Notes from Hamster Revolution: How to improve email efficiency...

Notes from Hamster Revolution: How to improve email efficiency and etiquette
Ask Yourself these questions before you send
1. Needed?
2. Appropriate?
 Timely
 Compliant
 Relevant
 Professional
 Complete
 Inoffensive
3. Targeted?
 Do you need to reply to all?
 Do you need to cc:
Send it to the Action Taker only
if no one else NEEDS to see it.
 Is email the best channel?
The Hamster Revolution
To: Action Taker
CC: Stakeholders
Subject Line: FORMAT: Beginning – Descriptive Title – Ending if appropriate
Subject Line Beginning:
Subject Line Ending:
RR (Response Requested)
NRN (No Response Needed)
NTN (No Thanks Needed)
EOM (End Of Message if message is in the
subject line and no “body content” is included)
Body Content
o Specific Action, purpose and response time
Background: Additional Information needed to make the message clearer
o Clear, concise, & relevant
o Bullet points & numbers
o Clear, bold paragraph titles
o Next steps & niceties
o Auto signature