Phase-Synchronicity in Active Load Modulation for NFC and Proximity Michael Stark & Michael Gebhart 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication (NFC) ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Feb. 5th 2013 Content Motivation - NFC combines several Contactless Communication Protocols Smallest Antenna to achieve Side Band Amplitude requirement with PLM How Active Load Modulation can overcome this limit for NFC and PxD Impact of Phase-Drift on Contactless Communication PICC TX maximum allowable Phase-Drift (PD) Phase-Drift Measurement Setup - Cross-Talk in ISO/IEC10373-6 Test Assembly - PICC Signal Pre-Processing Approach - How Signal-to-Interference (SIR) degrades PD measurement Signal Processing with Homodyne and Hilbert Demodulator Algorithm - Schematics and simulated Signal Processing Measurement Results at different H-field Conclusions 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 2 February 7, 2013 NFC: A chance for world-wide interoperability in contactless HF communication NFC combines all relevant Contactless Communication (protocol) Standards • • ECMA 340: NFCIP-1 ISO/IEC14443 Type A (106 kbit/s) + ECMA 356: RF Test Methods FeliCa (212 / 424 kbit/s) = ISO/IEC 18092 „Active mode“ (0,847 … 6,78 Mbit/s ASK) ECMA 352: NFCIP-2 + ECMA 356: RF Test Methods „NFC mode“ = NFCIP-1 + Reader ISO/IEC14443 A+B (106 … 847 kbit/s) + Reader ISO/IEC15693 • NFC Forum NFC-A = ISO/IEC14443 A (106 kbit/s) Analogue Specification NFC-B = ISO/IEC14443 B (106 kbit/s) NFC-F = FeliCa (212 / 424 kbit/s) ISO/IEC15693 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 3 NFC operating modes NFC Card (Emulation) Mode Mobile payment, Ticketing, Access control, Transit, Top-ups, Toll-Gate NFC Reader Mode TX RX Target Mode RX TX NFC Device Contactless Reader TX RX Initiator Mode Content distribution, Information access, Smart advertising Peer to peer Mode Data transfer: Fast, easy & convenient device association, setup & configuration RX TX Contactless Card NFC Device TX RX RX NFC Device TX NFC Device 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 4 Smallest antenna size to achieve SBA for PLM P3SR008: Measured data Minimum transponder antenna size to comply ISO/IEC 14443-2 LMA 4000 Outer transponder antenna area in mm 2 P3SR009: Measured data 3000 Passive 14443 transponders class 1 class 3 2000 class 2 1500 class 4 1000 Battery powered NFC devices 800 600 class 5 Impossible with passive antenna concept 400 N=3 N=4 N=5 N=6 200 0.5 1 class 6 2 3 5 10 Transponder quality factor QT 15 Postulated lower border for antenna size 20 25 30 35 Amongst other constraints: H=1.5 A/m(rms); only PCD 1 and class 1-3 LMA limits 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 5 Active Load Modulation Active Load Modulation (ALM) can break the limitation of a minimum Antenna Size to achieve Side Band Amplitudes with Passive Load Modulation (PLM). The Reader defines the time reference in Contactless Communication. The Card has to respond synchronously to the Reader alternating H-field. This is given for PLM, but is a challenge for ALM. To guarantee interoperability, a specific method for Phase Drift Measurement must be developed. Possible ALM realization: Zero-Coupling Antenna k U RX LRX U TX LTX 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 6 Card to Reader Communication using ALM Original CW Reader Carrier :24 :24 Clock Extraction S ubcar i er f c/ 16= 847. 5kH z dat ast r eam i nchannel codi ng( e. g. m anchest er ) dat ast r ea A N D f -d t a m odul at ed( on/ of sw ched) t i S ubcar er i + f t a d 0H z equency r f m odul at ed P asi veL oadM odul at on i R eader R F car ew i ri hf t c= 13. 56M H z( new i s ave) k 848kH z + 848kH z 0H z Q 13. 56M H z P L M :R e a d e rA n te n n a Im p e d a n c e M o d u la tio n A L M :C a rd tra n sm 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 7 Time domain Amplitude in Volts (peak) Analysis, (forward) DFT +1.5 a +a time Frequency domain +a lower side band SC SC frequency -a frequency Time series of discrete amplitudes Frequency spectrum of discrete amplitudes N samples Index i 0 N i 0...N 1 Real part (cos wave amplitudes) N-1 2 k i Re X cos N 2 k k 0 N Phasors, the polar view N/2 + 1 samples Imaginary part (sine wave amplitudes) xi Phasor view upper side band amplitude Real part Synthesis, inverse DFT, Imaginary part Amplitude in V(p) Side Band Amplitude Analysis algorithm 2 k i Im X sin N 2 k k 0 e.g. 128 pt time-domain Rotation speed 0 Index k N/2 N/2 + 1 samples 2 fC Phasor radius amplitude a 0 Index k N/2 N 1 2 k i ReX k xi cos N k 0 N 1 2 k i ImX k xi sin N k 0 65 pt frequency-domain x 2 2 pt contain no information: Im { X0 } = 0 and Im { XN/2 } = 0 Real part contains the DC component 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 8 Phase drift impact on bit representation & coding: Type A – 106 kbit/s Example of a synthetic signal with significant phase drift – – – Reference (black) is the intended signal amplitude in base band without drift I-channel (blue) is the in-phase channel of the demodulated HF signal with phase drift Q-channel (red) is the 90 ° shifted quadrature phase of the demodulated HF signal with phase drift 1 I-channel Q-channel reference Significant subcarrier energy at ½ etu amplitude 0.5 0 -0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 time in s Conclusion: Even for high phase drift the demodulator may correctly receive the information (For Type A 106 kbit/s the presence, not the polarity of the subcarrier is relevant. Type A 106 kbit/s is very sensitive to bit grid violation.) 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 9 Phase drift impact on bit representation & coding Example for Type A (212 – 848 kbit/s) and Type B phase (degree) 180 phase reference reference line 135 Phase drift observations: 90 45 0 0 5 10 15 20 time in s 25 30 35 40 10 15 20 time in s 25 30 35 40 1 amplitude 0.5 0 I-channel Q-channel reference -0.5 -1 0°: Signal energy in I-channel only 45°: Signal energy is equally distributed between I- and Q-channel 90°: a) Signal energy in Q-channel only; b) I-channel signal inversion compared to reference 135°: Signal energy is equally distributed between I- and Q-channel, signal energy in I-channel inverted 0 5 Conclusion: Due to absolute reference in channel coding there is a break down point for information recovery in case of signal inversion. Dependency on demodulator initial phase! • Best case break down for 135° phase shift, • Worst case break down for 45° phase shift criterion for bit coding violation may be 30° for one frame (some margin for non ideal signal transmission & detection assumed). 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 10 PICC TX maximum phase drift Bit coding violation: – Valid for Type A bit rates > 106 kbit/s and all Type B bit rates – Maximum allowable phase drift for bit coding violation depends on the initial demodulator phase of the PCD • Best case max phase drift over one frame: 135° • Worst case max phase drift over one frame: 45° – The criterion for bit coding violation may be a maximum phase drift of 30° over one frame. Bit grid violation: – Valid for all Type A + Type B PICC-PCD bit rates – Type A 106 kbit/s: • Manchester coding: The presence of the subcarrier during a half etu carries the information, not the phase of the subcarrier – The criterion for bit grid violation may be 0.1 etu over one frame. 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 11 Phase drift measurement setup Use conventional ISO/IEC 10373-6 test assembly Capture calibration coil (CalCoil) signal – can it be used as reference? Capture Helmholtz bridge signal (HHB) – can it be used for PICC emission measurement? Arbitrary Waveform Generator 13.56 MHz sinewave carrier PICC signal + phase deviation Class 1 Ref PICC HHB CalCoil Signal 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 12 Cross-talk quantification by measurement Alternating H-field sine-wave @ 13,56 MHz emitted by PCD antenna (1,5 A/m) 2nd frequency sine-wave (15 MHz) emitted by Ref PICC Class 1 antenna (varied voltage) Signals captured at CalCoil and HHB 2-tone ratio evaluated (cross-talk) CalCoil: Signal mainly consists of PCD 30 20 CW carrier can be used as reference Level [dB] 10 HHB: PICC signal is min. 20 dB (SIR) lower 0 than PCD reference sine-wave carrier -10 o PCD HHB was compensated without DUT before measurement -20 -30 -40 -50 o 20 dB ratio is independent of side band amplitude (SBA) blue trace Helmholtz Bridge 2-Tone ratio CalCoil 2-Tone ratio Difference of Helmholtz-Cal coil ratio 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Voltage (PICC driver) [V] 3 3.5 4 SIR 20 log10 S I in dB Conclusions: – HHB signal does not represent well the PICC burst emission signal Cause: PICC antenna circuit emits a secondary H-field to compensate PCD CW carrier – It may help to remove this PCD CW carrier signal from the Helmholtz Bridge signal in a HF signal pre-processing step, or to compensate the bridge (Df, DG) in Software 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 13 U RMS PICC Signal pre-processing approach CW Carrier 106A Modulation 1 n 2 1 2 2 2 ui n u1 u2 ... un n i 1 Max. PhaseDrift, DFT Algorithm Original Measurement data HelmholtzBridge 1 signal captured URMS = 0,592 V(rms) Intended (correct) result evaluated result 2 Sense Coils – 2 signals captured SW Compensation Df, DG URMS = 0,109 mV(rms) + BP Filter on SenseCoil signals 2 Sense Coils – 2 signals captured URMS = 0.019mV(rms) Conclusions: SW Compensation + Filtering gives 30 dB better noise suppression than bridge DFT algorithm is piecewise able to calculate Phase Drift over time not sufficient 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 14 How Signal-to-Interference (SIR) degrades PD The plot illustrates the relation between SIR and evaluated phase drift (degradation of the true value) in a simulation. o X-Axis: HHB signal (no pre-processing) at various SIR values used as input. o Y-Axis: Ratio between the ideal phase drift (e.g. 40 °) of PICC burst emission and the evaluated phase drift (e.g. 28 °) of the HHB signal mixture, vs. PCD CW reference. 1 0.9 0dB SIR at best 70% of the true phase drift is measured Phase ratio: target-measured 0.8 0.7 0.6 U RMS 0.5 0.4 S SIR 20 log10 I 0.3 90 deg-848kbps 5 deg-848kbps 90 deg-106kbps 5 deg-106kbps 0.2 0.1 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 SIR [dB] 30 40 50 1 n 2 u u i MEAN n i 1 60 S... Wanted Signal (e.g. ALM burst carrier) I... Interference Signal (e.g. PCD CW carrier) Both components will be in the HHB signal 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 15 Signal processing of proposed Algorithms Helmholtz bridge signal BP filter CalCoil signal hilbert BP filter arg hilbert x HHB CC arg - ˆ LP Helmholtz bridge signal In-phase ˆ CalCoil signal 90° phase shift x DC block arg Q-phase LP DC block Hilbert Demodulator Algorithm Homodyne Demodulator Algorithm Phase: PD Analysis; SIR: -30dB 50degree; bit rate: 848kbps Hilbert demodulator method:PD Analysis; SIR: -30dB 50degree; bit rate: 848kbps 50 200 phase trace target measured upper PD run measured lower PD run 180 40 140 35 120 30 angle (degree) angle (degree) 160 45 100 80 25 20 15 60 10 40 5 20 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 number of etu 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 number of etu 25 30 35 Same signals evaluated by both algorithms Homodyne Demod. result is correct Note: Both diagrams SIR of HHB signal: - 30 dB (ALM vs. PCD) 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 16 Measurement Results at H-field: 1.5A/m Helmholtz bridge signal BP filter CalCoil signal hilbert BP filter hilbert x HHB arg CC arg - ˆ Helmholtz bridge signal x -110 -110 -120 -120 -130 -130 -140 -150 -160 -180 -190 -190 120 DC block -160 -180 80 100 number of etu Q-phase LP -150 -170 60 arg -140 -170 40 ˆ Hilbert demodulator method:40 degrees phase drift -100 angle (degree) angle (degree) Phase: 40 degrees phase drift 20 In-phase Hilbert Demodulator Algorithm -100 0 DC block CalCoil signal 90° phase shift Homodyne Demodulator Algorithm -200 LP 140 160 -200 0 20 40 60 80 100 number of etu 120 140 160 PICC TX phase drift: 40°over frame 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 17 Measurement Results at H-field: 2.5A/m Helmholtz bridge signal BP filter CalCoil signal hilbert BP filter hilbert x HHB arg CC arg - ˆ Helmholtz bridge signal x -110 -110 -120 -120 -130 -130 -140 -150 -160 -180 -190 -190 120 DC block -160 -180 80 100 number of etu Q-phase LP -150 -170 60 arg -140 -170 40 ˆ Hilbert demodulator method:40 degrees phase drift -100 angle (degree) angle (degree) Phase: 40 degrees phase drift 20 In-phase Hilbert Demodulator Algorithm -100 0 DC block CalCoil signal 90° phase shift Homodyne Demodulator Algorithm -200 LP 140 160 -200 0 20 40 60 80 100 number of etu 120 140 160 PICC TX phase drift: 40°over frame 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 18 Measurement Results at H-field: 3.5A/m Helmholtz bridge signal BP filter CalCoil signal hilbert BP filter hilbert x HHB arg CC arg - ˆ Helmholtz bridge signal x -110 -110 -120 -120 -130 -130 -140 -150 -160 -180 -190 -190 120 DC block -160 -180 80 100 number of etu Q-phase LP -150 -170 60 arg -140 -170 40 ˆ Hilbert demodulator method:40 degrees phase drift -100 angle (degree) angle (degree) Phase: 40 degrees phase drift 20 In-phase Hilbert Demodulator Algorithm -100 0 DC block CalCoil signal 90° phase shift Homodyne Demodulator Algorithm -200 LP 140 160 -200 0 20 40 60 80 100 number of etu 120 140 160 PICC TX phase drift: 40°over frame 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 19 Measurement Results at H-field: 4.5A/m Helmholtz bridge signal BP filter CalCoil signal hilbert BP filter hilbert x HHB arg CC arg - ˆ Helmholtz bridge signal x -110 -110 -120 -120 -130 -130 -140 -150 -160 -180 -190 -190 120 DC block -160 -180 80 100 number of etu Q-phase LP -150 -170 60 arg -140 -170 40 ˆ Hilbert demodulator method:40 degrees phase drift -100 angle (degree) angle (degree) Phase: 40 degrees phase drift 20 In-phase Hilbert Demodulator Algorithm -100 0 DC block CalCoil signal 90° phase shift Homodyne Demodulator Algorithm -200 LP 140 160 -200 0 20 40 60 80 100 number of etu 120 140 160 PICC TX phase drift: 40°over frame 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 20 Measurement Results at H-field: 5.5A/m Helmholtz bridge signal BP filter CalCoil signal hilbert BP filter hilbert x HHB arg CC arg - ˆ Helmholtz bridge signal x DC block In-phase ˆ CalCoil signal 90° phase shift arg Q-phase LP DC block Hilbert Demodulator Algorithm Homodyne Demodulator Algorithm Phase: 40 degrees phase drift Hilbert demodulator method:40 degrees phase drift -100 -100 -110 -110 -120 -120 -130 -130 -140 angle (degree) angle (degree) LP -150 -160 -170 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -180 -190 -190 -200 0 20 40 60 80 100 number of etu 120 140 160 -200 0 20 40 60 80 100 number of etu 120 140 160 PICC TX phase drift: 40°over frame 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 21 Conclusions ALM can overcome the challenge of PLM regarding SBA Small Loop antennas can be used for NFC Card Mode or active PICC and replace large Class 1 antennas of ID-1 Cards Technically ALM is more than just a Wireless Transmission – Synchronicity to the Reader is the main challenge To accurately measure the Phase Deviation of a low signal in the presence of a strong signal at the same frequency is tricky A Homodyne Demodulation Algorithm + removal of DC component can solve this problem in the Baseband Explanation: Homodyne demodulation of the CW carrier component in HHB with the CalCoil CW carrier produces DC voltage can be removed So it is possible to use the existing ISO/IEC10373-6 test bench, and to define an additional RF compliance test, to guarantee interoperability of ALM devices with existing infrastructure! 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 22 Thank you for your Audience! Please feel free to ask questions... Contact: Michael.Stark, or [email protected] 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 24 ALM test signal generation with phase-shift Original 13.56 MHz sine wave carrier artificial phase drift Short-term carrier phase drift (freq. offset) gated with subcarrier Half-sub-carrier: 8 carrier periods gated with cannel coding Channel coding: 14443 Type A 106 kbit/s 1 etu = 128 carrier periods 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 25 Homodyne Algorithm measurement results Phase drift: 50° Bit Rate: 848kbps, NFC-A Phase drift: 50° Bit Rate: 106kbps, NFC-A Phase: PD Analysis; 50degree; bit rate: 848kbps 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 angle (degree) angle (degree) Phase: PD Analysis; 50degree; bit rate: 106kbps 140 60 40 20 60 40 20 0 0 phase trace target measured upper PD run measured lower PD run -20 -40 0 20 40 60 80 number of etu phase trace target measured upper PD run measured lower PD run -20 -40 100 H-field: 1.5A/m RefPICC: max loading 6VDC Modulation: unipolar 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 number of etu 100 120 140 Lower SBA: 12.639mV(p) Upper SBA: 14.051mV(p) Carrier abs: 739.672mV(p) 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 26 Example for communication with ALM End of Reader command Modified Miller channel coding Induced voltage received by RX loop Alternating H-field emitted by the opposite Reader gives the 13.56 MHz frequency reference Reader Frame Delay Time (Reader to Card) bit duration Voltage measured at loop 1 (TX to GND) Bursts of 13.56 MHz carrier cycles buid a 847.5 kHz subcarrier, modulated by Manchester channel coding NFC Device ALM 8 carrier cycles per half-bit must be synchronous to opposite Reader carrier frequency Time 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication, ETH Zurich 27
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