Säker på Osäkerhet i Byggakustik NAS årsmöte Trondheim 2013-10-25 Christian Simmons Simmons akustik & utveckling ab, Chalmers Teknikpark, SE-412 88 Göteborg Telefon/Mobil: +46 (0) 31 27 66 00 [email protected] www.simmons.se e f s Säker på Osäkerhet NAS Trondheim 25 okt 2013 Christian Simmons Expectations ! • • • High demands for sound insulation Lifestyle, expectations Need for quitness • Costs vs. Performance • Safety margins based on statistical considerations NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Sound requirements for residential houses are based on performance (dimensions). Unique designs…difficult… NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Who takes the responsibility for the sound properties of the building? NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling The EN 12354 standards convert element data into building performance requirements NS 8175 ISO 16283 NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Safety: Which element data are reliable? 3 types of data source may be considered: • A. “Laboratory measurements” – they only reflect the real performance of - 1 sample product in - 1 sample laboratory - under idealized circumstances - are feasible for small elements (windows, doors, air inlets etc) • To be useful (reliable) for complex elements, there must be - a series of tests, - under non-idealized conditions, - performed in several laboratories • At least, apply margins from round robin tests of reproducibilities NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling New products – laboratory data variations NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Missing data for old or generic constructions: ”tune” calculated input data to the best fit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Take lab data of similar constructions, (2-3 labs) Calculate the sound insulation for each case Compare calc-lab data Average & Std Dev empirical correction Calculate the real constructions and add these corrections Compare to field data NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Luleå-bjälklaget (timber joist floors constructed in situ) Results from 170 field measurements in similar 2-storey houses, floating floor & susp. ceiling ….BASTIAN database has 3 series of timber floors meas in lab, 3 dB ”penalty” added NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet 3.15kHz 2.5kHz 2kHz 1.6kHz 1.25kHz 1kHz 800Hz 630Hz 500Hz 400Hz 315Hz 250Hz 200Hz 160Hz 125Hz 100Hz 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Ii dB dB 170 timber floors Simmons akustik & utveckling Room acoustics affect quality of life (not just a comfort aspect) BBR 2006 - Boverkets handbok NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Ljuddagen 2008 : 2007221 / 2008-11-20 © 2008 S.A.U. Simmons akustik & utveckling Sound absorption, round robin NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling …so, are there better sources of input data for walls, floors? • B. “Field measurements” (in situ, in the building or in the field) – – performance of an assembly of elements, under realistic but unknown circumstances – the Robust Details system in the UK quires 30 field measurements to document a ”construction”, i.e. an element – Large random errors but small systematic errors, i.e. chaotic data sets result from field data if they are not ”normalized” to reflect performance of the element only • C. “Theoretical calculations” – – estimates the performance of an element with assumed properties, its accuracy being limited by the theoretical model and underlying assumptions – logical, structured data follows (low random error, possibly high systematic error) – Suitable for old, generic constructions (without manufacturers support) NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Learn from field meas’s only – is not practical • • • • • 4 buildings of ”same” construction: Airborne insulation of HC floor + parquet Different consultants made the measurements Floor direct transmission dominated Good agreement with calculations on the average, but individual variations because of unforeseen effects of workmanship and meas errors NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling …so, are there better sources of input data for walls, floors? • B. “Field measurements” (in situ, in the building or in the field) – – performance of an assembly of elements, under realistic but unknown circumstances – the Robust Details system in the UK quires 30 field measurements to document a ”construction”, i.e. an element – Large random errors but small systematic errors, i.e. chaotic data sets result from field data if they are not ”normalized” to reflect performance of the element only • C. “Theoretical calculations” – – estimates the performance of an element with assumed properties, its accuracy being limited by the theoretical model and underlying assumptions – logical, structured data follows (low random error, possibly high systematic error) – Suitable for old, generic constructions (without manufacturers support) NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Use exact tools? FEM-tools validated vs analytical methods NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Vibration reduction at junctions by FEM analyses NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Different boundary conditions, but… NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Which model for the vibration reduction index ? NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Ex 1: with random differences only between the calculated – measured sound insulation NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Ex 2: systematic and random differences calculated – measured sound insulation Needtoincreasemarginby1dB NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Si m mo ns Student’s t-distr, k-factors single sided conf.interval 23 Simmons akustik & utveckling Uncertainty of field measurements (only) • Situation B in ISO/WD 140-2:2009, (c.f. ISO/FDIS 12999-1:2013) – same test objects and test rooms, but – different operators, routines and equipments • aimed to test reproducibility of measurement methods under field conditions (rather than the properties of a test object) NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Differences calculated – measured insulations • • • Field cases collected (not perfectly documentedassumptions) Both random and systematic influences discussed … Results appear reasonably like other authors results…more data 3 dB margin – EN 12354 is acceptable (heavy floors) NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Reverberation times in classrooms • 44 classrooms, calc’s compared to field meas’s • 23 ”simple” rooms, i.e. diffusing furnitures etc. • 0,2/0,1 s agreed tolerances NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Uncertainty budget helps focus improvements • • Ruff/Fischer, Hall and others..measured Ri, Rj, Kij and η Example from Wittstock, uncertainty of each parameter estimated & added to global uncertainty of a calculation NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Design goals & tolerances: – uncertainties ”built-in” the SS 25267/68 • Results of field measurements must meet each type of requirement on the average within each dwelling. • The maximum unfavourable deviations from the requirements – 1 dB for the single weighted numbers of sound reduction (ISO 717, 100-3150 Hz) – 2 dB when spectrum adaptation terms for low frequencies (50-3150 Hz) are included – 2 dB for service equipment sound pressure levels in third octave bands 31-200 Hz. – 0,1 second for the reverberation time in octave bands 250-4000 Hz, 0,2 s in the 125 Hz octave band NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling A procedure to find input data & margins that suit consultants: compare calculations with field data, systematically NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling I analyzed impact data of 40 well documented field cases NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Idea: combine all sources ! NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling New methods for sound pressure level measurements at low frequencies NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Systematic deviations from true room average NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Random deviations 24 measurement methods NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling prEN ISO 16283-1 NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling prEN ISO 16283-1 test in a furnished living room 25 m2 NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling prEN ISO 16283-1 test in a furnished living room 25 m2 NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Practical considerations • Some practical problems with moving microphone techniques (manual scanning) emerged during the measurements. • It is difficult to fit wide circles of various shapes into the narrow spaces typical for small and densely furnished rooms. • If parts of the microphone path come close, the result approximates one single fixed position taken in this part of the room and obtains an unknown weigt in the average. • The manual moving microphone methods were somewhat prone to causing noise from body and clothes, which may cause errors in the receiving room if the loudspeaker sound level is not high enough. • The fixed positions method was easier to perform than anticipated, where the operator may pay attention to the data acqusition, S/N etc instead of NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling focus on the mic movement Questionnaire vs Measurements Annoyance - Impact Sound 8 6 4 2 0 51 54 57 60 63 Lnw+CI,AkuLite,20-2500 66 69 Applied Acoustics: Correlation between sound insulation and occupants’ perception – Proposal of alternative single number rating of impact sound Fredrik Ljunggren1 Christian Simmons2 Klas Hagberg3 NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Structure borne sounds En NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling Structure borne sound from service equipmentsubstitution method (force sources) – round robin Need to make complementary analyses, e.g. point mobilites of source and floor, statistics of each machine case etc… Ynormal NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Ylow Yhigh Unbalance weight 1,5 kg Simmons akustik & utveckling Average – 1 StdDev Test object – TM vibration level difference, dB NAS Årsmöte 2013-10-25 Trondheim Säker på Osäkerhet Simmons akustik & utveckling
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