How to Update the Course Catalogue – A Brief Guide Document Reference Number Last updated: Version: SSSAPO-002 26 May 2004 Alison Milfull/Suzane Fayle/ Sarah Thomson I:\Student Systems & Publications\Course Catalogue & Class Scheduling 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION TO COURSE CATALOGUE…………………………………3 2 LOCATING THE COURSE CATALOGUE……………………………………………………………………….3 3 THE EFFECTIVE DATE…………………………………………………………..4 4 COMMON UPDATES……………………………………………………………...5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 Courses not Offered in 2005……………………………………………………5 Changing Sessions of Offering for a Course…………………………………..5 Changing Title for a Course……………………………………………………5 Changing/Adding Course Components………………………………………..5 Adding a New Course for 2005…………………………………………………6 Scheduling Winter and Summer Session Courses…………………………….8 IMPORTANT CONTACTS…………………………………………………………………………9 I:\Student Systems & Publications\Course Catalogue & Class Scheduling 2 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE CATALOGUE Beginning in June and prior to 31 August, Course Catalogue data in NSS is updated by faculties. The Course Catalogue holds important information relating to all courses (subjects) offered by UNSW and it is essential that details are correct for both student enrolments and online and printed publications. Other important information about how courses are offered appears in the Class Schedule panels in NSS (eg. course administrator/staff contact, meeting times etc.). Training will be available in August for these panels. The following updates to the Course Catalogue and Class Schedule usually occur in the period prior to 31 August: • • • • • • Addition of new courses and scheduling of classes for these courses. (Basic class records must be created in NSS so that 2005 offering information can be published.) Unchecking of “schedule term roll” box for courses which will not be offered in 2005 or have a change of session. Changes to course description, title, components, contact hours, pre-requisites. Scheduling of Summer and Winter session classes. These need to be scheduled, as per new courses, as they are not included in the Class Schedule roll-over (unless by specific request). Scheduling of classes which were not offered in 2004, but will be offered in 2005. Scheduling Note: Meeting dates should be entered on the Basic data and Meetings panels in the Schedule of Classes for all classes which do not teach according to the standard session dates. It is important that updates are made to the Course Catalogue prior to the Class Schedule roll-forward process on 1 September. On this date, the Session 1 and 2 class records for all active courses ticked “Schedule Term Roll” in the Course Catalogue, are rolled forward to the corresponding session in 2005, excl. Summer & Winter Session courses. Updating the Course Catalogue prior to this date, will ensure that all classes roll correctly and that the correct data defaults from the Course Catalogue into class records, ensuring minimal updates are required to the Class Schedule at a later time. It also ensures that accurate course information can be published in the printed Handbooks and Online Handbooks, and that 2005 offerings and census dates can be published in accordance with Government requirements. 2. LOCATING THE COURSE CATALOGUE The Course Catalogue can be located in NSS via the following menu path: Go > Manage Student Records > Establish Courses > Use > Course Catalogue > Course Catalogue Data > Update/Display All I:\Student Systems & Publications\Course Catalogue & Class Scheduling 3 (If you do not have access to NSS, or if you find you do not have these panels on your menu, please download an NSS access application form from the web at: ) To find an existing course, select the Subject Area you are interested in (eg. ACCT, ENGL, MECH) and enter the catalogue number and then click ‘OK’. (If you know a course should exist and the message ‘no matching entry found’ appears, you may also need to have your NSS access amended.) Alternatively, enter a Subject Area and click ‘OK’. This will bring up a list of all courses in that Subject Area, enabling you to select the appropriate course/s. Once you are within a course record, navigate between the different panels by clicking on the panel tabs e.g. Offerings, Components etc. You can easily scroll through the list of courses you generated previously by using the 3 List buttons on the tool bar. 3. THE EFFECTIVE DATE Information in the Course Catalogue is effective dated, so that a history of changes made to courses is maintained. When you make a change to the Course Catalogue or create a new record, you need to enter an “effective date”. Please ensure that you make all the necessary changes to the record before you save it, otherwise you will need to insert another effective dated row. To insert a new row, place the cursor in the “Effective Date” field and press F7 or click on the “insert row” button in the tool bar. I:\Student Systems & Publications\Course Catalogue & Class Scheduling 4 (NB: If you do not start by inserting an effective date, a pop-up warning will appear advising that you cannot make changes unless in correction mode.) Changes for inclusion in the 2005 Handbooks should be effective dated 6/11/04. This is so that the changes don’t impact currently enrolled students, but are dated prior to the commencement of the 2005 academic year (incl. Summer session). If you need to add additional rows, it is fine to add dates after 6/11/04 as long as the latest row remains prior to 1/12/04. Please use the effective date 6/11/04 for updates to the Course Catalogue, so that these changes can be included in 2005 publications. 4. COMMON UPDATES The following updates are the most common amendments faculties will need to make to the Course Catalogue: 4.1 COURSES NOT OFFERED IN 2005 On first “Catalogue Data” panel, insert a row with the effective date of 6/11/04. Then go to the “Offerings” panel and uncheck both the “Allow Course to be Scheduled” and “Schedule Term Roll” boxes. Please note: You should always leave courses as “Active” in NSS unless the course will never be scheduled/offered again (in which case “inactive” is the appropriate status). 4.2 CHANGING SESSIONS OF OFFERING FOR A COURSE Insert a new row with the effective date 6/11/04. Uncheck “Schedule Term Roll” on the “Offerings” panel. This means that the course will not roll forward to the corresponding session for 2005 in the class roll-forward process. However, you will need to create new class records in the Schedule of Classes for the sessions in which it is now offered. Note, if you forget to uncheck “Schedule Term Roll” and a class record is inadvertently rolled forward, it can be deleted in the Schedule of Classes after the roll forward has occurred. 4.3 CHANGING TITLE OF A COURSE Insert a new row with the effective date 6/11/04. Change the Course title field. (As this date is the day after the end of Session 2, transcripts for currently enrolled students will not reflect this change.) 4.4 CHANGING/ADDING COURSE COMPONENTS Changes to teaching components (e.g. lecture, lab, tutorial) should be made in the Course Catalogue prior to the Class Schedule roll-forward process, so that classes can be scheduled accordingly in the Class Scheduling process. Insert a new row with the date 6/11/04. Go to “Components” panel. Add a new row under “Course Component” for additional component/s and select the relevant value/s. I:\Student Systems & Publications\Course Catalogue & Class Scheduling 5 4.5 ADDING A NEW COURSE FOR 2005 (IN 9 STEPS) Step 1 - Generating the Course ID Go > Manage Student Records > Establish Courses > Use > Course Catalogue > Course Catalogue Data > Add Navigate as above or, if you already in the panel group, you may click the “Add” button on the tool bar: Click ‘OK’ on the first box as the Course ID will be system generated. Step 2 – Entering Course Title & Units of Credit (Catalogue Data panel) Effective Date Status Short Course Title Long Course Title Consent Grading Basis Minimum & Maximum UOC, Academic Progress & Financial Aid Units Course Contact Hours Repeat for Credit Enter effective date of 6/11/04 (as described above.) Should be set to “Active” Enter title of course. Max. 30 characters. Allows the full course title, if longer, to be entered. Max. 100 characters. This has a default value of “no consent”. Change this to ‘School Consent’ only if you wish to prevent students from enrolling online in the course. This can be altered in the schedule of classes at any time if necessary. The main values used here are Graded (full range of marks) and Sat/Unsat (SY/FN) Enter the UOC to be awarded upon successful completion of this course, e.g. 6 UOC. The value should be the same in each of these fields. Class hours per week Generally this should not be ticked. Should only be selected for course taken over more than one session. Step 3 - Entering Academic Structure (Offerings panel) Course Offering Number Catalogue number Academic Institution Academic Group Subject Area Campus Academic Organisation Academic Career Course Approved Schedule Term Roll box. Allow Course to be Scheduled. Catalogue Print Print Instructor in Schedule This should be ‘1’ unless there are multiple offerings of the same course. Enter the 4 digit numeric value which identifies the course e.g. ENGL1004 (as approved at the Faculty Standing Committee). UNSWA Faculty owner of this course. The 4 letter alpha prefix by which the course will be identified e.g. ENGL1004. Alter the default value if required. The Dept/School owner of the course. Enter the Career i.e. UGRD or PGRD Select either “pending” (course is yet to be approved by Faculty Standing Committee; this means the course cannot be scheduled yet and will not appear in publications) or “approved” (course has been approved by Faculty Standing Committee). For new courses, it is probably best to tick this box. Although there is no class record to roll forward initially, it is more likely that you will want records to roll forward in the future. This should remain ticked, so that the classes can be scheduled and the course will appear in publications. This should be ticked if you wish this course to appear in publications. Leave as default. I:\Student Systems & Publications\Course Catalogue & Class Scheduling 6 Step 4 – Entering Component details (Components panel) Course Component Graded Component Centrally Timetabled Exam Default Section Size A course offering may consist of one or more components e.g. lecture, tutorial etc. Select the relevant value and, if there will be more than one class component, a new row will need to be added. Please note that the components entered here must subsequently be scheduled in the class scheduling process or students will receive an error message when they attempt to enrol. If you change your mind about components at the class scheduling stage, contact the class scheduling support contact so that the change can be made. One component must be set as the graded component for which students will receive grades. This would normally be the lecture component. Select “yes” if the course is to have an exam to be scheduled by the Examinations Unit (including those conducted internally but timetabled centrally). The number entered here will set a default enrolment limit for any class set up under this course in the Class Schedule. This can be altered at the Class Schedule level. Step 5 – Entering Course Description (Description panel) Description Equivalent Course Group Please enter a Course Description of no more than 100 words. This description will appear in the printed and Online Handbooks and other publications as required. Used to specify that a course or courses are equivalent for the purpose of meeting enrolment requirements. If the course is equivalent to another course or group of courses, select from drop-down menu. Step 6 – Entering Prerequisites, Corequisites or Exclusions (Requisites panel) Requirement Group Enrolment requirement groups are already set up elsewhere in NSS. Check to see if the appropriate group for your course exists and select this. This might be a specific course which students must have completed prior to enrolling in this course or else a more general pre-requisite such as “12 Level 1 UOC in English”. (In the event that there is not an appropriate pre-requisite or corequisite group, please contact your Faculty office. In the case of exclusions, please contact Suzan Fayle, [email protected] or 9385 1899). Step 7 – Final Two Panels There is no need to enter anything on “Taxonomy” panel. This is related to fees and is managed centrally. There is no need to enter anything on “Ownership” panel unless the ownership of this course is split between more than one academic organisation (e.g. School). If this is the case, please tick “split ownership” and the bottom part of the panel will become active. For each owner, you must enter the Academic Organisation (e.g. PHIL for School of Philosophy) and the percentage owned (eg. 50%). To enter the next owner, place your cursor in the Acad Org field and insert a new row (F7 or the insert row button on the toolbar). I:\Student Systems & Publications\Course Catalogue & Class Scheduling 7 Step 8 – Saving your record Save the panel group. Congratulations! You have completed adding a new course to the Course Catalogue and can now create classes for this course in the Class Schedule in NSS. (Note that the new course has been given a unique Course ID.) Step 9 - Scheduling Classes for your New Course New courses should be scheduled straight away. It is not necessary to enter all class scheduling details immediately, although a basic class record should be created for the relevant sessions so that there is a record of the sessions the course will be offered in 2005. Accurate teaching start and end dates should also be entered in the Basic Data and Meetings panels in the Schedule of Classes for those classes not offered according to the standard session teaching periods (e.g. Summer and Winter Session, Weeks 1-7, 8-14). To schedule a new course, follow the menu path: Go > Manage Student Records > Establish Courses > Use > Schedule New Course Class Scheduling training will be held in August and training materials are also available on the web at If more urgent assistance with training is required, please contact Miria Kakaire on 9385 8670 or [email protected]. 4.6 SCHEDULING SUMMER AND WINTER SESSION COURSES Summer and Winter Session courses are not routinely rolled forward from one year to the next, due to the volatility of offerings in these sessions. Where complex class structures are involved for Summer/Winter courses, it is possible that individual subject areas may be rolled forward on request – contact Sarah Thomson on 9385 8757 or [email protected]. Like new courses or the not offered in 2004, a basic record for Summer and Winter Session courses should be scheduled immediately, including entering teaching start and end dates on the Basic Data and Meetings panels. Contact Miria Kakaire, as above, if you require Class Scheduling training prior to the main training sessions in August. I:\Student Systems & Publications\Course Catalogue & Class Scheduling 8 5. IMPORTANT CONTACTS Bookings for Class Scheduling or Course Catalogue training Summer and Winter Session scheduling of classes and enrolments Printed and Online Handbook queries Miria Kakaire, [email protected], 9385 8760 (Mon-Weds) Sarah Thomson, [email protected], 9385 8757 Alison Milfull, [email protected], 9385 8057 General enquiries re. Course Catalogue Suzane Fayle, [email protected], and Class Scheduling/User Support 9385 1899 I:\Student Systems & Publications\Course Catalogue & Class Scheduling 9
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