How to apply for a place in a Leeds secondary school A summary of the information included in the booklet ‘Starting secondary school in Leeds- A guide for parents and carers 2013-2014 If you live in Leeds (pay Council Tax) and have an email address you can apply online at and there is no need to fill in the common preference form. Our website has lots of useful information. You can view or download the booklet ‘Starting secondary school in Leeds – a guide for parents and carers’, there are maps of schools that were oversubscribed last year, information on the school transport policy and details of all secondary schools. Remember to apply by 31 October 2012 This summary pamphlet is to help you apply for a place at a Leeds school. It contains the Council admission policy for community and voluntary-controlled schools. It does not show the policies for voluntary-aided (church) or foundation schools or Academies, where governors make decisions on who is offered a school place, you can look at these on our website or contact the schools direct for a copy. We have also included frequently asked questions to help you make the best use of your five preferences. There are details about co-ordinated admission arrangements, what to do if you move house and how we deal with brothers and sisters. If you apply online you will receive an acknowledgement email. Once we receive your preferences you will not hear from us until we send you an offer letter by second class post or email on 1 March 2013. We regret that we cannot tell you your offer over the phone. In our letter we will tell you what to do if you are not happy with the school we have offered, for example there is a waiting list and appeal process. How to apply for a place in a Leeds secondary school Apply online at 1 Deadline - 31 October 2012 The admissions policy for Leeds community and voluntary-controlled schools for entry in September 2013 The Director of Children’s Services makes all offers of a school place on behalf of Leeds City Council, which is the admissions authority. Headteachers or school-based staff are not authorised to offer a child a place. Children with a statement of special educational needs will be admitted to the school named on their statement. We will offer places to children in the following order of priority. Priority 1 Priority 4 We will give priority to parents who put their nearest school (see note 6). This does not include any voluntaryaided schools which act as their own admission authorities. If we have more applications than there are places, we will offer places first to children living nearest to the school (measured in a straight line) (see note 5). Priority 5 a Children in public care or fostered under an arrangement made by the local authority (see note 2). We will give priority to parents who choose a Leeds school, which is not the one nearest to their home address (see note 6). b Pupils without a statement but who have Special Educational Needs, or with exceptional medical or mobility needs, that can only be met at a specific school (See note 3). If we have more applications than there are places, we will offer places first to children living nearest to the school (measured in a straight line) (see note 5). Priority 2 Note 1 Children with older brothers or sisters who will be at school at the start of the academic year and are living at the same address (see note 4). This priority will not apply where the older sibling joined the sixth form from a different school. If we cannot offer parents or carers a place for their child at any school they put on their preference form, we will offer their child a place at the nearest school that has places available when we make the offer (this may include voluntary aided and foundation schools or academies where their governing bodies have given us permission to do so). Priority 3 Where children attend the following infant school they will have priority for the linked junior school: Farsley Westroyd Infant linked to Farsley Springbank Junior Guiseley Infant linked to St Oswald’s Junior Rothwell Haigh Road Infant linked to Rothwell Victoria Junior Yeadon Westfield Infant linked to Yeadon Westfield Junior Should there be more children than places available priority 4 will be used as a tie break. Note 2 Children who have been adopted from local authority care, children with a residency order and those with special guardianship immediately following being Looked After will all be included within the higher priority for looked-after children (priority 1a). Note 3 Applications in this category must be supported by a statement in writing from a doctor or other relevant professional. This is necessary because you will be asking the Authority to assess your child as having a stronger case than other children. Each case will be considered on its merits in consultation with the school concerned. To receive this assistance you must contact the SEN Assessment and Provision Service on 0113 3951100. Note 4 For these purposes, brothers and sisters must be living at the same address as your child. Siblings refer to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, foster brother or sister. The definition does not include cousins or other family members sharing a house. Note 5 In Leeds we use a straight-line distance system. We use a national computer system to run our school-admission system. As part of this system there is a program that measures the ‘straightline’ distance from the centre of the main school building to your home address. The point we measure to at your home address is determined by the Royal Mail Postcode Address File. This information provides us with coordinates for every dwelling. If we are not able to match your address with the Postcode Address File then we will use the centre of your dwelling. In the unlikely event there are insufficient places for two (or more) pupils living in the same building (e.g. flats) or otherwise equidistant from the school, then any final place will be allocated by the drawing of lots. Note 6 If you live in Leeds If you live in Leeds and your nearest school is a school in another local Summary 2 authority, then your nearest Leeds school by straight-line distance will be your nearest eligible school. You can apply for any school but the nearest priority only applies to Leeds schools. If you don’t live in Leeds If you live in another local authority and the nearest school to your home in a straight line is a Leeds community, voluntary-controlled or foundation school, or academy we will give you the relevant priority under our admissions policy. If you live in another local authority and the nearest school to your home, by straight line, is a school not in Leeds you are still able to apply for a Leeds School but priority 4 will not apply. Nearest School When we say the ‘nearest’ school, we do not include voluntary-aided (faith based) schools. This is because they apply their own admissions policies and, if they are oversubscribed, they mainly offer places based on the religion practised by the child and family. Address For admission purposes, the home address is where the child usually lives with their parent or carer. You must not give the address of a childminder or relative. We will investigate any queries about addresses and, depending on what we find; we may change the school we offer your child. When we make an offer, we assume your address will be the same in the following September as we have on record. If you plan to move house, you must still give your current address. If you move house after the deadline of 31 October 2012 for Secondary places or 15 January 2013 for Primary and Junior places, you must tell us your new address as we may have to offer your child a place at another school. Late Applications If you return the preference form after the deadline we cannot guarantee to consider your preferences at the same time as those received on time. Any Summary Apply online at secondary applications returned after 10 December 2012, or primary applications returned after 24 February 2013 will only be dealt with once all other preferences have been considered, unless there are significant and exceptional reasons. Late applications will be considered before placements are made (where no preference could be met). Accepting Offers Parents will be asked to accept the offer of a school place. This will not affect their position on any waiting list for a higher preference, or their right to appeal. Parents who do not wish to accept the offer, or do not accept the offer within a reasonable time, may have the place withdrawn. Waiting List After offers have been made on 1st March 2013 for Secondary and 16th April 2013 for Primary and Junior, parents can ask to go on the waiting list for any school. The waiting list will be held in criteria order of the admission policy and will close on 22 July 2014. Waiting lists will be held in each year group for applications outside of the normal admission round closing on 22 July 2014. Nursery A place in a nursery does not offer any priority or guarantee a place in the school. Parents must apply for a place if they want their child to transfer to the reception class. Temporary School Site If a school has to move to a temporary site for any reason, such as the building being damaged by a fire, we will base our distance measurements on the school’s permanent site. Starting Reception Age We normally only allow children to start primary school in the appropriate age range. You must ensure your child receives an appropriate full time education from the term following their fifth birthday. Almost all children start school in Leeds in the September following their fourth birthday. However, parents can request that the start date for their child is deferred until later in the school year in the case of children who have not reached their 5th birthday. You can also request that your child attends part-time until he/she reaches compulsory school age. If you want a later start date within the academic year you should discuss this with the school. If your child is born in the summer term and you wish to defer entry until the next academic year, unless you have exceptional reasons, you will need to apply for a place in year 1. You should contact us for further advice. Applications outside the normal admission round Applications outside the normal admission round should be made on Leeds’ In-year Common Preference Form. From September 2013 you return the form directly to your preferred school. If the school is full you will be offered a right of appeal. Where no house move has taken place you will only be offered a place to start at the beginning of the next term. 3 How to apply for a place in a Leeds secondary school Frequently Asked Questions How can I make sure my application arrives on time? Can I use my childminder’s or relative’s address because I work? If I don’t put down my nearest school will you give it to me anyway? There are instances every year where parents say that they posted their preference forms but we have not received them. No, you must use your home address when applying. No, we consider all preferences equally. If we find that you have supplied us with false information, we will withdraw the offer of a school place. It is an offence under the Fraud Act 2006 to use a false address. If you don’t put your nearest school down it may fill up with children that asked for it and you risk being sent to a school that is out of your area. To reduce the risk of any forms going astray we would encourage you to: • apply online at an email is sent to confirm that your preferences have been submitted. This is the quickest, easiest and safest way to apply; • hand the form into the Primary school where it will be date stamped and forwarded onto Admissions – schools will keep a record of the completed forms received; • post the form to Admissions and complete the acknowledgement card at the same time – this will be returned to you confirming receipt of your form; • send the form in by registered post; • call into the office and you will be given a receipt; • Ring the office, but not before December 2012 for secondary or mid February 2013 for Primary and Junior applications, to check if we have received your form. My neighbour’s child got a place last year in the school that I want so will my child get a place there this year? No, the places we offer depend on the number of people who apply for a particular school and, among other things, where they live. There are more children being born in Leeds needing school places. You should always include your nearest school as one of your preferences. If I put my nearest school down on the form will I definitely get it? No, unfortunately some schools are very popular and fill before all the nearest families can be offered a place. This is why we recommend that you put down five preferences, including your nearest. Do you allocate places in date of receipt order? Is it first come, first served? No. Everyone who applies by the deadline is considered together. If I just put one school down on the form will it help my appeal? No, our most important piece of advice is for you to include your nearest school as one of your preferences. If you do not follow this advice your child may be allocated a place out of your local area. This will not help your appeal as the panel will know that you did not follow our advice. You must use your home address on your application. Do not use a childminder’s or relative’s address, or a false address or the address you plan to move to on your application. If we find that you have supplied false information, we will withdraw the offer of a school place.This may mean that your child is offered a place at a school outside your local area as nearer schools may be full by then. Summary 4 Apply online at General information Applying online from 1 August 2012 You can apply online at www.leeds. You must live in Leeds and have an email address to apply online so that we can reply to you. We will send you an email on 1 March 2013 telling you which school you have been offered. Priority for brothers and sisters will be given as long as: • You apply online on time or •w e receive your preference form on time; and • y our older child will still be at the school when your younger child starts and is named when you apply, with the correct date of birth; and • the children concerned all live in the same house. You can get information about your nearest school to your home address by phoning the Admissions Team on 0113 222 4414 or you can e-mail [email protected]. uk . The nearest school is important because of the way our admission policy works. You must keep us informed on any move to a new address, even after you have made your preferences. We may need to change the school we offer you. We will require proof of your new address, for example if you are renting we may need to see the rental agreement, final utility bills from your previous address and Council Tax details. If you are buying a property we may need to see confirmation that the sale has been completed, final utility bills and Council Tax details. We reserve the right to ask for further evidence in some cases. If you are happy with the school you are offered you will be asked to accept the offer by completing the form at the bottom of the offer letter. If you do not email or write to us to accept the offer the place will be withdrawn and offered to another child. It is very important that you Summary let us know you want to keep the offer even if you want to appeal for another school. If we cannot give you the school you want, you can ask to be placed on the school waiting list and appeal against our decision to an independent appeal panel. You will have 20 days to send us the appeal form. If you return the form after the 20 day deadline we may not be able to hear your appeal before the end of the summer term. You can appeal for more than one school at the same time. You should not wait for the result of an appeal for one school before deciding to appeal for another. After we send offer emails and letters on 1 March, we sometimes receive information from parents and schools telling us that children have accepted a place in a private school or have moved away. Successful appeals at one school can also lead to spaces becoming available at other schools. Whenever that happens we will fill those vacant places from the waiting list in line with our admissions policy. It is important to realise that children can move up and down the waiting list. It is not when you contact us that is important but where you stand in relation to the admissions policy. Vacancies will continue to be offered in this way up until 22 July 2014. If at any stage during the process you are happy with the offer of a school you must contact us to cancel the schools on the waiting list that are still outstanding. If you do not and a place becomes available at a higher preference school that you no longer require we will change the offer. We may also fill the place that your child has vacated which may make it impossible to reverse the allocation. How can I find out more about a particular school? Each school has its own prospectus which sets out how it is organised and its curriculum, statement of ethos, values and aims. You can get a free copy from the school itself and it will help you to make the best decision for your child. You can look at our website and follow the direct links to each school’s web pages. You can also go to each school’s open evening. You can look at the Ofsted reports at They are also available from main libraries. You can also find the reports on our website at Other websites you may find helpful are the Advisory Centre for Education’s website at and the Department for Education website at What should I do if my child may need to go to a special school? Before we will consider offering your child a place in a special school, the local authority will need to carry out a ‘statutory assessment’. This is an assessment of your child’s educational needs and will involve professionals from education, health and social services. This assessment means that everyone involved with your child can better understand the difficulties they may have and plan what particular help they need. All of this information is summed up in the statement of special educational needs. The Parent Partnership Service offers independent advice and support to parents and carers whose children have a special need that may affect their education. To talk to one of the staff, and use the wide range 5 How to apply for a place in a Leeds secondary school of services available, please phone the helpline during office hours. Parent Partnership Service Phone: 0113 395 1200 (helpline) or 0113 395 1222 (general enquiries). Or, you can phone a national parent network called Network 81 on 0845 077 4055 (10am to 1pm Monday to Friday). If you feel your child is not making enough progress and needs extra support, please contact: SEN Assessment and Provision Service Integrated Children’s Services Adams Court Kildare Terrace Whitehall Road Leeds LS12 1DB Phone: 0113 395 1030 They can give you advice about all areas of special education. •Jobseeker’s Allowance (income based); or •Child Tax Credit. To apply for free school meals and help with buying school clothing, please contact: The Department of Finance Leeds Benefit Service Selectapost 15 2 Great George Street Leeds LS2 8BA Phone: 0113 222 4404 As well as public transport, there are school buses provided especially for certain schools. You can get information about these services from the school and from www. Filling in the preferences Against each school that you ask for on the preference form is a box with space to write a four figure school code. The codes for all Leeds schools are given at the back of this pamphlet. If you apply online do not fill in the form. Charging for school activities You can get details of schools’ policies for charging for certain school activities from the schools themselves or their websites. Sustainable Travel Entry for public exams All secondary schools enter pupils for GCSEs and GCSE A levels in a range of subjects approved by the Department for Education. Some schools offer a range of vocational qualifications such as hairdressing. School clothing and meals Most schools have rules about what the pupils can and cannot wear (a dress code). Other schools will have a uniform that all pupils must wear. You should accept the dress code or uniform when deciding on a school. Meals are provided in all Leeds secondary schools, and there are facilities for pupils to eat packed lunches brought from home. If you have any questions about school meals, contact the school or ask at the open evening. You are entitled to free school meals for your child, and help with buying school clothing, if you get: •Income Support; The Education and Inspections Act 2006 section 508A places a statutory duty on all local authorities to promote sustainable travel in schools. Travelling to school by car raises issues of air quality, road safety and the long term decline in children’s levels of physical exercise. Perhaps more important than these direct impacts are the effects that car dependency has on health and independence of young people and their future views of later life travel behaviour. Details of sustainable travel and transport facilities available in schools have been compiled in order to assist parents and carers when making their choice of school. Where can I get more information about school transport? You can read the full home-toschool policy by looking at Metro’s website at You can also phone Leeds Education Transport Assessment Team on 0113 3481121. Summary 6 Apply online at School details and Open days Supplementary Information Form (SIF) required Codes for any school in a neighbouring local authority Any school in North Yorkshire 4444 Any school in Bradford 5555 Any school in Wakefield 6666 Any school in Kirklees 7777 Codes for all community, Church of England, Foundation (F), Academies (A) and Catholic secondary schools in Leeds, with dates and times of open days and evenings. Please note that the status of each school is correct as of 18 July 2012. 5400Abbey Grange Church of England Academy (A) Butcher Hill LS16 5EA 27 September 2012 6.30pm to 9pm 4040 Allerton Grange School Talbot Avenue LS17 6SF 20 September 2012 6pm to 8pm 4032Allerton High Business and Enterprise Specialist School King Lane LS17 7AG 4 October 2012 6.15pm to 8.45pm 4106 Benton Park School Technology College Harrogate Road LS19 6LX 3 October 2012 4114 Boston Spa School (F) Clifford Moor Road LS23 6RW 2 October 2012 6pm 4113Brigshaw High School and Language College (F) Brigshaw Lane WF10 2HR 22 September 2012 10am to 1pm Summary 4109 Bruntcliffe School (F) Bruntcliffe Lane LS27 0LZ 11 October 2012 6pm to 8.30pm 4751 Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School Tongue Lane LS6 4QE 3 October 2012 13 October 2012 7.30pm 11am to 1.30pm 4041 Carr Manor Community School Carr Manor Road LS17 5DJ 12 July 2012 15 September 2012 5.30pm 9am to 12pm 19 September 2012 5.30pm to 7pm 4031City of Leeds School Bedford Field LS6 2LG Contact the school for details of the open evening. 4047Cockburn School (F) Gipsy Lane LS11 5TT 27 September 2012 6pm to 8pm 6909 The Co-operative Academy of Leeds (A) Stoney Rock Lane LS9 7HD 25 September 2012 29 September 2012 9am to 11.30am 10.30am to 12pm 7 How to apply for a place in a Leeds secondary school 4752 Corpus Christi Catholic College Neville Road LS9 0TT 2 October 2012 6.45pm 4006 Lawnswood School Ring Road LS16 5AG 19 September 2012 6pm to 8pm 4107 Crawshaw School (A) Robin Lane LS28 9HU 13 September 2012 6pm to 8pm 6906 Leeds West Academy (A) Intake Lane LS13 1DQ Contact the school for details of the open evening. 6905 David Young Community Academy (A) Bishops Way LS14 6NU 20 September 2012 6pm to 8pm 4101 The Morley Academy (A) Fountain Street LS27 0PD 4 October 2012 6.30pm to 9pm 4000 The E-ACT Leeds East Academy (A) South Parkway LS14 6TY 27 September 2012 5pm to 7pm 4056 The Farnley Academy (A) Chapel Lane LS12 5EU 10 October 2012 6.30pm 4112 Garforth Academy (A) Lidgett Lane LS25 1LJ 18 October 2012 4108 Guiseley School Fieldhead Road LS20 8DT 26 September 2012 9.30am and 6.30pm 4115 Horsforth School (A) Lee Lane East LS18 5RF 4 October 2012 6pm 4045 John Smeaton Community College Smeaton Approach LS15 8TA Contact the school for details of the open evening. 4753Mount St Mary’s Catholic High School Ellerby Road LS9 8LA 27 September 2012 6.30pm 4110 Priesthorpe School (F) Priesthorpe Lane LS28 5SG 18 September 2012 6pm to 8pm 4501 Prince Henry’s Grammar School (A) Farnley Lane LS21 2BB 1 October 2012 6pm to 8.30pm 4102 Pudsey Grangefield Maths and Computing Collage (F) Mount Pleasant Road LS28 7ND 12 July 2012 6.30pm 4062Ralph Thoresby School Holt Dale Approach LS16 7RX 26 September 2012 6pm to 9pm 4103Rodillian School (A) Longthorpe Lane WF3 3PS 20 September 2012 4.30pm to 8pm Summary 8 Apply online at 4063Roundhay School – All-through education from 4 to 18 Gledhow Lane LS8 1ND 6 October 2012 9.30am to 12.30pm 4104Royds School Specialist Language College Pennington Lane LS26 8EX 20 September 2012 5.30pm to 8pm 6907 South Leeds Academy (A) Old Run Road LS10 2JU Contact the school for details of the open evening. 4601St Mary’s Catholic Comprehensive School, Menston Bradford Road LS29 6AE 6 October 2012 11am 4852 Swallow Hill Community College Whingate Road LS12 3DS 5 July 2012 6pm to 8pm 4046 Temple Moor High School Science College (F) Field End Grove LS15 0PT 27 September 2012 4111 Wetherby High School (F) Hallfield Lane LS22 6JS 27 September 2012 6pm 4105Woodkirk Academy (A) Rein Road WF3 1JQ 27 September 2012 9.30am to 12pm and 6pm to 8.30pm Summary How to apply for a place in a Leeds secondary school 9 Glossary Admissions policy The policy setting out how we decide which children to offer places at a school to. Appeal If you are not happy with the school we have offered you, you can appeal to an independent panel who can look at your individual case and may be able to offer you the school you want. Please see our Appeal Guide on our website for more information about appeals. Common preference form This is the form you can use to apply for a place at any secondary school if you live in Leeds. Parents must apply to their local authority. Local authorities then pass the information between each other, as appropriate. Community schools These are the schools where we decide who is offered a place. Co-ordinated admission arrangements This is where all schools use a single common preference form so parents do not have to apply to individual voluntary-aided, foundation schools and academies. Distance This will be measured using a straight-line distance system. As part of this system there is a program that measures the ‘straight-line’ distance from the centre of the main school building to your home address (this data is obtained from the postal address file). Foundation schools These schools are outside local authority control. They have their own admissions policy and are part of the co-ordinated admission arrangements. Nearest school The closest school to your home measured by a straight line, not by road. This does not include voluntaryaided schools. Voluntary-aided schools These are Faith schools that decide their own policy on admissions and take responsibility for offering school places. Ofsted Office for Standards in Education – this is the official organisation for monitoring standards in schools through regular inspections. Waiting list Once offers have been made, we then set up a waiting list. This is a list of parents who have asked for their child’s name to be put on a list for a school. It is not when you apply to go on the waiting list that’s important, it’s how you stand in relation to the admissions policy. You need to remember that children can move up and down the waiting list. This is mainly due to families moving into the area. Preference Parents can express a preference for a school for their child. A preference is not the same as free choice. Siblings Siblings refers to brothers or sisters, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, foster brother or sister, all living at the same address. The definition does not include cousins or other family members sharing a house. SEN casework officer If your child has a statement of special educational needs, this is the named person who you can contact if you have any problems. Statement of Special Educational Needs This is a legal document, produced after an assessment of your child and setting out how we will meet their special needs. Waiting list and appeal form This is the form you must fill in if you are not happy with the community or voluntary-controlled school we have offered your child. Academies These schools are independent schools funded by the government. The governing body of an academy decides its own policy on admissions and takes responsibility for offering school places. Supplementary Information forms (SIFs) All parents who list their preferred schools on the website or on the Common Preference Form are regarded as having made valid applications. A supplementary information form may also have to be completed for applicants to be considered under faith criteria of faith schools. Summary Admissions Team, Floor 10 West, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8DT. Phone: 0113 222 4414 Email: [email protected] Website:
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