BIOSTATISTICS GRADUATE PROGRAM Graduate Student Biosketches Laurel Bastone Admitted: 2001 Education: MS (Biostatistics), Columbia University, 2001 BA (Comparative Literature), Yale University, 1999 Research Interests: Statistical genetics. Publications: Bastone L., Reilly M., Rader DJ, Foulkes AS. MDR and PRP: A comparison of methods for high-order genotype-phenotype associations. Hum Hered. 2004; 58(2):82-92. Contact: [email protected] Bing Cai Admitted: 2004 Education: MS (Biostatistics), McGill University, 1999 MS (Virology), Wuhan University, China, 1989 BS (Biochemistry), Wuhan University, China, 1986 Research Interests: Statistical genetics and pharmacogenetics, pharmacoepidemiology, statistical computing and data mining, longitudinal data analysis; clinical trials. Publications: Cai B., Zhu JH, Hu QL, Esposito J, Hou YD: Expression of rabies virus glycoprotein with vaccinia virus Tiantan Strain. Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology. (1993) Vol. 12(2): 118-120. Cai B., Zhu JH, Hu QL, Ying BL, Wang JL: Immunoeffects of recombinant rabies vaccine on dogs. Chinese Journal of Zoonoses. (1993) Vol.13(2):118-120. Suissa S, Ernst P, Benayoun S, Baltzan M, Cai B.: Low-dose inhaled corticosteroids and the prevention of death from asthma. New England Journal of Medicine (2000) 343(5):332-336. Ernst P, Cai B, Blais L, Suissa S: The early course of newly diagnosed asthma. Am.J.Med. (2002) 112 (1):44-8. Watson D, Rhodes T, Cai B., H.Guess: Lower risk of thromboembolic cardiovascular events with naproxen among patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Archives of Internal Medicine (2002) 162 (10):1105-10. Contact: [email protected] Jing Cheng Admitted: 2002 Education: MS (Nutrition), Cornell University, 2002 B.M. (Preventive Medicine), West China University of Medical Sciences, 1994 Research Interests: Causal inference, randomized clinical trials, longitudinal data analysis, sample survey design and analysis Publications: Cheng J. and Small D. “Bounds on causal effects in three-arm trials with noncompliance.'' Submitted to Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (invited revision). Small D, Ten Have T, Joffe M, Cheng J. “Random effects logistic models for analyzing efficacy of a longitudinal randomized treatment with non-adherence.'' Statistics in Medicine. In press. Yang D., Cheng J. and An Z., "The Principles and Methods to Establish the Diagnosis Criterion of Primary Osteoporosis", Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis, 1999: 5(2): 36-40. Contact: [email protected] Sumedha Chhatre Photo Not Available Admitted: 2004 Education: PhD (Urban Planning), University of Louisville, 2000 MS (International Development), University of Pennsylvania, 1993 BE (Civil Engineering), Bangalore University, India, 1986 Research Interests: Large database analysis, longitudinal data analysis, randomized clinical trials; survival analysis. Contact: [email protected] Shaokun Chuai Admitted: 2005 Education: MS (Biophysics), Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science, 2000 MS (Statistics), Texas A&M University, 2002 BS (Biochemistry), Nan-Kai University, 1997 Research Interests: Statistical genetics, clinical trial design, microarray data analysis, health economics, cancer epidemiology. Publications: Kauff ND, Mitra N, Robson ME, Hurley KH, Chuai S, Goldfrank D, Wadsworth E, Lee J, Cigler T, Borgen PI, Norton L, Barakat RR, Offit K. “Risk of Ovarian Cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Negative Hereditary Breast Cancer Families” J Natl Cancer Inst. 2005; 97: 1382-1384. Mitra N, Ye TZ, Smith A, Chuai S, Kirchhoff T, Peterlongo P, Nafa K, Phillips MS, Offit K, Ellis NA. “Localization of Cancer Susceptibility Genes by Genome-wide Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Linkage-Disequilibrium Mapping” Cancer Res. 2004 Nov 1;64(21):8116-25. Peterlongo P, Mitra N, Chuai S, Kirchhoff T, Palmer C, Huang H, Nafa K, Offit K, Ellis NA. “Colorectal cancer risk in individuals with biallelic or monoallelic mutations of MYH” Int J Cancer. 2005 Apr 10;114(3):505-7. Sarkaria IS, Pham DK, Ghossein RA, Talbot SG, Hezel M, Dudas ME, Ebright MI, Chuai S, Memoli N, Venkatraman ES, Miller VA, Kris MG, Zakowski MF, Rusch VW, Singh B. “SCCRO Expression Correlates With Invasive Progression in Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma” Ann Thorac Surg 2004; 78: 1734-1741. Liu J, Liu Z, Chuai S, Shen X . (2003) “Phospholipase C and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling both are involved in the exogenous arachidonic acid-stimulated respiratory burst in human neutrophils” J.Leukocyte Biol. Vol.74, No.3. Contact: [email protected] Shoshana Daniel Admitted: 2004 Education: MS (Biostatistics), Columbia University, 2004 BS (Biological Basis of Behavior), University of Pennsylvania, 2002 Research Interests: Randomized clinical trials with neurological and genetic applications, specifically in Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Contact: [email protected] J. Mark Donovan Admitted: 2000 Education: MS (Statistics), Northwestern University, 1990 BS (Mathematics), University of Delaware, 1986 Research Interests: Clinical trials; diagnostics; oncology; clinical trial logistics. Publications: Donovan JM, Elliott MR, Heitjan DF (2005). Predicting Event Times in Clinical Trials When Treatment Arm is Masked. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, in press. Hauck FR, Herman SM, Donovan JM, Iyasu S, Merrick Moore C, Donoghue E, Kirschner RH, Willinger M. (2003). Sleep environment and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in an urban population: the Chicago Infant Mortality Study. Pediatrics. 111:5, p. 1207-1214. Hauck FR, Merrick CA, Donovan M, Herman SM, Kalelkar M, Christoffel KK, Hoffman MA (2002). A Comprehensive Study of Sudden Unexpected Postneonatal Infant Deaths: The Chicago Infant Mortality Study. Pediatrics. 110:4, p. 772-80. Binns HJ, Senturia YD, LeBailly S, Donovan M, Christoffel KK, and the PPRG (1996). Growth of Chicago-area infants, 1985 through 1987. Not what the reference curves predict. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 150:8, p. 842-9. Senturia YD, Christoffel KK, Donovan M, and the PPRG (1996). Gun storage patterns in U.S. homes with children. A pediatric practice-based survey. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 150:3, p. 265-9. Contact: [email protected] Angelo Elmi Admitted: 2004 Education: BS (Mathematics and Economics), State University of New York, Albany, 2003 Research Interests: Mental health disorders; cancer; genetics; AIDS. Contact: [email protected] Long Long Gao Admitted: 2000 Education: MS (Clinical Epidemiology), University of Pennsylvania, 2000 BM (Preventive Medicine), Shanghai Medical University, 1991 Research Interests: Longitudinal data analysis; clinical trials; noncompliance; missing data. Contact: [email protected] Mengye Guo Admitted: 2003 Education: MS ( Biostatistics) University of Pennsylvania, 2005 BS (Mathematics), Peking University, 2003 Research Interests: Developing, implementing and applying Bayesian tests in pharmacogenetics trials in nicotine dependence; longitudinal data analysis; missing data; design. Contact: [email protected] Rachel Hammond Admitted: 2004 Education: MS (Mathematics), Drexel University, 2004 BS (Mathematics/Education), Pennsylvania State University, 2001 Research Interests: Medical research relating to cancer; HIV; Bayesian analysis and MCMC. Contact: [email protected] Carin Kim Admitted: 2002 Education: MS (Biostatistics), Columbia University, 2002 MS (Biochemistry and Biophysics), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1998 BS (Biochemistry and Mathematics), Iowa State University, 1997 Research Interests: Nonlinear modeling of tumor xenograft data Contact: [email protected] Hanjoo Kim Admitted: 2005 Education: BS (Statistics), George Washington University, 2005 Research Interests: Longitudinal data analysis; clinical trials; missing data. Contact: [email protected] Michelle Korenblit Admitted: 2005 Education: BS (Mathematics/Psychology), Carnegie Mellon University, 2005 Research Interests: Cancer research; brain imaging with fMRI; microarrays. Contact: [email protected] Robert Krafty Admitted: 2002 Education: MA (Mathematics), University of Pennsylvania, 2002 BS (Mathematics), SUNY Stony Brook, 2000 Research Interests: Imaging; spatial statistics; Bayesian modeling and analysis. Contact: [email protected] Milena Kurtinecz Admitted: 2005 Education: MA (Applied Statistics), York University (Toronto), 2002 BS (Mathematics), Babes-Balyai University (Romania), 1997 Research Interests: Optimal design; dose-response modeling; PK/PD; nonlinear regression. Contact: [email protected] Benjamin Leiby Admitted: 2001 Education: BA (Mathematics), Messiah College, 1998 Research Interests: Latent-variable and latent-class models; longitudinal data analysis; nonlinear models. Publications: Propert, KJ, McNaughton-Collins, M, Leiby, BE, O’Leary, MP, Litwin, MS, and the Chronic Prostatitis Collaborative Research Network (CPCRN). A prospective study of symptoms and quality of life in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: the NIH Chronic Prostatitis Cohort Study. Journal of Urology. To appear. Calhoun EA, Collins MM, Pontari MA, O’Leary MP, Leiby BE, Landis JR, Kusek JW, Litwin MS, the CPCRN. The Economic Impact of Chronic Prostatitis. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2004; 164(11):1231-6. Legro RS, Urbanek M, Kunselman AR, Leiby BE, Dunaif A. Self-selected women with polycystic ovary syndrome reproductively and metabolically abnormal and undertreated. Fertility and Sterility, 78: 51-57, 2002. Manni A, Fischer S, Franks M, Washington S, De Arment R, Griffith J, Demers L, Verderame M, Leiby B, Mauger D. S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase overexpression reduces invasiveness and tumorigenicity in nude mice of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. International Journal of Oncology 2001; 19: 317-323. Bixler EO, Vgontzas AN, Lin HM, Ten Have T, Leiby BE, Vela-Bueno A, Kales A. Association of Hypertension and Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Arch Intern Med. 2000; 160:2289-2295. Contact: [email protected] Caiyan Li Admitted: 2005 Education: BS (Mathematics), Peking University, 2005 Research Interests: Protein secondary structure; genetic analysis. Contact: [email protected] Julia Lin Admitted: 2001 Education: BS (Psychology and Statistics), Carnegie Mellon University, 2000 Research Interests: Causal models in behavioral health. Contact: [email protected] Tao Liu Admitted: 2003 Education: MS (Statistics), Iowa State University, 2002 MS (Civil Engineering), Iowa State University, 2001 BS (Environmental Engineering), Tsinghua University, 1999 Research Interests: Incomplete data; correlated survival data/competing risks; clinical trial design. Contact: [email protected] Ziyue Liu Admitted: 2004 Education: Master (Medicine), Sun Yat-Sen University, 1997 MS (Biomathematics), North Carolina State University, 2004 Bachelor (Medicine), Sun Yat-Sen University, 1995 Research Interests: Clinical-related issues. Contact: [email protected] Michal Magid-Slav Admitted: 2004 Education: MS (Biotechnology), University of Pennsylvania, 2001 MS (Life Science), Weizmann Institute, 1999 BS (Life Science), Tel-Aviv University, 1996 Research Interests: Statistical methods for genomics and clinical data. Contact: [email protected] Roger Mansson Admitted: 2003 Education: MS (Mathematical Statistics), Lund University (Sweden), 1998 Research Interests: Clinical trials; incomplete data; computer intensive methods; longitudinal data analysis. Contact: [email protected] Robin Mogg Admitted: 2002 Education: MS (Statistics), University of Wisconsin, 2000 BS (Molecular Biology), University of Wisconsin, 1995 Research Interests: Statistical methods for longitudinal data; generalized linear mixed models. Contact: [email protected] Michael Rambo Admitted: 2004 Education: BS (Mathematics), Alabama A&M University, 2001 Research Interests: Applications in public health. Contact: [email protected] Kosha Ruparel Admitted: 2005 Education: MS (Engineering), University of Pennsylvania, 2004 BS (Engineering), Nirma Institute of Technology, India, 2000 Research Interests: Applications in clinical trials for brain research. Contact: [email protected] Xiaoli Shi Admitted: 2005 Education: BS (Medicine), Peking University, 2002 Research Interests: Clinical trial design and analysis; statistical genetics; longitudinal data analysis. Contact: [email protected] Wenguang Sun Admitted: 2003 Education: MS ( Biostatistics) University of Pennsylvania, 2005 BS (Statistics), Peking University, 2003 Research Interests: Longitudinal data analysis; Bayesian methods; nonparametric modeling. Contact: [email protected] Valerie Teal Admitted: 2004 Education: MS (Material Sciences and Engineering), Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1984 BS (Material Sciences and Engineering), Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, 1983 Research Interests: Randomized clinical trials; mental health; aging. Contact: [email protected] Peter Wahl Admitted: 2004 Education: MLA (Liberal Arts), University of Pennsylvania, 2004 BA (Economics), Cornell University, 1992 Research Interests: Randomized clinical trials in cancer; cost-effectiveness analysis; microarrays. Publications: Bavaria JE, Pochettino A, Kotloff R, Rosengard BR, Wahl PM, Palevsky H, Kaiser LR. Effect of Volume Reduction on Lung Transplant Timing and Selection for COPD. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1998;115:9-18. Shrager JB, Kim DK, Hashmi YJ, Lankford EB, Wahl P, Stedman HH, Levine S, Kaiser LR. Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Restores the Normal Diaphragmatic Length-Tension Relationship in Emphysematous Rats. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001:121(2):217-24. Bloom BS, Jayadevappa R, Wahl P, Cacciamani J. Time Trends in Cost of Caring for People with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Am J Gastroent 2001; 96(8) [Suppl]:S64-9. Kesmodel SB, Karakousis GC, Botbyl JD, Canter RJ, Lewis RT, Wahl PM, Alavi A, Elder DE, Ming ME, Guerry D, Gimotty PA, Fraker DL, Czerniecki BJ, Spitz FR. Mitotic Rate as a Predictor of Sentinel Lymph Node Positivity in Patients with Thin Melanomas. Ann Surg Onc 2004; 12(6): 1-10. Gimotty PA, Guerry D, Ming M, Xu X, Wahl PM, Hotz S, VanBelle P, Raines S, Elder DE. The Biologic and Prognostic Significance of Ki67 Expression, Mitotic Rate and Tumorigenicity in Thin Invasive Cutaneous rd Melanoma. Presented in part at the 93 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco CA, April 2002 and submitted to the J Clin Onc February 2005. Contact: [email protected] Hong Wan Admitted: 2005 Education: MS (Ecology), Peking University, 2001 MS (Biostatistics), University of Minnesota, 2004 BS (Biology), Peking University, 1998 Research Interests: Clinical trials; breast cancer. Contact: [email protected] Chia-Hao Wang Admitted: 2005 Education: BS (Computer Science), Rutgers University, 2005 Research Interests: Breast cancer research. Contact: [email protected] Hao Wang Admitted: 2004 Education: MS (Statistics), University of California, Davis, 2000 MS (Chemistry), Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1994 BS (Chemistry), Wuhan University, 1991 Research Interests: Adaptive design of dose escalation trials; outcomes research; Bayesian statistics; methods for longitudinal and correlated data; biomarkers. Publications: Rogatko, A, Babb, JS, Wang H, Slifker, MJ, Hudes, GR. Patient Characteristics Compete with Dose as Predictors of Acute Treatment Toxicity in Early Phase Clinical Trials. Clin Cancer Res. 2004;10(14):4645-51 Photo Not Available Schonll RA, Rothman RL, Wielt DB, Lerman C, Pedri H, Wang H, Babb J, Miller SM, Movsas B, Sherman E, Ridge JA, Uger M, Langer C, Goldberg M, Scott W, Cheng J. A randomized pilot study of cognitive-behavioral therapy versus basic health education for smoking cessation among cancer patients. Ann Behav Med. 2005;30(1):1-11. Berger AC, Farma J, Scott WJ, Freedman G, Weiner L, Cheng JD, Wang H, Goldberg M. Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Esophageal Carcinoma Is Associated With Significantly Improved Survival. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23(19):4330-7 Carlini LE, Meropol NJ, Bever J, Andria ML, Hill T, Gold P, Rogatko A, Wang H, Blanchard RL. UGT1A7 and UGT1A9 Polymorphisms Predict Response and Toxicity in Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated with Capecitabine/Irinotecan. Clin Cancer Res. 2005;11(3):1226-36. Cheng JD, Valianou M, Canutescu AA, Jaffe EK, Lee HO, Wang H, Lai JH, Bachovchin WW, Weiner LM. Abrogation of fibroblast activation protein enzymatic activity attenuates tumor growth. Mol Cancer Ther. 2005;4(3):351-60. Contact: [email protected] Xiaoying Wu Admitted: 2005 Education: MS (Computer Science), Drexel University, 2003 BS (Medicine), Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, 1996 Research Interests: Statistical computing; imaging; longitudinal analysis; clinical trials. Publications: C. Davatzikos, D. Shen, R.C. Gur, X. Wu, F. Yong, P. Hughett, B.I. Turetsky and R.E. Gur, “Whole-Brain Morphometric Study of Schizophrenia Reveals a Spatially Complex Set of Focal Abnormalities”, Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005; 62:1218-1227 Contact: [email protected] Lingfeng Yang Admitted: 2002 Education: MS (Biostatistics), University of Minnesota, 2002 BS (Genetics), Fudan University, 1998 Research Interests: Latent class modeling; clinical trials; correlated data analysis. Publications: Vaccaro O, Eberly LE, Neaton JD, Yang L, Riccardi G, and Stamler J., Impact of Diabetes and Previous Myocardial Infarction on Long-term Survival: 25-Year Mortality Follow-up of Primary Screenees of the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial, Archives of Internal Medicine, 164: 1438 – 1443, 2004 Eberly LE, Ockene J, Sherwin R, Yang L, and Kuller L. Pulmonary function as a predictor of lung cancer mortality in continuing cigarette smokers and in quitters, International Journal of Epidemiology, 32(4):592-599, 2003. Eberly LE, Cohen JD, Prineas R, and Yang L. The impact of incident Diabetes Mellitus and incident non-fatal cardiovascular disease on 18 year mortality: The Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial experience, Diabetes Care, 26(3):848-854, 2003. Contact: [email protected] Huaging Zhao Admitted: 2002 Education: MA (Applied Statistics), University of Pittsburgh, 1993 BS (Management), Jilin Institute of Engineering, 1986 Research Interests: Compliance in longitudinal clinical trials; predictive modeling; diagnostic tests. Publications: Cnaan A, Zhao H, Silber JH: Measuring compliance and its effect on analyses in longitudinal clinical trials. ASA Proceedings of the Section on Biometrics. P591-595, 2002. Aplenc R, Zhao H, Rebbeck TR, Propert KJ: Group sequential methods and sample size savings in biomarkerdisease association studies. Genetics 163: 1215-1219, 2003. Smith-Whitley K, Zhao H, Hodinka RL, Kwiatkowski J, Cecil R, Cecil T, Cnaan A, Ohene-Frempong K: The epidemiology of human arvovirus B19 in children with sickle cell disease: Blood. 103(2):422-7, 2004. Silber JH, Cnaan A, Clark BJ, Paridon SM, Chin AJ, Rychik J, Hogarty AN, Cohen MI, Barber G, Rutkowski M, Kimball TR, Delaat C, Steinherz LJ, Zhao H: Enalapril to prevent cardiac function decline in long-term survivors of pediatric cancer exposed to anthracyclines. Journal of Clinical Oncology 22(5):820-8, 2004. Morowitz MJ, Barr R, Wang Q, King R, Rhodin N, Pawel B, Zhao H, Erickson SA, Sheppard GS, Wang J, Maris JM, Shusterman S.: Methionine aminopeptidase 2 inhibition is an effective treatment strategy for neuroblastoma in preclinical models. Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Apr 1;11(7):2680-5. Contact: [email protected]
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