy stems of plants; The in the late spring,and hatch undergo about young six moults before reachingmaturity. There are nine indigenous British Phasgonurida, but speciescan be mentioned only three of the commoner here. Meconema varium, a gracefulinsect,pale green in colour,with a yellow dorsal stripe, lives on trees, oak and lime, and may be shaken from the especially and The autumn. foliagein late summer great * is a much largerspecies in fact, green grasshopper the largest of all. Its colour is deep green, often with reddish and dark markings. It dwells among nettles and coarse in the south, common herbage,and is fairly the The bush coast. particularlynear cheep,"2 which is brown with black markings,occurs among and bushes, often in hedgerows. brambles It may be heard chirpingon fine summer evenings,and has the habit of continuing its music late into the night. crickets3 The resemble the long-horned grasshoppers in many be distinguished respects, but may female's readily by their three-jointedtarsi. The curved evident, is straight not ovipositor,when upwards, as in the preceding family. Moreover, the males have a stridulating file on the underside of each is usually folded tegmen, while the right tegmen above the left not left above right,as with the longhorns. Crickets are omnivorous, and will practically small eat insects,etc., in addition to leaves, worms, other There four are roots, and vegetable food. British species. Of these the wood-cricket4 is the crevices of bark, or " " " " " " 1 3 Locusta viridissima. Gvyllidce. 2 4 Thamnotrizon Nemobius cinereus. sylvestris. CRICKETS and smallest this dwells the to supposed in it is found where New dry on be to a wild a to confined be in district, where Forest leaves dead among cricket1 is It appears rarest. country 29 The banks. native of North state but ; it house- Africa, it has lished estab- in all parts of dwellingsof man Europe, livingalways in the neighbourhood of the itself in the hearth or the is,however, far less It oven. common England than was formerlythe case, and Mr. Latter tion has suggested that it may be in process of exterminaThe field-cricket2 cockroach. by the common is much almost black largerthan its domestic relative, in colour, with a yellow patch at the bases of the in It forms burrows tegmina. dry, sandy spots which are exposed to the sun ; but although common in many parts of Europe, in England is confined to a in few isolated the naturalist observed This localities. Bates wrote is the : The " insect male of which has been place itself in the evening at the entrance of its burrow, and stridulate until a female approaches, the when louder succeeded notes are by a more subdued with to tone, whilst the his antennae the successful he mate effect of has musician won." caresses It seems a this pleasing picture by all crickets are inveterate and fighters, that in China the males are pittedone againstanother for sport. Last, but by no least in point of means interest,is the mole-cricket,3 a large and curiously in England, common never shaped species that was and has apparentlydisappeared in recent years from pity to mar stating that the several localities where of 1 the mole-cricket was once is very 2 found. The leg fore- remarkable, being Grylluscampestris. vulgans. Gryllotalpa Gryllusdomesticus. 3 it INSECTS BRITISH 30 tibia has The short, broad adapted for burrowing. kind of serve as a prong-likeprojections below, which furnished with are rake, while two jointsof the tarsus hard which processes, which roots the soil but the this The female of number only is sex Mole-crickets male. which burrows has shears abdominal cutting extensive in they construct, and in segments with compared dwell for forth through projecting ovipositor, no evident seven, as and insect's progress the impede may back moved acting thus tibial prongs, the over be can are nine in the subterranean seldom seen They usually frequent damp places, Gilbert White, the Selborne to water. naturalist, near and gives a word-picture of this insect's home-life A gardener at a be hard to beat. habits that would 1 was where house a on visit,"he writes, happening the 6th of May, by the side of a be mowing, on to canal, his scythe struck too deep, pared off a large of scene piece of turf,and laid open to view a curious ground. above " " domestic winding economy. There passages, leading were to many kind a caverns of and chamber, and rounded, and about the size of neatly smoothed Within this secret an ordinary snuff-box. nursery of a dirty yellow was deposited nearly a hundred eggs colour, and enveloped in a tough skin, but too lately extruded full of and heap a contain viscous within the of fresh Like and to are substance. influence mould, earwigs, said to rudiments any The of like that mole-crickets care the for young, being lay but shallow, just under a little eggs sun, which watch their young stages of their development. of is raised over by ants." their eggs, during the early III CHAPTER MAY-FLIES, BOOK-LICE, STONE-FLIES, AND DRAGON-FLIES WE only that so are In The usually are of antennae The the of of manner which earwig or the wings, different, Although seldom it for it is employs the larger. the is seen protecting that they back, ; while is cerci insect the at When lap, over- the sides and front, wards, down- turned the of and of the the wings for flight. useless are jointed, many long and have slender, the and of extremity to appears have a ; already this in seen for Except stone-fly closely but its in lives able differs development cockroach. young form in parents network stone-flies, however, growth we the pairs of wings, pair end. each at stone-flies.1 complex fore-wing and two that so that from each long, are abdomen, the upon reduced antennae there lie flat male many much so of covering thus much insects, the the two a being fore-wing one portion costal, body. wings the all closed, and with texture, hind-wings the veins, in alike are of order comprises biting mouth-parts, have which or which Plecoptera, They fourth the to come now rapidly well means 1 of Perlida. absence resembles are flowing with progress, of case the surroundings swim to the little its its very streams. legs, it preferring to BRITISH 32 INSECTS about among the stones at the bottom. stealthily Some stone-flynymphs are said to feed on decayed vegetation,but the majority are carnivorous, their chief prey consistingof the young of May-flies, or creep other small, soft creatures. the stone-fly merged, Clearly, nymph, being constantlysubbreathe cannot through open spiraclesafter the manner it tracheae. of insects which has ordinary system the But the main dwell trunks the be found beneath may little tufts of thread-like abdomen, between cuticle of the the of with of which thorax, while dissolved air ramifying groups gillsat the cerci. Through gillsthe theless, Never- connected are twelve gill-filaments, tufted,hollow absorbed in the air. there end the in the are of the delicate is water into the tracheae,though the precisemanner of this gaseous exchange is imperfectlyunderstood. and Some to nymphs have no gills, stone-fly appear breathe skin, at through the integument, or outer points below which the main trunks of the tracheae converge. The change effected When from without a nymphal the in break the full-grown,the nymph, have become more and more moult, simply crawls convenient to the adult state creature's whose wing obvious with out of the is activity. rudiments each ceeding suc- water, and twig. Its skin the back for the last time, and the then splits down After a short interval,the perfect insect emerges. wings attain their full size. Moreover, the spiracles climbs are now up some open ; but it is a reed curious or fact that most, if not vestigesof gillsbeneath the thorax throughout their winged life. stone-flies frequent trees, and Adult although very retain all,speciesof stone-fly the shrivelled IV. \ MAY-FLY DRAGON-FLY (Ephemera) TIP DRAGON-FLY (Calopteryx) OF NYMPH's DRAGON-FLY NYMPH WITH "MASK" " " MASK EXTENDED 34 BRITISH regular tapping againstwoodwork. noise INSECTS by knocking Whether its jaws this is indeed or head the case question,although several competent One other wing-t observers attest it as a fact. two or sometimes less forms of Corrodentia found in houses, are while certain winged species are very common out of The doors. latter frequent the trunks and branches kinds preferringdead wood of trees and feed some lichens and fungi. Numbers of these tiny creatures on be captured during the summer months by the may sheet of a simple process of shaking a branch over remains an open " " paper. The book-lice " " and their relatives1 make near up sub-order The Copeognatha of the Corrodentia. sub-order2 second comprises the remarkable parasites These bird-lice." insects,which commonly called be confused their repulsive bloodwith sucking must not in a succeeding chapter namesakes mentioned (p. 54),feed on the delicate parts of the feathers or hairs, and the dried secretions of the skin, of their of the species live among Most the feathers "host" found upon mammals. but a few are One3 of birds,]. occurs upon^dogs. These Mallophaga have relatively large, hard heads and flattened bodies, while their mouth-parts are lodged in a special cavity. Many kinds lay ^strangely shaped and beautiful eggs, which much in demand as are objectsfor the microscope. The sixth order of British insects viz.,Ephemeropthe " " tera " has been constituted for the benefit of the to other insects remains relationship In adult May-flies the mouth-parts are very obscure. abortive or obsolete,while the digestivetrack is also whose May-flies,4 1 PsocidcB. 2 Mallophaga. 3 Trichodectes latus. 4 Ephemerida. MAY-FLIES greatlyreduced quite functionless,no and Thus taken. final stage of the more historyis little, perpetuationof traversed folded by when a at above held erect 35 than the food being May-fly'slife- expedient to an the secure species. The wings, which of veins, are complex network rest, but are brought together the The back. the fore-wingsare are not and much larger than the hind-wings the latter,indeed, being short are species. The antennae quite absent in some and often very are inconspicuous, but the fore-legs long, and are extended beyond the head in a manner " suggestiveof " bears abdomen the feelers." thread-like cerci. at The hindmost The least eyes often two, of adult remarkably developed,especiallyin compound divided,so eyes that of each this sex in the three, long May-fliesare males. certain part becomes rely chieflyupon sight to during their brief twilightdances. to appear So of a far writer is aware, the May-fly,from egg to imago, has the as are a separate virtually one " The species portion being supported upon horn or pillar, while the other occupies a Male position at the side of the head. organ of segment kind a of usual more May-flies mates secure complete life-story not yet been told. It is known, however, that the eggs are dropped into the water by the female, and that the earlystages of considerable over a development extend period, in three years. The some as speciesperhaps as much nymphs vary greatlyin form according to their habits, but always unlike their parents, being relatively mouthrobust, with well developed mandibulate are parts. They part feed creatures on are very entirelyaquatic, and water-weeds, though smaller and weaker some for the most also devour than themselves. Breath- INSECTS BRITISH 36 ing is effected by within which found not the abdominal Albeit tubes thorax, as the but flynymph, tracheal the on of thread-like means are of the stone- case arranged in pairs at are These ramify. in the gills, sides of the segments. May-fly differs widely in appearance plete, form, its metamorphosis is incomquiescent or pupal stage being assumed. nymph is full grown, it creeps out of the the back, and the winged skin splitsdown the young its adult from no When the water, its insect appears. But insect which is not transformation the their complete, for May-flies undergo after they have acquired the use The leaf-like or from emerges of the yet final moult their wings. splitskin of the full-grownnymph is dull in hue, and seems, so to speak, to lack polish. It is,in fact,enveloped in a is cast off either immediately or delicate skin, which in the of several course in its true appears Thereafter hours. colours,having the insect its reached perfect state. There very are about small. known vulgata, The seventh and flies, some fortyBritish May-flies, of One to the anglersas order the of insects is called Odonata. distinctive features is commonest that " grey being Ephemera drake." comprises Its members the dragon- possess so unlikelyto be The with any other British insects. confused large behind, is attached head, which is strongly concave to the thorax by a slender and remarkably mobile neck," and can thus be turned readilyfrom side to to make good use of its side, enabling the creature Dragon-fliesdepend almost huge compound eyes. their keenness of vision when ing huntexclusively upon their insect prey, which they chase and capture many " they are DRAGON-FLIES in mid-air. Possiblythis 37 accounts for the smallness if we of the antennae, which judge by their size may be of littleservice as sense-organs and structure" can ; " and other activities food-getting be known to are largelygoverned by smell the antennae are usuallymarkedly developed. The mouthof the biting type, the parts of a dragon-flyare mandibles being exceptionallylarge and powerful ; but both pairs of maxillae are greatlyflattened and otherwise modified, forming, in conjunction with the broad lip or labrum, a trap for seizingand upper of the dragonfly holdingthe prey. Another peculiarity for in insects whose is the arrangement especiallythe mesoviewed are laterally, of its thoracic and seen metathorax. to segments, These, slope forward more when in such a all wings are carried backwards the six legs are brought close together under the kind of basket for as a mouth, where they serve If a fly holdingthe prey while it is being devoured. be offered to a captive dragon-fly, it uses its legs to seize the victim, but the capture is probably effected by the mouth-parts when the insect is flyingfreelyin have four wings, which the air. All dragon-flies are glassyin texture, and traversed by a complex network Each of veins. is actuated by powerful muscles, the very long be moved and can ; while separately abdomen suppliesunique facilities for steering. It is said that the largerdragon-flies wards, sometimes flybackway that but while the this assertion Nevertheless, their powers still calls for verification. of where flight, especially rapid manoeuvring is concerned, surpass those of any other insect. The general resemblance of a dragon-fly to a man-made aeroplane is not without significance. The female dragon-fly (accordingto her kind)either BRITISH 38 drops her eggs INSECTS into at random pool or lake,or boldly in order to lay them the water enters the submerged upon of water-plants, in the mud stems at the or bottom. The nymphs are quite unlike their parents ; but althoughthose of the various speciesdiffer among themselves in details of colour and form, they all possess certain peculiarities which render them able. unmistakThe "mask" characteristic most "really maxillae,or second by Mr. attached below the head and a elaborate an labium. " : hinder ; the the mouth of The half the is described contrivance follows as is called the modification The J. Lucas W. feature base is lies under fore-partof the thorax ; there is a joint in the middle, and the fore-part lies under the hinder, bringingthe base and tiptogetherclose to the mouth."1 This is the positionof the mask when But it at rest. can be shot that way out in much great rapidity, pugilistdelivers a shoulder." with "blow a tip of the mask hooks pair of sharp, movable (which are modified labial palpi), of which by means is able Moreover, the the same from the carries a reallythe the nymph animal that is unlucky any small When within range. a enough to come capture has been made, the mask folds back, bringingthe victim to the to seize mandibles and first maxillae. photograph reproduced reader to appreciate the on Plate glance at the IV. will help the A in which manner the mask works. Dragon-flynymphs vary in colour from brightgreen, through yellowish-greento brown, or almost black. Indeed, individuals of the same speciesoften differ greatlyin tint ; and it is said almost entirelyupon 1 " British that the the coloration environment, and Dragon-Flies." pends deis DRAGON-FLIES adaptable thereto, so that when brown lyingon mud, to come rest faculty,as among Mr. Lucas 39 the be may later if it should nymph same but green This weeds. remarks, " no chameleon-like doubt serves a nymph from its time same enabling it, without distance being suspected,to approach within striking of the has none of its prey." In fact, the nymph its parents. Usually, it activitywhich distinguishes double that purpose, enemies, and at the either waits of for its victim hiding to draw the near, or else creeps though it can, on occasion, dart forward considerable with propellingitself rapidity, of a jet of water expelledfrom the anal openby means ing, or species)with the aid of three oar-like (in some men. blades which projectfrom the extremityof the abdoThe food of the dragon-fly nymph consists of be it may with which almost aquatic creatures any of the largerkinds even Some strong enough to cope. towards stealthily attack small it ; fish. dragon-flynymphs breathe in one of two the In most of the largerand heavier species, ways. is lined with rectum, or hinder portionof the intestine, the from receive fine branches folds,which gill-like in and exdrawn Water tracheal tubes. is constantly pelled through the anus, and the dissolved oxygen it carries passes which through the delicate cuticle of the gill-folds into the tracheal system. It is by the that these largenymphs forcible expulsion of this water In the smaller able to propel themselves forward. are slender and more species,the three oar-like plates at the tail-end are traversed by airreallygill-structures, of which tubes,by means exchange is effected. gaseous for also be used have that these plates can We seen In all dragon-fly propulsionwhen occasion demands. Young BRITISH 40 INSECTS nymphs, however, the during the latter stages obtains then least time the full grown nymph the by raisingthe surface of the water. draws convenient stem the near, feed,and to ceases some quits the water There post. or now remains pupal stage. The nymph brief period. Then its skin splitsabove passive for a the thorax, and When head the imago begins to the and thorax itself backward, and in remain When the legs are half hour, supported abdomen, which of the part of the an hard colouringand or three before the of the long firm,the insect for Some that to when hours must wings have developed while the full flight, integuments days later, With of life, Mr. Lucas duration dragon-fly's used to be thought requiredthree years as feeble for the upper grasps with them skin. With the purchase thus enough sheen soft and dry and its abdomen. out stillelapse,however, become too and nymphal gained,it draws yet as become they have jerks itself upward, take for about nymphal skin. The meaning of this as suggested by Mr. Latter, is inactivity, probably that until two itself. free,the insect throws are segments extricate the period of use. rests the hinder by may of its oxygen some definite no and of the final moult for by climbing up is spiracles are open development, and the insect part of its body above front As at thoracic are not respect remarks gained the to : " It of the largerspecies reach the final stage. They the food-supplyis scanty, but some in all probabilityit will be found that the majority complete the cycleof existence within the year, even if one or emergence appears never two of the small species have not September." The life of about seldom hibernate to exceed after the three manner months. of some a the The other second imago adults insects. " l demoiselle," be cited as blue opaque metallic In all, dragon-flies, which is with in The green, there but red the of about are several 1 and of Calopteryx patch large species are very splendens . may metallic The female wings. transparent forty these a South, bright wing. each yellowish, the is male eyes, centre with in common example. an colour, in blue is INSECTS BRITISH 42 of rare. British of CHAPTER THRIPS, BUGS, IV SCALE AND APHIDES, INSECTS JL the minute creatures eighth order, They are insects. because mouth-parts sucking while type, in The asymmetrical hairs wings one both or life. joints, and three joints, The form, claws. while ocelli and in and the the third beneath many tarsi have have long with species sucker always are there are two or one eyes species are When sides. bladder-like a the of are usually nine from six their parents to long. very the boscis, pro- them narrow, but antennae similar short cavity two thrips closely resemble have after winged a piercers, as of Compound The never outside visible the also. are young with provided are the present, The biting and of some on ; Their peculiarity that margins act lies in exceedingly are wingless throughout between is kinds, many kind remarkable most British insects," the to a use, i.e.,they differ " the on in not however, mouth-parts, modified up cereals. between they form when of other and being some of flower " blossoms wheat conjunction thorax. present, in intermediate are which, the of those called also make " thrips " Thysanoptera, or abound they including termed habits. body, moult and ; 43 but The are wings said although to the are in veloped de- become meta- BRITISH 44 INSECTS morphosis is incomplete,it is out accomplished withbreak in the creature's a activity. In the stage before the final change the nymph becomes sluggish speciesinert)and takes no food. Its body, (insome limbs,and wing-rudimentsare enveloped in a thin skin, which is cast off priorto the assumption of the adult state. Thus, as Professor Carpenter has remarked, the development of the Thysanoptera exhibits an transition towards a true metamorphosis."1 interesting About fiftyspecies of thrips have been found in Britain. suck the juices of Most, if not all,of them the essential organs of flowers. plants,attackingchiefly In this way considerable damage is often done to The cultivated crops. known to pea and bean thrips,2 farmers as the black fly," is the subjectof a leaflet Fisheries. issued by the Board of Agricultureand Another species3is harmful to wheat and other cereals. Members of the ninth order of insects (the Hemifor modified ptera)have their mouth-parts definitely and first mandibles piercing and sucking. The transformed maxillae are into long, slender stylets, which work to and fro within a kind of grooved sheath (calledthe rostrum)which is formed by the union of not " " the second maxillae. The contrivance whole tutes consti- lengthyproboscis,which, when not in use, lies When of the body. directed backwards beneath one the Hemiptera feeds,it firstbringsthe tipof its rostrum the into contact with the organism (plantor animal as case be) that it is about to attack. The sharpmay pointed styletsare then driven into the tissues,and a into the of saliva is pumped down the rostrum stream of wound. The saliva is believed to arrest coagulation a 1 2 " Insects, their Structure Thripspisivora. and 3 Life." Thrips cerealium. BUGS sap, thus prolongeddraft without the blood or 45 enabling the insect to The rostrum difficulty. tube a perfect we may not grooved sheath attraction that capillary is the the fluid to the mouth. There a " that at least " a being assume chief agent in raising for thinking is reason carnivorous of the some take speciesplunge proboscisinto the tissues of their victims ; the tipof the rostrum seems but in plant-feeders rarely, if ever, to penetrate the surface. of an head The Hemipterous insect is usually have triangularin shape, while the slender antennae three to eightjoints. The from pronotum, or dorsal plateof the prothorax,is often markedly developed,in instances being the most some arrestingfeature of the the whole The insect. whole order first1 includes The is divided about 430 into two British orders. sub- species, unfortunatelybranded with the name of them are unfortunately,because bug many coloured. gracefuland attractive insects,often prettily It is true that the objectionablebed-bug2 has a place in their ranks, but its well-known parasiticproclivities are exceptional. be discannot carded) The fore-wingof a bug (the name less thickened and opaque is usuallymore or is transparent, like at the base, but the apical area in use, the not the hind-wing. When wings are folded over one another, and lie flat upon the insect's A shield-like plate (the scutellum)is visible back. of the wings. It is the dorsal the bases between all of which are " " " part,or mesonotum, of the in sub-order Moreover, back beneath part touches 1 Termed this the the body coxae in such of the Heteroptera. thoracic second head the a way is that segment. not bent its front fore-legs.Throughout 2 Cimex lectularia. INSECTS BRITISH 46 metamorphosis is incomplete,the young the sub-order differing greatlyfrom never absence of their parents, in the save wings. of convenience, the sake the Heteroptera are into two series viz. : (i) Gymnousually divided the antennae are conspicuous, being cerata, in which held out in front of the head ; and (2)Cryptocerata, in which the antennas are short, and concealed very For " in cavities " the eyes. bugs," though land several into divided The former forms many are dwell typically the upon aquatic. Each section the which families, among ; the latter of water surface is beneath are : followingmay be mentioned of the The shield-bugsni are so called on account in most of the great development of the scutellum be represented by Tropicoris species. They may thick-set, brownish a insect, with an orange vufipes, " It is common of the scutellum. apex in the autumn, and and preys on bushes trees upon In similar situawhose tions juices it sucks. caterpillars, spot at the be may found Syromastes marginatus,another species,with broad abdominal segments which project on each side beyond the folded wings. It is whose have the members of the family Coveidce, one scutellum small, and four-jointedantennas relatively which are club-shaped at the tip. These characters shared by the Berytida,which may, however, be are brown distinguishedby their slender form and long legs. also very in long, as may be seen Neides tipularius (Plate V.). In the Lygaidce,of which there are about sixtyBritish species,the four-jointed The antennas antennae Coveida. are An are lower inserted on the head example is Nysius thymi, a 1 Pentatomida. than in the small bug V. SHIELD-BUG (Tropicorisrufipes) Ranatra Neides linearis tipularius f WATER-SCORPION Capsus laniarius (Nepci cinerea) BRITISH 48 INSECTS it is largest1is occasionallyfound in houses, where the bed-bug and other pests. When said to prey on immature, it has the curious habit of covering itself Several with dust and debris. species of the genus Nabis are not uncommon among grass and herbage. the wings Members of the family Capsida have are large in proportion to the body. The antennae the second joint being usuallyvery long. four-jointed, of which There about are 170 British species,most known suck the juicesof plants,though a few2 are to insects. other on They frequent plants of all prey kindss and many of them are very active. water-bugs3 are divided into four families. The Nepida are represented by two species viz.,the and the raicerlRanatra linearis. common water-scorpion,4 is flat and The former thick-set,the latter long and the fore-legs modified slender. Both, however, have the abdomen carries two for capturing prey, while long,slender processes, which, when brought together, tube air is conform or veyed a syphon, through which tracheal system. to the Breathing is effected by thrustingthe tipof the syphon through the surfacefilm into the atmosphere. have The Naucovida four-jointedantennae, and are by having the fore-legs especiallycharacterized We have attached far forward on the prosternum. two indigenous species of these, Naucoris cimicoides (not unlike a small water-beetle in appearance) is whereas astivalis is rare. Aphelocheints common, The only conspicuous British representativeof the is the familiar water-boatman,5 though Notonectida other tiny specieswhich lives in the mud there is one British " 1 3 2 Reduvius personatus. Series Cryptocerata. 4 E.g., Capsus laniarius. glauca. Nepa cinerea. 6$Notonecta BUGS at the swims of shallow bottom on The waters. under its back 49 water, and " " boatman is very agile, practised using its long hind-legswith the skill of a sculler,but comes frequentlyto the surface to breathe and when submerged carries a supply of air entangled all other waterthe hairs of its body. Like among It feeds on aquatic bugs, Notonecta is carnivorous. a good-sized creatures, and is strong enough to master A prick from its sucking beak is almost as minnow. painfulas a bee's sting. there are of which The British numerous Corixidtz, be represented by Covixa geoffvoyi.At species,may first glance this insect might be confused with the water-boatman, but it may be known by the fact that is not overlapped by the pronothe back of the head in Notonecta. Both species have tum, as is the case well-developed wings, and are thus able to fly from Their habits are also one pond or lake to another. to be more similar,although Covixa seems completely the water, and comes less frequently beneath at home to the surface. second sub-order of the Hemiptera includes the frog-hoppers,aphides, scale insects,and their allies. called first at seem Homoptera, and They are sight to be a rather mixed assemblage ; but they in several Unlike the important features. agree the face Heteroptera, the front part of the head slopes stronglybackwards, so that the mouth-parts, The " " " " when not in use, are in contact the fore-legs.Moreover, firmer in texture distinctlyhardened repose, the wings do less roof-wise over than at not the with the of the coxae fore-wings,though the hind-wings, are their bases; while, lie flat,but are held abdomen. In times somenever when more their in or life- BRITISH 50 INSECTS histories the Homoptera are Heteroptera. The the than often different very regarded as from the larvae. true insects,the last moult like stage, when advanced evidentlymore newly-hatchedyoung are the Moreover, is and parents, the among preceded by be may scale definite pupa- a remains quiescent,and So far as is known, all the Homoptera takes no food. feed on the juicesof plants. The various families are often arranged in three series viz.,Trimera, Dimera, creature " and Monomera according " cicadas,1 so feed is said to number of these the tropicalcountries,are represented singlespecies. As a nymph it a the at a of bracken. roots in the New The Forest development of which we have recognizedby the of only where elsethe two the remarkable which pronotum, adult and great rarity. Members family M"ribrarida, of examples,may be at once above Of in by it is three-jointed five families. into occasionallycaptured ; but with Homoptera or numerous in Britain is usual sal joints. The Trimera, divided tarsi, are tar the to extends This is wings and abdomen. in the photographs of Centvotus cornutus on well shown The three remaining families of this series Plate VI. insects,mostly small, which are comprise numerous The known collectivelyas "hoppers." Fulgorida, which are related to the large,exotic lantern-flies," characterized are by having their short three-jointed backwards the " inserted antennas the Cevcopidce beneath the spring antennae in the eyes ; whereas between the eyes. from of the nymphs family some protect the wellthemselves by a copious frothy secretion adults known known are as cuckoo-spit." The In the latter " " 1 Cicadidte. VI. m m 1 " " CUCKOO-SPIT " CUCKOO-SPIT INSECTS (Philcenus) Centrotus Much cornutus magnified BROWN CURRANT SCA.LI (Lccanimm) APHIDES 51 also includes the frog-hoppers"; but this name be distinguishedby of which members lassidce, may In Cercopidathe pronotheir triangularscutellum. the hind-margin. This has an angular notch tum on is accordingly receives part of the scutellum,which " in outline. rhomboidal The series members whose Dimera, have two- jointed tarsi,comprises three families. The fly," greenand or so aphides,1are so numerous plant-lice, of cultivated plants,that they harmful to all kinds " are certain facts connected ; but everyone and increase development are less well familiar to their with known. life-cycleof typicalaphis may be follows : Eggs are laid in the as brieflysummarized the twigs or bark of plants. From autumn on these, in the spring,larvae hatch. They rapidlycomplete adult prove their metamorphosis, and when to be all females, vested with the remarkable faculty of parthenogene or virgin reproduction. They are also sive Succesviviparous i.e., they produce livingyoung. generationsof these self-contained females appear some being wingless,while throughout the summer, others are winged, and thus able to flyfrom one plant The last generation of the year comto another. prises both males and oviparous females, the latter laying the eggs that are destined to start the next the usual are facts; but the year's attack. These of some aphides extends complete life-cycle over include periodic migrations several years, and may distinct kinds of plants. In fine, the two between life-stories of aphides are more complicated than The a " those for of them of any other insect,and many still call elucidation. Some the wellspecies, such as 1 Aphida. BRITISH 52 known a woollyaphis" " in substance waxy live flakes, and currant-blister " to INSECTS the form beneath it. aphis 2 " abnormal galls(i.e., by all In roots. Others, which growths) arrested,owing exchange, being blocked by the leaves, stems, on plants are their stomata, to of or instanced,give rise sucking out of their the functioning of instances many threads be may secrete blight,"1 of delicate the infested cases continual the American " or or weakened while in leaves is ; sap the pores or for gaseous the stickydischarge of This the insects. substance, called honey-dew," was formerly thought to be excreted through two which situated on the backs of are tubes, or cornicles, known issue from to aphides ; but it is now many the anal opening of the alimentarycanal. The two remaining families of the series Dimera the snow-flies."4 are jumping plant-lice"3and the The former have three ocelli (trueaphides have none), and are further distinguishedby their habit of jumping. The common apple-sucker5 is often abundant " " in " orchards, snow-flies and on resemble wings are speciesis One various miniature The have with sometimes of moths, fine a found in cabbage, and insects rise and snowflakes mischief. much tiny white covered kinds the shaken, it does where whence bloom. or numbers enormous float in bodies whose powder when Adult the the plants are air like the popular name. are earlystages of the life-history peculiar,and ever, not been fullyinvestigated.It is known, howthat the young it remains of 1 3 a " insect secretes beneath this leaf,until the Schizoneura Psyllidcc. scale,and that fixed to the underside protection, metamorphosis is complete. lanigera. * a 2 A hurodidtz. Rkopalosiphumribis. 5 Psyllamali. INSECTS BRITISH 54 which of secretion part. Other scale,1 and For the termed " lice " the be must found creatures They here. stitute con- and Anoplura the insects " of by regarded are the Heteroptera apparently, that They authorities most all obvious may be their spend blood whose 1 Lccanium. of signs defined whole they as lives degradation due, " is " relationship small, upon so insects, bodies of Pulvinaria. 3 which mammals, suck. 2 great obliterated. are wingless the allies degenerate as parasitism long-continued to " their but ; on 3 loathsome the mentioned of order tenth both a brown the are mealy-bugs." " bears colony scale,2 continuity, of the family the the also of cushion cottony sake the of species bushes, currant member each Dactylopius. CHAPTER ALDER-FLIES, SNAKE AND flies, differed their of elsewhere their modern naturalists, the sure only tern, pro " fit in " not that agreed part as with and become may present this connect to the insects the antennae form, order the of the is is to the " most insects will rank it of growth it discovered, are these of divisions visional pro- but ; at lacewings, their and in of are four nearly 55 includes Neuroptera besides allies, which, Britain. In biting the long, many-jointed, always for plan larger represented mouth-parts are has not But feasible. is not ant-lions are tribe conveniently many alder-flies, snake-flies, and interesting adult links many every are With order. in and relationship group safest missing with its restricted In the " possible orders the which Neuroptera. that particular a others, as the caddis- to forms in classification, separate a knowledge, if of fitted with to company, fact, almost recognizing guide mixed very be not Neurop- or dragon-flies In could insects, life-histories, marshalled was LACEWINGS, variety structure. that insects a and great a in greatly details of including and of consist to stone-flies from ranging of British order used tera, -FLIES, SCORPION-FLIES eleventh THE V and similar tunately, unforall these type. slender. wings the The The traversed 56 by INSECTS BRITISH complex a held are net roof-wise veining, and over in insect's the repose back. the wings phosis Metamor- is complete, a quiescent pupal stage always Moreover, in this .order preceding the final moult. we introduced are wings are rudiments stage is their or first time for the to insects whose developed inwardly (p. 12), the wingpads not being visible until the pupal " " The reached. are young very different from "larvae." rightly be termed They are usuallyactive,with well-developedthoracic legs. Their mandibles are often grooved on the inner edges,and through these grooves liquidscan be drawn into the mouth. Thus, while these larvae are typically mandibulate of them insects,many really feed by suction. So all the species are far as is known, carnivorous,both in their larval and adult stages. British Neuroptera are divided into five families. The alder-flies,1 of which have several species, we are dull-coloured insects. They may be represented by the common which alder-fly,2 figuresin the angler's list. The female laysher eggs in clusters on rushes or water. Immediately after usually near grasses, the nearest their way to hatching,the larvae make pond or stream, and thereafter lead an aquatic life. but are They have no spiracles, provided with pairs of jointedgill-filaments the first seven on segments of the abdomen, and a long unjointed gill-process at its of these appendages the larva breathes tip. By means the air which to exist feeds grown and parents, out is dissolved of in the earth water, in in a ; and water damp it is also able environment. aquatic larvae, and when After burying of the water. out it changes to the pupa, from which chieflyon creeps may small 2 Sialis lutaria. It full itself the VIL I Si SNAKE-FLIES 57 The life of ultimately emerges. adult is short, being limited to a few days ; but has precise duration of the complete life-history perfect insect yet been ascertained " far,at least,as so the the the not writer is aware. The snake-flies1 curious are easily recognizable in the of the remarkable velopme deperfect state, because of the prothorax and the back of the head, which Indeed, the together form a kind of "neck." fore-partof the insect is very suggestiveof a snake the popular name. whence The female has a long, slender ovipositor,and to lay her eggs in old appears " timber or bark, for under places. They are rapidlybackwards with the utmost active when the larvae are found little creatures, which alarmed, voracity. Yet and they are in such wriggle their prey able to sustain hunt tion long fasts,and we may infer from this that the duraof the life-history or depends upon the abundance scarcityof the food-supply,as is the case with some other insects. of the The larva snake-fly,"says is remarkably Dr. Sharp, that changes to a pupa intermediate in form the perfect insect and between the larva ; the eyes, legs,wing-pads, and ovipositor being but little different from those of the imago, while the general form the is that of the larva, and peculiarelongation of the neck of the imago is absent. This pupa differs from that of Sialis in the important particular that before undergoing its final ecdysis (or and is able to run about." moult) it regainsits activity, The three or four British speciesof the genus Raphidia said to be rare, districts,and are frequent wooded though their apparent scarcityis probably due in size and to their small large measure retiringhabits. " " INSECTS BRITISH 58 Like supposed rarities, they can generally be found when searched for in suitable localities, due regard being paid to time and season. other many We come now families whose to two under the popular name collectively because of the extremelycomplex veiningdisplayedby their wings. Hemerobiida. It includes members of pass "lacewings," and beautiful The firstis known net- British several species, which may be distinguished by their moderately long numerous antennae, whose joints,when magnified, Two sub-families are resemble a string of beads. recognized viz.,Osmylince(in which simple eyes are simple eyes are present),and Hemcfobiina (inwhich absent). The 0$myUn" are represented by Osmylns in the New which is not uncommon Forest, chrysops, as " its larvae live under where weeds have upon or actuallyin water. damp situations, They long, slender mandibles, or sucking-spears," which they pierce and empty the small insects which they prey. According to Dr. Sharp, the It is spinningapparatus at assumption of the pupa a round cocoon second and in the autumn it attains full growth. some and moss among in larva is hatched its or " with and stones provided with the tail-end ; of silk mixed with have a very sand rather moth-like before silk glands and, priorto state, it forms x comprises sub-family of which hibernates a small grains. small The insects, appearance. frequent plants and hunt aphides,which with themselves they suck dry. Some of them cover the empty skins of their victims,to which fragments thus go about be added, and of vegetablematter may pletely bearing a load of d6bris by which they are often comWhen full fed, the larva hidden from view. spins a cocoon. The larvae 1 Hemeroliincs. BRITISH 60 its feeding is over, the INSECTS larva spins a round cocoon, compared with strangely small when its maker, or with the perfectinsect which eventually the from it through a small hole, to which emerges the attached like a lid. Judged from remains cover economic standpoint,the Chrysopid lacewings are of considerable insects, importance,for they are common and their larvae must destroy myriads of aphides or green-fly each season. The last family of British Neuroptera is called They are all tinyinsects,with antennae Coniopterygida. much longer than the body. The wings have a very veins, while the hindsimple neuration,with few cross wings are much smaller than those of the front pair. with a covered Moreover, the body and wings are The larvae frequent plants, peculiar white bloom. and and resemble those of lacewings in their form feed to metamorphosis. They have been observed which appears " " minute on The scale insects. twelfth consists order of British insects,the Mecaptera, used to a familywhich scorpion-flies,1 insects disbe included with the Neuroptera. These play in their structure and certain unique features and their relationshipto other orders life-histories, has of the yet been not The demonstrated. front part of the is very long and narrow, forming a kind of beak, mandibles the small, toothed at the tip of which are head inserted. The first maxillae are jointed palpi; while the second maxillae,which are not speciallylong,are completely fused to form the labium lower lip. The antennae or are long,slender,and many-jointed. The four wings traversed by many are veins,and (inthe comnarrow, and bear five gated, considerablyelon- 1 PanorpidcB 6l SCORPION-FLIES mottled species)strikingly British mon is however, lives in membrane. the transparent patches upon wingless. It as stones, and under and moss is known has with brown One species, Boreus hiemalis, been variously wingless minute and a large flea grasshopper." The length of the female, inclusive is less than her rather a long ovipositor, quarter likened an to a " " " of of inch. which are not uncommon winged scorpion-flies, in woods, all belong to the genus Panorpa. In the is curiouslymodified, males the tip of the abdomen the back like the tail of a and is usuallycarried over the popular name. Scorpion-flies scorpion whence undergo a complete metamorphosis, the larva being of and the caterpillar type, but with the antennae eyes three pairs of unusually prominent. They have thoracic legs,and (except in Boreus)a pair of prolegs Their each of the first eight abdominal on segments. not mandibles are grooved for suction. These facts known first made were by the Austrian entomologist, to induced deposit their scorpion-flies Brauer, who sequentl damp earth in a covered vessel, and subeggs on of their reared the larvae. They spent most time burrowing in the earth beneath pieces of meat In a wild state that had been provided for their food. the surface of the soil,where they they are found near insects. probably feed upon dead animals, especially larvae of Panorpa communis, also found Brauer many associated with ants, in a decayed tree-stump that was The " quite covered with active for about become some a The do not adults they capture livinginsects. are larvae are said to be hatching. Then they change to the pupa for also carnivorous, but after month but quiescent, weeks. The moss. CHAPTER VI BEETLES insects of be recognized These act hind-wings thoracic united. scutellum is The hind legs are cuticle, developed are after the larva often constructs " are not This Upwards immovably thickening is a of 3,400 classification of the this do powerful. outer lying by greatly with The visible full-grown is pupa close a " the to general army of order been have is a wings free far ing harden- insects. described. from " body, skin. species 62 Their differ The The largest vast coxae become not the and creatures moult. thereto the British of active cocoon. fixed of the larvae the and though probably large while but soft, legless grubs. penultimate i.e.,its appendages, and The to inwardly, until and first the bases shape, the very metamorphosis. from ranging are of the always varied, of generally large, in complete a maxillae between almost are The use. those plate is greatly vary very appearance, hardened visible often in unlike dorsal elytra. or membranous not second The undergo life-stories the always wings, the are not are (pronotum) pair Beetles in but segment of the they mouth-parts Orthoptera, elytra. when which order almost may fore- beneath folded are intimately a thickened covers, mandibulate order their thirteenth the up viz., Coleoptera) " by as make (which BEETLES com- VIII. N STAG-BEETLE, UNDERSIDE (Lucanus) TIMBERMAN-BEETLE (A canthocinus) WATER-BEETLE (Dytiscus) GLOW-WORM BEETLE, MALE (Lampyris) AND FEMALE 63 BEETLES for plete; although beetle a from details of beetle review the of the " order these the Coleoptera is natural " are or - guish distin- insect,the their own into which series, by Dr. i.e.,they divided " of to prove very difficult to this chapter we may of purpose the six great groups, briefly For kind easy branchingsof often " always other any kinship to speak familytree, so follow. it is almost Sharp. denote Five actual families concerned the ; but the relationshipamong sixth,which we shall treat last,is admittedlya kind of lumber-room relegateduntil to which their true numerous families have standing can been be ascertained. the Adephaga includes tiger-beetles, and carnivorous water-beetles,which ground-beetles, have are tarsi,while the antennae simple five-jointed of a series of nearlysimilar joints. in form, consisting The galea,or outer lobe, of each first maxilla is twoa palpus. The active larvae jointed,and resembles claws to each have six well-developedlegs,with two series The tarsus. be represented by the which common frequents green Cincindela campestvis^ The larva sandy spots during the early summer. and blocks the forms a perpendicularshaft in dry soil, with its head and thorax, supportingitself by entrance its fifth situated upon of a pair of hooks means insect approaches, the abdominal When an segment. tiger throws back its head with a rapidjerk,seizes the victim with its sickle-shapedjaws, and drags it to tiger-beetles1 may The " " the bottom The British 1 of the burrow. ground-beetle family2 comprises numerous families species,which are divided into several subis a familiar The large violet ground-beetle3 CicindelidcB. 2 Carabida. 3 Carabus violaceus It is example. while The INSECTS BRITISH 64 heavilybuilt more smaller its eyes are littlebombardier-beetle1 than a tiger-beetle, far less prominent and also be mentioned, must of self-defence. It is singularmethod of the family,and preyed upon by larger members chased when ejects a drop of volatile and explosive fluid from the tip of its abdomen, thus disconcerting Most and their larvae are its pursuer. ground-beetles in nocturnal in habit,and hide by day under stones or crevices of the soil. The majority are predaceous, few remarkable but there are a exceptions,several speciesfeedingon rootlets and seeds. be typified water-beetles The carnivorous by may Dytiscusmarginalis^often called the great waterIts structure beetle." agrees very closelywith that the details are of a ground-beetle,but beautifully the requirements of a life that is adjusted to meet The insect is an in the water expert spent chiefly swimmer and diver, and preys exclusivelyon aquatic creatures. Nevertheless, it has well-developedwings, and frequentlyflies by nightfrom one pond or lake to beneath the elytra,the Its spiraclesopen another. edges of which fit closelyagainst the sides of the the back. abdomen, enclosingan air-tight space above because of its 2 " This space serves as a reservoir for air. Moreover, posteriorpairs of spiraclesare uncommonly large, so that by thrusting its tail-end through the surface-film into the atmosphere, and slightly depressing the insect can the tip of its abdomen, rapidly discharge the vitiated air from its tracheal system and take in a fresh supply. The Dytiscus larva is are pointed and extremely rapacious. Its mandibles of tubular, and it feeds by suction, after the manner the two 1 Brachinus crepitans. 2 Dytiscidce. 66 BRITISH is very INSECTS in the autumn, short,is accomplished and the out throughquietlyin the cocoon the winter and spring,emerging in June or July have two smaller We of the succeedingyear. species of Lucanida in Britain, but the mandibles of their males are not conspicuouslydeveloped. The second Lamellicorn family1includes the chafers, The familiar most dung-beetles, and rose-beetles. some example is the cockchafer, or May-bug,"2 a handThe insect,but unfortunately very destructive. perfectinsect remains " larvae and The of grass and cultivated crops, the leaves of oaks and other trees. the roots consume the adults eat exhibit male of the antennae the " lamellated " worthy of close examination. The clubbed part is composed of in the female the corresponding, seven pieces,whereas but much smaller, platesnumber only six. confines The well-known rose-beetle3 by no means in character itself to and marked a the flower devours whose the leaves and The bushes. roots, but they seem are it bears, but name includingraspberries and been known to stripwhole currant and degree, blossoms of many strawberries, while of broad rows attacks plants, it has beans and devour living occasionally decaying usually to feed on in heaps of often be found may larvae vegetablematter, and of leaf mould. They form compact, oval cocoons It earth or wood-chips before changing to the pupa. is interesting that a closely allied rose-beetle4 to note is found The in ants' nests. dung-beetles5are Probably the 1 Scarab"ida 3 Cftonia 6 A of considerable best known aurata. is the 2 Melolontha * C. , sub-familyof the Scarabaidce. economic " dumble- vulgaris. floricola. portance im- BEETLES dor,"1 which often be may 67 towards especially flight, and summer male the In larvae, an with for the made of insects group of them much most species, fifty of part of distribution Members front and of the in each than of the two insignificant securing a rapid no in the soil. nitrogenous matter of the series Heteromera all other beetles from smaller for machinery Nature's needs comprises upwards It constitutes named. been in matter. female the This that have burrows stercoraceous being laid by egg burrow. Typh"us vulgaris their allies, make ground,and stock them this way provisionis the allied the a species,and these evening, during the late its thorax strikingappearance, very with three stout, forward-directed horns. has being armed Both In autumn. in strong but blundering seen are distinguished the fact that the tarsi of the pairs of legs are five-jointed, while middle by pair are four-jointed.One of the largestBritish speciesis the dull black Blapsmucronata, those of the often called Its the cellar along their wing-covers,"but The abdomen. of various appearance as not being,in itself is too " " or a kind larva, which kinds, is " " churchyard beetle. rudimentary,and the elytraare middle edges, thus serving not as " hind-wings are united " hind unlike of shield feeds on above waste the matter in large meal-worm fact,nearlyrelated. The mealworm well known a to need introduction ; told that this but many people express surprisewhen of a beetle. Besides pest is the youthful form damaging meal and flour,this larva is of several one biscuits, renderingthem weevily. kinds of meal-worm There beetles. are reallytwo is probably indigenous; One, called Tencbrio molitor, kinds which infest 1 " steroorarius. Geotrupes BRITISH 68 INSECTS other, T. obscurus,is said the well-known Another be often under bark other insects seen beetle is not the on " For of back to a bee. bee's the Heteromera the of eggs off-chance,so newly-hatchedlarvae home discover. to example, numbers laysenormous the able been The adult notoriouslyrapacious. complex. 10,000 Its are life-stories of the The sunshine. remarkably flat,are found whether but they feed on wood, or on which frequent similar situations,the ; has writer introduced species is the insect, which active very flying in the hot which larvae, whitish very Heteromerous a cardinal-beetle,1 scarlet may been flour. American with have to may A to oil-beetle2 common perhaps " say, that contrive lucky to " larva as " form-changes which in detail here. Suffice it to eat itself with ing astonish- an be cannot on carried first to one series of of the lift a is thus then to gorge of its host's eggs, and involves honey. The complete life-cycle as many few a get it appears nest, where sometimes are described say that the larva,after of the Lamellicorn type, becoming a fat,curved grub false pupa." It then rests and takes no changes to a food ; but a second period of activityfollows before The adult Meloe is the true pupal stage is reached. found feeding on herbage in the springtime. It is blister-beetle/' nearly related to the beautiful green which is occasionallyseen in the or Spanish-fly,"3 Both these insects are Counties. Southern protected from the attacks of birds,etc., by a caustic secretion " " u is extracted which under 1 the name from their bodies and used of cantharidine. 2 Meloe proscarab Pyrochroa coccinea. 3 Lytta vesicatoria. "us. cally medi- 69 BEETLES In Phytophaga the tarsi of all the legs but close inspectionreveals to be four-jointed, appear the presence of a very small fifth joint at the base of the fourth. The three basal jointsof each tarsus are usually clothed beneath with a dense,velvety pile. The which are composed of a series of antennae, simple joints,are generallyrather long, sometimes without long. The Phytophaga feed, almost very be exception, on vegetable substances, and may divided into three families viz.,the seed-feeders,1the stem-feeders.3 The and the woodand leaf-feeders,2 last are often called Longicornia, or long-horns." The Bruchidce* be represented by the common may whose pea-seed-beetle,6 grub feeds and pupates in a in The leaf-feeders6 are mostly oval and convex pea. shape, often brightlycoloured with a metal-like polish: but our It is largest species7 is dull blue-black. known popularlyas the bloody-nosebeetle,"because, when it ejectsa largedrop of clear red fluid irritated, from the mouth. The pretty little Chrysomelapolita (shininggreen thorax and legs,and red-brown elytra) is often abundant also other in grassy places,where All Chrysomelid species of the genus may be found. feed larvae have well-developed thoracic legs, and openly on the foliageof plants. The poplar- and the series " " " willow-leaf-beetle8 occurs in all stages, from egg to it bears, the names perfectinsect,on the trees whose being attached by its tail to a leaf. This species, pupa and the closelysimilar M. sometimes cause longicollis, serious damage in osier-beds, in the South especially of England. 1 4 7 Bruchida. Also called Timarcha 2 Lariidcz. Icevigata. 6 8 Chrysomelidce. Bruchuspisi. Melasoma bo-buli. 3 6 CerambycidcB. Chrysomelida. 70 BRITISH INSECTS Other Chrysomelid species are the dainty little the much-dreaded Colorado-beetle, asparagus-beetle,1 or the diminutive turnip and potato-bug,"2and Indeed, very cabbage fleas of the genus Phyllotreta. members of the family are highlyinjuriousto many cultivated crops. The attractively coloured, riverside beetles of the genus Donacia happily, free from are, this stigma. Their life-stories present some very unusual features. The larvae feed on the submerged of aquatic plants. Their roots method of breathing is peculiar,for they have two sharp-pointed tubular the tipof the abdomen, and near by driving processes these into the air-spacesof the plant'stissues they " " " contrive So to far known sufficient oxygen writer is aware, no the as Before the leavingthe Chrysomelidcz, beetles of the genus and other When at a curious distinct group insect's body and very rest, the are tortoise- be mentioned. Cassida must their allies constitute insects food-plants! of their breathe at the expense to for their needs. extract They or family. sub- its appendages common completelyhidden beneath the pronotum elytra,which are unusually broad and flat. The looks more found upon thistles, Cassida viridis, like a are and small green livinginsect. have the their own The larvae the on of stern or this and leaf than other a kind excrement, the matter of fork, situated at the a species strange habit of covering their bodies dried place by blister with being held in tremity. posteriorex- Longicorns3 may be easilyrecognizedby their oblong form, long antennae, and kidney-shaped eyes. hard and heads The typicallarvae of the familyhave The 1 Cnoceris 2 asparagi. 3 Cemmby DoryphorA decemlineata. tides. BEETLES 71 or have powerfulmandibles,and are either legless, only small legs. Their bodies are soft and fleshy, very in colour, broadest white or yellowish-white in front, and flattened. of them Most generally somewhat in dead burrow or decaying wood, but a few attack The full-fed larva usuallyconstructs a livingstems. of chips before changing to the pupa. cocoon The majorityof our indigenousLongicorns are rare, abundant but three or four are to attract sufficiently popular attention. One of these is the so-called waspand other flowers beetle,1which frequentswild roses Its coloration black, with during the earlysummer. its yellow bands suggests that of a wasp, whence The tunnel in decaying posts name. larvae,which " " the or of dead stumps trees, take several years unfavourable to to growth, and in conditions able to prolong their larval their development seem life almost indefinitely. The poplar long-horn2places its eggs beneath the bark of young aspen twigs,within which the larvae feed istic for nearly two years, each giving rise to a characteror swelling, gall." The pine long-horn3 is of ten in fir woods, where abundant on warm days in June it be seen the trees, or running over flyingamong may the the bark of which logs or dead trunks, beneath attain full " larvae feed The beautiful also be mentioned. suggests, it emits name a sufficiently strong to be detected from trees (usuallyold, pollarded distance some its must that is pleasingodour at As musk-beetle4 green willows),in which itbreeds. The most remarkable of all British long-horns, however, is the timberman-beetle,6 which at occurs Rannoch, in Perthshire, and other 1 Clytusarietis. * A romi a 2 Saperdapopulnea. moschata. 5 3 Rhagium bifasciatum. Acanthocinus cedilis. BRITISH 72 INSECTS conspicuous for the in the male. enormous lengthof the antennae, especially The series Rhynchophora comprises the beetles that known are They differ from all popularlyas weevils. other Coleoptera in having four-jointed tarsi ; or, rather, the tarsi appear to be four-jointed, though in additional (orfifth) a minute jointis present at reality The head is elongated the extreme base of the fourth. localities in in front to form a beak is It Scotland. or rostrum " sometimes short which long, thin, and arched carries the mouth-parts at its apex. The larva is a before a cocoon legless grub, and usually forms feed exclusivelyon Weevils changing to the pupa. vegetable substances, and it has been said that there is no part of any plant, or its products, that their and thick, sometimes larvae do not Most " attack. British weevils belong to the great family spring from the with a long, basal i.e., rostrum, are usuallyelbowed oint,to which the other jointsare attached, like the thong of a whip. The nut- weevil1 is notable for its of immensely long and slender rostrum, by means which the female bores holes in green nuts when they are depositingan egg in each\ very young, afterwards The apple-blossom weevil2 treats the flower-buds of and its larva feeds on the apple in a similar manner, the essential parts of the bloom, with the result that and rice weevils3 no apple is produced. The corn destructive in another are even more sphere. They infest wheat, barley,rice,etc., have merce spread with comhave sometimes to all parts of the world, and of grain which rendered almost valueless whole cargoes Cuvculionidce. Their which antennae, " 1 Balaninus nucum. 3 Calandra 2 A nthonomus granaria and C. oryzce. pomorum. BRITISH 74 burrow in this way and outwards, patterns wood. INSECTS are traced upon curious surface the Each grub pupates at the end perfectinsect eventuallybores and the the bark in order and acteristic char- of the of its burrow, a hole through of the effect its escape. One Another speciesis the elm-bark-beetle.1 commonest to is the which does much pine-bark-beetle,2 damage its perfectstate by burrowing into the young shoots the Scots pine in order to feed, be it noted, since " laid beneath eggs are above. The the bark in the in of the described manner series attention. claims our Polymorpha now have alreadyseen We that it can onlybe characterized do not belong to any of by the fact that its members the other five series. Only the more and interesting here. important families can be mentioned cluded inauthors whirligigbeetles 3 are by some with the Adephaga, but they differ greatlyin structure, notablyin having each compound eye divided The into two. downwards, - One thus isolated half enablingthe eye is directed for its to search of each insect above ; for aquatic prey ; the other half keeps watch the water, except to seldom enter whirligig-beetles danger, but spend their days skimming rapidly escape the surface. The larvae,however, are completely over of abdominal aquatic, and breathe by means gillof an filaments, not unlike those alder-flylarva. full grown, When they leave the water and spin small the leaves and stems of plants. papery cocoons upon Members of the familyHydrophilidamay be recognized of the by their long maxillary palpi. Some speciesare completelyaquatic,while others frequent marshy spots. The majority are quite small, but 1 Scolytusdestructor. 2 Hylurguspiniptrda. 3 Gyrinida. BEETLES 75 " harmless water-beetle of Hydrophilus piceus the the aquarium is one of the largestBritish beetles. When plate submerged, this insect carries a kind of breastof air,which is held in place by velvetytracts on the underside of the body. It replenishesthis supply small air-bubbles with periodically by dragging down its antennae, the terminal jointsof which are broad and littlescoops. as Although the adults hairy,and serve feed chieflyon vegetable matter, the larvae attack " " " other insects,and very voracious. includes more than familySilphidce The are hundred one British species,which vary considerablyin size and form. clubbed antennae, which They have straight, are usuallycomposed of eleven joints. Most of them feed on The decaying animal or vegetable matter. of the genus Necrophorus sexton-, or burying-beetles, familiar examples. So also are the flat-looking are members which of the genus Silpha, are mostly carrionto eat two or feeders,though one speciesare known the leaves of livingplants. tails,"1 cockIn the great family of the rove-beetles, or the elytra are very short, covering only a " small part of The abdomen. the antennae are moderatelylong,very graduallythickened towards tip,and have usuallyeleven joints,but sometimes or nine. even The " devil's coach-horse"2 known example ; but of them species,most and by cause there during annoyance getting into small. very our eyes " 800 Many the they best British flyfreely, months summer when ten is the about are the are called to very similar in appearance be distinguishedby but may those of ground-beetles, " flies." their The larvae one-clawed 1 are tarsi. Staphylinidcs, of Members 2 this family Ocypusolens. 76 BRITISH INSECTS usually feed on other insects,molluscs, or worms ; but some specieseat carrion or vegetablesubstances. have Of the familyCoccinellidce we upwards of forty ladybirds, of species,represented by the common which the " two-spot " L and the " seven-spot " 2 are The larvae are active often frequently seen. called plants during niggers." They abound upon the summer months, usually cast their skins three times, and eventuallychange to pupae, which are fixed members of this Most by the tail to a leaf or stem. family feed on aphides and other small, soft-bodied insects,and thus render important service to mankind ; but a few feed on plants. 3 is one bacon-beetle The well-known of the family the larvae are Dermestida, in which usually clothed dried with long hairs. Almost all the speciesfeed on animal skins. as bacon, leather, and matter, such tive Some, such as the museum-beetle,4 are very destruccollections. The to zoological raspberry-beetle,5 however, is exceptional. The adults eat the essential blooms, and the larvae parts of raspberry and bramble feed on the receptacles of the fruit. The of family Ptmidce also comprises a number the destructive which bread or species, among beetle 6 stands conspicuous, since it feeds on paste of dried animal almost all kinds stances. or vegetable submost " " " " " " " It several Most even consecutive members Anobium has of domesticum been known 1 Coccinella bipunctata. 2 C. Dermestes lardarius. 4 Anthrenus 6 subsist septempunctata. museorum. Byturus tomentosus. Anobium for generationson a diet of opium ! the family,however, eat wood, being the culprit usually re- 3 5 to paniceum. paniceum ; also called Sitodrepa BEETLES sponsible for furniture. " the This " " worm-eaten insect and death-watches,"to made 77 which (p.33). They have condition its allies reference the habit of our are the has alreadybeen common of strikingtheir head beneath or jaws against the wood them, thus is very producing a regular ticking sound, which mysterious to those who are unacquainted with its true cause. grubs, like In this those familythe of the larvae series are soft,curved Lamellicornia in miniature. The that "soldier" well-known abound and "sailor" beetles,1 are plants during the summer, bably prothe most familiar examples of the family LampyvidcB)or Malacodermida, as it is called by many authors. their allies is the glow-worm,2 remarkable Among The male glowfor its light-giving worm powers. has wings and elytra,and flies well ; but the female the fullfrom scarcely differs in appearance that her legs and antennae are more larva,save grown developed. The brightspots of lightthat we perfectly see evenings are due chiefly herbage on warm among to the presence of female glow-worms, and proceed its tip, from the underside of the abdomen, near where certain of the segments are lighterin colour than the the eggs, are rest ; but all stages of the insect, even of this familyare in a less degree. Members luminous characterized by the softness of their integument. especially The active larvae feed, according to their kind, small molluscs, worms, and a variety of decaying on on substances. " of the family click-beetles," skipjacks or able from their remarkElaterida,get their popular names of jumping when placed on their backs. power The " 1 Telephorus. " 2 Lampyris noctiluca. BRITISH 78 The and is there process," this forcing the air. the " underside of larvae The a the which wireworms," "prosternal or By suddenly itself the into high click-beetles common injurious so of cavity or hurl to are mesothorax, former. groove is able beetle the of the into process mesothorax, the to dagger-like projection, a the on loosely jointed is prothorax INSECTS are cultivated to crops. Before made of certain little the order separate greatly in ; the majority, however, and The mother's latter If the to antennas The its and change to female male insect. be should and Stylopid escapes active and some visited are larvae swarm upon bee, a of them soon after when not the bees of the but within insect. conveyed are bee-grubs, bee and whereas parasite throughout its host becomes and free-flying host The ; mouth- worm-like, into bore simultaneously a hind- the larvae the legless maggots. remains their hatched are as but and by a fore-wings bodies the as the and blind markable re- them regard ; so them lengthwise are they body, nest, twisted within lives minute, parasite develop the females comprises is treat branched are It have folded are insects, where males. males curiously and their spend other the and feeble. parts The be must structure entomologists broad, The use. whose some reduced are Stylopida. insects beetles. aberrant mention chapter, family small very that wings this concluding a its the its life, winged VII CHAPTER caddis-flies JL order distinct They Trichoptera). but details many doptera, they of having near its base, which jugum) have joints. When together like at maxillae unite sucking apparatus. in " and with stones, silk well spun slender rest, the the The feed on while and developed, while are build shells, pieces the to vegetable which from of the the form of mouth. there 79 Their are two many brought arc which fold either are pairs two of imperfect an have biting They live well-known protective stick, etc., ordinate co- side. with matter. the the to same adults larvae, however, streams, flight antennae, the of the (called hind-wings, of lowest margin fore-wings labrum the caddis-worms/' small are with and ponds long, example, process wings Lepi- two during rudimentary, very mouth-parts, little two above the hind the mandibles The fan-wise. or roof a For serves of the action Caddis-flies absent a apparently the insects. on viz., " indicate structure of a ance, appear- specialized " in in less the moths fore-wings, moth-like members the with agree families up with the as list our on their of with treated now only scale-winged " or are not are relationship actual they fourteenth (the included formerly were but Neuroptera, BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS, CADDIS-FLIES, fixed of cases together thoracic strong legs hooks BRITISH 80 at the the extremityof creature to thread-like the its which trail from and to anchor serve Breathing case. circulates water, which the abdomen, gillsthat segments, INSECTS is certain effected of the by dominal ab- constantly bathed with freelyin the space between are larva's body and the inner wall of its abode. After feedingfor several months, the larva closes both with a webbing of silk,and changes ends of its case free pupa to the a (p. 62), which closelyresembles that it is equipped with save dibles. powerful manmago, The and After the surface are of up some to bite the a way out skin pupal of the case, the at final its escape, the pupa swims to effecting the water, using its middle legs,which developed like climbs serve with discarded are moult. latter oars for convenient back, the stem It purpose. or post ; then its skin perfect insect emerges. about the large There are 150 British caddis-flies, species of the genus Phryganea (whose larvae inhabit stillwaters)being most likelyto attract attention. and butterflies make Moths up the fifteenth order, from the minute or Lepidoptera, which gets its name clothe bodies and the overlapping scales which In of the adults wings of the insects concerned. certain families all the mouth-parts are rudimentary, food is taken ; but usually the first maxillae and no are elongated and grooved on their inner surfaces,so in appositionthey form a tube, or proboscis, that when be sucked into the mouth. through which liquidscan The other mouth-parts are generallyvery small or absent, except the palpi of the second maxillae,which that in have wrell developed. We are already seen is present at the the lowest families of moths a jugum of each base fore-wing. Most other moths have a splitsdown the and the MOTHS frenulumat 81 wing, which hooks under the underkind of strap (the rttinaculum) side a on of the fore-wing. In the male the frenulum is usually a singlecurved bristle,but in the female it locking commonly consists of three stiff hairs. This interthe of each base moths, in all and universal,however, for in the co-ordination of butterflies, is not arrangement some hind- the two side depends solelyupon wings of the same the underlappingof the fore-wingby the anterior part of the hind-wing. The larvae of Lepidopterous insects are always caterpillars, though usuallywith five pairs of prolegs, there are remarkable exceptions to this rule. many They generallyfeed on vegetablematter, but a few kinds (e.g., those of the clothes-moths stances ") eat subof animal origin,such as wool or feathers. Among the lowliest of all moths the pupa is free,and, like that of the caddis-fly, equipped with functional " mandibles ; but from the lower pass becomes find that the pupa as we we higherfamilies, and obtected the to more ing generalhardenand thickening of the outer skin,and consequently less and less capable of movement. The pupal stage is usuallypassed in concealment, either in a subterranean the exception cell,or in a cocoon ; but, with of some skippers,"butterflies do not spin cocoons. more covered i.e., " by a " What is the ? butterfly difference From distinction said that the can that have and moth a factory standpoint no satisIt has already been made. no frenulum, but the same be ; been while as " " of the other most suggested such holding the wings in repose, or flies at night or by day are by 6 a scientific butterflies have is true of certain moths between the whether no means manner the tests of insect infallible. INSECTS BRITISH 82 So far found as that British the concerned, it will be species are of butterflies antennae clubbed are at tip,whereas those of moths, notwithstandingtheir in a point. of form, usuallyterminate great diversity shall do well to admit Nevertheless, we franklythat no sharp line separatingmoths from butterflies can be the drawn. Lepidopterais representedin the British than Islands species. by considerablymore 2,000 These fall into numerous families,of which only the here. more important can be mentioned The familyMicropterygidce includes the least specialized moths, which are evidentlyrelated to the caddisflies. The all small, and species are unlikely to It is worthy attract the notice of the casual student. The order of note, however, that in of the mandibles genus one developed, and that throughout the familythe pupa is free,with functional jaws, which it The perfect the cocoon. to extricate itself from uses moths flyin springtimeround the branches of trees, while the larvae feed (according to their genus) either the adults in wet jnoss are or in the soft tissues of leaves. of lowly and of the preceding origin, agree with the members family in certain details of structure, notably in possessinga jugum at the base of the fore-wing. The The pupa, swift-moths1 well-known however, roots, and growth ; parts, take has often but no no mandibles. take the two adults food, and The to years have hence also are larvae feed attain their full rudimentary are on mouth- short-lived. The esting family includes five British species,the most interbeing the ghost-swift.2The male, which has in the evening above shining white wings, hovers 1 Hepialidce. * Hepialus humuli. MOTHS 83 herbage, and attracts the female by an odour given off by dense tufts of long hairs on the tibiae of the hindwing-colour of the female is ochreous legs. The that similarit be little doubt this disyellow,and there can of the whitest males sexes is due to natural selection " the in each generationbeing most likelyto readilyseen by the females. mate, since they are most This view is supported by the fact that in Shetland, the summer the male is where nights are very light, often yellow like the female. In members of the familyZyganida we find,for the of the hind-wing, at the base first time, a frenulum the proboscis is well developed. There and two are genera " viz.,the burnets,1 and the foresters,2all the The species flyingby day, preferablyin sunshine. Before typicallarva of the family is short and stout. changing to the pupa, it spins a strong, elongate of grass or some other plant. cocoon on a stem In the family Psychidce the caterpillar constructs a silken case covered with fragments of stick or refuse. is grub-likein form, and The adult female wholly but is visited leaves her case, helpless. She never has well-developedwings, therein by the male, which and flies with considerable strength and swiftness, usuallyby day. We have only three British species. The another clearwings3make family of dayup in the larvae feed in wood, or flyingmoths, whose of plants,the commonest rootstocks stems or being in the that of the currant-clearwing,which burrows and destroys the pith. The bushes twigs of currant in most in June, and is common adult moth* appears gardens,where it frequentsflowers of various kinds. 1 3 Zyg"na. 2 SesiidoB. 4 Procris Sesia ; Ino of some tipuliformis. authors. BRITISH 84 Members of INSECTS this from family get their popular name the fact that the wings are in great measure free from scales,and hence transparent. Owing to this peculiarity, and to their coloration, several of the species resemble stinginginsects of the order Hymenoptera. For example, Trochilium apiforme, whose larvae feed in the trunk and roots of the poplar,might pardonablybe mistaken at first sight for a largewasp, hornet ; or a mimetic and this likeness probably stands the in good stead by warding off the attacks of birds moth " " and other insectivorous family Cossida The Its red-brown moth.1 creatures. is representedby larvae feed the big goat- in the solid wood of livingtrees, and take several years to reach maturity. which be three inches The full-growncaterpillar, may in length,pupates just inside the entrance to its or more of chips. The burrow, first forming a cocoon pupa and partlyout of the its way out of the cocoon, works of the moth. Some tree, prior to the emergence the authorities regard the wood-leopard-moth2 and reed-moth3 as Cossida,but others preferto treat them but closely-allied, family viz.,Zeuzeridce. as a distinct, The family Tovtricidce comprises considerablymore members. British than Although they are all 300 indicates small moths, their structure affinitywith the goat-moth and clearwings. Most of the species outline of be squared recognized by the may of many the fore-wing at the tip. The caterpillars " " " 4 species e.g., the beautiful green oak-moth rolled-upleaves, while others bore into the of the notorious codlin-moth5 plants. Those in apples,where they feed chieflyon the core " 1 Cossus 4 ligniperda.2 Tortrix viridana. Zeuzera cssculi. 5 3 " feed in tissues of burrow and pips. Phragmatceciacastanece. Carpocapsapomonella. MOTHS The allied known 85 family of small, Tineida, includes as often moths, minute, digenou in- of hundreds many and species,whose wings are usuallynarrow pointed,fringedwith long hairs. The larvae generally various live in concealment, but they have very habits. Many, such as the bramble-leaf miner,1 make and lower epidertortuous the upper tunnels between mis of leaves. Some spin leaves together. Not a few feed on stored goods of various kinds, and are very these destructive, among being the clothes-moths of boxes our Indeed, wardrobes. and as yellow clothes-moth, known very good type of the familyas We now The moths." the to come first,or two common is Uselliella, Tineola a the a whole. of families " be Ptcnphoridetmay plumesented repre- by the white plume,2 whose wings are divided clefts two the chief nervures by deep clefts between in each hind- wing. The fore- wing, three in each The leaves. larva is hairy,and feeds on convolvulus is suspended from leaf by its tail,like the a pupa butterflies ; but it is incompletely chrysalidesof some " obtected, and certain freelymovable. The British member of the and has each little moth the than, that follow wing stands its abdominal of segments twenty-four plume3 second family the " six-cleft almost apart from, and to is the a " This higher level agrees with those is completely its pupa precedingfamilies,but in obtected, with the fact that little power of movement. Its larvae feed among the flower-buds of honeysuckle. The family Pyralida includes about 150 species, which 1 sole Qrneodida the base. at are arranged are Nepticulaaurella. 3 Orneodcs 2 in several British sub-families. Pterophoruspentadactylus. hexadactyla. 86 BRITISH A fairlygood type moth,1 The the whose larvae grass-moths2 that wax-moths3 that the flour-moth,4that mills and bakeries,are but the so-called remarkable group, INSECTS is familiar the feed the on abound magpiestinging nettle. - in meadows infest the is small such other in summer, of bees, and combs a nuisance in corn- well-known china-marks6 are for their larvae examples ; perhaps the most feed on submerged furnished instances are water-plants,and in some with gills. The hook-tips,with six indigenous species,make The characteristic hooked up the familyDvepanulidce. while shape of the fore- wing is an obvious distinction, the larvae have no prolegs on the hindmost segment, which is prolonged into a pointed process, raised up when the creature is at rest. family Lasiocampidais representedin Britain by eleven species, including the eggar- and lackeyand the lappet.7 These moths, as well as the drinker,6 have no frenulum, and the proboscis is obsolete,no food being taken in the adult stage. The antennae are feathered," in both sexes. doubly pectinated,or The caterpillars the usual are stout, hairy,and have number of prolegs. When full fed they spin dense above cocoons ground. The family Lymantridcz* likewise includes eleven British species,which the foregoingin the resemble absence is present, and of a proboscis ; but a frenulum the antennae are bipectinateonly in the males. These larvae have the so-called tussock-moths, whose are The " 1 * 6 Botys urticata. Ephestia kuhniella. Odonestis potatoria. Or Liparida. 2 Crambina. 5 7 3 Galleriance. Hydrocampina. Gastropacha quercifolia. BRITISH 88 the hind-wings are INSECTS A fairlygood is the well-known cabbage-moth,1 type of the Noctuida whose smooth-skinned has ten prolegs, larva, which burrows into the soil before changing to the pupa. But the form of the larva and its habits varies a good deal in the showily coloured. different sub-families. For instance, the has of the beautiful burnished-brass-moth2 caterpillar to a semi-looping gait, its prolegs being reduced three pairs; while when full grown of it spins a cocoon white silk among the leaves of its food-plant the stinging-nettle. The family Notodontida,of which we have twentyfive species,is made up of the puss- and kitten-moths, the prominents,and their allies. The are caterpillars often curiously shaped, without anal prolegs as in the of the puss-moth,3whose is portrayed case life-history of the species e.g., the buffPlate II. ; but some on tip4 have larvae of ordinaryform, with the usual ten the buff-tipcaterpillar prolegs. Moreover, whereas merely buries itself in the soil before changing to the The cocoons kinds spin elaborate cocoons. pupa, some relatives are of the puss-moth and its nearest hard, " " " " " " wood-like structures attached to the bark of trees. already observed in certain of the Noctuid of the normal larvae a tendency to dispense with some prolegs. In the family Geometridcz (thecarpets, pugs, all the larvae,of which and their kindred) almost we have about species,have got rid of all but two 270 pairsof prolegs these being at the hinder end of the moves by first body. Consequently, the creature graspinga twig or leaf with its six thoracic legs,and until they nearly then bringing its prolegs forward have We " 1 3 Mamestra Cerura brassica. vinula. 2 Plusia * Phalera chrysitis. bucephala. MOTHS touch thrown into taken. middle thorax, the the strong a part of or curve larvae these Hence, 89 loop as each known are body being the " step " is popularly as stickalso called are "loopers." Many of them the at rest, they have because, when caterpillars," habit of holding on to the food-plantby their prolegs, stiff and out and straight,so stretchingthemselves this means shoot or twig. But that they resemble a of protection, though very generalin the family,is not ous universal,a well-known exception being the conspicuto of the magpie-moth,1 which is known caterpillar " insectivorous be distasteful to most regarded as an instance In general terms, the be thus described pattern on the fore- and Geometers be may having the same hind-wings the wings being slender-bodied as creatures, and may ation." of " warning color- moths, " The spread out when the insect is at rest. method of pupation varies greatlyin different species, either spinsa cocoon but usuallythe full-fed caterpillar else buries in the leaves of the food-plant, or among commonly the soil. family2is representedin Britain by garded seventeen can only be respecies,several of which the Continent. chance as migrants from is the privet-hawk.3 It is a Probably the commonest of the species e.g., the fairly good type, althoughsome poplar-hawk4 have broader wings, and are less rapid in flight.The is build of the humming-bird hawk5 while its two also different, clear-winged relatives,the The hawk-moth " " "bee-hawks," have that is apt to 1 3 5 Abraxas a confuse mimetic the grossulariata. Sphinx ligustri. Macroglossastellatarum. likeness to tyro. 2 4 The humble-bees hairless cater- Sphingid.ce. Smerinthus populi. BRITISH 90 INSECTS of hawk-moths have ten prolegs, and (inall the pillars British species) a spine, or tail,"on the last segment. The full-fed caterpillar burrows into the soil, and by working itselfround and round, forms a cell,wherein it changes to the pupa. Two other British moths call for notice : First,the of emperor,1 which is the sole British representative ts family, the Satiwniidce ; second, the Kentish glory,2 which constitutes a family in itself, since it stands from all other known remote Lepidoptera. Superficially, these two speciesdo not seem very dissimilar. In both the proboscisis rudimentary, and the frenulum " absent ; but the in the number and of the arrangement ner- wings characters upon which systematic differ greatly, rightlylay great stress entomologists and indicate two perfectlydistinct lines of descent. The handsome of the emperor-moth is not caterpillar uncommon during July and August upon heath, birch, and other plants. When full grown, it spinsa dense, in from which the imago emerges pear-shapedcocoon, May of the followingyear. The Kentish glory,though widely distributed in Britain as far north as the Caledonian Canal, occurs only in certain favoured localities. Its caterpillars, which feed on semble birch, rethose of the hawk-moth family; while the has the habit (very unusual highlypupa among specialized moths) of working its way completelyout of the of its cocoon some days priorto the emergence the emperor Both and the Kentish moth. gloryare phism sex-dimoras examples of the phenomenon known ferent is very difthe coloration of the male i.e., vures " " " " " from remaining families The 41 that of the female. butterflies." 1 Saturnia In all the pavonia. Lepidoptera comprise the speciesthe proboscisis de- of 2 Endromis versicolora. BUTTERFLIES 91 the tip to dilated towards are veloped,the antennae form a gradual or abrupt club, while the hind-wing is without the exception of the frenulum. With a skippers,"which stand somewhat apart from the other families, butterflies form a compact and isolated We must not infer, however, that this group is group. equal in systematic importance to the whole of the moths. should regard it as an On the contrary, we " offshoot from nearlyrelated logical genea- Lepidoptera. Butterflies are than these the higher moths of tree of the branches of the main one to more to are the lower. So many that a books brief outline of the The and legsare with few cocoons thick-set insects that wings spread out. fullydeveloped,and The larvae hairs. When among leaves, except walking. served by characterize which peculiarities are with their all the six amply able, avail- are families. skippersl rest butterflies will be present purpose our the several British about somewhat are flyrapidly, both In sexes serviceable for spindle-shaped, they spin slight full grown, in the of the case is attached by the chequered skipper,2whose pupa tail,and supported by a belt of silk. and coppers,3 males The of all blues,hairstreaks, less shortened, have the tarsi of the fore-legs more or or with one the the neuration sexes The clothed fixed even 1 " " larvae are very like wood-lice somewhat with by the hairs short tail and buried claws from specialization of greater or absent ; while in both tion of the wings differs in the direc- both or in the Hesperides. 2 that of the characteristic in The in appearance. or bristles,and belted,but may skippers. form, being be is pupa generally unattached, ground. Cyclop"despalamon. 3 is Lyccenida. BRITISH 92 The littleDuke INSECTS l is the only Burgundy fritillary British representative of a family2 whose headquarters in tropicalAmerica. The of the male are fore-legs much reduced that they are useless for walking. are so The larva resembles but has those of the last family, tufts of short,stiffhairs on its back. 3 The swallow-tail butterfly stands apart from the other species, being one of the great familyPapilionidtz members abound in the tropics. The six legs whose are fullydeveloped in both sexes, and the neuration of the wings differs conspicuouslyfrom that of all other butterflies. The larva is cylindrical, devoid of hairs, behind and has the head curious two-pronged a This is usuallyretracted and invisible ; but process. it can be shot out that is believed and of other to and made to emit a strong odour from protect the caterpillar enemies. mons ichneu- The has two pupa, which ("nose-horns "),is fixed projectingfrontal tubercles by the tail to a pad of silk,and kept upright by a silken girdle. This fixingof the pupa's tail,by the which is (thecremaster) way, is effected by a projection beset with microscopic hooks that become entangled the silk fibres. with The white " brimstone, butterflies," includingthe and make clouded-yellows, up orange-tip, the family in having They agree with the swallow-tail all six legs fullydeveloped in both sexes ; wing-neuration is different. Moreover, the Pieridce. clothed with close,short the the is larva pupa has "nose-horn." only one Members our of the prises family Nymphalida, which comtortoiseshells, meadow-browns, fritillaries, etc.,differ from are fore-legs 1 hairs, while but Nemeobius all other much lucina. butterflies in the fact that the reduced, 2 and Lemoniidez. useless for 3 walking, Papiliomachaon. BUTTERFLIES in both 93 The in some are caterpillars genera armed with formidable spines,in others they are smooth-skinned has always two nose; but the pupa downwards horns," and usually hangs head by its from a silk pad, without any girdling thread. cremaster The followingsub-families should be noted : The tortoiseshells, Nymphalina, including the fritillaries, and the pupa is admirals, etc., have spiny caterpillars, often resplendentwith metal-like patches,thus meriting the name chrysalis. The famous purple-emperor* is the only British representativeof the sub-family in which and slug-like, the larva is smooth Apaturince, In the case with two long tentacles on the head. of their allies,2the larvae are and the meadow-browns clothed with short hairs,and towards taper somewhat the extremities. is usuallysuspended by The pupa sexes. " the tail ; but in white3 one or it is hidden " two instances in moss, among e.g., the marbled- " roots, or justbelow the soil. The of British butterflies is number usuallygiven as extinct species the sixty-eight ; but this includes one 4 and four that are famous sional large-copper, merely occaimmigrants viz.,the Bath-white,6the Queenthe long-tailed of-Spainfritillary,6 blue,7and an insect " " that is known in its American home as the "monarch," milkweed is a great butterfly."8The last named and since 1870 or thereabouts has extended traveller, its range from the new to the old world by way of the Pacific Islands, and bids fair to become wellnigh of a distinct Nymphacosmopolitan. It is a member line sub-family viz.,Danaina. or " " 1 3 5 7 8 2 Sub-family Satyrincs. Apatura iris. * Chrysophanusdispar. Melanargiagalathea. 6 A Pieris daplidice. rgynnislathonia. bcetica. Polyommatus (Lycana) A nosia erippus ; also called A nosia plexippus. CHAPTER VIII all NEARLY flies," " as applied These differ wings reduced wings When only. for serve The that instruments, of tongue" labium) ; but through sheath loops extreme tip actual to the back of the six the skin under 94 which the as within a maxillae, the needles while head. insect's remains the and labrum, victim, surrounds to reason, normally however, through stabbing good bites," the for mosquito, second the sheath, skin, and sucking-tube, of sucking insect, such lie " pound com- modified for or maxillae, needles not conspicuous. greatly with first gnat with needle-like modified a and or mandibulate (the when driven pressed the sheath grooved six believed, are typical a All cockroach. than mandibles, the represent less no These flight. sucking, gnat, (p. 7), The are grey hind- halteres or nervures. large and piercing flies," the transparent, mouth-parts common has example, " the present, to generally are Diptera. or having for used longitudinal seven in knobs, usually are fittingly most two-winged insects being popularly order, " or stalked alone eyes as tiny is sixteenth all other to known are name flies," true from than more so " fore-wings functional the of the the are which the but members to insects winged FLEAS AND FLIES TWO-WINGED are the The closely needles. blood or is The drawn 95 In wound. enlarge the and represent being chieflyused maxillae and which needles conjunction,the in mandibles the FLEAS mouth, probablyconsists of the labrum into the tongue AND FLIES TWO-WINGED of Hall Central the to the enlarged (Natural History) some models of a gnat'shead and mouth-parts are exhibited. show These clearlythe positionsof the several organs, in which Students who and the manner they work. Museum British should able to visit the Museum are not fail to examine carefully. Among those Diptera that are able only have all the mouth-parts except the labium these models in ends which it lies in use jointed,it can The pad is tributaries with the labium the obsolete ; but is cavity beneath a by traversed main two It mouth. hard dissolve or which tubes like a house-flyis able be Diptera may the accordance with substances to eat lump divided as communicate kind of small the act sponge, solid fly is saliva in bodies, able order that would to to wise other- that sugar. into character the feeding. It is in this way for food. unsuitable be but, being ducts, that or even readilyabsorbing liquids, such as pollen grains. Moreover, of the pad with flood the ducts soften ; insect is the numerous acts organ, in not When head the when become wonderful very bilobed, fleshypad. a be extended to a suck, to two of the sub-orders larva,and in the pupal skin splitsto allow for the All Dipterous larvse are of the imago. escape of thoracic destitute order legs; but in the first sub! but distinct head, while there is a small down the pupal skin splitslongitudinally the back. flies of this sub-order are arranged in numerous The manner in which the 1 Orthorrapha. 96 BRITISH INSECTS I families,which first group1 the of at fall naturally into two antennae least In the groups. and thread-like, slender are joints,usually of many This group comprises the midges, gnats, cranemore. and their allies. The families most flies, interesting the following: are The gall-midges2are tiny, gnat-likeflies,whose has reference fact that many of to the family name the species, as larvae,affect the tissues of plants in such that abnormal a way growths or gallsare produced. For instance, the midge called Cecidomyia saliciperda laysher eggs in rows on the bark of willow stems, and the minute grubs, on hatching, burrow inwards. i.e.,the They so irritate the cambium that eventually activelygrowing tissues of the stem a spindle-shaped swellingis produced ; and in the end in shreds. the bark ruptures and hangs down When several inches in circumference is attacked a stem by numerous midges, a very large gall-structuremay in the photograph result,such as the specimen shown reproduced on Plate XL, which measures nearly a foot in length. The tiny punctures scattered over the surface bear testimonyto the vast swarms of midges that must have issued from this great gall.Many other of them curiouslyshaped midge-caused galls,some and prettily coloured, may be found on different kinds of plants; but membership of this familyby no means necessarilyimpliesthe gall-makinghabit. The larvae of many HessianCecidomyids e.g., the notorious fly3 do great harm to plantsby secretingthemselves in the tissues and sucking the sap, the process being unaccompanied by any abnormal growth on the part of the vegetablecells. The larvae of other species composed seven " " " " 1 Nematocera. a Cecidomyidce . 3 Cecidomyiadestructor. FLIES TWO-WINGED on and mites. matter, and animal dead feed FLEAS AND few prey a 97 aphides on flies, family Bibionida includes stoutly-built The with relatively short antennae. eyes are tionally excepThe sexes large,especiallyin the males. differ remarkably in colour,the females being usually The larvae feed red or yellow,the males deep black. in decaying or the roots of grass and other plants, on In spring or the early summer vegetablematter. in enormous numbers perfectflies may often be seen and open places. the herbage in meadows among small black so-called sand-midges1 are The or of which there are about a dozen British greyishflies, remarkable for their bloodsucking species. They are chiefly which habits,and the annoyance they cause The and beast. to man early stages of the lifehistoryare passed in running water, where the larvae feed on minute vegetableorganisms,such as algaeor The diatoms. The true certain but inveterate bottom the at and species,known Some the of as " stagnant our or is situations. are The varied. very their red mud They colour are is due of haemoglobin the that gives colour to " blood. own family The 1 7 twilight. plished usuallyaccom- summer dirtywater. in their bodies presence the among blood-worms," live in substance oxygen-attracting same chief are their habits interestingbecause especially to Cemtopogon are genus our larvae part harmless, most gardens in the family,also,metamorphosis in damp in the water, or of the form the blood-suckers, and pests that haunt In this for the midges2 are species of Culicidcz Simulida. comprises the 2 gnats or Chironomidce. mos- BRITISH 98 INSECTS quitoes,the two popular names notwithstandingthe current " " is of the genus in other are, the bite " of insects these serious consequences The common it where world spread a is attended fever ; but islands, our by no more than tion. temporary local inflamma- grey gnat1 blood-sucker,but is not, in the than quitoes) spotted-winged gnats (ormosfound in are Anopheleswhich countries,responsible for the malarial parasitethat causes has disappeared from disease this " insect the spread of since synonymous, " that a quito mos- belief formidable more of the Some gnat." Britain much a being of so is another far disease All occurs. is as in some trouble- known, cerned con- part of the any told, there about are twenty-two species of British gnats, including some that have not been observed aquatic,and feed on animal and vegetable. Those the familiar wrigglers"that are all " butts and with a cisterns in the with " bite." minute are so near tracheal the genus larvae Culex are in water- common Each the The organisms,both of the summer. respiratorytube communicates to is furnished tail-end,and system. this When taking in air the Culex larva suspends itself at an angle from the surface- film, whereas the differently shaped larva of Anopheles lies perfectlyhorizontal. The pupae float at the surface,and breathe through a pair of trumpet-liketubes on the thorax. It should be noted that (with one two or possible the blood-suckinghabit among flies of the exceptions) sub-order Orthorrapha is confined to the female sex. The males, if they feed at all, subsist on vegetable juices as, indeed, the females are well able to do if " their favourite food is not obtainable. Culex pipiens. XI. " I " I MARBLE GALL-WASP (Cynics kollari) WILLOW STEM GALLED (Cecidomyia) BY MIDGE NEST OF SOLITARY (Eumenes) WASP 100 BRITISH serious pests, on account their victims. seen, and The of the males, on caused annoyance the contrary, are The great ox quite harmless. the largest British Diptera. are ranks among of Tabanida INSECTS found are in water, earth, to rarely gad-fly1 The larvae decaying or molluscs, beetlewood, where they feed on worms, grubs, etc. The alert,hairyrobber-flies2 have the been termed of the insect world, since they prey remorselessly savages its lesser denizens, and are extremely upon A single individual voracious. to has been observed kill eightmoths in twenty minutes. ber Indeed, a memof this family is rarely seen other without some insect in its grasp. native speciesare unMost of our attractive some, is decidedlyhand; but A siliuswabvoniformis and has a generalizedresemblance to a hornet, other Like Or a Asilids, it does not large wasp. its hesitate to attack stinging insects ; but whether likeness to this class of prey enables it (as has been suggested)to approach its victims without arousing their suspicion,is open to question. Probably the serving to exempt the mimicry is reallyprotective, robber itself from the attacks of larger insectivorous " " creatures. The larvae of robber-flies are found ing burrow- in damp earth. So far as is known, they feed other insects, on beetle-grubs. especially The familiar bee-fly3 is typicalof the familyBombyliidce.Being thick-set and hairy,it might easilybe mistaken for a small humble-bee ; but its manner of is very characteristic and rapid,and it rests with flight its wings stretched Its moutheither side. out on form a long, stiff proboscis,are of the parts, which piercingtype, but they are used onlyfor extractingthe 1 Tabanus bovinus. 2 Asilidtz. 3 Bombilius major. TWO-WINGED FLIES juices from flowers. was long unknown, It has The and of life-history the been FLEAS AND 101 this insect vestigat details still call for in- ascertained, however, that jerked by the parent fly,when hovering, bee's nest, of a solitary againsta bank in the vicinity the and that the Bombilius larvae feed as parasites on bee-grubs. The second sub-order1 of the Diptera comprises an of highly specializedflies,whose number enormous metamorphosis is very great, the larva being usuallya maggot with no definite head-capsule. In the extreme type the maggot has a broad, bluntish tail-end,and tapers almost to a point at its anterior extremity, the mouth-orifice is situated. where Here, also, we find a pairof strong hooks, moved by powerfulmuscles, the juices that serve to tear up the food substance, on the eggs of are which the larva subsists. When one of these its skin,instead of being cast aside, maggots is full-fed, and contracts hardens to form an ovate puparium " a mately within which the pupa lies. Ulticase protective the perfect fly pushes open circular lid at a of the out. the head-end puparium, and creeps spicuous, inconThroughout this sub-order the species have the third three-jointedantennae, of which and bears a long,bristle-like jointis by far the largest, In many there is a conspicuous lobe, genera process. called the squama, at the base of each wing. The most important families are the following: kind of The hover-flies and Diptera the Some are their allies2 differ from in their all other but in other respects wing-neuration, themselves. speciesvary greatlyamong while many hairy,others smooth and shining, or spottedwith yellow or orange, and are numerous are banded 1 Cyclorrhapha. 2 Syrphid". BRITISH 102 INSECTS The chief mouth-part and bees. like wasps strikingly is also a series of there is the fleshylabium, but if any, the what To use, slender, pointed lancets. latter are put is not known, seeing that the food of these insects consists chieflyof pollen. Honey is also doubtless taken by some species(writesDr. Sharp), but the lancet-like organs equally ill-adapted appear of the larva and the form for dealingwith it." The in this diverse of the nature are life-history very family. The hover-flies that frequentour gardens lay their eggs on plants, and their maggots do good service to mankind by preying on aphides, whose which The common juices they suck. drone-fly,1 " in appearance, is hive-bee overgrown the " ratof species whose larvae are of a group one tailed maggots that feed in liquid filth or dirty resembles an " puddles. The remarkable " tail" system ; and withdrawal, the larva contains an tension ex- it is capable of is able always to extension or keep the tip above water, thus securing a constant supply of air. In another genus,2 the maggots live in the nests where of bees and once they were wasps, believed to prey upon known the grubs, but are now to act Other as Syrphid larvae feed in scavengers. fungi or decaying vegetable matter ; while those of the humble-bee-like species, narcissus-fly3a particularly burrow into livingbulbs, and very variable in colour much cause mischief, both in this country and in of the tracheal as " " Holland. The in their larval state, rank bot-flies,4 among the parasites, feedingas they do in the nasal passages, under the skin,or in the alimentary most revoltingof 1 3 all Eristalis tenax. 2 Volucella. Merodon 4 (Estridce equestris. canal of animals vertebrate FLEAS AND FLIES TWO-WINGED sheep, " oxen, 103 horses, or according to the species in question. The female for example, drops her eggs (or sheep-nostril-fly,1 perhaps newly-hatched larvae)into the nostrils of a and development take place in the sheep. Growth cavities of the head to which the nostrils give access ; and bots," as the larvae are ultimatelythe mature called,fall to the ground, where they pupate beneath The bots of warble-flies2 live just clods. stones or " skin of oxen, loss to stock-owners on under the and are the cause of the account of serious damage done to Strangely enough, the adult flies of this without mouth-parts, and take family are practically food of any kind. no except They are rarely seen when flyingaround the animals that they victimize. of the The enormous familyMuscidce includes most kind speciesthat commonly visit the habitations of manthe blue- and house-flies,flesh-flies, greenhides. the " bottles,not to mention less familiar many All kinds. and decaying animal vegetable substances, each species having its own and habits. One flyknown as Stomoxys predilection calcitrans calls for specialmention, because it is nearly these feed, as to the related continent, and, maggots, tsetse-flies of dreaded like on has them, (very exceptional endowments which with is often like,and ; 3 and there is a rain." it is able as been 1 confused popular belief Of suck it rarelyenters course, suctorial labium, has to convicted (Estrus ovis. the never of 2 that African piercingmouth-parts the Muscidce), among blood. with, the houses " the It is very common much fly house- except before rain, flies begin to bite before real house-fly, having only a bites at all. Nevertheless,it contaminatingour food with the Hypoderma. 3 Musca domestica. BRITISH 104 INSECTS for its diseases,and every possiblemeans suppression should be adopted. Both Stomoxys and the true house-fly in stable refuse. The breed chiefly tinct bristly grey flesh-fliesand their allies make up a disof the sub-family viz., Savcophagince. Most in species are viviparous i.e.,the eggs are hatched the parent's body, and sequentl the young maggots are subAnother food. suitable dropped upon flieswith very bristly sub-familyl comprises numerous into bodies. They lay their eggs on caterpillars, These whose tissues the maggots burrow. parasites often cause The disappointment to the collector. afflicted caterpillars usuallypreserve sufficient vitality to pupate ; but the pupae eventuallydisclose Tachinid germs of " " flies instead of the looked-for moths. The small familyAnthomyiidczcomprises numerous species,many of which look like tinyhouse-flies. In instances the maggots feed on some decaying matter of various into living kinds ; in others they burrow One havoc. plants,and work considerable species called Hylemia antiqua is the whose onion-fly," do much sometimes so damage to onion maggots " crops. A few highly specializedflies of strange habits make sucking They are all bloodup the familyHippoboscida. and the bodies of mamlive upon mals, parasites, The are rarely, birds. maggots or, more and produced viviparously, fully developed, so that they pupate shortlyafter leaving the parent's body. The best known example of this familyis the wingless ked," 2 often erroneouslycalled the "sheep-tick." Other speciesare winged, and one of these, the New attracted has on occasion than more one Forest-fly,3 " 1 TachinincB. 2 Melophagus ovinus. 3 Hippobosca equina. TWO-WINGED notice popular by The of which known, are order, seventeenth fleas, the which 105 stampede to during lancet-like the are unpaired modified of " in further " by may be only Moreover, larvae worm-like among which small passed. dust and it contains. silken labial the entire of flattening " as have biting When cocoon, and full-grown, wherein the wings, They parasites," since their to the are bodies. blood. on tubular of victims. The white, live They mouth-parts. feed three Fleas absence their suck a the as a palpi. attached fleas refuse, in intermittent adult others as sucking-tube. a encased are and regard These form to as permanently not edges, lip, upper two by described are so the by lateral the or they characterized and serrated (hypopharynx). use, formed rostrum, labrum in them mouth-parts authorities some interlock, not they the tongue mouth-parts When which from piercing with mandibles, organ prolongation The talpa, probably are differ they respects. species HystrichopsyUa insects but comprises British forty These Diptera, important many of being largest moles. the to Siphonaptera, or upwards the infests allied a horses causing FLEAS AND manoeuvres. army an FLIES organic each pupal matter larva spins stage is CHAPTER ANTS, BEES, order of ? The question facts that the apparent, for the manifestly of their perfection, the supreme faculties insects which must now in hooks which the on cannot lens, minute but of the hind be their a very of which of the wasps. the have of each hooks be a and numerous. engage aid of four large, fore-wing. the may 106 wings row of presence Diptera Hymenoptera, very never hind-wing, without physical the insects species, the margin seen order never are flight by during margin are nervures few a united front fold the the Hymenopterous wings, which are of seems of of ternal ex- attention. our engage found proto ants, bees, and to in such refinement highest turn included standard are details The evince families the must are membranous for we majority Except but ; These advanced more insects improvement this by Judged is well adjustment further in ment develop- of insect others. delicate such of some metamorphosis that hardly possible. lines Yet than evolutionary superfluous, type it leads. and conditions, of seem each that highest ""i.e., " different specialized more KINDRED point may many life which structure mental in and modification, of is the advanced are The insects most of stand THEIR the progress fitted AND WASPS, WHICH view IX side on the with a These fairlypowerful demonstrated by ANTS, BEES, WASPS, KINDRED THEIR AND 107 wings of a newly dead bee, when in unison. the fore- and hind- wing will be seen to move A less obvious character is the of the Hymenoptera partialor entire fusion of the first abdominal segment with the thorax the a waist/' which is so marked feature in many families, coming not between the thorax and the abdomen, but behind the first abdominal ment. segMandibles are always present in the capacity of nippingorgans ; but they are generally employed as tools, and have comparatively little to do with the direct service of the mouth. The maxillae vary greatly in the different families. Among the saw-flies they are drawing forward the " " not very unlike those cockroaches of beetles and ; but in the higher families they are adapted for lickingor sucking. In the case of a hive-bee or a humble-bee, for example, the parts are greatly modified and of in close contact,they act considerable length. When is often which suctorial apparatus, or proboscis, as a spoken of as the insect's "tongue." But the real tongue (hypopharynx)is only a part of the compound organ, in which it occupies a central position. Hymenoptera undergo a complete metamorphosis, but not the pupa being of the free type. It is usually, by the fullalways,enclosed in a silken cocoon spun larva. grown marked order is divided sub-orders, of which saw-flies and are The sometimes is more wood-wasps, called. or In or the into first1 includes as horn-tails, all these less continuous well- two the insects with the the latter the domen ab- thorax, The waist." being no marked constriction or ovipositorof the female is adapted for cutting or all larvae are for stinging. The boring, but never the live openly upon which plant-feeders.Those " there 1 Symphyta. BRITISH 108 leaves resemble of moths, caterpillars pairs of prolegs sometimes the five than more INSECTS eight pairs; but those which wood are white,fleshygrubs,with three are The many in stems burrow There heads. hard or families in the sub-order. called saw-flies,so stem feed in the stems of Ccpkida. They the are free and mobile of the a " their larvae because plants,make little family the up specializedof and is elongate, least The pronotum Hymenoptera. of being intimately connected any as " as have but with the succeeding families. The instead is mesonotum, is not which character all the found in saw-fly1is corn England. The female inserts an egg a littlebelow the first jointof a young corn-plant,and the grub eats its way upwards, often traces full-fed,it reboring through all the joints. When close to the its course, and spins its cocoon ting cutthe plant by partially roots, first, however, felling through the straw at the base. The family Sivicidce is representedby two British species viz., the giant wood-wasp,2 and the steelblue wood-wasp.3 The former is not unlike a hornet in its coloration, The but is quite harmless. long, the extremity of the female's horn-like process at of is not a sting, abdomen but an ovipositor, by means not in the South uncommon of " which she bores and of trees solid wood holes in the the wood, The inserts her eggs. white grubs feed on It is said that they in which they make long tunnels. become may full-fed in usuallythe life-history appears and wasps in a 1 instances Cephas pygm"us. 2 to be much recorded of long after its are issuingfrom timber building. Coniferous eight weeks or seven trees Sirex are gigas. more adult ; but tracted, pro- wood- incorporation usuallyattacked, 3 S.juvencus. BEES, WASPS, ANTS, AND THEIR KINDRED 109 largepine forests of Germany and Northern Europe these insects have proved serious pests. the name The insects to which saw-fly is most commonly applied belong to the family Tenthrcdinida, have numerous of which we indigenous species. One whose of the largestis Trichiosoma tibialis, caterpillar feeds on hawthorn, and ultimatelyspinsa hard, brown The perfectinsect appears in early a twig. cocoon on spring,and is not unlike a largebee,but may readilybe Another by its long,clubbed antennae. distinguished member of this family is the gooseberry saw-fly,1 In which, as a larva, ravages our gooseberry bushes. instances the larvae of saw-flies feed in galls. some For instance, the crimson horse-bean gallsthat are often in the and " " so numerous by a In speciesknown the sub-order2 waist." The insertingthe eggs, form for second Nematus as is constricted abdomen a " of the crack willow the leaves on of behind caused are gallicola. the Hymenoptera the first segment to ovipositormay be merely a tool but in the higher families it is the sting,the eggs then passing, but through an not through the organ itself, aperture The larva is always a legless at its base. grub, whose the instinctive preparationsof welfare depends upon the parent, or (where social species are concerned) of the workers the dailyministrations of the upon This sub-order comprises by far the community. of the Hymenoptera. larger number Many families them are being the following: recognized,among The gall-wasps3are so called because many of the in the production of galls,in species are concerned which the found on galls are grubs feed. These several kinds of plants,but most commonly on the oak. often modified to act as a " " 1 Nematus ribesii. 2 Apocrita. 3 Cynipida. BRITISH 110 INSECTS oak-apple,"which originexamples are the ates the various "cherry," in a bud, and spangle," button and gallsthat are attached to the leaves. In a generalway it may be said that each species of is perfectly is bred from a gallwhich distinct gallwasp from all the other kinds, but in form and appearance of certain speciesinvolve a remarkable the life-cycles alternation of generation." For example, a generation of both sexes from of winged gall-wasps emerges After pairing,the the oak-apple in early summer. females penetrate the soil,and lay their eggs in the Familiar " " " " " roots of the oak. This causes a crop of subterrannean produced, and the grubs that feed therein become with the wingless wasps, all females endowed faculty of parthenogenesis, or virgin reproduction. During the winter these insects creep up the oak trunks, and by layingtheir eggs in the buds, give rise to the ent oak-applesof the succeeding spring. Thus two differand what at first seem to be two kinds of galls, insects,reallyall belong to one and the same species. Our insects. small, dark-coloured Gall-wasps are be gallsto is bred from the well-known which marblelargest,1 gallof the oak, is slightlyless than one-sixth of an observed in England until not inch in length. It was ing Yet, notwithstand1834, but is now very abundant. male has been discovered. diligentsearch, no itself, Apparently the speciesis perpetuating year after generations of parthenoyear, through successive all the Cynipidceare genetic females ! Not gallSome are parasites,while others are incausers. they lay their eggs in galls that have quilines i.e., been induced by other species. " Most of the ichneumons, 1 of which Cynips kollari we have very ANTS, BEES, THEIR AND WASPS, KINDRED 111 species,belong to the families Bmconidce.. They are separated in Ichneu- native many wonida and with and the number arrangement of the ance accord" cells " (areasenclosed by veins)in the fore-wing; but as the all extremely similar in their general species are families as and habits,we treat the two structure may Ichneumons are one. slenderly built insects, with long antennae. They lay their eggs either in or upon insects of other the larvae or Lepidopterous pupae for the commonly chosen caterpillarsbeing most The females are provided with ovipositors, purpose. of great which often are conspicuous, sometimes attack length. Among the latter are species which of these wood-boringlarvae ; and it is stated that some will drive their ovipositorsthrough a considerable " thickness As a of timber in order to grubs do rule, ichneumon " reach their victims. affect the seriously their own development not until vitalityof their hosts is almost complete. Indeed, the host often preserves sufficient strength to assume the pupal state, and occasionallycompletes its metamorphosis, though this is rare. after the parasites Usually it perishes soon of the have left it to spin their own One cocoons. " commonest Braconid ichneumons is known gaster glomeratus. It implants its eggs as in the Micropillars cater- in such numbers butterfly1 that when the victims are full-growntheir skins may be literally packed with fat Microgastergrubs. The and spin their small yellow latter eventually escape, round the body of the larva that in a mass cocoons Although such parasitism they have done to death. raises a feelingof repulsion (writes Dr. Sharp), yet for supposing that there may be little there is reason of the white large- " 1 Pieris brassica. BRITISH 112 or no mode crueltyor of life. parasitesin The INSECTS with this eaten, the sufferingconnected acute victim attacked is not the interior pillar takingin the lymph of the catereither by the mouth or by endosmosis (i.e., through the skin), The latter displays but not bitingtheir host. that it serves no so signof sickness,but eats voraciously, the juicesof merely as a sort of intermediary between the plant and the larvae inside itself. The families Chalcidida and comprise Pvoctotvypidcz numbers of tiny Hymenoptera. enormous They are diminutive that they are so by the rarely noticed,save few entomologistswho their specialstudy. make them Nevertheless,they are of the utmost importance to structi deof the species are since many agriculturists, very to field and garden pests. On the whole, their habits their range Chalcids, resemble those of attack of the is much but ichneumons, wider. of the Some instance, ovipositin aphides, one for egg being inserted into each victim. Many of the ProctotrypidcBare egg-parasites. They lay their eggs in those of larger insects,and in some instances half a dozen or more parasitegrubs find sufficient nutriment for their development in a single moth's fact a egg which ness minutebears eloquent testimonyto the extreme of the adult insect. Among the smallest species of all are that enter the water in order to lay some their eggs in those of dragon -flies. The pretty ruby-wasps l are noted for their brilliant metallic hues blue, green, and crimson. They lay " " their eggs in the nests of bees grubs were formerly believed parasites,"eating up the food of the rightful occupants of the 1 and to wasps, feed stored nest Chrysididce. as and " for the ; but there their cuckoo benefit is now INSECTS BRITISH 114 females the be sometimes busy the burrow is complete, their digging. with has the interestinghabit of closingthe the insect with a small stone, or a little lump of earth, entrance before she sets forth in search of her caterpillar prey. be distinguishedfrom all other HymenAnts1 may optera by the fact that the one or two segments that nodular in form. waist the are Moreover, ^constitute the imperfectly workers," are developed females, or the ants that we always wingless; and these are of a country ramble. usuallysee during the course social insects, living together in coAll ants operative are communities, which comprise one or more sexuallyperfectfemales, or queens, and largenumbers The latter build the nests, gather food, of workers. here and may When seen " " " and only any while for the young, care with season but towards egg-laying. The to serves the queens concerned are bulk of the eggs laid in the worker augment of the the end summer a population; brood of winged is individuals produced. These of them leave the nest to pair,and althoughmost are quickly destroyedby birds and other insectivorous creatures, a few of the queens succeed in founding new males and females communities. It is a curious fact that a queen, after her wings, or is deprived of casts nuptial flight, Ants' nests in formed them are by the workers. different situations,and in a varietyof ways, according of the large Some the species concerned. to horse-ant2 is the best or kinds, of which the woodof fir needles, small known, build up huge mounds and chambers that galleries twigs, etc., and excavate extend far into the ground below. Others, such as the common of earth, yellowant,3 throw up hummocks her 1 Formicidee. 2 Formica rufa. 3 Lasius flavus. BEES, ANTS, which make again, bramble clothed become soon AND WASPS, KINDRED THEIR with vegetation. Others, in habitations their stems, among in wood, rotten beneath or moss, 115 The stones. sting is popular belief that ants, or "emmets," can The true. large ants of the fir woods only partially have no stingingapparatus, although they are able to into ejectan acid poison from the tipof the abdomen that they have made a wound by biting. Some of our of an small ants, however, have stings. The members ant community do not die off at the approach of winter, nate. but retire to subterranean chambers, where they hibernoted for their habit of allowing,or Ants are in other insects to live with them actuallyencouraging, their nests. Among these "guests" are aphides and secretions are palatable certain kinds of beetles,whose to the ants there ; but are other insects which appear that they give nothing in return for the hospitality receive,and why these should be tolerated is not known. The true wasps,1 as distinct from the digger-wasps, be easilyrecognized by the referred to above, may the fact that the fore- wing is folded lengthwisewhen half of the wing being insect is at rest, the hinder to doubled under the front half. this character aware, seen far in any familyis divided into two solitary wasps2 and the viz., the of the former group have the writer is as other Hymen- sub-families The optera. Members is not So social wasps.3 spine one " the on it joins the tarsus, and leg where the tarsal claws of all the legsare toothed. Further, the speciesare they do not live solitaryin habit" i.e., in communities, but each female builds and provisions tibia of the middle her own members 1 nest-cells of her without Our kind. Vespidce. 2 assistance from sixteen British Eumeninct. 3 other speciesare Vespince. 1 16 BRITISH INSECTS marked small, black insects,stripedand Fifteen belong to of them the with yellow. Odynerus. They genus in burrows, in plant stems, and in the of the species have crevices of masonry ; while some in the holes of been known to build in door-locks,and One individual actually etc. blind-tassels, cotton-reels, made her nest in the barrel of an old pistolthat had make their nests been left in outhouse. an It is often stated that these constructingtheir cells ; but of dry soil, which they at least,employ particles some, sixteenth cement together with their saliva. The It builds its species1has a remarkably long waist." globular nests on the twigs of low-growing plants, usually choosing heather (Plate XI.). All our Eunienincz provisiontheir cells with tiny caterpillars, of after the manner which they paralyzeby stinging, the digger-wasps. social wasps of the sub-family Vespinahave The the middle tibial spines on two leg, and their tarsal insects mud use when " claws are toothed. not There appear be to seven British species,includingthe hornet,2 although the number is stated by some authors to be eight. A hornet may be easilyrecognizedby its size small a worker hornet being larger than any queen wasp and and yellow livery,all the by its reddish-brown being black and yellow,and very much alike wasps The three commoner in appearance. species usually build under ground, while two others generallyhang " " " " their nests from the branches of a tree or shrub. A species,of which no workers are known, seems of of one not to build at all,but to breed in the nests hornet builds as a rule in the ground species. The hollow trees, or in the roofs of outhouses, barns, etc., sixth 1 Eumcnis coarctata. 2 Vespacrabro. for winter food Social wasps store communities hibernate like those close of each no use, nests. nor do the At the of the ants. ing work- the whole and all the drones season 1 17 subterranean occasionally makes it though KINDRED THEIR AND BEES, WASPS, ANTS, populationof the nest perish,only the young queens the with These, having mated remaining alive. weather sets in,betake themselves drones before severe where to dry, sheltered hiding-places, they lie dormant each comes forth, of spring. Then until the advent constructs nest, and small these From laysa few eggs therein. beginnings the great wasp com small a develop. The queen's seems well-nighinexhaustible,and for many fertility weeks are produced. In this way only workers is provided for the enlargement of the nest, labour of the queen's enormous and for the nurture family. of sexless units continues This amazing multiplication the of munities late summer " " destined " The reared. is to queens young the continuityof the species are secure " material kind reallya used of paper, vegetable fibre,worked The a is not nest house, but branch in or by from made up built up from is hung from with a The are extended, when or nest-building wood or other insect's saliva. foundation as we build support, such some the combs the of It consists of combs root. for wasps grubs are reared, latter is continuallycut away which and drones the when until the autumn, and new and a as hexagonalcells., an outer renewed ones are cover. as the added. omnivorous, but they are practically tained, partialto sweet liquids. It has been ascerespecially however, that the food brought to the grubs Adult wasps consists The are largelyof great bee the soft parts of insects. family1is representedin i Apida. Britain by BRITISH 118 INSECTS divided into three are species. These main the or sub-families, according to groups of the tongue length and structure (hypopharynx). some 200 But all bees have certain characters in which common of the them from other members distinguish order They are essentiallyflowerHymenoptera. and nectar on lovers,and feed their young exclusively the microhairs under scope, a bee's pollen. If we examine to serve shall we find minutely branched, that at least of them some are plumose. That these specialized hairs are of great value in entangling and collecting be doubted, although this may not pollen cannot be their sole function,seeingthat they are possessed, and worker, but also by male not only by the females bees and cuckoo bees, neither of which gather pollen. Bees may also be known by the enlargement of the basal joint of each hind This tarsus. joint, the tibia,is which in many instances is as broad as termed the metatarsus or planta. It often plays an stiff important part in the work of pollen-gathering, hairs on its inner surface serving to rake or brush the pollengrains from the hairs of the body. But different kinds of bees collect and their pollen in carry home different ways. Indeed, the appliances and methods stood, little underso are so cases varied, and in many gation that they present a wide field for investiand discovery. By far the larger number of our in their habits. native bees are Many solitary in burrows, either in the ground, in their nests make take advantage wood, or in the pith of plant-stems. Others in this respect of existing holes and crannies The cells of the solitarywasps. resembling some which contain the grubs and their supply of food may " or " " be mere chambers excavated in the soil. But the ANTS, mason-bees plant. the in and stems a which all, but fruits Some of their true well as and the in females, hive-bee.4 of the which persist species one alone 1 3 and dwell Megachik. Bombus. \vaxen leaves of at on fatten. grubs colonies, many proximity workers ; as humble-bees the of nests species, close by 3 humble-bees the nest "- carders " like " " fertile 4 Apis or cities." Anthidium manicatum. mellifica. the social perpetuation each nests abiding * of females, new of those the only found surface the on upon in known " season depending hibernate Hive-bees in communities, for make other others etc., moss, Their ground. wasps, of the form species chambers, piles from cuckoo's only Some of comprising formed are nest not of nests communities, subterranean beneath their other or wax cuckoo-bees, do solitary bees building social The the industry whose so-called the its cells the living One, collected genera, in eggs of bees1 the bodies. plants. several are individuals but certain from cells own down cemented leaf-cutter cut their their white of of The 19 1 earth or bee,2 envelops of lay sand they form from mass there the which wool-carder cells of KINDRED saliva. species secreted THEIR cells own leaves, of Other material as their with pieces use their build together AND WASPS, BEES, queens, spring. BRITISH 120 OUTLINE INSECTS CLASSIFICATION OF BRITISH INSECTS Class Hexapoda : Sub-class Order (or Insecta). Apterygota (winglessinsects). Aptera. Sub-order : (a) Thysanura (Bristle-tails). Sub-order : (b)Collembola (Spring-tails). : i. Sub-class Order Exopterygota (wings developed visiblyoutside the cuticle). 2. Dermaptera (Earwigs). 3. Orthoptera (Cockroaches, grasshoppers, crickets, etc.). Order 4. Plecoptera (Stone-flies). Order 5. Corrodentia. Order : Sub-order : Sub-order : (Book-lice, etc.). (b)Mallophaga i Biting lice). Ephemeroptera (May-flies). (a) Copeognatha Order 6. Order 7. 8. Thysanoptera (Thrips, or flower-insects). 9. Hemiptera. Order Order (Dragon-flies). Odonata Sub-order: Sub-order : (a) Heteroptera (Bugs). (b)Homoptera (Frog-hoppers, aphides, scales, etc.). Order 10. Sub-class Anoplura (Lice). Endopterygota : larval (wings developed beneath the visible after Order n. cuticle,only penultimate moult). Neuroptera (Alder-flies, lacewings,etc.). Order 12. Coleoptera (Beetles). Order (Scorpion-flies). 13. Mecaptera Order 14. Trichoptera (Caddis-flies). Order 15. Lepidoptera (Butterfliesand moths). Order 16. Diptera. Sub-order : (a) Orthorrhapha (Midges, gnats, crane-flies, etcj. Sub-order : flies, (b)Cyclorrhapha (Hover-flies, house-flies,bot- etc.). Order Order 17. 18. Siphonaptera (Fleas). Hymenoptera. : (a)Symphyta (Saw-flies). Sub-order : (b)Apocrita (Gall-wasps, ichneumons, Sub-order ants, bees, etc.). wasps, INSECTS BRITISH 122 68 Blister-beetle, Blood-sucking flies,habits of, 98 "Blood-worms," 97 Bloody-nose beetle,69 Bluebottle-flies, 103 Blue of Board 60 Agriculture and Fisheries, leaflets issued by, 44 Bombus, 119 Bombylius, 100 BombyliidcE,100 Book-louse, 6 33 in of insect, 10 Bramble-leaf miner-moth, Cells" Cerci, 85 81 (ofwings), in 8 Cercopides, 50 Cerura. 88 61 Bread-beetle, 76 butterfly, 92 Bristle-tails," 17 tory), Museum (Natural Hismodels in, 95 British scale, 54 BruchidcB, 69 Bruchus, 69 Brown Buff-tipmoth; Burnet-moths, Chironomidce moths, 83 moth, 81, 90 Butterflies, 86 97 , Chitin, 8 Chrysalis, 13 Chrysidida,112 88 Chrysis,113 Chrysomela,69 Chrysomelidce69 75 Burying-beetles, Bush-cheep, 28 , et seq. galls,no Button" Chequered -skipper butterfly, 9i 88 Burnished-brass Cetonia,66 Chafers, 65 112 Chalcidid"8t Chameleon-flies, 99 China-marks "Bug, "45 " Carpocapsa,84 Cassida,70 Caterpillar,13, Catocala,87 Cecidomyia,96 Cecidomyidce96 Centrotus,50 Cephida, 108 Cephus, 108 Cerambycidcs,70 Ceratopogon,97 Brain " Carpet-moths, 88 1 ' Brachycera,99 Brimstone H., , Bonus, 102 Bot-flies, "Bots," 103 Botys, 86 Brachinus, 64 Brauer, G. Cellar-beetle,67 1 Brachonida, 68 Carpenter. Professor quoted, 9, 44 butterflies, 91 Bombardier-beetle, Cantharidine, 68 Cap sides,48 Capsus,48 CarabicUs,63 C ambus, 63 Cardinal-beetle, Byturus,76 Chrysophanus,93 Chrysopida,59 Churchyard-beetle,67 Cicadas, 50 Cabbage-moth, 88 Caddis-flies, 79 et seq. " Caddis-worms," Calandra, 72 42 Calopteryx, Campodea, 18 70 Cicadidcz, 50 Cicindela,63 Cicindclida, 63 Cimex, 45 Classification of insects,14 Clay-colouredweevil, 73 123 INDEX Clearwing-moths,83 101 Cyclorrhapha, "Cleg, "99 Click-beetles, 77 Clothes-moths, 85 Cynipida:, 109 no Cynips, 92 Clouded-yellowbutterflies, Clover-weevils, 73 Dactylopius, 54 Daddy-longlegs, 99 Clytus,71 Danaince, 93 Darwin, Charles, 15 CoccidcB 53 Dasychira,87 Coccinella, 76 Coccinellidce, 76 Cockchafer, 66 Cockroach, American, 24 Cockroach, German, 24 Cockroaches, 22 et seq. Death-watch," " 33. 77 dragon-flies, 42 Demoiselle Dermaptera, 19 Dermestes, 76 Dermestida, 76 of insects, IT "Cock-tails, "'75 Codlin-moth, 84 Development Coleoptera,62 Digger-wasps, 113 "Devil's et seq. Dimera, horse," 75 coach 50 et seq. Collembola, Colorado-beetle,70 Diptera, 94 60 Coniopterygidat Donacia, Copeognatha, Dragon-flies,36 18 34 et seq. 70 91 Copper-butterflies, 86 Drepanvlidtf, CoreidcB,46 Corixa, 49 Drinker-moth, saw-fly,108 - Corn-weevil, 72 Corrodentia, Cossidce,84 Cossus, 84 Cottony 86 Drone-fly,102 Doryphora,70 of Burgundy Duke butterfly, 92 Cornicles, 52 Corn et seq. - beetle,66 Dumble-dor 33 fritillary Dung-beetles,66 scale, 54 cushion Dytiscida,64 Dytiscus,64 6 Coxa, CvambincB, 86 Crane-flies,96, Cremaster, Crickets, "Ears" Earwigs, 19 et seq. Ectobia, 22 28 Crioceris,70 Cryptocerata, 46 53 Cryptococcus, 119 112 parasites, Cuckoo-spit,"50 Cuckoo " grasshoppers, 25, 27 99 92 Cuckoo-bees, of Eggar-moths, 86 Egg-parasites,112 Eggs of insects, Elaterida,77 Elm-bark beetle,74 Elytra,7, 19, 62 " Emmets," 115 Culex, 98 Culicida,97 CuYculionidcB)72 Endromis, Currant-blister Ephemera, 36 Emperor-moth, aphis,52 Currant-clearwing moth, 83 Cuticle of insect,8 91 Cyclopcedes, n 90 90 34 Ephemeridcz, Ephemeroptera, 86 Ephestia, 34 BRITISH 124 Epidermis, skin, of true or INSECTS Goat-moth, 84 "Golden-eyes," insect, 8 102 Eristalis, Erminemoths, 87 Eumenes, 116 EumenincB, 115 of insect, 9 Exoskeleton Eyes of insects,compound, 5 Eyes, simple,5 Gomphus, 41 Gooseberry saw-fly,109 Grasshopper, large-green,28 Grasshoppers, long-horned, 27 Felted-beech 53 coccus, Femur, 6 Field-cricket,29 "Fire brat," 86 Flesh-flies,103, Flies, 94 et seq. Flour-moth, 86 104 Flower-insects,"43 87 Footmen-moths, " Forester-moths, 83 Forficula, 19 Forficulida, 19 Formica. 114 ox gad-fly, 100 water-beetle, 64 Greenbottle -flies, 103 Green-fly," 51 Green Fleas,105 horned, Great " 18 - 25. 27 Great 16 short Grasshoppers, Grass-moths, Family, 59 Gomphocera, 26 84 cak-moth, "Grey-drake," 36 Grey gnat, 36 Ground-beetles, 63 of insects, n Growth Grub, 13 Gryllida,24, 28 29 Gryllotalpa, Gryllus,29 Gymnocerata, 46 Gyrinida, 74 Formicida, 114 Fossors, 113 92, 93 Fritillary-butterflies, Frog-hoppers, 49, 51 Gad-flies, 99 Galea of maxilla, 63 Galleriana, 86 Gall-midges,96 Galls, 52, 71, 109 Gall-wasps, 109 Ganglia, 10 Gastropacha,86 Head 89 of insect, 2 Hewcrobiina, 58 Hemiptera, 44 Hepialida,82 Hepialus,82 Hesperida,91 Heteromera, 67 Heteroptera, 45, 46 Hexapoda, i Hippobtisca, 104 15 Gerris. 47 Hippoboscida,104 Geotrupes,67 moth, Ghost swift Giant wood-wasp, Gills,32, 36, Glow-worm, Gnathopoda, 94, butterflies,91 96 Hessian-fly, Geometrida, 88 Gnats, Hairstreak Halteres, 94 Hawk-moths, Fulgoridce, 50 Genus, Hamatopota, 99 Haemoglobin, 97 39, 82 Hive-bees, 108 Homoptera, 56, 80 " i 97, 49 et seq. Honey-dew,"52 " Hook-tip moths, 77 96, 119 98 Hop-dog." 87 "Hoppers," 50 86 125 INDEX Hornet, 116 Horse-ant, Lariidce,69 Larva, 114 12 Horse-bean 86 Lasiocampidcs, " Lasius, 114 galls,109 Horse-stingers,"41 House-cricket, Latter, 29 House-flies,103 Hover-flies, Howard, Humble-bees, O., 59 L. Leaf " -rollingweevils, 73 jackets,"99 119 Lecanium, Hydrophilous, 75 Lepidoptera,80 Hylemia, 104 Hylurgus,74 Hymenoptera, Hypo derm a, 103 Lepisma, 17 Libellula, 41 106 et seq. Hypopharynx, 105 Hystrichopsylla, LemoniidcB, 92 Lice, 54 tida, 24, 26 "Long-horns," 69 Longicornia, 69 Longicorns, 70 93 Long-tailed blue butterfly, 89 caterpillars, Looper Locus no Procris Inquilines,no Instinct, n " " Jugum, 79 52 "Jumping plant-lice," Lucanidce, 65 Lucanus, 65 Lucas, " Ked," 104 Kentish-glory moth, Kitten-moths, 88 Labia, 19 Labium, Labrum, et seq. Locusta, 28 lassida,51 Ickntumonida,in See Legs 54 of insects, 6 Lingua, 4 Linnaeus, 15 LiparidcB. See Lymantridce Locust, 26 4, 118 Ino. quoted Leather- Humming-bird hawk-moth, Hydrocampina,47 Hydrophilidte, 74 Ichneumons, H., 20, 113 Leaf -cuttingbees, 119 101 Dr. O. Mr. 90 W. Mr. J., quoted, 38-9, 40 Lyccena. See Polyommatus 91 Lyctenidcs, Lyg"idce, 46 86 LymantridfS, Lytta,68 4 3 Lacewings, 55, 58 Lacewings, eggs of, 59 Lackey-moth, 86 Ladybirds, 76 Machilis, 18 Lamellicornia, 65 Malacodermidcg, 77 Malarial fever, 98 Lampyridee,77 Lampyris, 77 Land-bugs, 46 Lantern-flies,50 Lappet-moth, 86 93 Large-copper butterfly, 1 1 1 butterfly, Large-white Macroglossa,89 Maggot, 13 Magpie moth, 89 Mallophaga, Mamestra, 34 88 Mandibles, 3 "Marble galls,"no Marbled-white butterfly, 93 Mason-bees, 119 126 BRITISH 102 Narcissus-fly, 66 "May-bug," May-flies,34 May-flies,eyes of,35 Maxillce,3 butterflies, 92, Meadow-brown INSECTS NattcoridcB,48 Naucoris, 48 Necrophorus,75 N rides,46 Nematocera, 96 93 Nematus, Mealworms, 67 "Mealy-bugs," 54 Mecaptera, 60 Nc/a, 48 28 Meconema, 109 Nemeobius, 92 Nemobius, 28 Megachile,119 Melanaygia,93 Ncpida, 48 Melasoma, 69 Nervous Mdoe, 68 Meloloutha,66 Melophagus, 104 Nervures Membracidce,50 "Niggers," 76 Noctuida, 87 "Nose-horns," Notodontida, 88 Merodon, Neptmtla, 85 system of insects, 9 (ofwings),7 Neuroptera, New 102 Mesonotum, 45 Mesothorax, 6 Metamorphosis, n Metamorphosis of aphides,51 Metamorphosis, significance of, 13 Metatarsus, 118 Metathorax, 6 Notonecta, 55 fly,104 Forest 48, 49 Notonectidcs,48 Nut-weevil, 72 Nymph, 12 Nymphalidce,92 NymphalincB,93 in Microgaster, 82 MicropterygidcB, Midges, ;6, 97 Migration of aphides,51 Migration of dragon-flies, 41 Nysitts, 47 93 Milkweed-butterfly, Odonata, 36 Odonestis,86 " Mimicry, 84, 89 "Oak-apples," Ocellus, 5, Ocypus, 75 Monarch-butterfly,93 Monomera, OEstrus, 103 50, 53 See seq. Mole-cricket, 29 Gnats Oil-beetle,68 Onion-fly,104 92 Orange-tipbutterfly, of insects,16 Mouth-parts of insects,3 Orders Musca, 103 Muscida, 103 87 Orgyi'a, Orneodes,85 Orneodidce,85 Orthoptera, 21 Museum-beetle, 76 Musk-beetle, 71 Mussel-scale, 53 Mytilaspis, 53 Nabis, 48 Latin, of insects, 16 Names, no 52 Odynerus, 116 102 CEstridcB, Monanthia, 47 Mosquitoes. Moths, 80 et 92 Orthorrapha, 95 Ovipositor,8 Osmylince,58 Osmylus, 58 Otiorhynchus, 73 INDEX 127 Oviparous aphides,51 Owl-moths, 87 Psychides,83 Psylla,52 Psy Hides,52 Pale-tussock Pterophoridce, 85 Panovpa, moth, 87 ' * Pterophorus,85 61 60 Panorpidcs, PtinidcB,76 Papilio,92 PapilionidcB, 92 Pug-moths, 88 Pulvinaria,54 Pupa, 12 Pupa, "free," denned, Puparium, 101 Parasitism, in Parthenogenesis,51, no Paste-beetle, 76 Pea and bean.thrips, 44 Periplaneta, 24 la, 33 Per lid cs, 31 Phalera,88 Queen Rain 51 88 P/wst'0, Polymorpha, 74 Polyommatus, 93 Pompilidce,113 Pond-skaters, 47 Poplar hawk-moth, 89 Potato-bug," 70 hawk-moth, 89 Proboscis,80 Procris, 83 112 Proctotrypidce, Privet Psocidce,34 breeze-fly, 99 Raphidia,57 Raphidiidcs,57 Raspberry beetle, 76 Rat-tailed maggots, 102 Red-underwing moth, 87 Reduviidce,47 Reduvius, 48 Reed moth, 84 Reproduction, virgin. Parthenogenesis Retinaculum, 81 Rhagium, 71 Robber-flies, 100 Rose-beetles, 66 Rostrum, 44 Rove-beetles, 75 Ruby-wasps, 112 Sailor-beetles, 77 Sand-midges, 97 88 Saperda,7 62 Savcophagince,104 resemblance, 87, 6 fritillary Spain Rice-weevil,72 " Prothorax, - Rhopalosiphum,52 Rhynchophora, 72 Poplar-leaf-beetle, 69 Poplar long-horn beetle, 71 Prominent-moths, Pronotum, 45, 51, of Ranatra, 48 Phytophaga, 69 PieridcB,92 Pieris,16, 93, in Pine-bark beetle, 74 Pine long-horn beetle, 71 Planta, 118 Plant-lice,51 Plecoptera,31 Plume-moths, - butterfly, 93 Phasgonuridcs,24, 27 Phragmatcecia, 84 Phryganea, 80 Phyllodromia,24 Phyllotreta, 70 Protective Purple-emperor butterfly, 93 Puss-moth, 88 Pyralidcz, 85 Pyrochroa,68 Pentatomidce,46 Per 62 Saturnia, go SaturniidcB, 90 Satyvines,93 S ee BRITISH 128 Saw-flies, 109 Scale insects,49, 50, Scales INSECTS Stag-beetles, 65 Staphylinides, 75 53 Steel-blue (on wings),80 wood-wasp, Scarab ceidcB,66 Stem Schizoneura, 52 Stenobothrus,26 " saw-flies, 198 Stick" 89 caterpillars, Scolytidce, 73 Scolytus,74 Sting, 109 60 Scorpion-flies, "Stink-flies," 59 Scutellum, Stomoxys, 103 45, 51, 62 Sesia, 83 Stone-flies,31 Semdce, 83 Sir atiomyides,99 Sex-dimorphism, 90 Sexton-beetles,75 Sharp, Dr. D., quoted, 57, in, 192 Sheep-nostril fly,103 Sheep-tick,"104 11 99, Stridulating organs, Stylopidce, 78 Symphyta, 107 Syromaster,46 Syrphidce,101 Swallow-tail Shield-bugs,46 Sialidce, 56 Tabanidce,99 Sialis,56 Tabanus, Silk-glands,58 Silpha,75 Silphidcz, 75 Tarsus, 100 TachinincBy 104 6 Silver-fish,"17 Tegmina, 19 Telephoms, 77 " Silver-lady,"17 Tenebrio, 67 Simulidce, 97 Tenthvedinictce, 109 Siphonaptera,105 Termites, 7V#t'#, 26 108 Siricidce, Sitodrepa. See Anobium "Skipjacks," 77 Skipper-butterflies, 91 Small magpie-moth, 86 33 Thamnotrizon, 28 Thermobia, 18 of insect, 2, Thorax Thysanoptera, 43 Snake-flies,55, 57 Snow-flies," 52 Thysanura, Social wasps, 115 Soldier-beetles,77 Soldier-flies, 99 Solitarywasps, 115 "Spangle" galls,no "Spanish-fly,"68 6 Thrips, 43 Thrips,44 Smerinthus, 89 " 25 butterfly, 92 " Sirex, 108 108 Tibia, 18 6 63 Tiger-beetles, Tiger-moth, 87 Timarcha, 69 Timberman-beetle, Tineidce,85 71 Sphinx,89 Tineola,85 TingididcB, 47 Tipula,99 Tipulidte, 99 Tongue of insect, 4, Spiracles,9 Tortoise-beetles,70 18 "Spring-tails," Tortoiseshell-butterfly, 92 Squama, 84 TortricidcB, Species, 15 Sphegida, 113 SphingidcB,89 101 118 BY BRITAIN GREAT IN PRINTED ENGLAND GUILDFORD, LTD., SONS, BILLING AND
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