THE BOOK OF GAMES OF BOOK THE WITH DIRECTIONS GAMES HOW PLAY TO THEM BY y MARY WHITE EIGHTH EDITION NEW CHARLES YORK SCRIBNER'S 1898 SONS Copyright, i8g6, Scribner^s Charles 1898, Sons 14074 TWO COPIES HECEIVED- sTfeixva TROW NG "S 9^ V D AND ^^% DIRECTORY BOOKBINDINQ COMPANY by PREFATORY TO NOTE THE EIGHTH EDITION To the game-loving welcomed book the (under first the Games"), That the it was and again with this " send additional of England, ing, gratify- most games dred Hun- thanks. in to little a warmest been me encourages this Book received has sports, fifteen The my cordially of paradise title, kindly so of appearance I so who people send it and forth a new dress. M. Bay Ridge, August 9, 1898. W. PREFACE need those who with changes be to came years hardly a officers, and all were no agreed dignity a games different And until it in All and success. the had and a few played for All two choice It was were quarrels; no for than games ing mak- of the and each time All agreed to grew and games aside lay to that but points. necessary agreed the and there sake Club It together the house. all games, Some ready were to favorites. for more fortnightly Game new Club. dues, vanity give, to particularly name, cared member's so way. Game upon they be should this people, the dancing. their in club, except no for old spirits, gravitated themselves that of the on written is book number a rung called felt Httle them, congenial All this twenty ago and of object The ings meetat agree. prospered in old and a Preface X itself is years Club, and from its yet made a it experience Hundred it made then sometimes and Two a and game-books, new old good still lives it sends old the over age and you for ones. a Game and flourishes, The Book of Games. M. Bay for games Ridge, N. Y., January 25, 1896. W. CONTENTS PART Games I Requiring Preparation PAGE I. Guessing Match, 3 , II. Missing Letters, III. Butterflies, IV. The V. VII. Animate X. XL XII. 6 8 Story, Memory, Living IX. 4 Improbable Most VI. VIII. . 10 Catalogue, 11 Art, 12 Silhouettes, 14 Twisted 17 Animals, Industrial Fair, .18 Soap-bubbles, Geographical 20 Letters, 22 . XIII. Newspaper, XIV. Sequels to 25 Mother Goose's Rhymes, 31 ... XV. XVI. XVII. Three Rhyming Games, 33 Fan-ball, Intercollegiate 37 Foot-ball, 39 . xi ..... xii Contents PAGE XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. 42 Parodies,. .......... Bouquet, 43 Mirth, 45 Vice 46 Versa, Progressive Puzzles, 48 XXIII. Eye-guessing, 49 XXIV. The XXII. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. Objective Library, Initials, 54 Auction, 56 Commerce, 58 Stray Syllables, 60 Baby Show, 61 Palette, 63 China 65 Painting, Shadow Silhouettes XXXIV. What XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. in would 70 Disguise, you Several for Songs Who 66 Pictures, XXXIII. XXXV. 51 ...... do if 71 ? .... 73 Singers, 74 I? am 75 Location, Fashion Penny 78 Pictures, Composite A 76 Notes for Alliterative Your Thoughts, Literature, Sight Unseen, 79 .... 81 83 xiii Contents PAGE XLIII. Household XLIV. Flags of All Fragrance, 84 Nations, 86 87 Blockade, XLV. XLVII. Blind XLVIII. Buying A XLIX. L. LI. 89 Architecture, Domestic XLVI. 90 Artists, Forfeits, 91 Pockets, 92 Boy's Peanut 93 Pictures, Preference Personal 94 Hunt, " . . 95 Game, LII. Zoological LIII. Conundrums, 96 LIV. Compositions, 97 LV. LVI. LVII. Broken LIX. Patchwork LXII. 100 Celebrities, Planting LXI. 99 Whist, Photograph LVIII. LX. 98 Quotations, 101 Peanuts, 102 Illustration, 103 Swaps, of Nicknames 105 Cities, 106 Biography, LXIII. Talking Shop, LXIV. Natural History, 107 109 . o. o , .... Contents xiv PART II Games Impromptu PAGE LXV. LXVI. LXVII. A of Spoonful Fun, ..113 Trades, What 114 is Like Thought My ? 115 Conundrums, LXVIII. Personal LXIX. Cities, 117 Jenkins, II8 Short 120 LXX. LXXI. LXXII. The Stories, Impossible Cat, LXXIII. Famous LXXIV. Stuff LXXV. LXXVI. LXXVII. LXXVIII. LXXIX. LXXX. LXXXI. 122 Characters, and 123 Nonsense, Theatrical Titles of 124 Books, 126 .... Orchestra, 127 Bequests, 128 Teapot, 129 Motions, Dumb l3o ,. 131 Scouts, Traveller, Commercial LXXXII. The LXXXIII. Who LXXXIV. How? 132 134 Seasons, is LXXXV. Nonsense LXXXVl. Button, LXXXVII. 117 My Neighbor Where? 135 ? When? 137 138 Rhymes, Button, Negatively, Gardening, 139 .... 140 Contents xv PAGE Philopena, LXXXVIII. 141 and Cross-questions LXXXIX. XC. Silly Answers, .142 . 144 Spirits, 146 Word, XCI. Wordy XCII. Advice 147 XCIII. Fire, 148 XCIV. It, 149 Telegrams, 151 XCV. XCVI. XCVII. XCVIII. XCIX. C. CI. Telegrams, Boston 152 Postman, Barber Shop, 155 " 156 Monkey, 157 Useless Information, PART Games CII. cm. CIV. CV. New . Lady, Royal Horn 153 ... ., Year's Occasions 161 Resolutions, St. Valentine's Washington's III Special for 158 Day, 162 . Birthday, . . 165 . . April First, 167 CVI. Hallowe'en, 168 CVII. Topsy-turvy CVIII. A Children's and Christmas Party for Grown Party, People, 173 175 Contents xvi PART Favorites Old IV for Children PAGE CIX. My Lady's Toilet 179 , ex. Hunt the Whistle, CXII. Bookbinder, ... 181 the Blowing . 180 " CXI. . Feather, 182 CXIII. Magic CXIV. Animals, 185 Trolley-car, 186 CXV. SOME Music, FORFEITS, 183 189 Guessing Required Materials pencils and paper for appropriate articles the Then the and examine numbered so wins course, The 1, the will Number Webster's Unabridged as guess their to be written be opposite person, The handle, should may each these best of guesser, prize. articles readily of view, article numbers. the arranged are about to and tity, quan- ascertained. guesses by following others invited Every paper corresponding etc., course, articles that of slip of are the prize a size, particulars has, company details. a unknown age, full respective on of weight, leader players; are of sheets many gentleman. or articles The table. a on there lady dimensions, As : as a of number A Match beans to occur in suggested, are a anyone glass Dictionary; : jar; 3, and 2, length weight of a of ball Tloe Book 4 of 4, number twine; which several 6, number in a a of been seeds pail; 8, number (or dog cat will whose an of pins in 12, ; names water 9, age long of a known pole; a pin-cushion ; a piece postage-stamp of photographs better are a of of 7, quantity of ; 10, how ; paclc,from a 5, height orange 11, denomination burn; downward face taken; in baby) or in playing-cards of have of Games of candle turned people famous their faces. than II Missing Required : type-written lists Materials written a or Letters As pencils many there as and players are ; prize. This is cousins the over a circle,and a sheet of a The on which type-written,preferably the to each has the been (X 1. Ma^c 2. Lxxe represents LETTERS in (first every (couldn't live the missing letters) home). without seats one, in with written or latter,a list like following : MISSING our is, imported players take pencil is given paper it Here water. Americanized. and played by English game, an it). Letters Missing (the 3. Xx\t more take you from it the larger it gets). (it'sall Xoox 4. (found 5. Loooc 6. A'ra^t the over suburbs). in the (gives cold, a house). cold, and a cures pays the doctor). A'eaxty (desirablefor unattractive 7. 8. A'rxxs (that which for women). spend women much too money). Lxnxs 9. heart). (longest word in English language). It will readilybe follows as there are several word, but the real key : 1. Mat. 4. 2. Life. 5. Lots. 8. Dress. 3. Hole. 6. 9. 10. The they their who readiness a one leader Draft. Lungs. of chosen correct write againstthe them is familiar to Realty. 7. requested to are guess and lists, or Roof. Transubstantiationableness. players as host that seen to each possibleanswers is maiden's every Txaxsxbxtxnxixtxoxaxlxnxsx 10. the to (near their from number, the the papers words key, as swers an- in either the the among with the ers play- waits they in are The 6 handed him to be may Book corrected for in winner which abound is as again guess writingall the lists sary, neces- until one rectly. cor- answers should, be given to the -developing exercise,and brain is appropriate award an times many in fact this The contestants. can in prize may, A as everyone succeeds person the by Games of in street " of one fakirs' " the puzzles carts. Ill Butterflies Materials Required note-paper of sheets a of stout palette artist's there as or oil-paints: knives j a or one prize 6 the by scrapings tube the form in size ; of paint from each of of nuinber same g inches the ati following blue, yellow, new several palette-knife ; in sheets many ; vermilion, a ; players paper, the j white, lake crimsoti brown plate palette, are As : of a paper- butterfly, if desired. A Paris of favorite is game making note-paper or with the butterflies. brown paper art students They take and the in sheets paints Butterflies left or palettes at the their on cover the near paper just in the bit of about it shows the just where fold outward in the and in this is done and and when used scales there there If on will the combinations brown be held paper a paint fly's butter- the terfly but- is a they When to the seen, the up all lighta papers perfectbutterflywith plenty of paint has been ridges quite suggestive of butterfly'swings, are of wing. butterflyis spread wings! the press a starting pressing downward, smaller fairlywell-formed opened and paper Taking though as and when light, is. form the profile; and startingagain in and lower they one, place,but same get the With paint in the upper seen were of it is folded it to the paper, upward the wing, are inside palette-knifeor paper-knife the the the of would as then, pressing the centre; hold at much as closelytogether,they clean exactlythrough where place day, paint (composed piece) on five -cent a a and colors several put the paint-box; a then, foldingthe piecesof paper the centre, they of close from haphazard taken tubes 7 often and wonderfully (heavy, glazed is the color beautiful. the best) Games of Book 8 The bits of white paint will show varieties prize in A be not may the most add the given beautiful their the white form of to the made, to the butterflymay or who has if the will of souvenirs made players butterflies painted hostess well worth one sult. re- person their interestingcollection and a esting inter- butterflywill but butterfly, autographs have they of well, and up have of the an sion occa- keeping. IV Most The sheets of paper all When with that this is writes minutes the the as are there seated pencils and a players are in a most are pe7icilsand 7nany j a paper, prize, When and all provided it is announced that the improbable story collected prize. circle and competition,and gets the papers As Required: Materials Story Improbable the one in time who twenty is up redistributed so Games of Book The lo V Memory Required: Materials such calendar, knife, candlestick, etc.; tack-hammer, sheets a spectacle-case, pill-box, of pins, paper articles, ink-stand, thimble, scissors, tape-measure, as small Twenty and of paper pencils there as many as guests are y prise. in which a table,and numbered until all the doors look for into the carefully three everybody the doors one and is at minutes. is are of sent At table the to closed end the and numbered of that each to time room, one of memory to articles other sheets from the is,and of to closed all asked exhibition requested to write 1 rooms and the back again the the open the be arrived, when where room should side from between thrown sheets many guests left-hand the twenty small As be guests have be may to are Keep the doors 20. go down it arrange on one guests place your assorted. there as paper adjoining the room receive much articles, very of a to are you round of middle In the ceives re- paper a list Living Catalogue of the things seen of the his the table. Ten this,and then for allowed time the on articles is read her or remembered each and most a minutes is true list a corrects person the To paper. own ii be prize may has who one given. VI Catalogue Living the All guests should bidden are this to should he be she or of the evening a the A of few be far be carried may impersonator. vote should prize for the plenty books of as to person the book possible, out in the the end of the as to who serves de- originalcostume. most suggestionsof found At be taken place here, although in will Each books. represents,so that,as they dressed come thoroughly acquainted with of the book the idea actions party, to titles of represent the asked, when be any may not be out librarycatalogue original and easily representedtitles : "A Reason," Woman's worked on the belt Howells" or by the word girdle. cause" "Be- T}?e 12 Roundabout "* by who chooses of the necklace of by front, and all of Two fastening be sented repre- the player Boston a S. T. for work. Charge the costume. sea- weed, the ^'ork old cans, the thickly from cut " many the back easily ari-anged is at newspaper at the in the neck, same in way, ready "sandwich-man" a by Brigade," Tennyson" Light all ments advertise- " dress. being Uke of Arthur be should paper general elfect gas-billssewed over by shells, " over New a by \\earing-strings Cities,''Dickens the "The " Wanted sewed Tale A " by worn " all Housekeeping," Board and papers may " the costume. etc., disposed about of papers chestnuts Up by the Sea "Tired of Tales," Hawthorne lai'geFrench Cast " Thackeray this title. Twice-Told *' of G^mes Papers," deep a Book the dress. over VII Anim.ate Materials which Required be tiuo may back-curtain When which of lamps dark : Itnpromptufoot-lights^ wiih reflectors; cu7'tain; chih. inviting3'our guests this to Art come game is to be prepared to to the each given, ask pose as party a at son per- tigure in Animate well-known some they brings his hostess some or There have two is to have the with The the at should be folding-doors or adds important thing cloth be curtain, and is a the ranged ar- curtain about background a and dark A which, gauze, to the The as elaboration audience the be then can to reflector-lamps, the front netting or most sides. hung feet behind and be guests may good strong light,foot-lightlamps, a failingthis,two or, The will be little to arrange rooms with. away guest, of Each portieresbetween, for the curtain done ure pict- a costume. own of one stage-manager. if you her or or much so represent can containing several figures. course, two are invited family same better, for then the 13 If there picture. the from more Art four ment improve- an third curtain if stretched of black between tableaux, softens and effect of the latter. following are few a suggestions for subjects: "When I was Bachelor," a picture representing "* I was The forced to wheelbarrow the bring hnes my broke from Mother home in Goose; " wife ! " a wheelbarrow, a The 14 Spring," " Booh she as advertisements, of Games depicted is and rosy patent-medicine in the smiling, and taking dose a of spring medicine. "An and costume pictures ; lotus-flower with a like stem Egyptian or the other pointed forward, hand one Aztec from copied attitude figure, with angular, seated Fragment," Aztec holding corkscrew. a VIII Silhouettes Materials black silhouette-paper (dull the on other) reflector; a of scissors J pencil as for each Sheets there as are a one apiece and a the pencil studio few for over party who is chosen some ; in is beans in the for of member of pair one in board cardan velope en- artist,and there Zoological this game, the party, accident. quick and place where with called silhouette-paper paper, case white lamp j of of mucilage. needed each and of white fifty mentioned (which see), are Game a ; sheets bottle of the dull-black and of players ; side one thumb-tacks large player sheets many players four ; on are many there as As Required: clever he is with selects a One for his a large stretch Silhouettes of wall. a reflector provided, all other lightsare been by one with strong lamp A 15 the one silhouettes players cut. thumb-tack arranged that wall and from cast a The artist then a Another draws out, along the cut may When all of his auction this and if the auctioneer This in a profiles each son per- they may and an be pasted to exhibition be a made good been somewhat OF of ward Afterof works art is apiece being provided can it possible. as these cuts of these sale is has game quiet adjoining room. an VERSION ANOTHER paper. own. cardboard in it will the white as party her or held, fifty beans money, from so the rapidly the profile as finished are white an foot a a is parallelwith on keeping the with lamp pencilledoutlines,or arranged them to shadow of one The seated six inches sitter their wall the to corner. person clear black is cast, the sheets pinned each at have sheet of the silhouette -paper, A side out, is white put out, and to come having for amusing very one. THE SAME GAME played quite different as way. factorily satisThe 1 The 6 materials required except there should be As there the half and and sheet a and four the other's the there are as two ; and exhibited. are then the players, decides the the win which lady a a pairs of pair and prize. pencil, a then on committee, A ceives re- draws described, out, of the thus ; person each before of bowl -paper, and side men gentle- Every slip Each silhouette cardboard, the duplicates of white for gentlemen's as bowls two are ladies. partner. silhouette each ; as lamps more a pastes it,black them pencils thumb-tacks one for it out, made there players rnajty there thumb-tacks; best, and as or paper, in the draws everyone the and are many arrive other numbers ladies' first, gentleman. and numbered, as two ; slips of the ; twice ; guests with there scissors of lady prizes for filled for the as needed, as players are As same beans no players are the are slips of paper pairs there is are of Games : many several Book cuts sheet of silhouettes chosen from portraits is gentleman who 1 The 8 the twisted " the to them, The be is key each read prize is given twisted the most paper. aloud, the correct the to off, and checked are paper ed hand- another's person then the redistributes leader, who or each on minutes twenty In finished,signed, and host giving names a list. " should papers of Games Book has who person un- animals. X Fair Industrial Materials as there Required players are Rug-maker, and knife a or Milliner, ; piece of scissors and kid ; thread with J thread ; thread Tailor, ; doll's and of Glove-maker, of ; wood Dressmaker, and trijnming ; sors scismaker, Shoe- needle, thread, and colored beads, piece of needle, undressed color, 7ieedle, and same paper pencil and ; colored sors scis- piece of cloth, scissors, needle, Inventor, Gardener, box paper piece of needle, thread, hat cards square^ of clay chamois, or Jeweller, inches lump cotton, kid blank many Boat-builder, ; Potter, ; silk piece of six needle As Architect^ pencil and j canvas and worsteds, : and paper pencil J ; Printer, and scape Land- small Industrial stamping printing or Fair 19 Builder^ outfitj box cf blocks. This involves game preparation,but in the return the hostess each with person, article some be may each plan the she players draw apiece; then, presenting them player receives each his or her trade Seated about players work hour an and a the manufactured and an exhibition decides of '' upon to suggestions Materials occur to articles of for mind. and indiscriminately, of trades and The of " end are all collected this arranged. it. a trades prize number A given others A itors, exhib- the are it is very the room the among maker Required," one's earnest. the best article,and the for given time a is them from chosen committee, At one prepared the for on hostess, begins in round long. too time is awarded or at their trades is not the to the game table bowl, a materials the Cards trade a from to to make trade. beforehand, with full a trade which such the will afford assign a with appropriate to written ; these is to materials in will receive which amusement guests. The her trouble some will are amusing under readily given to see unfortunate an hat a a Book The 20 lady ming; trim- gentleman awkwardly making or dress, while tidy or a with whittles boat-builder as Games of customed unac- fingers. XI SOAP-BUBBLES Materials there as Required accide7it each prizes for It is does will be few kind on of pipes may are match and water mental of case that table tied '' in with ribbons to find of case simple j a If you soap- exhaustion. all the very huge A convenient and to find their be the placed place. the a bowl with soapy floats,"should ribbons There players,and breakage. a that game stop here, for game water, made soap small a a clay pipes for and soap such cure in over in over pipes intellectual etTort. require any bubbles day many event. looking for should of soap relief sometimes a not are of bowl a ; As several and players, are : The players partners, who Soap-Buhbles together for strive for highest, for bubbles If it is with beautiful and bubble the can their sides over in side which to blow into their be or the the their tennis-net dip it. stretched divides a the two sides trying to bubbles In-doors across court. a room the vent pre- coming on floating points for the stand bubbles territory. largest ladies The gentlemen opponents' the from fifteen counts nal sig- a pipes and Every bubble net. for into At their blows other, both own float divided tennis-court a played by dividing ribbon out- party contest. which started and their be opponents' bubbles this way bubbles net On of bubble. a will can all umpire play against each their bubbles party side the wins. the pipe, and for this soap-bubble a given by the coloring in the The sides for goes fascinatinglypretty sight,and a time. that longest,for of dip given are bubble lasts one light wind long blow, that one from it is a two the possible to arrange of-doors a the the most for prizes,which largest bubble, the most the 21 make the close to the and over from this vent pre- coming game with middle, may a as cord the The 22 Book of Games XII Geographical Materials letters ; This as Required be can table. most up, From and the letter. anagram the receives THE game many bowl a the bowl ple peo- around one letter player who noun is the may empty on first be each who one a filled with beginning with No letters,and his This as comfortably geographicalnoun When counts of letters the leader throws letter takes twice. played by seated table, face a be can game anagram calls box A : prize. a dining-room the Letters that given player has the prize. a PROGRESSIVE may be VERSION elaborated by making it progressive. Materials letters j Required as jnany : cards boxes Two and of gram ana- progra?nme- Letters Geographical pencils there as players are of different colored players the For and of benefit have or The those who have other or how forgotten of number divisible just enough : should be may be there the play to never play them, to that so are progressive guests invited four, by there as following descriptionis given the yards many booby prize. a played progressive euchre games, as ribbon narrow first prize a ; half ; 23 and game none over. Divide list of your will be the answer have to room your number ready. suppose " and six tables Table, the next the guests guests by four there are one will " Second, cards of them " through No. color way for a the with 1 " of two ribbon, with through there as the these the be for the the Provide as Head Third, many of all the tie color one to of each ; of another ribbons proceed four table,and pencil attached pair,two cards about twenty-four next head bows pencils, and essary nec- guests, number are for small other last. the tables these Arrange Fourth, Fifth,Sixth and blank of small and in the other same tables. Book The 24 half take Now the colors two in put them has the two boxes of all and bell begins. players the game, When the the the at players bell is other tables the at Sixth Table, and the winners tables go of each change takes place, and one game the end may games of lost an toward one tables the or a rings a or a must the Table half an who prize,and stay to go all the at the stop too. ones Head case table and rung of At partners their may the other Table. change a as decide, the person receives the head players mark won hour the Head defeated up into table in hostess again the they each at are, where divide previously described, as winning players The partners. Take on the ready are finished have part card, and a dish. other When take bowl half of the letters and one ladies the as another to find their anagram parts,putting or each gentlemen ribbons which, of each table, and every put the other been match bowl for From one. then of cards, one bowl, from takes (into which six these provided a arrive, each cards) of Games of be. cards At hour, as the hostess has the won one the who most has of Games Book The 26 EXCELSIOR VOL.1. PRICELESS 1 NO. EDITORIAL NAME OUR is dedicated journal, which and the for name famous on journey a the hallowed world rarefied air of New idea of the of in and have certain attention made locality, the it famous world born. was to a true the a MARK, of While forefathers, still exemplified in OUR The Mass., of more HIGH-WATER Whit- by the works Subscription, $2.00 at a Concord. material set forth as liberal treatment produce taken after Cambridge, the daily life of the present generation. fair a months short starting this journal beautiful England few a this thrice-blessed bring the is to mission of which memories the over, home ancient our but made, (stillsolvent) by reaUzation our to banks breathing the Its editor as J., by James N. Camden, in written Reilly. The ago, selected have we reason our politics,the brave sound to of gentle fledgling "Excelsior/' our poem comb this For true. initial number the present this morning We our contemporaries all men, to We can promise and women, year, payable in than fiftyper cent, cash. No a kids. farm discount. CIRCULATION 7,250,000 readers which may COPIES HOURLY properly be called to by disgraceful sensational Newspaper methods leaped have single bound. presently to Row platform. In the inspection of the nation. the financial attest meantime justly claim may sound the Ferris books our the stormy showery, with winds best A. Since of Jumbo's the death in the in it" " in our for open United with us, light rains TO Tough for a of York; New A probable June, coming ; blizzard from slightly cooler ern Eastwill west, north- and clear. CORRESPONDENTS It is not : south to due High gales along the and October warm, circles in weather. ANSWERS To arise northeasterly winds, changing ; mild between with money, REPORT fair weather. coast, with arrive are by wheel. Fair, southerly east. paper largest circulation WEATHER Fair to stand soundness States; certainly the silver dollar is not nor judgment We tariff,and at a ing by adher- won the suspicious public. a been fifty-four-story building will a Newspaper we of sense great wealth with Cleveland, the McKinley Grover and accord in practical good and notoriety and to popularity has Our principles to 27 to gent considered his wear etiquette in hat in a the lady's parlor. To S. grounds he would Tistics and have : If a buildings traversed had man at more the walked Columbian than four through all the Exposition billion miles. To Ante Penny in any aces good form OF THE LITERATURE NEW the worthy have to ber. num- than more BY BOOK P. DAY SMITH Cherries," by P. Smith, is and Ice-cream " played by any hand. one A be can considered It is not four Poker : Games of Book The 28 of" perusal of" others book well iant brill- Smith's Mr. I a style here eclipses itself,also its author, likewise instance, in the reader, as, for P. says S., chiefly made is " Club, Ice-cream, and afford lose these to unlike reader. old, the other be will nature It is book a Dear mjf There we so are homes what to would from with For last like and book the for alike, as well OWN as all PAGE RECIPES ends, dear and them how contrasting shade could be made sisters, that that much if some tied round could pretty colored the only we prettier our instance, sardine-cans year's bonnet, and some the a in the trash-basket be. our can |l.SO in cash. tastefullygilded, lined with over of more green-eyed odds many do household : carelesslythrow knew many HOUSEHOLD Shut-ins things. Game no the young, WOMAN'S USEFUL To That and for will pay THE three of "Life," gent readily appreciated by the intelli- gray-haired and idiots who up Cherries." gemlets lines: following its with be silk left a bow half-open of cover, receptacle of hair-pins,playing-cards, Newspaper the toothpicks, or covered like. carpet, would with as a foot-rest. Save in a thousand ways. and add ribbon then, with ; five-o'clock take old an it use how tell you table for dear the cover not peas, burnish and it up, spoon-holder husband's ? I could give is limited and before weeks two With COSEY La Grange day in June high silk hats catch-alls, and as wish every for his he slender turned very was which his side with thoughts Ann. of the soul these his with a tering cold, blus- one far were fingers through artist, and an his again to his work weary your CORNER sitting at his desk was ; I can STORY A Mr. better legs,what Eliza OUR and faithfullyyours, I am, success, the 'improvise? Why gridirons trifles. useful of fine linen sisters, that your are carefully wired the a for another useful such more many for ideas, but the time trash-baskets, as held my to wait very one once useful more shall have are that doubt, no many we could neatly comfort our they ; cover hide to as this self-same on I have you can to tomato-cans exquisite so tea-table add soap-box a of an starch-box, tomato-cans Take tastefullytied old an greatly your legs made four together Or 29 ning Run- away. dark-brown sigh. He curls was weary, cold, cold, unappreciative world. his work craved. words He " : had not called met his with the favor office-boy George, the Game He Club to his meets at house, my the dining-room I prefer death ill,and is baby pressing a of Book The 30 dollar Games to his hand, he into {To fallen, the ceiling has and, home," going disappeared. continued.) be ADVERTISEMENTS Wanted A " machine ; must chamois ; girl to do sewing. understand be must need * Naval the be between by ship die to if be required en route grub, and Uncle be buried swim. Sam to to raise as smooth a need look * Hair a not will metropolis, speaks volumes bly probaif they pay, Bring good * RENOl^ATOR to Curs Mangy Bald for following letter,from to ! coat marble-topped cure, for necessary all ! come Good you must expect They news. after Navy vouched It is not sea. beautiful furry as office. Applicants one, the also no this at DOG Restoring writers type- States hundred, a Come spread Suitable The No sight of land, and of out TOTHERLAND'S Warranted and one * For bad. them, but go and friends your to to United The whooping-cough." " will how know of knows subject to trousers. * them wants ages who someone * recruits. and recruits wants and questions asked. no own of fibre use Address, P. D. Q., Excelsior apply. Wanted" boys' knees on day and Will pay $5.00 per and sleeves new expert bring her Must no a on skins previously washstand. Heads pay distinguishedcitizen : of Sequels X. Y. Mother to Rhymes 31 ESQ., TOTHERLAND, Renovator. Dog Totherland's Proprietor of Goose's Being afflicted with a scarcity of hair at an induced to try your early age I was preparation by an in Excelsior. After advertisement using only eighteen in my I find marked botties hirsute a improvement tion remarks of admirato cause attachment, so much so as Dear Sir from with on my bottle a him of and liberty to is use a that he great quite successful dog. compound valuable your been also hairless Mexican thickly so Bernard I liave friends. large my half : been has terror the mistaken hair for burglars. to applying After grew Saint a You at are this letter. Faithfullyyours, I. M. Situation Can Wanted * * by a Bauld. * to man young tend hens. whistle. XIV Sequels Required Materials sheets of foolscap Mother A is take to Gooseys rhyming given be as Goose's Mother to many guests; paper Nursery as Before sheets at the As of pencils many there Rhymes with game below. : Rhymes ; players are plenty of paper top of each j prize. a your and " " go in it guests arrive as there sheet are write The 32 one each on He " told are pulled And said, What out example diflferent a : plum, a ' a doubtless top that the his paper, of one time Mother each, and to a they is to write the game will find each allowed rived ar- with papers rhyme nursery of guests have the given are I.' " am copy the When the boy a point of the to good need to. the sequel on For And at verse rhyme, nursery pencil and a of Games put in his thumb to refer Goose a paper. will You a of last stanza the Book being half an hour. this When and the the best rhyme on awards, Here is verses example an TO " the ed collect- are papers read aloud. be given by from among may chosen SEQUEL " done is prize A a committee the players. : LITTLE JACK HORNER " Jack, little sinner, that dinner After alone, Eaten Was ill of And dyspepsia, Did he on the sly " remorse take of course. soda-mint " or for just die?'* The 34 the up coat "" to and Club. Question" Where and coat to wear Game Noun" Was Club day Sun- all the are and house same their cash seek I And a a ' players; vegetable as inches many there great our I at ? are named Plato, potato" common " Required as ah, bat,' * three to am poet, philosopher, sage, NUMBER of paper, Where sat, saying, Where Materials " : Question" on on is then " Potato. out schemes night and day and both example slipped paper is your " coat my illustrious He coat foil their to rub the Second An aloud. see, there's To weekday besiege my only chance The read me, tailors fierce And " collected ? Sunday Since Games : Game Noun" of are rhymes example For Book I at ? am '" TWO : by half Twice an pettcils and players ; as inch, as sheets two slips many there are of foolscap bowls or card- trays. When one the receives players are two seated slipsof paper in a circle each and a pencil is asked and then to write other the on a player puts verb. a Again player takes a and are slipfrom each each Example he drew. " Upon a He was No * a Thus his toughened scab ' from hit upon the he'll do more his player,and for a poem paper on write to the verb a which with the can. fly, chores eye." for each provided, one are every cheek THREE NUMBER of apiece, one Jersey's shores another's Until he minds Sheets of Fly. brick-bat, rock, and With " Sheets motor-man hit upon Was every trolley-car last week timid A a : Trolley-car. Verb" Noun" other bowl. and are every and passed is asked noun one the dealt out, then rhyme containing the trays or into the bowls players, and the bowls and noun circle ; into the are 35 slipa one Two noun foolscap paper to on verb. around passed Games Rhyming Three one is written last word of a subject each line. 3"5 The making skeleton a of Games Book in this way ready-made, rhymes : TENNIS TO ODE AN the with poem, play slay court fought say day racket jacket fifteen For at the writes, and are minutes of end and collected thinks everyone the the that time read. verses the O, watch His victims chases He The sylph-like Percy the on good," He ain't " He plays still worse The reason Causes a many " no ground around them of scene TENNIS TO ODE is that his wife to to the play, slay. court, battle fought. I hear you from day many dust a his say; to racket jacket. papers For : AN and day.'* ample ex- Fan-hall 37 XVI Fan- sheet stiffJ red of and of red balls,one required, each are No. No. three cut Having in diameter, in the those circles 1, 2, and 3 in left 1 quite your long middle and held No. 1. The the No. three and four times the slits 3. a half size of accordingto the and the number indicated. Now, taking hand, slide it through the slit in No. by flat : diagram, as blue, three circles or in the of 2. diagram, cut straightlines No. ^ of one made paper I. and paper being piecesof intersecting inches of blue paper sheet one ^ prize. a Two palm-leaf fans Two Required: 'Materials one BALL small cross-cuts 2, and it will be slits at in No. either 3 caught side allow of that The 38 circle to fit over where the game chairs or placed in the skeleton is made goal is to be have all arrived who in fan are and a given fan of a played in this way Each paper player each fans in the first sends then through and game ball a session pos- time the test, con- is game in front at of the his word goal, his of mand com- umpire, previously selected, The balls his When must of the his ball another afresh. blue takes players at him; centre who palm-leaf a each his ball in the direction goal. chair stands the guests : ball before from and party is the side, and is also be chosen, the and team Two each room goal your until other, and goal. from one When red ball and one the to each from sides The to chair a captainsshould two equally divided. the played by placing two room. choose turn two, thus of end yard apart ; a of the centre the other each equal distance an Games ball. at hassocks at of bisect and completing the A Book of go through and room, through his opponent's the the player this chair and ner, opponent's goal is the win- pair of all have players begin played, the the team IntercollegiateFoot which has prize box a of it should be in allowable a of the playing this the ball, to touch propelledonly by as flowers,or the members remembered be that it is not game of candy, bouquet It must 39 receives times most divisible among something team. the won -hall from the breeze the fan. XVII Intercollegiate Materials of Required yard a of one-fourth of yard half a of a yard of of a yard, an about one six one the inch S7nall is even white as as ribbon ; ribbon ; fourth ribbon ; one ribbon ; one-eighth inch wide, long as thick; ribbon of bon rib- orange lead-pencil a wooden two ; a?id spools j chalk. always exciting on " as : is in the table if possibleif you exciting on directions orange of medium-blue grand stand, and realistic way" these sticks -fourth Foot-ball It is black an one-fourth ; eggs narrowest wide, yard, white the of narrowest a Two medium-blue 7tarrowest piece of from : narrowest yard a of one-eighth of J Foot-ball Take a two raw the field, newspapers. played eggs in will follow and blow a The 40 them Book by making blowing through of the opposite and the possiblewith pen and ink ribbon, each yard of on the blue the orange. winning team, matter. black Saw over, ink stands for about much take an and one-fourth and black in sticks a however, on Your the made, but that P for the be. for in for these prize ready it may bon. rib- white the black small a sections is an posts goaleasy spools in halves, paint them or posts of the size and be two with stands wide, and whichever still to are two as they as ribbon, the will have not eggs, medium-blue white narrow Make you are of ribbon, and flags and labors inch narrowest this Sew each one the the Next yard done When paints. possiblelike real foot-balls. a at cup nearly leather-color to make as a been look lacing,so orange the into this has When with of Y forced water-color eighth a been them and as has shells,as draw dry are and until all the inwardness end. the end hole perfect shells remain, paint rather or each at one tgg the hole small a Games of ivory-black,and your posts; then to fit in the holes six inches long. you have make four in the spool Sew at the The 42 Games of pole of which the college,on Book egg-shell foot-ball, is given captain as a be may strung an the to winning trophy. XVIII Parodies Required Materials sheets of paper each In this game A parody the by there as on is then announced then by all the Half an players to papers be POEM"" given. In the Where Were In the hour and is Here Hiawatha." title of write an a of the Dakotas, the lodges of the the red only habitations, days of Hiawatha; read prizefor The land be their verses, and men New on the poem should example Subject" given are all to write collected are write selected paper the and prize. poem subjectfor ; also a ; required to and of the company one may a parodied. for the is person Pencils hostess. players and be players are pencils many well-known some to the to As : lowed aland aloud the best : Woman. Bouquet the squaws Where Cooking for and Lived Comes On To Dakota 'tis forgotten, figure " riding, thou Gaze and call New men Woman. lovely Minnehaha, of Dost ones. object this comes the white Ghost lie bloomers, tailor-made in What and strange, uncanny bicycle Clad toiling, dozing warriors, the died a a wigwams painted, red-sicin warriors, the For in 43 this see wonder, production new Minnehaha ? I XIX Bouquet Materials Required : of light yellow, and light and dark fourth as paper such as as there bottle there No. players are yo of mucilage pairs of scissors players as ; one ; j each as at there and least are ; also a sue-paper tis- green slips of many spool of fine wire, manufacturers white sue-paper tis- purple, light dark and of light are of two colored rose-color, red, orajtge, white, tissue-paper and needles and sheets many as of violet, deep crimson, blue, dark Sheets black one-third players. sell ; cotton; as No. 8 one many Book The 44 of guests arrive each the As which on paper begin, the hostess than will be color light and Each each of the person should around in for convenience and mucilage the time and a and two natural is up of the committee and a Suggestions thread, small common. be tables, wire, scissors, When collects the flowers players,two which ladies is the to the bouquet is most maker given by prize. for Flowers : Wild rose, tulip,sweet-pea, buttercup, chrysanthemum, nasturtium, them. party should in whole of each and be used decides each minutes, it is several four more for all to make perfect flower, and the of needle hostess make to assigned to whole sheet a sheet The of to if working. gentlemen, of this flower way may ready one-fourth a table,or a a allowed have a or, " flowers and, if possible, the seated needed Twenty time of person slip with " green. is the more or on enough dark announced, one color needed, half is color one each are slip a name and the written flower the come gives to tissue-paper of the receives one is written all have When flower. of Games of bachelor's button, poppy, violet, daisy, pansy, lily, carnation, gera- Mirth niuiTi, dandelion, 45 marigold, aster, primrose, orchid, daffodil,arbutus. XX Mirth Materials Required When you perhaps wonder ten be have provided with which, when the around he when who magic players into laugh one laughing circle. The must smiling before from player have is given been to that the circle. this At the the drop out can When sible pos- floor, players of the to be player in he circle a heartilyas will need the is He air. of he laughing formed touches leader catch as more must him should handkerchief, the or alert,as he or have handkerchief is rechris- leader The will you may ordinary white must if there is still and name throws signaleveryone until the this game contagious laugh. a an him, prize. merriment. with person A played at its it mirthless a : very the act of miss lawfullydisall but one obliged to drop out, the prize person. The 46 Booh Games of XXI Vice Materials each for by of No. gentleman wood, one about two and ; there as atid gentlemen are gentlemen; thick tack-hammers spools as many pieces of two inches and of small prizes for two ; six ^ papers two ; cloth ; six -half feet by one buttons three ; y needles of No. are inches two crockery pieces of mariy paper ; Tejt : as ; there as cotton so thimbles tacks Required inches, six Versa lady gentleman. the To buttons buttons most which appear in drive can why the given the most is ladies be a can time one on for also begin the to two as which sew and the on the this the ladies tacks, it will readily a livelyand absorbing referee begins,to judge disputes and The which see a should game contest, and all to the game There one. in competition strive gentlemen feminine, and person really a sewing impossible as drivingtacks as average is masculine person is about is to the game average fore appointed,bein the gentlemen, keep at to ladies' settle time. a time, as in a Vice standing tournament, table ; before signal each and referee with the each she and who drove tacks time receives they may and take credits her into pair become ished), finmered ham- the the in the (the has have minutes, when prize,and a her the their turn each a given into hammered greatest number the a minutes, when after five of table- a At till all the ladies for tacks has out on so five pair now drawn are hammer. a lady'stacks number side each on piece of board, a for continues Another tacks 47 begins hammering counts board. is each one of tacks, and spoonful board Versa one given their trials over, now, spectators of the gentlemen's eflforts. piece of A a needle and and and they of they and at the the one his threading Fifteen end who piece of of cotton. sewed to to their buttons minutes of that has thread, all asked their allowance cotton. of given are are toward can sewing piece a buttons, ten cloth,six by six inches, cotton time the may a a each do thimble, man gentlethe needles the on be best and piece allowed, prize is given most buttons to on The 48 Book Games of XXII Puzzles Progressive Required Materials cards, there several ; As blank many inches one-half and two guests are : pairs board pasteas square, scissors of a ; prize. simplicityof The and It is only is game a circle around card, and a a the of pair neighbors. his card four pieces. The intersect should been be held many small third or he should other, but fourth so with ceives re- his player to as in er play- each make straightand they after the first cut together tillthe then one shares be the be seated that across pairs may the second go in pieces cut has made. Each and cuts each direction,and any each ; twice simple. like, and you It is announced cut must room every it is as party should scissors,which is to as traction great at- guests, several are prize, if The ready. provide to there as scissors,and of successful as necessary cards square a it is is its this game player passes them mixes now to his up his four pieces right-hand neighbor. The 50 party is or and these, each pair for of pair a the eyes to be prepared to of their holes, while at eight of through, apart and This floor. at should hostess if the a time, players to take Then there shov/n, when the guessers become convenience For made, each of paper and to look in front wishes in of the allowed, are is another the the set of eyes change places guessed. recording paper No. 1 No. 2 the guesses have a GROUP , 3 . No. 4 ..........._._. sheet arranged in , No. had have screen the sides and whom to way: FIRST the through guessing players should pencil,the choose now lighted candle a until all behind their eyes screen pair of eyes, they belong. to guess, the number the inspect each and beforehand be distance proper look players behind The one should the sheet time. save four from In the be cut, of the size There at varying heights Games should holes of eyes. shape of be darkened. then must small screen Book this The ObjectiveLibrary GROUP SECOND No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 GROUP THIRD No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 the As write can players guess each the a names on were examined; and may be corrected from the curtain,and who a pair of eyes, they in which the eyes end, the papers true list kept behind to the person prize awarded recognizedmost bers num- the at a these line with order to the according 51 eyes. XXIV The Materials sheets of paper This and game Objective As Required: as is there Library are players simply taking representing them pencils many ; a and prize. titles of books by arrangements of The 52 various on and of side groups each The be may arranged with of the of these to the where room a the all of the left- player is and papers begins when game Each paper. small a being repeated on one admitted Games numbered sheets with provided are The numbers card, the hand of objects. table a Booh *' cil. pen- players " library table,and should last about twenty minutes. In this time the players try to solve of the is spread as the for The with " many who one time given Essay Man." on "Measure "The A " for Spy."" A picture of a (cut man large S and a any A. pint-measure, around A " an from : tape-measure. telescope. and Rose titles in the most represent them to Measure." a possible, suggestionsfor titles, few is laid which is twined "The a objects needed the as prize. a following are which problems guesses the receives on illustration), a the upon the Ring." A " drawn rose through ring. "The future some " Nicholas of which Race." Coming yacht piece, followed "Ivanhoe" horse or Nickleby." is laid the by A " " word the (I've an word newspaper-clipping about race. five-cent A " " as " 0).-~A ; then piece, to the right another five-cent by." child, cut from an illus- The tration, holding the twelve Too Tales." " Bittersweet." be may pasted on candy lying " Rudder be Plato." scale, and small A beside A is the word " which rudder, followed game of be may books, famous is laid the sock, sample packages " " a this of gentleman's several Carnot. of picture house. low A " stone of picture a in re letter O. the musical of teas. laughing girl with a it. toy No," Twain," Mark A plate,on a Gladstone. stick a represented: By Socrates. of cottonwool. quinine pillswith instance, instead For may tails,made of of variations played. at it. on long, a Several men box A clock, stopped it. number A Grange."" of one of A " glove, needle, thread, and torn a " " Mend." to in front lying Lamb's " Late o'clock, with thimble by which large O, a up 53 child's hand. "Never of Objective Library with car laid By a slip of on paper, which top. on two straight lines on a piece of paper. Another way of playing this game is to represent cities : 1. these Answer A bag words : which on *' : What is a pinned a piece of paper bearing disrespectfulboy calls his father." Tl)e Book 54 2. A sweet-pea pinned relatives 3. it. to glass depart." it :'* To 7. " Where Katherine of two between to be followed Moscow. these going when was Answer a words on divorced he Havana. : " paper : Not street," and for wanted in home of "The Jerusalem. Trilby's sentences them. : with paper Concord sentence Answer a on French of setts" city in Massachu- Glasgow. VIII. Answer: "Part with paper Hawthorne's cow. is sentences witches." these a Arragon." Russia," "The Near Canton. : A " on ^wm-^r; Henry 8. These 9. of which in Answer profitable;" this by the picture A " Berlin. Answer: that he found of slip a slip with vegetable growth 5. "A 6. it. a with Pekin. is laid upon pinned slip of paper a : can lbs." written A burr to Answer empty an on home it. on On "2,000 4. " Games of on Answer foot a : " and "An slip of paper, exclamation;" with a key laid Tokio. XXV Initials Materials A list of the should way. The A Required: names be name of prize. celebrated some prepared is written beforehand at the sons perin left of this the Initials and paper, on the characterization same of two the suggestive of For example Abraham Robert Makepeace Rare Thackeray Steele Wit Rare Loved Mark Twain Makes H. Stanley He Alcott William Charles Charles Search Holmes are and Cruiser Schemes Romancer Oh, What Terribly then its cut Emulating England's Glory Cherished lines Admirers Many Clever Dickens name Made Many Reade The Sell Travesties Who's Carlyle Thomas one Gladstone Wendell Oliver Peculiar Animals Really Worth Stuart Mary and Conquering Emerson Ewart Tenderness Books Left Columbus Ralph Waldo Much Scapegrace Her Christopher Studying ; . H. B. Stowe M. order. Delayed Long Agassiz Louisa and Loving Spirit Extravagant Poe Livingston M. regular Worth . Louis it follows name Stevenson William Richard is written Absolutely Loyal Shakespeare David words : William Edgar Allan right,a more Lincoln Louis line, to the its initials in with beginning or 55 across accompanying Humor Caustic Deservedly so as to leave sentence on ? The 56 each slip. When seated are reads at a Book the the around the the host and leader or descriptivephrases aloud, one the end slip. At to the player who who person of the character name arrived guests have the room, short time, and Games of first guesses the receives the referred of the has to prize is given a game the most won slips. XXVI Auction Materials Required all of tied and wrapped fictitious 7ia7ncs) in there as of the although it prepare, (in which are each player merriest it may and more the ; ; as logues cata- many called are thirty by beans pencils 7nany taken. will more way of absurd their is here Your furnish penny and appearance one for local toy plenty of toys and childish given, dil^cult first appear reallywill fullyrepay the fun players of games at confectioneryshop in as they there of trouble amount cles arti- more players. are One and as envelope for an or up attractively j articles the of Twenty shapes, mostly cheap toys, all and sizes : these will make to the and terial ma- candies, are as the they The 58 Marble 9. A Book (cracked marble). Bust 10. Reminder 11. Emblem 12. Lubin's 13. Fin 14. Profanity Educators 15. Several Pairs 16. Ode a 1 7. A Pair 18. A Perfect 19. Maid 20. Modern of of Extract (onion). (toy bath-tub). and (hammer tacks). Nippers (clothes-pins). Sitting Hen of of of (sponge). (scales). de Si^cle Natatorium to Friend Impecunious an Justice Tear Games of (china egg). Blacklegs (doll'srubber boots). Foot, \ la Trilby (foot-rule). Orleans candy). (stick of molasses Instrument (toy banjo). of Torture XXVII Commerce tt"rds ; ffty play To beasts for each this game to have necessary packs of playing- Two Required: Materials player j two prizes. it successfully among your guests is quite clever a amateur auctioneer does object to talking a good deal, and not quick and person The the success with gentleman who some If you amusing. players table,each or can of the game should his be find such is a is assured. seated around capitalof fiftybeans a be- Commerce fore him. then brought of highestbidder,who has pack and the by will callingthe has must surrender the each minutes for more card of the the one auctioneer's pack, for grows speculators often beans to buy one the After either the the to the another pack are in thin ; then their card, which win so bottom intervals the secure to possess or which give cards selling among is so player his else, and very does interval of three an at especiallywhen hand is and three-minute is he as auctioneer. anyone the them his hand it among of the game, matching When begin by in card, and object than will time, a there buying the end given, the at it to the As beans prize at one card he of cards duplicate of callingof to the Announcement that pack name who players. business. up time a the table before on second turn at sale a for it in beans. auctioneer the holding holds are sold, the players arrange beans for prepare made and card pays all been and their cards playing-cards the auctioneer in and pack, sellingone one the of packs Two 59 whole perhaps of a the the prize very the is citing, extioneer's auc- anxious store of matches The 6o the next turned one up of Games by the in everything lose they so Booh realistic Wall Street auctioneer, and in moment a a way. XXVIIl Syllables Stray Required Materials sheets of paper there as in different is used this and to prove often the syllable same would If you like entertain time same party of people,play the following game. each player to write several stripof paper, leaving spaces inch the between words. shuffle draw three seated with this is When all the out let each bles, syllaperson party should syllables,or with two player tries to him, to in turn, and from his construct if it is an different the player Each word half each belonging a long a table, and a three to make cut a Ask on of about together, and three the done, syllables. The around words syllables of and prize. a ; the words. at pencils many players are surprisinghow It is As : of a be tries the word. impossible he syllables must re- Show Babv turn two to the again, comes syllablesand If and he when wait draw may is for provided the most words, an twenty minutes, should say player in that who his turn until two more try again. prize a pack 6i his credit receives time the allowance of be made, and the has structing con- person most time, the words to prize. a XXIX Show Baby Materials sheets Required of paper there as Almost If you "That are all of a was your guests and to in pride of evening will the or logues, cata- as well graph photo- humility, or a baby." games, earliest have thoroughly interestingas ajid prizes. picture bring you for tin-type a my an two ; point planning of themselves for has to peticih many blank-books, players everyone to which saying, small or are As : the as ask pictures material amusing game. Each guest brings his or her picturewrapped The 62 in and these being played arranged if or, the a pictures framed. provides dark be can for all the who The write may the originalsof also writes are his their or corrected one who or has and child ures pict- are bered, num- a baby, as and picture,as decided were. Each is the all have collected awarded the by to names are of names and names their catalogues originalof or when signed the to tell which to the written numbers. prizes are guessed of names the to guess vote and and to the no " or pencils, are picturesare her catalogues,the babies All these againstthe voted and page the asked prettiestpicture of and the numbers the and appear, their guesses guessed Only guests. guests hostess provided, with be left side of the the case bring to gallery,and catalogues,more a elaborate, may at the beforehand In this ; desired, is hangings,againstwhich less pictures adjoining room an effectively grouped. at as games cally be artisti- exhibition asked be outside, other While in elaborate may the on pictures may tables on more owners their name it to the hostess. hands are Games of the with and paper, Book to the the most prettiestbaby the most votes Palette for any cast The one. should packages or be 6^ prizes,to be reallyappropriate toys, rubber of infant's rattles, balls, food. XXX Palette Materials Required and palettes eighteen inches, players are of blue, the holding large sheets fastened with into has way, to patches the small decorated been of or look as outline of -two by j tacks thumb- four as two there each previously been have is set an around it. To in a their each pasteboard palettewhich paint artist's ''set in five the up players draw the with when paint ; twenty crayons, thumb-tacks) player is given a players prizes. of paper semicircle a board paste- drawing-board (to which prominent place, and chairs or two s a are slips of paper chalks black and about players are small many there as many y easel An colored ; red as ; As of paper, there as easel an j pencils sheets large many as : or the in tional conven- palette is supposed " up with six colors palette. These neat ing followare, of The 64 dry, course, lists. as the the whom The No. of slip the person which receives the a other, and of each the in is player a to a old has his is drawing is called the host, and there prize. artist whose greatest number are A taken until what song been on down of correct may and all in turn palettes are owner most of persons^ blue, red, and their prize also title has before number the the board write upon the ; this he new finds picture,and now pictures,when or guess tried to ceives re- he of to try then which the chalk or and easel song, by calling game upon opposite guesses drawn the the others companion by upon to to illustrate upon palettes. The have assigned paper title of All another as palette,while side to him, using crayons their the begins now requested their the painted comes the black. of use numbers, are below one for only paletteis given. 1, who written side reverse one host a palettes are the the " of Games outline of centre number is the players, following the the as On as many Booh be the lected colone guesses given guessed by to the The 66 half hour an of Games Booh The turpentine will only out mistakes, If this game furniture large is have the table with an it is committee where room players costly,it seated the would around a unspoilable covering, but precaution, be need no if ordinary accidents decides awards worthy of the a is decorated table,and the cup on care ture to furni- all the china on arranged artistically on most saucer a mixing, paint. and clothing. When or a this taken, there in played wash to for all to thin the to without even needed at beautiful is very well be is decides. hostess be used if or, little is needed very the longer, as or and prizes. XXXll Shadow Materials curtain irk ; Pictiirhs Rkquirkd one lamp : i^ivin^^a Oni'/a?xeshfctfora stroni^ Hi^lif,or aeeordini^ liii/it properties J to the clt'c- pietiires given. These pictures are they require a so little amusing more (hat although preparation than Shadow most they games, largeenough doors first The trouble. Pictures to fill the rooms. Secure the doorway with will be performance wet evenly will make should should in houses would be easy to the of centre their near to the it. The farthest latter with is seated strong, steady a incandescent about light six feet it and the the in as the behind sheet practicablewithout as it head shadow. can should as ing touch- the be profile shoulder The be as " always must curtain, the curtain managed, tinct. dis- more sheet-screen. side of elTective from water, this sheet, the performers should the presented toward is be only light in either an parts between play only have lightbeing placed The clear should the audience the before lighted by electricityit of the back arranged sheet the sharper and lamp a or flame; two of the Just and where be folding- frame creases. darkened, and be room or sponge room sheet, tacks, stretchingit so that shadows the The a the to begins with a between doorway folds the is between space sheet small no additional thing to provide double there the worth are any or 6y most easily make fully carean ap- 68 The like pearance of hardly are movable the the on lower made of edge sufficientlyto noses the is face cept ex- be may the pasteboard, splittingopen allow sions expresthere " the false but " facial of ders shoul- or limited very portion jaw breast The performer. shadow a Games of lump a the in Book real back to nose inserted. be opportunitiesfor The being for be on absurd a other one finish to and the floor they may the cut can and trimmed his thrilling meaning. Two should time, each be waiting for before pantomime hurry. under the exclusive stage-manager and should or on from be ful care- without distinctly, be a table in the order with pasteboard, while paper. plying re- liberate deAll trol con- be laid in which if small, properties, These fashioned to sons per- be done will be needed. be a of Every action should propertiesshould of at depend exaggeratedas so apparent conversation to it. on succession rapid in their speak to expression picturesmust situations,all unmistakable in the limited,shadow so success and emotional of any For old the tumes cos- material example : Shadow A pantomime the Whittier's large hat, and shoes give rakes in cut which comes his tree." from slouch hat gropes in the from Judge now in prances hay, producing him is seen the Judge's wife, before the curtain furbelows. A with wedded And many a pulled five or of six one dolls haughty opposite (a lively door) the " he and tin rides and round been echoes and the who from passes and many : poor, her door." doorway strung) side, and Maud Next away. dower," a on knickerbockers, expression of sings perched by the lines played have " cup, richest side actress's bottle unlearned man at the from a children string secured which " is followed This She a the bird in cut and draught, and she gives a gown, hobby-horse, a on tattered and of cape, action feet). She mock " funny very without over bare of side in in poems newspaper drawn the the from The is pasteboard which " and in seen suggestion pantomime, fowl looking branch absurd an is verses (the hay and act " Muller first is hay-rake is to aloud, clearly,behind the way, gloves stuffed strips,and read Maud " Maud omitted. 69 pictures are in this burlesqued being and words the as scenes, when shadow for sugpstion Pictures the is (and on suddenly dolls dance be taken merrily. Another from " Bab very "Gentle Ballads." funny Alice set Brown," of pictures may one of W. S. Gilbert's The 70 Book of Games XXXIII Silhouettes Materials candle Required lamp or whiskers, noses, This game at may be other ; himself the players his face toward is lightedcandle, should a the the with the provided and disguisethemselves and make-ups seated player and features and the figures as limping, etc.,so quite unlike player on shadows whose the their with stool the other which five lightsin players now various costumes between pass much as to make selves. tries to guess stool he of of one the their candle, distorting usual belong, and shadow as quite placed about rest The extinguished. room be the low tumes. cos- wall it is table,on A a ways. the this a or two to near on sheet. him, and behind feet seats in that so ; 77iasks, false fastened room sheet make-iip.s played be the large bonnets, unwrinkled and smooth any of end one and should First,a sheet One : hats, old ; Disguise in if he possible,hopping, their shadows The solitary to whom is correct recognizes takes the his the player place. Would IVhat One and the guesser to the second between two and actors where room a Half the pose, the one to whom the it,and each each actor side of guess the whose in sheet The and by actors go their audience a hand if the see then silhouettes makes belongs. out in sheet, where the throw put back themselves with this game turn be disguises; they shadow test in connection should the dress time, before a strong light will sharply on as at seated are light. and costumes as spectators. The as and lightedroom the different hung chosen are lightedfrom electric or is sheet players half other strong lamp in the other the either passes. The : shadow, his head who see the spectators quite dark, each 71 separated by folding-doors rooms the for turn is this way arch. an not left to right or The or must ? if do is allowed only guess You guesses An ing amus- is to have from audience the can it is. XXXIV What Materials sheets would Required offoolscap paper do you : as As there if- many are pencils players. and Book The 72 Predicaments of the are then paper, one at written All papers. given the given each to example Game to person read and do you First,cuss " Answer : ; for and second, the coals and time). Failing to find the collar-button then to lose my and return I as Also things to collar-buttons infant. of Then it, that was what glad of she wonder excuse Finally, find some a say ?" you (cussing all ashes in the for wife ashes, to speaking hated to always let the baby ; remark more, crying was she already swallowed always an why play with cuss I upbraid my the adjusting the button, thereby causing was it. over the of cellar,dump down run the have For down would what fire,rake me is paper meeting a furnace just done, and aloud. the me dicaments pre- of the best only collar-button lost your would register,what dressing were you Club would the below this is be of the one their ideas when each ; Suppose " to write and foolscap sheet, and collected, another's are papers of penciland a to them of them, out ways with asked are sheets on perate des- beforehand. out top of each the provided is person trying and most thought descriptionare These Games of that and about collar-button by that and which omnivorous that say cussed stay home. the numberless upon Game Then what had ask I was glad Club and my wife I had done. miraculously The 74 Book of Games viously appointed, decides of worthy prize. This a appropriate in acquire Club a club a is game the where to be Song the song upon especially object is to subsequent at sung most meetings. XXXVI Who Materials paper Required there as I} am guests are As : first prize a ; slips of many booby a ; prize. character A and comparativelynew, costuming and with for it. After the hostess slipof he the friends his or these each is often of well-known without given work no of in preparing each a guests written of the character name the her character. differ very character back to the from or amusing arrival of the the to be. as gained ; from little tellingthe players have be can to the she is meant or is of pins paper is most party, which The only knowledge persons they of comments must As guess the sent repretheir the name opinions widely,the guessing of a difficult matter. The pressed ex- one's names muactors,authors, politicians, Location sicians,characters be may awarded If the to fiction,or local celebrities in given. desired, who player character,as well 75 as a his first guesses booby prize for a be prize may the last. XXXVII Location Materials A Required in which game shine the players,and until the shall callingthe counting his If he calls the in the name But Chance begin the of their sides has of should any decides finished two which does by then counting the cityor correctlyhe in turn place,and must venience con- parties in locate must answered a has For town, and city or he tion. Loca- among ; this he game a Before opposite row counted. choose the seat other. name ten. to opposite opponent town. from party is equally divided. facingeach captain chosen these in turn it is well rows, is called Boston, and captains are Two prize. geographicalgenius will the from comes A : the second locate it before player fail player ten to answer is before she or is ten counted, the and prize " he incorrectly, answer and when deserves there side, that either player left,on one or drop out, must Games of Book The 76 is only gets one it. XXXVIII Fashion Required Materials there cards as sheets of paper boxes of (rough) sheets two ; there as there of the paints, as ; water-color conitnon Half : players are pai?it-brushes as water Notes pencils many players are paints players are half ; j boxes of colored j as and two many glasses of two of blotting-paper ; two blank via7iy as in or, crayons place ; two prizes, if desired. of with the for example, name '* *' Magazine," '* cards this game For " Fashions," Ton," "The Queen," fashion " The de Revue The la Ladies' each publicationon Ladies' la Home ''The " ^' Ladies' Godey's " Le Bon Demorest's Journal," Style," Pictorial,"etc. ; Journal," Mode," Mode," Young Delineator," " beforehand, Harper's Bazar," de "L'Art Magazine," a written are "The Notes Fashion the When each the card, cut the cards a on that they will so titles, It will joined. be half as readilybe cards many half therefore Put as from, and from the ladies to draw cards, when color will need players,also as sheets two of colored crayons just well. as drawing given that this,and of ners part- are then his and rough is to draw Twenty each ready half a water- as many glasses of children players,and lady and two as Pencils plate, taking for wearing. for whose those title a to draw bowl blotting-paper ; or such other or to the each then have to boxes) paints (two brushes in another bowl, a game. hostess The in gentlemen put together,read for the publications. cards ; and must guests, and are titles of halves the other that there there for the through nothing until mean of the all the first halves printed, or in halves seen as many printed side down, and written are names 77 boxes (pieces best) are it is then announced and a model minutes gentleman partner's gown color the are of will do use paper paper water are fashionshe gown allowed writes of a is for tion descrip- according to the The 78 Booh of Games drawn, the time fashion-plateshe has this minutes being twenty result is sure The also. to be very funny. When have finished,the fashion drawings and, as the given collected, be Appropriate prizes may artist of the best fashion and author to the are all aloud, the pictures read descriptionsare shown. are limit for note. XXXIX Composite Materials Required As by ^ pencils many nine inches, and there as players. this game play To in : three about pieces of paper are Pictures circle,all receive a Each paper. draws the on the second draws person three into and the players,being pencils and having a upper neck a it to his body the lowest pieces his of per pa- equal parts by folding, then a space little over division,folds the paper passes divided seated and division. comic the head, tending ex- line into the over backward right-hand neighbor, who just the beginning of legsin This arrangement insures A the connection drawn the once of a of head, body, a fishes may make it to his a of the who has back of the legs in is drawing crudest gestion sug- pair of legs will a head, body, and combinations this game fish, Men, animals, birds,and contribute absurd the paper pair a or 79 right,when knowledge requirements. the the player,as any of player it draws fill all and parts folds A space. expected not three The passes receives the lowest Thoughts then body player who Your drawn. and more the of fowl flesh, or for Penny obtained thus funny very legs, one. XL A Penny Materials there colored are and Required players are YoCjr for ; as players ; as As : 7nany prograjnme-pencils lon^, yard a sheets as pennies many pieces of many half ribbo?iy about Thoughts of paper there arc as narrow, there as or cards players ; a prise. Having provided number piece of ribbon. of and bored holes in the pennies, tie through each Then to every sheet quired rea of paper card or write attach the on omitting,of be kept left-hand course, a the of Games programme-pencil, and side following list, the answers, which should the leader's separate list for : An weapon What our Name of a Name of an Name of a A small a on reference A Booh The 8o forefathers rowing arrow Liberty fought for Tulip (two lips) flower animal Hare fruit (hair) Date term Feather What we love America Name for an Sea Place of A ocean worship Temple One messenger ( .,..,.. A method of votmg beverage Part A of a Ayes and gallant act of An and A punishment A term An Part An ancient of a marriage honor hill from , ^ nose) Ear (bow) Shield Stripes United Wreath Brow Milling occupation Writings One of noes (T) Beau protection (one cent) the absent of the first families (eyes ^ Tea vegetable sent \ ( A (C) Letters Indian state The 82 is son provided with write requested to of which with be used players,from the end and read for the best example aloud and Anne ambled alley appeared Anne approached, asked and again alms. Ay " advanced ! " After alleyward. Anne's amazing ambled " be given For Aunt amount, Alas ! Aunt acquisition Anne " an aged at A. At an "Antiques." African tracted at- attends actually armless?" aiding African, Aunt An agreeable, albeit artisticallyarranging acquiring Asiatic anted noon after- always adding adroitly," An Arriving away. at andirons, Avenue Aunty artlessly,"Art antiques, advised ! some autumn amputated an assisting an An articles. avaricious, Armenian at lected col- poem. alluring advertisement, an answered, Anne or antiques and airilyalong attention, asking African or At are prize may a adored all antediluvian Aunt adversity host longest story Anne Aunt admired Aunt the the hour. all papers by party, and allowed of brilliancy an " : Amiable As time the " ; the time to half minutes letter,say an," and " a," is word every same average agreed of the member '' the ten of the the with and paper poem, necessary being according to and story or a when ppncil and a begin must Games of a," except that " may Booh amazing apartment, acquaintance atomizer actual abatement and amount Aunty, ing admir- (antiquarian au- Sight thority) announced adulteration Unseen absolutely, "Atomizer asserts " 83 altogether abominable." and an Alas ! Aunt Anne. XLII Sight Materials there Required ladies are of paper Unseen as ; there half cards many as sheets and pencils many as players are As : prizes for lady and j gentleman. each To a card bearing for to He this each a is as best, the The sheet decided one her or an he which show to the chairs in which as tete-a-tete side, but persons of follows: chairs facing who the in hold he arrives,is given of a host ner lady, his partthen pencil. a the of plan Each distributes and paper the other him as name announces lady having gives the game. pair then which gentleman, game, and gentleman which of the two goes to the host, who draws object,common or she draws. partner who partners sit are on may made, are that objects then common, un- no count ac- The arranged is,side by opposite directions. the or The describe Book The 84 them their to of Games descriptions,pictures of they as in a have in arranged which decides it been or ladies two drawing to the her as rately accu- minutes, all ings the draw- articles and made of them upon a and two table, and a gentlemen is decided, successful then are like the is most this represents. When is awarded his The combination of committee objects twenty say finished. which the can. given time, have must these partners, wlio draw, from object prize a artist,also to one partner. XLIII Fragrance Household labelled sizCy each ivith tablespoonful each ginger, paregoric, and and pencils from to 14 j i one ^ molasses, Extract, olive-oil, lager-beer, Listerine, ammonia, vanilla there as munber a botllvs, quart of coffee tea^ kerose?ie, vinegar, Pond's turpentine, Jamaica Foio-tccn Required: Materials are ; as sheets many players j a of paper first prize j a booby prize. Fourteen quart -size around the four wine -bottles sides of a are ranged ar- table,in a Household hollow of square household some more players given explained,as the bottles is in also so to as 1 to the has winner the is of guesses the hostess. unfortunate this test mark. and with when so A the correct by whose tles bot- papers side sense of a guesses may be prize. The comparison may are that up, guesses smell sented pre- player who list in the correct recognize are are a booby prize whose the many minutes found a paper The to reallydeserves course liquid left-hand matter easy most congratulated,and to smell the on is game what 14, and the are for the guessers. twenty the the provided. on no smells When paper guess quick succession, and she or and guesses from found finds, when he the is trouble familiar in then numbered save It will be and such page. object of person labelled be fourteen Every player is : write ing liquid hav- any preceding the follows each may the and each, and are or 85 tablespoonful a ready, pencil in turn with which put list of a " the on are to them is remedy, less odor or liquidsis given the each in ; Fragrance hands console is not widest of of the up of to the S6 The Book of Games XLIV Flags Materials board sheets a Required box one ; of first prize wise person a flags in the Revenue to the flags of idea. be and a with Navy Service, and when it of the bristol- of the as one many of atlas is based each to each this on truthfully belongs who to ten writ- draw can flagson these water-color numbers ple peo- at otherwise, will find it or number paper comes gazetteer will or under each. paints is takes as down there player with a are of name The ing color- easilydone, water-color numbered very the as well. side,with flags,are pencil. an large sheet a board, substitutingfor the a ; and cleverest flags,colored Anyone bristol-board Sheets the game country to copy country with new any all,mechanically matter the A underneath. easy players are and page the many Army almost found as can all the Ameri- knows all nations puzzled. In who in use in are pai7its ; there as bristol- of booby prize. a ; -color pencils sheet One : water and of paper It is Nations All of The given card of Blockade where flagsis then hung is allowed hour an the his end her or another's the all to allotted it,and guess the time list,and redistribution Irish is the 2 Union flag,etc.,while mark and guesses then silk American flag,and painted card of Jack, winner be player from 3 is the No. correct accordingly. for the flagsmay are can Ameri- off the papers pretty prize for the very signs reads is the 1 all check the each the papers list previouslyprepared, No. flag,No. half tries coun- giving each hostess The paper. see can to. to the name collected,a a of all for flagsbelong the At 87 is a A dainty booby prize the given. XLV Blockade Required Materials articles laneoiis children's " balls, dumb-bells, rubber clothes-pins, Jlat-ironsj Half say the Hahna two : or thirty,are sixty misceU or blocks, toys, engines, strangely shaped potatoes, bea7i-bags, and chess-tnen, large,fiat number Fifty baskets ; of very much heaped in a a prize. assorted cles, arti- large basket at S8 side one The Book the room, of thirty articles basket. line at stationed At as articles down passed and leader chair the line. started this chair is a at usually after basket is that it next another, player on fast as and if anything the to the next as they and one, the winner. was received tray heaped with rosebuds were divided side. article an player the The side winning the dropping party where of the with passed back articles is the flowers the parties a takes rule be again. him, without the side The winning and each from it shall to of the and it to taken are until room, possible,one as pile the a of large the when line captain finishing first At a fast sides of basket. the must come side the to dropped is the basket, passes and the of captain signal the him, The next a from end one pile another of the side each on other. the in room equally divided, one basket another captains choose are up, Games with the across Two players of played a the captain prize, and was among then brought the in ers play- 90 decide the The Book hat deserves which least of Games successful the first booby a prize. prize For be may dven. XLVII Blind Materials chalk ; an prize ; a Required eraser end gathered are have to the up him a the black-board a Ask each a is for to as person This like is lemon the worst first a who drew a the a in the much each him, give to draw best a all must pig finished walk to players it is as is vote a pig, and that prize. good opportunity shape of might if you or turn him ask at critically all have players easel,so an blindfold other after receives prize in white the hung; player The pig. carefullyand taken where room piece of chalk, and drawn, a of black-board, then pictureof look black-board; A large handkerchief; that will stand one better. the a ; : booby prize. the At Artists be drawing. a pig ; given and to the give to a one pig a funny made who of made Buying Forfeits 91 XLVIII Buying Materials Required and paper As envelopes in a the When the leader an holds something their and dollars than The last then buyers discover amount they to, is a dismay enclosed outside. semicircle a hold to These be of for in no lopes enve- sold the to imaginary supposed envelope has on envelopes, each will begins and as in have to one a buy can the seals must not been sold. envelopes disappointment the costly. Moreover, one. auction until the of capital),but until all the be broken slipsis is about paid is players beforehand on he contents (every player hundred more that collection a highest bidders, money written all seated players are to be are envelope, numbered of with players. of these tells them auction which Each paper. sealed be slips of many are there as should in this game As : there as forfeits many slipsof Forfeits and ** on have does not gone," when the what funny sight to faces their see. end the of the purchases The re- of the deeming the numbers for these Forfeits" the of end found be of order Suggestions envelopes. penalties will at the in the follows forfeits on Games of Booh The 92 in ** Some book. the XLIX Boy's A Materials Required knicko-bockers ift found sheets boy and their usual articles,you them having sheets down in of the their " plain, ordinary knickerbocker that his a " a of judgment, with requested be found pany, com- pencils and each twenty articles to and place. The supplied are pockets contain knickerbockers convenient been age, of miscellaneous supply the and prize. a the borrow names j about normal paper, players are usually pencils 7nany boy sure in as ; hofs of tzventy articles a made having bestow there as first catch American and boy's pockets a pair One : Jifteefito ; of paper You Pockets likely, most in write to a boy's pockets. This are having been done the knickerbockers pioducedj the pockets emptied, and the Personal Preference Pictures articles found checked off lists may also be separatelyto varying ideas guessingthe read of the the on lists. the The show The guessers. articles wins most 93 the person prize. L Personal Materials chalk a ; there as cloth or is game long slipof well-known to the be seen arrived and not is the The room host and asks folded by are the it. else. When and stations beginn'ng the writing of at a players each at done himself one ing relat- This must all have board semicircle,a black- set up be the with joke receives in seated (or this may then receives name dislike,or or anyone in each that so begin to object connected who brought which it the on some hobby, person with one having that of guest,with while ; slips of paper ?nany guests arrive paper, is inside, and a the As black-board prize. good a A as ; a j Pictures : eraser guests evening. an a Required arje This Preference end end one of beforehand). at of in turn the board black- the to come circle semito Book The 94 the blackboard and the subjecton his other the players drawing who person with guess what suppose represent,and the the made their most guesses two the players is asked or more subject,and this guesses to his one her or pens, haphave who persons draw the drawings sometimes greatestnumber, to first the host. tallykept by prize. If,as a are a on guess guessed who they ited subject correctlyis cred- credit receives own The paper. calls the has there slipof to all have player who her or to picture illustrating a is meant one When his draw are Games of of the other picture,choosing a the first of one correctlytakes the winners the prize. LI Peanut Required Materials as ; players a ; the or tops quart napkins as of peanuts there are prize. your in room, quart One : Japanese many While one Hunt more of guests another of playing are someone peanuts in pictures, in folds a can game in hide sight,that is,on of curtains, on a Zoological Game clocks and there is time bric-a-brac, high for room this game for comes bag for the open and the by way doors are found, when is most given When of a ceive re- game- then thrown ended till every to the player who well prize,as a the players each is not game peanut has been has The hunt. the the napkin Japanese a low, wherever or to rest. peanut a 95 the as peanuts he has found. LII Game Zoological Materials cardboard other of this scissors and a A be sheet of sheet of at white or five then given to each each piece of paper each is hung five like On written a board black- ette-paper, piece of silhou- inches, and player. are A pairs player, for room. are lead-pencil a j six j on paper if there enough of mucilage paper white wholesale thirty players) of the by and any be white of silhouette- of side at will cardboard end one bought bottle 07te ; sheets one on quantity twenty-five over dozen a sheet One : unglazed (it may store, and not half ; black paper, the Required the the a pencil are white name side of of some Book The 96 animal and the number them on the them out. all it. As down side number many sheets out, and write down thinks sheet the of them assigned and cut each each to be may player who must its number is meant animals with made then are guess represent. as a and animal what given the guesses cording ac- numbers players player opposite each player who paper, are board, card- white numbers of the of collects the the on there side,as one hostess the out, and to the dealt he done pastes black ers play- allowed, twenty minutes. are and animals player. The sides of their paper, white Time When of the pictures of the animals draw then of Games The prize to largestnumber. LIII Conundrums Materials papcr^ are ihrcc written The paper, Required by nine ; leader at the conundrums, as ; inches^ upon many pencils provides bottom one Ten on ten which as or of which each tivclvc or conundrums there a slips of are players. dozen slips of he written has slip. The slips are The 98 of Games Book LV Broken Materials Required quotations there as paper of pins y : Ha// players^ arc and strip of paper The Quotations in cut two of games. the slips of furniture,and arrive. of the When the among is the the the Then way. quotations have who has the the starts been of Each a quotation the next, until with goes on taken, when greatest number guests this way. around the game having the purpose that, is required he The in paper piece of it,and whole. same hostess come beginning slips of for starting curtains,cushions, has explained and, having secured the next a j already mentioned, on paper everyone to find player is a on pieces more picture-frames before game many written excellent The prepared the quotations as pins as prize. a evening each or following has proved an ai^aiu room to he another ; find has in until all the the receives a person prize. Whist Photograph 99 LVI Photograph Materials Required In almost of latest one new divided photographs once, At faces a a the looking to be for table seated player one half of to deal him the around the and the dealer one trick. the has who As all turn may up the be their plainest imagined, great deal of amusing discussion winner gives the The collection to umpire, and given signalfrom picture takes is to the down. photographs, there hostess each At and are faded and This baby. companies, two dealer collection a yellow to the large tables. is chosen graphs of photo- possible, the players should If into is there the newest treasure a game. around box A grandmother's day, to of the will prove on. from photographs, dating back be family every ones, a : prize. a ; Whist is decided final player upon decision,and who has won ; but the the game most fore bepire um- goes tricks at TJje Book loo the end other at the he has table,each old print of good prize match. using the the winner photographs for successful the beauty makes player in this it played was invariablytook amusement invented is said to have lady when famous some delightfullyclever, though A maiden and with plays off game won. An a of the of Games at her the plain, this game, her house trick,much tograph photo her ! LVII Celebrities Materials white as Required cardboard, sheets ?nany players ; a 50 : to 'jo picttires of paper and of pencils of sheets large 7ioted people; there as are prize. Almost knows everyone being unable to noted person whose This idea The game. call to from old the of name a iar. picture is perfectly famil- is the basis of a most ful success- hostess,having collected and of sensation the mind fiftyto seventy picturesof women Two new celebrated magazines men and from and mag- Peanuts Planting advertisements, pastes them azine sheets of their names. room where pencils under the The the and the the These of left side right names and faces in the The off player who which person ; received numbers with those attach can greatest number read successful of credit miliar fa- utes. min- aloud, each guesses, to his most the begins. list is then own has in given time, twenty-tive correct his have corresponding the for entertained having paper, see to be to are portraits,the game to hung are arrived sheets object is checks cards guests all have down huge upon cardboard, substituting numbers when and loi and the receives a prize. LVIII Peanuts Planting Materials ; The two bowls hostess sides until two Required large a s rugs party quarts leaders is divided having of Two of peanuts prize. appoints two the bowl a : been who choose equally,when, spread near gether, to- peanuts is placed in the The I02 see which one inch half on party apart the the fringe effect. gather their planting. four half edges the on at The victors, and a peanuts the rug, floor,in the sort a leaders the centre of given signal all begin the peanuts in divided are special prize a of this purpose For is to game all its place respective teams rug, and their first and rug the object of can on Games of The of each. centre of Book the among be may given to sheets of the leader. LIX PATCHWORK Mate-rials Required foolscap paper pictures several and cut pens hostess players are ; a collects beforehand women, put into two of a bowls two bottle a of ; ink prize. from and and candy, soap, bicycles, are _; of number a ; ; scissors pairs of advertisingpictures cut of men, many advertisements froju and As : there as of mucilage one The Illustration of number magazines ; ures pict- children,marvellous baked bowls, and large table with a the beans. placed in other These the tre cen- materials. Swaps Each player receives with a seats around object of the The paper. children pasted be allowed to sure be An used make to the at men, for with too, and an hour, and funny and sometimes a and the cessories ac- the and ink. the The results genious. in- most illustrations the prize should one's figures, and is half of of ; while pen exhibition picture women, the of paper that a top advertisements in follow, and may /s the sheets upon all take It is announced game be to are foolscap paper it, and on quotation landscape drawn are of advertisement can time table. the illustratingthe sheet a written quotation the 103 be given for the best. LX Swaps Required Materials paper New The to as there are England : the one slips of many guests. is responsible for hostess, in inviting her bring As this game. guests,asks particularthing he or each she wants present, for trial to the bers tied,and, numbers many which is is held by been kind, neatly of beforehand pinned to and these the age, pack- until owner num- (half as players its or received. was this are number duplicated), a has duplicate set a there as it since provided been having that example, article of one and wrapped impossible wedding spiritever brings Each Games of of ; the get rid to Christmas a Book The 104 further notice. all the When their had them upon attached, the numbers all to be the seated two in No. ** all have to is " 2 This called, At and celluloid a dead to recent a ranged from grape, only and a gain the then No. cr^pe paper, a to 1 and so change ex- then on, till groans own and ticular par- one, perhaps. discarded articles plaque marvels calls signalis given amid worse a the cloissone mosquito. asks he has lost his game included hostess 3," and No. that have done, packages, and laughter each finds trial is Then swapped." the unwrap ** and circle and a having persons packages. " arrived guests have in very to a Concord hand-painted livelycat, and The io6 Book Games of LXII Biography Materials sheets Required of paper Each having players take hand and in of for the the " Fifteen has minutes be given is winner and He not the a early papers early made speak name age. to of mutton better, of best born He when was course. the time a the prize if the production, ship. author- : when entered with for because high. he a of of this year his or quite young was world little money acquaintance his father Lamb person's BIOGRAPHY was the left writes one collected,and are the for teeth, and without the his this willing to acknowledge gentleman very With in allowed, and A This the example follows An prize. paper, subject,each a and ancestry, birthplace,youth, is elapsedthe may at circle. a absurd more a ; pencil and subsequent happenings life pencils many players are received seats neighbor account an there as As : in barefoot his mother, more. pocket. but He did chose family prejudices, and cause be- Talking Shop. he Before and could eye shut He and put known and false of course, be to behind as soon his feet as before he was first girl's the originated with one back. his His here and birthday, in five tunes talk in love teeth. his fifth had he first boots his was teens Mary, and tied his hands on old years speak English ripe, and his six was 107 were name famous of out was poem about had Mary (Her last And said in with red is much the Smith, you name everywhere Her There little Lamb a dark that Mary Lamb he would more to the of stayed not be said moon, by know) go. had which a black best be policeman whiskers. LXIII Shop Talking Required Materials sheets of foolscap prizes for lady Partners Half of have the are are paper and distributed of As as pencils many there and players are ; gentleman. chosen the sheets name : of a among for this game foolscap woman the on as follows provided paper each. ladies. : The These other half characters have " Lion the on Py and Mary " and Lady is written '' the " ; Thisbe," " and " the The ** Anne," men. gentle- partner. Other ramus Jill,""The " the and Una for her one ** are and " for top of the lady's paper the at match to example, For of Games Book The io8 gestions sug" Tiger/' Jack lix "Fe- and Spider " the Fly." When all hostess found have that announces in five minutes partners about ten what their papers the At all their of and to will the signed are and hold house- or time gentlemen told the in must account an lowed al- to their talk that of be of The them. collected,and at a talk about expected to cine, business,stocks, real estate, law, or mediwhatever Then which unaided, write signalthe gentlemen their ladies partners have then are the end rings a bell,and minutes, partners the fashions, shopping, affairs. hostess their these reading prizesare of it may be, for partners write what they conversation, in the are papers all five the awarded signed and ten minutes. can member re- minutes, collected. A compositions follows, and to the two most amusing. Natural History 109 LXIV Natural Materials History Required bowl A : beans of a j prize. leader A saying: is chosen "I thinking am I will describe first and ears, ** a says I four cat," and a crafty and very " A cry fox ! and bean, and a the the most game beans the a This Some This who then Some one time "It an is several spoke player who prize. one leader is wrong. describes flagsthe point long tail,short nose." one in turn receives a The fast." cannot guess. size." and one any- she or the to another feet,has dog," runs " he wrong and bean by which Should name pointed collie '' guesses will is wrong. a a its name. in color varies animal, an give after each on It has " says, When but walks animal of however, wrong, the animal about starts the game I will guesses again, guess gets ; and player who guess who first animal. has won PART IMPROMPTU II GAMES Book The 114 their the height; lapelsforward their or of Games handkerchiefs arrange coat that so and betray them, will not shirt-fronts their turn gentlemen all spoon-holder. try to puzzle the blindfolded LXVI Trades Required Materials fairy player,preferably the holds choose is well trade throughout When noun, who which or game. are ready aloud when must he would tool connected this substitution or game, and poem (one what he the from the reader he looks at immediately he retains with of his trade one noun a common of the tradesmen, name or his book to comes one naturallyhave lected. se- now opens it until he has reader profession,which or hostess, or quite tragic is best)to player except the all reads story tellinganyone Every a and host in this short some known read, without chooses reader of the^ffice should and of poems tales. One that book A : some for article sale,or some profession. By for another the is IVbat tragic or most into No. a is 1 ; No. grocer pathetic passage jumble of absurdities. a butcher; a 4, Like? Thought My a No. mason a 5, a No. ; is converted For 2, 115 example No. carpenter; druggist and ; : 3, a No. 6, baker. The is poem Longfellow's ** Skeleton in " Armor : " Speak speak ! with Who, daunt ! me (4) bricks. thy fleshless (5) Stretched if as dost Why (2) nails in Eastern not with But (1) lamb (3)flour drest, to Wrapt fearful thy hollow Still in rude Comest thou ! asking thou gums (6) rolls, haunt me?" LXVII What This is in which into his " the answers mind, answers will bear is my What of he each repeating. of thought first thing the The leader receives,and ers, play- like ? that keeps " to comes avoiding naming course already given. the but Like.? begins by asking turn, he Thought old game, an leader The My is a thing anylist of then, tellingwhat II his likened The it to. leader No. No. and 1 " No. No. 1 No. 2 3 " : No. 6 is my thought 2, "A skate;" No. " Solitude " * was And " : like ? No. Why " : 8, " Supper So, No. 1 , And " : " I like am } cents vanity like why you " ? a are flower often " pay for things." " 1 in many are you hard." read." sometimes you Because well like ten why " } book a are you skate persons' hearts." .?" fresh and sometimes rosy." Leader: No. 7 No. 8: Leader No. 9: Why " "Why " " you Why Because impossible you." I like sunset you never in supper?" all like we am are I like am Because " : I like solitude?" am Because " : Leader: 3, " ; why out." bright and I like am "Because : " 5, "Vanity;" No. ; myself.' go a are you Because " : like why Because " : Leader No. Why " : 5: No. often you Because " : Leader No. And " 4 : cents;" 7, thought Because : Leader No. she or furnace?" a Leader No. My " Leader " ; he in Sunset." " : I like 4, "Ten player thing What " furnace;" No. 9, Leader am "A flower A each, of each the example For asks says book;" 6, asks it resembles way Games of thought really was, what "A Booh The 6 ? " stay long." society." Cities 117 LXVIII Personal These leader some one object leader No. is 1 5, " says, " says, No. conundrum players games. comparing with inanimate an article of is Mr. Why he is Because No. food, or dress. he is like this table ? D steady 3, "Because his 4, "Because Because " a between : polished;" dishes;" No. the of example The he propounds furniture,an " For to fill time serve may The Conundrums " ; No. he can 2, " hold " Because many is dark;" complexion always 'round." LXIX Cities Required: Materials sheets To of paper as there As are with the request that he of the which time paper the the writer is then name was allowed pencils and players. player a penciland every many are paper at the top town in or she write of the city or born. minutes' Fifteen for all to write given, a sentence The ii8 descriptiveof suggestive or each which letters has composing town paper. begin with of the name her or must following examples will The city or his on sentence the the the cityor town, order. in consecutive clear written in the words The of Games Book make this more : York. New City" Sentence" N-ew K-nickerbocker City" E-very W-inter Y-ou 0-ld R-iotous ! Boston. B Sentence" 0-verboard - N-ow S-windlers ritish 0-utrageous T-ea ! LXX Jenkins Required Materials : One twenty-five-cejit piece. There is a fascination is indescribable. and To play Jenkins players seat It is said to common opposing partiesfacing to almost sides must themselves this game about be at each a be of which great every tiquity an- nation. form.ed, and the long table, the other. Chance pnhins decides which which is side first hide shall silver quarter usually a in the easilyheld 119 closed hand the something or of piece, of one the players. The captain (whose his the line of the opposite side) puts table,as do then to deceive the the *' says hands come noise the coin it strikes the table. The hand opposing the coin of this side the he or is not his other to drown under. He directs to try this side the clink of whose captain ing to the side holdthe not their hands players of the Only orders party think, have to take All tries to guess now give the quarter. their hands any can side as have possible in banging as down, so as all the hands table. their hands as so closed ; then and the on they says hands up, down," the abouts. to its where- '* hands much as of hand calls, Jenkins now fall,palms downward, make captain under to opposite players as all the Jenkins of his side, and hand piece from quarter up," and hands his players of the centre captain of the players who The not players,facing all the shift the is in the seat players who, the piece under off,but should give orders, the side with and Should call up a captain make the hand under hidden, the coin remains and counts for the side which if the last hand left quarter, it then The side which still the on the coin side, same the on coin. table covers table But the opposing players. fourteen first scores take mis- the the keeps to goes the pain a which with hands of number the obey, on not quarter must losing it. of is the of Games Book The I20 points wins the game. directions These were a serious Try it with and successful leaders, and you from Far captains who two thoroughly good if Jenkins as intricate game. and it! sound may are will clever find it fun. LXXI Short Materials sheets Stories Required of paper as there : are As pencils many players j a and prize, if desired. Try this game a loss for amusement people. Without some time when for from you five to are at twenty tellingthe players what the The 122 edge the kitten, with who Dwight A sweet his from in twenty Gone about going friend Our frowned buttoned christened his perch. Irish of suns maid, scarce throng, welcomed after the health he said, of the he'll " be his gray to Capu- Montague. make ments arrange- family vault. you'll " of Miss Romeo man, We won't come, on hand." coat. The gently but firmly fired were the parrot, scending Trilby, gracefully de- younger says the Maltese the the common ventilation Nap. they the littletea there a and and ten the give to whom Auburn," Mount to the from Polly Jones, inquired of sulkily down shone. level of fiancee been on had and visitors let,the " looked summers had profanity youths two to the the in bell, and the ring at ushered skill McKee, caramels, while and cream Moody, L. Games of table, feeding Baby the of Book are you ? Napoleon clock struck out. LXXII The This good captains are and all other. cat is he One repeating.Two in turn sides two captain begins, finished say is worth chosen, who '' ambiguous," has must old game seated, the are Cat Impossible *'The and then counting Game counts the Club The choose sides, facing each Game Club ten. Before opposite captain cat is agile,"or Famous other some can one if opposing player the all been exhausted, those and until all the the other so players on side has already been of '' side is out. have " a "b" with beginning one fore be- one he ten the through on No with adjectivesbeginning begun, are counts ** a." think player cannot a with has adjective that an given, and When 123 adjectivebeginning use the Characters alphabet out, when are the game. won LXXIII Characters Famous of One while the players goes out of decide upon the name the others famous letters person, there as players,to letter of the character's another to the gone the well-known impersonate, letter out others one him. returns in the in whose order each and name, person assigned now of up as each many at one chooses fiction begins name and some is assigned a historyor The room of players. Beginning are of the circle of end is made which the player with who questions each in which he is told has of the The 124 letters of the from he so the can each letter of the entire whose be " no guessing of the person " ask must He or yes gets one until on " *' the of Games come. name to which and Book answered, individual whole is name tions ques- acter char- revealed, when suggested the letter and name, name out. goes there Suppose eight players are selected. is the character having Diana takes Isaac Sara Bernhardt; the Robinson takes Walton Crusoe; in first raeli Dis- player, for the initial letter of his individual D character,chooses Alice The and ; the ; the third,having S, Liliukolani; and the fifth,having A, takes the sixth, having E, L, takes seventh, having the takes fourth, having R, takes Wonderland; Elaine; the second, having I, eighth, having I, takes Ivanhoe. LXXIV Here of the starts is a Stuff and chance for fun players being Nonsense seated by whispering to the effort. without in a person All circle,one at his left thus player his left to the in regular sequence words have players,the the second, third, and The first in turn first at one whispers following parts thus a adverb, an whispered player tells his word, repeated. so example For the player whispers till on fourth the player the adverb complete a : article the, the the Each second " The a speaking his word aggressive player the aloud, the carved motor-man fifth number adjective, silljy, plural, noun noun carved, the player another eighth player now verb the moroseljy, the sixth seventh sixty-nine, the and player to then player the adjective aggressive,the third player the motor-man, a (plural). noun been of jective, ad- an article, an : adjective,and nine is to the a verb, (singular), noun these sentence each his left the at another number, whispers to adjective,and an a When spoken person speech 125 (thisis speaking grammatically), the article an Nonsense and stuff cats, to finish. is this nonsense morosely sixty-nine of this,the : sillycats." If the sentence not of party may the again, then tic, as feels be equal started first set. the before, An to by more article is adjective,noun, in regular order, ridiculous combination who someone follows. was whispered verb, adverb, and another 126 The Booh of Games LXXV Titles Theatrical Another one as the or which is follows best act it in can of the rest the title if the impromptu " For '' is a and of them Abroad," they should the actors Walter lope ; Scott; " I '* Kept have and Say iNo," Wilkie of may nestly ear- sent repre- Girl." walk in umbrellas, guide-books " "The in one scarf tied around a everything closely. S. Arthur; guess girl,she Frivolous inquiring expressions as they T. to are a perhaps having his hat ; then for the benefit to gesticulating, of how companion, carrying travelling-bags, canes, one book, poem, they plan young her from sent instance,if For can. Confessions Innocents a party, who sit beside whispering **The players are pantomime actors is described amusing, is done the they and in of preparation,and no the title of this When song. come of the choose to be to sure Two : room they needing game Books of walk about Tired of and amining ex- keeping," House- Betrothed," Sir the Dark," Collins '' ; Trol- Twice- Orchestra Tales," Nathaniel Told suggestionsfor Closed by keeping closed and are few a while hind Be- '' done effectively between the room audience, until the calls for that the title has say be may The " are pantomimes; the doors audience last the Stowe, B. " Doors the actors where H. these and Hawthorne, Wooing," Minister's 127 them, when they at can acted. been LXXVI Orchestra noisier game No conductor, a in a a circle. musical it is to be with the conductor thus giving the When and the conductor begins to hum a all have When them a fine to ments instru- tune up, chance to noises. instruments waves each pantomime imaginary musician different in played. of discordant all sorts make tuned each him assignsto shows orders ber num- around now their The their themselves seat instrument, and provided be found. can among conductor The exactly how been from chosen players having this than an have imaginary lively air, in been baton which Book The 128 he accompanied is made in Every now play on and it motions silence while Should a place at the fun The upon the as of a of humor he pretends to at fail to and the his keep imaginary his instrument. the take he player alter once abandons must conductor's pay game depends and quickness abandons the conductor the right time this instrument. instrument, and must sounds, movements, real continuing to wield player the the conductor until the leader baton voice on belongs those to band, each different the then certain a whole his performing whom to hands his with his by with player imitating and of Games a largely very of the for his baton forfeit. ductor con- the strument in- musicians. of the other LXXVII Bequests Required Materials sheets All offoolscap paper having requested or her that received every : as As there pencils many players. are pencils and player to it is paper shall draw will,leaving something and each up one his of the of word, and to while room the game Games guessed the player whose suggested it sentence out is the word When of Book The I30 the guesser must the others choose a before. as on goes go LXXIX Dumb The shall be aim men's possibleand to the form a told by line the a in,one which may motor-man; men ; W now the various P the of of the leader for The of front letters of the trade for ice-man consulted upon in example: at work decide actions For who cide de- men.'* " long as as prevent their placesbeing taken men certain keep sides and and masters" Having to engage by " is to the masters. by into two players separate who The Motions they " " r, for about labors They now are last in. to engage painter; M " n, " florist;I r, for waiter begin be illustrated the first and 1, for F sion profes- or masters, who men are trade body. the selves them- among to express ; and so in dumb belonging to the n, on. tions mo- trade Scouts have they of one chosen. the wiring making phantom '* or use One set each of them men tell them can masters. have after their have they guesses, a side fix men the is out. and one of are out do other an- the and to at it for have masters may if the wish continued they quets bou- upon men be speak men some the reasonable will right trade and of vase, masters, the If any though even v/orked the was a imaginary whole correctly,the become all made it in of the If, however, guesses time, If any watering others into hit upon what masters some flowers is allowed act. stop work them and stems, florists, are be to seem gestures the none to the pieces." wrong guess will arranging another or they Suppose players flowers, another 131 so if not they time. LXXX Scouts In this game, which is very Questions, the players divide and go into different rooms. like into two Each Twenty parties party then The 132 sends out on difficult some in object local a Games of scout," and ** a Book the two thing to shop, the and meet left small (a guess cide de- of eyebrow Julius Csesar, or anything equallypuzzling),and then the return to each rooms, opponent's party, where him in questions the quick succession,as first is the of winning both which can don't know" and one by ''yes," allowable. are Questions, it is first discovered is and after thick the animal," " is settled this fast until and guessing proclaims the fact of one when race, to the a the sion posses- questions no," in As the ject ob- partieshas a or come won whistle their opponents. LXXXI Commercial This can be is one of played on requires no the Traveller convenient the spur materials,not games of the moment, even the I mineral," " questions shout '* or Twenty whether vegetable,"or "'' " asked guessing take those his to are side can Only "scouts." be answered going usual which and pen- Traveller Commercial cil and circle The paper. is leader a in the be with Leader should to and and errands Leader " To the each you for so what alphabetically? Where " : about are : that suppose start may a on prefer, on you are where me naming first a," the " to you tell kindly must example will we world purpose, with a where any- is, the For on. travellers part of any Will business. beginning begin gentlemen, all commercial journey going and in questions which all b," and " Ladies " : are you chosen, who, alphabetically;that person's words second seated players being circle,asks answered 133 destinations your " No. going, you 1 ? " Answer Annapolis." will "What do you there?" "Advertise Answer: anaesthetics." " I will going am do there are you " is asked person going ? " goes D to Damascus, E to England, F to Florida, to and " to to Answer next. " : to Glasgow, H to Hayti, to have / a the will you catch " Boast What * Bur- every in coins. entertainment. fly-paper. hustling. India, to inspect idols. Where there ? " gayly gather guineas. hard " dervishes. dancing fortune do leader, Columbian enjoy eagerly G t by turn What dun find to in to Chicago, C I to leader. the asks the says brightens boilers." nishine' Each ? Bayreuth," to : The 134 Book J to Jersey, to jump K Khartoum, to L to M to learn to Montreal, jays. on knee-caps and knives. keep knitted to Leominster, Games of make to lying. money. N to Naples, to negotiate neatly. O to Oklahoma, to open P to Pittsburgh, to pull in pennies. Q to Quito, R to Russia, to rush rice and S to Senegambia, sell saucepans. T Turkey, to to quote quinces. to to Uruguay, V Vienna, to victimize to W Y to Z to to Yazoo, to Zanzibar, the urge Washington, to raisins. the trade. treat U to to oyster-shop. an unwilling. various viscounts. willingly waste wages. yell at yielding yokels. to zealously sell zebras. LXXXII Seasons The The game, first alone player players in spring, summer, person leader, who understands of this game. the or He the trick begins the or motive begins by addressing one this way " : autumn, Will or you go in the The winter.?" naming questioned replies, any of one of is IVho the Suppose "spring" seasons. the game will Leader " " : will you What will you take answered, was in this way properly proceed What 135 with ? you " : Answer : Soda." Leader: a Neighbor? My " ? wear shooting-suit, and sombrero, Leader: "What will you " "I'll Answer: wear slippers." do?" "I'll Answer: sing songs." with the been begin with " a but one " ; the replieswill the who is wrong " a to the next the and haphazard, But w." understands pay If repliesshould if winter, with be begin chosen. season answered, the must question passes the leader all should answers first letter of has autumn no in the words The as trick everyone forfeit,while the person. LXXXIII Who This is and for it can kind. a Neighbor.? My is livelygame for particularlyuseful be played One-half ; these without of the helplessones beginning in an an ing, even- emergency, preparation of are company are then any folded blind- seated in The 136 such a The right hand. gather take who their unblindfolded if voices must persons and each to try is not correctlythe who and guesser, in his turn the When piano to to take and some the begins familiar Georgia." " the to play like Sing," he leader cries '' er play- gives of the be ful success- bandaged guesser's place. leader song singing until he to then the *' the players to noiselessly creep players do until the his signal is given secret chairs ; blindfolded right-hand neighbor, submit must disguising blindfolded bandage unblindfolded are vacant and off the to listen attentively bandage of his name takes then who his to remove so, who guess to those requested must is. Each right-hand neighbor that at The sing,but in room, next do choose. ers play- players will when must they not the seats blindfolded, and the of announces empty at his half of the unblindfolded of the one are sing leader The chair vacant a middle in the given signal the each has remaining perfect silence. a Games of that each way now Book goes to the the accompaniment Marching Through cries,and their best Enough." all the " or The worst blindfolded un- " blind- The 138 the When first nearest puzzling answer ; he If room. asks Should question. after all the asking again,but should in his to the him player with to the fail to guess it guess and third the to the go during his out go last subject must player last questioned must room to the around enables questions he he turns re- he is stillin the dark each he passes gone answers if then reply from a puts the question, then same of the none then tillhe has on question,and next the so he player, who subject he tries each the guess he repeats the next, and the to in comes the and next Games of out-player question a Book out rounds of the place. LXXXV Rhymes Nonsense Required Materials sheets of paper as there : As players are peiicih many prize, if a ; and desired. doesn't Who Rhymes ? " anyone amusing game His can may enjoy is metre imitate be " Lear's so simple it,in played Nonsense a with way, that and most alan this for the motive. Each is asked and There produce to was Who sat And The This a of he paper, rhyme nonsense man the stove on a 139 pencil and following is young though No receives person to Lear. " Negatively Button, Button, cording ac- example an : Bridgeport just for sport, burned, was he learned, lesson eccentric Bridgeport." of man young LXXXVI Button, This The is a new hollow button a hands, which to player holds way, holding I show into When the goes to his or as give you," whose the in is the a game. circle leader around it between her the circuit first the hands his to each, being he has been in *' the careful and made the '* says, the he other Hold drops the hand player of as Each around goes those between and circle. together leader or then pressed palms together,so players, in turn, saying what old an room and hands his presses the who are and playing One it, goes conceal same around square. takes of way players sit Negatively Button, fast not to button. leader Button, Book I40 The button, who hasn't must person it goes So when rise ! if there who around on " a circle; the is who held the circle when speak take the to '* can The and mortal they button gti If on. no with ** as the ghosts'* again join the in the player some them, and comes be- proceeds game button. it he charmed changing places the become only circle to leader goes person hold the the game caught, however, player must held the and not of out Then so. that the did and who player before, the can " does guessed the button lief, their be- to Button, button, " holder who ghost leader he until all have ring cries, the button reallyheld one the leader is anyone becomes this who someone question according the and " naming and " ? it. this answered the button got answer, hasn't supposes of Gaines then that mortal " ghost's place. LXXXVII Gardening This is players is gardening made asked in turn easy. what was Each of the planted in Philopena his and garden what be of any may plants of punning First kind came a Third must the come up have names with planted articles some planted. : " planted a I player: up whose connection player : Second Articles up. description,but some example For came 141 " player : came a up ber-plant." rub- and States it (car nation). planted I " it United the planted "I carnation ball and calendar a and it came up dates." Fourth player : planted I " ship and a it came up in dock." Fifth firs" player : " I planted old an coat and it came up (furs). Sixth player: planted "I watch a and it came up four-o'clock." Seventh she came player : up a I " planted an girl and unattractive wall-flower." Eighth player : " I planted some steps and they came hops." up LXXXVIII Philopena The each the company take seats between other, leaving room leader to walk up in two and down. lines,facing the lines for The leader The 142 Book of Games some person stops in front of such name, by person addressed must one opposite the the leader) must If the guard. the if the leader This such may also leader to addressed, but address when such as the opposite must be do word, a the or answer at fault previous without played in the leader person off player'sseat. stand any again, person leader,in turn, and takes tries questioner fails to prescribedtime, the becomes the leader swers directlyan- much so the suddenly addressed person behind the the leader the behind (and before someone question by one within catch son per- reply,but any respond case The question. addressed person to endeavoring a make not ten, in which counts the asks and, addressing of front of may from the not may requiring the person tion loca- any by company reply,but name, the one so. LXXXIX Cross-questions The company and Silly being arranged racingeach other, preferablyladies Answers in on two one lines side and gentlemen lady a lady leader the on and other, except down gentlemen and question to be propounded The gentleman opposite. whisper in the line absurd an be to of ear and at the head of the the and so during much as Each such lady proceeds to in the opposite to give to the question must, of be first her gentleman and he pounds pro- the posite op- the question answer, neither tions ques- Then, starting given. line,the be course, to the as three nor smile, the penalty for does so times, she may doing ing be- may be turn, after selected,and repeated,assigningthe questions this to the laughs may who likewise, in leaders other two ladies Instead one to the leader the leaders time serious a in turn being repeated couple the game time each the forfeit. a which to behind question assigned him answer sons, per- lady lady replies with and line There to answers two each answer between 143 leaders, the the whispers propounded. collusion no for gentleman, walks Answers Silly Cross-questions and be is the and of the to the gentlemen. answers forfeits,each compelled to last to succumb who person withdraw, and wins the the prize. Book The 144 Games of XC Spirits Materials Required : fifteen to twenty From and game, be around if a they the has who directions,explains the in this way The the different word not care imaginary the a " game, player has a in to word. a penalty of of of a the the game mind, gives finish the to so doing By in this way and ''spirit," has ; and at letter, so incurs in the three. the word, on the last letter he lost all three leaves third give consists life,"of which, person a a third,with word forced which forfeit, each letter in letter,any letter in it ; the player is some to tainly cer- ber, num- with second, thinkingof the alphabet ; until familiar working player names first taking this : supplies the second a play can of their one circle, himself made if desired. players being seated The in a room people ^ quick-witted it will are success. prise A the losingan beginning When a lives he becomes circle. He The 146 6 says of scallop. to finish the word a Booh No. of Games (scallo). And o by giving No. 7 is forced (scallop),thereby losing p life." " While is being added party of spirits the players in the until at last,when is game receive but ended, and one the fewer, survives, the person ** and fewer the circle grow to, living" player may prize. a XCI Wordy Required Materials of paper sheets Word as : there are As pencils 7nany players prize, if a j and desired. Each and is person pencil. Then provided with the leader letters words and all write down; such word, composing possibleare as slipof selects (or extraordinary)word letters,which a some nary ordi- to twenty of ten and, with as many constructed, proper foreign languages being barred. discoveringthe It will words be can found be most words surprising how constructed from paper wins The the many the the other names son per- prize. other letters of Advice simple some instance, the For noun. "schedule" 147 contains more word than fifty other many pencils words. XCII Advice Required Materials three slips of paper As : inches by Jive ^ there as ^ and are players. The pencils and collected. are and bowl each it he opening must for. After it, he reads says the then has drawn draws thinks reads "" it opinion good himself the freely be so of sure in before of the about right, paper of your he own charms." Another amusing game for a of party Advice of will a example, is about slip vice; ad- uncalled or For advice from Don't : his aloud. his but with and shuffled one, express advice folded then are thinks piece of a then are expressing he and he supplied writes They player advice, whether A each paper, slips of paper the all all been players having prove people knowing very one Booh The 148 another her The well. guests these At supper each his guest it aloud between will be the result. has finds place, and her or nition admo- guests and who person of one or of the other one supper letters at read to to each letter of advice still another signed by asks hostess bring a to addressed invited. of Games been of one is asked lively A courses. XCIII Fire Materials Required knotted A : handker- chief. equally. The sides facing each would be to choose knotted at the " player the into name " he either If Fire ! " whose some seated in two the turn it lap "Earth!" " Earth the suddenly at "Water!" " is called,the handkerchief quadruped it l\aking game. throws rows players opposite,callingout time or chooses, captain whose begins handkerchief same Air ! " must other, the of one being each party is divided turn, his players until the in a chosen, and captains are Two before falls the other // ten ; if count can fish; if remain *' Air," bird ; and a animal, name or speak when an he the of out the throw it at at a and when the must who player him may But should and take he swer an- the handkerchief throw the game to element, an game mistakes drop out, when who have have can the one opposing played never idea no different the called upon until all of on goes Those won. simple absurd silent,he opposite side,call had have this and one, ten. In this way side has game, must player fail the the player on count side to be else. must the wrong ought at a name Fire," he " name or someone properly he if must Should handkerchief threw he Water," perfectlysilent. to drop '' 149 the of players make quickly. XCIV IT Before startingthis inquirewho must has be never how knows at least been one game to person it will be well play "It," for in the initiated into "It's" to there party who mysteries. This it is as should not important that the player selected suspect is found before of and choose when question of yes," no," neighbor all The ** what as I don't each is to the object as the on Out-player asks of to well a cover disis. answered around seated to be to the hostess out his left-hand swer an- to this person to around plains ex- the guessed, and will be first a so him know." fix upon It will be other object be can questions as they apply rearrange the and then lady the circle. For : No. 1: Out-player, being?" the as are gentleman, and example that form a so rest, who that there so is in turn, gone their left. party game is to ask be such or ; but room he player has the that room, a " this to the son per- back answers questions must After on their a the object for comes person, such of out some he each from ** When Questions," and players will by trick. he is told that "Twenty All a is sent he going guess, Games ever, discovered, howdiplomatically be must of Book The 150 No. No. 1 (a lady), " Is it an mal?" ani- "Yes." to 2: No. 2 "Yes." (a gentleman) " : Is it a human Telegrams Out-player, to sleeves?" " No. No. (a lady) : 3 (speaking 3 151 Does " of No. 4, it wear a gentleman): puffed No." Out-player, to of No. 5, No. lady) : a Out-player, to of No. 6, 7 of No. I don't know." 5 " : 6: No. it's hair 8, a the rest of the 4 ing (speak- No. 5 ing (speak- long?" No. inches six gentleman) 6 party for long?" No." " : will completely will be very and guesser " No. Yes." its hair "Is 7: of No. " ? " No." "Is lady): a ? Is it beautiful " : conflictinganswers perplex to the 7, to (speaking These " No. to Out-player, No. it smoke : gentleman) a Out-player, (speaking No. Does " 4 amusing time. some xcv Telegrams Materials Required lead-pencils many Pencils and the players the alphabet. party writes sheet of as there paper are asked are These The are pad A of paper ; as players. distributed,and each to give letters every in sequence paper. : at the hostess a ten letter of player of top of his then of or announces the her The 152 that begin to consecutive Letters kitten on : given, in letters ten ten : S, A, Q, T, L, N, K, M, B, E. Send arnica quickly ; nothing tell Lizzie ; by expressman." be given for all to write proposal of marriage, accident, a an telegram, the a the subject may a as " " : mutilated Or with order, as given Telegram Games of is to write everyone words Book congratulations,condolences, or ment. appoint- an XCVI Boston Required Materials twice as players top of and so as game, difficult and sheets many This Telegrams than on alphabet. its the or her are as there pencils are circle,each a 1 writes has then a with more The cil pen- the letter A at the No. 3, C; No. paper; and players. suggests, is name in until each All many ordinary telegrams. No. paper. his of paper seated are As : 2, B; different asked letter of the to write a tele- The 154 and all the around chairs much as be must player the to each be well would as " I have the for cities them, and if he in sit down or town. It the case blind of the then He man Postroom, the he calls out, St. Louis and do can this to New players representing capture or can As of one to manage chair,the player who chair whose assigns hand, placesbefore- The tries to empty an empty quickly change places. the Postman run caught players. example, of positionwhere a letter from a those they takes No players,in are in the centre sent Haven," listof placed overlook can a fails. Postmaster the cleared city or a memory Postmaster's and been Postmaster of name there as is next The to prepare many has possible). as left. themselves players seat (which room Games of rest of the the furniture Book he has taken is becomes Postman. The tired grows one, easy the of as different player he is is not Postmaster he his changed position,which must call the places in quick remains obligedto seated when take the mails unless he is not an between succession. his Postman's name If a is called place. Barber Shop 155 XCVIII Shop Barber the in victim another room leader and asks hair cut he small boy is quickly off than His " blindfolded ; and kisses back the him before at a on the the feelings of described. the poo, sham- the back pressed, ex- sofa, cheek, of the among are the dodging one Needless victim shop, given signal the blindfolded handkerchief. merriment to a sofa. being led the over the shave, choice and see Barber a a ens maid- not of " have, rises, leans is much the will does is into lovely back this that is seated sofa, and three sees be to is invited He sofa, and a ? is selected party is concealed he where and he which he there where tells him or tear game. boy who The the this behind standing small of gentleman One to can say, spectators, better ined imag- The 156 Book Games of XCIX Lady Royal This though game, and a circle of saying his Lady Royal Gentleman, that to say hand lady addressed neighbor, I, ; wooden Each to a says to her from come I have an right- man Gentle- Royal a ostrich with leg." repeat this formula, only varying must it according a lady whatever to to the animal first player who be thereafter whether they and gentleman, or something must in turn that I, man Gentle- Royal a Good-evening, Royal say Good- " ostrich." an Royal Lady, a Gentleman, a " begins by One Gentleman) from I have three or neighbor, (or come two lamplighters,and or hand taining, highly enter- but people. right evening, Royal The horns paper gamesome to is new, requires nothing twisted aozen not must been makes decorated be each descriptionof has with a addressing a are time the a addressed ostrich,or spoken mistake of. or " The omission horn; paper as adding One-horned and Horn Lady or Gentleman." most of the when if there is the winner. Monkey The players be are who one is said It is Monkey. of the one an The Ape. " Bear and player fail the break There the more are " apt the the Horn circle of A : hostess been leader or by the left says whose asks ing nam- *' as Ape, initial is B), he and given, is no one sequence merrier several ! Horn order and the adding any derisively a thereafter when of the Should called Monkey" to be correct next. comes this Horn in of initial letter is "A," have in she alphabeticallyaround on Monkey," fail to say follows animal initial whose home to start the game other which Horn or player repeating in circle,each " is hornless, he player to next it goes animals horns, the as the whose (or any so one and company animal till on goes with bristling be to played playersis formed game Monkey Horn Chicago 157 he animals' must to comes names. Monkeys, and The 158 Booh of Games CI Useless Materials Required daily paper, or in the circle the are sure the to be answered. asks to the rewards does a cent the ! " one must splendid body in the winners ; or a whole player who contain answers whose guess drop box as Race of evening is nearest been Alice candy a is of out may if a What question has Caucus in The prizes,such gave formati in- with gathered are man's a winner, and each for ** per a of useful question like, a wild, but prizes for published by fluent talker material Impromptu Wonderland furnish a until after the next game given of of weary book players exact is the nearest hands sulphur the I want " leader cent, of never other any the When game. per members is sufficient wit ready formation in- club well-known a of the almanacs One of useful of candy. York, whose playing it. book A : originated at game in New a box a ; This Information in be will bon bon- right. PART GAMES FOR SPECIAL in OCCASIONS 1 The 62 Booh Games of cm St. Materials to Required the detailed As the fourteenth will you If your guests to ask valentines other plan each valentines have At silk cord enable each to a from on the hostess lady one each everyone of the to the and to of gentlemen ing be- the it on hang ladies' a on loop take a lady one has a playersto her of her the of red a the as she addressed gentleman. the valentine read arm to guests,asking valentine to a fashion attached, large enough to another one and for the side and to of the some collected,pin them is do tines valen- arrived top of the heart ribbon will more or one all have one near party. you sofa-pillow(easy to gentleman When asks or the walks draws " turkey-red cotton),those fastened games. appointed evening the been red-heart other. following people to write After referred St. Valentine's clever on the February a is reader speciallyappropriate to guests. huge of are bring to The : descriptions of perhaps well Day Valentine's one he hostess or she Valentine's St. has aloud, and this is guests your is made If your heart. amusing. delightfully THOMPSON, TO O Thompson, The airs and Pray remember 'Mid that the crime because Just Sought de are voice Your your stilts and on well " us : viewing worn. sported the purple ever born. were pitying neighbor aspiring dissatisfied soul manners, walking with weary 'ere you creme your By lauding your You of example an latelyhave you the valentine-covered VALENTINE large-hearted and some soothe to we're some la is HIS FROM the graces are will find this game Here be humble; with all party is informal, and friends,you are 163 done, in turn, until round read, and another Day voice, and with high-rollers roll Thompson, now, paces, your know you ! it's not mellow. No than more And yet you And roar a buzz-saw have or swallowed in church out like Your high-stepping horses Your journeys Swell out, if you But To And Be And Europe to like,'mid words, on humble, the again. be Game this mild piece of satire a are charged will courses modest, be Club will draw truthful dub on as a and you" ! credit ; the house. to tape and your ; bassoon know we all bursted dear fellow, I trust my bad your loon Club, be still here, at the Game these tired-out a your hairpins. mouse. you tight will hearken, rein. sober, nice Thompson" sofa- The next shooting at dart. and as The and ladies and small a of it by way receives made be of a bull's- in turn, sofa- the heart then gilt -paper shoot gentlemen a gilded gay ; it should pillow prize. is AlphabeticalCompliments after the a card paper, him host and of which pay then her lady calls lady a She name. gentleman whose each begins with. example Compliment Reply ^' : " : Artless allusions and Claire's Alexander on word gracefully reply, must word name and the first letter of her for the first letter of every his the is name compliment, is of one gentleman a ceives re- which on some " begin with must Christian a to the to go his card slip of of name The party. using Each or restful game a archery contest. the written asks and target can expense the centre pasted in the best shot a bow with red paper be covered eye. heart-shaped target with at small carpenter the test highly appropriate con- a for the frame The heart a good prize for a much-beribboned and small a is Games of pillow makes which game, " by Book The 164 For charms claim adores the : compliments." alliterative anodyne adjectives." ter let- uous ambig- Washington's Birthday all have When a cleverest reply, and the it is wishes, and one and this is not out trouble A Hunt and shape and Heart of The loving of without town ingly. accord- of out ices and of hearts best the for supper. is not to have the paid made surely time and necessary, the cakes but at supper, is not course sible pos- a good deal on the "Peanut of expense. Hunt, described " color pliment com- a awarded are question, it is attractive in the who caterer a who to as prizes this game repliedto or is taken compliment After If vote given 165 white messages modelled follow elsewhere, may candy hearts, red (which are place of peanuts), are obtainable small After confectioner's. be to this per. sup- lettered in hidden in at almost " any Good-night. CIV A Washington's Birthday tea-party of the olden time celebration of is an priate appro- Washington's Birthday. 1 The 66 If possible,the be entertained of Games Book where room should the contain pieces of antique furniture. be asked to to are number a of should Everyone eighteenth-centurydress in come guests the ladies in short-waisted powder, gowns, " and patches, the gentlemen in knee-breeches, with broadcloth, silk stockings,and buckled of coats should Each shoes. possible,with days the Revolution adventure some of ancestress an has told either old-fashioned the story a as games Thimble, London Shuttlecock At tells supper '' us our fare ters Daughhas of romance guest a the relic,such Slipper,Hide Battledore and played. the in and every shown Hunt In these everyone when or it. or Bridge, or be may Sons ancestor tell; and to to almost an thing some- heirloom, if some " and Dames bring to story attached a of Colonial of asked ancient and curious be olden time, consisted of a chronicler cold whips, custards,creams, tongue, jellies, and ham mange, blanc- tarts, puddings, cheese-cakes, grapes, nuts, almonds, confectionery." to choose cakes Here of is every variety, and certainlya long from, for this bill of fare,divided list by April First two or three, would even of After dances, reels, quite in keeping, and tite appe- great-granddaughter. old-fashioned few a supper contra suffice for the chronicler's the 167 and dances the midnight at be will minuet, a " is party over. CV April Required Materials April Fool's it is unusual, doesn't ask a sleight-of-handtrick old and course ones should two are most made chairs ganies. A box because most cessful. suc- to do Transparent debarred, though of acceptable. Arrangement for the folding of " table for audience. portieresbetween, this will for the Just propriate ap- ment evening's entertain- for the with rooms very prepared come game. invitations,if arranged. not a be your the are be conjurers and have half least tricks new it may to person seem party. a send you each is at or for however, When prize for each A : Day occasion you First be If you double the the best doors place April-foolcandy," 1 a The 68 Book "Jack-in-the-box," given as At a of eatables but should colors and should be the will which of think shapes who end at the given has evening long, also successfullyfooled of to the in the " been not they seem, surprising served. be may in the things what not are apropos. very all else fail ice-cream person all the be toy, may be surprises may housekeeper way other or prize for the best trick. supper Any Games of prize A evening to April fooled the who one greatest " has number of persons. CVI Hallowe'en Materials to the To on detailed of or Fortune from of day some : The descriptions of deviate this lest Required the Hunting is not is very are referred following would traditions forgotten,they implies, but the is old customs all others these reader games. and games do, and never should be looked over- repeated here. what its amusing. -^ name A ally usu- ring, a The 170 is handed of prophetic are another still another cook, while of these each wife In little sweet a golfing, and is kind the They one. pictures of girls. bicycle girl,in a draws each contain to Games of and about will be found one Book will have. Candle in turn with the in the see husband in the it is This is to The lead three run (itis easilydone who it pours is in played written very in two small and over of or some a key-handle basin strange shapes of which coal or a water. anyone interpretvery amusingly. that ways, beforehand saucepan pail a the outside melts a ingenious can Snap-dragon, a or result. same person through into lead cools in wife full of water. Each " ; of this test,another, round mouth one's Test. wedding-ring The Instead alone that each future her son per- lighted a supposed or times Each " and said, will bring the Lead fire),and his glass. with the house of face hand one It is other. Test, backward, down-stairs walks looking-glassin a candle will Looking-glass and good with on covered old sport, may raisins slips of with or with paper tin-foil. be verses folded They Hallowe'en placed in are with water, burning be earthen over which alcohol player must snatch to raisin a an Each afire. set 171 of the in the alcohol do the middle not alcohol float the on and needles the water the and paper the needle needle, and ; the float First this way. become it is very cling to player's needle understood it. behaves to be in water it. to has watch the to another into his own its the tions ac- edge of player's in which way toward Soon sink, leaving person The greased of upon it will rush run it. Take and funny flow tissue-paperon needle Each floating. sometimes and with of wet In pouring that it will basin a lay a piece dish, sometimes needle in great it should mix be burning fire. on is great fun. them is supposed of drops gently so not place the will the may table,and the water and Floating Needles it is dish should bare a the dish water poured and which The that to on covered try while anything set the side of down of taken be must care is verses to tell his fortune. placed and snap-dragon, which a one or tin dish or others one is prophetic. Bobbing for Apples. " This is one of the chil- The 172 dren's favorites. in person tries turn Games of water, in which lift to a Charm. table, each with in turn have changed about cannot know person his he water water is the empty Kaling, " house he This can a cabbage is quantity to the a of roots. dirt tions. posi- If it is the if the at played if it at a country vegetable garden a a time cabbage bed, stalk and marry. be is if it is one, relative widow, and shape of the stalk good folded blind- the one. never only players interpreter; omen will are dishes, which their a one guests that so marry the water, happily married, there led to The house. one Two and up will where by. pulls led to the will be he soapy near and placed are The puts his finger into He clear clear empty. one blindfolded been dishes Three " containing one water, and soapy the in ; and out one eral sev- alone. 77?^ Water on tub A of floating,is brought apples are teeth Book where returns means folded blind- are each to the much to straightand shapely especially if there the is a (representingwealth) clinging Topsy-turvy Christmas and Party 173 CVII Topsy-turvy Materials Required as ; as there one given one not be ? to is mas-tree Christ- in duplicate of is Here in Christmas giving a is is as is pretty sure is asked it as for well, and as to be bring a to present, appropriate for gentleman, turvy Topsy- programme party week Every guest a everything Christmas a Christmas or where party success. cards thought ever you which miniature numbered many " ought A : Party guests. are Have Christmas and a if a ple sim- lady preferred. programme "The 1. The No. 2. Little,but oh my No. 3. Have No. 4. No. 5. A No. 6. A Unexpected. ! with Smile a Freak of Draw Game. vaO. Fancy. } Unexpected" " one. No. Little,but oh is supper, my !" is the a very light Christmas- The 174 tree, the and neatly down. thin done numbers the others the on hold who is The rest for of best book, " is the described. No. Smile with a very As Blind shut ; see and bona-fide " morning, for ers play- claim their curious drawing as what supper. it will " And surely " } be with the for Newell, of Freak " the is the after is attractive A after the on Teapot." " eral sev- me?" Peter *' pigs Artists." 3 and by called to prize a Turvys," game is Game" the getting particularlyappropriate. Fancy the As is devoted evening and *'Topsys seems Draw the that rhyme by malapropos, anyone Rhyming." Nonsense these him. "Have programme, very drawn called be to sure already games '' are intended was and duplicate numbers the a began. are the presents, were games possibilityof no be number, which the from The a packages presents, which there bear before should Claus. each match numbers There Santa up, players Games of possible tree, hung smallest celling upside tall Book A eyes second that, goodtwelve. Children's A Party for Grown People 175 CVIII Party Children's A entirelynovel An fifteen and party, where they Raids people themselves the on People funny plan twenty grown or Grown for to be can blocks, puzzles, balls, battledore and " as games Whistle," toys, and other " Teapot," and the Barberry Bush," for the The just before supper. " instead used of pictures and such "Our as will be not be Pet," for cock, shuttle- we furnish round amusement for season " supper those " the Hunt go Show At such should bibs appropriate inscriptions, "For a embroidered, but may when and are printed with Good Girl," etc., appreciated,and they particularly in water-colors. ''Hide Here Baby napkins outline ** if it is the games. in-door come people young made and Fun," "" will dren. chil- these, with of Spoonful A ask children's a to be the are nursery is to If the easilybe painted party is given in out-of-door Seek," "Tag," need games are "Prisoner's mer, sum- possible, Base," The 176 and "Base-ball" are and **make even tired Book exciting a me the though feeling child " of only a few consequences just of the which amusements again to-morrow. Games for may lightful de- will to-night," be "that CIX Lady's My Materials circular Required is game Platter." belonging and wooden plate, be at the so or of the time same it the and tries takes catch to of name the pay, though the to do spinner's plate before but he takes had this that catch to the failed. the the the he that around lady's a who from a pays If he a his plate before a has spinner's The it starts place. it fafls takes player wooden which "scent- from article such floor, naming article some of object twirls on room, the name then circular and Upon falls, failing and leader other any the "hair-pin," The on. dressing-table. seat or "Spin lady's toilet, a easily broken, centre bears to "brush," bottle," the plate of chooses player "mirror," cannot elaboration an Each article some in wooden A : tray. This as Toilet person forfeit player no place who can forfeit just as spins The i8o of Games plate generally prefaces the the with article is to going bottle." and ** Book At tries to toilet is " the catch to pay secure a " scent- springsup the as the word without and one, twirl the spinner of player place, one forfeits may flagsthe game her plate. When their seats, and forfeit and a lady "My wants scent-bottle " the finds himself course and this: spoken by the plate-spinnerall the to care theatre this the players change takes like sentence a of the name is obliged the plate. When be redeemed. CX Hunt the Requik:ed: Materials Whistle One smalllight-w eight whistle. who Someone played is elected circle,either The has never hunter; the sittingor the seen others has been him, is blindfolded until it is concealed. his eyes the whistle attached closed to the back form standing,around hunter, after the whistle are game is very of his coat by a him. shown to While carefully means of a Bookbinder stringand his but the this then of object no and whistle then and small very whom his and drops and he as with The it. him. that the As the is It is whistle portuniti opthe times some- discovers he it ; blow hunter him. on find carries players played say try before out trick that is being to about drop fairlytired necessary to different occur to the whistle matter, search his players is told easy unbandage now may blows hunter is He the of is turned it,and pin. One eyes. back bent a i8i the ly scarce- should be light. CXI Bookbinder The is seated company except one for person in the centre. Each then proceeds snatches it the one hands a arounds of the upon extends and is book the form of leader, who person together,palms upward, hands in the on a stands both each hands one's The placed. circle and cle, cir- stretched out- leader suddenly books, trying to strike with which it rested before they 1 be can withdrawn. struck book is one's hands the by If take must replaced and the leader before it counts up, person leader ; if not, the as withdrawn are leader,or caught successful,the turn a Games of Book The 82 tries because the of book againstone If again. is the feint a actually same if as struck. CXII Blowing Required Materials table-cloth fashioned and successful called one Having provided small floor the or the hollow the edges about Upon a is then just under taut in table-cloth their a stuffed The cloth table- the players and ends up the cloth chins,thus stretching foot and a the cloth the small player who sides a seated square. the and to be spread so that of old- Feather." sofa-pillows are as sheet hold can the guests (allbut one) with, ask your on is the game or or pillow. "Blowing sheet a such feather a sheet large One : feather from one ; simple A Feather the is left out half above feather is the floor. placed,and of the square is then front of who a or some upon be will then the amid resting,while who catches last it at much too someone quickly and on his the floor flies hither is out take obliged to flies hither feather players, place. begin and to At blow thither,never laughter the player and thither some weak it either in of the seated one signalthe players on and or his best to catch do told that he must 183 Music Magic individual unwary from until he too laughing to blow eifectively. CXIII Music MAGIC This known old-fashioned that it that sent from for all are is to be the music, which the for here him room, agreed out-player is made do to upon one to certain more the scribe de- sions occa- as a minder re- player having others upon what is summoned by generally so necessary description. One a something When useful so it is admitted than been hardly seems it,yet it is is game arrange his return. the action by magic of the other play- The 184 ers, either a key The Book by tapping metal some by rattlingshovel or who person the perform has been musician, who the sounds player does he to tongs together. of the out and what begins object with he as is do guided by music ought anything that the noisy when he must room regulatesthe so loud are and task appointed the when Games of zled puz- and not soft like the formance per- of his task. be To to do it behind a thing certain he touches a chair, the the touches he that he is to do and in turn tries throwing it down him player its clatter. the pillow is faint ; this shows right direction. is faint,and something He loud; grows cushion. he ceases He now knows with the cushion, sittingon informed by where music in front put confusing magic grows in the going The him the divan, the music touches as is the the divan the music lying,when that lady's back. at first bothers toward walks the suppose sofa-pillow and a greeted by music, which He take is to is entering will explicit,we more it, holding it, of someone, that music keeps is the rightaction,tillhe puts no one it behind but the of these a lady, 1 of Games Book The 86 cxv Trolley-car This ' will suggest game But to up date choose, and read are will,instead,go we in told the spoken they a by hardly by electricity. they as story (which is leader) their whatever names action give failingmust name, or spoken of, must is forfeit: Trolley-car, when around rise and a track and turn hold in arms right foot. front, as the a rise and Motor-man, Trolley, must up, reciting some swing if as by straps when jerk. calls the Conductor, look advertisement. rise and Straps, must Bell, must rise and must street-car stops with both the go. Advertisements, well-known with twice stamp rise and Rails, must rails of rise twice. Mat, must car the make must the appropriate to is followingnames, ^vhenever simply or the coach. Stage- " coach travellingby as players take The old friend an must of name cry " street. Ding, ding rise and rise and a turn ! " imaginary brake. drop suddenly into seat. the 187 Trolley-car Stove, rise, sit down must again without floor, and the on rise touching anything. Newsboy, rise and must Electricity,must call and rise Papers " I " fizzing and the imitate spitting of electric sparks. The players being leader stands story, each in which to as person, through the the leader the tells another Leader crowd As I rises on the rises again myself and look cold without and go When players if he can players,who example: other unfortunately found doing and in the there I ing, even- hardly dignified and the over on the mat an gazed up rises and looks (Mat landed floor, and Recovering anything). with the foot-room. right foot) and touching case that everyone thing, for same was tripped the with dress-suit (Advertisements that may all the Lonely ville the to be way ! '* (Stove rises, sits down my the trolley-car (Trolley-car rises and the stamps twice stove begins it. to the other For out to my the getting one of twice) and pushed and leader tremendous was circle spoken, assigned Trolley'soff Going else seemed and a is story. around centre name one dine, I took to turns " : in his '* leaving out seated attentively,so actions cries again. all listen change seats,the and sit down all rise and Passengers, must effort, I tried to at up, the ments advertise- reciting some The 88 1 people the of name rises straps). The After of found we of heap the be himself together ' for top and rises and rear, ! '" begins and of were (All rise a car, story.) ' and and of amid Papers ! car, dirty ') who pull to to papers (Bell heard we the the and rises brake) came cry, trolley seat) down his electricity (Electricity of another came and turns into out the of violently, spitting change of other ourselves his bell Thump telescoped, out, the of managed all the suddenly crash ' ring sparks by calls the small a cries rises fizzing and darkness, we ! pile then to forth called end forward sell out ') began drops the imitates the up Just picked we jelly, but a to lives your rises the on ! as the (Motor-man motor-man (Trolley off ding Ding, Jump lit enough crowd. sympathizing the to to on front,' and top on the again). and rises and in room " the of crushed to of room in hung stopped, we stops, front), (Conductor sit down bottom (Newsboy seemed * of humanity the at newsboy cries time they the over in back swings plenty these of one out as conductor plenty was along arms other and (All rise and passengers " each forward, up there course both street), every a right Pass holds (Straps straps bumped We against swaying imaginary * and (Rails rises Games of advertisement). familiar rails Book shouts seats, and electric into car of sparks) ' another our Trolley's leader FORFEITS SOME out Blow is candle placed candle, advances around, candle Walk a side umbrella in your three a and of the to the the of Walk on Yawn it out at the cane or till your down close around body your eyes the your rapidly and walk Each Person, " Room Make in of air box-lid a table can you and edges visiting-card, the if over the form on the over ordinary in the around you a hand, Bend an that blow until turns chair. sides, place it so lean open Over: right angles, then the to blows take your turn Card edges, folded blind- chair a room, hand, times, then ends the the back steps, and Place touches straight Blow five lighted forward, steps Rope: opposite eyes, his A perhaps. " Tight forehead with five takes mantel; a on stands victim the Blindfolded: Candle a on pass at out with- the bent under it, can. Bestow a turn. Someone at else Yawn. Smile The 190 the Bite and to Book Select Apple: suspend who stringfrom a height of of Verse a Thus: Words. Choice by burning : and end one forehead three removed Eat a and to choose of clean in the the hands or by tying stringand Guess the lips,etc.,without otherwise. a the the A : one balance who cork a right or that is drawn is This peated re- bandage yard end drawn being touched This in the Gives be may middle startinga player at Blindfolded of Water. bonbon a is produced. Fashion and of cheek. or stringis produced, mouth (two) chosen end mirror String,Rabbit the informed times, when a Count end one is black). The the across it. etc. (five),'' first been (having the victim, having been blindfolded, is asked left end it with (one) had Mary The mouth, piece from a Blacken it. chandelier a touching (three) little (four) lamb Hobson's apple the victim's Poetry *' smooth very otherwise, bite or Repeat a without must, hands it by the about of Games you two or placed in by by the varied of the either end. a Spoonful Some Draw Clock-face: a of Take draw paper, in of course it until Stand on Crow like your of face the on the consulting the Foot one a order a is on order the Wall. without Keep correct. a Million. the follow they timepiece. Count piece insert clock, or Rooster. Shadow then pronounced and and pencil and watch a 191 a circle, a numerals Roman Kiss Forfeits at
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