THE MORNING MUST Hir HIS HEAD the estate to, be about ,$&.. . Claims Albert Knutsen, a carpenter on ,the same vessel.' He was arraigned la the Justice against Howard wlIK aggregate $9000. Court this afternoon, and his trial set for tomorrow. It is alleged that during a NORTHWEST DEAD. quarrel Mo ran struck Knutsen on the head with an iron bar. Inflicting- a severe Mrs. Minerva A. McMallen, Lens a scalp wound. The latter is now in the Resident at Astoria. ASTORIA, Or., July 2. (Special.) Mrs. Minerva A. McMullen, wife of John died at the family residence In Drawbridge Over Lewis and Clark. ASTORIA. Or., July 2. (SpeclaL) Work this city last evening after a long Illness, aged 60 years. Her funeral will be held on the construction of the drawbridge across the Lewis and Clark "River was Sunday from the First Baptist Church on commenced by Ferguson & Houston toafternoon, with the interment in Greenwood cemetery. Mrs. McMullen was one day. The steel draw has been ordered of Astoria's most respected pioneer from the East and will be ready in about women, and had resided here nearly all two months. The Intention is to have the her life. She was born in Jefferson Coun 1600 feet of trestle approach and the centy, Iowa, in 1S43, and crossed the plains ter pier completed by the time the draw with her parents in 1847, coming direct to arrives. Astoria. She leaves her husband and four sons James, Walter, Albert and William Seat Landing; en the Necanicnm. all of whom reside m this city. ASTORIA, Or.. July 2. (Special.) The County Court today granted permission to C L. DuBols to construct a beat landing Mrs. Emma B. French. OREGON" CITY, Or., July 2. (Special.) in the Necanlcum River at Seaside and atMrs. Emma B. French, aged 44 years, tach it to the Grimes bridge, on conditionthat he give bonds to indemnify the coundied at the family home in Parkplace, .ty any damages that may result a suburb of this city, last night, of con- fromagainstsame. The landing is to be for the sumption. The deceased came to this city use public of the the from Dakota about four years ago. She left a husband and four children. CotIy Altar for St. Mary's. ASTORIA, Or., July 2. (Special.) An ASTORIA STREET IMPROVEMENT. agreement was filed in the Recorder's ofResidence District to Have a Good fice today between Joseph Shamberger, of this city, and M. Karaol, of Portland, Approach. to construct ASTORIA, Or., July 2. (Special.) A re- whereby the latter agrees Catholic port was filed by City Surveyor Tee today an altar for St. Mary's place beof Astoria and have It in stating that the proposed Improvement of Church Sunday sum fore Easter the for of $1000. and. Franklin avenue between Thirty-sixt-h d streets with planking would Rsmc Bays Schooner Antelope. cost about $15.10, although by changing ASTORIA, Or., July 2. (Special.) The the grades on certain portions of the thoroughfare the cost could be reduced $4050. Columbia River Packers Association has n No estimate Is made on a macadam sold the schooner Antelope to improvement as the report states the cost George W. Hume and a blll'of sale making of hauling the rock such a long distance the transfer was filed lh the Custom-Hous- e today. The price paid Is not made would he too great. It is expected the improvement will be public, but the consideration named in the ordered as the Btreet leads to a large res- bill of sale Is $3. QBEGQNIA, FRIDAY, TEXAS G1TY FLOODED - Negro, Highway man Escapes in a Shower of Bullets. 60 SHOTS FIRED TO STOP KIM Wamtea'im Unttc tor Kofebery He Makes His Sixth Remarkable Escape in Idaho, DodgrlHgr FbbII-laa- e of Deputy Sheriffs. BUTTE,. Mont. July 2. A special to the Miner from Athol, Idaho, says that the negro wanted by the Butte authorities I&or highway robbery today made his sixth sensational escape from the officers, again under a heavy fire of his pursuers. After his scape in Spokane Wednesday while a policeman waa emptying his revolver at him, the negro. It appears, boarded the train and beat his way to Athol, Idaho. He was discovered by the engineer and the officers notified. While the Deputy Sheriffs surrounded the train the fugitive made his way to the timber and again succeeded In getting away while his pursuers exhausted their ammunition trying to hit him. The negro was arrested in Butte last Friday night, but broke away and escaped. In each escape officers have emptied their guns at him. In all over 60 shots Jiave been fired at the negro. HOUSE SHOT FULL OF HOLES. Fosse Fortunately Miss Deaf Man Inside. Wash., July 2. (Special.) CEn F. Smith, the murderer of Deputy Marshall Parsons, has not been captured, nor his whereabouts learned. Last night ihe posse in pursuit came to the house of Mr. Matthews, on Waunch's prairie. Mr. Matthews Is one of the oldest residents of the vicinity and is almost to- 'Centralla Forty-secon- ls The Minutes that m air? iru!Q Tarrm. mat maKe me; Gainesville Is Under Four ODELL AND JEROME CLASH Feet of Water. District Attorney May Make Gover- years, are truthfully told nor PEOPLE. TAKE TO HOUSETOPS Slclc of Granting Pardons. NEW YORK, July" 2. An Interesting, controversy"" Is now going on between District Attorney Jerome and Governor Odell over the announcement that the Governor bad said he would pardon Frank S. Weller, of Brooklyn, .who was convicted of grand larceny In the first degree last week, in connection with the "Horseshoe Mining Company" scandal. Weller. was sentenced to serve a year in prison. It came out during the trial that Weller's father and Governor Odell's father, Benjamin B. Odell, Sr., who now lives In Newburg. were formerly In busl-ne- 3 stogether In that city. Brown and Attorney H. W. Harding called on Mr. Jerome today and asked him. In the event of Weller's being pardoned by Governor Odell, to proceed against Weller on other Indictments found against him. "I told them," said District Attorney Jerome today, "that if I was consulted In the regular way about the pardon, and If the Judge who sentenced him was consulted by the Governor, as was the custom for many-yearI would have no objection to the pardon; but if Governor Odell pardons Weller without consulting me, I will put the man on trial again, and will work, up as many cases against him as I can,, until I make the Governor sick of granting pardons." hy the - ELGIN ' Thonsaads Are Neivr in a Perilous Position, and General Panic Rela-nIs, Expected to The Water . Go Higher. s . Every Elgin Watch la folly guaranteed. All lewclers have Elsln Watches. "Tlxae-laake- rs and Timekeepers." aa Illustrated history of the watch, seat frt upon request to Elgin National Watch ELQIN, Ex-Jud- GAIN3CSVILLE, Tex., July 3, 3 A. M. At this hour this city is under four feet Thousands of people have of water. taken mfuge on housetops. Rumors of loss of life are Impossible to confirm. The city Is in total darkness. The damage will be heavy. Two creeks which flow by the town, one of them passing through its center and the other on the west side, are each a mile wide. The water Is rising rapidly. At 3:30 A. M. the flood situation is growing desperate. The water is rising very rapidly, and the report is received that a still greater flood is coming down from the direction of St Joseph. The n people are heard cries of In every direction. All around the depot and along the main street of the town the water Is so deep that even horses are Tatoosh and Melville Inspected. compelled to swlm. (Special.) 2. The ASTORIA, Or.. July It Is reported that a Santa Fe passen bar tug Tatoosh and the steamer Melville ger train has been ditched three "miles were Inspected today by Government In- out on account of washed-ou- t tracks, and spectors of Hulls and Boilers Edwards and Fuller. The Tatoosh will go Into commis- it is feared many lives have been lost. sion on July 10, when the tug Wallula will A relief train has been sent out. go to Portland to be overhauled. No Deaths Yet Reported. Barrett Sends Check for Heppner. DALLAS, Tex., July 3, 3:30 A. M. A (Speclal.)-Gov-ernor 2. SALEM, Or., July telephone message from Gainesville says Chamberlain today received a disthat the engineer, fireman and express patch from Hon. John Barrett, who is In messenger on the wrecked Santa Fe train Washington. D. C, saying that he has just learned of the Heppner disaster and are reported missing. So far, no deaths has mailed a check for $50 to be added are reported at Gainesville. to the relief fund. TEXAS HAS A CLOUDBURST. idence district. . WANT EVERETT PLANS CHANGED. Great Northern Engineers Flans for Extension. EVERETT, Wash., July- - 2. Show United States Senator Foster, accompanied by d, - $13,-0- ss rs at terror-stricke- AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. W H Richardson. I Hlrshfeld. city Dayton, "Wash F Fenton. Salt Lake G C Morran. Jr.. G Churchill, San Fran Chicago G Murphy, Seattle TV T Salmon, 2? T R J Little and wile, do A H Lazare. X Y H F Bofaleman, South S s, CORONER HOLDS "LORD" GUILTY. Barrlngton Is Bound Over for the Murder of Horseman 3IcCann. ST. LOUIS. July 2. The Inquest into the supposed murder of James McCann waa reopened today by Coroner Koch, and many witnesses were examined. The Coroner's Jury returned a verdict of homicide, holding F. Seymour Barrlngton for the crime. The Jury laid the death of the man Identified as McCann to knife and gunshot wounds. The evidence secured will be presented to the Grand Jury. Beevllle Suffers Loss of $50,000. ANTONIO. Tex., July 2. A tele phone message from Beatrice says word has been received from Beevllle that there was no loss of life. A message from Victoria says Beevllle was heard from at 6:20. and the Southern Pacific operator says there was' no loss of life, but a Mexican ,nd a. negro were missing. Property loss In the town Is placed at $50,000. POPE IS MUCH ANNOYED. Reports of the 111 Health of His Holi ness. Are Without Foundation. United States Wants Ship Close at Hand Since Rebels Are Active. SAN JUAN. P. R., July 2. Tho United States gunboat Bancroft' Is coaling- - here. She has received orders to proceed to tho Island of Trinidad. Kavy Department Explains Order. WASHINGTON. Julv 2. It is said h that thV trip of the gunboat Bancroft to Trinidad Is for inspection and Investigation, and also Is due to a desire on the part of our officials to have an American vessel m close proximity to Venezuelan of the revolutionists, who are said to be very active In Eastern. Venezuela lust now, render her presenre necessary to the protection or American Interests. ROME, July 2. Telegrams from abroad again started the rumor tonight that the pope was 111. The report was quite unfounded, no change having occurred in the NO "BIG LACK OF LABOR. pontiffs health since his recovery from the hemorrhoidal Indisposition which trou- Kansas Farmers Will Save Their bled him early In June. The pope Crops, With Good Weather. is not what he was two years ago, but only as regards his strength, which TOPEKA, Kan., July 2. Governor has notably diminished, owing to his adBailey, who has Just returned from a trip vanced aire, and not on account of any through the wheat belt says that while special Illness. All the doctors who have there is a shortage of harvest hands, the examined him agree that if nothing unnumber Is sufficient to prevent loss to the foreseen happens he will live at least anfarmers If the weather continues favorother flvo years. Pope Leo Is becoming annoyed over the able.Is definitely known now that the railIt renewed reports of his 111 health. The roads harvegrant the other day, when he drove for the first st-hand will not rate out of Chicago and St. time in the Vatican gardens, he himself, Louis. This will cause some trouble, as It contrary to custom, ordered the fact to was expected to bring several thousand be published In the official column of the men from these points. The Santa Fe is cer-taln- ly cent-a-ml- le Osservatore Romano, adding? doing good work in relieving tho strin"Tell the editor to spread the news gency In tho labor market by bringing in through the Italian and foreign press, so men from Colorado points. that the whole world will thank God that we are well today." RARE CHA!CB FOR REST. His Holiness today received In farewell audience Cardinal Fischer, to whom he Hassalo Leaves for North (Long) repeated what a pleasant recollection he Beach Muht Before Fourth. has of the visit from the German Em Many Portland people will leave for peror. He then received Viscount and (North) Beach Friday night on the Viscountess Pcsquelra, with whom he con- Long Hassalo, tnus being given two days at versed about Portugal. the popular resort Hassalo leaves dock at 8 o'clock. Potter leaves for North Beach at 1 o'clock Saturday afterAMERICA MIFFS CHINA. noon. For particulars call up or ask at O.- R. & N. city ticket office, Third and Regulations for Visitors to 1004 Fair "Washington streets. Held to Be Too Strong. Ash-stre- D Brastow. S P Bend A Chrlateson. S F S Chrlstenson, S F J J WMtc. San Fran S D Bristow. San Fran O J. Appleton and wf. O P M Haazard. USA New Yorlc C TVerAbertoh. Seattle Henry Levi, San Fran L F Bobarge. St Paul mus E W Field, Phil S O Sargent and wife, nas u ieicj. do New York I C Goodrtdge. Pasa- F Murphy, wife' and 2 I dena. Cal daughters. Perry, Or Miss Good rid ir?. do T TV Bobbins, Chicago TV M. Allen, Chicago Bennett. Tacoma M L Schmltt. San Frn Mr Andrews and wife. H O Peabody. P&sdna Sacramento F TV Cuahman and wf. F L TVhltton. San Fran Tacoma Dr R C Coffey, city Miss L Brownell. N Y A H Davis and servant, miss juua Dean. N X London Nell O'Brien. N TT New York R Bo-le- . miss btewart. San Frn G Obenoner, Jr. S F J JJevjr, Chlcag-A Bushworth, England A R Morrison, Minn P I Ackerman. S F S R Davidson. Seattle L H Samuels, N Y H C Hill, Chicago TV H Cocter, Saginaw E L Rltson. Boston B Slnshelmer ant! wife, S P Flynn. Bay City San Francisco A F TVarde. N Y Mrs H Slnshelmer. S F Miss A Roberts. N Y S D Slnshelmer, S F Mrs TV R Sebrea and Miss H Slnshelmer. do maid. Caldwell S SlMhelmer, S F H A Budde and wife. L Strassborger, S F C TV Golden, wife and R Alexander, city dtr, Okla City THE PERKINS. TV S Bates, Pomeroy !H B Smith. Union Mrs Bates, do J Mulholland. Van Mrs A G "Wright, couver. B C Myrtle Creek A R Upright. Tacoma M A George, Albany Jennie Hartman, Pen Mrs George, do dleton A B George, do Bertha Hartman. do S TV Harrington A J Hicks, Heppner Round Lake H Smith. Spokane Mrs Harrlncton. do Mrs Smith, do L C Palmer, Bridal V R H Penters. Corvalltf m do L J TVade. Tacoma Miss Palmer, do J B Churchill, do C A Palmer, do F Cann. Seattle F Palmer, do Mrs Cann, do F TV Dyer, Mpls Mrs Cram. The Dalles J F Alberta. Spokane Mrs McNaroara. do J N Glover, do E E Read. Spokane Mrs Glover, do C C Read, do S Glover, do Airs A J Moser, Seattle Miss Ida Rommonder J P Johnson. Park do River, N D Mrs F H TVllllams. Mrs C H Ranter, S F Sacramento C TV Aby, Red Bluff R J Giles, Seattle M Blehler, Tacoma B B Hill, do Mrs Colllngham, F S Harding. Mc- Indlanola Minnvllle Miss Renshaw. do Mrs Harding, do Gertrude Ott, Olympla F Dana. Seattle v; u Anaerson, bKag J L Hastings. Roseburg way airs j Huason. jat Mrs J H Myers, DenAngel ver L Berry, city J L G Jacobren. Seattle IT IV Nash, St. Paul Vlola Snyder, La. Cent'C E Lapp, Newburg r u uuzer. uiympia airs .Lapp, do Binge. Starbuck F P Phlflps, Mt. B Barnes, Hood Rlv Home A H Joy, S F Mrs w A Needham, Joy, do Bioomfleld. Neb. IMrs Tafte. Celllo Bertha Kawran. Mpls M Gleason. The Dal G D Rushman. do C F Fisher. Monmouth S T Ackerman, do C R Bryan. Los Angels V V. niHinn TT1,. t; v small, do J D Bradley, Los Angjw Amstes," Olympla Mrs Bradley, do D Mrgoac. Jr., Aat J B Henck. Santa puss m j Huise, ao Rose Mrs M J Hulsc. do Mrs Henck. do (J M Naughton, Cathlmt Miss Henck, do do JMrs Naughton, G D O'Conner, Sacra- IG O Walker, Westport mento A Snyder, St Louis J Mrs O'Conner, do JMrs Snyder, do" TV Kyle, do A Austin. Olympla J J Collins, Albany B Springer, do Mis Collins, do Sanger, do J B Besslnger. do Mrs TV J McFetrldge Miss Ida Simmons, do Tekoa, Wash Miss McFetrldge. do Spokane D TV Edwards, do JMrs F Wegar, Wegar, do1 B F Flagg. Haywood E G Davis. Tacoma Mrs Flagg. .do Mrs Matilda Parrish Miss e M Flagg. do Tillamook Mrs TV R Simons, Mrs E Fltzhugh, do Tekoa C U Hanks, Los Ang R F Smith. Antelope C Wilklns, Pendleton C Richard, Spokane Mrs Wilklns. do J H Hopkins, Loulsvllo Mrs F R WIntter. A Hopkins, do SeatUe A Peterson. Eufaula Mrs U C Yoran. Eug A Olsen. Deep River Miss Lyde Wells, Salt Mrs Olsen, do Lake Miss Flemondon, B M Hedges, do Eufaula THE IMPERIAL. V C So very. Oskalooaa C H Jones, Md S G TrulllnKor. Ast Mrs II S Bowen, Baker Mrs Trulllnger, do W B Williamson. T T Geer. Salem Cedar CreeJc H Nice, Alsea Bay Mrs F C Patterson, Fossil J Forgeson, Mozoth W C Laws, Astoria J Miller, Astoria E A Young, city Mrs Miller, do C H Cogswell, do TV Ktlly. Eugene A R Byrkett. Wash M L Walker. Seattle J C Jones. Md A Dunbar, Astoria H .G Lathey, Seattle C A Sharoel, Chgo Mrs Edwin Stone, J H Schlvely, Olympla Albany C S Mantel!. Seattle Mrs A E Beck, do J Wllhycombe, Corrals C G Huntley, Oregon L F Schneider. Olvrama city F TV Paine. W W Mrs Huntler. do iMra W E Loughmuller, Mrs T Dealey. Ast Mrs J McCormack, da L E Woodthorp, N Y F C Graham, Wlniock Mrs' Woodthorp, do Mrs Graham, do A TV Glesy, Salem C B McCovelley. S F Mrs Glesy. do Mrs McCovelley, do Miss Anna Downle. do J B Heck, Jr., Santa iMrs C Copple. Hood R Barbara H Lelwerd. White Mrs J B Heck, do Horsw I Miss Heck, do Mm Lelwerd. do r Mrs. Jessie McCann testified at length today, "her evidence being that her husband and Barrlngton had gone from the former's home together on the night of June 18, saying they were going to Bon-fll- s, and that was tho last she saw of McCann. She said that later Barrlng ton made every endeavor to persuade her not to Inquire into her husband's ab sence. Eleven Persons Are Killed and Prop Other testimony developed that Bar erty Loss Will Be Great. rlngton had asked about the bullet holes In the dead man's head before It was 2. July DALLAS, Tex., A cloud swept over the known- there were such bullet holes. burst and tornado Barrlngton was present at the Inquest country between San Antonio and (Cor pus Chrliitl today and news received late today, and calmly took notes during the testimony of all the witnesses. 11 persons are known to tonight that have lost their lives near Pettus. There are rumors of other fatalities. The prop Jerome After Tammany-Ha- ll Men. erty loss will be great. Reports of ter NEW YORK, July 2. Warrants for the rible loss of life at Beevllle were received arrest of two men prominent in Tammany early In. the evening, but late tonight a Hall, whose names have been heard fre roundabout telephone connection was se- quently since District Attorney Jerome cured with Beevllle from Dallas. The began his Investigation into the transac Beevllle operator said that some buildings tions of the old Tammany dock board. were damaged there, but no lives had been were Issued today, signed by Judge Mayer. lost and were at once put , in the hands of The San Antonio telephone office report aeiecuves wno Know personally the men ed that there Is a strip of country be wanted. tween there and Beevllle In which all wires are down and that It has not been possible to hear from there. The storm GUNBOAT TO VENEZUELA was most severe in that section. SAN co.- - ILU 170-to- Secretary Sammons and State. Senator Hamilton, of Pierce County, are here looking over the Everett fresh water harbor under way by the Government. Great Northern engineers presented plans tally deaf. asking that the harbor be extended at The posse heard a noise Inside and the southern limit from 500 to 750 feet at "thought it must be Smith. They ordered the exit, also that the depth be Increased xl surrender, but the only man inside eight feet, and that 1000 feet of bulkwas Matthews, and he could not hear head be extended from the southern command. The' men opened fire, and terminus, this to protect craft from the the llred about 40 shots into the house, when storms. Receipts of Colmnbla Connty. Matthews came out, holding his hands ST. HELENS, Or., July 2. (Sjjeclal.) up in token of surrender. Fortunately The receipts of the County Clerk's office PORTLAND GIRL WEDS. the man was not Injured. for June footed up a total of $443.14, apporMiss Grace Nlms Married to Joseph tioned as follows: Recording deeds ana Gives Up the Chase. G. Brown at New Monterey. other Instruments, $345.25; court fees, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cat, July 2. $72.50; redemptions, $25.39. CHEHALilS, Wash., July 2. (Special.) Fort-lan(Special.) Miss Grace Nims, of (Deputy Sheriff Darrah returned to Or., was married to Joseph Grant Lotta Leaves San Francisco. late this evening, having been unable to find murderer Smith, of Centralla. Brown at New Monterey yesterday. Miss SAN FRANCISCO, July 2. Lotta M. This morning a, man believed to be Smith Nlms was graduated from this university Crabtree, the actress, has closed out her got breakfast of a woman living in the last year, and Mr. Brown took a degree realty In this city and left for the East 190L now He an disappeared is In in. Centralla, and instructor the today. She realized $50,000 for a piece of south end of Miss Nlms' father property which cost her $12,000 in 1S69. in this direction. The man's moustache physics department. liad been cut off roughly, as with dull is a business man who has a number of scissors. He said he did not want to general merchandise stores throughout Astoria's Redeemed Warrants. meet any crowds, as he had done some- Oregon. ASTORIA, Or., July 2. (Special.) A rething he should not have done. The genport filed by City Treasurer Dealey today eral description answers to that of Smith. MALHEUR FARMER KILLED. states that during the quarter ending on Tonight Marshal Stedham and Night 30 he has redeemed warrants Watchman Townsend are guarding the William Rnssell's Team Ran Away, June amounting to $34,161.51. railroad crossings near Chehalls, and Throwing to Him Ground. the Night Watchman- Berkshire and others ONTARIO,' Or.. July 2. (SpeclaL) A J. A. Myers Dies at Asylum. are on close watch. It is not thought fatal runaway accident occurred at Mud A. SALEM. Or., July Z (SpecIaL)-- J. Smith knows the country about here. Spring, six miles from Dell, this after- Myers, who was received at the asylum noon at 3 o'clock. William Russell, a June 10 from Union, died at that insti HOMESTEAD FILINGS HELD UP. Willow Creek farmer, was returning tution June 30. The remains were sent home from Huntington, when his team to Union for burial. Receipts at Orcaron City Land Office ran away, throwing himout of the wagon. Considerably Diminished. Both arms and one leg were broken, and Boise Republicans Name City Ticket. July '2. (Special.) the body was otherwise mutilated. The OREGON CITY, Or., BOISE, Idaho, July 2. The Republican ' city convention tonight nominated James The aggregate of the receipts of the deceased was about 30 years old and unmarried. Qregon City Land Office from all sources A. Pinney for Mayor, Ben Pettlnglll for Treasurer and a full Council ticket for the month of June was $3124.34. This Is the smallest amount received in any one GRAIN BURNING. CALIFORNIA month In four years. Last month the COMING ATTRACTIONS. total of the' receipts was $8000, while for Hundreds of Acres e Cereals Swept Away Forests en Fire. the two months preceding more than Sale for "A Runaway Girl" Opens. each month was taken In. The reSAN FRANCISCO, July 2. Grain fires The advance sale of seats opened yes ceipts of the office for several months im- are raging today in the Sacramento and mediately preceding June ranged from Stockton districts. In Yolo County an area terday morning for the Augustln Daly $S00O to 519.000. six by four miles was burned over. On Musical Comedy Company, which comes Explanation for this decrease In the re of Union Inland $150,000 worth of barley was to the Marquam Grand Theater tomorrow ceipts is found in the fact that all com destroyed. (Saturday) night July 4, presenting the muted homestead filings are being held up Reports of forest and grain fires are sparkling musical comedy, "A Runaway pending an Investigation that is being coming in from other sections pf the state. Girl." The company numbers CO people, made by the Government. Because of xne weatner is excessively warm. of whom the San Francisco papers said many, many pleasant things. Together this, proving up on these- - claims has been almost entirely suspended. During with the noted principals is Beulah Dodge. Cottage Grove Sends More Money. the month of June there were four timwho will be remembered as the pretty COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. July 2. (Speber land entries, 59 homestead filings, cial.) The Ladles of Woodcraft conducted Salvation Army lassie with :"The Belle representing 664.39 acres, one final homeof New York" when here several years lunch and Ice cream stand during the ago. stead proof, and 40 timber land applica- acarnival The company returns to the Mar here week, which last netted tions. of the Heppner flood quam Friday and "Saturday, July 10 and 11, The aggregate of business of all kinds $110.C0 for the benefit The sum was sent to the head that was transacted In the Oregon City sufferers. C. V. Cooper, at Portland, yesterLand Office last month was considerably banker, Some New Vaudeville. Jess than for any other one month In day, to betoforwarded to Heppner. Contriprogramme, clever A big vaudeville date from here are as butions years. people .and large attendance Is the rec follows: There Woodmen of World, $20; Woodmen Cir- ord at Shields' Park nowadays. JAPS WERE OUT FOR BLOOD. cle, $125.60; Knights of Pythias, $20; Ma- - are eight distinct acts on the bill, and the poeple say who the actors are attend . sonic Lodge, $10; Foresters, $20; L O. O. Incensed at the Bombardment of F., capable. For next week Mr. Shields an $15, James Hemenway, $10. p line-unounces that he has a which will Homes. Their Box-C- ar excel anything yet offered by him in OREGON CITY. Or.. July 2. (Special.) Sale of Delinquent Tax Property. local vaudovllle. are There thousand a Ernest Smith, of Canemah, was the inOREGON CITY. Or., July 2. (Special.) perplexities In managing atnocent victim thi3 evening of a m&b of Next Monday Sheriff Shaver will con tractions, and the greatestvaudeville of these is angered Japanese workmen. He narrow- duct a sale of all property that was bid first-clasecuring in Store ly escaped violent treatment at the hands in by the county for delinquent taxes for room workers are easily artists. procured, but of a mob that was only dispersed by the the year 1S39. This sale is to be made they never are please to able more for timely intervention of Assistant Superinunder a law enacted in 1S01, which nu than a night or two. Mr. Shields now tendent C G. Fields, of the Oregon Water tborizes counties to sell at public auc comes forward and states that he Is in Power & Railway Company. to the highest bidder all property a position to book some of the best talent Japanese numbering about 100 are em tlon acquired by the county at delln in the East for the coming Summer that is ployed on the construction force of the quent tax sale, when the time for redemp months, and in his subsequent an Southern Pacific Company, and live in tion snail nave expired. The property nouncements tho fact will be oroved. box-castationed in the company's represents taxes amounting to about $2500. Sunday night programme new the will switch-yard- s be In this city. Several boys which, with the accrued Interest and put on the boards at the park. assaulted the cars with rocks. The for- penalty charges, aggregates $3250. eigners swarmed from the cars, but the Great Emotional Drama. assailants had escaped and the Incensed Nelson Brothers in Pendleton Jail. "East Lynne," the emotional drama, Japs made for Smith, who chanced to 2. which will close the season at the Baker July Or., PENDLETON. H. Albert be passing- the cars. The workmen were armed with re and Walter Nelson, brothers, who were Theater with the week beginning Sunday. volvers and dirks, and until the arrival" arrested in Walla Walla and brought back July 5, Is one of the most powerful plays of Assistant Superintendent Fields, who to Pendleton to answer to the charge of ever put upon the stage. The scene Is laid stealing $200 from tho person of C. L. In the fashionable society of England, and was a passenger on a passing street-ca- r, waived examination held control. The police know the names Hastings, before though the plot Is complicated, the appealQt, the guilty lads, who will be arrested. Judgo Fitzgerald and were held to appear ing human interest of the play holds one The love of a befoze the Circuit Court They are both in to the end entranced. jalL Albert hopes to furnish ball, but the woman, leading her through troubled wa SNOW GENERAL IN MONTANA. quiet to ters a haven last, is the basis at pass In all likelihood other will the time to the next term of court in of the play. "East Lynne" is one of the Crops May Suffer, but It Is the Mak- from-nogreatest dramas ever written, and as pre the County Jail. ing; of the Rnna-es- . sented by the Baker Stock Company Is find favor wljh theater patrons to sure BUTTE, Mont.. July 2. Snow was genGrasshoppers Cut Wide Swath. wno appreciate clever acting. eral in Montana today, slight flurries 2. Professor Cooley, BUTTE, July Mont. being reported from all over the state. of the state Agricultural College at Boze At the Empire Next Weelc The fall was heavy on the continental has returned from an investigation At the Empire Theater next week Del- divide. The temperature has dropped to man. "grasshopper-ridde- n "the of district about 43. The snow alternates with cold- rains, and Delmora, two musical gro Forsyth. He says the Insects have de phino tesques, will head the bill. These eccenand great damage to crops is feared. 70 miles long everything strip in a voured performers come directly to the Emtric Later reports regarding snow and rain 50 miles wide, and that as a conse pire from Europe. To aid In the general in Montana indicate that the rangemen and range conditions amusement Devaney and Allen will sow will gain where the Tanchers lose. The quence of their passage snow and rain in the southern, eastern are the worst he ever saw. The plains seeds of fun In the audience. Mcxlas and with are who have dotted cattle starved Mexlas, two new and clever performers, and northern portions of the state will to death as a result of the grasshopper will give a comic sketch called "The Clown do the range much good, as it is too early and His Dog.." The Waltons are billed to hurt the new grass. The Bitter Root raid. for a novelty in the line of Chinese char Valley had a cold rain, which may reWater Commission Reorganized. acter work. Woodford and Malboro, two tard crops In that garden spot The storm merry funmakers, will give a clever 2. (Special.) July OREGON CITY, Or., was heavy on the continental divide and on the range west of Missoula. The aver The Oregon City Water Commission has sketch. The Budd brothers, the topllne age temperature of the state is 45, lowest reorganized, with Charles H. Caufield as acrobats of this week, have been retained, Halm and Raymond and' Clark will in the eastern portion of the state. West president and J. E. Hedges secretary. W. Arthur also appear, the first in a bass solo and Howell Is nam?d as superintendent, era Nebraska was visited by a severe H. L. Charman as collector. Mr. Hedges. the team in storm yesterday, and this has swept over T. the new member of the board, succeeds Montana. Clever Vaudeville Mill. T. L. Charman, who retires after nine consecutive years of satisfactory serv Vaudeville that Is really vaudeville, and MRS. HOWARD WILL ASSIGN. ice. not a conglomerate of variety turns, is Oregon City Grocer's Property "Will what may be seen at the Empire Theater this week. The7 Budd brothers, with their Wenatchee Paper Changes Hands. Pay Fifty Cenjs on the Dollar. wonderful tumbling tricks, head the bill. WENATCHEE, Wash.. July 2. (Sne OREGON CITY, Or., July 2. (Special. and the others on the programme follow Mrs. E. J. Howard, wife of George T. clal.) Mayor Lindsay has disposed of his close behind as to merit Arthur Hahn, Howard, the grocery man who left this Interest in the Advance to Messrs. Lvnn the basso; Coleman and Mexls, the rifle city about three weeks ago because of W. Miller and M. P. Spencer, favorably experts, and the other specialty artists, financial troubles, will tomorrow make known In this community. Under the new make a vaudeville show to be marveled an assignment in favor of the creditors. management the paper will be Republican Howard recently conferred on his wife in politics. Typographically the appear the power of attorney, and it is in this ance of the paper is very neat, and the Southern Pacific Official .Resigns. capacity that the assignment will be news service la first class. NEW ORLEANS, July 2. S. F. . B, made. It is generally understood that Morse, assistant passenger traffic manager County Judge T. F. Ryan will be named Trouble on the Dredge Ladd. of the. Southern Pacific Railway, with as the assignee and he will take charge ASTORIA, Or., July 2. (Special.) Henry headquarters at Houston, Tex., has tenof the stock and other available assets. Moran, watchman on the Government dered his resignation, to become effective' An inventory of Howard's grocery rtock dredge W. S. Ladd, was arrested today on 1. He was reputed to have made aid other property shows the assets of a complaint charging him with assaulting August nnanciai connections in tne i&st Che-hal- bonds was authorized. The action the directors in creating the bonded indebtedness was ratified, ".and the board-wa- s authorized to maker the necessary provisions for the transfer of the Oregon Short Line trackage and rolling stock. et I" Holmes. Chgo iGrTZ Earle. S F Shields. Seattle (E Canfleld. Salem Jg Vanderwell, Hlnea IH V Stevens, Cascades 1HB ST, CHARLES. J Henderson. Butte Ternsbaw, Rainier JC Anderson, Elma JF Piper. Rainier G H Wehe. Aberdeen Mrs Victor Ellis Hood,R 2 M ETVheaton, J Kneubler, Kalaroa Mrs M TVheatton, do TV Manary. Orient J E Monehan J E TVllllameon, Ora. Mlrutvr. Castle Rk M'osier Morton. Mlruter, do A Siegfried, city IA C Knox H Strom, Skamokawa JM Knox, TV Aury. Etna Palmer. Bridal Veil i F I William li Aurys, Etna Weaver A J Chambers and son.j E H Chetner and sen, iiawuiorne, Nev Stella Martyn. M S Talbot. Aberdeen JP H Almez. Stockton Stevenson L Moody, Aberdeen E M Bullock. Oakland Chas Frazer, city Mrs E M Bullock, do M C Potter. Hornbrook C St Francis D J Kalhar, Forest Gv G R Anllker B Baxtrom, do H Hayes. Kalama A Anderson, city Mrs H Hayes, Kalama; MI js Furguscn, Cham- C M Lilly. Lyle poeg TV Auffleld, Brighton F S Lambom. Wasco H Tillman Mrs F S Lamborn. do C Wright, Pendleton J F Roye. TVasco H Cole, Ostrander Mrs J F Royse. do G Klnch, Ostrander IG R Shaw, Cleone E Johnson, Ostrander Mrs G R Shaw. CleoneA Slagle, Ostrander Miss Sonvenler, CathF C Smith. Ostrander lamet C H Edwards, do do Kafterlin. JH CGlenn, The Dalles C Pltchford. Laymantel Sauvle's Mrs Pltchrord, do J HNeedy, Foss, La Center A E Atters, JJoe Sullivan Mrs A E Atters J TV Fisher. Rainier Miss M Molcn. MarshA D EtUworth. do land , Mrs C T Soule, Toledo A G Langley. Melville G Powers, Marshland F W Bates, city M A Kalo I Frank Hamlin, d Mrs M A Kale F G Kelly, Knappa. C Z Conner, Lylo Robt Philips. Knappa. L Reynolds A McLean H C Miller tAIex McLean Mrs H C Miller J wA Fisner Hlllsboro-L E DIk Morrell. A Lynch. Gresham V E Gallaway TV S Smith jE P Cntlett, Gresham TV Allen, Vancouver u-- wianart. Hoodao .vr Allen, Vancouver J TV irs wisnart, do F A Smith. Madras JEd Collins. , city F Miller. Kalama. F Lln'vllle, Grays Rvr Mrs F Miller., do uus Hitman C Stone, Cathlamet I N Merrill. Rainier D Stella. Cathlamet ESMOND. THE D Cbrlstlanson. Seattlel-TPittlehorn. Kelao F L Clark, Mlnnapls F N Fluhrer. Mayger H Meacham, Carroltr Esther Long. CathN M Nellson, San Frn lamet G TV Phillips, Boring M SteDhens. Cathlamet TV Montague, Kelso ,L Alfred. Clatskanie I Geo D Baker and wife. A Newsom. Salem J Geo Musgrave, city Deep River O King, Westport A D Berger. city V Carlton and famlly.jW Northrop and wife. j Mayger Oak Point John Iviraen. BrldaeriB Cadr. Stella Sullivan. Clatsknelp E Pllchford, Stella JM RGUby. Clatskanio E H Baldwin. Corvallls N Paler. Westport G Johnson, uainier T H Block. Kan City C Culbertson, Clatskne. ao J S Taggert and fam- M Anderson. B A Johnson. Clatskne ily, Sumpter do wife, Franklin, Northrup and Frank J Mayger Ed Oliver. Rainier Hyland. Page D N Wm Rainier V Huff. A A Htman, Rainier A B Stanton. Pago F Carson. Astoria J Walker. Seattle Chas Carlson, Astoria E M Anson. Albany F A Hall. Oak Point J McDonald. Gcble M McKenzle. Cathlmet E L Coker, Cathlamet do I E Monsher. M J Dletz. Rainier Medley. Sauvles J Emmerson. Rainier Joe Clatskne Blanvelt, B J Astoria Parker, H P City Percy Warren. S F J N Scullr. Col Woodland E T Barnes", Ostrander E A Aurjs. Woodland H Jenkins. Ostrander Jas Robins. do R Reed. Deer Island Mrs Jenkins. Geo Barr, La Center Misses Jenkins, do A Barr. La Center Chas Byrnes, Kelso A C Prescott. do Kelso J E OByrnes, Byrnes. Kelso C T Brock, Stella Mrs Mrs O B Byrnes. Kelso J McKay and wife Cathlamet Mrs S Baker, Kelso B J Blanvelt. Clatskne W Stuart. Hoauiam do Capt N C Proud, Hoi- - ?M Anderson. do IB A Johnson, Drooic I Ed Oliver. Rainier TV Hanragan. do jWm Hyland. Rainier Dan Torey. Sheeton L Wilkes, Marshland R White, Olympla Stella A Stridell. F wnite, uainiamei. Byrnes Bros, Kelso M C Hotel BraBBTvIck. Seattle. European plan, popular rates. Modern Business center. Near Improvements.. depot. Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma.up. Rates, American plan. J3 and noteLDonnclly, Tacoma. restaurant in connection. Rainier Grand Hotel, Seattle. European plan. Finest cafe on Coast, Hdqrs. naval, military and traveling men. First-clas- s Booms en suite and single. Free shower bath. Rates. Jl up. H. P. Dunbar, prop. CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. Till Kind You Bears the Siffuatnra of ALL Hivi Always Bought snj? L4L&ff&&JL& E. Sc. LIXETf TV. Summer Shirts. - PEKIN, July 2. The United States Treasury regulations regarding the Chinese visitors to the St Louis Exposition aro bitterly criticised In the native press and It Is believed will demoralize China's efforts to take creditable part in the ex position. The most objectionable points In the eyes of the natives are the $500 bond. the photographic Identification, police supervision of the visiting Chinese and the expulsion from America of the Chinese workmen and assistants when the fair closes. The press points out that the Chinese visitors will be no better than prisoners throughout their stay. The official newspaper of Chill Province, whose utterances are understood to be dl rectedi by Yuan Shi Ki, the Governor of the province, taunts America with hypocritical pretense of friendly Intercourse and says the politeness with which what Is called the most Just Nation on earth treath Its guests is a warning to Chinese merchants and others throughout the empire to seriously reflect if they are contem plating a visit to St Louis. The tone of the press has already induced many Chinese to forego the Idea of exhibiting at the exposition. MAKES AMERICANS AT HOME Copenhagen Evidences Kindly Feeling for Officers of Squadron. COPENHAGEN. .July 2. Many officers and men of the United States European squadron, now at .anchor off Kallundberg, visited this city today Excursions points of Interest were organized, and the visitors were the center of attraction of the populace, which evidenced In every way a kindly feeling for the Americans, The officers of the American wafshlns unite in expressing their appreciation of the courtesies extended to them at Kiel, but say they are much In need of a rest after the round of German hospitality. ClarU. Read Issues Bonds. SALT LAKE CITY. July 2. At a meet ing of the utockholders of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, held in this city today, an issue of $50,000,000 of 4 per cent gold Interest-bearinar STMT t,' ANOTHER r rRIGHTS tsilgkt;aad yoar world will be brighter Your complexion will have a healthy glow, your brain will be clear, and your eyes bright and glowing with health. Abbey's Salt of Fruits will start you right. It is the most pleasant tasting tonic laxative known, guaranteed free from opiates and narcotics. There is nothing so good fothe bowels as Abbey's Salt, and ifyou do not asree with us after usine one bot tle we will give your money back. Two tablespoonfuls in half a glass of water at bed time and in the morning will gently cleanse the stomach, stimulate the liver, give tone to the nerve centres and cure dyspepsia. The drug stores throughout the civilized world sell Abbey's Effervescent Salt, 25c, GOc. andSl per bottle. If you arc using it, save this ad. for your friends. If you are not using it, let us send you Address a trial bottle free Abbey Effervescent Salt Company, Ltd., 0 to 15 Murray Street, New York City ; 144 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, or 712 Craig Street, Montreal, Canada. y. CANCER REMOVED r ( , is u' r ... . ' fef".-- .. IA ' ' f !t f i ? '-- ' . r. i tv Itw : v, ". . It Is a surprise the number of cancers showing up since the St. Louis Dispensary made the announcement a few days ago that a cancer department had been added to that old medical and surgical institution. People in general believe a cancer incurable (which Is correct. If allowed to eat Into the gland too far); besides, many quacks have been fooling the public for years: But in the long standing of tho St. Louis Dispensary it has established itself in the confidence of the public and It is known, that nothing is treated which is Incurable. Furthermore, they DON'T TAKE A DOLLAR until the cancer Is satisfactorily removed. Not only cancer, but all diseases of both sexes treated. Consultation free in all cases In person or by mail. ST. LOUIS DISPENSARY COR. SECOND AND YAMHILL PORTLAND, OR. -
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