• • ' • • . v Ik * * •• '•• : '.' : i * * ' • " ' •''' • : ' • ' • • : " • '" •' I • ii C0U5TY AND TICINITY. Gainesville. The new lamps which have beep placed on the B. R. &. P. ft. R- crossing at Main street in this village prove to be a most mefol improvement. It is hoped that they may be effective in preventing the occurrence of accidents to pedestrians and teann who have a long time been subject to danger at this crossing and which a short time ago resulted in the death of one of onr most esteemed citizens. B. F. Bristol has been elected a director of the Wyoming County Agricultural Society. As an extensive dealer in stock bis experience and knowledge will be of much value in promoting the interests and suecess of the society. Job Peck has purchased the house occupied by the Rotche family and we hope soon to have the society of his family added to the social circle of the village. Miss Ida Kemp has returned from her visit to friends in Wyoming. Miss Ethel Shader has been making a visit to Silver Springs. Miss Mertie Rotche has returned from an enjoyable trip to several of the adjacent _ Nellie Wadsworth has been visiting friends in Warsaw. As all of these young ladies are of much assistance and accomplishment in music, their absence from the church choirs has been quite noticeable. O. W. Bristol who is still at St. Joseph's Hospital at Hamilton, Canada, was called to the telephone by his family and had a pleasant chat with them. It is rather a nice phase of the telephone that it can furnish the facilities, for a pleasant family reunion. M. R. Brown is in town for a few days. He has had quite a successful business trip in Scranton, Pa., as well as a pleasant visit with his son, Dr. Geo. Brown. The semi-annual convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Wyoming county will be held in the Methodist church Thursday and Friday, Jan 21 and 22. Thursday afternoon—addresses will be "Sketches from Life," Dr. C. A. Green,Castile; "Call out the Reserves," Anna A. Gordon; "Exchange of Values," Kate Manning. Attica: a paper, "A summer in Europe, Mrs. Rose B, Seeley, Attica; discussion, 'Profit and Loss of the Drink Traffic," opened by Miss Manning. Thursday evening, 7 o'clock—Recitation, "An Appeal to Patriots," Mrs.Alberta Mead, Gainesville; address, Frances H. Ensign, Ohio. .-»—*• Friday morning—Sketch of the Organization of County work, Mrs. Charlotte A. Cleveland, Perry; paper, "Home Protection ' Mrs. D. K. Towne, Wyoming; paper, The Church and the Temperance Cause," Mrs. S. L. Parker, Wyoming; Question box and workers conference, Frances H. .Lnsign, Friday afternoon-Paper, "The Grumblers," Mrs. E. A. Rice, Hermitage; discussion, "Reports," led by Mary Moore, Attica; "Our State Convention," Grace Barross, Attica; "Echoes from National Convention," Miss Moore. It is anticipated that this will be a large and interesting convention. All are cordially invited to attend. A parlor meeting of the Political Equality • club was held la^t week at the residence of Mrs. G. W. Hunn. Readings, recitations, discussions and music made up a very pleasing entertainment. The attendance was quite large and encouraging to increased and interested membership of this club, there being about 40 present. At the Congregational church on Sunday evening next, the pastor. Rev. E. L. Evans, will deliver the fourth of a series of sermons to young people, subject, "The Old Maids Paradise, or What Shall we do with Our Daughters." Revival services have been continued to Wednesday evening last in the Methodist church. They will be followed by the convention of the W. C. T. U. Amnio* -*r Bliss. Mrs. E. Armstrong and daughter Mina of Sandusky visited Mrs. Eager Saturday. Will Parmeter and sister of Java were in town over Sunday. E.M.Abell is constructing a cheese factory for L E.Jones on Campbell Hill. He has the building nearly enclosed. Rev. M. N. Shumaker and wife attended the quarterly meeting at Dale, consequently there were no services at the F. B. church Sunday. Mrs. Beckley Howes is entertaining a sister from Kansas. The eagerness with which potato buyers have pursued their trade of late is a very hopeful outlook to farmers. A ruffle in one of the domestic circles of our village was so exhibited one day last week that it caused some little excitement. It is a thing of the past, however, now and the former happy relations are apparently resumed. The Hive of the Maccabees installed officers for the ensuing term Tuesday evening of last week. The new officers are Mrs. Jesse Bliss, lady commander; Mrs. Nellie Eager, lieutenant-commander; Mrs, H. Peffer, record keeper; Mrs. D. S. Merville, finance keeper. Mrs. E. Kendall, the retiring commander, served the ladies of the hive with cream and cake. Special union services of the two churches have been held during the last two weeks. The meetings have shown a gradually increasing interest from the first and it has been decided to continue them a week longer. Rev. King of Pike is assisting in the special meetings this week. Hermitage. Wm. Werner, who has occupied one of the Dr. Hubbard farms for seven or eight years, has taken a farm near Attica and will move there about the first of March. One of Nicholas Obertine's children has been ill the past-week. Dr. Boddy of North Java was called to see her. Miss Jennie Allen has been very sick for some days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clinton Wiseman. P. H. Wolcott has put in another]>ngine to use in his grist mill. Mr. Larkins had a severe attack with his heart last week, but is better at last report. Mrs. Stella Wood, who has been suffering with sore throat is somewhat better. School Commissioner Strivings made his first call here in his official capacity the last of the week. Mrs. George Butler has spent the past two weeks with her people in Orangeville. r P. H. Wolcott and wife were at North Java Sunday. The Aid society at Albert York's was well attended Friday afternoon and netted quite an addition to their fund. Rev. Stanley B. Roberts* of Utica will lecture at the Baptist church Jan. 25, 26 and 27 in the evenings. The subjects will be, for the first evening, '*The Saloon a Personal and Natural Enemy;" the second, "The Saloon an Enemy of Church and Home;" third, "The Saloon a Financial and Commercial Enemy." The Good Templars are bringing this able and eloquent speaker here at their own expense. It is not often that we are permitted to have so noted a lecturer. No admission fee is charged. Come Rock Glen. Bert Beebe is quite sick at the FitzGerald house. James Dundon, station agent at the B. R. & P. was married at LeRoy, Wednesday Jan. 20th Happiness and success are the wishes of all. Twelve from here attended the Dundon— Keelty wedding at LeRoy. Ed. Shultz came sailing into town with one of the latest style phaetons. Mrs. O. D. Clark has returned from a two months' visit in Chicago. EberYaundo of Fillmore was visiting in town Friday and Saturday. I. O. Parker was in Pavilion on business Saturday. M. M. Hawley is on the sick list. Geo. Crandall is slowly improving, C. Haile and wife were visiting N, Cleveland in Little Valley last week. Kip said he could not find any gold. " • •„ Wethersfleld Springs. George Clor went to LeRoy on business last Wendesday. Eliza Nichols of Bliss is visiting Mrs. Fred Neygus. Dr. Clayton M. Brown of Buffalo visited his parents Friday and Saturday. « MarkVanCise is recovering from his recent illness. Dr. Palmer was called to see Mrs. William Kelly on Friday, The young people from here gave Forrest Hatfield a surprise on Wednesday night. We are without a physician again; Dr.Peddle left here last Wednesday and had made plans to sail for Scotland Saturday. He expects to remain there about six months. Word has reached here of the death of Dr. Nelson Hewett of Chicago; he was a cousin of Mrs. Fanny Doolittle of this place and a former resident of this town. The young people met at the home of Daniel Stephens Friday night, and had a very enjoyable time; MiloBrown furnished music and dancing was indulged in till the wee small hours in the mprning. >rry Center. This comma by was greatly shocked last Thursday by th sudden death of E. H. Austin, who wi injured Tuesday by falling upon the ice wi L a heavy stick of wood accross him. It is not thought his in juries were so serious mtil Thursday when he was taken much wo; ie and death came to his relief at 3:3d p. Mr. Austin was well and favorably kno here resided in this vicinity fo; a long having time and G. W. Silver i: his saw mill for assisting several years. His deal is a great blow to the wife and two little mourn the loss children who are left to band and f athei >f a kind and devoted bustbers, one residj He also leaves two broother in Mt. M ig in Lancaster and the the f vneral whi< irris. Both were present at Saturday afte: ih was held at his late home officiating. Th| ioon, Rev. J. J. Shingler of the entire coi family have the sympathy reavement. tmunity in their great beGeo. Nevins tas purchased the David Geddes place ai isvsoon to start his feed mill there. John Skinnc has traded his house and lot with Ml I. L. L. Safford for her farm. Herman La^ m is on the sick list. E»rl Newcoml , who has been confined to the house by| illness, is able to be out again. Mr. Hickey o| Castile has been pulling Benedict the past week. stumps for F. The family ol Lrol Aiken is still sick with chicken pox. Arcade. The third entertainment of the Academy lecture course which was to have occurred last evening, wis postponed. Regents examinations are to be held at the school building next week. Mrs. John Knight gave a party to Marie and Marguerite Barnes Saturday. Monroe Young and family were guests at R. S. Wheeler's last week. Mrs. Wood off East Main street who has been dangerously ill is improving. Geo. Tisdalei has returned from Olean where he has been for the past few weeks. Earle and Stafford Wade were in town over Sunday. Much of the machinery in the Howard & Henry saw mill and cheese box factory which was destroyed by fire last week Wednesday was not so badly damaged as was at first supposed aid can be repaired and used again The mill was not insured and will probably not be rebuilt. It is a severe loss to this vicinity as it was the only mill in town. Three Great Special am$ Week Only < i FIRST—A Strictly AH Wool Black Cheviot Suit, handsomely trimmed, and well made in every particular. Former price was $ 8 , To clear them out quickly v • • • • • SECOND-Our great Melton Ulster, full length and wool lined. A world beater at $7* Only a few left and they will go quickly at . . • THIRD--Any Plush Cap in the store at half price. Every one guaranteed all silk plushes. Prices range now (at half price) from . * . . i UNION CLOTHING CO. - ""• * ; .10 Main St., Warsaw, N. Y. MORRIS & CO North Java. P.H. Wolcott and wife of Hermitage were 5 guests of E. R. Fox and wife Monday. Rev. Edgar J. Banks of Greenfield, Mass., have a nice olean stock of has preached two Sundays in the Congregational church. It is thought by many that he will be engaged for the year as the pastor. The people in this vicinity were treated to a real thunder shower Sunday evening. The lightning was as lively as any ever witnessed in summer, while the reports equalled an old fashioned 4th of Juiy celebration. The They make a specialty of plumbing. They manufacture every conweather has been considerably cold since Farm to Rent. that night, ceivable kind of Tin Ware; they oarry a fine stock of winter Horse A desirable farm of 300 acres at Saltvale. Mt. Vernon lodge, No. 263, F. & A: M., Wyoming county. N. Y., may be subdivide! Clothing; They have all the best kinds of installed the following officers on the night into two smaller farms. R. R. station on of Jan. 16. Calvin F. Hammond, W. M.; the farm. Call or address, Chas, D. Wolcott, senior warden; Wallace CBYSTAL SALT Co., W.Hatfield, junior warden; C.L. Hammond, 55tf Warsaw, N. Y. treasurer; Herbert L. Getty, secretary, E. E. Cooper, senior deacon; George W. Barber, Don't come to town without visiting the junior deacon; C. P. Ells, S. M. C ; Geo. W. Buffalo St. Meat Market, where you will They have all the best kinds of Furnaces; they keep Skates, Sleds; Richardson, J. M. C ; A. B. Divers, tiler. find everythingffirst class. Sleigh Bells, etc., etc,, and what is better still their prices are all Address of W. M. and secretary at North Java. righU Call and you will soon convince yourself of the truth of these MaudBurch is receiving the congratulastatements. tions of her many young friends, she being the victor in the spelling contest at the academy on the afternoon of the 15th. E M I N E N T L Y SUCCESSFUL. all. Thos. H. Donnelly, District Dep. G. M* of the I. O. O. F., Wyoming district, was in town Monday evening and installed the offiNorth Wethersfleld. H. H. Charles of Rock Glen called on cers of North Java lodge, No. 618, I.O.O.F. Mrs. J. L. Garrett was in Buffalo during friends here Thursday. the week, called there by the illness Cyrus Warren made a business trip to andpast subsequent death of her aunt, Mrs. Warsaw recently. Thos. B. Shepard. Wewounbe pleased to furnish Will be a t W A T K I N S H O T E L W a r s a w , N. Y J. Schwab spent Friday in Varysburg. des'gns and prices on application, James S. Royce of Johnsonsburg was in either bf mall or at our office. S. M. Sharp of Johnsonsburg was in town town Monday on business. Friday. N. R. S l t E D M A N & S O N , Java Center. Walter Ward was the guest of his parents Cor. of Aiffalo and Center Sts,, Friday. Mary Neville was in Buffalo last week. Lewis Hall and wife of Java LaKe spent WARSAW, N.Y. Tim Carroll of Little Valley is assisting in Sunday with John Homer and wife. Kidney,, inspecting the bolts at the mangle roller Wonderfully Silver Springs. mill for several days. Miss Cora Ward was home over Sunday. Edgar Hammond and wife entertained a Andrew Taite and his newly wedded wife • I ^aagflffa T h e m A l l . Mr. Shaw and wife left for their home in Bladder, | select dancing party at their home Friday of West Virginia, were shaking hands with Arcade on Monday. Successfully in friends in this vicinity last week. F.8. Naramore was called to Pennsylvania evening. Blocd, Rosa Conroy and sister, Mrs. Quinn of Monday in regard to business for the firm Mrs, Dora Culver spent a part of last week with relatives in North Java. by whom he is employed. Savannah, are guests of relatives in town, Chronic The school entertainment given in the Thos. Markey and wife of Olean were % Made to O Mr. Willey, relief agent at the Junction, Dispepsia, entertained his sister and Miss Jennings of north school house last Friday evening was callers on friends in town last week. • Any S well attended and much enjoyed by all Perry Sunday. The ball postponed at New Years, on acDiseases and count of the illness of landlord Kibler, he © Mrs. Chas. Poison and Maud Currier were present. Eruptions, Milo Smith of Hermitage was in the vi- intends to hold at his hotel February 22. in Warsaw last week. I Chat; Chaffee and wife are entertaining cinity Saturday on business. The interment of Mrs. Hoy of StrykersDiseases of the M. Culver had the misfortune to lose his viUe who died at the home of her daughter _ . , their aunt Mrs. Eleanor Wolcott of Mumf ord. Cured without e horse last week. Mrs. Daley of Attica, took place here last W. F. Fluker and wife called on friends e C. M. Cole and Harry Porter of Johnsons* Saturday. i i Oatka Sunday. the use of merEye, Ear, • Mr. Heasmith and wife entertained rela- burg were recent callers on friends here. Cowlesville. e tives from Buffalo over Sunday. Mrs. Charles Griswold of Warsaw was a 1 Lamont. cury or other J. M. Duncan is in New Yerk. guest of her parents, H. C. Nichols and wife e Hade by } Nose, Throat, J. C. Maher spent a few days last week in Doc Parker was in Warsaw Saturday. last week. Pittsburg, Pa. I Mrs. King is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Elliott Daggett spent a few days in injurious remeVariety Machine | V. D. Morgan and wife of Hermitage were Buffalo last week visiting friends. Peck of Newfield, N. Y. t guests of her parents, W, H. VanAUen Company, | Lungs, and John McCreary of Rochester, a tailor who the Mrs. Isaac Austin is slowly recovering 5 WARSAW. N.Y. and wife, Sunday. has been employed by Joe Everingham redies. Epilepsy Mrs. Amos Tice has been on the sick list from the grip. • Manufactures of Sugar Makers' Supplies I turned home Monday. Charles Munns of Brooklyn, is the guest Nasal Catarrh. Peter Berkery who has been spending the the past week; severe attack of tonsilitis. of his parents Hard Munns and wife. | Tanls, Pais,Tttnsfers, Begnlators, Heatsrs, etc. I Fits cured. We learn that Wm. Leonard and Eri Grifholidays with his parents, returned to his Mrs. A. H. Hoskins is reported better at fith have traded places. .studies in Berlin, Ont., last Wednesday. | PUCES REDICED TO SUIT TJSE TIMES.! Gus Morgan has purchased the shoe shop present writing. The employes of the bicycle factory in OR. McCLELLAN has been connected with the largesc hospitals in the country and has no Mrs. S. Berry is still numbered among the Bradford in which George Hoyt is at work, of Eri Griffith that has stood so long near sick ones. superior in diagnosing and treating diseases and deformities. He win give $50 for any ca se that he cannot tell the disease and where located in five minutes. He wlfcreturnto Warsaw every presented him with a purse ot $37. He is the Lamont bridge and removed it home. four weeks during the coming year. We understand that certain green goods expected borne soon on account of his disThe drama was played Saturday evening Dlsases of woman such as have baffled the skil of other phyaicians and remedies, quickly men have been doing a little corresponding abled hand. to a full house; receipts were about $15. cured. Women who have lost their vitality would do well to call. of late with one of our citizens; we f ail.howJ. E. Nash who accompanied the salt Cancers, tumor, fibroid, and polypoid growths cured without the use of knife or caustics.* No Cora Merrill is spending the winter with ever, to see any money in it for the greenies, cutting, no pain, no danger. special to Boston, returned last Tuesday, her sister, Mrs. F. M. Altfather. they hit upon the wrong man, and have New method electroysis, or fits scientifically treated and cured by a never-falling method. Mrs. C. W. Pratt and grandson Harold The Endeavor club meets Tuesday even- sown as it were to the wind; we hope they Worden have been spending a few days with ings at Granger's hall. will reap to the whirlwind. Examination aand consultation free to everbody. •T. O. Randall and family. Manhood perfectly restored. Quick, painless and certain cure for impotence, lost manlwod. Mary Maher was confined to the house Rev. J. J. Kelly attended the Free Baptist spermatorrhea, losses, weak and nervous debility: also for prostatitis, varicocele and all private last week with throat trouble. quarterly meeting which convened at the diseases, whether irom imprudent; habits of youth or sexual functions, speedily and permanently Pike. Hudson street F. W. Baptist church Buffalo cured Jan. 13th, 14th and 15th. - Several persons from here attend the W. Examination and consultation free to everybody. Address all communications to 7* York Johnsonsburg. Street, Buffalo, N. Y, C. T. U. county convention held this week A series of evangelistic meetings will be Sharp attended teachers' examination at Gainesville. Dr. Mary Greene, president inGuy Onr Advertisement w i l l appear twice before each -visit. held in the Cowlesville F.W. Baptist church Warsaw Friday. of the local organization, Mrs. Lathrop.Mrs. commencing Tuesday evening, Jan. 19th, as Rev. Thome is holding revival meetings previously reported. Welles and Mrs. Fisk, Misses J. A. Capron at Union Corners, and J. Wade and perhaps others. . <mm#t*m*m0mm*^mm*m •• m • • —, There was baptism at the Baptist church Mrs. Harriet McKenzie was a sufferer Wyoming:. last Sunday morning—Mr. Fitch, while his from quinsy last week. wife and two daughters united by letter.] Dr. E. B. Belknap was called to ManEugene Barbour and wife visited friends chester last week to attend Earl Faulkner Mrs. Geo. Bemis has her little grandson in Attica recently. who is very sick with emphysema. staying with her for a few weeks. OF Miss Maud Baker was the guest of Estella The Bell telephone and electric apparatus Mrs. Sill returned to Franklinville Friday Hoy over Sunday. that was ordered by the Wyoming Telelast after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. James Shaw and Arthur Porter visited phone company has arrived and will be E v e r y t h i n g i n t h e W i n d o w White. friends in Warsaw recently. placed in position at once. There will be a dance and basket party at Mrs. Lucy Hoy visited her daughter, Mrs. W h a t y o u n e e d is A few of the young people enjoyed a hop the Milks cheese factory Friday evening of G. H. Lewis in Warsaw the first of the week. at Cushing's Hall last Thursday evening. ibis week. Ralph Jones of Alden was the guest of Logs are again moving in the direction of Dr. Mary T. Greene is to give her lecture his cousins, Arthur and Harry Porter, over A. J. Heisler's mill which will be ready for on "The Sandwich Islands," at the Good Sunday. business in a few days. Templars hall Tuesday night for the benefit Herbert Charles of Rook Glen was a pleasof that organization. We hare the geoda and wish to dispose of them FOB CASH IN HAND Wm. Roeper is dangerously ill with in ant caller in town one day last week. Bright's disease. Delia Greene returned home last Saturday at the following prices : A donation for Rev. Thorne was held in from Buffalo; she has made many additions the The youngest children of Chas. Cashing, F. M. church on the 14th, Rev. Thurber E. O. Smith, Harvey Durfee and Henry Boy ' Knee Pant Salts, worth. 11 SO only $ l to her studio, both of oil paintings and of of Wethersfleld ITALO STBEHT. * • • • * • « ,•••••••• ••••• • Springs preached. Boys' Knee Pant Suits, worth. a oo only ] water colors. Her work in this department Sprague are very sick with the grip. The Boys' Knee Pant Salts, worth. 8 OS only 0 9 0 Mrs. J. W. Jones, who is suffering from last two have a complication of the grip and meets with the highest praise. »»* • • •« Boys' Knee Pant Salts, worth. 4 st only 3 35 diabetes, went to Buffalo last Friday where pneumonia combined. A council of doctors Boys' Knee Pant Salts, worth, O. W. Decker lost a valuable Jersey cow she 5 a t o n y 400 A n t r i m n a n d W i n t e r Boys' Long Pant salts, worth. 5 00 only SOS last week in a very peculiar manner; it drew cian.is being treated by an eminent physi- was held on the last named case on Monday. »• • • • •. !••••• • « • • | Boys' Long Pant Salts, worth. . • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • « «• • • , . » • «. < Mrs. Deo is quitefaick with the grip. a small piece of carrot while eating, into the Boys* Loaf Pant salts, worthI « • • • ' o 00 only 10 A wood bee for the Widow Smith last »••«.. trachea or windpipe,and wasjnnable to expel Mrs. Avery, who has been quite 111 for Boys'Long Pent Salts, worth li OS only 10 00 • • • • « • • * • • • • * • . . . * »« • • « • • • « * • • • • • • * * * . • « # • week gave her ten cords of wood ready for several weeks, is slightly improved. Men's Salts, worth! • • • • • • • • • * < » • * • • • • • » * » » • • • • * * i f « t i f * * • • *ee I 00 only 400 » • MM Men's Salts, worth....... The Emersonian Club met with Mrs. O. tssoniy 0 Mrs. F. A. Harwood and daughter Ethel »* » • * • • • «• ••... Men's Salts, worth.. Skating and coasting were fine last Sat-1 are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 D. Lyon last Friday evening, Jan. 15th. The » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * » » • • • •••• both sick with the grip. Men's silts, worth '• 11 topics were the literary life of N.P. Willis, usday and many of onr young people en•••••• Men's salts, worth. » • • • • • • • • • < Dr. E. B. Belknap has been confined to and Richard Grant White. Mrs. A. O. Skiff joyed the pleasures both afternoon and the MeMOveraoets end Ulsters, worth • • • • • • * « n house several days with the grip. read a very interesting paper upon JL G. evening. Men's Overcoats and Ulsters, worth • w • A • • , Oh yes. Wyoming Is pretty nearly all in White, while Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. E Men's Qvsrceats and Waters, worth Mrs. Coburn, a former resident of this of the grip. Mob's Overcoats sad ulsters, worth Walker gave readings from his works. An •test designs In Men's Overcoats sad Ulsters, worth ordinal paper upon the life and character of visiting friends here. Oranrerille. N. P. WQlis was read by Mary 8weet; read2 0 * 8 SZ?*00*?1 Mlj? S H 5 5 w o r i £ * The Ladies'Home and Foreign Missionings, music and discussions filled np the ary society of the Presbyterian church held Boys overcoats ana yjfters, worth • surprise partj was given Rudolph Peifer Boys' Overcoats and Ulsters, worth >•••.........<.» evening. Tuesday ere in honor of Philip Peiferoand a social at the home of John Kohler and Men's Good Heavy Gotten pants, worth — wife. « The funeral of Mis. Julia Wests was held Mens' Good Heavy Wool Pants, worth... • t • » • • • > » • § • » • . • • » • • . • • • . • • • • • • • <s« S O Thursday morning of last Men's Good Heavy Wool Pants, worth... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , . . . * . . . . . . . . . . « . Edna Bnreh and Carlie Wheeler spent a W. E. Warren, one of our blacksmiths* so only/ *> Best Overalls, worth residence of her husband's mother, Mrs. has been on the sick list for a few weeks; lew dare with Blanche Peok last week. . . . . . . . . i . . . . . .V........ ....•$•»•»« ooonvr » I S O Men's and Beys' Cans, worth. William Watts. Mrs. Watts Mrs. Henry Peifer Sen. has the grip. Dr. Will Phinney is filling his place at the shop. ter of Mrs. Besancon of this and the newest novelties in Millinery. Great ent in prices in the Tailoring Deportment. Above Prions for »0 days oolr Daniel Ballon visited friends in rYitcoy Bliss attends her. ter of H. Besancon the founder of the Pike Several from this way attended the pound ; . frt« Jwoaty 1 8 | . t . GkueUe. and now living in Dakota. For 20 over Sunday; his sister Anna taught school Inspection cordially invited at social at OrangeriUe Center Friday eve. in his stead in Varysburg Monday. years she had been a sufferer from brsin Edna Boron, Anna and Carrie Hall visited The school in the KOTOS district closed disease terminating In softening of the brain school Wednesday of last week. and dementia. The funeral services were Friday with an exhibition ia the evening. eondaoted by Rev. Mr King of the J t B. HARDWARE WOOD A N D GOAL \ STOVES. lOflpMEnTS! Granite pr Marble I American or Foreign Dr. McOLELLAN, Specialist • MONDAY JANUARY 25th, 1897. : Th°AI-!ron A r c h • • . r .•• 4 THREE MONTHS MORE! a ' 4 . • AT HalF PRICE GOOD WARM CLOTHING DRUG STORE • • • • p • • •-«« > • • • • • • • • # • • * 4 • • • « • • • • • • 4 i • • i f s i • i • • * • • • • • • • i • • » • • t • • • Bonnets, i . . . . . . • • • . COLE & SPSLLMAN, Miss I. Tratar'* • Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com • * * • • '"*£ P I '••I
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