Union Public P Sch hools Em mployee Self S Serviice (ESS)) Employee Self Servic ce (ESS) is the Munis Self S Service ((MSS) appliccation create ed specifically for curren nt employee es. For emplloyees, ESS S provides ac ccess to perrsonal inform mation, pay a and tax inforrmation. To acces ss ESS, search the favorites (IT has s pushed thiss link to all). If ESS is no ot in your favorites, type in the following lin nk http://emp ployeeonline e.unionps.org g/mss/ Step 1: Click C Log In n on the toolb bar (highligh hted in red be elow). Step 2: Enter E the us sername and d password, and then cli ck Log In. Y Your User n name is yourr employee e ID and you ur initial password will be e the last fou ur of your so ocial securityy number. T The first time you log-in, the t system will w force you u to change your passw word immedia ately. Pleasse read the requirementts for an acc ceptable pas ssword careffully. Union n Public Sch hools – Em mployee Sellf Service (E ESS) htttp://employeeonline.un nionps.org//mss/ N November 2 2014 Navig gating ES SS • Click C on “Emp ployee self Service S on th he left side o of the screen n (highlighte ed in red belo ow). Once O you clic ck Employee e Self Servic ce, you will g get the scree en below. Th his screen will allow you to view v your ad ddress, prima ary phone n umber, paycchecks, and W2’s. • Currently, C we e are not allo owing electro onic updatess to your W4 4. Please vissit the payro oll department fo or any W4 questions. • Click C on the camera c icon to view an actual a image e of docume ents in ESS. Union n Public Sch hools – Em mployee Sellf Service (E ESS) htttp://employeeonline.un nionps.org//mss/ N November 2 2014 Addrress/Phon ne and Emergenc cy Contac ct Change es If you wo ould like to make m change es to your ad ddress, phon ne number a and emergen ncy contact, click on “Perso onal Informa ation” (highlighted in red) and you w will see the sccreen below w. • To T change an ny of the info ormation below, simply cclick on the w word “chang ge” or “delete e”. Please P see specific details in regards s to phone n numbers afte er this print sscreen. Importtant points s to remember abo out phone numbers and addrress changes • You Y must hav ve a “Primarry” phone; th his home pho one numberr can be a landline or a ccell phone. This phone numb ber is where you would llike to receivve calls/messsages from the district. • ve text mess sage from th e district, yo ou must have e or add celll Iff you requested to receiv phone to your list of phon ne numbers (highlighted in blue). Yo our “cell pho one” can be the sa ame number as your “prrimary” phon ne. • Address/phon A ne number and a other req quested cha anges will be e sent to a queue to be re eviewed for formatting f by a designee e in the Hum man Resourcces Departm ment. After re eview, which h should occ cur within thrree businesss days, the cchanges will be accepted d and your new w information n will be available in the system. Union n Public Sch hools – Em mployee Sellf Service (E ESS) htttp://employeeonline.un nionps.org//mss/ N November 2 2014 Pay/Tax Inforrmation In n this section n, you will be e able to view w and print a all your prevvious check stubs, previous W2’s, W W4 info ormation, an nd review your total com mpensation p package. Sim mply click on n any menu m under “Pay/Tax “ Infformation” to o view the de etails. To vie ew your payycheck stubss simply click “V View Details s” on the righ ht. Union n Public Sch hools – Em mployee Sellf Service (E ESS) htttp://employeeonline.un nionps.org//mss/ N November 2 2014 Payc check Sim mulator In n this section n of ESS, the e Paycheck Simulator a llows you to o adjust yourr deductions to simulate how w this change e would affec ct your paycchecks witho out making p permanent changes to yo our paychec ck. To make e permanentt changes to your deducction withholdings, w you must filll-out a W4 and a return th he W4 to the e Payroll dep partment. To T simulate changes, c sim mply change your exemp ptions (highlighted in red d) for federal and sttate (“local ta ax” is not us sed) and clic ck calculate ((highlighted in red). This will simula ate an update forr your check k amount and d give an es timate of wh hat your check amount w would be if you mad de these cha anges. You Y can also adjust your 457* or 403 3(b)* deductiions to simu ulate the affe ect to your paycheck, witthout making g permanent changes to o your paych heck. To ma ake the actual changes to yo our 457/403(b) deductio ons, the apprropriate 457/403(b) form m must be su ubmitted to the t Payroll Department. D *You * must already be pa articipating in n a 457403((b) to use thiis simulation n feature. Union n Public Sch hools – Em mployee Sellf Service (E ESS) htttp://employeeonline.un nionps.org//mss/ N November 2 2014 Contact Information For general questions about navigating in ESS or making online change requests: Human Resources 918-357-6192(Sally Hill, [email protected]) 918-357-6190 (HR Front Desk) For questions about your paycheck: Payroll Department 918-357-6060 Union Public Schools – Employee Self Service (ESS) http://employeeonline.unionps.org/mss/ November 2014
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