FMM INSTITUTE (475427-W) Kedah/ Perlis Branch HOW TO HANDLE MISCONDUCT AND DOMESTIC INQUIRY Date: 23-24 Apr 2014 (Wed-Thur)/ FMM Institute, Sungai Petani Introduction Handling employee misconduct poses great challenge to HR Practitioners. The competency in handling misconduct is enhanced by having the essential skills to the Law on Domestic Inquiry. The consequence of not being competent in this area of law is costly as Courts may hold against the employer because of the absence of a DI or one that is defective. It is with this view in mind that this course was designed Objective After having attended the workshop, participants will be able to gain the following invaluable knowledge: Have a good understanding of the DI procedure Acquaint themselves with the principles of law on DI Avoid pitfalls that may lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. Who Should Attend This Workshop would be most beneficial to any Executive who may be required to act on discipline. It is especially recommended for Senior and Middle Management Staff amongst whom includes: HR/Personnel Managers and Executives, Managers, Department Heads/Division Heads/IR Officers/Legal Officers, Senior Supervisors and Auditors. Course Ouline 1. The Regulatory Framework - Employment Act, Industrial Relations Act, Codes 2. What constitute Misconduct? 3. Types of Misconduct. 4. Rules of Natural Justice. 5 Pre-hearing Procedure: a) Complaint, b) Investigation, c) Letter of Warning, d) Show Cause Letter, e) Reply, f) Letter of Allegations, g) Notice of Inquiry, h) Panel of Inquiry, etc. 6. Inquiry Procedure: a) Charge(s), b) Company's case, c) Workman's case, d) Examination in chief, e) Cross-examination, f) Re-examination, g) Submissions, h) Decision, i) Mitigation, j) Punishment, k) Appeal. 7. Dos and Don'ts, FAQs. Trainer Mr Cheah Choo Kheng holds a Bachelor of Science Education from University of Science Malaysia, a Bachelor of Law Degree from University of London, a Masters in Law Degree from Northern Territory University, Australia and a Certificate from the Australian College of Applied Psychology. He is an experienced practitioner with more than 20 years of experience in the legal field. Mr Cheah, who is a well-known Trainer, has conducted various Labour and Industrial Law courses such as Contract Negotiations, Domestic Inquiry, Industrial Relations, Industrial Discipline, Labour Laws and Corporate Insolvency, Company Law, and Commercial Law. In addition, he has conducted other courses such as Company Directors’ Training Programme Date:Small 23-24 Mar 2014 (Wed-Thur)and has also Fee: Member (RM 750/MIM, pax)and MACPA. Currently, he is a Lawyer by Profession and Business Management taught at MITD, MAP, ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS and he is a member of the Penang Association of Counselling and Psychology, Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia and Malaysian Institute of Management. In the past, he has conducted courses for Financial Institutions, Private Institutions of Higher Learning and the Manufacturing sector such as Mitsuoka Electronics, Sabah Forest Industries, Franklin Porcelain, Advanced Micro Devices, Yoahan, NT Soon Lee Furniture and Chip Lam Seng. Administrative Details Venue: FMM Institute, SgPetani Time: 9am—5pm Duration: 2 days Date: 23-24 Apr 2014 Fee: Member RM750/paxNon-memberRM850/pax (All fees are inclusive of course materials, lunch and refreshments Attendance is by prior registration only. Registration form must be completed and returned to FMM Institute by 16 Apr 2014 with correct payment by cheque made in favour of ‘FMM INSTITUTE” and crossed “Account Payee Only”should be forwarded to the FMM Institute WismaIdealcare No.5, 2rd Floor Perdana Heights, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah. Payment by cash is acceptable during the day of registration. Registration is on first-come-first-served basis. Participant, who registered but did not attend, will be billed accordingly. CANCELLATION MUST BE IN WRITING TO FMM. There will be no refund for cancellation within 3 days prior to the program. 50% refund for cancellation between 4 - 5 days and full refund for cancellation 6 days prior to the program.No additional cost for replacement. For enquiries: Contact Meeza/ Zai at 044241079/4246431 or email [email protected] / [email protected] REGISTRATION FORM HOW TO HANDLE MISCONDUCT AND DOMESTIC INQUIRY 23-24 Apr 2014 (Wed-Thur) * 9.00 am – 5.00 pm * FMM Institute, Sungai Petani To: FMM Institute, Kedah/Perlis Branch Fax: 04-4216876; E-mail: [email protected] Submitted by: Please register the following participants: Name 1) Name: _________________________________________________ Designation: _________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Tel: ___________________Fax: ______________________ FMM Membership No: _______________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________ * Designation _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 3) _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ (Please attach separate list if space is insufficient) Please tick appropriate box: Enclosed cheque/bank draft No. ______________ for RM _________ Cheque to be handed in on day of briefing/posted on ______________ My company undertakes to pay the full participation fee within one week after the event (for FMM members only) Require vegetarian food Please tick () if you require invoice.
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