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Home builders learn how to get financing
By PE Bu sin ess on Ju n e 1 4 , 2 0 1 1 7 :3 0 A M
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Pol i ti ca l Empi re Bl og
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With the real estate industry strewn w ith bankruptcies and failed housing tracts,
priv ate hom e builders and land dev elopers are challenged to get financing ev en
for what m ight be considered "class A" projects.
"For the priv ate hom e builder today capital is probably the m ost critical elem ent
for going forward," said Jeffrey Mey ers, principal of Mey ers LLC. That is why
hom e builders are being inv ited to attend the Capital Markets Forum offered at
the Pacific Coast Builders Conference later this m onth in San Francisco. Mey ers,
a longtim e real estate consultant, is serv ing as a chairm an of the program .
Com m ercial bank loans are particularly scarce for hom e building today , Mey ers
said, noting that banks are giv ing greater preference to apartm ents and ev en to
hotel acquisitions.He said the forum will discuss alternativ es to bank loans such
as institutional equity inv estors w ho put up m oney for a share in profits.
Am ong those expected to participate in the program are representativ es of the
Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Econom ics, Wells Fargo Bank, Morgan
Stanley Real Estate Fund, Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP, Earnst & Young LLP,
Shapell Industries and Griffin Real Estate Managem ent.
Bu si n ess Bl og
Th e l atest bu si n ess-rel a ted
posti n gs from Th e PressEn terpri se's bu si n ess
Mey ers said his com pany surv ey ed 1 2 0 priv ate equity firm s and debt prov iders
in the nation to determ ine what kinds of projects they are willing to finance and
he will present the surv ey results at the program .
The Capital Markets Forum is scheduled Wednesday , June 2 2 , from 8:3 0 am to
5:4 5 pm at the Moscone Center. Cost of adm ission for the day session is $49 5.
--Leslie Berkm an
lberkm [email protected]
Cat egories: Real Estate: Residential
Tags: bizrealestate
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