Acupuncture Intake Form

Acupuncture Intake Form
Note: Information provided on this form is confidential.
It is very important the information given is complete and accurate to assist you properly in your healing process.
Please PRINT
Name:__________________________________________ Todayʼs Date:____ / _____ / ____
Date of Birth: ____ / _____ /_____ Age: ______ Female ☐
State:____Zip_________ Occupation_________________Home Phone:_________________
Cell Phone_________________________ Work Phone__________________________
Which is the best number to reach you at during week days?_______________________
Email address: __________________________________(In order to receive FREE weekly health
recommendations I need your email. If you don’t like what I have to say, you can always opt out. I promise I
will never release your private information to a third party!!)
How did you hear about me? ________________________________________________________
Is this your first experience with acupuncture? ☐ Yes ☐ No
How do you feel about acupuncture?__________________________________________________
Are you currently pregnant? ☐ Yes
☐ No
Are you currently trying to get pregnant? ☐ Yes
☐ No
Chief Complaint: _____________________________________________________________
How long have you had this condition?____________________________________________
Onset: ☐ Sudden ☐ Gradual
What medical diagnosis have you received for this condition?__________________________
Symptoms relieved by: ______________________________________________________________
Symptoms worsened by:_____________________________________________________________
Personal Health History
Seasonal Allergies
Indoor Allergies
Asthma (childhood)
Arthritis (Osteo)
Arthritis (Rheumatoid)
Bi-polar Disorder
Blood Clots
Bleeding gums
Cancer Type_________________________________When_____________________
Method of Treatment_____________________________________________________
☐ Congestive Heart Failure
☐ Colitis
☐ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
☐ Diabetes Type1 ☐ Type 2☐
☐ Eczema
☐ Epilepsy
☐ Fibromyalgia
☐ Goiter
☐ Heart condition specify_______________________________________________________
☐ Hernia (abdominal)
☐ High Blood Pressure
☐ High Cholesterol
☐ Impotence
☐ Lupus
☐ Lymeʼs Disease
☐ Meniereʼs disease
☐ MS
☐ Kidney Stones
☐ Kidney Infection
☐ Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
☐ Osteoporosis/Osteopenia
☐ Parkinsonʼs Disease
☐ Prolapsed Uterus
☐ Prolapsed Bladder
☐ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
☐ Psoraisis
☐ Scoliosis
☐ Stroke
☐ Systemic Yeast Infection (Candida)
☐ Thyroid disorders: Hyper-active ☐
☐ Varicose Veins
☐ Vertigo
Anything I failed to ask about?_________________________________________________
Muscles, Joints & Bones
Do you have pain or tightness?  No
☐ Neck
☐ Upper back (midline)
❍ Right ❍ Left
☐ Low-back
❍ Right ❍ Left
❍ Right
☐ Upper Arm
☐ Elbow ❍ Right ❍ Left
❍ Right ❍ Left
The pain is:
 Sharp
 Superficial
 Burning If YES, please check all areas which are
☐ Upper back (shoulder blades) ❍ Right ❍ Left
☐ Mid-back
 Yes
☐ Buttocks
❍ Left
❍ Right
☐ Forearm ❍ Right ❍ Left
 Dull  Deep
 Tingling ☐ Hip
❍ Left
☐ Shoulders (traps)
☐ Shoulder Joint
❍ Right ❍ Left
❍ Right ❍ Left
☐ Thigh
❍ Right ❍ Left
❍ Right ❍ Left
☐ Knee
☐ Calf/shin
❍ Right ❍ Left
❍ Right ❍Left
☐ Wrist ☐ Hand ☐ Finger
☐ Ankle
❍ Right ❍ Left
❍ Right ❍ Left
❍ Right ❍ Left ❍ Right ❍ Left
With heat, pain is ☐ worse ☐ better With pressure, pain is ☐ worse ☐ better
☐ Foot
☐ Toe
 Aching
 Numbing ☐ Comes & Goes ☐ Constant
 Shooting ☐ Stabbing
With cold, pain is ☐ worse ☐ better
Pain worse in ☐ am ☐ pm
I have: (check all that apply)
 Swollen joints  Arthritis/joint pain  Tendonitis
 Bone pain  Muscle cramping  Muscle pain
 Repetitive Strain Injury  Fractured Bone(s): Where?____________________________
Please indicate on the figures your
affected areas! X marks the spot(s)
Exercise & Energy
How is your energy? _______________________________________________________________________
What time of day is your energy:
Lowest? ____________________________
Do you fatigue easily ?________________
What kind of exercise do you do ? ____________________________________________
How often do you exercise ?_________________________________________________
Emotions & Sleep
How do you feel emotionally? ______________________________________________
Do you have (check all that apply):
☐ panic attacks ☐ depression
☐ difficulty concentrating
☐ anxiety
☐ short temper
☐ poor memory
☐ chronic worry
How do you hold stress?_________________________________________________________
How do you relax? ______________________________________________________________
How do you feel about your work? ________________________________________________
How many hours do you sleep at night? ________________
Do you have difficulties with (check all that apply):
☐ falling asleep ☐ awakening too early
☐ awakening at _________ am/pm
☐ dream disturbed sleep
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
☐ belching ☐ nausea
☐ acid reflux
☐ vomiting
☐ indigestion
☐ pain after eating
☐ bloating
☐ hernia
☐ heart burn
Bowel Movements
How often? _____________time(s)/day _________________ days/week
I have (check all that apply):
☐ constipation
☐ diarrhea
☐ burning sensation
☐ hard stool
☐ gas
☐ hemorrhoids
☐ blood in stool
☐ irregular bowel movements
☐ itchiness
☐ mucous in stool
☐ loose stools
☐ painful movement
Urination: How often?__________times/day
Color: ☐ pale yellow ☐ dark yellow
I have (check all that apply):
☐ frequent urination
☐ painful urination
☐ dribbling
☐ difficulty starting stream ☐ urinary tract infections
☐ kidney stones
Female GUT
At what age did you first menstruate? __________ Number of days between cycles _______
Number of days you bleed: __________
Color: _________________________
I have: (check all that apply)
☐Irregular menstruation
☐Heavy flow
☐Light flow
☐ No flow
☐Vaginal itching/burning
☐Spotting between periods
☐Discomfort/ Dysmenorrhea ☐Mid Cycle Spotting/ Pain
Vaginal discharge? ☐ No
Number of live births:__________
Number of miscarriages or abortions: _____________
Male GUT
I have: (check all that apply)
 Prostatitis  Enlarged Prostate  Impotence  Blood/mucous discharge
 Libido  EDS
Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat, & Head
Do you smoke?  No
 Yes
_________ per day, for ______ years
I have: (check all that apply)
Frequent colds
 Chronic runny nose
 Frequent sore throat
Chronic cough  Coughing blood  Cough up mucous
Pain on inhaling  Asthma  Nose bleeds
Painful/red eyes  Poor vision  Spots/floaters
 Cold sores
 Bleeding gums
Dry mouth  Ear pain  Ringing in ears
Clogged/popping in ears  Shortness of breath on exertion/at rest
Frequent headaches/migraines
I have: (check all that apply)
 Chest pain  Palpitation  Phlebitis  Cold hands and feet
 Poor circulation
 Hypertension
 Breathlessness
 Varicose veins
 Irregular heart beat
 Hypotension
Skin & Hair
I have: (check all that apply)
 Dry skin  Eczema  Skin rashes  Hives  Itching  Hair loss  Acne
 Premature graying