KINETIC ANALYSIS OF NMP: HOW TO OBTAIN HIGH MOLAR MASSES LIVING CONTROLLED POLYSTYRENE experimental living fraction of polymers initiated by SG1-based alkoxyamines at 90 °C and 120 °C for different targeted Mn. Yohann Guillaneuf 1, Pierre-Emmanuel Dufils1, Benoit Luneau1, Olivier Guerret2, Didier Gigmes1, Sylvain R. A. Marque1, Denis Bertin1,* and Paul Tordo1 Experimental Materials. Alkoxyamines Monams and MAMA-SG1 (available under the trademark BlocBuilderTM) were provided by ARKEMA. Styrene was purchased from Aldrich and used as received. Typical polymerization experiment. A degassed (20 min. nitrogen bubbling) bulk solution of styrene and the alkoxyamine was heated up to 90 °C or 120 °C and up to 60% - 80% monomer conversion. Sampling was performed to follow the monomer conversion and molar mass. Analytical techniques. Conversion was estimated by 1H NMR experiments on 300 Avance Bruker spectrometer (CDCl3 as solvent, 300 MHz). Number average molecular weight, Mn, and polydispersity indexes PDI, were determined by GPC using a Waters 515 HPLC gel permeation chromatography equipped with 3 “styragel” columns (HR 3, 4 and 5) and UV/visible (Waters 486) and RI (Waters 2414). Measurements were performed in THF solvent at room temperature with a 1 mL/min flow and calibration based on Polystyrene standards. Living fraction (LF) estimation procedure. Non degassed t-BuPh 10-4 M solutions of polymer and TEMPO standard were filled in o.d. 5mm glass tubes. Tubes were sealed off and a blank scan at room temperature was recorded for the polymer sample. This sample was heated up to 120 °C for two hours, then cooled down to room temperature. A spectrum was recorded and compared to the TEMPO standard. By experience, such procedure gives an absolute error smaller than 5%. Kinetic modelling procedure using Predici11. The kinetic model is described in scheme 3. In our model, it was assumed that the rate constants were chain length independent although such assumption is not true for kd, kp, kt, and certainly kc. The values of kinetic constant9,13,14 given in the following table are determined for 90 °C and MAMA-SG1. 1 2 UMR 6517, CNRS et Université d’Aix-Marseille, Avenue Esc. Normandie-Niemen, Marseille 13397 Cedex 20, France * [email protected] ARKEMA, Groupement de Recherche de Lacq, 64170 Lacq, France Introduction Since Rizzardo et al.1 showed that it was possible to prepare well controlled and living polystyrene by radical polymerization in the presence of nitroxyl radical as controlling agent, numerous studies on the Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization (NMP) have been carried out2. NMP is grounded on the Persistent Radical Effect3 (PRE) and its principle is shown in Scheme 1. self termination products kdism kd1 Y O N kc1 1 nM kadd N O + Y 2 +M kd Y Mn O N 4 Y Mn O N living chains 3 kp Y Mn-1 + O N kc 5 kt kd1 R SG1 dead chains R + SG1 Scheme 1. Mechanism of Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization. (1) R SG1 (2) 2 R (3) R R (4) RM (5) RMn kini 3 M Nitroxide 2 and the initiating radical 3 are produced by the reversible homolysis of alkoxyamine 1. The permanently increasing concentration of 2, due to alkyl self-termination at the early stage of the polymerization, increase the probability of recombination instead of self-termination, which becomes slower and slower with time. A majority of dormant living chains 4 can then grow until the monomer is depleted, producing a polymer with a narrow distribution and a large living character. The development of alicyclic nitroxides like TIPNO4 and SG15 (Ntert-butyl-N-(1-diethylphosphono-2,2-dimethylpropyl) nitroxide) as counter radical allowed to extend this technique to other monomers such as acrylates, than styrenic derivatives and stimulated the interest of NMP. R + SG1 kdism R + R R + M kadd RM + (n-1) M RMn + SG1 R Mn SG1 kd1 1.7 10-2 s-1 kc1 5.0 106 M-1s-1 kini 8.8 10-11 M-2s-1 kadd 8.0 103 M-1s-1 kdism 2.0 109 M-1s-1 (6) kp 9.0 10-2 M-1s-1 (7) kd 3.1 10-4 s-1 (8) kc 2.6 105 M-1s-1 kt 1.5 108 M-1s-1 kc1 kp kc R Mn SG1 kd RMn + SG1 kt RMn + RMn Dead Polymers (9) Scheme 3 N O P(O)(OEt)2 COOH MAMA-SG1 N O P(O)(OEt)2 N O P(O)(OEt)2 COOMe MONAMS SG1 Scheme 2 Nevertheless, most of the polymers produced by this method have molecular weight significantly below 100 000 g.mol-1. In particular it is very difficult to synthesize high molar mass controlled living polystyrene because at the classical reaction temperature (T>100°C for NMP), autoinitiation by Mayo mechanism6 continuously produce alkyl radicals. Torkelson has examined theoretically7a and experimentally7b the possibility to obtain high molar masses with very low alkoxyamine concentration at low temperature, but in his case the conversion remained very low and has no practical interest. New nitroxides8 have been developed to decrease the reaction temperature but no real investigation for the synthesis of living high molar masses has been realized. With the new tertiary SG1-based alkoxyamine introduced by Tordo9, the styrene polymerization can be carried out at 90 °C with a better controlled and living character, but no analysis have been done to quantify the influence of targeted molar mass on living character and therefore the influence of the temperature. Since a complete kinetic modelling has been realized on NMP polymerization10, in this work, we have compared modellings and Results and Discussion Fischer12 has demonstrated that controlled polymerization does not involve livingness and vice-versa. Many papers4b are published about the preparation of controlled and living homopolymers with the evolution of the Mn as function of the conversion and the kinetics but nothing about the living character. Reinitiating procedures for the preparation of block copolymers are the standard proof of the livingness of the initiating polymer but the shift of the GPC trace cannot quantify this living character. The livingness of a polymer is easily and merely determined by ESR experiments as exemplified with PS-SG1 and PBA-SG1 polymers by Bertin et al.13. In a previous study10, we have shown that polymerizations of styrene at 90 °C initiated with two different SG1-based alkoxyamines present different evolutions of Mn versus conversion. With MAMA-SG1, control is obtained during all the polymerization whereas with Monams, due to its too low kd1, no linear evolution of the Mn with conversion can be observed. But what about the livingness? Here, we provided the amount of living polymer for the experiments at 120 °C and 90 °C initiated by the two alkoxyamines (Figure 1). These values are obtained from the released amount of SG1 after heating a t-butyl benzene solution of polymer in the presence of oxygen as alkyl radical scavenger and comparing the ESR signal with a standard. Polymer Preprints 2005 , 46(2), 270 Mn = 73 500 g/mol PDI = 1.15 110 hours, α = 0.8, LF =90 % Living Fraction 0.9 Mn = 9 800 g/mol PDI = 1.2 31 hours, α = 0.57, LF = 98 % Mn = 210 000 g/mol PDI = 1.6 147 hours, α = 0.6, LF = 60 % 0.6 residual styrene MAMA-SG1 120 °C MONAMS 120 °C MAMA-SG1 90 °C MONAMS 90 °C 0.3 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 20 Conversion 25 30 35 Retention time (min) Figure 1. Comparison of modelling (lines) and experimental (symbols) living fraction for styrene polymerization using MAMA-SG1 and Monams (Targeted Mn = 20 000 g.mol-1) For each experiment, the livingness is unambiguously above 70 % whatever the initiator and the temperature, confirming the non-relationship between livingness and controlled character. Furthermore the values determined experimentally are in very good agreement with the theoretical ones resulted from the modelling. This analysis has demonstrated the ability to obtain control and living polystyrene with SG1 at 90 °C if we use the appropriate alkoxyamine. We use therefore the same modelling to investigate the possibility to obtain high molar masses living polystyrene. 1.0 Figure 3. Comparison of the raw GPC chromatograms from the styrene polymerization at 90 °C with targeted Mn respectively 20 000, 100 000 and 500 000 g.mol-1 Conclusion The livingness of a polystyrene during the NMP polymerization process has been followed by ESR experiments and compared with modellings. These results confirm the non relationship between the livingness and the controlled character as stated by Fischer12. Secondly we use the modellings validated previously to investigate the synthesis of high molar masses living polystyrene. From this analysis three polymerizations have been carried out. Polystyrene with Mn up to 200 000 g.mol-1 has been obtained with a living fraction close to 60 %. Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank ARKEMA, University of Provence and CNRS for financial support of this research. Living Fraction 0.8 References 0.6 (1) (2) 0.4 (3) (4) -1 0.2 0.0 0.0 20 000 g.mol -1 100 000 g.mol -1 200 000 g.mol -1 500 000 g.mol 0.1 0.2 0.3 (5) 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Conversion (6) (7) Figure 2. Comparison of modelling (lines) and experimental (symbols) living fraction for styrene polymerization using MAMA-SG1 at different temperatures and targeted Mn ; 120 °C dashed line; 90 °C full line (8) At 120 °C (Figure 2 dashed line), we could observe that the livingness decreased rapidly when high molar masses are targeted. A polymer with a targeted Mn of 500 000 g.mol-1 has only 35 % of living chains. Nevertheless at lower temperature i. e. 90 °C, the living character seems more conversion dependent and high molar mass living polystyrene seemed to be synthesized. For the same polymer than previously we predicted 60 % of livingness. These modelling prompted us to check experimentally if high molar masses living polystyrenes could be obtained. 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