July - August, 2012 Volume 27, Number 4 Published by the City of Ham Lake, Minnesota You might be in a different precinct… How to get ready to vote this year he 2012 elections are rapidly approaching. As always, it’s important to carefully consider whom to vote for. However, there are quite a few other things to think about too. T Can I vote? To register and vote, you must be at least 18 on election day, a citizen of the U.S., have lived in Minnesota for 20 days prior to election day, and not be ineligible because of court order for being incompetent, under sentence for felony, etc. You will need to register again any time that you move or change your name. If you are not yet registered to vote at your current address, you can pre-register until July 10 at 5:00 p.m. To pre-register, you can pick up a form at Ham Lake City Hall (763-434- 9555), at Anoka County Elections, 325 Main Street, Anoka (763-323-5275) or download one at www.co.anoka. mn.us. You may also register at the polling place on election day, with acceptable identification as allowed by state law. Several forms of ID may be used, including a current Minnesota Driver License, learner permit or state identification card, or a current utility bill due within 30 days of the election. Someone who is registered in the precinct where you live can also vouch for you. Where do I vote? There are six precincts in Ham Lake. • Precinct one: Glen Cary Lutheran Church, 15531 Central Ave. NE • Precinct two: Ham Lake Senior Center, 15544 Central Ave. NE • Precinct three: Oak Haven Church, 1555 Constance Boulevard NE • Precinct four: Horizons Community Church, 1503 157 th Ave. NE • Precinct five: Spirit of Christ Lutheran Church, 2749 Bunker Lake Blvd. NE • Precinct six: St. Paul’s Catholic Church, 1740 Bunker Lake Blvd. NE It’s important to know that even if you voted in the last election, you might be in a different precinct now because of redistricting due to the census. You can check the precinct boundaries by visiting the City’s web site at www.ci.ham-lake.mn.us, then clicking on “maps” and then “voting precincts map.” Anoka County will also mail a card to all registered voters by July 20th informing them of their polling locations for this fall. When do I vote? This year’s primary election is August 14th and the general election is November 6th. If you are unable to go to your polling place on those dates, you may cast an absentee ballot during the 46 days prior to the election. Download an absentee ballot application at www.anokacounty.us/absenteevoting or call (763) 323-5275 to have an absentee ballot sent to you. You can cast your absentee ballot by mail, or in person at the Ham Lake City Hall (15544 Central Ave. NE). At the City Council meeting on June 18, Mayor Mike Van Kirk presented a certificate of appreciation to John Weber, who is retiring after serving on the Planning Commission since 1990 and on the Charter Commission since 2000. Currently he is chairman of both committees. Celebrate the 4th of July in Ham Lake's Lions Park H am Lake residents will once again be able to celebrate the Fourth of July close to home in Lions Park. The Don Hansen VFW Post will sponsor its 11th annual celebration in honor of area veterans. Partying begins at 3:00 p.m. on the 4th with many fun activities. Bingo begins at 4:00. The VFW Men’s Auxiliary will offer their famous pork chops as well as burgers, hot dogs, and other refreshments. There will be a fireworks display at dusk. The Ham Lake Area Chamber of Commerce made a major contribution toward financing this year’s fireworks. Articles and photos that appear in the Ham Laker, together with useful information about the City, can also be found on the Ham Lake web site: www.ci.ham-lake.mn.us Wanted: leaders to serve on 2 commissions Time to file for Council: July 31 to August 14 T I he City of Ham Lake currently has vacancies on two important Commissions. CHARTER COMMISSION: The Charter Commission is required to meet at least once a year. Meetings are usually held the fourth Wednesday of any given month, at the Ham Lake City Hall. This is not a paid position. The City Charter, approved by the voters and issued by the State of Minnesota in 1982, sets rules on how the City government operates, how it’s organized and how it’s financed. The advantage of having a charter is that a city can tailor its form of government to the desire of its citizens and establish greater powers or more stringent limitations than state statutes call for. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Planning Commission reviews, holds hearings, and makes recommendations to the City Council on matters relating to growth and development in the City and conformance to City ordinances. The Commission meets at the City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, or as needed. Commissioners receive $30 for each Planning Commission meeting attended. If you are interested in serving on either of these commissions, please send a letter to the Ham lake City Hall, 15544 Central Ave. NE, Ham Lake, MN. Letters must be received by 4:30 p.m. on July 31 st. n the General Election on November 6, 2012, Ham Lake voters will elect two Councilmembers for four year terms. The filing period for these offices begins at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 31, and ends at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14. The filing fee is $25.00. Candidates are to file for office with the Administrator of the City of Ham Lake at 15544 Central Ave. NE, Ham Lake, MN. Don't led Fido run free lest he be impounded D ogs in Ham Lake need more than a license – they also need some restrictions on their activity. Spring Recycling Day on May 5 cleared a lot of TVs, flourescent bulbs, scrap metal, and appliances out of Ham Lake homes. No dog is permitted to run at large within the City. A dog can appear on streets, on public property, or on property whose owner gives permission, only if it is on a leash or under the immediate control of a competent person charged with its care. Dogs running around uncontrolled may be impounded by police or animal control officers. (See Article 5 of the Ham Lake City Code.) Sept. – Oct. Issue Deadline: Wednesday, August 8 Please send all Ham Laker correspondence, articles & ideas to Wayne or Mickey Adams at: WordMagic Communications 5335 180th Avenue NW Ramsey, MN 55303-3386 Phone: (763)753-3929 E-mail: [email protected] For advertising information, please contact City Hall at (763) 434-9555. Printed on recycled paper PAGE 2 20% postconsumer waste Keep our storm runoff clean… Properly dispose of yard clippings T here are a lot of things you can do with your grass clippings, fallen leaves, and other kinds of yard waste. You can chip them up and use them for mulch. You can turn them into rich soil in a compost bin. You can drop them off at one of Anoka County’s two compost sites. You can weave them into gift baskets or wreathes if you like. But there’s one thing you must definitely NOT do: leave them in the street. First off, yard waste can plug up our City’s storm drains and cause flooding as well as an expensive cleaning. But there are other bad effects as well. • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. Use them sparingly. • Pick up after your pet. • Take your car to a car wash instead of washing it in your driveway. The runoff from home car washing can contain detergents that are harmful to aquatic life. • Make sure you dispose of such things as motor oil, anti-freeze, and paint thinner at designated drop-off locations. • Control soil erosion around your house. Unlike water in sanitary sewer systems, storm water does not go through a treatment plant. Storm drains are like highways that directly convey the water through streams, rivers, lakes, and eventually to the ocean. In addition to keeping your grass clippings and leaves out of the street, here are some other steps you can take to help keep our storm water runoff clean: Ham Lake Contacts City Hall: (763) 434-9555 (To report emergencies after office hours, please call 911) City Hall Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Fri. 7:00 a.m.–12:00 noon Mike Van Kirk (Mayor) (763) 434-6176 [email protected] Julie Braastad (Council) (763) 434-8985 [email protected] Tom Johnson (Council) (763) 434-8573 [email protected] Gary Kirkeide (Council) (763) 434-9762 [email protected] Jim Doyle (Council) (612) 850-1698 [email protected] Rick Braastad, Chad Landas, and Mike Baermann from the VFW Men’s Auxiliary provided the delicious pork chops served at the Ham Lake Chamber’s barbecue on June 13th. "Night to Unite" coming to your area August 7 O ur Night to Unite is coming up on August 7th. The Anoka County Sheriff’s Office is asking residents to turn on their outside lights and spend the evening getting acquainted with others in their neighborhood. The purpose of Night to Unite is to bring residents together and encourage them to organize a Neighborhood Crime Watch Group. NCW groups play an important part in crime detection and prevention, in partnership with local law enforcement. If you would like to host a Night to Unite party in your neighborhood, log on to www. AnokaCounty.us/crimewatch for details or contact Laura Landes, Crime Prevention Coordinator, at (763) 767-4664 or [email protected]. mn.us. No Night to Unite in your neighborhood? You can join the party on August 7th at Oak Haven Church from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. There will be music, children’s games, food and refreshments along with visits from the fire and sheriff’s departments. Oak Haven Church is located at 1555 Constance Blvd. in Ham Lake. For information , contact www.oakhavenchurch.org or call (763) 434-6013. 27th Annual Community Dance Co-sponsored by the Ham Lake Fire Department, Ham Lake Fire Department Relief Assn., and the Ham Lake Lions Saturday, August 18, 2012 8:00 p.m. to midnight Location: Lions Park, ½ mile west of Highway 65 on 157th Avenue NE (just west of City Hall) Food and beverages will be served. All proceeds go back to the community Tickets available from members of the Ham Lake Fire Department and Ham Lake Lions, or at City Hall. Please make your check out to the Ham Lake Fire Relief Association. Admission: $5.00 donation Music by Train Rex PAGE 3 Burglaries 20xx 149 Ave. – A lawn mower was stolen. 21xx 169th Ave. – When victim returned from vacation, all her gaming systems were missing; no signs of forced entry. 10xx 173rd Lane – Armed burglary; cash and belongings taken at gunpoint late at night. 13xx Andover Blvd. – Theft from a business. 13xx Andover Blvd. – Trolling motor stolen from a boat parked inside a secured area. 162xx Lexington Ave. – Firearms stolen from a home; No forced entry found 171xx Lincoln St. – Tools taken from a business. 12xx Lombardy Dr. – Entry through unsecured bedroom window; prescription meds, tablet, and laptop taken. Thefts & Property Damage 37xx 133rd Lane – An overhead garage door was vandalized. 20xx 135th Lane – Lock popped on a work van; copper and tools stolen. 19xx 136th Lane – A welder and tools stolen from a vehicle. 15xx 143rd Ave. – An unsecured bike stolen from a yard overnight. 17xx 143 Ave. – Theft from three vehicles – one was locked and a forced entry was made. 14xx 143rd Lane – Theft from vehicle (Two incidents). 14xx 147th Ave. – Tires and rims stolen off vehicle parked at a business. 1xx 148th Lane – Battery stolen from camper parked in yard. 6xx 150th Ave. – Vehicle window broken. 43xx 153rd Ave. – Vandalism to a home. 43xx 155th Ave. – Mailbox damaged, light poles vandalized. 15xx 157th Ave. – Theft from a church; three juveniles arrested 38xx 164th Ave. – Damage to mailbox. 17xx 171st Ave. – identity theft using credit card. 27xx 174th Ave. – Theft from an unlocked vehicle overnight. 27xx 174th Ave. – Ipod cable and charger stolen from unlocked vehicles. 29xx 174th Ave. – ID theft; victim’s credit card was used in Texas. 28xx 176th Ave. – ID theft on a debit card. 5xx Andover Blvd. – Three semi batteries stolen off vehicles at a business. 13xx Andover Blvd. – Tools stolen from vehicle. 7xx Bunker Lake Blvd. – Vehicle window broken. 7xx Bunker Lake Blvd. – Laptop and backpack stolen from vehicle; window broken. 24xx Bunker Lake Blvd. – Three unsecured Bobcat attachments stolen from the property. Crosstown/Polk – Road rage; person threw items from a moving vehicle and broke another vehicle’s windshield. 152xx Davenport St. – a battery was stolen from a camper parked outside. 149xx Durant St – a resident was burning stumps without a burn permit and the fire got out of control. 154xx Hwy. 54 – Two cable boxes were stolen from a home by a friend. 136xx Hwy. 65 – a purse was taken from an unlocked vehicle while the owner was in the gas station. 144xx Hwy 65 – Two unlocked vehicles on a sales lot were vandalized. 35xx Interlachen Dr. – A purse was stolen at a party. 175xx Isanti St. – Resident called in a suspicious vehicle parked in the area. It turns out it was reported stolen in Blaine. 163xx Kenyon St. – Theft from two unlocked vehicles (GPS, wallet). 19xx Mankato Circle – Purse stolen from unlocked vehicle. 167xx Shenandoah St. – A battery was stolen from a camper parked outside. 134xx Vickers St. – Thefts from five unlocked vehicles in driveway overnight. 157xx Xylite St. – Damage to mailbox. 147xx Yancy St. – Three marine batteries stolen from a boat parked overnight in a driveway. Arrests/Incidents April 17: 4th degree DWI. April 19: Driving After Cancelation. April 21: 4th degree DWI, Speeding. April 26: Terroristic Threats. May 3: Deputies assisted the Ramsey County Drug Task Force with a traffic stop and arrest. Sheriff & Fire Reports (to page 5) The Minnesota Patriot Guard filled Lions Park on June 16 with 3,000 motorcycles at the beginning and end of their seventh annual 60-mile Patriot's Ride. The group is dedicated to honoring those who have served their country. PAGE 4 95 Building Permits issued in April & May A T nytime Fitness in Ham Lake recently celebrated their reopening after extensive remodeling. In addition to a new look, the facility has added some new equipment including a TRX exercise system, which was developed by the Navy. Brenda and Tim Jewell had been customers of Anytime Fitness for some time and had become friends with many of the members. When they heard it was for sale 1½ years ago, they took the leap and bought it. Anytime Fitness lives up to its name, in that members have key fobs they can use to enter the building at any hour. Video cameras provide security. There he City of Ham Lake issued 95 Building Permits during April and May, with a total valuation of $2,213,466. Anytime Fitness celebrated their reopening with a ribbon cutting. Commercial permits included three accessory buildings, two remodels, one siding replacement, one sign, seven temporary signs, and two temporary building/tents. are all sorts of cardio and weight machines as well as private showers. Membership also provides free access to more than 1,800 Anytime Fitness centers throughout the world. Ham Lake’s Anytime Fitness club is located at 1321 Andover Blvd NE. Phone: (763) 413-9348. Residential permits included five three-season porches, seven accessory buildings, three additions, 15 decks, seven fences, one garage, seven new homes, four remodels, one repair/replacement, 16 roofs, one above-ground pool, one in-ground pool, ten siding replacements, and one miscellaneous. Sheriff and Fire Reports (continued from page 4) May 5: 3rd degree DWI, 3rd degree Refusal, Underage Consumption, Seatbelt Violation, Failure to Use Lights, No Proof of Insurance, Driving After Revocation. May 9: Driving After Revocation, Violation of a No Contact Order. May 9: 5th degree Assault. May 5: 2nd degree DWI. May 12: Mother/daughter Domestic Assault May 12: Domestic Assault, 5th degree Assault. May 5: Domestic Assault between brothers. May 14: Trespass. May 16: Felony Possession of Stolen Property, Driving After Revocation, Texting while Driving. May 23: Domestic Assault. May 24: Civil Dispute, Carrying of a Weapon Without a Permit and while under the influence. May 24: 3rd degree DWI. May 24: 3rd degree DWI, no-use restriction. May 27: 4th degree DWI May 31: 2nd degree DUI. May 31: 4th degree DWI, fleeing on foot, underage consumption, felony warrant. June 1: 2nd degree DWI, 3rd degree refusal. June 2: 5th degree possession of a controlled substance, warrant arrest. June 3: 5th degree possession of a controlled substance, false information to police, driving after revocation. June 5: Felony warrant arrest. June 11: Felony theft from store. June 15: 4th degree DWI, possession of marijuana. Fire Department Calls The Ham Lake Fire Department responded to 52 calls during April and May – 34 during the day and 18 at night. These included 8 structure calls (six fire alarms, one CO alarm, one gas small) three rescue calls, 23 medical calls, five wildland calls, three Mutual Aid calls, and ten miscellaneous calls. The Department spent 25 hours on calls with total personnel time adding up to 321 hours. Year-to-date, the Department answered 143 calls, the same number as at the end of May last year. PAGE 5 Ode to a Septic System Brought to you by the Sunrise River Watershed Management Organization (SRWMO). A magical thing happens right under my lawn I flush the toilet, it goes there, then gone! That wonderful septic takes all that we do Every drop is digested, even numbers one & two Sounds like my job, perhaps you might say Then you understand TLC can brighten the day Attention and maintenance is not merely a perk So let’s take a look at how that septic system works Because of the baffles, the tank keeps the poo Which needs to be pumped every 3rd year or two The liquids pass on to the drainfield with ease Its pipes have holes, just like Swiss cheese Speaking of doo, here’s what you should Using less water is wonderfully good Don’t do the laundry many loads in a row Overloading could cause the system to blow The ‘don’t’ list is longer and cannot be rushed A whole lot of things just shouldn’t be flushed Kleenex, solvents, paints, and antifreeze Foods like fat, oil, coffee grounds, and veggies Poison, cigarettes, and anti-bacterials too Old meds and even feminine products are taboo Don’t drive on the drainfield or it will get crushed Light a match near the tank and explode in a rush Inside the tank is icky, and no place to play If you smell yuck in your home call for help right away When will I know there’s a problem you think? How about when your basement is flooded with stink If your drains won’t dry even after you plunge The yard becomes soggy like a big poopy sponge So for the sake of our lakes, streams, and your piggy bank Please have someone regularly pump your septic tank P P P The Sunrise River Watershed Management Organization (SRWMO) is considering establishing a low interest loan program to help homeowners with septic system upgrade or replacement, particularly in shoreland areas. If interested, please contact Jamie Schurbon at (763) 434-2030 ext. 12 or [email protected]. For more information about the SRWMO, visit www.AnokaNaturalResources .com\srwm. PAGE 6 HAM LAKE 33rd Annual Ham Lake Open Golf Tournament Thursday, August 16 Majestic Oaks This year’s tournament features a “Back to the 50’s” theme and vintage car show. Register as a foursome or individual to play 18 holes at Majestic Oaks. Trophies are awarded for 1st & 2nd place men’s and women’s/mixed teams. You could also win $20,000 in the Hole-in-One contest (one of our players did in 2010!). Every entrant gets a free round of golf at Majestic Oaks through July, 2013. There are also prizes for the longest drive, closest to the pin, and best Back-to-the-50’s-dressed foursome. Dinner, awards, and a reception are included in your registration fee. Check-in begins at noon. Shotgun start: 1:00. Vintage car show: 4:00 to 6:00. Dinner: 6:00. To register, contact the Ham Lake Area Chamber of Commerce: (763) 434-3011 or [email protected]. Senior Center phone: (763) 434-0455 Senior Center hours: Open Monday – Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. • Friday, August 10th will feature Jerry Bierschback Come to dance or just to listen to the music! City is forced to close 1/2 of disk golf course T he City has had to shut down nine of the eighteen holes in Ham Lake Park’s Disk Golf Course. Weekly events Defensive Driving Courses Each week there is Senior Dining at noon (Mondays & Wednesdays), line dancing, pinochle, cribbage, wood carving, bingo, “500” cards, and Enhanced Fitness classes. Plus each month there are Casino Trips (Open to the Public), Jam Sessions (Open to the Public) during the day and evening, health insurance counseling, scheduled shopping trips for those who need transportation, free blood pressure checks, foot care, and a birthday dinner. Call the Senior Center at the number listed above to find out about the date, time and details of these and other special events! Special upcoming events that are open to the public Jam Sessions – Thursday, July 12th and August 9th – 7:00 p.m. Jam Sessions – Tuesday, July 17th and August 21st – 1:00 p.m. Senior Dance – On the second Friday of every month there is a Senior Dance with live music and refreshments. • Friday, July 13th will feature Michael James (Open to the public for those 55 and older) Registration required. Send your name, address, date of class, phone number, and the registration fee to the Ham Lake Senior Center, 15544 Central Ave. NE, Ham Lake, MN 55304. Classes fill fast, so call (763) 434-0455 for availability. Four-Hour Refresher Course (you need to take this every three years and time flies, so make sure you are current!) All four- hour classes are $14 for members and $18 for non-members. • Tuesday, July 24th, 12:30 p.m. Eight-Hour Course (required for “first timers”) All eight-hour classes are $18 for members and $22 for non-members. Watch for an eighthour class to be scheduled this fall. Did you know that if you are 55 years or older, state law requires your insurance company to give you a 10% discount if you take an eight-hour Defensive Driving Course and attend a four-hour refresher course every three years? Some users of the Disk Golf Course caused problems through spray painting and vandalism. However, the big reason for the closure was damage to the oak trees in the park. “Some disk golfers are tempted to break off a tree limb if it obstructs their view of where they want to throw their disk,” said Public Works Superintendent Tom Reiner. “We’ve seen some limbs snipped off that were as big as four inches around.” As most Ham Lake citizens should know, breaking off oak branches in the summer greatly encourages the spread of oak wilt. “We’re very concerned about protecting the oak trees in our park area for the rest of the citizens in Ham Lake,” said Reiner. If you see anyone defacing park property or breaking off oak branches, you’re asked to notify the Public Works Department or Sheriff’s Office. Is it legal to shoot off fireworks in Minnesota? N o, they are illegal in Minnesota! At least, all the fun kinds are. In 2002, the law was changed to allow the sale of non-explosive, non-aerial fireworks, meaning that things like sparklers and party poppers that don’t launch or go bang are legal in Minnesota. You can’t use even these kinds of fireworks in a public place, like a road or park. You’ll need to be 18 with a photo ID to buy them. Explosive and aerial fireworks are prohibited for public sale, possession, and use. These include firecrackers, bottle rockets, missiles, roman candles, mortars, and shells. So remember that anything designed to explode or go airborne is likely to bring you the kind of attention you don’t want. PAGE 7 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ANOKA, MN 55303 PERMIT NO. 289 City of Ham Lake 15544 Central Avenue NE Ham Lake, Minnesota 55304 ECRWSS Postal Patron Ham Lake, MN 55304 JULY Sun. Mon. Tues. 1 8 15 22 29 2 32 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 AUGUST Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. 43 11 18 25 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 July 4: Independence Day celebration, Lions Park. City Offices closed. July 2 & 16: City Council mtg., City Hall, 6 p.m. July 9 & 23: Planning Commission mtg., City Hall, 6 p.m. July 18: Park & Tree Commission mtg., City Hall, 6 p.m. August 6 & 20: City Council mtg., City Hall, 6 p.m. Sun. 5 12 19 26 Mon. 6 13 20 27 Tues. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 4 3 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 August 6 & 20: City Council mtg., City Hall, 6 p.m. August 7: "Night to Unite," various locations August 8: Ham Laker deadline for September-October August 13 & 27: Planning Commission mtg., City Hall, 6 p.m. August 15: Park & Tree Commission mtg., City Hall, 6 p.m. August 16: Ham Lake Chamber Golf Tournament August 18: Community Dance, 8 p.m., Lions Park
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