HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 06 Sept 2002 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Table of contents 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. UNDERSTANDING THE SPECS............................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 3GPP SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 WAP FORUM SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 MMS CONFORMANCE DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 2.4 MAKING SENSE OF IT ALL ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 2.4.1 Sending an MMS message is like sending an SMS message ................................................................................................ 7 2.4.2 Is it really that simple?..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.3 Where it all takes place ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.4.4 The Big Picture, and where 3rd party developers fit in..........................................................................................................10 3. WHAT SORT OF APPLICATIONS ARE ENVISIONED? ..................................................................................................... 11 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. MOBILE ORIGINATED TRANSACTIONS .........................................................................................................................................................12 MOBILE TERMINATED TRANSACTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................12 APPLICATION ORIGINATED TRANSACTIONS .................................................................................................................................................13 APPLICATION TERMINATED TRANSACTIONS ................................................................................................................................................13 APPLICATION TYPES AND EXAMPLES...........................................................................................................................................................13 WHAT WILL THE FIRST MMS-CAPABLE TERMINALS SUPPORT?................................................................................ 14 4.1 EXTENT OF SMIL SUPPORT .........................................................................................................................................................................15 4.2 SUPPORTED MEDIA TYPES AND FORMATS ....................................................................................................................................................17 4.3 NOKIA TERMINALS ......................................................................................................................................................................................17 4.3.1 Nokia 7650 and Nokia 3650.........................................................................................................................................................17 4.3.2 Nokia 7210, Nokia 6610 and Nokia 3510i ...............................................................................................................................19 4.3.3 Nokia 3510 ........................................................................................................................................................................................21 5. A DETAILED LOOK AT AN MMS MESSAGE ................................................................................................................... 21 5.1 5.2 6. WHAT EXACTLY IS BEING SENT?..................................................................................................................................................................21 BUILDING AN MMS PDU..........................................................................................................................................................................24 TOOLS AVAILABLE ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 NOKIA MMSC EAIF EMULATOR ...............................................................................................................................................................27 NOKIA MMS JAVA LIBRARY ......................................................................................................................................................................28 NOKIA DEVELOPER’S SUITE FOR MMS ......................................................................................................................................................30 NOKIA SERIES 60 SDK FOR SYMBIAN OS ................................................................................................................................................31 SERIES 60 MMS SDK (STANDALONE) .....................................................................................................................................................32 NOKIA MOBILE INTERNET TOOLKIT AND NOKIA 7210 MOBILE HANDSET SIMULATOR .............................................................................32 Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 2 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Change history 19-11-2001 Version 1.0 Document added into Forum Nokia 08-03-2002 Version 2.0 Detailed MMS material in separate chapter, much better examples, more extensive coverage of available Nokia Tools, addition of Nokia 3510 and Nokia 7210 MMS capabilities, minor corrections regarding Conformance Document. 05-04-2002 Version 3.0 Included model specific comments regarding SMIL support, minor corrections. 04-07-2002 Version 3.0 Added Nokia 6610 MMS capabilities. 28-08-2002 Version 3.1 Minor Nokia 7210 and Nokia 6610 feature change. 06-09-2002 Version 3.2 Changes to Nokia 7210/6610 features, addition of Nokia 3650 and Nokia 3510i capabilities, added Internet Toolkit explanation. Disclaimer: Nokia Corporation disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to the implementation of information presented in this document. Nokia Corporation does not warrant or represent that such use will not infringe such rights. Nokia Corporation retains the right to make changes to this specification at any time without notice. License: A license is hereby granted to download and print a copy of this specification for personal use only. No other license to any other intellectual property rights is granted herein. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 3 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 1. INTRODUCTION MMS is a big new world, and it’s all too easy to get lost out there. Nokia is 100% committed to getting MMS to fly. Among other things, Nokia is implementing MMS in all UI categories, across the board. We also want to support you, the developer, in the creation of new MMS services. We would like to provide you with a good starting point for understanding the basics of MMS before you go delving into the specifications, then try and give you an idea of how to continue from there. Where do you as a developer fit in? What kinds of tools are available? What sorts of things will the first MMS terminals be capable of? Who invented liquid soap and why? The answers to at least most of these questions can be found in the following pages. But what is multimedia messaging about? Here are a few quick scenarios to give you an idea of what types of services may be worth developing: • woman subscribes to news service – each morning she receives an MMS message with the top stories of the day, with their accompanying pictures • young boy subscribes to music service – when one of his favorite bands is releasing a new album, he receives an MMS message with a sound clip from the title track • frequent flyer receives MMS message with next month’s offers, including enticing images of far-away lands Please also take a look at the References section at the end of this document where we have listed several other documents published by ForumNokia which may be of great help to you. The “External Application Developers Guide” will give you more ideas of what a developer needs to do to get an application up and running i.e. what needs to be discussed with the operator, MMSC settings, etc. 2. UNDERSTANDING THE SPECS The amount of information available on MMS can be at the same time both over- and under whelming. At first finding any sort of relevant information may seem impossible, and then once you’ve found the right sources, the task of making sense of it all is just not everyone’s idea of how to spend a Friday night. In this section we’ll point you to the main specifications related to MMS, give you a brief synopsis of what each one is about, and then attempt to make some sense of it all for you. 2.1 3GPP Specifications 3GPP, the standardization body for third generation mobile networks, has published the following MMS related specifications: Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 4 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Specification Location TS 22.140 Service Aspects TS 23.140 Functional Description Table 1: 3GPP Specifications related to MMS The Service Aspects spec is a short specification describing the system requirements at a general level. The Functional Description is more detailed than the Service Aspects specification. It describes the various architectural elements that are part of a multimedia messaging system, and defines where the various interfaces between these elements are. The specification also lays out a set of media types and formats which are seen as minimum support requirements for MMS terminals, in order to guarantee compatibility between MMS-capable terminals. More on this in section 2.3 “MMS Conformance Document”. 2.2 WAP Forum Specifications WAP Forum has created the following specifications: Specification Location WAP-205 MMS Architecture Overview WAP-206 MMS Client Transactions WAP-209 MMS Encapsulation Protocol WAP-203 Wireless Session Protocol Specification WAP-230 Wireless Session Protocol Specification Table 2: WAP Forum Specifications related to MMS (Note: you must click through a license agreement to access these documents.) WAP-205, the Architecture Overview is “a starting point for anybody wanting to know more about MMS”, as the specification itself states. It is a very brief introduction to MMS, while documents 206 and 209 delve more deeply into the actual implementation. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 5 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 WAP-206 describes Client Transactions very specifically. When an MMS client sends an MMS message to the network, who replies, and what sort of information is passed back? For that matter, what sort of information should have been passed in the original message? Answers to these types questions are found in the WAP-206 spec. WAP-209, the Encapsulation Protocol specification explains exactly what bytes should go where. From WAP-206 you know what information needs to be sent from the MMS client to the MMS relay-proxy, but how is the message actually built up? WAP-209 holds the answer. WAP-203 and WAP-230 describe the Wireless Session Protocol (WSP), and while they are not directly related to MMS, they strongly support WAP-205, WAP-206, and WAP-209. That’s why they’ve been included here. Note that for WSP-related issues from WAP-205 or WAP-206 you should consult WAP-230, but for WAP-209 WSP issues, look to WAP-203. Naturally each one of these specifications in turn refers to any number of other specifications, ad nauseum, but it is left as an exercise for the reader to compile a complete set of specifications needed in order to define MMS. The ones described here should provide a very good starting point. 2.3 MMS Conformance Document The MMS Conformance Document was written jointly by the MMS Interoperability Group (which currently consists of representatives from CMG, Comverse, Ericsson, Logica, Motorola, Siemens, SonyEricsson, and Nokia). It lays out a guideline which states what media types and formats will be supported by both parties’ terminals. The idea behind the document is to provide better interoperability, and to give application and service developers a more clear idea of what types of MMS messages terminals will support. The MMS Conformance Document is available from ForumNokia:,1167,2032,00.html For more information about what the first phones will support, see section 4 “What will the first MMS-capable terminals support?”. 2.4 Making Sense of it All Now we’ll try to provide you with a summary of what this all means. It seems that most vendors are going to combine the functionality of the MMS Proxy-Relay and the MMS Server (separate entities in the various specifications) in the Multimedia Messaging Center (MMSC). This is Nokia’s approach as well, and for the rest of this document, we’ll be referring to the MMSC. In attempting to tackle the big picture, we’re going to first look at a very simplified view of MMS, then go deeper into what sort of messages are flying around, and then back up and go deeper into where exactly they’re flying around. In case you’re a server-side developer, you will probably be interfacing with an MMSC and sending much the same type of information as a typical user who is sending MMS messages from the terminal. If, on the other hand, you are a client-side developer, you will probably be offered some type of interface with the client’s already-existing MMS-handlers, and all this information may not be that necessary for you to digest. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 6 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 2.4.1 Sending an MMS message is like sending an SMS message Most people are familiar with at least the basics of how sending an SMS message works. Following is a picture of how an SMS message is delivered. There are several bits missing, but the basic concept is: • The message originator addresses the short message to the receiver. • Phone contains information about SMSC (SMS Center), and message is sent there. • SMSC attempts to forward the message to the receiver. If for some reason the receiver is unreachable, the SMSC stores the message for a time, and if possible, delivers the message later. If the message cannot be delivered within a certain time frame, it is eventually discarded. Figure 1: Sending an SMS message The basic concept of sending an MMS message is exactly the same: • The message originator addresses the multimedia message to the receiver. • Terminal contains information about MMSC (MMS Center), and message is sent there. • MMSC attempts to forward the message to the receiver. If for some reason the receiver is unreachable, the MMSC stores the message for a time, and if possible, delivers the message later. If the message cannot be delivered within a certain time frame, it is eventually discarded. Figure 2: Sending an MMS message Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 7 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 2.4.2 Is it really that simple? No. In fact, it is much much more complicated. In Figure 1: Sending an SMS message, there is actually not that much missing from the picture. The arrows can be thought of as the transmission of the message via the mobile network. Figure 2 is missing a lot more. One thing to point out is that actually the MMSC does not directly try to send the MMS message to the receiver, but instead sends a notification telling the receiver there is a message waiting. Depending on terminal settings, the receiver’s terminal tries to fetch the message immediately, postpones retrieval until the user wants, or simply discards the notification altogether. Note that in an “immediate retrieval”, the user is not notified of an incoming message until it has actually been delivered. The terminal itself handles the retrieval, and only then indicates to the user with “message received”. Here is the more detailed version of MMS sending, broken into 4 main steps. It is also illustrated in Figure 3. A: Originator sends message 1. The message originator addresses it to the receiver. 2. Terminal contains information about MMSC, initiates a WAP connection (CSD/GPRS), and sends the message as the content of a WSP POST. 3. MMSC accepts message, and responds to originator over same WAP connection. Originator’s terminal indicates “message sent”. B: MMSC informs Receiver 4. MMSC uses WAP PUSH to attempt to send an indication message to the receiver. C: Receiver fetches message 5. Presuming receiver’s terminal is set to accept MMSs, it initiates a WAP connection (CSD/GPRS), and uses WSP GET to retrieve the MMS message from the MMSC. 6. MMS message is sent to receiver as content of a WSP GET RESPONSE over same WAP connection. Receiver’s terminal indicates “message received”. 7. Receiver’s terminal acknowledges receipt with WSP POST message, still over same WAP connection. D: MMSC informs Originator of delivery 8. MMSC uses WAP PUSH to indicate to originator that message was delivered. Originator’s terminal indicates “message delivered”. Table 3: Steps in sending an MMS message Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 8 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Figure 3: Sending an MMS message – more detailed 2.4.3 Where it all takes place First, here is a closer look at basic MMS-message delivery, this time including the mobile network and a few other key network elements. Figure 4: MMS message delivery with network included Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 9 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 2.4.4 The Big Picture, and where 3rd party developers fit in Next we depict some other elements which may become involved in MMS issues and explain how they fit into the scheme of things. Figure 5: Possible elements in a Multimedia Messaging System E-mail server/gateway MMS-message delivery to e-mail addresses requires that the MMSC have some way of communicating with existing mail servers. This will most likely occur using SMTP protocol. The end-user accesses the e-mail using his normal e-mail client, most likely from a PC. The Nokia solution is the Nokia Multimedia E-mail Gateway (EGW), which lies between the MMSC and the e-mail server. Legacy Support In order to support (in a way) MMS-message delivery to legacy terminals, there must be some sort of legacy-messaging server. Nokia’s Multimedia Terminal Gateway (TGW) provides this type of service by storing MMS-message content in its own local storage. It then sends an SMS message to the receiver, informing the user of a web address where the content can be viewed via a web browser. The Terminal gateway (TGW) also provides users with a “shoebox” to store images in. These images can be accessed over the internet, and be used to create new MMS messages, which can be sent via the TGW. Subscriber Database How does an MMSC know that a subscriber is using a legacy terminal? That is where a subscriber database comes in. A database of subscriber profiles can help when deciding what type of content to deliver. For example, if A sends B an MMS message, the MMSC can determine via such a database that B does not have an MMS-capable terminal, and forward the content directly to (for example) the TGW. The TGW then takes care of getting the message to B, as described above. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 10 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Nokia’s implementation of the subscriber database concept is called Nokia Profile Server (previously Nokia Artuse Profile Directory, or NAP). It also enables subscribers to set up various forwarding and carbon-copy options (e.g. all incoming MMS messages are CC’d to a mailbox). It also allows for personal barring settings (e.g. “if person X tries to send me an MMS message, block it”). Content Converter In another situation, A could have sent B an image in a format which is not supported by B’s terminal. The MMSC determines this using the subscriber database from above, then routes the message to a content-converting application. After conversion, the new message is sent forward. Voicemail The Nokia Multimedia Voice Gateway interfaces between the MMSC and a Voicemail application. Instead of receiving a text message indicating you have voice messages waiting, the voice messages can be encapsulated as MMS messages and sent directly to the phone. “Foreign” MMSC Another issue is when A and B do not belong to the same operator network. In this case the MMSC for A’s network forwards the MMS message to the MMSC in B’s network. B’s MMSC then takes care of notifying B of an incoming message, and things go very much the same as described in Table 3: Steps in sending an MMS message. If a delivery report is to be sent to A, it is first sent from B’s MMSC to A’s MMSC. Other “What about SMS services which allowed you to fetch e.g. logos using keywords – can we do a similar thing to fetch color images?” Yes, you can. The Nokia Messaging Gateway (previously known as Nokia Artuse Messaging Platform, or NAMP), which is Nokia’s solution for this type of service, will soon have the capability to interact with an MMSC, allowing it to be used for multimedia content fetching as well. In this type of case the user sends an SMS message to request the image. That request is routed to the Messaging Gateway, which retrieves the image and delivers it via the MMSC as an MMS message. It would also be possible, of course, for the request to be sent as an MMS message, but this would probably not be as cost-efficient (depends on operator’s billing strategies). Where am I, the developer? The mail server, TGW, user database, and content-converter are all examples of external applications (from the MMSC point of view). Your place as a developer will most likely be at this external application end of things. Some developers may be at the client end, however, utilizing client MMS-handlers in order to send/receive MMS-messages from/to their specialized applications. 3. WHAT SORT OF APPLICATIONS ARE ENVISIONED? Most of the material presented here so far has focused on user-to-user MMS transactions. The following pictures should help to visualize some other alternatives. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 11 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 3.1 Mobile Originated Transactions In mobile originated (MO) transactions, the sender is an MS. The message can terminate directly to another MS, or possibly go to an e-mail address. If a picture has to be converted into another format (for example from JPEG to GIF), it can be sent to an application which does the conversion. After the conversion the message is sent to its destination. 3.2 Mobile Terminated Transactions In mobile terminated(MT) transactions, the message is sent to an MS. The originator of the message can be another MS or an application, for example a web-based picture-service application. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 12 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 3.3 Application Originated Transactions In application originated (AO) transactions, the sender is an application. The message can be terminated directly to an MS or to another application. The message can be processed in one or more applications before it is sent to the receiving MS. In inter-MMSC messages both MMSCs have an IMMSC application which is seen as an external application. The receiving MMS Center sees the message as an AO message. 3.4 Application Terminated Transactions In application terminated (AT) transactions, the message receiver is an application. The message originator can be an MS or another application. For example if a message was sent for JPEG-to-GIF conversion before being sent to the “shoebox” storage of the TGW. 3.5 Application Types and Examples Consider three types of applications from the MMSC point of view: Originating, Terminating, and Processing. An originating application takes the initiative and sends an M-Send.req to the MMSC. From the MMSC perspective this is very much the same as if it had received the MMS-message from an MS. An example of an originating application could be web-based MMS-creation service, where users can create MMS messages online, and then send them to a friend with an MMS-capable Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 13 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 terminal. When the user sends the message, the MMSC sees it as an application-originating message. A terminating application is the Receiver from our illustrations at the beginning of this document, but rather than sending the application an M-Notification.ind over WAP PUSH, the MMSC simply forwards the M-Send.req to the application, to let it determine how to deal with the message. An example of a terminating application is again the “shoebox”/photo album storage facility. The user has taken a photo, or perhaps received a great image and wants to save it, so sends it off to the photo storage application. It reaches the MMSC addressed to a number which is assigned to the application inside the MMSC, and is forwarded from there. A processing application is both the sender and the receiver, although usually in the opposite order. First it receives an MMS-message, performs some sort of processing/conversion on it, and then sends the new MMS-message via the MMSC out to its final destination (which could possibly even be another processing application). An example of a processing application could be a cola-company sponsored type of service where users are allowed to send MMS-messages for cheaper than normal. The catch is that these messages are all routed through a processing application which tacks a small logo for the cola-company onto the end/beginning of the message content. Some of the categories in which we could see MMS-message-services emerging are: Information services – local content like traffic, finance, weather, e-mail delivery… Entertainment&Personalization services – animated wallpaper images, collector cards, games, music&video samples… Communication – MMS chat, dating service MMS as conduit – sending various media over MMS And keep in mind that applications could be triggered by some combination of web, WAP, SMS, USSD… You don’t necessarily need to be limited to only one venue. 4. WHAT WILL THE FIRST MMS-CAPABLE TERMINALS SUPPORT? The content of this section is based largely on the MMS Conformance Document, and explains the minimum that MMS terminals should be able to support. Any of these may be possible of more, but by creating content which satisfies the Conformance Document, developers ensure that the widest possible set of users will be able to see the content in the intended manner. Basically we want to give you an idea of what sort of capabilities the first MMS terminals will have, so you can begin to create content/services with these things in mind (e.g. you should NOT go out and start creating 5-minute long movie trailers). What is the level to which SMIL is supported in these early stages? Can the user use images as “wallpaper”, can they record their own sound clips, etc…. The minimum supported message size shall be 30 kBytes. From a content provider’s point of view this means, that the maximum message size for which interoperability is guaranteed is 30 kBytes. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 14 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 4.1 Extent of SMIL support SMIL support in early MMS-capable terminals will be limited. The first MMS messages should be thought of as “slide shows”. Each slide has at most two regions: one for text, and the other for an image. The layout and ordering of the slides is specified using a layout language called SMIL. The actual text and the actual images are packaged as separate message elements, but within the same message body. The SMIL presentation simply defines where and when the various message elements will be displayed. See the example below. Figure 6: Bundling message elements Most MMS-capable terminals will support reception of MMS messages containing multiple slides, each containing at most 1 image and 1 text part. Not all terminals will support speech or audio, and not all terminals will support sending of MMS messages. Here is an example of a SMIL presentation, and what the result might look like in a terminal. A more detailed explanation of this example can be found in 5 “A DETAILED LOOK AT AN MMS MESSAGE”. <smil> <head> <layout> <root-layout width="160" height="140"/> <region id="Image" width="160" height="120" left="0" top="0"/> <region id="Text" width="160" height="20" left="0" top="120"/> </layout> </head> <body> <par dur="5s"> <img src="cid:SmileyFace.gif" region="Image" /> <text src="cid:HelloWorld.txt" region="Text" /> <audio src="cid:HelloWorld.amr" /> </par> <par dur="10s"> <img src="TheEnd.gif" region="Image" /> <text src="TheEnd.txt" region="Text" /> <audio src="YCBNYH.amr" /> </par> </body> </smil> Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 15 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 would show for 5 seconds, while we hear “Hello World”, then we’d see: for 10 seconds, and some sort of “Y’all come back now, ya hear!” voice clip would play. The problem here is that the first SMIL-capable terminals will only be able to support a very limited set of all that can be done with SMIL. For this reason, under MMS implementations of SMIL, a client may override certain attributes of the presentation. For example, a client may replace durations with a button-push which the user can manually use to move to the next slide. The MMS Interoperability Group has written the MMS Conformance Document, which goes into more detail about what exactly is expected to be supported. We’ll try here to give a very brief summary of the Conformance Document, but please see the original, available on the ForumNokia website Please note that while in normal SMIL the names of the layout regions can be anything, in the MMS implementation, the image region must be named “Image”, and contain an image element. Likewise the text region is named “Text”, and contains a text element. SMIL timing mechanisms include two “time containers” <par> and <seq>. Anything inside a <par> </par> tag-pair is considered as happening in parallel. Elements inside a <seq> </seq> tag-pair are happening in sequence. The <body> element is defined to be a sequence time container. Each slide is a parallel time container – the elements are shown/played at the same time, and each slide is displayed in sequence, one after another. Please note that contrary to normal SMIL, nesting of <par> and <seq> time containers is not permitted. Multiple images within a single slide are also not permitted. Content can be text, img, audio, or ref. The attributes supported for the different message elements are src, region, alt, begin, end, dur. Nesting of time containers is not allowed. Actual format of the various media types is covered in the next section. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 16 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 4.2 Supported media types and formats The various message elements which contain one media type or another must be encoded with a supported format. For the first generation of MMS messages the media formats which are guaranteed to be supported across clients is limited. For images, these are baseline JPEG with JFIF exchange format, GIF87a, GIF89a, and WBMP. The size of image that should be supported by all terminals is 160x120. Not all terminals actually have displays of that size, but they have some way of showing images this size, and the terminal vendors have therefore agreed to this size in the MMS Conformance Document. For text, us-ascii, utf-8, and utf-16 with explicit Byte Order Mark. For speech, AMR. For PIM (Personal Information Management), vCalendar version 1.0 (text/x-vCalendar), and vCard version 2.1 (text/x-vCard). With the condition that if the terminal has a calendar, then it must support vCalendar. 4.3 Nokia terminals 4.3.1 Nokia 7650 and Nokia 3650 Supported formats When receiving messages, the formats supported directly with the MMS Viewer are: • Basics from Conformance Document (baseline JPEG, GIF87a, GIF89a, WBMP) • animated GIF89a • Progressive JPEG, also including EXIF exchange format • png (image/png) • amr (audio/x-amr and audio/amr) • wav (audio/x-wav) – including encodings ADPCM, PCM, aLaw, µLaw, GSM 6.10 (Full rate) • plain text (text/plain) – encodings from Conformance Document (us-ascii, utf-8, utf-16 with explicit Byte Order Mark) The Nokia 3650 also supports some video formats: H.263, MPEG4, NIM Regarding SMIL: if an MMS message is received which has a properly formed SMIL presentation, the order and grouping of the rest of the message’s objects are taken from the presentation. Other than this, the SMIL presentation does not have an effect on how the message is presented in the Nokia 7650 or the Nokia 3650. If the message does not include a SMIL presentation, or if it is faulty, the objects of the message are displayed one by one, in the order in which they appear in the message itself. This often does not give the desired result, as it separates image, text and sound into three separate objects. It is Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 17 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 to the advantage of the content creator to include a proper SMIL presentation in all MMS messages. In addition to the formats mentioned earlier, any content which is supported by the Nokia 7650 or 3650, and which has a MIME type associated with it in the terminal, can be received using a separate “Objects” view. The formats supported include: • Nokia ringing tone (application/ • vCard (text/x-vCard) • vCalendar (text/x-vCalendar) • Symbian OS application installation package (application/vnd.symbian.install) • Java application installation package (application/java-archive and application/x-javaarchive, text/ • WML content (application/vnd.wap.wmlc) • File formats supported by 3rd party applications Note that to enable support for a 3rd party application, it should be implemented in a way defined in the “Nokia Series 60 SDK for Symbian OS”. The application must "announce" its mimetype and provide a recognizer to map a file to a particular mimetype. A good recognizer is based on both the file extension and the actual file contents – usually from the first few bytes the file can be identified quite reliably. More details available in the Series 60 SDK. For MMS message creation, the following formats are supported: • jpeg (image/jpeg) • gif (image/gif) • wbmp (image/vnd.wap.wbmp) • png (image/png) – converted to jpeg before sending • amr (audio/x-amr and audio/amr) • plain text (text/plain) – UTF-16 with explicit Byte Order Mark The presentation part of type application/smil is added automatically, and message content-type is set as: application/vnd.wap.multipart.related. Other features • Integrated Camera – the integrated camera couldn’t make MMS-message creation any easier. Point and click, and you instantly have an image to add to your MMS-message. There is memory reserved for storing photos as well. • Recorder – the user can record sound clips and include them in MMS-messages. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 18 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 • MMS-addressing – MMS-messages can be addressed to multiple users, including e-mail addresses. • Image-sending – When including images in MMS-messages, the user can choose to include a small(=max 160x120 pixels) or large(=max 640x480) version. • Object-viewing – If an MMS-message contains an element not “native” to MMSmessages, the terminal can still separate the extra objects, and open any format which the terminal supports. For example, vCard(text/x-vCard) is supported by the terminal, but is not part of the normal MMS-message scheme. • Wallpaper – an image can be placed as the background image for when the terminal is in idle mode. This could be an image that was taken with the camera, one that was downloaded from a PC, or that was received in an MMS-message. • Screen saver – the screen saver is a colored bar which moves around on the screen, and displays either the date and time or user-entered text. It is not possible to use own images as screen savers. • Screen size – usable area 174x142, but with regards to messaging (MMS, et al.), there are some specific issues that needs to be taken into account. Regarding messaging, the screen is divided horizontally into bands which are 17 pixels high. Images are placed on the edge of a band. 8 such bands fit in the 142 pixel height, with 6 pixels left over in the margins. The end result is: Max. image size for messaging is 174x136, or if you want to have the picture and associated text visible at the same time, 174x119. Note that larger images are supported, but when received via MMS message they are initially scaled down to fit the screen. These larger images can be viewed as full size using a separate function. 4.3.2 Nokia 7210, Nokia 6610 and Nokia 3510i With regards to MMS messaging, these three terminals are essentially identical, with the one clear distinction that the Nokia 3510i screen size is 96x65, whereas the Nokia 7210 and 6610 screen size is 128x128. These terminals can send and receive MMS messages. When receiving messages, the supported formats are: • Basics from Conformance Document (baseline JPEG, GIF87a, GIF89a, WBMP) • baseline JPEG with EXIF exchange format • png (image/png) • Windows BMP (image/bmp) • Nokia wallpaper (image/vnd.nok-wallpaper) – file format is JPEG, GIF87a, GIF89a, PNG, BMP • SP-MIDI (audio/midi, audio/mid, audio/sp-midi, audio/x-midi, audio/x-mid) -- 43 instruments of which 4 instruments can be played at the same time Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 19 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 • Nokia ringing tone (application/ • plain text (text/plain) – encodings from Conformance Document (us-ascii, utf-8, utf-16 with explicit Byte Order Mark) Regarding SMIL: the Nokia 7210 and the Nokia 6610 cannot take the order or grouping of objects from any accompanying SMIL presentation, so the MMS message’s objects are shown in the order in which they appear in the message itself. Even so, it is still recommended to include a SMIL presentation with all messages, so that terminals capable of using it can do so. Audio objects must be manually started. Usable display area for messaging in the Nokia 7210 and 6610 is 122x96, but note that wallpaper size is 128x128. Larger images are scaled to fit, smaller ones are centered. The Nokia 3510i has a 96x65 display. Images will be scaled up or down to fit the 96x65 display and centered. Aspect ratio will be preserved. Animated images will cycle through only 14 times to conserve the battery. Note that when viewing images with the MMS Viewer in the Nokia 3510i, the available display size is 92x34 if an APAC language set is installed, and 92x45 otherwise. If an image is saved, however, it is saved in its original size. For MMS message creation, the following formats are supported: • jpeg (image/jpeg) • gif (image/gif) • wbmp (image/vnd.wap.wbmp) • png (image/png) • plain text (text/plain) – UTF-16 with explicit Byte Order Mark No presentation part is added, and the message content-type is set as: application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed. Note that no audio may be used when creating MMS messages on these terminals. A received MMS message may be forwarded in its original form (with no change to the orignal SMIL presentation part) so long as it does not include audio. If it includes audio, the text and image parts must be saved separately, then reconstructed into a new MMS message in order to forward it. In this case the original SMIL presentation part is lost. Wallpaper can be downloaded also over WAP. These terminals consider Nokia wallpaper, Nokia ringing tones, and MIDI tones as copyrighted material, and will not allow sending or forwarding of this content. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 20 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 4.3.3 Nokia 3510 The Nokia 3510 can receive MMS messages up to 30 kBytes in size, but cannot send or forward MMS messages. When receiving messages, the formats the Nokia 3510 can handle directly with its MMS Viewer are: • Basics from Conformance Document (baseline JPEG, GIF87a, GIF89a, WBMP) • animated GIF89a • baseline JPEG with EXIF or JFIF exchange format • Windows BMP (image/bmp) • OTA BMPs (image/x-ota-bitmap) • SP-MIDI (audio/midi, audio/mid, audio/sp-midi, audio/x-midi) -- 43 instruments of which 4 instruments can be played at the same time • plain text (text/plain) – encodings from Conformance Document (us-ascii, utf-8, utf-16 with explicit Byte Order Mark) Regarding SMIL: the Nokia 3510 cannot take the order or grouping of objects from any accompanying SMIL presentation, so the MMS message’s objects are shown in the order in which they appear in the message itself. Even so, it is still recommended to include a SMIL presentation with all messages, so that terminals capable of using it can do so. The Nokia 3510 can use any image stored in the phone as a screen saver. This includes any images received in MMS messages or OTA BMPs received via smart messaging. OTA BMPs should be at most 72x28. Nokia 3510 has a 96x65 display. As screen savers, OTA BMPs will be shown 72pixels wide, scaled up or down to fit. Other screen saver images will be scaled up or down to fit the 96x65 display and centered. Aspect ratio will be preserved. Animated images will cycle through only 14 times to conserve the battery. Note that when viewing images with the MMS Viewer, the available display size is 92x34 if an APAC language set is installed, and 92x45 otherwise. SP-MIDI tones can be used as ringing tones and message alert tones. SP-MIDI tones can be downloaded over WAP or received in MMS messages. 5. A DETAILED LOOK AT AN MMS MESSAGE 5.1 What exactly is being sent? In most of the communication happening in Figure 3, what is being sent is MMS PDUs (Protocol Data Units). An MMS PDU consists of MMS headers and the body. Note, however, that for the Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 21 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 most part there is no body at all! Only in steps 2 and 6 does the MMS PDU actually have any body. The rest of the time the PDU consists of only the header part. Figure 7: MMS Protocol Data Unit These MMS PDUs are, in turn, passed in the content-section of WSP or HTTP messages (depending on which transport protocol is being used), and the content-type of these messages is set to application/vnd.wap.mms-message. (An example of an MMS message being sent over HTTP can be found from the “MMS Center Application Development Guide” (see References). Here is a WSP example: Figure 8: WSP message, e.g. a POST request If you look in the other direction, i.e. towards the inside of the MMS PDU, you’ll see that the message body (when it exists), actually contains a whole other set of content. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 22 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Figure 9: WSP message with MMS PDU revealed – multipart.related Figure 10: WSP message with MMS PDU revealed – multipart.mixed application/vnd.wap.multipart.related If the MMS message includes a presentation part, i.e. a part which basically functions as “assembly instructions” for the message, then the Content-type for the MMS message is set to application/vnd.wap.multipart.related. This content type takes a couple of extra parameters, (type and start), one which tells the type of the presentation part (in our example application/smil), and one which tells which of all the following parts is the presentation part. Note that if the start Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 23 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 parameter is missing, the presentation part should be the very first element in the message body. A presentation part should always be included whenever the content is something to be displayed to the user. Each of the elements of a multipart.related message begins with a Content-type, and either a Content-ID or Content-Location. The ID or Location is a sort of nametag that is used in the presentation part to reference the various parts of the message. The example message in Figure 9 is directly related to the sample SMIL presentation listed in 4.1 “Extent of SMIL support”, so you can see how elements with Content-IDs and Content-Locations are referenced slightly differently. The start parameter mentioned earlier always refers to the Content-ID of the presentation element. application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed If there is no need to display the content to the user, no presentation part is necessary, and if there is no presentation part, the Content-type for the MMS message is set to application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed. With this content type, there is no need for Content-IDs or Content-Locations. For more information on the various types of content that can be passed in the MMS message, see section 4 “What will the first MMS-capable terminals support?” Next we look a bit closer at the different types of PDUs. Different types of PDUs are used for different roles, and are distinguished from one another by a parameter “X-Mms-Message-Type“. The sort of information which MUST or MAY be passed within an MMS PDU depends on the type. Here is a breakdown of what PDU types are used in which stages of MMS message delivery. Note that the WSP GET request is not actually an MMS PDU. A. M-Send.req (Originator >> MMSC) M-Send.conf (Originator << MMSC) B. M-Notification.ind (MMSC >> Receiver) C. “Immediate retrieval” OR WSP GET.req (MMSC << Receiver) M-Retrieve.conf (MMSC >> Receiver) M-NotifyResp.ind (MMSC << Receiver) D. M-Delivery.ind (Originator << MMSC) ”Delayed retrieval” M-NotifyResp.ind (MMSC << Receiver) (some amount of delay) WSP GET.req (MMSC << Receiver) M-Retrieve.conf (MMSC >> Receiver) M-Acknowledge.req (MMSC << Receiver) 5.2 Building an MMS PDU The specifics of these PDUs (i.e. what information they pass and how is it encoded), are defined in WAP-206 and WAP-209. We’re not going to go any deeper into them here, except to point out a few issues: Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 24 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 • The first three parameters of every MMS PDU should be X-Mms-Message-Type, X-Mms-Transaction-ID, and X-Mms-MMS-Version, in that order. In the case of M-Delivery.ind, Message-ID is sent instead of the transaction ID. • The last parameter of an M-Send.req or M-Retrieve.conf should be Content-Type, followed immediately by the message body. These are the only MMS PDUs which have a message body. And here is an example of MMS message headers (M-Send.req PDU) before binary encoding. Here we continue to use the 2-slide “HelloWorld” example from earlier. The table lists the MMS headers of M-Send.req and the corresponding values, which are used in the message. X-Mms-Message-Type: m-send-req X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 0123456789 X-Mms-Version: 1.0 From: +123/TYPE=PLMN To: +456/TYPE=PLMN Subject: My first test message! Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.multipart.related; type=”application/smil”; start=”<0000>” Table 4: Example of MMS header Looking at Table 5, where our “HelloWorld” MMS message is shown in hex format, you can see that the headers and corresponding values have been encoded according to WAP-209. X-MmsMessage-Type is encoded as 8Ch, m-send-req as 80h, and so on. The last byte of the header is at position 0066 (near the middle of the line which begins with “0060:”), and is 00h, a null character indicating the end of the text string for the start parameter: “<0000>”. The multipart message body in this example consists of seven parts (position 0067). Each of the parts themselves follows the pattern of: <length of content-type + other possible headers>, <length of data>, <content-type + other possible headers>, <data>. We’ll look at the first part in detail, so you can get an idea of how this works. The first part starts at position 0068, which is 16h, so the content-type + other possible headers will be 22 bytes long. Next is 89h and 5Dh. These are a long integer. The most significant bits are not used, and the rest of the bits are concatenated to get the intended value 4DDh – this indicates the length of the data. The next 22 bytes should contain the content-type, and possibly other headers. The content-type is not one with a defined WSP encoding, so it is expressed as text, “audio/amr”. At this point the 22 bytes has not been completely used, so there are more headers. 8Eh (at position 0075) is “Content-Location”, and its value is “YCBNYH.amr”. The actual data extends from position 0081 to position 055D (4DDh bytes total). Next we’ll take a look at the general structure of the message and how it is put together. The first part (0068 to 055D) is actually the audio clip from the second slide. Note that since there is a presentation part present, the order that the elements occur in the message is not important. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 25 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 The second part (055E to 0577) is the text from the second slide. Third (0578 to 0803) is finally the SMIL presentation from 4.1 “Extent of SMIL support”. Note that since the start parameter (005F to 0066) is given in the MMS header, the SMIL presentation does not have to be the first part of the message, and could have just as well been the last. Fourth (0804 to 0DFB) is the image for the second slide, “TheEnd.gif”. The fifth, sixth, and seventh parts (0DFC to 11C4, 11C5 to 1756, and 1757 to 177B) are the audio, gif, and text for the first slide. The message (headers + multipart body containing the texts, the images, the audios and the presentation) in binary encoded format is presented in hex mode in the table below. NOTE: The images and audios are not entirely presented in the table. The above M-Send.req in binary encoded format in hex mode 0000: 0010: 0020: 0030: 0040: 0050: 0060: 0070: 0080: . . . 0550: 0560: 0570: 0580: 0590: 05A0: 05B0: 05C0: 05D0: 05E0: 05F0: 0600: 0610: 0620: 0630: 0640: 0650: 0660: 0670: 0680: 0690: 06A0: 06B0: 06C0: 06D0: 06E0: 06F0: 0700: 0710: 0720: 0730: 0740: 0750: 0760: 0770: 0780: 8C80 8910 4E00 4E00 206D 706C 3C30 2F61 0023 9830 802B 972B 964D 6573 6963 3030 6D72 2141 3132 3132 3435 7920 7361 6174 303E 008E 4D52 3334 332F 362F 6669 6765 696F 0007 5943 0A0C 3536 5459 5459 7273 2100 6E2F 1689 424E C63C 3738 5045 5045 7420 841B 736D 5D61 5948 C7FF 3900 3D50 3D50 7465 B389 696C 7564 2E61 F0F7 8D90 4C4D 4C4D 7374 6170 008A 696F 6D72 B7EF 7C44 0383 5468 6963 223C 2020 6179 6F6F 3D22 3430 6769 7769 6874 2220 2020 6578 2068 743D 3E0D 0D0A 203C 7220 2020 3A53 2072 2F3E 7372 726C 2254 203C 3A48 202F 0A20 3073 2073 2220 E470 8183 6520 6174 3030 3C68 6F75 742D 3136 222F 6F6E 6474 3D22 746F 203C 7422 6569 2230 0A20 2020 626F 6475 203C 6D69 6567 0D0A 633D 642E 6578 6175 656C 3E0D 2020 223E 7263 7265 D259 8E54 656E 696F 3030 6561 743E 6C61 3022 3E0D 2069 683D 3132 703D 7265 2077 6768 2220 2020 3C2F 6479 723D 696D 6C65 696F 2020 2263 7478 7422 6469 6C6F 0A20 203C 0D0A 3D22 6769 727C 6865 642E 6E2F 3E00 643E 0D0A 796F 2068 0A20 643D 2231 3022 2230 6769 6964 743D 746F 203C 6865 3E0D 2235 6720 7946 6E3D 2020 6964 7422 202F 6F20 576F 2020 7061 2020 5468 6F6E 7C7C 456E 1D84 736D 3C73 0D0A 2020 7574 6569 2020 2249 3630 206C 222F 6F6E 7468 2232 703D 2F6C 6164 0A20 7322 7372 6163 2249 2020 3A48 2072 3E0D 7372 726C 203C 7220 2020 6545 3D22 7C7C 642E 6C13 696C 6D69 2020 2020 2077 6768 2020 6D61 2220 6566 3E0D 2069 3D22 3022 2231 6179 3E0D 2020 3E0D 633D 652E 6D61 3C74 656C 6567 0A20 633D 642E 2F70 6475 2020 6E64 496D 7C7C 7478 6170 0081 6C3E 2020 2020 6964 743D 203C 6765 6865 743D 0A20 643D 3136 206C 3230 6F75 0A0D 203C 0A20 2263 6769 6765 6578 6C6F 696F 2020 2263 616D 6172 723D 3C69 2E67 6167 1008 7400 706C 83C0 0D0A 3C6C 3C72 7468 2231 7265 2220 6967 2230 2020 2254 3022 6566 222F 743E 0A20 7061 2020 6964 6622 2220 7420 576F 6E3D 2020 6964 7222 3E0D 2231 6D67 6966 6522 Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. ...0123456789... ...+123/TYPE=PLM N..+456/TYPE=PLM N..My first test message!.....ap plication/smil.. <0000>....]audio /amr..YCBNYH.amr .#!AMR...<...... . . . |D.p.Yr|||||||.. .....TheEnd.txt. The end...l.appl ication/smil.... "<0000>.<smil>.. <head>.. <l ayout>.. <r oot-layout width ="160" height="1 40"/>.. <re gion id="Image" width="160" heig ht="120" left="0 " top="0"/>.. <region id="T ext" width="160" height="20" lef t="0" top="120"/ >.. </layout> .. </head>.... <body>.. <pa r dur="5s">.. <img src="cid :SmileyFace.gif" region="Image" />.. <text src="cid:HelloWo rld.txt" region= "Text" />.. <audio src="cid :HelloWorld.amr" />.. </par>. . <par dur="1 0s">.. <img src="TheEnd.gif " region="Image" 26 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 0790: 07A0: 07B0: 07C0: 07D0: 07E0: 07F0: 0800: 0810: . . . 0DF0: 0E00: 0E10: 0E20: . . . 11C0: 11D0: 11E0: . . . 1750: 1760: 1770: 202F 2073 2220 2F3E 2073 2220 0D0A 6D69 6769 3E0D 7263 7265 0D0A 7263 2F3E 2020 6C3E 6600 0A20 3D22 6769 2020 3D22 0D0A 3C2F 0D8B 4749 2020 5468 6F6E 2020 5943 2020 626F 689D 4638 2020 6545 3D22 2020 424E 2020 6479 8E54 3961 203C 6E64 5465 3C61 5948 3C2F 3E0D 6865 A000 7465 2E74 7874 7564 2E61 7061 0A3C 456E 7700 7874 7874 2220 696F 6D72 723E 2F73 642E F700 EDF4 7564 6F57 520A D350 696F 6F72 0C85 472D 2F61 6C64 68BF 354B 6D72 2E61 E3F3 0101 00C0 6D72 FDB5 003B 223C 3E00 6E7D 1D87 4865 2321 2E02 2961 6C6C 414D 8880 7C7C 7C7C 7C14 8A7B 9DC0 223C 536D 696C 6579 4661 6365 2E67 6966 3E00 4749 4638 3961 A000 7700 F700 0000 0000 0000 3300 EFBE 0305 0400 3B17 0C03 8381 83C0 223C 4865 6C6C 6F57 6F72 6C64 2E74 7874 3E00 4865 6C6C 6F20 576F 726C 6421 />.. <text src="TheEnd.txt " region="Text" />.. <audio src="YCBNYH.amr " />.. </par> .. </body>..</s mil>..h..TheEnd. gif.GIF89a..w... . . . ...PG-5K...;..)a udio/amr.."<Hell oWorld.amr>.#!AM R...h.....n}.... . . . |||||..{.."<Smil eyFace.gif>.GIF8 9a..w.........3. . . . ......;......."< HelloWorld.txt>. Hello World! Table 5: Example of MMS header and message body, binary encoded 6. TOOLS AVAILABLE 6.1 Nokia MMSC EAIF Emulator As a server-side developer, you will need to interface with the MMSC. This will most likely happen over an interface designated in the 3GPP specs as MM7. The specification of the MM7 interface is still ongoing. Latest word was that it would be ready in the summertime 2002. The Nokia MMS Center will provide an External Application Interface (EAIF) which developers can use to communicate with the Nokia MMSC. Once 3GPP has finished specifying MM7, Nokia’s EAIF will be moderated to be compliant. The EAIF supports 3 types of applications: originating, terminating, and filtering. (“Filtering” corresponds to the “processing” type of application explained in 3.5 "Application Types and Examples”.) Additionally, terminating and filtering applications can be syncrhonous or asynchronous. Synchronous applications always handle one request at a time, and respond to that request before accepting new ones. Asynchronous applications can accept new requests while still dealing with previous ones, then respond to each request as their processing is completed. Nokia offers an EAIF Emulator, which mimics the interface between the MMSC and the 3rd party developer. This will allow you to test the functionality of your applications without needing to have access to a full MMSC. The EAIF Emulator provides the following functionaltities: Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 27 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Support for Originating Applications The emulator is able to receive multimedia messages sent by an originating application. The emulator verifies that the message is sent according to EAIF specifications, validates the format of the received message and finally returns a response to the request. Support for Terminating Applications The emulator is able to submit an MMS message to a terminating application. The emulator contains ready-made MMS messages, with different contents, which can be sent to applications according to the EAIF specification. After the message is sent to the application the emulator is able to receive and display the response the application sent. Support for Filtering Applications The emulator is able to submit a MMS message to a filtering application. The same ready-made MMS messages used in the terminating application case can be submitted to a filtering application. The emulator may also send headers, without the message body, to the filtering application. After the message is processed the emulator is able to receive the response and the modified message from the filtering application. Delivery Reporting The emulator allows an originating application to request a delivery report. The delivery report can be submitted via the emulator’s GUI to a terminating application if the originating application requested a delivery report in the message. Support for Synchronous or Asynchronous Applications The emulator is capable of receiving messages from an originating application and the responses from terminating and filtering applications synchronously. From terminating and filtering applications the emulator is also capable of receiving responses in an asynchronous manner. Data Logging / Status Reporting The emulator keeps track of the message- and system-related events as well as error information. All the events and error information can be stored to log files to analyse the events later. The data logging / status reporting functionality allows the user to view the structure of the messages and to identify the reason for the reported errors. Templates for Creating Multimedia Messages The emulator provides several ready-made templates and example messages. The example messages contain combinations of different media, such as images (jpeg or gif) and text, and they can be easily submitted to external applications. Addition of New Templates and Example Messages The emulator allows users to add new templates and example messages to be used in testing. The users can add their own messages with different contents to the emulator to better meet the requirements of the tested application. The Nokia MMSC EAIF Emulator and accompanying documentation are available free-of-charge from ForumNokia. See the References section. 6.2 Nokia MMS Java Library Nokia has created a Java library for handling MMS messages. It can be used to construct an MMS message out of various bits and pieces, and to encapsulate the resulting message. It can then add Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 28 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 HTTP headers to the message so that it is ready for sending to the EAIF or EAIF Emulator. Received MMS messages can be “decapsulated” and disassembled into their separate parts. The Nokia MMS Java Library provides examples from the following functionalities: Message creation and encoding The Nokia MMS Java Library provides an example of how to create and encode a multimedia message from different content types. The library illustrates how message creation and encoding can be done according to WAP-209. The message creation functionality example can be used when designing originating or filtering applications. Message decoding The Nokia MMS Java Library provides an example of how to decode a received multimedia message, encoded according to WAP-209, and how to extract the multimedia content obtained from the message body. The decoding functionality example can be used when designing terminating or filtering applications. Message sending to the MMS center In order to send a multimedia message from the application to the Nokia MMSC, HTTP 1.1 protocol and EAIF should be used. The Nokia MMS Java Library provides an example of how this can be done. The Java library package comes with 3 example applications, source code for the classes, and documentation. The Nokia MMS Java Library and accompanying documentation is available freeof-charge from ForumNokia. The “HelloWorld” sample was created using this library. Below are a few of the most important lines of the code, to give you an idea of the classes and methods available. //-----------------------------------------------------------------public Sample() { MMMessage mms = new MMMessage(); SetHeaders(mms); AddContents(mms); MMEncoder encoder=new MMEncoder(); encoder.setMessage(mms); try { encoder.encodeMessage(); byte[] out = encoder.getMessage(); createMmsFile(out, "Sample.mms"); //Makes file of MMS encoded version } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------private void SetHeaders(MMMessage m) { //Just going to set the mandatories, and the subject... //Type, TransID, Version are all mandatory, and must be // first headers, in this order! m.setMessageType(IMMConstants.MESSAGE_TYPE_M_SEND_REQ); m.setTransactionId("0123456789"); m.setVersion(IMMConstants.MMS_VERSION_10); m.setFrom("+123/TYPE=PLMN"); m.addToAddress("+456/TYPE=PLMN"); //at least one To/CC/BCC is mandatory Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 29 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 m.setSubject("My first test message!"); //subject is optional //ContentType is mandatory, and must be last header! m.setContentType(IMMConstants.CT_APPLICATION_MULTIPART_RELATED); m.setMultipartRelatedType(IMMConstants.CT_APPLICATION_SMIL); m.setPresentationId("<0000>"); // where <0000> is the id of the content containing the SMIL presentation } //-----------------------------------------------------------------private void AddContents(MMMessage m) { /*Path where contents are stored assumed to be same as this class.*/ String path = getPath(); // Add SMIL content MMContent smil_part = new MMContent(); byte[] b1 = readFile(path + "HelloWorld.smil"); smil_part.setContent(b1, 0, b1.length); smil_part.setContentId("<0000>"); smil_part.setType(IMMConstants.CT_APPLICATION_SMIL); m.addContent(smil_part); // Add helloworld text MMContent hw_text = new MMContent(); byte[] b2 = readFile(path + "HelloWorld.txt"); hw_text.setContent(b2,0,b2.length); hw_text.setContentId("<HelloWorld.txt>"); hw_text.setType(IMMConstants.CT_TEXT_PLAIN); m.addContent(hw_text); . . . // Add theend audio MMContent te_audio = new MMContent(); byte[] b7 = readFile(path + "YallComeBackNowYaHear.amr"); te_audio.setContent(b7,0,b7.length); te_audio.setContentId("YCBNYH.amr"); te_audio.setType("audio/amr"); m.addContent(te_audio); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ The Nokia MMS Java Library and accompanying documentation are available free-of-charge from ForumNokia. See the References section. 6.3 Nokia Developer’s Suite for MMS This is a tool which integrates seamlessly with Adobe GoLive 6.0. Content can be created using Adobe GoLive, and the Nokia Developer’s Suite allows for effortless encapsulation of the content into an MMS message. You can then send the MMS message to a server, or MMS terminal emulator. Note that e.g. EAIF Emulator could be used in place of an actual server. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 30 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Figure 11: Screenshot from Adobe GoLive 6.0 with Nokia Developer’s Suite for MMS installed The Nokia Developer’s Suite for MMS and accompanying documentation are available free-ofcharge from ForumNokia. See the References section. 6.4 Nokia Series 60 SDK for Symbian OS If you are creating applications for the client side, you will want to get the Series 60 SDK. It includes a Series 60 Emulator, so e.g. someone developing content for a Nokia 7650 or other terminal which uses the Series 60 platform will find it very useful for seeing how content looks in an actual MMS terminal. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 31 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Figure 12: Screenshot from Series 60 SDK Emulator The Nokia Series 60 SDK for Symbian OS and accompanying documentation are available free-ofcharge from ForumNokia, but must be ordered. See the References section. The MMS extension is available free-of-charge from ForumNokia, and is currently bundled with the Nokia Developer’s Suite for MMS. See the References section. 6.5 Series 60 MMS SDK (Standalone) If you don’t need the full power of the Nokia Series 60 SDK for Symbian OS, but you’d still like to see what your MMS messages will look like on a Series 60 terminal, you can install the Series 60 MMS SDK standalone that comes bundled with the Nokia Developer’s Suite for MMS. Just opt to install only the standalone during installation. 6.6 Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit and Nokia 7210 Mobile Handset Simulator Starting from version 3.1, the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit has some support for MMS message testing. It features a handy MMS Wizard that can be used to easily piece together a message Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 32 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 from various content that the user already has on hand, ready-made. It will even create a presentation part for you in SMIL, which can be tweaked afterwards to get exactly the result desired. After this the MMS message can either be pushed to one of the terminal emulators which support MMS (at this writing the Nokia 6590 and 7210 emulators), or saved for use with some other tool. (e.g. If copied to the proper directory, the Series 60 terminal emulator will display the message.) Figure 13: Using the MMS Message Setup Wizard Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 33 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Figure 14: MMS message as seen by the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit Figure 14 shows what the result is when the wizard is done. When auto-generating the presentation part, the wizard places each part of the message in its own <par> container, so in this example we have already edited the file to group the parts as we wish. Note that which headers are included in the message can be edited by the user. Header values can be changed, or new ones added, for each part of the MMS message. Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 34 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 Figure 15: Pushing the MMS message to the 7210 emulator Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 35 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 REFERENCES Available from ForumNokia EAIF FAQ,,1_2_7_2_2,00.html External Application Developers Guide, interface description,,1_2_7_2_2,00.html MMS Center Application Development Guide,,1_2_7_2_2,00.html MMS Conformance Document,,1_2_7_1,00.html MMSC EAIF emulator (including user's guide),,1_2_7_2_2,00.html MMS Java library version 1.1. (including user's guide),,1_2_7_2_2,00.html Nokia Developer’s Suite for MMS Nokia Series 60 SDK for Symbian OS Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit Nokia 7210 Mobile Handset Simulator General Adobe GoLive RFC2387: The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type RFC2557: MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents SMIL TS 22.140 Service Aspects TS 23.140 Functional Description Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 36 HOW TO CREATE MMS SERVICES Version 3.2 WAP-205 MMS Architecture Overview WAP-206 MMS Client Transactions WAP-209 MMS Encapsulation Protocol WAP-203 Wireless Session Protocol Specification WAP-230 Wireless Session Protocol Specification LIST OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Term or abbreviation Description GW Gateway SP-MIDI Scalable Polyphonic MIDI MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions MMS Multimedia Messaging Service MMSC Multimedia Messaging Service Center MS Mobile Station, Terminal NAMP Nokia Artuse Messaging Platform PDU Protocol Data Unit SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language SMS Short Messaging Service SMSC Short Messaging Service Center TGW Terminal Gateway VGW Voicemail Gateway WAP Wireless Application Protocol WSP Wireless Session Protocol Copyright © 2001. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 37
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