Nordstrom Inventory Picture Procedure piece

Nordstrom Inventory Picture Procedure
Delivery Partners please see below on how to take the pictures for the upcoming
Nordstrom orders in inventory for re-consignment. Each piece requires four (4)
pictures. If there are any issues comments or concerns please contact your Logistics
Coordinator for assistance.
The label on the box must be photographed showing the Nordstrom PO# and the
Simmons truck load#.
A picture of the box must be taken to indicate any damages to the box.
The freight must be removed from the box and a picture taken to show
conditioning of the plastic.
A picture of the inside label must be taken to show the Simmons load # and the
Simmons SO#.
Saving the pictures:
When saving the pictures please ensure you include in the file name the NSD order
number as well as the Nordstrom PO#. The following is an example of how the files
should be saved.
• 555555.12345678pic1
• 555555.12345678pic2
• 555555.12345678pic3
• 555555.12345678pic4