How to Find Women Interested In Having Threesome Sex

Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
How to Find Women
Interested In Having
Threesome Sex
By Suzy Bauer Author of Step by Step Threesome
Petite Disclaimer: This report represents ONLY a “piece of the puzzle”!
If you want to enjoy threesome sex for the first time or even frequently please make sure to
click the appropriate link below:
Click the link below if you’re a threesome “newbie” and you’re looking for ways to make your
threesome fantasy come true:
Click the link below if you’re in a committed relationship and the two of you want to find out
how to enjoy threesome sex regularly:
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Dear friend,
You’re about to enter into a new world of sexual possibilities…
Did you know that thousands of men and women around the world enjoy alternative sexual
possibilities such as threesomes regularly? No matter your experience this document will
literally “open your eyes” to erotic adventures you never thought of ☺
Allow me to be your “sherpa” in this amazing journey of sexual ecstasy. The ‘know-how’ and
experience I’ve accumulated in the past 12 years will be very valuable to you and to many
others intrigued, fascinated or simply in awe of the possibilities of enjoying threesome sex
My ultimate goal is to help as many people as possible expand their sexual horizons that’s why
I want to ask for your help: Please don’t keep this information to yourself!
SHARE THIS REPORT! When people become aware of ‘new’ possibilities, the universal
consciousness expands and more people become open to exploring those new alternatives…
so we all win! Make sure to ‘pass it on’ and help me “open up” the minds of people who at this
moment might not be as “open minded” as you and I are ☺
Feel free to give away this report in your website, post it in blogs, ezines, forums and
communities like ,, or Just DON’T Keep it to Yourself!
Do E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y a favour and help me expand the sexual consciousness of this
seemingly “narrow minded” world. As long as you always credit me, Suzy Bauer, as the original
author, and do not spam or change the content inside this document. You can use Use this
report in any anyway you feel will help others!
One more thing: I’ve got an ‘unannounced bonus’ at the end of this report, please make
sure to read this report entirely and find out more about how you can expand your sexual
horizons. And of course claim your great bonus! ☺
Step by Step Threesome &
The Threesome Pickup Artist
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
If you’re reading this report, most likely threesome sex ranks high in your fantasy list and
you’re looking for information on how to make your fantasy come true.
Perhaps you’re already experienced with three way or group sex and you’re looking for
creative ways to enjoy threesomes more often. Either way you’ll find great information inside
this report!
My name is Suzy Bauer and I’m the author of Step by Step Threesome and
the Threesome Pickup Artist. The two most influential publications on the topic of
Threesome Sex available online and offline . If you want to “verify my credentials” type my
name (Suzy Bauer) or (Step by Step Threesome) on ANY search engine and you’ll see that
literally thousands of websites refer to me as THE Threesome Expert because of the
effectiveness and accuracy of my threesome advice.
I’ve been openly bisexual for over a decade, and for the past 5 years my husband and I
together have seduced hundreds of girls to enjoy three way sex with us. My threesome
‘know-how’ has helped thousands of men and women, single and married expand their sexual
horizons. That’s why I can say with 100% certainty that if you’re willing, you’re teachable and
you’re open, YOU TOO can take your sex life into a WHOLE NEW DIMENSION.
I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you personally yet, so I don’t know how sexually
experienced you are: Therefore allow me to start with the assumption that you have NEVER
had a threesome. O.K.? (If you have experienced threesomes before, you can skip the Foreplay
section and go into the juicy content of this report)
If that’s my starting assumption, I imagine that what I’m about to say will sound C-R-A-Z-Y at
this moment in time, but for me it is the absolute and undeniable truth. Soon you’ll find out
why: “Having a threesome is not as difficult as most people may think. In fact is
relatively easy as long as you understand a few simple principles about human
I can hear you saying “Yeah, right… easy for you to say… if it’s SOOO easy why do only a few
people EVER get to experience threesome sex? if it were that easy as you make it sound
EVERYONE will be having threesomes!!! Wouldn’t they?”
Well… not really, but I know what you mean…
Let me rephrase: Having a threesome is EASY, I didn’t say that having a threesome was
SIMPLE. You need to understand a few issues first and suddenly it will all make sense and you
will start enjoying threesome sex whenever you want. Guaranteed!
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Allow me to elaborate; Picking up babes for a one night stand or seducing a hot chick in a bar
or a nightclub is simply a two dimensional experience. In other words: It’s up to your
‘seduction’ skills and her desire to have sex. That’s it! Two people, Two dimensions. Period.
Threesomes on the other hand are a multidimensional experience. The moment you add
another person to the equation, the ‘rules of engagement’ change dramatically. Suddenly,
beliefs, traditions, social conditioning, “normal” sex practices, fears, bisexuality, voyeurism,
exhibitionism, etc, are there “on the table” and you need to know how to deal with each one
of those issues. That is why I consider threesomes to be a MULTIDIMENSIONAL experience!
When my Step by Step Threesome book was first published in 2002 it was only 165 pages
long and it answered what in my eyes was “EVERYTHING” anyone needed to know about
threesome sex. However I quickly found out that people were still “thirsty” for more
knowledge on how to take their sex life into a whole new level, that’s why since then I’ve
added an extra 98 pages to the manual. (At the time of this writing Step by Step Threesome is
263 pages long and is updated very frequently with new findings an new answers)
Allow me to share with you the list of the 10 most frequently asked questions I’ve received
since I published the first edition of Step by Step Threesome in 2002. I’m sure you’ll find it very
1) How can I convince my wife to grant me a threesome?
2) How do I deal with the jealousy issues of having threesome sex?
3) How can I (we) pickup women for threesome sex?
4) Where can I (we) find women open for threesome sex?
What’s the threesome etiquette?
Is it a good idea to include a friend in a threesome?
What about STD’s?
Do you need to be bisexual to participate on a threesome?
My fantasy is an MMF threesome can you explain to me how to go about it?
Please explain to me how to seduce two women at once.
How about you? What’s your biggest “burning question” on the topic of threesome sex?
Let me know!
As part of my commitment to help you take your sex life to a new level, I want to provide an
“Ask Suzy” space, where you can post your threesome related questions to me ☺
Click on this link to ask your questions directly to me!
I go over all posted questions and try to answer them on my blog first and then If I consider it
appropriate I add them to Step by Step Threesome. (Make sure to get your name and email on
the list so I can keep you posted with new answers and discoveries:
In this report I’ll concentrate on question 4:
Where can I (we) find women open for threesome sex?
I hope this report becomes a stepping stone in our cyber relationship and I hope I can help
you further explore the amazing world of threesome sex.
Make sure to print and read this report and make sure to claim the exclusive
‘unannounced bonus’ I included at the end of this report! ☺
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Finding Candidates
For A Threesome
"The best definition of a ménage a trois can't be found in a dictionary,
because it is a charged way of looking at love that demands sharing and
-Foster, Foster, and Hadady, Three in Love
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
5 Sure-fire Options for Finding
Threesome Candidates
Here are 5 of the 11 options I recommend inside Step by Step
Threesome for finding women interested in threesome sex…
“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”
- Walter Bagehot
1. Internet (FFM) (MMF)
The internet is a great tool to find candidates
for a threesome. There are plenty of sites
where you can either place ads or answer
My hubby and I have tried many, but BY FAR
there's one that has yielded the best results
in our quest for fuck buddies” and threesome
Inside this site you'll find plenty of HORNY
Women ready and EAGER to have a
I'm serious…
A few months ago, I was watching T.V. when
I saw a commercial about a website geared
towards women who had an unsatisfied sex
life! I could not believe it!
Inside I’ve found thousands (I’m not exaggerating) of women advertising for one night stands
and uncomplicated sex!
I'm talking about desperate housewives who want to have an affair and are open for virtually
anything! What an amazing find☺.
Whoever thought of this concept surely found a HUGE starving market!
Just think about all the women who are neglected by their “busy” husbands. They are cute,
horny and ready to have discreet uncomplicated affairs!
This is where you come in… if you're open minded enough (as I think you are) and discreet
enough, I can honestly tell you: This site is a GOLD MINE of threesome possibilities!
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Again my idea is not to instigate extramarital affairs; but hey, you wanted to meet women
open for a threesome and have uncomplicated sex right?
Well here's your chance!
As mentioned, I’ve tried many adult dating sites but this website IS BY FAR the best I’ve ever
found. And trust me; this website is not a “fly by night” site. It has been reviewed and
mentioned on plenty of magazines and TV shows; even good old Dr. Phil had a whole program
on this topic. (Sure, his view point and mine are opposite but hey publicity is publicity)
By now you must me dying to know the name of this "Threesome Goldmine" right?
The name of this unique website is:
I really recommend you to check it out! ☺
Make sure to sign up for a FREE account and browse the site, BUT I thoroughly recommend
you to buy some "Pay-as-you-go" credits and you'll see I'm not exaggerating!
Again the site is:
Now, if helping desperate housewives is not your “cuppa tea” here are 4 other sites my hubby
and I have tried and been successful recruiting threesome candidates.
Extra Tip: Don’t limit your options… Karl and I got profiles in these 5 sites, their monthly
fees are affordable enough and they provide us with plenty of ‘possibilities to meet ‘fuck
buddies’ to enjoy sexcapades regularly. Why don’t you do the same?
By the way, if you’re a bi-curious babe and you’re interested in enjoying a night of ecstasy with
an attractive blonde and a hunk… send me an email at [email protected] ☺
FYI: I’ve been working diligently in building a dating site with a “threesome focus”. Make sure
to check it out. The database of women is already quite big and will only grow in the years to
come so make sure to check it out.
The name of the site is, trust me… soon this site will be the #1 source for
threesome candidates on the internet. ☺
Another great recommendation is to hit a WEB 2.0 social networking site. I’m not sure if
you’ve already got a page on any of these sites yet, but these social networking communities
are GREAT places to meet women. The biggest and most famous of these sites is, this site is the 6th most visited site on the internet and is not that hard to
connect with like minded people. I honestly prefer This is the 11th most visited
site online and is also a great source to meet likeminded people.
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
A ‘new comer’ on the Social Networking World is; this site was developed
after the SHOWTIME television hit The “L” Word. This is a great site (geared for lesbians),
but you’ll be surprised the number of bi women “cruising”. This site is ONLY intended for
WOMEN so don’t even try to add your profile if you’re a single guy! Instead, let your “honey
pie” do the online recruiting and you’ll find many women interested in sharing the bed with the
two of you.
I’m working on a free report on how to use “Social Networks” to meet women for threesome
sex, so keep an eye for it in your inbox. (
In the meantime do the following: Create a profile page for yourself on each of these three
sites (it’s free) and start “cruising”, making friends, and joining like minded communities!
On that note, make sure to add ME as a friend on each and every one of these sites. You can
see my profile on the links below:
I’ve just started a WEB 2.0 Community that I hope will be the HOTTEST community on the
internet! The name is of this community is Bloglicious! You can find it at:
Exactly as in Myspace, hi5 and OurChart, you can open an account for free; Create a profile
get a blog and upload your pictures and videos. is geared for bisexual
women and open minded couples so you’ll definitely meet likeminded people there! PLUS I am
the moderator, so I’ll make sure to keep “narrow minded” people and advertisers out of it.
Keeping it as exclusive and as interesting as possible.
(This community is intended for bi-women and couples. Profiles of single guys might be deleted with no warning.)
(I share more ways how to use the Internet for recruiting candidates for three way sex inside
my Step by Step Threesome Manual)
2. Seminars (FFM) (MMF) / Conventions (FFM) (MMF)
Another option for you to find open minded women open for threesome sex is on workshops,
seminars and gatherings that have to do with human sexuality or intimacy.
Here are a few:
And here's a list of some of my favourite gatherings:
Perhaps we'll meet each other in any of these
amazing events ;-)
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
3. Social Nudity & ‘Clothes Optional’ (FFM) (MMF)
In this 3rd option, I’ll swing open a door to a world of amazing erotic possibilities… however,
before I get started, let me ask you a question: Have you ever heard the term ‘Textile
Intolerant’? How about ‘Textile Tolerant’? ‘Clothes Optional’? ‘Topless’? “Blind Eye”?
FYI: These are the 5 different ‘categories’ of nudism around the world.
‘Textile Intolerant’ means you MUST be naked at all times!
‘Textile tolerant’ means you should be naked. Being dressed is o.k. but not encouraged.
‘Topless’ is self explanatory.
“Blind Eye” means you can be ‘topless’ if you want.
For example: Most beaches in Europe and many in the Caribbean are ‘Topless’.
Miami Beach and Cancun are “Blind Eye” and so are some beaches in Australia, Brazil and
other places in the South Pacific. Besides those, try being ‘topless’ elsewhere and if you’re
lucky you’ll only be told off. PLUS you’ll be extremely uncomfortable as everyone will be
looking at you as if you’ll be an alien from another galaxy.
The idea of taking a holiday in your “birthday suit” may take some getting used to. But trust
me, ‘nudists’ aren’t ‘dirty old men’ and their resorts aren’t sleazy hideaways. The truth is,
nudists are often the people next door, and if nothing else, a nude vacation can lead to many
new discoveries.
Unsurprisingly, ‘taking it off is taking off’ with the travel industry. The Florida based American
Association for Nude Recreation estimates that nude travel is a $400 million global industry-up from $300 million in 2001!
Why am I telling you this??? Simple: One of the easiest (and fastest) ways to find a candidate
for a night (or more) of threesome ecstasy is by visiting ‘Clothes Optional’ resorts, spas, hot
springs, beaches, retreats, campgrounds, luxury ocean cruises and even cities!
These places around the world cater for open minded adults. Days are WILD and nights are
WILDER. In these places you'll find usually open minded individuals, sometimes involved in the
swinger’s lifestyle.
During the day you’ll find steamy action ‘an public’: Body painting, naked ‘conga line’ dancing
group nude massages and naughty games in the pool, naked sailing and all sorts of FUN
activities that your mother will not approve of. During the night amazing TOGA parties,
striptease contests and ‘Masquerade Balls’ will start the evening that will end up in a complete
debauchery. If you’ve never been to any of these places YOU HAVE NO CLUE what you’re
(My hubby and I normally enjoy 2 or 3 ‘erotic mini-holidays’ per year. FYI: I reveal all my
favourite holiday places inside Step by Step Threesome and I post trip reviews’ inside my
Erotic Blog:
The most famous (but BY FAR not my favourite) “Clothes Optional” resorts are Hedonism I,
II & III in Jamaica.
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Hedo can provide you with an amazing vacation full of erotic discoveries and adventures…
In this short YouTube Video you can get a ‘feel’ for what goes on in HEDO:
Here’s a link to a site where you can find out more or even book yourself a ‘fantasy holiday’.
I use this company to book all my “Clothes Optional” travel, they the biggest the most reliable
and the most effective “Adult Travel” Agency and I thoroughly recommend it!
Extra Tip: Make sure to look for the ‘Trip Reports’ link and the ‘Au Naturel Directory’ link
as they are particularly useful to get ideas of what to do and where to go:
BONUS TIP: If you think a trip to HEDO might be a good option for you, let me share with
you an excellent tip: There is an organization called "Wild Women Vacations" that is geared
towards Bisexual and bi-curious women that organizes trips for these amazing ladies.
At least once per year they go to Hedo, but they also go to other resorts!
Plan your trip accordingly and you'll be on a place where bisexual women will outnumber
males 10 to 1!
Just to make you salivate, let me share with you that a few years back on one of these ‘outings’
my hubby was "gang rapped" by 6 women (including me) lol!:-)
Mind you: As a couple you WILL NOT be able to book a trip through this organization, (only
women allowed) but you can try to book a room at the same resort they are travelling to and
you'll be inside "the eye of the hurricane"!
As an additional tip let me share a resource that’s absolutely AMAZING! This place falls into
the ‘Clothes Optional’ Resort but in reality is BY FAR more than that.
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Viking's Resort is the most amazing erotic
adult holiday destination I know off! A
fantasy vacation resort located on a
tropical island in the Caribbean with a full
staff of the world's most beautiful
women. Viking's presents an unparalleled
adult vacation experience! A retreat that
allows you to have an unforgettable time
with beautiful exotic girls tending to your
every need!
Find out more about Vikings here:
You are now familiar with most of the nudist ‘categories’ around the world. Now it’s time to
cover the remaining 2: ‘Textile Tolerant’ and ‘Textile Intolerant’.
What I’m about to reveal now is an amazing ‘hush-hush’ secret so please keep it to yourself
and please don’t mention to A-N-Y-O-N-E that you’ve heard it from me ☺
Being naked is becoming a very popular thing to do. Poll after poll shows a very positive
acceptance of nudism and naturism around the world. The truth is, being naked it’s simply fun
and it really is quite normal and natural! But don’t confuse ‘Nudists’ and ‘Naturists’.
Naturists are people who love being naked. Normally in Naturist resorts you’ll see lots of
families with children and people of all ages and YES they are all naked!
Unlike many nudists that visit ‘Clothing Optional’ places, Naturists don’t have ‘sex’ on their
mind when they take their clothes off! Their idea of being naked is their way to connect with
nature. They will do sports naked, go shopping naked, go swimming naked, etc. In other
words: They’ll spend the whole day naked.
I love going to Naturist places, in fact Karl and I
spend at least 1 week every year in one of these
resorts and honestly I encourage you to do one
day the same.
You can find ‘Naturist’ places all over Europe,
North America and pretty much the rest of the
world. Naturist places come in all sizes and
forms, from camps and apartment compounds to
luxury resorts. There’s even ski resorts that
cater for ‘naturists’ (too cold for me brrrr!).
It is in these places where you’ll find signs saying:
‘Textile Tolerant’ or ‘Textile Intolerant’…
(Look at the pictures below)
Most Naturist places are ‘Textile Tolerant’
however there are areas in their resorts that are
‘Textile Intolerant’ specifically anywhere where
there is water involved. E.g. beaches, pools, etc.
Here’s a picture of me riding
a bike totally naked!
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Keep in mind that Naturists are very intolerant of people pursuing sexual play in their resorts;
What’s critical is: IF YOU DO pursue sexual play in a Naturist Resort, you need to be discreet
and NEVER, I repeat NEVER pursue it in public because I can GUARANTEE you’ll get yourself
in trouble!!! (Simply be discreet and you’ll be alright)
The energy in ‘Clothes Optional’ resorts is charged with sexuality 24 hours a day. In ‘Naturist
Resorts’ however, there’s two types of energy: Liberalizing during the day and
sensuality charged during the evening.
Being naked during the day is amazing! You experience a sensation of freedom that’s quite
hard to describe unless you experience it yourself. Feeling the wind and the sun all over your
body is a magical experience. At night however, the energy changes DRAMATICALLY…
People say: “Birds of a feather flock together”. This cliché applies perfectly in a ‘Naturist’
resort! As mentioned before; you’ll find ‘Naturists’ of all ages, creeds, sizes, colours and
shapes. They mix during the day but they split into their own little groups during the evening.
For example: Families get together with other families, older folks mix with other older folks,
teenagers ‘hangout’ with other teenagers and guys our age ALSO get together… and when
they do, they want to enjoying the night life and the ‘holiday feeling’. They gather in the bar or
the night club expecting to have a good time and here’s where the magic happens!
Picture this: A group of open minded people like you and me between 25 and 45, having spent
the entire day naked enjoying the ‘elements’. Add a bit of alcohol, music and good vibes. How
long would it take before the night becomes sensual or erotic??? NOT LONG!!!
Before you know it, things will develop and one thing will lead to the other… I’ve seen it
happen M-A-N-Y times! You just need to be there and you’ll be able to easily predict what’s
about to happen ☺
‘Clothes Optional’ and ‘Naturist’ holidays provide excellent possibilities for meeting women
willing to enjoy threesome sex with you. Have a look at these sites to explore and even plan
your first Naturist Holiday:
Bonus Tip: Have a look at this ‘Nudist Dating’ site. Inside
we’ve met really interesting people who have shared with us
amazing tips to enjoy nights of ecstasy at nudist resorts!
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
4. Male Strip Bars (FFM)
l tell you about this option with a grin on my face :-)!
Females (me included) are a weird species! I swear, you'll never seen women so OUT OF
CONTROL as you'll see them in a male strip club! It's absolutely hilarious... (and a fantastic
way to get women for a three-way-one night-stand!)
Normally male strip shows are "standing room only" and it's not unusual that these clubs turn
away women trying to get in! Before the show starts, women drink a lot (to get in the mood)
and they normally become incredibly naughty.
During the show RAUNCHY male strippers get women screaming and squealing with delight,
during their no holds-barred strip show and normally calm and sophisticated women go
absolutely wild for the well-oiled muscle men whose performance lasts for no longer than 90
minutes… It is hard to explain but every woman goes HOG WILD!
Twenty-five dollars gets you into this den of female delight, and another twenty buys a turn at
the "hot seat"-- (an audience member's chance to participate in one of the sexy stage shows.)
In the meantime, a slew of hard-bodies cater to an eager crowd below, with strokes, kisses
and back-rubs.
Photo Courtesy of
Usually, after the male dancers are finished their performance, other guys are then allowed to
enter the club. And by that time, the male strippers have gotten the women so worked up,
they pretty much have done all the foreplay for you.
Simply imagine this situation: A woman has just watched 90 minutes of an erotic male
performance by some of the best looking hunks she's ever seen. And don't forget-- she's hot,
partly drunk and HORNY as hell and her inhibitions have flown out the window. In other
words.: She's Raring to Go!
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Believe it or not, sometimes these women are so hot and excited; they're ready to jump the
first set of bones they lay their eyes on. And where are these "first set of bones" ???
Patiently waiting right outside the door of the club while his wife is already inside spotting
possible threesome candidates!
Being a little bit daring, male strip bars are a 'gold mine' for finding willing
one-night-stand three way candidates!
If you want a sure way to sell a lot of food, go to wherever it is where there are a lot of
people half starved because they haven't eaten for a day and a half.
By the same token, if all you want is a wild time, doesn't it make sense to go to the nearest
place with the highest concentration of hot, horny women who are eager to have sex because
they've just been sexually excited out of their minds by a group of gorgeous men? A group of
men who are truly experts at getting women excited and then leaving them frustrated?
Just think about it. I've just given you THE secret where to find candidates tonight for a
three-way-one-night-stand-while, at the same time, you are performing a public service for
desperate, needy, attractive women!
Here's a link to a website called Party Hardcore where you can see I'm not exaggerating! You'll
see how WILD women actually get! Make sure to watch the full episodes! Besides being a lot
of fun, there’s lots of ideas for you to pickup ☺ (Warning this link takes you to an adult site)
Below there's a link to the most famous of these joints in the Western World "Chippendales".
Have a look and you can get a nice impression of what you can expect.
If you think this might be an option for you, I suggest you contact them
first to see if men are allowed in after the performance.
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
5. My Erotic Calendar
Normally, I never share this information with anyone. So, consider yourself very lucky!
Have you seen the film “Eyes Wide Shut” with
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman?
If you have, you probably remember the “Secret
Party”, where every body was masked and there
were lots of ladies naked willing to do
Well, these parties DO HAPPEN for real!
We’ve been lucky to be on the Guest List of many
“clandestine” parties and they have always been a
lot of fun! (Despite the weird ideas people get in
their minds about these amazing parties)
I’ve got to tell you, Erotic events happen in many
different ways and styles and as soon as you start
discovering how people explore their sexuality you’ll find more and more ways to have fun
sexually, BUT and here’s the big BUT, you need
to have an open mind!
Every year there are enough "erotic happenings" around the world to keep your calendar full!
And most likely you have NO IDEA this erotic events take place… do you?
Let me tell you about some of my favourite erotic events; in these events I can GUARANTEE
you'll find plenty of candidates ready and willing to enjoy threesome sex with you! ☺
Note: these are only the “yearly” scheduled events! If you want updates for other events, or
for specific places where these events happen make sure to sign up for my erotic events
update published regularly inside my blog at
Erotic Events in January/ February
Mardi gras Galveston
Galveston, Texas, USA
Join more than half a million people as they gather in the streets of Galveston Island to
participate in the largest Mardi gras celebration in Texas. For 12 days and 11 nights the island
is electrified by the sounds of live music, spectacular parades, elaborate masked balls, and very
sexy action!
Tip: Before going to Galveston or if you're planning to visit Texas or you happen to live there
make sure to sign up for the Bi-babes Network! (Tell them I recommended you)
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
My friend Les & Tracy, the webmaster and webmistress from the Bi-babes Network organize
COUPLE) No Single Guys are allowed
Mardi Gras New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Women flash their breasts, and sometimes more, in exchange for cheap
beads all day and all night for 2 weeks all in the name of “tradition”.
For us Europeans tit-flashing is a bit TOO American, but this action leads
to really hot stuff so why not play along??? ☺
If you enjoy looking at pictures and videos of what actually goes on the
wild nights of Mardi Gras I'm sure you'll enjoy this site:
Tip: Before planning your trip to Mardi gras check what these guys are
planning, they also do WILD Parties!
Picture courtesy of
Erotic Events in March/ April
Spring Break: Cancun, Daytona Beach, Key West &
South Padre Island.
Very honestly I have never been anywhere near any Spring Break
Holiday, but judging from what I’ve seen on video and what some
of my younger friends have told me this seems like a GREAT time
of the year to have a good time. One of this days Karl and I will be
there to meet some cute students ☺
Have you got any idea how WILD the younger generation is
turning out to be? I’m frequently amazed by how crazy young
women are… they’ll do anything for attention!
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
When I was on my early 20’s I was still experimenting...
nowadays women are becoming WILDER and WILDER
earlier and earlier!!!
That’s OF COURSE great news for all of us!!!
Please have a look at this site! I love it... the videos are
amazing and really horny.
Catch a “glimpse” of what I’m talking about.
Extra Tip: This is a great site to watch with your partner!
Erotic Events in May/June
Aqua Girl
Miami, Florida, USA
It’s hot. It's steamy. And it happens only once a year. It's the thrill of being amid thousands of
women, coming together in one of the most beautiful and exciting locations in the world,
South Beach, Miami, Florida, for a weekend of spectacular events.
In fact if you watch “The L Word” ( ) there was an
episode where this event was featured.
This is an event you don't want to miss!
Unfortunately this is a WOMEN ONLY event.
Sorry guys ;-)
Don't get discouraged though…
This is an unparalleled opportunity to meet bi women for a later encounter.
(That's if you're a woman of course) Weekend
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
This is a great event too! Mind you, is also catering for bi men…
Keep an open mind. Remember?
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Erotic Events In
Party Cove
(Weekends from Memorial Day to Labour Day)
Party Cove is located at the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri. It's one of the hottest and wildest
party spots in North America! Every weekend from Memorial Day through Labour Day,
thousands of people go to party cove and create the wildest parties on the water!
Over the years Party Cove has grown to where over a thousand boats gather in the once
empty "Anderson Hollow Cove" at Lake of the Ozarks, creating what is now known all over
the world as Party Cove!
Party Naked Videos and Girls Gone Wild are there every year to capture every bit of the
action. Documenting the nudity and craziness that goes around there every weekend. This is
one of those events that you need to see at least once in your life, the sexual energy in this
place is incredible and I can almost guarantee you that a threesome will seem mild
compared to the incredible opportunities to expand your sexual horizons this event offers!
Women Fest Key West, Florida, USA
(Mid September)
Women fest is an annual gathering in Key West to
celebrate women and friends of women. It is a
week-long celebration of freedom, fun, diversity
and culture. Key West has been celebrating a
"women's week" for almost 20 years now.
This is another event where bisexual women (and
of course lesbian) outnumber men or straight
women. This is also a great place to get acquainted
with many wild ladies and have a fantastic time.
Besides Key West is one of the nicest and most
enjoyable spots in the western hemisphere!
(All you need to do is PUT yourself on the right
place at the right time!)
Ave a look at their TV commercial here:
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Exotic Erotic Ball & Expo
San Francisco, California, USA
WANT TO SEE EROTIC? You've gotta see this party!
The legendary Exotic Erotic Ball celebrates it’s 28th fantastic
year. I've gone to this party twice and it has been one of the
most erotic and spectacular nights I've ever experienced!
I took the liberty to include some of the videos that they
feature in their website! I am sure you'll love them.
Note: You will require the Apple Quick Player to see the videos
You can download it for free here:
Wasteland – The Wildest Party on Earth
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This party takes place in my home town,
Amsterdam! It’s not only erotic…
Is kinky beyond kinky!
This party happens normally 3 times per year.
Mind you this is a bit "advanced stuff" for many people,
but if you think you can handle WILD!
Then this is a party for you!
Fantasy Fest October
Key West Florida, USA
Yet, another super erotic party where "anything goes"! This event is fantastic, too:
HOWEVER, the downside is that you need to book LONG in advance. Key West being such a
small island gets PACKED for this event. That’s why you need to take out your calendar and
make sure to make reservations!
Of course I want to get you even more excited about this party, so here's a video teaser about
the party you'll certainly enjoy:
If you have any problems watching the video, go to and look for the video option.
To Be Continued…
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
There you go! I hope I’ve given you enough tips and ideas to get started… I look forward to
helping you further explore the erotic world of threesome sex!
While doing research for the book “50 Things A Man
Should Know How to Do” Author David Kline found that
“How to Have a Threesome” ranked 5th on the list of what
most men would like to experience at least once in their lives.
So he “Googled” the word ‘threesome’ and guess who he found
was the expert on the topic?
He immediately contacted me and requested and interview and
of course included part of this interview inside his book☺
Click on the link below and read an excerpt of his book.
(Unfortunately my last name was misspelled but hey at least my
name was not changed to Seraphina or Senoia lol!)
I’m sharing this with you to confirm what you already know: Threesome sex is something
you MUST experience at least once in your life! Speaking from experience (a lot of it)
there is no other sexual experience like it. So far, I’ve helped literally thousands of couples,
single men and women live out their favourite fantasy. My question here is: Are you going to
allow me to help you further?
When writing Step by Step Threesome, I spared no detail, I did not leave any stone
unturned, I literally thought of E-V-E-R-Y single possibility, scenario, fear, challenge, strategy &
tactic you need to know on the topic of threesome sex and I captured it in 265 content rich
pages for you to explore and discover how thousands of people have silently experienced the
ultimate sexual fantasy (and how many still do it regularly) and how YOU can be one of them!
I hope you enjoyed your FREE Report on how to find women open for threesome sex and I
hope this is only the start of our relationship and that you’ll go ahead and order your copy of
Step by Step Threesome: or
The Threesome Pickup Artist:
I promised you a FREE EXTRA BONUS didn’t I?
Well, here’s the deal…
I’ve told you already how much I would like to expand the sexual consciousness of people and
how much I want to help other people enjoy their fantasies. The Problem is I cannot do it all
by myself … so, I need your help! I’ve got a question for you:
Who do you know that might enjoy reading this report?
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to
Discover Everything There is To Know About Threesome Sex At:
Forward this report to at least 3 of your friends and
I’ll give you a FREE copy of Gabriel Moore’s
“Secrets To The Greatest Sex EVER”manual for FREE!
(This digital book retails normally for $37.00)
I believe that my little help request is a WIN-WIN-WIN plan and hopefully you’ll help me ☺
Please go to the page below, fill out your name, your email and the names and emails from
your friends and you’ll get instant access to your FREE “Ultimate Sex Guide” courtesy of my
dear (also bisexual) friend Gabrielle Moore
Wishing you lots of success in your erotic
Step by Step Threesome &
Threesome Pickup Artist
If you want even more information about how to Start having threesomes now go to