HOW TO USE IT Units of Instruction The SPARK EC manual contains 10 instructional units, one for each month of the school year, and aligns with the SPARK Sample Yearly Plan. SPARK recommends teaching these units in the order presented, beginning with Building Blocks. This unit is designed to help teachers create a positive learning environment and introduces children to class protocols, movement basics, social skills, and behavioral expectations. There are additional ways to integrate SPARK concepts and methods into the preschool day. For example: 1. Transition times 2. Center time 3. Circle time 4. Recess play 5. Music time Pages uctory Introd uction Introd ng Tips Teachi eed You N What EM ACAD AL MUSIC ASAPs TS STUN S SUPER CONTENT E OF TABL ICS S SUPER STUNT INTRODUCTION PAGE EARLY CHILDHOOD Contact SPARK for more ideas on how to effectively utilize SPARK content to meet the needs of preschoolers. ience. Super Stunts cal activity exper strength. of a child’s physi ility, agility, and fl n, flexib rtant components sel es such as coordinatio personal lessons such as selfSuper Stunts are impo ed to increase abiliti rtant are primarily design children learn impo y, perseverance and nts, diatel eleme cal physi red imme In addition to these stunts are not maste many as and ive; confidence and initiat ng, walki ces, line dedication. s, single-leg balan and trust. Key e animal movement in this unit includ foster cooperation ties – which also Lessons presented simple partner activi cs, and music. creative stunts, and literacy, mathemati ssed include art, academic areas addre Safety en ent space for childr Ensure there is suffici without obstructing to perform and move s. or endangering other safety and ioral Share your behav e the children befor expectations with beginning activities. iii iii iv Y Leader LITERAC w The • Follo mp 1 • Bunny Ju , ents I es ch em ov ostri imal M elephants, mp Ju An y g – MUSIC 1 ts, e A Bi • Bunn Lesson move like ca mp Lik n h. Can Ju Childre , and fis 3 • I een Frog , frogs ing ts II Gr rabbits practic emen e ov g hil Bi M w A imal arkers p Like 2 – An Y spot m n Jum LITERAC Lesson share their • I Ca Frog n Green Childre ovements. Dance 5 m Chicken e e animal • The t a Hom ” to explor arker an W 3–I spot m “homes Dance Lesson leave their rn to a new ATICS n MATHEM Chicken tu imal Childre ace and re • The e An An l sp 7 • Move Lik genera ts III und. imal emen seals, An , each ro ov es M An be imal rses, e Like In A ns, ho 4 – An ART iders. • Mov u Are Lesson move like lio cks, and sp t Like Yo n du 9 • Ac o (Upright) Childre , penguins, les Zo s. crocodi es e In A Balanc -leg balance Ar g u Le Yo gleLike single ART 5 – Sin actice • Act pright) Lesson learn and pr Zoo (U n dle 11 Childre uin Wad es, stars, unts I • Peng tive St ck-in-the-Box s, and – Crea Ja ve 6 be lea n g to rin d dle Lesso Y LITERAC n preten bands, flutte uin Wad er Childre • Peng rs, rubb Jump elevato 13 • Bunny s. go balloon unts II akes, po tive St t tires, panc ea Cr p 7– be fla ART y Jum Lesson pretend to • Bunn ps. nce n Childre d spinning to 15 • Circus Da an es sticks, ing lin ng oves us Walki ty of m – Line 8 rie n va Lesso tice a n prac Childre or. flo on the EQU IPM ENT Spot Mark r ers es Con e. Attempting a stunt Watch for child fatigu increase the risk of may when overly tired an accident. l Aid Cards Skill Cards and Visua several accompany mily mil famil Kfam ARKfa PARK P (SPAR in and are referenced lessons in this unit the Ready section. order s in the Begin teaching lesson en’s childr assess teaching, presented. While t activities and adjus ability to perform lt, activity is too difficu de accordingly. If an provi and cues, iify the slow down, simpl t Feel free to repea extra practice time. lessons. by ties new activi Have children start tempo after safety walking. Increase s are stop and start signal expectations and established. lessons weatheer, use the During inclement into om classro turn your class from this unit to zo zoo. a circus, jungle, or QUA NTIT Y INVEN SP PAR 1 per K EC child Musi c CD Musi c Pla 4 yer Arro wM 1 arrke rs (o SP PAR ptiona K IN l) 1 STRU CTIIO Skill N Card AL M 10 s: An EDIA imal (SPA Visu Mov RKfa al Aid eme mily nts, .org Card Bala and/o s: Cre n Stati ce r SPA ative s on C RKfo Stun ards: lio) ts Supe Perf r Stu orm nts ance Rub FA ACIL ric: Su ITIE per St S unts An Teaching Tips s Lesson SUP WH ER STU AT Y N OU TS NEE D TOR Y NEE D for the is an opportunity Station Clean-Up ment with returning equip children to assist of the at the conclusion and station cards n Clean-Up a part Statio Make . final lesson during structured only not e of your routin throughout the day, activity time, but appropriate. when and where upon Station Clean-Up A good routine for have final station is to the completion of the other child while one child squat are standing, you “If say, indo stands. Then are or or tify a place). If you outdo n Limit put the spots (iden ed Sp card from your statio or ar ace: ea w squatting, place the Move ith a classr smoo (identify a place).” s oo Half final th su the of ation th rface e clas m furnitu Successful implement is reco ction re to s instru pa res requi rt increa mmen icipat lesson, Station Play, d also es in se flo ded shoul ren Child the ac (20X o of Lessons 1-10. and work 20 pa tivity r space. rate coope to ces). while exhibit the ability the Super to th Refer er. e partn other well with a half m for (SPAR Cards n arches Stunts Statio station diagrams. and in needs place. equipment iii iv i EC Introduction: How to Use It 1 Table of Contents The first page of each unit contains an informative table of contents. The 1st column provides a brief description of each lesson. The 2nd column helps you find the lesson by giving a page number. The 3rd column identifies the two Musical ASAPs used in the lesson. ACADEMICS MUSICAL ASAPs PAGE SUPER STUNTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory Pages Introduction iii Teaching Tips iii What You Need iv Lessons Lesson 1 – Animal Movements I Children move like cats, elephants, ostriches, rabbits, frogs, and fish. 1 Lesson 2 – Animal Movements II Children share their spot markers while practicing animal movements. 3 Lesson 3 – I Want a Home Children leave their “homes” to explore general space and return to a new spot marker each round. 5 Lesson 4 – Animal Movements III Children move like lions, horses, bees, seals, crocodiles, penguins, ducks, and spiders. 7 • The Chicken Dance • Move Like An Animal 9 • Move Like An Animal • Act Like You Are In A Zoo (Upright) ART • Act Like You Are In A Zoo (Upright) • Penguin Waddle ART Lesson 5 – Single-Leg Balances Children learn and practice single-leg balances. Lesson 6 – Creative Stunts I Children pretend to be Jack-in-the-Boxes, stars, elevators, rubber bands, fluttering leaves, and balloons. 11 Lesson 7 – Creative Stunts II Children pretend to be flat tires, pancakes, pogo sticks, and spinning tops. 13 Lesson 8 – Line Walking Children practice a variety of moves using lines on the floor. 15 • Follow The Leader • Bunny Jump • Bunny Jump • I Can Jump Like A Big Green Frog • I Can Jump Like A Big Green Frog • The Chicken Dance • Penguin Waddle • Bunny Jump LITERACY MUSIC LITERACY MATHEMATICS LITERACY • Bunny Jump • Circus Dance ART i The 4th column notes one of 6 types of Academic Integrations included in each lesson. Use integrations as academic enrichment tools before or after a SPARK lesson or during circle time. 2 EC Introduction: How to Use It Introductory Pages Introduction Describes the value and relevance of the unit as well as the objectives addressed. Safety Provides guidelines to increase safety. This is a “must read” prior to teaching any unit. Teaching Tips Provides helpful teaching strategies and guidelines. This is a “must read”prior to teaching any unit. SUPER STUNTS INTRODUCTION Super Stunts are important components of a child’s physical activity experience. Super Stunts are primarily designed to increase abilities such as coordination, flexibility, agility, and strength. In addition to these physical elements, children learn important personal lessons such as selfconfidence and initiative; and as many stunts are not mastered immediately, perseverance and dedication. Lessons presented in this unit include animal movements, single-leg balances, line walking, creative stunts, and simple partner activities – which also foster cooperation and trust. Key academic areas addressed include art, literacy, mathematics, and music. Safety Ensure there is sufficient space for children to perform and move without obstructing or endangering others. Share your behavioral and safety expectations with the children before beginning activities. Watch for child fatigue. Attempting a stunt when overly tired may increase the risk of an accident. Teaching Tips Skill Cards and Visual Aid Cards ( accompany several lessons in this unit and are referenced in the Ready section. Begin teaching lessons in the order presented. While teaching, assess children’s ability to perform activities and adjust accordingly. If an activity is too difficult, slow down, simplify the cues, and provide extra practice time. Feel free to repeat lessons. Have children start new activities by walking. Increase tempo after safety expectations and stop and start signals are established. During inclement weather, use the lessons from this unit to turn your classroom into a circus, jungle, or zoo. Station Clean-Up is an opportunity for the children to assist with returning equipment and station cards at the conclusion of the final lesson. Make Station Clean-Up a part of your routine not only during structured activity time, but throughout the day, when and where appropriate. A good routine for Station Clean-Up upon completion of the final station is to have one child squat while the other child stands. Then say, “If you are standing, put the spots (identify a place). If you are squatting, place the card from your station (identify a place).” Successful implementation of the final lesson, Station Play, requires instruction of Lessons 1-10. Children should also exhibit the ability to cooperate and work well with a partner. Refer to the Super Stunts Station Cards ( for equipment needs and station diagrams. iii What You Need Provides a list of equipment, materials, music, and instructional media needed to teach the unit. SUPER STUNTS WHAT YOU NEED QUANTITY INVENTORY NEED EQUIPMENT Spot Markers 1 per child Cones 4 SPARK EC Music CD 1 Music Player 1 Arrow Markers (optional) 10 SPARK INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA ( and/or SPARKfolio) Skill Cards: Animal Movements, Balances Visual Aid Cards: Creative Stunts Station Cards: Super Stunts Performance Rubric: Super Stunts FACILITIES An indoor or outdoor area with a smooth surface is recommended (20X20 paces). Limited Space: Move classroom furniture to increase floor space. Half the class participates in the activity while the other half marches in place. iv EC Introduction: How to Use It 3 Lesson Pages Each SPARK Lesson Front Page includes the following; States the name of the lesson. Shows the type of Academic Integration. Lists the equipment and materials needed. LESSON 1 States which unit the activity came from. ANIMAL MOVEMENTS I • • • • • Describes set-up prior to beginning instruction. Designates the grade level of SPARK Program. 1 spot marker per child 4 cones for activity area boundaries Animal Movement Skill Cards ( Musical ASAPs #16 and #17 SPARK EC Music CD and player Set • Create activity area. • Scatter spot markers within area. • Send children to stand on spot markers. GO! EARLY CHILDHOOD A Readyto-Read description stating objectives, instructions, and directions. SUPER STUNTS Ready 1. “Follow The Leader” (Teach Musical ASAP #16.) 2. Introduction to Animal Movements • Today we will practice moving like different animals. When you move, stay near your home and try not to pop your bubble. • When you hear, “Go Home,” go back to your home. (After each animal movement, cue children to “Go Home.”) 3. Animal Movements Challenges – Can you… • Cat: Move like a cat? Put your hands on the floor and bend your arms and legs? (Knees do not touch the floor.) Stop? Stretch like a cat? (Show Animal Movement Skill Cards.) • Elephant: Move like an elephant? Bend forward and put your hands together to make a trunk like an elephant? Walk slowly with straight legs and swing your trunk side to side? • Ostrich: Stand like an ostrich? Bend at the waist and hold your ankles with your hands? Move like an ostrich? Walk forward and hold your ankles? • Rabbit: Move like a rabbit? Squat with your hands on the floor inside your knees? Reach forward with your hands? Bring both feet forward to the outside of your hands? (Prompt the children by repeating, “Hands first, feet next.”) • Frog: Move like a frog? Squat with your hands on the floor outside your knees? Jump forward so your hands and feet leave the floor at the same time? Finish in a frog squat? (Encourage children to lift their hands and feet off the floor at the same time.) • Fish: Move your mouth like a fish? Swim like a fish? (As children demonstrate ability to follow directions, have them leave their homes and move in the neighborhood.) 4. “Bunny Jump” (Teach Musical ASAP #17.) 5. Wrap it up (Lead a stretch, pose debriefing questions, and clean up.) • Who will tell us what animal moves they will practice at home? 1 Shows the page number within the unit. Note: Page numbers begin again with each unit. 4 EC Introduction: How to Use It A diagram showing equipment placement, where children should be, or modeling the skill. Teacheroriented instructions are provided in italicized text within parentheses. Lesson Pages Each SPARK Lesson Back Page includes the following; Adaptations include limited space suggestions, activity variations, and inclusive strategies for children with diagnosed developmental delays and disabilities. Indicates the objectives this lesson addresses with room to write in your state’s standards. Use as academic enrichment tools before or after a SPARK lesson, or during circle time. ANIMAL MOVEMENTS I ADAPTATIONS Limited Space Have children perform challenges on or around spots. Variation Play Circus Animals. Identify a group of children by spot color to move around the “animal keepers,” the other children. The “animal keepers” pretend to fork hay out of the cages. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Role playing Upper body strength Lower body strength Agility Balance YOUR STATE STANDARDS Literacy Inclusive Strategies Simplify instructions for children with language delays or English language learners (e.g., “hold your ankles” paired with modeling). For non-English speaking children or those with a hearing impairment, show the Animal Movement Skill Cards ( along with verbal instruction. FAMILY FUN Animal Movements I Turn on lively music and join your child in fun animal moves. For added fun, make the animal sound. Try imitating a frog, cat, ostrich, rabbit, elephant, and fish. Ask your child to be the leader and name other animal movements to practice together. Art Literacy Read “Stand Back,” Said the Elephant, “I’m Going to Sneeze!” by Patricia Thomas. • Ensure your activity area is wellmarked and safe to keep children inside the boundaries. • Encourage children to make animals sounds while practicing movements. Mathematics Music Nutrition Science NOTES 2 Family Fun Activities promote physical activity at home. Pointers from SPARK Early Childhood specialists who have taught the lesson. Read prior to instructing for the “inside scoop.” Space included for notes. EC Introduction: How to Use It 5 Performance Rubric Assessment Use Performance Rubrics to document learning, guide teaching, and to determine progress toward program goals. Fill in children’s names, and use to assess their skill levels. Score children based on the number of skill cues they demonstrate. 6 EC Introduction: How to Use It EARL Y CH IL DHO OD M DEVELOTOR OPM ENT • Dem PERF ORM A RUBR NCE IC on non-lo strates co object motor sk ills with s • Dem onstrat es skills w ith ob locomotor • Tosse jects sa and ca ball to on es tc bounce hes it befo elf re it s twice COG DEVEL NITIVE O PMEN • Iden T tifie underh s examples of an movem d and ov erhand ent pa • Com tterns pa needed res changes in forc various when rolli ng ba e distanc lls • Expl es ains is pref why 1 ha nd or er fo manip red when practic ot ulativ e skill in g s AFFEC SOCI TIVE AL D EVEL DEVEL OPM • Coop OPM ENT er ENT PERSO partn ates with NAL er DEVEL • Coop /group OPM • Appl er ENT ies partn ates with er situatio skills to pl • Dem /group ay ns on • Crea tes ne towar strates cour w way ds othe tesy manip s to rs ulate object • Show s s re equipm spect for ent Skill and Visual Aid Cards NTS ANIMAL MOVEME SKI LL CARDS Rana Frog ANIMAL MOVEMENTS SKILL CARDS Use Skill and Visual Aid Cards (created in an 8.5" X 11" format) to enhance children’s understanding. Print from, copy onto card stock, and laminate for durability. ANIMAL MOVEMENTS Frog Frog Rana SKILL CARDS Rana Frog Rana SKI LL CARDS ANIMAL MOVEME NTS Station Cards Hopscotch Use Station Play Activity Cards (created in an 8.5" X 11" format) as visual aids during Station Play. Print from, copy onto card stock, and laminate for durability. • Hop on 1 spot marker. • Jump on 2 spot markers. Equipment needs: STATION CARDS 8 Spot markers SUPER STUNTS Crab Walk 5 Feet • Crab walk around the cones. SKILL CARDS ANIMAL MOVEMENTS STATION CARDS SUPER STUNTS Equipment needs: 2 Cones, 1 Hoop 1 Animal Moveme nt Skill Card - Crab EC Introduction: How to Use It 7
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