I NTUITIVE I NSIGHTS S CHOOL OF I NTUITION M ARCH -S EPTEMBER 2013 How to Use Your Psychic Abilities Before writing this article “How to Use Your Psychic Abilities,” I must first qualify the word “psychic.” By psychic, I mean: intuitive or clairvoyant or psychic reader. I use these words interchangeably. Some peo- ple are stuck on the idea that a psychic for example might be a gypsy with a turban, on a street corner—adorned with an overabundance of make-up and dangling bracelets and scarves draped over her head and body. I challenge that image. To me, as a clairvoyant teacher, the defini- tion of a psychic might be a school teacher, a computer programmer or the person sitting next to you in a cubical who can go into trance, practice the tools learned in the Clair- voyant Program and read you and “knock your socks off.” So, how do you become a psychic? There are a few steps. First you need to learn tools: —spiritual tools to protect yourself from pick- ing up other people’s energies, and also tools to release your own stuck thoughts so you can be a good reader who makes sure you are reading your seeker’s energy and not your own pre-conceived thoughts. Then you learn to meditate in the Practical Intuition & Medi- tation Class which is being taught by Kathryn Schiff starting in May, July, or September (also taught by phone with Dawn.) You learn to “go within.” Then you connect with your divine self using spiritual tools that you are taught in the program. Next, you need opportunities to practice. “Can’t you just learn this while reading a book?” Well, no, you cannot get the depth of the lesson just reading it in a book. It would be the same as if you read a book on baseball, and did not have the experience. It takes prac- tical application which is provided in the 6month Clairvoyant Program where people practice reading others. As in most new tasks—practice, practice, practice makes per- fect. While “running energy” (a tool taught in the classes) and practicing other “psychic tools,” one gains the opportunity to recover from past experiences and at the same time deliver a dynamite reading. Both the reader and the seeker benefit from the session. Sometimes the question is asked, “This must be exhausting for you to read someone?” Au contraire! It’s actually energizing—especially if the seeker has similar past experiences. Aren’t other people going to think I’m crazy for reading an aura or giving a spiritual heal- ing, or talking to dead people? Why yes, ini- tially, they will think you’ve lost your mar- bles. But eventually most people ask for a reading or share their own intuitive experi- ence. Besides, other people’s opinions about you are highly overrated! Steve P. will be teaching the next weekly Clairvoyant I Pro- gram starting Wed., April 3, 2013. I look forward to seeing you start and discover that you, too, can develop your psychic abilities! - Vessa Rinehart-Phillips, Founder Intuitive Insights School of Intuition Telephone Classes (Most live phone classes start at 6:00 pm PST except for the weekend classes or as noted.) Thurs,3/21–Spirituality & Death-Shelley 5pm Thurs., 4/18-Energize Yr Career Space Dawn Thurs., 5/9-30 Psychic Intuit Tools 4-wk Dawn Thurs., 5/16-Healing Childhood 5pm Shelley Wed.,6/12-26-Anger & Emotions- 3wk-Vessa Thurs., 6/20 Meet Yr Guardian Angels-Dawn Wed.,7/10-31-Psy.ToolsCareer/Bus. 4-wk-Jed Thurs., 7/18-Orig. Blueprint for Body-Dawn Mon., 7/29-Love & Relationships -Gail Thurs., 8/29-Adv One to One -Gail Thurs., 9/19-Talking to Other Side- Gail Mon., 9/30 Families-Can't Live w/'Em-Dawn Free Readings In-Person Classes/Clinics at a Glance FREE Reading Clinic-First Mondays 7:30pm Mon. 4/1, 5/6, 6/3, 7/1, 8/5, 9/2 In-Person Trance Medium Clinic 7:30Monday-Oct. 14 WOMEN’s Clinic-Third Mondays-7:30 Mons.3/18, 4/15, 5/20, 6/17, 7/15, 8/19, 9/16 PET HEALING CLINIC– 3rd Mon, 6:00 Mon., 3/18, 4/15, 5/20, 6/17, 7/15, 8/19, 9/16 TM TELEPHONE CLINIC-6:00pm by Appt. on Mondays 3/25, 4/22, 5/27, 6/24, 7/22, 8/26, 9/23, 10/28 Practical Intuit. I - 4-week Class - 7:30 Thurs., May 9-30 July 11-8/1, Sept. 5-26 Also offered by phone May 9-30 Practical Intuit. II - 4-week Class - 7:30 Thurs. June 6-27, August 8-29 HEALING CIRCLE 2nd Sunday 10:30am 4/14, 5/12, 6/9, 7/14, 8/11, 9/8 ADV. ONE to ONE Classes-Dr.Gail Phone: Thurs., 8/29 In Person: Tues., 3/19 Hands on Healing Appointments by Appt. 3/25, 4/14&22, 5/12&27, 6/9&24, 7/14&22, 8/11&26, 9/8&23 IN-PERSON Workshops/Programs Tues., 3/19- Adv.One to One - Dr. Gail Thurs., 3/21- The Only Lesson-Bill Mc. Tues., 3/26- Breath & Life Force-Alice Wed., 3/27- FREE Clair I Open House Tues.,4/2-Spiritual Leaders begins-Jeff 6pm Tues., 4/2-Clair II Program begins-Bill M. Wed., 4/3- Clair I Prog. begins-Steve P. Mon., 4/8-Animal Spirit Guides-Antonette Thurs.,4/11&25,5/2-Body Typing Kathleen Sat.,4/27-Alternative Heal -Yvonne 10am Mon., 4/29 - Burst Dichotomies-Jeff Thurs., 5/9-Practical Intuition-Kathryn Mon., 5/13-Using Pendulums-Yvonne Thurs., 6/6-Tapping EFT Kathleen Mon., 6/10 -Crystal Skull – Bill McK. Sat.,6/15–Reiki 1-Dr. Yvonne–10:00am Sat.,6/15–Reiki 2 –Dr. Yvonne–1:30pm Mon. 7/8 - Meet Your Angels - Zeidy Thurs.7/11-Practical Intuition-Kathryn Sun. 7/14—Hands on Healings II begins Sat., 7/20-Reiki Master-Dr. Yvonne 10am Mon., 8/12 - Psychic Self Defense-Yvonne On the first Monday nights at 4455 Morena Blvd. Thurs., 8/15 –Physical Touch-Steve P. 7:30pm 4/1, 5/6, 6/3, 7/1, 8/5, 9/2, 10/7 Tues.,8/20-9/24-Women’s Wizardry Vessa Thurs 9/5-Practical Intuition-Kathryn Intuitive Insights 4455 Morena Blvd #108 San Diego, CA 92117 858-509-7582 www.MyIntuition.Net Mon., 9/9-Exploring Food - Steve P. Sat.,9/14-Talk to the Animals-Yvonne 10am Wed., 9/18-Reading Tarot- Kathleen Wed., 9/25-Clair I Open House Clairvoyant Training Program-Wed., April 3-Sept. 11, 2013 with Steve Intuitive Insights’ philos- ophy is that everyone has intuition and psychic abili- ties. Mankind is now in a spiritual renaissance. Peo- ple are opening up to their psychic and spiritual abili- ties with increasing ac- ceptance and support more than ever before. In this six-month pro- gram, you will learn to tap into your own special gifts, which will change your life and alter your perspective in a positive way. You will get more of your energy back and be able to hear your inner voice better than one could ever imagine. The Clairvoyant Program helps you heal from past issues or experiences and better equips you to deal with day-to-day events. Using the tools of this pro- gram will enable you to find more harmony and ease in creating your goals and life aspirations. This Six-Month Program includes: - 24 Lectures - Additional Practice Clin- ics for you to receive & give healings. - Monthly Healing Circle life experiences that keep you stuck * Exploring the chakras * Cords & communication Open House– Wed. * Repairing holes in the March 27th 7:30pm aura Bring Your * Access the Akashic Questions! records Examples of 24 Lectures: * Out of body healing * Reading the aura-* Deprogramming yourself present, past & future * Forgiveness & Karma * Reading past lives & * House Healing how they affect you * Reading Tarot Cards * Speaking to beings & spirit guides and how and more... to have them help you This program is open to join * Talking to dead peo- for 3 weeks. Taught by Steve Predmore. ple * How to de-energize Class dates/times: Weds, Apr.3-Sept.11 (24 Classes) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CLAIRVOYANT PROGRAM Where do I start? Is there a prerequisite? The 4-week Practical Intuition I Class is recommended but not required. Steve will be teaching the program in-person starting April 3, 2013. How much does the training cost? The program is $250 per month or $1500 - which can be paid monthly over the 6 months. If you pay $1250 in the first month, the last month is free as a discount. How long and how many hours a week are required and what exactly will I be doing? It's a 6-month program with a weekly schedule-- one lecture (Wednesday evenings) plus clinic participation. You are encouraged to attend the reading practice as often as you are able. If you take a vacation, you can listen to the recording of the lecture. We can mail it to you if you are gone longer than a week. What will I learn? You'll learn “to read.” The focus of the curriculum is teaching how to read and work with spir- it. You will be able to use the tools you learn in this program out in the “unreal” world. When do I begin reading? Your participation in the reading practice begins immediately, usually as a “scribe” (the person who sits alongside of another reader) and observes. Within the first few weeks you will be reading. Are my friends going to think I'm crazy? Probably;; until they have an issue and then they'll call and ask you to look at something for them—after which you won't be so crazy. What if I can't see anything? Fine, this isn't uncommon & doesn't last very long. No one has ever flunked this program. What if I am afraid that I will see and know too much by taking this program? You will learn to manage your psychic abilities--rather than having your abilities run you around. Greater awareness brings a more satisfying, fulfilling life. What graduates of the Clairvoyant Program are saying: “In my life I was looking for a deeper spiritual awareness of mankind. This powerful program helped me answer these questions and manifest more in my life.” - D. Greenberg “By taking this program, I realize that I can become a professional psychic or just give a reading to my sister at Thanks- giving.” - S.B. Anderhart “This program changed my life, more certainty, awareness and to finally begin to understand how life & the universe truly works and create the life I want.” -M. Upshaw The above program will also be offered by Telephone next year in 2014. Call 858-509-7582 for information. Healing/Reading Clinics & Healing Circles Go to website for more information www.MyIntution.Net Free Aura Readings! Vessa Rinehart-Phillips’ Clairvoyant Class offers free aura healings and readings to newcomers at the monthly Healing & Read- ing Clinic from 7:30-9:00 pm on the first Monday nights with Dr. Gail Smith. Upcoming clinic dates are Mondays: 4/1, 5/6, 6/3, 7/1, 8/5, 9/2 at 4455 Morena Blvd. Suite 108, SD The clinic schedule is as follows: 7:30 pm - All seekers will be given an aura cleansing which clears the chakras, aura, energy channels, and creates a release of energy that does not belong to you. 7:45 pm - The Staff gives a 20 minute lec- ture about psychic abilities. There is a dif- ferent theme each month, such as “Past Lives,” “What are your Spiritual Gifts,” or “Talking to Dead People.” 8:00 pm-All newcomers will receive a short reading on a question along with the chosen theme. 9:00 pm Clinic ends for visitors. Can’t make it into a clinic in person? Then sign up and call in for a Trance Medium Clinic by Telephone - Women's Healing Clinic Mondays, 7:30 - 9:00 pm - Every Third Monday Night! 4/15, 5/20, 6/17, 7/15, 8/19, 9/16 “Heal the Spirit & the Spirit Heals the Body” No appointment necessary. Mondays, March 11 & Oct. 14 Ladies, come in and get a healing on your female energy and issues. Receive a psychic reading on any female related topic... * Self Image * Female Creativity * Relationships * Women in Careers * Male/Female Communication * Clear out stuck energy in the life changes (getting your cycle, puberty, pregnancy, di- vorce, etc.) * Clean out your ability to nurture yourself * Receive a healing on your wellness energy. Location: Intuitive Insights, 4455 Morena Blvd, Suite 108, San Diego, 92117. Call Doors open: 7:30 pm Last healing is at 8:45 pm. The TM healers heal from a vibration of white. The TM healers give heal- ings from outside their bodies and will not speak while directing these silent, yet unique, and powerful healings. The readers in this program have been reading for a number of years. They come from Los Angeles, Colorado, San Diego, and Arizona to participate and bring their gifts to local seekers. Expected donation: $10. 858-509-7582. Contribution: $10.00 No appointment necessary! Healing Hands Method Appointments “It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual run by Clarissa R. & Vessa Phillips – body.” I Cor. Fourth Monday 3/25, 4/22, 5/27, 6/24, Sun. & Mon., 3/25, 4/14&22, 5/12&27, 7/22, 8/26, 9/23 The TM healers heal from a vibration of white. Often the TM healers give healings from outside their bodies and will not speak while directing these silent, yet unique, and powerful healings. The read- ers in this program have been reading for a number of years. They live across the country and bring their gifts to seekers. Call the Dial-in number. When you are on the call with the healers, you will be asked your name, as well as your healing re- quest. The healing will last 10 minutes. It will begin with a silent healing, thereafter, the healers will give 2 minutes of commu- nication about the healing. Email Clarissa at [email protected] or call 858-509-7582 to set up your appt. A contribution for a TM healing is $12 for 10 minutes. In-Person Trance Medium Healing Clinic 6/9&24, 7/14&22, 8/11&26, 9/8&23 Receive a miraculous Hands on Heal- ing Every Second Sunday and the last Mondays of each month. Healings include * Healing the astral body * Removing “pain pictures” or thoughts lodged inside the body and organs. * Creating wellness. * Re- ceiving a neutral touch without judg- ment. * Clearing the silver cord of stuck energies. Call for Appointment Times at 858509-7582 or sign up at the institute in person. $30 for a 25-minute Hands on Heal- ing. The Healing Circle 10:30-11:30 am Second Sundays of each month -4/14, 5/12, 6/9, 7/14, 8/11, 9/8 This upbeat healing is led by the Ministers in Training Class under the Direction of Dr. Gail Smith. Each service will fea- ture several healings, a candle lighting ceremony, meditation, inspirational message. Non-denominational. Open to everyone. Pet Healing Clinic Bring your pet or photo of your pet to the Pet Healing Clinic at 6:00 pm Yvonne K. will look at your pet and any issues and give your pet a heal- ing. NEW dates are on 3rd Mon- days 4/15, 5/20, 6/17, 7/15, 8/19, 9/16 $10 per pet. Practical Intuition & Women’s Programs & Testimonials Practical Intuition & Women’s Programs are good ways to start to learn & develop your intuition. Practical Intuition-Part I Thursdays, May 9-30, OR July11Aug.1, OR Sept. 5-26. 7:30-9:30 Kathryn S. We are made of three parts - spirit, mind & body, but most forms of heal- ing deal only with the body. In this fourweek course, you will learn techniques to: * Release the energy causing "dis-ease" in the first place. * Replenish your ener- gy when drained. * Protect yourself. * Find lost items. * Ground others. * Strengthen your own clairvoyant abili- ties by tapping into your intuition. * Stop giving your own life force energy away unconsciously. * Use psychic tools which allow you to "read" people. * Create prosperity for yourself & others. Contribution: $120. (Can be paid in smaller amounts of $30/week. Only $100 if paid on the first night.) Location: 4455 Morena Boulevard, Suite 108, San Diego. Call Vessa Rinehart-Phillips to RSVP 858-509-7582 or just show up. Practical Intuition-Part II Thurs., June 6-27 OR Aug.8-29 7:309:30pm Prerequisite: Practical Intuition I Learn how to give more effective healings without giving your energy away! In this four-week course, you will learn techniques to: * Use psychic tools to "read" people. * Direct advanced healings with a heal- ing master guide. * Repair holes and tears in the aura. * Create and destroy to make space for the new. * Clear your meridians and energy channels. * Heal & repair the chakras. * Practice the art of non-resistance. Contribution: $120. (Can be paid in smaller amounts of $30/week. Only $100 if paid on the first night.) Bonus: Students in these classes can re- ceive a 1/2 hour reading for $35 from the instructor. Location: 4455 Morena Blvd, Suite 108, San Diego. 858-509-7582 Women’s Wizardry & Wisdom Tuesday, August 20-September 24 7:30-9:30pm. This will be offered in -person w/Director, Vessa RinehartPhillips In this six-week course, you will explore how to: Feel good in your female body like you have never felt before! No longer be a martyr or an angry woman. Run your female creative energy. Increase intuition. Practical Intuition & Meditation Classes by Telephone 4-weeks Telephone Practical Intuition Part I Thursdays, May 9-30 & Part II Thursdays June 6-27 with Dawn T. 6:00-7:15pm * Release the energy causing "disease" in the first place. * Replen- ish your energy when drained. * Protect yourself. * Find lost items. * Ground others. * Strengthen your own clairvoyant abilities by tapping into your intuition. Stop giving your own life force Contribution: $180. (Can be paid in small- energy away unconsciously. * Use er amounts of $35/week. Only $100 if psychic tools which allow you to paid on the first night.) "read" people. * Create prosperity for yourself & RSVP 858-509-7582. others. Location: 4455 Morena Blvd., San Diego, CA 92117. Testimonials! This gave me more confidence!-R.Fenebach During the course, I could see that my abili- ties are improving. - B. Saavedra I faced some of my deepest fears and moved past them. - S.K. The information is very empowering and perspective changing. I am learning to take better control of my life and in a positive direction. - Cynthia G. These classes opened my eyes to such amaz- ing concepts. I feel like I can now function at my highest level. - D. Greenberg Relationships became more meaningful. The teachers were extraordinary. -K. T. I learned to meditate. I also call on my spirit guides to help me. I helped friends get rid of unwanted spirits in their homes. - J. Carter I am able to use what I learn in my job. I feel alive and vibrant! - G.S. The tools helped me get rid of stress. - Anna D. The class was so much fun and was very powerful. - Gail G. I feel complete, whole and alive. I re- ceived many healings & had the oppor- tunity to heal many people. - Antonette Contribution: Part I & II $120.each, (Can be paid in smaller amounts of $30/week. Only $100 if paid on the first night.) Call 858-509-7582 for dial in number or sign up online www.MyIntuition.Net Other Locations for the Practical Intuition and Clairvoyant I Programs In San Luis Obispo, classes by Juliet Sponsel in-person. Practical Intuition Part I-4wks 9/11-10/2 Wed. 7:00-9:00 pm Practical Intuition Part II 10/9-10/30 Wed. 7:00-9:00 pm Also available: Clairvoyant Program Part I Clairvoyant Program Part II Spiritual Leaders & Teachers Apprentice Program Call Juliet Sponsel at 805-489-2775. Graduate Programs (Go to www.MyIntuition.Net for more information) Clairvoyant Program Part II NEW! Thesis Program for the Soul w/Lisa D. w/Bill McK. Tues., April 2-Aug. 13 7:309:30pm This advanced program helps you fur- ther attain personal growth and increase clair- voyance. Examples of 5-month Lectures: * Creative Rings * Genetic Entity * Supreme Being * Report Stations * Improving Memory Banks * Remote Viewing * Aliens/UFOs * 8th Chakra * Parent/Child/Adult and more! Includes: 20 Lectures - Discounted One-to-One (First Session $75), clinics & more. Discounted: $1000 in ad- vance Or payable at $225 every 4 weeks. Call 858-509-7582. Intuitive Life Coaching Program-A year long Focus on individual psychic abilities that you want to further de- velop. Lisa, Spiritual Leader & Clairvoyant Coach, will meet with you to: Steer you in developing your psychic goals & help you map out a way to expand your advancement. She will assist you in researching your chosen topic, give you next steps and help you integrate your new skills into your life., and help you to heal specific blocks to attaining the goal of your thesis. Package of Six - $550;; Package of Three –$350;; One Thesis Program Meeting- $160;; Prerequisite: Clair I, Clair II, & Leaders concurrently or graduate. Upon completion of six or more sessions plus reaching your goals, each receives a Thesis Program for the Soul certificate. program. Intuitive Life Coaching is a great way to make a dif- ference in others’ lives while working on your own goals— Tuesday, April 2-Aug. 13 6:00-7:15pm. Learn to family, work, relationship, health, fitness, finance, life/work balance, spirituality, fun, personal growth, hobbies, & interest. Own Your Crown Chakra on a new level that Dates TBA. Starts in the fall. Graduates will is only reached through looking at being a receive a Life Coach Certification. leader. Whether you plan to teach or not, this program is life-changing. 20 Classes/five months. One-to-One Personal Power Program-Part I Be a 24-Hour Psychic in the “Unreal” World. Get with Vessa & Gail - Consists of Sessions #1-#16 Oneover Fear, Invalidation & Competition. Explore Your Hour Sessions (includes a 10-minute energy check + a Shadow Side. Set the energy for miracles. Handle the question with each session.) These advanced and amazing psychic attention of strangers. Have your space when buttons energy tools were created by Lewis S. Bostwick to help you accel- get pushed. End Karma. Discount: $695 in advance, or $150/ erate on your spiritual path. Prerequisite: Clairvoyant Programs I mo. weeks. Call 858-509-7582. & II;; Topics include: * Your higher & lower self. * Advanced Spiritual Leadership Program with Jeff A. healing with the Akashic Records. * The Threshold (between this life and last lifetime). * Exploring your goals before you took this body.* Tapping into & running personal power. Dis- cover what controls your path. Sessions are $175.by Dr. Gail every human lies the innate ability to heal by a light touch. Smith OR by Vessa. Discount if all sessions are paid in advance. Includes a monthly lecture with Dr. Gail, practice sessions Call 858-509-7582 for Vessa or leave msg. for Gail. Hands on Healing Program Part II-A spiritual 6month program, every second Sunday, starting Sun., July 14th -Dec. 8th with Dr. Gail Smith. Inside and clinics. Heal the astral body. Remove “pain pic- tures or thoughts” lodged in the body and organs. Build your own healing sanctuary. Give a neutral touch without judgment. Clear the silver cord of stuck energies. All while emphasizing healing yourself. Prerequisites: Clair I;; $150/mo. mo.,$825 in advance. Beginning Trance Medium Program by phone with Cody-Join anytime. How to safely be at a Trance Medium vibration and control whether or not you allow a being into your body. Do you do things that are not in your own essence? Includes: Two lectures per month plus the Trance Medium clinics over-thetelephone. 5:00pm $150/month. Pre-requisite: Clair I program + enrollment in Clair II. Call for dial in 858-509-7582 for the TM Open House link. Advanced One-to-One Program - Part II consists of Sessions #17-#34 covering topics such as: TranceMediumship, Personal Power, Money, Creativi- ty, Competition, Destructive Beings, Love, Fear, Self Image, Life Purpose, Miracles, Failure & Success, Gratitude, Death, Karma, the Astral, Ascension and much more. Sessions are $175.by Dr. Gail S. OR by Vessa. Discount if paid in advance. Avatar One-to-One Program - Part III – An additional 16 sessions (#35-#50) to complete the series as men- tioned above. $175 each. Call 858-509-7582 to schedule. One-to-One Personal Power Group Workshops - Dr. Gail Smith 7:30-9:30 pm in-person Or 6:00 pm by Phone Companion classes to the powerful One to One program which meets individually with an instruc- tor. Take the cap off of your clairvoyance. Prerequisite: Clair. Prog. I & II & 1st session. In Person: Tues., March 19th & By Phone: Thurs., Aug. 29th $35 each. Telephone Workshops Attend Intuitive Insights Intuition School in the comfort of your own home! Sign up online or by phone In Love & Relationships-Mon., July 29 6:00 pm Spirituality & Death-Thurs. Mar.21 Shelley 5:00pm Learn to work with your own death & another's death. Learn to Dr. Gail Embrace your wisdom & power in LOVE. Create be present for someone who is dying & assist them in their tran- the Love & Relationships of your dreams. Learn tools to call in the “Love of Your Life” telepathically. Expand your crea- sition. Explore and de-energize thoughts about death. Re- tivity & awareness in Love. Grow in love for YOU! $35. lease blocks from your last past life death memories. $35. Talking to the Other Side Thurs., Sept. 19 Thurs, April 18th 6:00 pm PST. One definition of career Dr. Gail 6:00 pm PST. Communicate with your Career Alignment for Joy and Prosperity - Dawn is the work you do to make a living. Another can be called family & friends in spirit. Meet your Spirit Guides and your life purpose. Look at the energy of your current career God Council. Find out what they are doing for you. Learn their names. Learn to connect more fully to help you. $35 and who/what affects you there. Consider how your life purpose is expressed in your current career ... or not. Clear out other people's energy from your career Families-Can’t Live with ’Em;; space. Re-set the energy to validate you. $35. Can’t Live without ’Em - Psychic Tools 4-week class – Thurs., May 9-30 Mon. Sept. 30 Dawn T. 6:00 pm Every single person on Earth has a mother and a father. Look at how your ease" in the first place. * Replenish your energy when drained. * Protect yourself. * Find lost items. * Ground family's energy is present in your life ... both helpful others. * Strengthen your own clairvoyant abilities by tap- and possibly not. Understand why you chose this family. Bring the energy of your birth family into ping into your intuition. * Stop giving your own life force energy away unconsciously. * Use psychic present time. Communicate spirit-to-spirit with mem- tools which allow you to "read" people. * Create bers of both your birth family and family prosperity for yourself & others. $120. of choice. Update the agreements to meet your needs in present time. $35 Healing Childhood Wounds & Trauma-Thurs., May 16 Workshop 5:00 pm with Shelley Childhood wounds and trauma follow us into our adult life and get in the Using Psychic Tools in Your Career or Businessway of our creativity and happiness. The challenge is that they Part I Wed., July 10-31 6:00 pm with Jed Roth are often buried in our subconscious and protected by our In this 4-week class, learn to: defenses. In this tele-class, we will use healing tech- * Apply tools to your career space. niques to uncover and release these old wounds. $35 * Use tools to create the ideal career or advance your career. The Upside of Anger (& Other Emotions) by Vessa * Create mockups and goals for your career space. Rinehart-Phillips Wed., June 12, 19, & 26 3-week class 6:00pm Come to this 3-week class and re- * Clear communication with co-workers. calibrate yourself. Don’t be a walking time-bomb, ready to * Raise your “havingness” for what you can have on the job. explode. Embrace & let your emotions run through you * Manage, work on, & heal the energy of and have them help you heal yourself. Release nega- tive emotions that lie directly under the surface of your career space. 6:00 pm Dawn T. * Release the energy causing "dis- your psyche. You’ll live a healthier life! $99. Meet Your Guardian Angels –Dawn T. Thurs, June 20, 6:00 pm Have you ever wished you had someone magical watching over you to help you through hard times? You do! Many people know their "Inner Critic" intimately, but have trouble synchro- nizing with all the help that is freely available. $35 $120. or $35 per week. Your Original Blueprint for a Healthy Body - Thurs., July 18 Dawn T. 6:00 pm. Human bodies have evolved to be healthy. Understand your body's health challenges AND gifts. Make choices to be well. Look at the effects of changes in the Spiritual, Mental and Emotional bodies on the Physical body's wellness. Identify and heal any differences between the original blueprint for wellness and your present-time body. Adapt the body to meet your needs this lifetime. $35 In-Person Workshops Intuitive Insights, 4455 Morena Blvd., San Diego, CA 92117. (For longer description, go to www.MyIntuition.Net) The Only Lesson -Thurs., Mar. 21 author, Bill McKenna 7:30-9:30 pm Feel something you have never felt before! Exist with the person who irritates you the most and no longer be irritated. Know your purpose. $35. Breath & Your Life Force Energy –Tues. Mar.26 Alice 7:30-9:30pm Learn conscious breathing. Heal your breath & the way you breathe to heal yourself. Ener- getically clean out the lungs to make every breath count. $35. Animal Spirit Guides Mon., April 8 Antonette 7:30-9:30pm Awaken the animal spirit in you. Discover and connect with your animal totems. Learn medita- tions to see or have a knowingness of animal spirit guides around you. Learn messages ani- mal spirits bring and how to interpret animal signs, and basic animal behavior. Receive a healing from your animal spirits.$35. Body Typing for Optimum HealingThurs, April 11, 25 & May 2 a threeweek workshop-Kathleen A. 7:30-9:30pm – Learn about “Body Typing” & how it can help re- lease extra weight. Learn how the vibration of essen- tial oils helps the release stuck energy & emotions. Use Spiritual Tools to clear and ground energy off of food for better health. Set your food at optimum. Combine foods effectively for your body type. $99 Alternative Healing Techniques –Sat., April 27 w/Yvonne K. 10:00am-12:00 Learn to use Crystals, Zero Point Energy Wands & Nano Technology to speed up healing. Discharge energy blockages, re- lieve pain;; energize food we eat, strengthen immunity and give healings to yourself using Nano Technology. $35 Freedom through Bursting Dichotomies -Mon. April 29th w/Jeff 7:30-9:30 Ever have trouble being in a certain situation or around a certain person? Learn to have more ease in your life & move easily through difficulties, arising from life. Work with your mind instead of trying to make it do the right thing. $35 Using the Pendulum for Divination -Mon. May 13 w/Dr. Yvonne K. 7:30-9:30pm Make your own Brazilian Crystal Pendulum & learn to read & heal with this amazing tool. $45 (includes crystal pendulum.) Tapping EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique - Thurs. June 6 Kathleen 7:30-9:30pm - Learn to use acupressure points & meridians to release anger, help with sleep, change behaviors, quit addictions, fear, help with weight and many other issues. $35. Mayan Crystal Skulls -Mon. June 10th w/Bill 7:30-9:30pm Receive your own crystal skull charged with ancient Mayan energy. Experience the energy, increase your telepathy & speed of manifesting. Clear blocks & create more positive energy. $70. ($60 + $10 Mayan skull) Reiki Training –Level I 10am-1pm Sat. June 15 & Level II 1:30-4:30 w/Dr. Yvonne K. Every student will receive a healing, an attunement, and learn to give a Reiki Healing. $75 each class. Meet Your Angels - Mon. July 8th w/Zeidy 7:309:30pm Learn who your angels are, how to communi- cate with them & work with them on a daily basis. Learn how they support, heal & guide your path. $35 Become a Reiki Master- Sat. & Sun, July 20 & 21 with Dr. Yvonne K. 10:00 am-2:00 pm Actually be- come a Reiki Master. This intensive course teaches the important aspects of the symbols, healing, & Reiki techniques. $799 in advance before July 10th, $850 thereafter. Psychic Self Defense -Monday, Aug. 12 w/Yvonne 7:30-9:30pm Do you feel tired or drained by someone? Or have you felt heavy and nauseous after listening to someone else’s problems? Has your body become ill after an angry person projected their anger and negativity towards you? Learn psychic self-defense. $35. The Magic of Physical Touch Thurs, Aug.15 w/certified Hands on Healer, Steve P. -7:30pm Learn to accept & give the gift of physical touch. Learn importance of physical touch in your life. Explore what we have been taught about touch. Explore your own beliefs about touch. Explore acceptable ways to give touch. Learn about yourself. $35. Women’s Wizardry & Wisdom Tues. Aug.20-9/24 - 6 weeks w/Vessa 7:30pm Feel good in your female body like you have never felt before! No longer be a martyr or an angry woman. Run your female creative energy. Increase intuition.$180. Exploring the Energy of Food- Mon. Sept. 9 Ste- ve P. 7:30-9:30pm Experiment feeling different ener- gies of artificial, natural, and live foods. Feel the ener- gies of sweet, sour, and hot foods. Experiment how blessing the food changes the energy of the food. $35. Amazing Animal Communication, Telepathy, & Hands on Healing for Animals Sat., Sept 14 10:00-2:30pm Dr. Yvonne Balance animals’ chakras. Learn how ani- mals heal us. Hands on Healing Techniques for animals. What to do in an Emergency. Learn to read your animal’s thoughts. Answer questions about animal behavior. Communicate so your pet will understand. Give a healing to your pet. Bring photo. $75. Reading Tarot—with Kathleen A. on Wed., Sept. 18 7:30 -9:30 pm. Use your intuition to learn to read Tarot Cards. Learn overall meanings. $35. Free Clairvoyant Program Open House Wednesday, March 27th with clairvoyant teacher, Steve Predmore and co-director, Dr. Gail Smith 7:30-9:00pm Learn about the six-month inperson program starting on Wednesday, April 3. Demonstra- Upcoming Events! Products-Books/CDs Vessa Rinehart-Phillips’ book is available. Opening the Third Eye! Coaching is a great way to make a difference $16 & also The Spiritu- Intuitive Life Coaching Pro- gram-A year long program. Intuitive Life in others’ lives while working on your own goals—family, work, relationship, health, fitness, finance, life/work balance, spirituali- ty, fun, personal growth, hobbies, & interest. Dates TBA. Starts in the fall. Graduates will receive a Life Coach Certification. al Coloring Book for Children $20. CDs $20: 1. The Energy of Completing Relationships -Vessa 2. The 7 Secrets of Attraction-Vessa tion, lecture and readings given by 3. Winning Yr Court Case w/ graduates of the Clairvoyant Training Spiritual Tools –Vessa Program. Learn what your spiritual gifts are and what you 4. Removing the Veil: Talking to would gain from this Ministers in Training Program Other Side—Vessa coming Spring 2014. Dr. Gail Smith six-month program. 5. Abundance & Prosperity-Vessa Learn to perform Ministerial Ceremo- 6. Spiritual Tools to End nies—Weddings, Baptisms, Memorial Depression-Vessa Services, & Last Rites and use your psy- 7. Be a Money Magnet– Gail 8. Manifesting Amazing If you would like to be add- chic tools & know what really happens energetically in a ceremony. Be able to Miracles—Dr. Gail ed to or taken off the mail- answer the question of how the word 9. Psychic Tools ($8)-Vessa 10. Women’s Intuition ($12)-Vessa ing list, call 858-509-7582 “psychic” fits into Christianity or other religions. Learn to set the energy to han- 11. Famous Poetry or email The following are Tapes only: dle large groups. $495. Prerequi- [email protected] 1. Let’s Get Married ($12)-Vessa site: Clair. I www.MyIntuition.NET 858-509-7582 Vessa Rinehart’s Intuitive Insights 4455 Morena Blvd., Suite 108 San Diego, CA 92117
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