HOW TO WRITE LETTERS THAT HOW THAT TO WIN BUILD BUSINESS COMMAND BRING ATTENTION, ORDERS PERSONAL LETTEKS TOUCH HOW " INTO INQUIRIES, STIR A TO PUT LETTER" COMPLAINTS AND BROUGHT GATHERED OF 1200 POINTERS FROM ACTUAL Third SHAW STUDY Edition COMPANY cSlCAGO W. A LETTERS THE^YSTEM A. THAT RESULTS VITAL 247 NEW COMPANY, 1909 ^ YORK LTD., THE LING HAND- LETTERS HAVE SIRE, DE- LONDON LECTIONS"ACTUAL COL- A.gL^\"^\ THE (q Copyright, 1909, SYSTEM COMPANY By CONTENTS pa:rt WHAT YOU CAN I MAKE Mead YOTJE the TEES LET DO Rules Chapter I. II. Pagb The Part What a Letter the Letter Plays Must Do Business in Its " 6 Elements tents Con- and 10 III. The Make-up of Business a Letter PABT ELEMENTS OF IV. How TO Start V. How TO Arouse VI. How TO Hold VII. How TO Create VIII. IX. X. a 11 THE The BUSINESS Letter 28 Interest Interest 36 Explanation " Desire Argument " 42 and PROor 49 57 Inducement 65 Summary Climax and TO The XIII. Attention " Persuasion HOW XII. LETTER Single Aim " News Man to 73 in A MAKE Clincher The PAST XI. 19 LETTER Man TALK Message Value 84 ' PersonalityThe "Tou" Element vS 90 99 CONTENTS 4 ir FABT Sell COMPLAINTS AND COLLECTIONS HANDLING Satisfaction rAGB Chapter Collecting XIV. How XV. EXHIBIT EEPEODUCED LETTERS ACTUAL OF 119 Complaints ANSwiai TO 108 Letter by Page Figure I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. A An sales average The An example of bad An example of correct margins that A letter correctly using argument A poor reply A to too brief won. 31 . . and reply how proof. ...'".... to inquiry. an interest may follow-up that XIII. A f oUow-up showing brought rewritten same, 62 . be 69 results faults 76 corrected 77 typical and 67 inducement good letter, leading' the reader the buying point from mutual ground 79 to XVI. XVII. XVTII. A The XX. sales letter A The A proposition put same the XIX. letter, lacking personality and poor "you" which real XXI. A complaint and to man seller 's interest XXII. A reply which from collection an tact specific appeal. man talk. crowds 94 95 . . out 102 rewritten commercial in the in element letter same good in 53 63 cleverly embodying A A be may stimulated XII. The 23 39 inquiry, showing an . interest letter,showing letter XV. attention letter 22 . type arrangement and A holds 17 type arrangement. good letter, showing A XrV. and margins how 16 faults corrected and A further XI. typical letter,showing rewritten letter same 13 sales letter well-balanced untactful is shown the buyer's viewpoint. 103 letter Ill reply 124 125 I Part WHAT YOUR Twodesk. the way The the draws A eye the letters and cross formality " product builder's of careless each reader's You can letters out do work. make " morning read principles, the routine; creation. mind's a drawing, bridge. your stand goes " strong letter springs from model, like the architect's them every basket. of conscious other Make into of logical,human appeal grips,sways, convmces. " eye, is the One the kinds other DO the Rules ink paper, of the waste " MAKE LETTERS Read One CAN YOU it " magnetic " them make dominate mail. the if you will master the rules, put yourself CHAPTER The Part the is the WHAT in part Run your the You can The first claim desk in touch Now those paper the letters dictate. counsel finger in upon in the the to purposes the others and before turn and policy of and of your thousand your it and put as you your of each business replies and sell, you a to picture of dispose of your cover It has mental you buy advice, you a you and medium you through affairs,just own yesterday. your chair drawn run after morning of things. hum of your run letter. each You did Through letters mail. laid take as and hat your has world you ^^ the attention your up again with morning what on morning's back are sible? pos- essentials mental your " business the business It 's the it. hung is the you own 't miss have you lay down counts, ac- j'our elements your the indispensable. most one plays other the make and up and work day with that " tion transac- goods, collecting touch mind your every in you medium What your individuals and concerns business? in the factor important most selling keeping Plays in Business Letter of your greatest I your tions, give direc- subjects " " THE play you desk. And IF THERE the PAET whole all LETTERS of business game through the medium has been that has to business PLAY one business letter. Letters " over your own of the business letter. development contributed it has growth 7 in the last generation than more other any been the development of the rightletters are no longer the " of solicitation and stereotyped paper mediums acknowledgment. They are living, breathing personalities, with all the capabilities and characteristics of the mere behind men Forty them. the only letters that showed symptoms of red-blooded authorshipwere impassioned love missives and the opinionated chronicles of statesmanship. Then terest insomewhere, conceived the idea that human someone, years could into talk words That upon could be into woven a that personal message, but a personal message a all,was to ago to that a man you a thousand would use business letter as well as letter,after it was possible business a and that miles if he sat away in the beside your same desk. tance discovery,developed,has of itself dissolved disof business men and placed the inter-relationship other basis of courtesy and intimacy that no a more important, it has made accomplish. And bulk of business possiblethe transaction of an enormous fraction of what at an personal handling insignificant million dollars in sales of it would have cost. Fifty-five that is a made by one house last year entirelyby mail " specificexample of results. of the business letter have been possibilities realized,it has leaped all the restricted boundaries of member former Today the letter the right letter,reusage. the personal representative does whatever can It sells goods, collects money, adjusts complaints. do. As the " " carries LETTER THE OF POSSIBILITIES 8 of the routine of business with all the efiBciency on the individual behind it. it is,in many respectsa better medium rightly, thari"a personal representative. Certainly it has all the advantage on cost. A sales letter entails no heavy travelingexpenses, hotel bills and entertainment charges ; Neither carries it the length of the land. a red stamp office and does it cool its heels in the outer conjure methods to reach the diief within; the courtesy of the USED mail when a lays it upon his desk. It follows up persistently repeated personal calls would be impossible. It is salesman or that says no verbal and desires. manufacturer no more promises no less than It makes that no cannot the chant mer- false sentations, reprebe lived up perfectservant of the user. ness But, you may say to all this,that you do not do busiby mail. True, you may not conduct a mail order business. But you do have use for correspondence. You sell your goods entirelythrough salesmen,yet there may was never a sales force so good that it could not get business with the help of letters from the house. more Correspondence as you use it may serve the simplest needs of routine ^the acknowledgment of orders, the notification of shipments ^yetthere is never a letter goes mail that does not have possibilities out iQ .your of a business gettingtouch. If you stop with the acknowledgment miss an opportunity. Go the notification, or you Look at your letter through beyond and talk to the man. his eyes, shift yourselfover into his attitude,consider to. It is the " " what you would few times and do you if you got that letter. Do that a will soon be wondering why you finish off your correspondence attitude and talk business long ago, take the man-to-man didn't rub the machine THE through the There's mail. business and every YOU OR and LETTERS PAET that you it has failed. Do in of them. tried the have say 9 place for real letters a is one yours PLAY sales letter indict the letter for its not failure. Its possibilities rather there. Indict yourself are along with who men the hundreds have of thousands neglectedto that waits to do service at make of other minimum a of the most business medium a of cost. business letter is the biggest opportunityfor The that you it will find you help But it will make it must train with be created before salesman a your name penetrates. winning letter must analyticalthought. If it of the most would them, be the product business the salesman sell mail service wherever intelligently, goods, or your today. Employed customers, it will sell salesman your known have pansion ex- is to all the you serve that you permit him care would as a goods. If your argument is to convince if your it must bfe planned logically, descriptionis to paint a mental pictureit must be clear,if your appeal for action is to get results it must be a real appeal with sell your to real inducement. contact and Study out your over aim your your You your know must your reader 's pointof letters there. sales letters. Study every letter that goes Does it play the part it should in name. business 1 of this book Give it a chance. tell you The subsequentchapters how. is what marks PERSONALITY the thousands among " man the letter we marks it is the hundreds remember no effort to one what among forget. II CHAPTER What Letter a Must business letter which it must elements the place of do, would a written it must sale It must one. is to sell,and of the sale face to For goes being this one there. no win for time a line of a itself is what audience an gained prospect, certain does definite the it man the steps he talks face gradually, fully tact- when processes verbal a follow him leading making in making with it must the salesman as in salesman good a procedure does variable in- If it is to take contain. do every built, certain be must salesman that up to actual the order. reason non-essentials have as his of the into just exactly with and follow once through signing salesman a which principlesupon basic certain are Its Elements " Contents and THERE successful Do of letters your The sole aim simply to write and sentence every of detract them nor should paragraph have letter is to a from has a reason get action its directness. your prospect that for and You to read them. It that is the goes easiest rambling thing from in one the world topic to to write another a letter without AND ELEMENTS getting anywhere writer has it Go particular. But definite end a in mind and the he goes good letter straightto definite route. a over in 11 CONTENTS about it to write letter a as you would to prepare important speech. There are a thousand things you might say, but only ten are vital. Think of as many as fine Conto begin with, then sift them to the few. can you ing yourselfto those pointsand drive them home, knowan the effect that each the end have and the CONSIDER through now good sales letter. certain steps. It must the upon prompts him and 2. which wins Argument or have to and draws 5. for 6. The the reader These basis desire value reader the terest in- for the vantages ad- and to your way the article to now. giveshim Inducement, which reason attention gain his adaptation of the of it his need tain: con- his mind. proof,which creates sell by showing its Persuasion,which thinking by showing his needs ally logic- It must explanation,which 4. of ceed pro- farther into the letter. to go Description and article you be based reader's the in by picturingthe proposition 3. It must principlesof salesmanship. opening, The 1. its relation to to reach. want you should a or particular extra buying. climax or and prompts him to order elements of the be may on For a to act at once. taken, in fact,not only of you are sellingyour a the as good every collection letter is only paper" for it easy makes sales letter but successful business letter. salesmanship clincher,which form man of a settlement is but of his account. another " Over the whole LETTER THE OP POSSIBILITIES 12 And reply to a sellingyour man field of correspondencethe ^you a complaint satisfaction. are principle same applies. Of the elements course order exact but they nor indicated, are there they " may always must always appear not in the in the proportion, same be there if the letter is to A collection rightimpressionto the reader 's mind. consist largely of persuasion with a letter may strikingclimax. The reply to a complaint letter may be lows principallyexplanation. The sales letter,naturally,folto play the outline most closely as it has come ; and by far the largest part in business correspondence it is the sales letter and its construction that should be given the carry chief attention. by one and compare them with cross-sections of a good salesman 'sseUmg talk. You will be surprisedto find how closely the parallelism follows and how simple a propositionit is to write after aU, once a good business letter, you learn that it is on merely a matter of talkingto your man paper. TAKE First,you or own on or number success proposition may how of ways " of the reader. You by tence sen- an opening arouses his curiosity, that hits some of one by a strikingstatement terest problems, difBculties or desires. This initial inthe part of the man addressed is absolutely essential to the your one paragraph, for instance,that or his a up get the attention must do this in may elements these strong your of the letter. No matter how well be stated in the body of the letter, close, your efforts will be lost if the reading. opening does not start the man Following this attention-winning opening, the good and explanation, letter runs directlyinto the description ELEMENTS 13 Sin Dear If Opening compelling CONTENTS AND dollar this latter bill, uable to It than you printed wore could the on ten a be more It now aoarcely raessa^e jraltains. con- attention For of It few a cost, Descrip- tion and explanation UHEH'S a boolt interest up a BOOK that contains office, actually factory In Argument and proof " convic- tion less Persuasion concern $96,000 worked single a the company ^Ives a sales of 30 force. out In all than a alone system, chapter two iiaerloa and - apeciric factory chapter one large one In In complete schenes for creasing Inlljte yours, a book that In charted form 30 over and built selling plans that have businesses. cost a lasued ever and sales a business outlines ^lant Is to place In the hands, aljnost out withmanufacturers, JJATOI'Aarcopy of the greatest TEXT " arousing offers large sales this In In year. of manager complete there another typewriter a system new Yet these for aging man- only- are equaTly all articles, book th^t out, saved factory expense valuable. It tells how to stir enthuse up and how to force; costs; keep factory how to and market advertise, promote your In to cut articles; how. fact, down expenses sales your and of Increase business Induxe- bulldli^ And meni each the first bound book will back come -have you Closing read of must you book remain this xirera will money to snap this up letter will $2 you act now - this and Yours over 12 a page magazine for pay the hand on the even you times many of send 300 splendid And the one-half But " climax and clincher this for to free. To iianufactur- we of charge. expense, la book mine ^old a thousand one copy without no the Is to subscribing cloth Is- remember, of era It Ideas. profits. It before Issues. 2700 only copies live manufact- and So offer. mall very us pin your today. truly. used by a magazine in gettingsubscripactual letter, tions, in logically model a presentingevery element of the unusual opening that compels attention, salesmanship. From close the to prompting immediate action,the through urgent straight finds himself almost reader unconsciouslyled step by step to an irresistibledesire to buy. Here is an that is almost 14 which is planned must be value of the actual the on above to all goods,you a As demonstration the on of what before his mental see can and you to offer. have your man your Picture the it swims vividly that so feel and show cannot you description. Give its advantages use, of having his goods " prospect letter writer the knows salesman specific.Every depend must definite idea its article, a This part gain the reader 's interest. ground, so that understand. LETTER THE OF POSSIBILITIES eye. proof of your statements. Proof or argument follows logicallyafter explanation. Its object is to create desire. It is not enough to give But your the reader prospect have must idea of the nature an principlesof or make-up or ing work- You thing you are sellinghim. reinforce all these by arguments, proving to him must the advantage of the purchase, the saving that he will the increased efficiency he can effectin his business, attain in his work, the pleasurehe will derive from the article. Proof may be presentedby showing the satisfaction which the article has given to other buyers or by some novel the of its demonstration qualityand value. the heels of PERSUASION, desire. Here on the reader must argument, intensifies be shown tactfully how possessionof the article will bring benefit to him personally. Possibly the best kind of persuasion is the subtle suggestionwhich picturesto the reader the satisfaction actual gain which or ownership would bring. evidence that will prompt him Argument is giving a man to act of his own volition. Persuasion of the salesman's or the writer's is the added fluence in- that personality himself hesitates. brings action when the man Then another thing which the letter as well as the salesman must do " offer a inducement. specific You know ELEMENTS how AND CONTENTS 15 the clever salesman Always he holds back should you accept his proposition.This is the part that inducement plays the climax or whether not you manipulates his talkingpoints. tillthe last some extra reason why in the letter. the clincher. As And one in hesitate,undecided you order, the shrewd last advantage which he has or it culminates salesman to held in shoots at reserve. he foUows it up immediately And, you will also recall, by placing before you an order blank ready for your signature. He has learned the secret of making it easy to order. And that is what business getting letter " and you, follow up do too, must your in your last inducement "Act today" by giving the man something to sign a post card, a coupon, something that is ready to it so plain to him what he is to do that retur^. Make there can'be no possiblemisunderstanding. Say it in so your " words many "You " do this and climax will do that." we Aim direct,so strong and simple that resist the temptation to reply. the reader cannot Give this contents outline application. Take, for example, to make your so the first letter in this chapter,an actual business books successful in sellinga great many letter that was by mail. Note what an analysisof its make-up reveals, how it leads step by step to its strikingclimax Here attention is won through a strikingopening asreader. the curiosityof any sertion that must arouse . " in the very next sentence into explanation. of the book 's value is found in statements'of what it But Proof runs its plans have done for other concerns. persuades through suggesting what enable the buyer to do. the book would inducement through ofEer J3f the book free Finally the climax act at once because comes the in the last number The next graph para- possessionof Then follows premium. urgent suggestionto as is limited. a And how POSSIBILITIES 16 Sin Dear Common- place We 80, bulliUng ex- pressions can and machinery entire idea of If Does not should actually you meet prices and supplies equipments. share of interest of an hear action confident are your you from you business at they will and us have very let hoping date* we a may we are truly. typical sales letter,filled with stereotyped expressions and real sales talk. It wanting^in personality absolutely commonplace form of generalsolicitation and would give is reader will early an Yours and follows a obtain approval. your Trusting Prompts catalo^e. in tliese ^ods, we to opportunity quote Interested and are mitting trans- line. our glad be we power 1G09 find our this can you through .By glancing some no mill erect and furnish of Enclosed ment argu- Here of that you klnda all for headquarters advlea to wish Te typed no be Buppllee. Stereo- No you and If factory In need new a will you presume we that Informed been have contemplate opening LETTER THE OP a the that impression it was addressed to him penamalljf. It does not propose whole the letter is purelycommentary. The in the entire offer statement or one only positive specific thing. It does not interest the reader letteris that a catalogueis enclosed. his desire. He has no for answeringit. or reason arouse As The a lacks the directness necessary to win attention. much There is too "we" and not enough "you". Such expressions and "wedesire "we notice","no doubt" as to inform you" are a nd detract from directness. superfluous opening sentence It is mistake to suggest that the reader "glance" through the catalogue. He should be asked to go over it carefully. Instead of an the opportunityto quote discounts "if he is interested," soliciting a letter should feature of meet actuallywin service quality, his interest or by playing up some particular priceand showing how the goods will his needs. The close is simply the mildest suggestion, inspiresno offers no inducement for the reader to answer. Notice how the action and is handled in the rewritten letter: proposition The opening appealsdirectly to the reader's needs, compellinghis attention. The second paragraph wins his interest by picturingan same undesirable situation he may face and sjiowinghim how to avoid it 18 POSSIBILITIES could ordering be made money to this letter and Of so clearly as may this. the finished only and individually. Then, of each the upon letter that with reader, an will bring The New EVERY every is a new novel tool every study appreciation of can you your But build a each the balanced And the or to machine or tomorrow's plan, scheme in the letter that line of tower ness busi- process, hands principle, today's or of originalthought, the the effect Sales Letter abandons graph para- day's yester- that formalities,that hits straight, hevsrs one results. builder. success of one of learning their is to use, upon interest. degree, method sure proper reader's some of appeal method depend must off marked elements the the contains, in The functions, value have win your today." us Judgment will letter elements. mail "pin Simply entirely different An of what LETTER easier? letters advisable. seem knowledge these aU not course THE OP "'you", is of business. stone for ^bdJ CHAPTER The Make-up of first estimate THE III business a A letter. business conventional from departure any impulse shape it the routine the attracts in notice itself the of service clothes or or other that use any a odd as design, object of every-day from departs of house His forms the to first unusual a away attention his way ; peculiar a table unique familiarity which dinary or- notice breaks It upon same the of criticize. to known un- of to standards. . suit with communication a an appearance letter, is quick a it obtrudes ; his of is arrangement the on accepted receiving upon or from forms of is familiar who man Letter makes man is based correspondent his Business a he and been has accustomed. It is of such undoubtedly changes generally been have that true are pleasing. observed forms, accepted for do expect the the unusual so cautiously same in dress or it is also especially He who that manner. adopts cause ; faUs to the effects that true business of defined well for and criticism occasions rare But certain practical experimenting. should on letters, after reasons standards new otherwise him the who he may adopts POSSIBILITIES 20 LETTER THE OF practicalpurposes, the size of a sheet of business stationeryshould be approximately 8 by 11 inches ; even though it vary an inch or two, in either dimension, it For proportions. This size has of been established by no single authority or group it as he wiU ; and a correspondent may authorities, vary wrote an a man a message on once oyster shell,stamped livered in the course of time, deit,and the postalauthorities, it to the addressee. But the standard envelope is 3y2 by 6% inches in size,and a sheet about 8 by 11 inches folds into it very conveniently and is handled more quickly and safelyby the post ofSce than smaller envelopesthat may get lost in the shuffle ; the miscarriage of small, odd shaped envelopesused for sending out personal observe should cards social one about and faux and sheet of these to file. And sane size and school originality.For other size,are form proportionsis convenient business houses as business EVERY stationery with are legaldocuments, manuscripts letter should " sent out on in the sender an one a business letter head. envelope with in the upper the without It should and name left comer, of the to sender" business on side of the sheet only, and pointing-hand stamp "return of standard be written printed,lithographed, engraved clearlynoted generally envelopes and sheets of preferred to the oyster shell largersheets,largerenvelopes,also provided. be written than more usage, standard and caused pas. observe the safe eind of has announcements Furthermore, a to handle these may so causing undue be address of or otherwise that the oflficied with postoflSce, be should in affixed, annoyance the case as tions instrucof is delivery, non- some- MAKE-UP times back A OF 21 LETTERS occasioned by placing the return address on the of the envelope or in some other imusual place. should be kept of every communication that copy leaves the office. Either the time a carbon copy may be made at (six good copies may be made simultaneouslyon the average typewritermachine, although only one is usually required) or a letter-press be made from the sheet after it is signed. copy should Both forms have been accepted by the courts as legal constant copiesof correspondence. In the average office, reference is made to former correspondence; no business house the letter is written afford to can Carbon the copiesare ignore such a record. either by usuallyfiled alphabetically of the company name the letter individual to whom or be filed copiesmust necessarily letter-press when even chronologically, separate hooks for each letter In either ease the search of the alphabet are maintained. ing through the files for a letter copy is facilitated by placis addressed in a ; the name, address uniform location. and date of a letter at the top and be placed in the upper right comer know when the bearing The date of letter should a of the page ; the recipientmust have a is sent; it may communication other The communications. name and address on of the addressee,similar to the address on the envelope,should in the be placed, as the formal salutation, in all cases the correspondent of the sheet,whether left corner upper be Sir" greeted "Dear this establish at communication once is or "Gentlemen." the exact intended, but individual Not only for whom it facilitates the does the filing correspondence,both by the recipientand by tha The margins of a business letter,owing to the sender. usually of variable limitations of the typewriter,are of the width. The space occupied by the letterhead must, of LETTER WAME THE OF POSSIBILITIES 22 LETTER H"CAO 4. ADDRESS SALUTATION BODY COMPLIMENTARY OF LETTER CLOSE SlGtJATURE L TITLE This form illustratescommon in the arrangement of a business errors letter:margin at left too small;letterhead too near top of sheet;ragged d ate and address at line right; margin extendingbeyond margin;name of addressee do not balance with date line;salutation too high;paragraphs not clearly indicated; crowding at bottom of page. MAKE-UP OF LETTERS 23 showing the apgood arrangement of a one-page business letter, proved and at sides balance: in uniform; margins paragraphs top type the body may Belndicated by indentations of firstlines or by double,or triple spacingsbetween paragraphs.For convenience as well as economy, have onlysingle business letters now spacingsbetween lines. A 24 POSSIBILITIES determine course, OF the margin LETTER THE the at sheet. top of the the margins at the left and right should Theoretically, be exactly the same writer however, the typesize;practically, lines will vary in length and cause In printing,the tmeven an of many use right side. sized slugs not only between the words but between letters themselves,rectifies these variations, but the typewriter is not so equipped. The the right more even uniform it is to the left margin, margin is and the more the better the effect. The margin should be about one or edge the on and one half inches a in width. margin at the bottom should not be smaller and preferably greater than the side margins. Should it be smaller,the page will at once appear cramped for space, will be reallyrunning over into the as the reading matter that is as noticeable margin a typographical blunder on typewritten as on printed pages. The spacing between the lines and between the paragraphs The " of business a letter may the tastes of the individual practicalnature for Both for economy, in words most business letters are a of on Even when a few letter should be as in mechanical sheets if one use of a genera] principles. and will single spaced line from as " Hence serve. only " of compact production letter is short,it is advisable uniformity,to suit to convenience the typewriter separates one space of establish and two somewhat although considerations purposes take up not to instance,a both possible, it should tend vary single a another. for purposes singlespaces only. firstline of paragraph is usually indented THE from five fifteen points the each to business house should on machine establish exactly what shall be in order to secure " each this indentation uniformityin its corre- 26 POSSIBILITIES approved indent Any a from departure separated from are is paragraph, distinct idea. of each closer the address of production conspicuous erasure nullifies the address, like The as " single, a conforms readily to the are with any in en- have been mechanical served, carefully ob- destroyed by carelessness. that should is created be taken by to an otherwise guard against Right Letter trifles and unconscious UNNAMED the impressionsdrag sales across line of profit.The letter dissuades more stupid,ill-dressed buyers than all the errors and sheet bringswith self-forgetful salesmen "welcome" make. motto. A finger mark a impression. wrong The own the less danger the the sheet,a blot,or on Care details letter be impression page. above business a its effect may creating more of the items unit a by the postofficeand all of the when perfect as be loss. or Even not should forms various other. generally read The handled delay these the generally accepted forms, the velopes does of address popular form cautiously, especially if address LETTER THE lines at all. radical made less though the OF The neat it its Part II ELEMENTS THE OF LETTER BUSINESS The SOME men in they And Single talk Aim without getting anywhere ing, particular.Aiming at noth- hit their mark. letters some close. salutation to ink that take marks rambling so They are from go many space. up lawyer make his plea. He selects his points, marshalls in order, drives them them home, aiming the verdict. always at one vital end listen to the master But " the And good business design. Attention, terminal Plan one order " they all lead single are to sentials esone " letters in view desire turn a interest, desire, but enroute, action. your end letter has now. to " but keep logically, to crystallizewants, decision, get results, the IV CHAPTER How to MOST men man" of a pieces" say you But he we'll " he be and with you have to "Prom with enthusiasm. with and Jones Company " pretty some the last lot we books, blank their proposition? and soon bought " I'm not Smith from Company." That's man's your sales your letter,and A pointlessproposition The water ever which information he that times in He's ten. favorably impressed does what stereotyped opening. A be to A very nine attitude ready, willing, anxious the what interest,even says. needing entirely satisfied into hundreds runs read to busy a him. what's " mail Even simply can't. he " the sheet they? are anxious as letters. your daily whose to have this?" "What's eh? read just can't opens who want man are as He is a to Attention Letter" Start he with get? does probably not contain wants. grovelling,beseeching, spineless superscription. first acts his interest about upon would; the gets that far second " If your letters irritates him; simply he files it in the do adds nearby not as speed waste to a the pail of last " cold if he the fillipwith basket. bring results,do not console GETTING ATTENTION 29 yourself with the false belief that all sales letters are scrapped by the clerk or boy who opens the mail. Once in a hundred times maybe. The other ninety and nine " failures due to are fault with the letter or the proposition some it presents. understand NOT, give me, in every returns letter will leave invariably Your may man to make with I claim your onj/ letter will case, but the rightsort market, he the not be in the the immediate matters study that investment,he of such importance as proposition. But if the right sort of a of an impression. may not may be not to feel able engrossed be letter is able to right,it will do its work. A bad start wiU What is a bad start ? does not nail not this turn kill an otherwise passablesales letter. opening which attention with the first phrase, which does attention to vital, personal interest. I should say any Attention! Study that word carefully.There are as many ways of attractingattention as there are colors in the rainbow. A few primary rules may be evolved,but these are subject infinite number of shadings and variations. to an Personal taste will determine how best to attract moods in different classes of letters ; conditions, the exigenciesof the moment and make tone of the individual letter. the reader making your will govern feel as if you the exact Your yourselfwere tion atten- and ing color- start should at his desk, talk. from steer away hope to do this by all means will never the stereotyped opening. You get a man's old common-place way : attention if you begin in the same "I have the honor to inform you," or "In reply to yours of the 18th I heg to state." There is no particularhonor As you 30 ELEMENTS involved in informing man A should business "beg that he me reason no something to state" told man and me LETTER THE OF letters that he fired them got so earth why on a asked him. I have sick of "bogging" waste-basket. all into the right off the bat? When I write for a catalogue,for example, why should a man begin his letter in reply with a preamble like this : to our office, "Answering your recent favor addressed wish to state that under separate cover we are we mailing 1909 catalogueand trust you may find you a copy of our such a lamp as you requireillustrated therein." Why not break right in: "The catalogue you asked for the other day is going to you in this mail and we are will find listed in it just the kind so confidentthat you of a lamp you want that we want you to go through it I feel instinctthe difference? ively very carefidly." What's on reading the first that they are sending me that catalogue as a favor. The other gets my attention and Why not what say interest because I have you made am to say to feel there is cataloguethat I want. After all, the easiest and best be perfectlynatural. When a with enclose "Agreeable to your a lamp to start way clothier a letter is to answers request of in that my recent date booklet," he not only fails to make good impression,but he actuallymakes a bad one. begins that way simply because he thinks formalities you because in much manufacturer a doing does: " a cedar is not natural more chest. And He do idea in the customer me He are a favor. a begin as this motor the manufacture of wants here is gets my of a good beginning but it implies only stilted, it is to "Our mechanically correct." sell me he flieswide condescendingto is just this motor so the sentence that he is How we our But necessary. quiry in- a a man motor who attention and that is would interest GETTING Dear ATTENTION Vr, Buritoi Attention Explana- tion and well as fountain your why machine them re-Ink the We special process, to them take and for Persuasion will Clincher Is them one-half the a few a new the not folder the And them pack and first of all, as er soon- save. put up, send them on the along now? and clearly, paragrapSs. present, yet they are It " But you'll more label at* cost. fully. you. the your with our and Ink bons rib- truly. very sales letter that is especially good because propositionfuUy.and in with enclosed convince them of worn then practically shipping right is worn can will scarcely Yours Here the one you treat refill you Why enclosed Qxanlne proposition send you can ribbons only Our trial a fill these, Read explains you fabric all. return your Ve will you worthless that becauea throw away ribbons? as If apparently find throwing of pen. Argument prouf thlnli simply pen Then duplicating argumerU and wouldn't You fountain your is ejchaustad. away Ink 31 so makes All the it presents its strong and conyjncjngappeal of salesmanship are elements a cleverlyinterwoven that the letter stands, a_ unit. of of the two methods Attention is won through a combination this of word the in letterrecommended use a chapter "you!' opening Another virtue of the opening is and direct unusual statement. a " that it states aTEacTthatthe reader is Jorced_taagree, to, thus laying transaction. the basis of confidence that is so desirable in every selling and all are first three paragraphs explain the proposition The Proof of the reasonableness of the propolikewise full of argument. sition the is offered in suggestionthat the reader examine the ribbons himself. There is both argument how action may persuasion and of m""'^y be saved, prompted inducement and the when you in paragraph four's close is do not a gent ur- good example of give the prospect attention presented of calling of to enclosures without breaking the gontituiity the letter,and the ing label is an especially reference to the shipping, good example of makorder. for to the prospect it easv anything to sign. Two instances are ELEMENTS 32 from the start when he says LETTER THE OP "You : that in Colonial know days nothing was considered equal for preservingfurs,blankets,etc." to a red cedar chest success-bringingletters consider that the problem of gaining attention is solved best by use of several words, sometimes displayed in capitals thus : or underliued,as the first paragraph of the letter, SOME "Dear -writers of Sir: "BIG PROFITS "Dear Sir: "FIRE TWO "You MUST today." act Sir: "Dear I GIVE "MAY It is to advertisement. of your of words with all the with the reader YOU is based plan Used CLERKS" YOUR OF Sir: "Dear This YOU!" FOR a $1000.00?" upon successful sales letter what You a summarize advertisingpractice. catch-line is to an ture strikingfeapropositioninto the smallest possiblenumber and hurl them at your prospectivebuyer emphasis at your command. the idea is excellent. It makes discretion, sit up. The human the mind most is so constructed that it requiresa positiveand conscious mental effort to turn aside from any thing which has aroused curiosity. The normal osity, that curioperationof the mind is to satisfy even teUs him that though the reader 's cold reason he is not likelyto be interested. An admirable example of this scheme addressed to was subscribers singleword "Expired!" letter of from a whom being solicited. The were the the " magazine publisher renewals of subscriptio letter opened with 34 ELEMENTS LETTER THE OF attitude of self-complacency. It is the normal attitude titled en- roll-topdesk. a " writer of sales letters will employ the word with man It is,if you please,your gent ^the attitude of self respect. The intelli- to sit at own a tact and discretion. \ it is the Because open "You" sesame attention is the very reason why it should carefullyguarded and sparingly used for businessman's to every be all times. getting at A sales letter is change convictions. (in which a Before views; three he to man a never he must heard of your be enlightened); his present goods or of one proposition he he is satisfied has an ^spected,though you methods; or terest, in- new alter his past or reads the letter he holds he either case with designed to lead a man's point of view or active prejudiceagainst you. In any case, his opinionmust are writing in an endeavor to OPEN be r alter it. with, "You realize, of course, that is are losing money iy not iuying our you to insult your prospectivecustomer by tellinghim that he is deliberately throwing away money. is the second most "Tou" cabulary important word in the vo- TO a letter " and the pellerit is without may not second peer, oldest. but take liberties. The remember it is As a writer an word attention-comwith which one of sales letters must that he is generallyaddressing a stranger, and that while a friendly, attitude is natural, man-to-man desirable,nothing that verges upon will be familiarity tolerated. "You" is familiar. get the reader's attention. will,without Therefore,be sure gets the right sort of attention. surgeon most was asked what It When a certain doubt, that it. eminent part of the human he replied, "The sensitive, body was pocketbook." Even a GETTING crude to the appeal in business be may sure we It is easy enough endeavor you undivided The first is within man word and intent as to attention: to vitalize that whom which we display pocket. the " the appeal to the attract are ting money-get- on pointsupon to rub the attention comes into personal, interest. trick of words. a hearing will uttered Men individual gain instant attention can "You" line,the word when is yourself. These, then, are as attention. The money. sales letter is addressed your 35 will win purse make to ATTENTION make must gained is double loss,for something of no turn again Cry "Stop !" and call. to your But its personal appeal lost. And attention every the next or the tention at- lost is a pausing to hear interest will not be tricked again. pitfallof the That, I believe,is the most treacherous the employment of shrewd writer of sales letters means to gain a hearing and the failure to take advantage of will interest,perthe opportunity with a letter which suade Too absolute conviction. and finallycarry many writers stop half way. They are like a chap I knew at able to hold college always able to get a job but never the "gilt wore off." because it was He told me one. a man once tricked into " " You have your man 's attention that you SUGGEST of your letter and have his for his interest ! now help the you signature. er read- have hovv^, and you Prove it,and you are Tell interest. can : his tention. athave his to likely V CHAPTER How Your story" incidents ofSee your and the are knowledged ac- fiction is the short experience. common heiress director the the dealing with primitivepassions, which and boy writers newspaper one " of wash-woman Interest of successful form interest the and magazine AMONG "human Arouse to of at a boarding school, railway, great are equally" though perhaps differently" affected by it. It deals with fundamentals. interest it is which possible a penny of your and a at random Let from us the imderstanding an several suppose sells millions we ; one apply to easiest to are "About Mrs. that so writing is a cold commercial quickest way to taken at we will a to a woman on subject which opening described use Myers: Boy and difficult to define widely different industries. the display line preceding chapter, "Deab of magazines. is to cite examples of boy's clothing. This readily makes the basis of nine-tenths term vague proposition. Perhaps arrive playhouse, which be made difficult to more the sales letters. interest is even which it maj' successful Human packs press, Properly handled, man Hu- It ignores non-essentials. of yours." it,thus : ject the sublends self it- in the AEOUSING We have her attention for the boy is the most his INTEREST of that there ; or we next naturallyto be can interesting subjectin mother, whether he be an the neighborhood terror. make 37 no "Ioubt, the world effeminate littlebook-worm Now what statement that attention into interest and to turn to can lead proposition? What littlefact of human will open her mind, enlist her sympathy, gain her nature confidence and bring her to look at our propositionfrom the rightstandpoint? "He our is arrivingat the age when asserts itself.You he is his spiritof manliness find him imitatinghis father'smanners using your embroidery scissors to shave with he is no longer ambitious to be a policeman,but has his eye on the Presidency. Among the serious problems with him today is this: he is beginning to want manly, square-cut 'grown-up' clothes. He is no longer satisfied with ordinary boys' clothes. He wants something 'like father's.' that patheticThis is human interest. We touch upon ally humorous between hood childperiod of transformation and youth in order that we may bring our reader to approach the subjectof her boy's clothes from the boy's own viewpoint. " " " " AGAIN by may we take as of the manufacturer device to his use to an electric motor-controlling persuade electrical contractors was board on a the V. S. Monitor Whitehead 'A ticklish 'Florida' when she torpedo containing 200 pounds of gun-cotton. " letter written goods. hit by was wished example, a Sir: "Dear "I who an position,' you sayf OP ELEMENTS 38 LETTER THE water-tightcompartments of the Switches. controlled by Ajax Automatic 'Florida' are closed the When the torpedo hit us the Ajax Automatic because I knew I feltentirelysafeand secure bulkheads. "Not the fail." war, dynamite Ajax would Here The all. at not have we The interest. of human elements and sudden writer death as referred the to a subjectthat had had wide publicity.He added a bit of of the inside personal experience, gave his readers some historyof an important event. Again, a maker of eye-wash might say: Sir: "Dear *' Trouble with thousand "Ten State York Here The eyes? your last year blind in New 1,000,000 pairs of eye-glasses Over in eyes danger?" appeal to fear a primitivepassion. interest whole object of employing the human we " idea is to lead the reader from went people alone. Are sold. were your which we desire him naturally to to consider the our point of view proposition. This is important. competitionof today, any successful sales individual twist. We an plan must be given a peculiar, must accentuate some point of superiority.And then must we tion bring our prospectivebuyer to view the proposifrom that angle. This,in cases where one deals with people unfamiliar with the technicalities of our business, be done best by the introduction of the human est intercan In the stern " element. THE who we problem of understands have to securing the interest of a man thoroughly the general proposition present, is somewhat more diflScult. AROUSING Dear Intimate hone question about 39 INTEREST Mr. Bensoai You believe from In protecting don't fire, It protecting your But you? the fron how other elements? wins attention roof time next may lealt,, your Arouses soaked and interest valued contents beyond repair. For Explana- tion rans to nails and and even risk. - In and of raw out year conditions. tion and is that goes a Just up was how put Induce- ment protective right laid be the booklet nails Clincher and cement roof fill mall on the three Over oxidizes makes a moment since face suraffected un- figure and roof your to its longer Fllntold qualities? the and the enclosed old cost The in best very In absolutely or dampness. over - laid year trust shows. Simply your and you the a at weather that for Can Here withstand and been has what ute absol- get surface. cold to than can is and down it you severe coating heat, on. can In. throu;"h. for of made slate sit long doubtful beat more no nost exposure as by soak will entire red a short solid Persuasion to are out Fllntolrt. It the over after most shingles pulling you that materials. layers proof cost, the Fllntold Explana- to In protection iB a roofing last water damaged rain necessary For at " shingles ordinary and hone the water Isn't It this be choicest later, curl, or the But Argument your shingle your may rot ed shadwhen they quickly looh thou";h they firm, nay allow .run -of allowing Furthermore, they the and warp, rains, ceilings of soma sooner bound into argument it The we pay roof, freight. the dimensions order as includes of blank, sign today. Very truly yours. and held from beginning good example of interest won contains cleverly explanation, every paragraph with other elements. combined Argument begins with showing the of shingleroofs, and continues through paragraph five. inferiority the Proof of qualityis found in explanationof weather effects;persuasion, in the query as to the shingleroof; inducement, in the agreement to pay freightcharges. The closingsentence bringsaction. '.Ohis letter is to end. a Almost 40 ELEMENTS OF Quality,price,service looks at. Human his attention. and interest But LETTER a way "technical " a be invoked seldom can such what profitare is there THE buyer to hold interest" will call it for convenience. we Scattered about the world it-alls" to whom technical remain advances are a few "know- fallacyand the a of progress a stampede to ruin. But the generality of men are ready and eager to take advantage of march improvement every closelyevery new ment developIn going to a manufacturer with a watch " in their trades. machine, a new there attachment new for use his on product or staplematerial,immediate attention can be gained by attractingto his notice at once your leading point of superiorityand explaining it tersely,technically. even a If you of a an incandescent new right down "Dear writing to are to electric lightman lamp for use his on the subject on lines, get cases. Sir: "An of one watt per candle is guaranteed efficiency is maintained for the Hilight Lamps, which efficiency throughout a guaranteed lifeof 1,000 hours. "The attached report of tests iy the Electrical Testing Laboratories will give you exact, detailed and unprejudiced unit." information on this new To the generalpublic,or to anyone unfamiliar with the technicalities of the appeal would an it is the surest as be incandescent lamp To unintelligible. well as business,such men who direct method the most know, of exciting interest. The danger of the fact that more and we knowledge graver an appeal sometimes than danger is to technical interest lies in give our readers they actually possess. that we are liable to credit for Another, lapse into VI CHAPTER How to You have Hold that says All That's This a aU writer ^tellabout sounds word-picture of service which that than is the are when one long time to tell similarly, it takes mind your a gift more article into words, it concrete begins to "teU about Talks you words many something which see you don't to Both eye. the Salesmen," to something good rare goods." "it says know," and picture in other's an- only vaguely in own. theory of successful The easily and glance, but make a is produce tersely a describe or mind's in his "Ginger Holman, has but to One article in the that see cinch. goods." if there Yet a a goods. definite object offer. you abilityto a a proposition. "This" the it not? of translating necessary takes does easy, terest: in- won sales letters,"is of the have you your do is to tell about to " explain to amateur has one attention: attracted now Explanation Interest" the the "tricks of ability to others see which comes which cannot it letter-writingmay form vividly by with trade" the a patient labor. be taught " assimilated mental means it must be learned a picture and of words And at is thing some- it is thing some- be learned. EXPLANATION Wrap mind your Analyze it about study it " the finger it " of the brain. Concentrate thing over it upon singlenessthat the product plainlyinto view before your Watch 43 and so you with long all its have to sell. the tentacles and with such parts will swim closed eyes. tellinga story. He visualizes each point and situation for his listener. You can profitby his art. Eliminate non-essentials or the points in your product which are common to aU similar goods. Center upon the details of superiority. Then draw word picturein your few simple,strong, definite phrases. a The best minds in literature have staggered Easy? before that problem. It is what raises sales-letterwriting and advertisingto the plane of a fine art. It is the of true literarygenius are to be found today reason men in the ranks of the business correspondents. In "telling about the goods," one must speak to one know of two classes ^peoplewho something about this the whole proposition class of product or peopleto whom a man " is new and strange. In the one ease, the writer aims to in his product: bring out only the pointsof superiority be made plain. must in the other,the whole proposition in a staplegoods are frequently Points of superiority of opinion. The proprietorfor whom a matter you write of parental be given credit for a certain amount must bias. Like the cleverness and amiabilityof his babies, consist merely in a the superiorityof his product may less justifiable abilityas a more or pride in his own producer. look IS best ITstandpoint always at to to that and user. the high To the and propositionfrom to the user's tion present it in its final rela- describe the details of manufacture grade,expensivematerials used in a foun- 44 ELEMENTS tain-penis the this pen maker's idea LETTER THE OF : the wants user that to know that leaks,is easilyand quickly refilled, clog and requiresno specialsort of writing never it does not fluid. is it Nor be must convince how enough that these vital facts he stated" put in such A reader. the this may will phrases as real estate they and attract,humor promoter shows us be done. Spring Water, so pure and delicious that it is bottled and sold,is piped through all the streets. Just think of that,as compared with having to buy your table water unsatisfactorily water, or to drink Croton fi,l"Fresh teredl" A manufacturer successful when "Porcelain of bathroom he says Enameled porcelain enamel" and equipment is equally : Ware the is perfect unity of iron a strongest and most durable produced in a sanitaryfixture,having the indestructible strength of iron with the showy elegance of finechina. Their extraordinarywearing quality is only one of the reasons why these beautifulfixtures service per dollar of afford more years of satisfactory other variety of plumbing equipment in cost than any combination ever the world." In some quality of cases raw points of superiorityconsist in high material,exceptionalgrade of labor or the The common peculiar process of manufacture. sions expresused to qualify these points carry no conviction. "Best of earth," "above competition," "secret manufacture," such stereotypedphrases were on " writers when by intelligent Broadway fiftyyears ago. If Robinson earth" Crusoe had P. T. Bamum been written it would styleof generalities, never process doned abanstruck in the "best have on reached EXPLANATION print. The is an of earmark a tale true sincere description littlespecific points that a imconscious man 45 or a emphasis on scarcelyimagine,but is sure can lives the part to notice so made, can thing in ever the tool a as a tap. All is that it is well say of the best steel and who he actually touches the goods. or simple TAKE,for instance, about it,apparently, one as wrote carefullytempered. Everybody letter a these tools said the on words, until same New turer England manufactried his hand. That letter was a masterpiece. In describingthe goods he said: "You could forge a class razor first from one of our taps and the razor would cut smooth and clean for the same that the tap reason does 'twould have the rightstuffin it." same a " Let that He does one sink in. not say that his (which would a razor from tap is made from razor steel, be common-place) but that you could make And one of his taps (which is distinctive). then instead of a lot of hackneyed phrases designed to convince the reader that this steel is the best on earth,he states succinctlythat his tap has "the right stuff in it." He simply takes a fresh viewpoint has the courage to use unexpected words. The same travagance principle applies everywhere. Avoid exaggerati claims,generalities, superlatives.Exvague gain nothing. The world today knows that for every high grade product there are a dozen "just as good." It may be true that yours is the best on earth, but it will take either a mighty good presentationof that , " fact or a explanationof detailed superiorityto make Sometimes whole into crystallized a a at least one point of stranger believe it. paragraphs of descriptionmay be singlesuggestionof comparison. "The ELEMENTS 46 Bell refrigerator," says finishedas A the much OF THE LETTER one letter writer,"is as finely the most expensivepiano." furniture maker gives me a distinct impressionof he says: "There is as quality of his goods when differencebetween the oak used in ordinary furniture the selected quarter sawed and ours there as scented is between Pears." And laundry still another into his letter by saying: take the place of good the clean,sweet, pxmgent aroma old-fashionedhousewife." EXPLAIN white so we and soap puts oak a use cake a in of of gestion sugwill effectually wealth "Nothing old cedar dear to chest,with its the heart of the propositionto one who knows must one naturallybegin with general also statements must one begin with something with ; which the reader is familiar. A piece of art nouveau jewelry, for example, is almost impossible of definite French' word-picturing, yet reference to the modem school of design and allusions to a popular Parisian jeweler would call up in the reader's mind a picture which would satisfy. The object here is to stimulate the imagination rather than attempt to portray an actuality. A piece of silk might be said to resemble in tone TO nothing of it, a new ' the colorings of a old rare Japanese print,which wholly ambiguous but leads the mind The result of exquisitememory. almost as definite as if we show the back to a is ly vague- suggestion is while a series article, such of superlative adjectivessuch as "most harmonious coloring, exquisitedesign and charming ensemble" leave no other impression than one of admiration for the writer's command In any of words. explanation,specificor the writer's idea to so describe his general, it should be goods that the reader EXPLANATION will both understand to tell what scarf in the box. forms not He takes it out and with four-in-hand a only his finger and over the scarf sees It is not for sale,but you must A clever haberdasher sales-makingmanner. a desire them. and have you 47 its color,weave " lightover the silken surface but he sees to himself,as it will look when worn. " THIS should well as be the salesman the as idea of the " show tell it in never a a shows deft twist the and enough customer the play of tion it in its rela- sales-letter writer the goods in their ^^ final relation to the customer. A salt manufacturer "You this idea in this ner: man- ordinary table salt refusesto sift "in damp weather and when dry, cakes in the salt sellers like adamant. Our salt is always dry and flakyand it flowsfreelyon the dampest day." And a know carries out how strikes home of underwear maker when he says : body breathe. A continuous current of fresh air passes through the holes in the fabric, cooling,cleaningand stimulatingthe pores of the skin." desire Such descriptionwins interest and even arouses "Crown because But your the lets your underwear the reader feels its relation to himself. circumstances,in the efforts to make definite inlet it make an interest, explanationof human impression. Better pictureyour product with under exactness no with which the draftsman draws a new dry and mechanical, them than convey any but the actual facts,and convey today, the big plainly. The most successful mediums mail order houses, describe their products with the most to give the exact and apparently prosaicdetails. But machine, even width though and length of length of the a fringe " it does rug, these look the exact facts order of colors, the give'an impressionof 48 ELEMENTS realness Not and only also visualize like home to see the it in the it, on article by giving it, but visualize appearance, would visualize LETTER THE OP the floor in a customer. dimensions the place the to where the and buyer spot in the certain it will fit. where Vitalize the Facts that correspondent know a personal interest attaches to him real personal interest that is not a measured vphollyby his orders and his LET your " dollar. Talk as one pomt, to man tact sense his In him along would and purple talk to another ribbon " with ness brevity;with keen busiclever understanding of and needs. return you will win association which the builds and that active close, personal support business. " George H. Barbour 50 ELEMENTS vermin proof and if all this is and LETTER THE OF un-wear-out-able." practically true, that is the kind of to prove to that these claims me a mattress are true Now I want, the writer, the derstanding completeunif the mattress is not perfectly satisfactory, better still, or turned completely to your liking,it can be reand your money will be promptly at our expense, refunded." I reason instantlythat if the writer of that letter wasn't able to prove his arguments by delivering the goods as exploited,he would dare make never an offer like this. I know from experience that a plain truth. hard-hittingtalk like this means A maker of refrigerators his goods are quality proves he says: stock,too, when "If I could only take you through our factory so you could see what goes into the 'Morton' and how it is put in" the care and pains we that will last a lifetime, take to make a refrigerator you goes to say, on would not The wheels same we hesitate to make This wants man average offer. "Bemember, sell on the investment." of proof,first, good whether you are sellingemery either be better at the or elephants. It must price, or priced lower, than similar goods purchased Even where the article for sale has competitor it is necessary to assure that he is gettinga directlyor indirectly, his money's worth. no THIS does offer extravagant not claim we you holds elsewhere. that the values we that to must talk show must mean the price at customer must we the bit customer, more talk cheapness or values. It does not all. It where than means he mean simply that gains by the purchase. Gain! That word is the salesmanshipby foundation-stone mail. Show of all the prospect how success in he gains ARGUMENT AND PROOF 51 by purchasing and not alone in money, for fiscal advantage is not always the keynote ; but in comfort,satisfaction, well-beingand happiness. Show the prospect his gain and prove it. " " The fact that hundreds hot a heater water of householders is being used in my city may be argument as to the popularityof this heater,or work of a salesman. But if I am looking for that will save supply nor about demands. my heaters turning to 30% No. or less of it than yet shown heater if the also buckwheat 1 the good heater a needs writing by money burns from man saves coal and other steam any sound a doesn 't fillmy However, says, "This pea 60% heater this argument money by hot water or the patent records," this line of argument fitsinto my ideas exactly. A real estate man of my acquaintance sent out four letters describing the beauties of his sub-division, the select neighborhood, the excellence of the houses sold on on payments; easy fifth letter was business. The a and The brought inquiriesand developed success, of that secret letters failed. all those success in the was ing follow- paragraphs : "You that check same would rent, do pay paying be not towards out Suppose of your not? you a home any more money, of a few years, instead of being the be the owner of musty receipts, you would end and you applied You own. and owner of a at the of a pile finehouse lot. "Here are the to figures:prove yourselfthat it can be done." BUT and over a go further. prove Show the prospect he cannot that also. Where dollar,the man you want a to lose, propositioninvolves sell begins to figure ELEMENTS 52 the chances. He he is the has, which in the past. you A LETTER probably been stung (or believes for you) on a similar proposiworse tion has him Show that he takes chance no with it to him. prove " THE OP well-known glass manufactures which company scientificreflectors for all classes of interior lightinguses eminent photometric curves, prepared by the most authority,to establish its claims. half of those read who this evidence receive understand or a are pendent inde- Perhaps not able to rectly cor- photometric curve, but the fact that impartial evidence is offered as proof is enough to win the prospectivecustomer's confidence. encloses a small folder Similarly,a paint manufacturer with his sales letter showing how to test the purity of tinguish paint; a clothing manufacturer explains how to disall-wool goods from the half-cotton product very offered in substitution maker of acetylenegas lighting the simplicityand outfits proves safety of this gas is popularly supposed to be dangerous in the which extreme by describinghow anyone may make acetylene and ordinary tumbler common clay pipe. gas with an Such proof, sometimes applied in a most indirect manner, is wholly convincing. Not the least part of its value ; a " " lies in the fact that it is instructive. The reader feels that he is learning a trick of the other fellow's trade. "Do think not cigars are because the made price is small, that my of cheap tobacco," writes carelesslyor order cigar man. "Order a mail a sample 100, cut open any fiveof them from end to end, and if the leaves are not all A I will refund your money." good long filler, varnish manufacturer sends along a sample panel finished the most heel or with his varnish thorough hit it with test a and writes: "Give possible stamp hammer. " Then hold on this panel it ivith your it to the light. ARGUMENT Daar AND Ur. There's attention not banh a muoh larger than 280 new saving' s over BOnth! And the strength toX* secured That's derful3.y- Argu- show ment the how that the Chicago book same cod for earners oppor- tunity tured pic- and women " " your private talk to be would of asion persu- Of not why do "Why did? courset as the not earnestness show you plain Clincher And a you can't from tion propor- to In to feel that times the art of dollar desk is if least can this do you half a have Simply asking. in bill than less end you the for lege col- boiled ^3 brings at amount ing convinc- " costs " worth the vital banker's this English own gives on tickets. this back money two a hints " you book it because live size the that talk? and you ters let- " " business your it book not fore be- offers this what do, words theatre this. Company not put personality a personal Just pigeon-hole couple Why bank practical of do Trust enthusiasm. and letter today. in which strong, convincing letter, the you It " big secure Vours A man letters mind in the your wrap mall where " to gether to- all them same to of use course dozen ings sav- up shoulder la simple Induce- a men Immediate office principles underlying wrltlpg. a money the how you every-day down of heart-to-heart, use That will ment this pay young had your and would yourself Explana- tion get sincere, breathe that explained of can you often you Royal them? to go through thestralght-fromsame won- will for man to them Method kind open strong advantages the same own you as trick no that them. Argument and them tal vi- as concise, a book hundreds to In Is certified a business your If cular cir- single a letter ambitious right In who ought on good cigars. the eooounts. could But than of of vera about thrifty the " locality It of Think Argument " less handful mere a this why " for you, aid little to write the brought this bank how and " minimized mind practical yeu letters saoursd last business-getting as you though It For tells check. OMoago that depositors " Interest In h*r" your*" themi 6f letters without personal solicitor. to 53 Hunti Proofwins " PROOF opening sentence very argument throughto the truly. and proof prevail, close. clinching You find that although will the varnish A he says, "You offone a even the wood, successful when more of the excellence prove can just tear second: is mamifacturer paper dented have you cracked." been has not LETTER THE OF ELEMENTS 54 offthis sheet; then corner in word our tear a get a present letter heads; now examine both torn edges. You of your a ner cor- nifying mag- find glass and on long fibres"linen threads ours, while on yours the who reads this learns fibresare short,woody." The man about paper. He learns how to judge it something new " intelligentlyand wished him to reader will tell you your banker have others of works in specialists to or prefer he would failto endorse these." never line. any to the solid value as the carry merely writer is ," is effective. Or " the tion referringfor corroborareference,to friends of the simple expedient standard what about his bond. to know Another leams learning, he " Nine because "Consult bonds: but he may he will not times in ten the reader will he ment state- accepts your interes take dis- should willinghe are you of these chemist any say: may to sell you, further: matter we "As advice. There is neighbors. weight, too, in An you have friends and ask about Branson they used have often" and of Bronson our in and DIRECT proof,but and the when Baltimore,drop umbrellas own scores umbrellas. always found in his sweeping reference maker umbrella "If a them home for he years " good. Such writes: them They will one's to a line tell you generations, is the name town." complete testimonials are also strong the use of these by patent medicine advertise numerous stories current as to the trick- ARGUMENT unfair ery and to skilfully edged and names PROOF 55 them, makes secure which weapon be effective. A in which one used to means two a AND addresses facie evidence of insincerity or be must made-to-order are testimonial omitted "John Hays Smith, publisherof the Age, St.,New York, says:" is sincere. I I "We are The name handled or is prima worse. " 43nd the testimonial West 138 permitted to quote the followingfrom a letter by Mrs. Albert Boss, presidentof the Woman's League, 462 Woodward Ave., Detroit,"rings true. should be well-known ; the if title, length,the addresses given in fuU. the very words and phrases should be Not at that,but make the testimonial from that even piece with stand of the bona a out with of your the most same fountain such the writer's notice was to appears in which to monial, testi- be of letter,as though it pen, one as The defeats its purpose. successful printed testimonial that ever came from only uality separate individ- sales-letter writer. fide one, that the balance a pressed ex- any, both a ran The under the request expressionof approval and the customer's reply used together. The combination was unique and were lute its presentationso candid and open that it carried absocould hardly be used in conviction. This scheme a letter,yet it suggests this train of thought: that the for most your A an important point in this whole claims is sincerity. which LETTER grammar problem is irredeemably bad of proving in construction, will get profitable and transcription your nent. sincere,and those returns will be permaa letter which But a letter of half-truths, betrays unbelief or evidences your effort to befog or mislead your reader,wiU returns if it is produce nothing but trouble. It may ELEMENTS 56 bring results,but firm in the point of view their the does able reput- any in the their seeming And address a instead wrong habit of of dividual in- as of daily detail,we their when then, a the stupidity, complaints, advantages. form mass annoyances of necessarilyargue not "We trade. petty constant letter,we a that Eather, it indicates the customers our impatient small of results letter a writer. toward In grow LETTER wants. dishonesty viewing kind the not of sincerity in Lack THE OF their take to attempts sit down we ness, mean- to write composite being having these welcome un- characteristics. myself, For and effective the only letter guide for writing sure is to picture shrewd, kindly, wise, David whose While of sort word every it is essential that be and make backed substantiate be may may it,there offered honesty Be board up and is such casually, is studied by nature honest. Be effort letter to the let every as to some individual by statement level." with statement evidence of honesty at Be the or is course, it or tation. premedi- deception, for curt. straightforward date-line to Proof overdoing. as matter a and apparently without frank. at " above- the top of your stenographer's hieroglyphics at the bottom, word, phrase, reader thing a either casual guileless. From " claim every reinforced be injected briefly and A your tests Harum going as light of long experience. the we insight keen it sincere a as sentence being wholly and and paragraph impress unreservedly "on the 58 ELEMENTS LETTER THE OF phrases and dozens from the same whose have been used and used by men familiarity ing offer?" Yet can with their these has allowed work own their customers. with THEinto best the persuade to way country with Bill,don't stick around what's use the loosen for once up if he has good no buckles up man There are in town. such But tactfuUy. He a take stay in to "to will start with hanks "I'd just like water-cress get fire,then wood and butter? and then and " take a " the average from away " Don't and on you get out and business, want to smoke I'll het it's get lie on your to along pipe? tramp along ever longing the grass old clothes and some stay very wander or " fresh stream, gather a big bunch roast bull-frogs, spear some a " persuasion sigh. "Gee! a and did you say, " to to such town woods the little creek of some to year through tramp city will approach the matter man this time every in the " you?" you pretty in the country just now. about on againstsuch tactics. can ought on, come " for not going. But reasons who you time time give in may his back men when even man trip a to say, "Come all your on, won't take to man all the here come " a is not you of wasting The weak-willed over familiar to become them gather clear, some of crisp,green the frog-legson the cress, watera stick water-cress,bread frog-legs, afterward lie under a tree and smoke eat brisk walk home? knocking offbiisiand takinga run ness up to the Glens for Saturday and I knoiu just exactlythe placeup there? Never Sunday I have got business,too, it will only be mind business one day gone, and you do twice as much work the day "Gee, old man, what do you say to " " " PEESUASION after let's he happy fashioned times." and " Wliicli man That's persuasion. would First make how the easy it is to Here the have of one the good old- get you? customer get them is the way 59 want the goods gently lead him " over correspondence school a ^then show " uses the line. largely idea: same "Think future of those times when " that you seem of life have when down of hear have yearned for impatient with grown to hold you ivhen you you the to such a narrow of the a riers har- sphere acquaintance whom know to he inwardly no more capable you than you! It is a matter of developed opportunity. "Our instructions perfect you in a professionthat is golden with opportunity. It fitsyou for success where. anyWould you like to make your residence in husy, Would cosmopolitan New York? you like to live in some Would quaint old southern toivn like Neiv Orleans? you like some hustlingwestern city like Kansas City, or San old national Francisco ? Would you like to live in a qxiiet capital, Washington ? "The professionwe will train you to, will enable you " career some " to choose your own location forit everywhere. Will out and reach may IF proper or grasp how cleverly this for instance,how such this show you how you opportunity?" of dilute it,with another See not let me demand to the persuasion seems necessary endeavor to hide it rounding out of a letter, touch A you there is unlimited " goods as he off^ra : ingredient. silversmith disguiseshis he suggests to me my suasion, per- need of 60 ELEMENTS LETTEE THE OF equipment as fairlyrepresentyour and far sightedprudence as the balance taste and means Your ily's famof your household furnishingsf Why not? happiesthours are spent there. Your friendsgather center there. The finestassociations of your household about the table. A sterlingsilver service helps to perpetuate and if your sethese associations in recollection, lection is a work of true art, reflectscredit upon you, through succeeding generations." how No matter how sincere you may be, and no matter proposition really important and deep-reaching your that you be to your prospect, bear always in mind may and in his ofSce iminvited and perhaps unwelcome are to the slightestintimacy. not that you presume may Here, if anywhere, does the element of breeding enter into business correspondence. Persuasion of the exhortation type, as practisedby the dominie who prefixesevery phrase with "0, Brethren," is too dangerous for an ordinary mortal to attempt. "Does table your all,don't try persuade ABOVEletters by assuming to your If a you an writes man have for sale,or man attitude for information to you a about requests the sample or to answer of injury. the article booklet you offer to give away free,don't think you can make him send you money debted by causing him to feel that he is into you for sending him what you agreed to, free of all charges. Don't dictate, to or attempt to force him writes you bedo business with you. cause Any letter a man he carries a "Did thinks he has to isn't worth the stamp that it. Here, for example, is the way firm begins one letter which they expect to win customers: you ever a person have upon the a dressin unpleasant experienceof ad- subject,without even being PERSUASION accorded ever the courtesy of answer without ability, haven't That is had of teeth letter. the best either one your for your or how of you both time of these feel because we letters." our beginning the did still, worse in return word ivill understand ansivered only or " questions,to have you experiences,you you reply a receivinga If trouble? or one's any 61 The first of this wailing and thing the ing gnashwho man young received this letter said was, "My, look at the raking over these fellows are giving me, simply because I accepted their invitation to their article. I didn't investigate it what I wanted, so what was the use of writing?" Antagonism is the first product of such a letter. of going after sin, it a more have been hundred a continued and mitted com- cent follow-up with prospect that the article was the the stead In- per showing what a he wanted. correspondenceschool gets this Another idea when it : "Nearly every either for most I would what would though he had as have needed say prospect profitableto letter wrote a find some we have can look back " and not so far back and say, If I had taken that chance, That is what you will better offnow. of us be much day man " far off,if you failto consider seriously offeredyou in our law courses, for our not ing just what I have said a bigger earnpropositionmeans capacity,a better positionand standing,and brighter prospectsin life." " BUTthe there is another and subtler form in which suggestionis employed, which may be used frequently and with good results. A prominent he wrote : when ladies tailor used this idea efEectively ' art of ELEMENTS 62 Dear Sin for Too formal a wish' we Laeks sales value are Agreeable to your catalo^Tue of our regarding our to state nailing under you We further trusting shall be Inquiries to hear request separate of 'our will you what of we reading with pleased our ation Inform- and courses* copy a Ve trust after that to enroll will decide aciion recent school business that in which catalogue, description Prompts no LETTER THE OF best from you Very truly we cover latest find a have to this, you plete com- offer, us. to give your attention again, and we are yours. to an actual letterof the type too often used in replying ferred inquiryfor a catalogueand information. Here the prospect is retoo the w hile the letter as a to serves only entirely catalogue, formal acknowledgment, absolutely wanting in sales value. A reply to an inquiry,particularlyregardinga school propositionsuch sis this,should aim not only to give the inquirer the full information he This is an requests, but to in I he "/ more interest him personally.Note skillful letter on the how this is plished accom- oppositepage. madame, that if you could see yourselfin one of these suits,you would acknowledge its perfectfit and exceptionalfinish." Here is only a suggestion. The active persuasionis left to the imaginationwhich, picturinga desirable result, be counted the objectionsof the to overcome can upon am sure, reader. A watch manufacturer good use of suggestion in this way : "You probably do not buy a watch with the idea of sellingit again; yet that is a pretty good test of the standingof * * * try value. If you tvant to know at second hand." to buy one And article as a patent window lock even so simple an is given a strong appeal when it is put up to me on a and effect after this fashion : basis of suggested cause makes PERSUASION Dear Mi^. Urges Harrlaom oover You will the catalogue our careful this of reading you In catalogue 63 receive In courses carefully, very the to realliBe systen our ate separ- aahed for It will of a of for plaining .ex- Read shorthand. value and stenography which under you enable training the unique Instruction advantages affords. Your interest la the poBslbllshorthand training Is most commenda'ble. There Is a constantly for rowing demand good stenographers, Itlee Interest of fvery and day we school our them that Person- ally practical not do I that you with that you ment And to enable to make to afford 25^ act you do your so In be anxious to locality. your that the from talents. your on I one am because ing go- offer " tion tui- regular quickly. this, so you exceptional an TTe course. train " to you personr the after develop completed been started you of discount If our particularly an student a you better you got lOOJ^return, get a meet we to has us place finishes position. of " And ed recommendto who show teach continue I Induce- able could could men graduates have we now advantages merely work I wish that so the well-paying a 1 ality recoipnend positions. student every In work our "are we practically to attractive been hava wherever successful of asked are for women 60 Proof a I can I know well that taken oonrso you up our about It that enthusiastic will so you it to recommend will your neighbors and friends. Considering the unusual your we are of this nature offer, compelled the date week from of it to one to limit it will be therefore and this letter, to for you accept at once. necessary when have you be And Clincher on our $30 to you of for only obstacle your to accepting require that amount with your Simply sign it, conveniently suits In stand this, 1 you send good replyto interest and to an not sible pos- no the way of going even stipulated a blank. whatever you application enclose spare, yovir purse calculated inquiry, prompt In an saving course that order shall Very A complete the " discount actual an means $7.50 $22, 50. "6^ the remenbgr course his immediate $2, $3 " and truly to win action. $6 or mall " can ever what- today. yours, the inquirer's personal 64 "Why sleep or tight and awake LOCK out fresh air with- will give you will get up you Another is that of case large business written the by was piano a refreshed happy." which agency has done East, chieflythrough sales-letters in the of the head shut ache? dull,sick head- a ready for a hig day's work, healthy and and firm. One argument sented pre- : "Talk a windows your morning with in the sacrificing security,and a LETTER sleep with to try WALEEB The THE OF ELEMENTS business The husiand. your guide he will he able to man, matters. with propositionover this choice of the instrument in business you leftto be can As you safely." hinges PERSUASION equally productive of results,but that writing and much as strong "Can of "Certainly is he your a On mother. she refusing to equip and boy should losing money that woman prone a in the to overdo it. competitor is not them lacking in Insurance, the have to the best!" other stress each profitableline?" is persuasion to this that are self-interest is to make endeavors afford to permit you to in your possible,you as appeal upon hand, to a of letter gain trol con- merchant. is a tell strong a man to tell a hesitates, treating her offspringright by at Jones' true Emporium, is both unevery day he tact. correspondence instruction,banking by mail, building and loan propositions and other lines where the prosperityand comfort of clients is at issue, lend themselves to sale by persuasion. Commodities of daily business are best presented without it. ELEMENTS 66 his And it leaves but personal needs, LETTER THE OF procrastinationis lot whole a loop-hole for a "the than more It is the thief of countless thief of time." crastinat pro- orders that but aren't. filled, Your own experienceis proof of this. You have probably determined to buy mesh underwear, insured sox, a should and be booked magazines, dozen You time. some know that you are want that is necessary And with so them you and action. ; ' ' as there that gain ' ' in the the entire may of others and The Gain save you that do letter that Specialprice for Special reduction,if you will of prompt win the seasonableness bargain " sample, This may life;"in "Information a in any afraid not a real and trade; play real in ' ' send dozens of gain so possibility a is almost quantity of a free of uncertainty;" and suggest limited up in the few a same. can always gain the fear of missing something, is which of dollars matter represent anything tangible but not inducement of all business ' ' of your hours that the reader The a is at Gain is the root suggestionof gain course gain,just the mean All galvanic the " sunsets. as gain is not always But is also the subtle change various all. dealer's name;" your price. the customers. your Besides the gain in the have inducement is the proper of them the bottom days " of their good points,you INDUCEMENTS cents. automobile an convinced are and and will quicken into life this latent desire. which spark piano player a or to for answer master-piece. careful service is you certain article may or must include one advertise style;you of the product ; you case, you fully art- may an a may have induce- 67 INDUCEMENT Natural expresaion wHeoci Hr. neap It that you Calculator. 1 to tall the over the an abla inducemeni It which vherever offices whatever has knon these Installed. why twelve prevented practloal indlspona- Itself mads has been don't I all faotorlee, rors anfl ermoney It 18 no longer proved, a has It during silent Is use. In stores. Is Orown saving %^:Mt labor. In clerical experiment. ten writ- was of Today everyday business great In letter unheard- appliance nearly 6,000 o? In are lands appliance Argument leadingto that about. you machines 1 sont alnos year about the Croim a lettsr unknown, an In Proof Just When had these Is memorable been But you have months. trying from you cle obstathat to I want now, permit you to ple.oo this In and office calculator try your It In advance even though you fully Intend it back Indeed send If I receive to even from a frank nothing opinion of you but this I machine, to want remove - -- It and Argument minyled an offer with in- have return a So you had I so fair made It ducement longer made the and yoi-u-aelf It out no longer can afford you 'o"v It It It. whether op the under machine " Is machine 5^000 concerns tried actually behind of for " the for have stand now for offer this that If even not could you fairer- " question a expense. wije!,h:'i^ the of a and - bread conditions you Is my Raising you am question really practical know and respect no at shipEsat It aa new rays It not la you offer, for Iteelf. Read Armnnevi and peisuasion Clincher making ordering easy offer through and ask fairer a receive one. the oost of s couple A quarter a day office In your places the Crown cigars The first at once. p"iymsnt of ?6 enables lOEiedlate to Into you put the machine And the use. money-making money-saving to pay. balancs have a wTiOla year nearly you If yourself the could you " " I have ooavenlent a eneloosda Simply enclose velope enIt la an Blg:athis coupon with a $5 bill end mflll It to me aJ^ra^^J^. Your najfji'is enough security all The Crown will for ma. forward, so to coupon the attached circular " - tranaportatlor. charRas fast as return express Yours A fully can very good letter,showing strong inducement man-lo-man exprfiSbed, talk that wins prepaid, take aa It. truly. presentedin a naturally the reader's confidence. ELEMENTS 68 which ment LETTER THE OF that cold,indifferent answer definitely will And should I?" question,"Why you will gain." Or to the question "Why shouldn't I?" will lose." "You will answer, you it "You answer by giving exact publisherdoes this effectively of copies of certain books that he figureson the number is able to supply. "In six weeks more," he writes,"our A book been expires. Three ivith the author contract forced to this contract,three renew times we have times we have tinued advertisingand still the orders have conto pile in so heavily that another arrangement * * * xvith Mr. was imperative. "Of the 30,000 sets we have printed altogetherthere all book ceased are about now in the stock rOom, 149 going through the bindery. If you streaming in at a 200-a-day clipat other would contracts, you 1,149 sets will melt away. hand, I want cannot, of them, course, fillthe orders speak for your The is offered. in mine system was One that many are the orders seen the termination of quickly these stillhave books on old customers. own I against outsiders; But handling I can urge 1 must you or the inducement to and a supplieswon whose firm dealt customers many loose-leaf catalogue for which thorough customers is generally fictitiousvalues to what brilliant sales manager sheets and so our attachingfalse reference to new we in. come in error machinery constant to discriminate they had more set now." common that of issued as 1,000 realise how While to go and revised and used it the prices each new sheets simply because week. so it by he The valuable was easy to handle. Another In tried the same ing inducement,us- catalogue of huge dimensions. He failed. both instances the catalogues were remarkable but a bound sales manager INDUCEMENT Slr" Dear to 69 You SYSTEM. not have eent yet us aubaorlptlon your Why? It It cannot cannot fee the price give many that a $3 - times single time be the want of the pen would mailing list. of It cannot be you heard of cannot a write we chance a Will SYSTEM again. once to learn what while even you you are. We want to annoy do not and evidence as of our help you, offeri following unusual Your choice HOW of Bear In business on B Hun your circular. In the choice Mark your We next will offer it by NOW the make folder! your ia re- apeeiflc" Here experts. for have long all vexed are those and the on series is whole dull-flniah book de 128-172 luxe, worthy " down out Pick not your to of place a desk. finger and volume aolutions 1/2" 7 x mean's months, free^ even twelve aolutely "HOW" the of detailed that ao 1/4" buaineas from want we FI^EE with every book in Every you. in large clear type bound In vellum richly alze any " problems accomplish- sincerity, book in written idea definite, correct, One mind: And every uaable practical, is it keeping you; give you OKE of any of the remarkable dssoribed in the encloaed books aewal.' paper, pages, SYSTEM'S on -- for printed stroke mere name who not Interested for ever business did man who not want his hlfl efficiency, hla Income to grow? dQsk? worried a your Ideas bring. " So aeries gladly of be the need have for we opportunity written five letters, you giving you five and as have not sponded reyet you opportunities, of to any one them. yourself ihg for " piece are business, It for would you amount for the SYSTEM will of - that Issue send only but the the with aend will a you alao tranaportation that choose, you how to make. know us at and thank your book we Yours very titles nine book $2 you bill today. SYSTEM for forward the you, charges Thla Take listed need. is ab- prepaid, the est fair- advantage leisure. truly. follow-upletter that has been very "successful in pulling of orders. Note how, without the slightest suggestion a it of apology, condenses the arguments that have gone before,then but of the climax not only of the letter, a inducement as offers an An actual largenumber entire series. ELEMENTS 70 serviceable and was one fool before clumsy of deterrent. a was sales letter must the searchinginquiry. To the most will neither as For A example : certain dictionarypublisher sent broadcast would bait took imprint of first and scheme the to printer from shrewd. It may was goats." while such brazen is there salesman wide " other by "Dear as A case Sir: per " books, but it as because I know eliminated which the mail- being reduced to price which will pull replies the labor of make of this is seen agent of shrewd a within inducements the commercial was an to be latitude interested people and order easy. sold buy to are means without work may slaughtering from a have It for that house. of "the one YET enemies to date. up the issued the had press immediately importuned work certainlymade I whose bring the too " nouncement an- responded by naming those who edition,were appendix an statingthat holders of his dictionaries who umes him the printer'simprint of the several voldoubtless learn something to their advantage. send would The mark letter may your but that customer exceptionally clever, forgivenor forgetif he finds it out. you tuted consti- one " the other responding to into customer a and feature inducement THEalways stand other the real inducement a LETTER THE OF in the a landingthe ten following,writ- large power company: Will you attached kindlysupply us with information We form? are getting statistics covering the power situation in your co-operation." L and would ciate appre- INDUCEMENT The form enclosed 71 provided with spaces for very complete information regarding the addressee's power and placed in the commerequipment and requirements, cial agent 's hands exactlythe facts he needed in order to make a complete and definite proposition. About 33 per cent of the letters sent out brought back the desired information. This, to be sure, is an exceptionalcase, but was it represents the to which extreme sales-letter designated "the as part of that inducement" a be may carried. It is not It is not double one-cent a something which will "Why should I?" be simply It may squarely put so Morton to keep days and 60 And are Just satisfied. make to doubt should be clear and matter as " what is more to take easy ^nothingthat will this and "Do " leave indefinite you Coupons and easier to^use than seem it." force certainty thing to do. Unof inaction. Your proposition in advertisements circular letters. and day send us inducement " obligation home for no " to the correct as mother how of the coupon much let sale no it in your and simple.This specific "this" make have nothing involved is the no the is used until you hold of. Have refuse,as cannot you There you. it always the reader that writes: refrigeratormanufacturer order is simply an opportunity for the itselfto " : a an to sell sales letter a offer that is eminently fair and an to you up for instance when "Bemember, that eternal answer it is But postage stamp. always,to incorporatein and ever "something for nothing." to be giving your man a to appear necessary eagle for necessary to offer necessary a short important " and you ' ' get that"" ' ' that, you is the real must strength of order-cards order-cards are but they letter, they condense not in so look easy the terms and show The the down of procedure methods the inducement, follows makes question "Why to the up the sales letter. over the at delay He work. you?" prospect have chuckle may chuck and The you thuse enmay and swear in his caused over your wit propositioninto your tent the insis- anecdotes interesting bring repliesto touch literary your of the Element what not are with shouldn't phrases and FINE I?" hold inducement your should "Now" The to take easy answer question of "Why return " the waste. The deems reonly thing that sometimes stupid paragraphs that makes wording irresistible is a reason " clever to must " act at be puts this the dozens and a once, subtle demand that simple why that brier task above particular, met which must the tomorrows. a now, " clamor some and to do. it look of making process essentials bare to what exactly customer LETTER THE OF ELEMENTS 72 to be of them done " day to- await ELEMENTS 74 THE OF LETTEE convenient all to form and the shoes will come charges paid." Suppose he had said chances and now And hundred a are that makes YOU desire into action. the prospect want day or next day a a Let your stop there. do it now. him Then money he it easy is what the prospect what order,of is meant when well wait as by letter that a basket. it but don't make real climax " letter your and to do it that are course, to order your up the chances along with then ing of mak- wind feel he might for him to do and all that goes before if you file into the waste to and use gets the business and prospect want Make is the centrate con- you argument your wait and the hold-over That " him it tells crystallizes into the act itself. Every successful climax of what my when energy goods your competitorcomes your strikes home. Make have shoes. What close that lets him two? slides from The that! nutshell the vital essential wasting time and your strengthin are letter with a once kills a sales letter. or fail to turn in have you he would one wearing his be I would there to at you has two parts. The firstconsists termed persuasionand inducement all the preceding strong points of the it summarizes it shows the gain that is mine in ordering,the loss letter, that is mine imizes by delay. It emphasizes return and minthink cost. It is the parapraph that says : "Just what you are getting this and this and this,all for the think what it means small sum to you, to your of future. And remember, you do not risk one penny. will be returned to you if you Every cent of your money not satisfied.Why are delay a singlemoment?" we have " " , When But not he reads quite,for that,your your man is almost ready climax lacks the clincher. to act. What THE is ho to do to Make plain it so 75 get all the things you and in the world reason CLINCHER so that easy offer? he wiU Tell him. have for not ordering. If you not don a 't,you haven 'tfinished your letter, and lackingthe effect of that clincher your prospect is going to lapsefrom his almost ' ' ready" attitude back into indifference. how NOW can get him you star salesman. How Go to act? does he do it? back to the He something to sign. He lays before you an complete save only for your signature.Note has made hunt He it for you a up to order: letter head has the order draw and all order how he does not up printedand an gives you blank he easy ask that you order of your there within own. yoiir easy reach. Just apply his idea to your letter. Give the man to sign. A post card filledout, addressed and mail, a coupon that simply awaits his littleeasy-as-lifting-your-finger act to do to power is ready or " that makes some swering an- automatic. almost There name thing some- something marvellous of the littleblank about that awaits your the name tempting when it is likes to be bull-dozed by rightly employed. No man less another into signinganything. He balks when the tactsalesman shoves the order before him and literally attempts to force his signature. Force instantlyfinds the touch-button of his antagonism. But watch clever the salesman who subtle influence of the waiting blank the order He talks not the but your needs. sign your name j'ou want but before you the And you goods when do so on the you your he sells. learned the itself. He he lets it do its own but order has places tempting. goods, not your name, pick up your pen and own initiativebecause ELEMENTS 76 Dear Weak too Sin We and not have reoelved formal dreeaed wa a to you to ask pause well ea ed at you that you to We did such as factories in appeal other that to words under trust, for to ready Why any In More the .lections, weakening apology as cause we market, in though need we to regret of than Again that when you Te that you be are with us have you will in an then of each of the on be ob- no and now ed Interest- styles, up-to-date not you never descriptions we place them ae even immediate yourself. thanking you Very This " enough ua. will you latest, may nail conclude it. mall and you by by favor you if feeling the of that will you know will atylRs new out kind HOods buy meantime, illustrations our sent our and money, purchase, order, your have should If our the tinually con- ters let- after have gone you will carefully you very Princeton Pla'yer la the matter that best you that however, decide your secure annoy were to alog cat- kindly duplicates. products abruptly you to are the stereotyped not obligations the over do of you you, to to their relative us when generally we we however, mail of because simply write are lot sellinR ter, let- oalltrust interested reach want are eo, so order anxious a afl- and quality have will not with if not real do ing hav- ffo that received which we If, we of ago, superior your are wealts time. and insure yet letter catalog same and pleasure the you the Player us, order, and weakens If letter advise injures two purchase. and Apology about Piano to as ready to as the the had reply prices our Princeton Lacks interest LETTER THE OP for truly the Inquiry, yours. actual letter used as the fourth and last in a follow-up because not only is it entirely lackingin argxunent or as to quality tude attithe wrong price,but throughout it takes entirely that of a continual apology for taking the prospect's time,for for him This annoying him, following invariably placesthe up at all. writer in a bad position, for instead of making the reader ward to buy, him feel that his order is asked it makes merely as a personal favor. series. is an It is poor " Now Without note a the rewritten suggestionof follow-upletter on the same proposition. apology,it goes straightto the point with THE Dsar CLINCHER Mi'i-Carteri The Direct you are to Its It positively that your There which arguments and "your prejudice, misgivings. We might point ingly oan. number a oaoe to purchase. of for all ways In time move re- doubts, your -- convinc- believe that the biggest money are night we to hesitate offers value densed con- a value still you that has kept Princeton Piano er Play18 that In'.doubt little as thing a this atlll before long -- only oril"Flng from you " Three 77 the your satisfied 8,143 purchasers " stated we might of orders thousand a might --we pull to than' half more drawer open filled drawer stream steady the you number each month. show that bursting after with solicited un- testimonials. But than far Induce- ment You Player " have we at - Proof to as home, your It jjut The to a wish. you than more the It satisfy and please at of penny our your If be for ready your test as thorough If the player say expense particular, simply so and and small -first delivered Then use. - sion more more the liberal clearly - refund every deposit. you are we Could offer? Princeton severe not In every you will move rewe as prove possibly Could our ed pleaspurchased,, thoroughly who nave 8,143 others to continue simply haye you monthly payments. yoiirsmall Persua- as does the as days rlslt. will player thirty our Simply deposit payme'nt. by Princeton for home own your full month the try to are In one better plan a these. of any making make any absolute a fairer, offer faith In Player? offer this today. enclosed deposit blank, the and $10 and mall now player enclose at once. to Jou come will Strong Simply close Accept sign the Very truly yours. a proof,and then oflfersa stillstronger inducement is it Far from straigthbeing apologetic, player. forward,strong,convincing. argument and free trial of the " LETTEK THE OP ELE]\tENTS 78 beauty of all this is that the clever salesman's ship. salesmanof paper methods fit perfectlyinto the scheme Build up your argument, persuasionand interest, inducement and then, when vinced, prospect conyou have your I will buy, do as the salesman almost ready to say Now the " ' ' waiting order Kefer do and will card or that." do whatever move will find man will "sign and him. And be; say, "You what to do this and we with perfect self-assurance that will be of his own he makes choice,your he ordering so easy that he can't resist, mail today." for simple example, NOTE, ordering: "Merely sign how makes booklet tell him Simply coupon. or the result will what decide,literally lay a to little business-getting supplement to your blank "the before blank him for him it easy does, make act an house one of the last page enclosed the today." pin a two dollar bill to it and mail us no Elementary, isn't it! No writing a letter, buying draft. a the stub of that letter of a as " " The homesteader pencil and well as a on a stage route dollar note two could executive surrounded an with answer by a bevy stenographers. There kind: are it must it must essentials to two give the be clear. fair,that reader something Virtuallyyour should be its terms successful clincher of this a the reader easy offer is a simple,its conditions so can find no reason do, and to contract so and eminently for not accepting it. These people exemplify the idea perfectlywhen they "Simply pin a $2.00 bill to this letter as a deposit, say: and fiver we will send the book carefully. If you by the first mail. don't see a Look the book dollar's worth in al- THE Dear Mr. Grahetni of offact stock that fidence con- - them But Explana- tion ofneed these In advantages you out. year Is wasted tion and to actual every argument Thompson showing how that In to you. expense In and day year foot that of spaoe loss. money It feature of conpactnoss steal rack Thonpson rior supeother the deylce In ilsa for -the For parts and supplies. to every adjustable varying one the Is don't You to demand. have a wpate large two three bin stuff on or a part.s and to You bin small adoverflowing. can 1uet bin each t to the nature separately of and the articles It' dontaTas,' quantity that not Inch given 80 an mora parts are need. what Think than room they actually need met . tills In neans the as Increases tion of ad- will you unllsltad of additions and make le perfectly laet. Gteel, loat extensions unit a with old. Thompson cost end they one of you matter no last tion the post broughtto definite pointin out card to to ncii give you a of yoiir needs. under no ycu obligation the la for yours asking- post card by racks these ^turn es- " Information to buy, Send eni the mail. truly yours, beginningwith a statement with which the leadinghim step by step to the buyingpoint. letter and expense complete This Very agrees make plao- never - tlnata close and e ineher good will puts it hanv- of convenlencss your the and nail closed entoday presentative reIt will bring our great Fill plant. the unequally additional tlae. life a to durable hold they of cent one will Arranse Proposi- to built are most how InBtalled, Onee eJ. racks ..of the tested, ere any point Each fit sections new' sad Constructed they loadSp at requirements. tho And tion fiay In every etocH or euppllso your flnd-'theso racks able capYou can expansion. inor-eaelns T^ieet to section Explanaof quality gained noney year. Yet Explana- A affordlna racks your supplies .of space foot Every fixed a Bieans any of storas* than every nakes alone want will noney And TJjls Explana- to addition you spaoe more no occupy dejiand. actually Is factory your costs IS 79 will You of course a ter nates , convonlenco and inatell eoonoray, rack a In your raoliB new factory win olasolfy end maj!" your supplies accessible. easily Statemeni wins CLINCHER pect pros- 80 most every your $2.00. write page, "There are who we will return no no conditions, restrictions, no this offer.It is open on postaland mere a LETTER THE OP ELEMENTS well rated iusiness to every man before the firstedition of the hook is exhausted. acts $2.00 to the letter and mail today." could a man Could anything be plainer? And Pin strings your good sound "Simply another: and mail it afterlunch now often not done when before you, check the bills in it and then the orders hundreds need 7nail to and will he hut you " at all. But you come may Here is afterlunch, for things to he done letter is or offer? one three dollars in this letter your wrap not " are acceptingthat for not reason find merely at my me wrap your risk. And the goods may of your sure set this when now go, by the by immediate prepaid shipment." Of closes. A when orders on have we After that tve Sign and send But now. have may us for A coupon blank comes story. If no of money post card the a you the enclosed where simpler THE admirably days and going to hold are it to to a we the few days longer. fillanother order. today and let u^ it will be of real service to you. by a againstdisappointment. If back we use it is covered it and the idea uses such to to the limit these reserved place the machine Remember unnumbered : factory is working behind machine variations are typewriter company it says "The are there course your order guarantee that protectsyou you don't like it,si^nplyreturn money." to dozen words be can is to accompany signed the better. often tellthe whole the reply,an bearing a printed request dressed ad- is best of 82 ELEMENTS winds who up inking "A trial will the have them A good climax bring at least re- can't help doing it. to do it today. picking Try the up The PUT force. it " and something it and you wiU like a a your how nowf" what seal and to do. stamp so close that man something to easy to do and what find your to that he do then and sales letters Task letter, every every graph, paraand focused your undivided each his a into with It makes magnet. Present past, unaffected Give of him it, undiluted and box. Give Concentrate send of procrastination. It Tell shekels you the button press sign, only kind him sooner It tells him results. give not antithesis his pen, is the clincher or for the shipped right for the mail hike letter Why in motion. reach and you, and up is the reader and The sign packed him order convince you'll save. more gets the makes for ribbons typewriter my : them sales solicits LETTEE THE OP your thought upon the vporries of the by anticipations. problem your best. Finish forgetit. Part III HOW MAKE The A Man TO LETTER TALK to Man letters WRITING isn't mulas recitingforwords. conjuring with catch- nor It is Message talking on paper. Anyone can follow the old precedentsof correspondence. Anyone can load letters with the useless phrases and expressionsof antiquity. Anyone can string together custom-bound courtesies and alities. convention- joltshimself out of the rut, who puts things straightfrom the shoulder, who dares to be original makes his letters pull. But the man who " Don't tradition. stick Be to moss-grown Be natural. usages of live. letter a man-to-man message your watch the come-back and carry Give to sales. m Wfmfm \t XI CHAPTER Value News is THERE invariably product, from that give " it What can that attention tell has a newspaper is than sales a way one other any to since is particularly new, and twist into your of make can you thing some- get his can information the ginning be- exception. no his business, you Put the it a asset. in sales that man addressed, boost your news and and know That's your a " give it goods. it makes public topic you be must one brand talk paper piece of good familiar application an kinds. is of two correspondence live some news own relation wanted world something man interest. used take can day" "to- a as there better has business The a and wants news. correspondence You And another. to man world and as letter your value. letter,give it News want you it to appear want you give it this liveness the If you that cation strictlylive,up-to-the-minute communi- a news is give" to one can you impression one to the will that of sales letter bristle with up-to- that is dateness. Or you can tell your of interest news to is pretty close prospect him to your and own to something you. marily pri- Ordinarily such proposition " it is news NEWS that originateswith because when business you The trade with your trade,and it scores tactfullyabout his approach a man touch a responsivechord. of by the keenness and or you 85 you sources first kind VALUE that you news can use are limited only of your eyesight and ingenuity. The will naturally draw mostly from daily you publications. "WATCH manufacturer, for example, used the idea when he wrote something like this : "One of the last things that Commodore Peary did before sailing on the expedition that found the Pole to purchase a "^""^'* "^^""^ watch. Could you imagine was to the-^'^'^"^^ a a as stronger testimonial perfect time keeper tinder all climatic conditions?" There is news, human and an abundance of interest, proof in a reference like that. It makes the letter live conviction as to quality primarily,but it carries more A " than could of this kind News a way a sells his who man of argument. volumes pressedinto service by any goods through letters. Here is the retailer with can be of mind clever turn a made use of local disaster: "Dear "No Mr. Henderson: doiibt you read in the Journal dwelling house of Mrs. Findlay, on Monday that the stroyed Front Street,was de- iy fire. The firewas caused hy the explosionof a gasoline stove which Mrs. Findlay was using in her In attempting to extinguishthe flamesMrs. Findlay work. was badly burned on the face and hands. thing Everyshe owned was destroyed and the loss will reach $2,000. "We had had simply a gas want range to say this: That this would if Mrs. Findlay not have happened. A TALK LETTERS MAKING 86 cheaper than gasoline. safer,and much and make Now is the time to buy your wife a gas range her work her lifesecure." a pleasure,and deaths Aecoimts of injuries and througli accidents surance be used to good advantage in accident and life incan letters. Burglaries, particularly local ones, hardware make strong appeals in letters from locksmiths, dealers,burglary insurance men, bank and safe deposit be made News items regarding impure water can men. of by the dealer iq filters. There are a thousand use portunit opother man to make for the retailer, or any gas is range his letters live. Notice cleverlythis how in mail course order who man makes work to sell wants of use me subjectthat a a is public mind : "Congress will ultimatelypass the Parcels Post bill and when it does more than fivehundred firms will enter This the Mail Order fieldwithin twenty-four hours. made statement was recentlyby the editor of one of the in this country. When that day leading newspapers and it is not far off,there will be in less than a comes, than thousand a positions open to men week, more The who have passed the examinations of this course. almost mail order spiritis in the air we can feel it. Are you the man to stand idly by and allow the opportunity on the " this business to pass to learn what ON the mail THE man on the the It may market, a user. Again new be to be your is simply a matter of goods that is of your a new service it may findingout for you?" will have you aU, it something about interest to him. or news reporter. After own putting dealer busiyiess has in store other kind of tellingyour newsy order without you model can are you give the be simply advice as to NEWS coming fashions VALUE 87 suggestionas to the best method of turn it goods. If it is given the news a or handling certain gets the interest. Here, for instance,is a to retailer. a letter from newsy It is good idea that he probably has not an best of all,it has "Dear Mr. "When of these one telephone every get his order for to the haulers "Here and have you time some in your on it pay town, and you try to coke forks? coal and with this: whatever his every wants She use. want." you the mails uses trade, this is need day is not work know to to for the manufacturer or You out of your her and forks. retailer who most. can the summer, heavy goods catalog,showing all patterns sizes. Please write us if your jobber cannot following up she of our with his customers housewife the remainder will need you the counts before days, wouldn't warm coal dealer during is and For thought of gives him season's supply of fuel will be largelydelivered to residences supply it facturer manu- practicalvalue: business is slow, and "Next because fork Dealer: hands your a glad your the what when wholesaler or kind in touch of news far to find it. go or the keep a trade Pick Montana has it Every paper. store that new grocer that writes firstshipment of that delicious white plume celery arrived by express today from Kalamazoo, and it is just as crispand fresh a long way, although it came it leftthe celerycity. Just call up 72 and we'll as when "The send over Advance much as you want at ten notices of coming stylesare items for the lady customer, and news in as a letter she will be far more cents a bunch." especiallygood if she impressed with gets them the store 88 MAKING that writes them her than she in its newspaper One ever through reading would advertising. this matter managed store TALK LETTERS effectively by very of lady customers sending a list of names buyer and having style letters sent from The novelty of getting these personal combined abroad with the actual news to its Paris direct. there letters value from brought results. WHAT you to other news a way laundry doing work: "Dear Mr. "You'll that some be just common things may people. For instance,here is the consider man makes news out of his methods of Norton: often find among your scratched Mistered are or laundered new on the seam. collars, (That sary is,unless we do your laundry work.) It is not a necesevil,either. The explanationis simple. The seams of a douile-foldor wing point should be evenly dampened beforefolding. Otherwise it blisters or cracks. We have a machine to dampen those seams. It must dampen evenly,for it does it with mechanical precision.So you will get no cracked collars back from us. "Just step to the telephoneand call up Main 427, and whenever laundry will be ready for use your you it." want And a here is another letter that gets the idea,this from bird fancier: "Dear ' ' Sir: just received consignment of St. Andreasberg Roller Canaries which we can offer you at the specialprice of $3.50. These birds are reallya second grade of Golden Opera Singer. During their course of birds make mistakes others take uo false trainingsome We have a " CHAPTER XII Personality OU Y has colorless a such it is the And magnetize will might straw money letters your into your customer's him This and If you must you is the subtle It unties the to the goes and where the falls on with a wallet put ears. Letters the It creates of this is true And that of the like companions really have two man-to-man expression. And a elements attitude and these a fact ly thoroughderstand un- ter let- where geration exag- communication because It strong are your It gets the business the letter out from stands man personality are that but personality. confidence distrust. woven in order a crowd. getters into them originalityof thought elements are to sonal per- custom-made the personality is "different." its stereotyped because letter strings where a feels you effect of successful cold, serious, matter deaf he you. he air breed hot so understands basket. shove expect egotism, ^hot " personality that that well as honest, personal conviction,interwoven own man sales- for all the good man sales letter. prospect's into a if your yet, but do. in the same your touch of arms pale individual a is the best that itself, for shouts that personality,you into the sample proposition a proposition a the have may found in every " and part PERSONALITY of the letter 91 salutation, script. body, close,signatureand post- " SHOULD remembered, however, in this matter of approach, that sales letters are distinctly of two quiry. inkinds the unsolicited letter and the reply to an Li the firstyou must announce yourselfand win at the buyown er's audience; in the second you come your IT be " invitation. Naturally the first situation winning the reader's attention " before you get down can proposition. In the prelude and But the first time, there and there him about Look Talk is at own he would. and you can interest " business slide over propositionfrom the getaway. for the are approaching a man reason why you cannot take the is you no What is his interest of getting it than way surer want you talking to himself. about in his no "hard-as-nails" instance other attitude. man-to-man a and talk your though even to certain preliminaries demands propositionfrom his point of view. the things he is interested in. Talk to him words, his phrases. Express your ideas as letter a personaltalk,full of life Make your your action. If you talk about Take trying to are shoes your to his him own sell a a man pair of shoes,don't have mentioned until you closet and drive home your his. shoe talk there. Note how bankers, strikes in the most "Bear "As making Mr. soon by a book publisherto vitallyinterestingstatement this letter addressed out with a conversational kind of a way: Brown: as I learned the other specialeffortsto secure day that your more hank was depositors this MAKING 92 winter,I had TALK LETTBES of the manager printingdepartment our get the enclosed proof for you. "It is really the has been bankers to American made that announcement significant most And in years. even of the big magazines, where having this specialproof you sent to you direct so that no circumstance can deprive you of the opportunity it offers. "For in complete,workedhere is a chance to secure the exact,practical out form plan you need to double or tripleyour business." If you were a banker, would that letter get by you? It might, but I doubt it,for the moment you start to read that letter you must is talking realize that someone that is very important to you. to you about a matter though it is being printed in might see it,I am some " " too, NOTICE, attention "Dear wonder from how in the selection btiild for build a carriagemanufacturer a the start when gets your he writes this way: Smith: Mr. "I how my near ideas and your of a buggy, own and would use mine would agree if a buggy that I would suit you. Every year I buggy for myself not because I xvear out a buggy in one year's time, but because I am always able to sell my last year'scarriageto a liveryman here for as much new little over when a for it more "As like it a buggy this new two weeks so they ago, year, and than the regular price,and so well and which I used particularfriend of mine this buggy took of specialjobs under are now the it just one $5.00t offeredme I let him have seemed everyone same ished fin- was much, I immediately arranged to get out number and me. built myself a day it cost as "I " a it. to ited lim- specifications, nearing completion. One I am aoinn PEESONALITY 93 myself,and I am going to give you an opportunity to get one of the others." Thus the propositiongoes swinging along naturallyto to a use close so strong that I must in the market for the letter if I answer am carriageat all. He compels me to feel his interest in the proposition, excites my attention and inspiresa quick appreciationof what he has to sell, in his office. by talkingto me as if I were Of course, a this man-to-man element be to suit the conditions of qualified proposition.You wouldn't write to kind of a Sun, Nebraska, the same for W. of the letter must the prospect and the Bill Sikes,of Rising letter that you of Boston. If Bill got W. C. Chesterton pared pre- C.'s If W. lonial spoke of his wife's elevation to the Cothink you were he would "kidding" him. C. got Bill's letter of coyotes and potato bugs, he would throw in which letter, Dames, you it in the waste disgust. Put case, be every sure basket with in the heart-to-heart that it is a shiver of literary in element,but right. of personalityletter THEunconventionalelementexpression" if usually the second " follows the writer reallyestablishes his But are there effort must certain divisions in the be made to tear relationship. letter where positive man-to-man from away a lowing slavish fol- of custom. Particularlyis this true when an inquiry solicitsyour reply. Get right into your propositionfrom the start and, as you hope and strive to be natural,avoid the old formalities. The average to your as expressions time, detract introduction with its""We request" is "Inclosed from the as useless herewith" main as a beg "and third leg. Such take up idea, and suant "Pur- are the reader's absolutely MAKING 94 Sir: dear My TALK LETTERS Opportunity Use of ovl vxym door only when It knocks rsadj?; figure drudge, pittance, a the hie opportunity. Get general field be and door, of out to prepared He of the on did rut yea factory expert the Directness If organizing not the greater the manufacturer lacking the wisdom and the of for explana- tion help argument become In It cost, nil out up-to-date clear of of scope the writer. desired will This to Weak close Will take you the in nuch of Euccees to busiaesa at order youj? bpok sight fore- the be is advantage work our ization". Organly complete- latest fully and explains qualifications and Any further cheerfully information given on quest. re- opportunity special offering. only your of it? grasp of courtesy get extant. prospectus the to nomlnsJ. and been has you work a "Factory on giving Our the ness Busi- your conducting opportunity your yourself This Offernot fear the necessary outsider for an and published rewritten most the the ganization or- longer no upon la expert boqk Just ba attributed of la Here an of be grasp depend organizing business. or to part to you of aocountant. But No said muet ccm- The He assists today. of and a business, of entirely are better without safoly may be Adviser thus Insure even systematlsatlon. contradiction on" graep and Income. Buslhesa B"on larger the value of a Ing to recognlae of knowledge existing conditions, and tere Into and a of a no not knowledge, coEaaand, failurSj a with and, bla.iie. greater answer Is awaiting to man's a prepared trudging himself a ba largely along dally he hut Too auet his at otherwise to comes He once. a Act a Very at reply, truly oncel we ing Awaitare yours. and so lackingin personHere is a letter that is full of generalitiep ality that it entirelymisses the individual appeal. The proposition cidental until the third paragraph and then in an inoffered is not mentioned way. the book is handled in the rewritten letter proposition opposite a personalas a call over the phone. In this second sheet,proverbs and axioms are displacedby rgasQns-jjdi;^ the the chance reader every to buy is worth to particular real,"ca^ his isoEfered He hour of factoryday. a proved oppDT^ particular Note how " same letter as . PERSONALITY 95 Exact ITr. placeand date Tuaeday, My Extremely Tills will I because opening of con- fidence oldest do feel business a will you TVs fof offer a show you 1 do not I nerely RISK wemt you ma would reduce this that plans will check and to ter natnot self, It- boolt. blindly. it KY AT over opinion of It. en risk willingly e^ dozainflle plan that costs alone. factory a 22 saving throughout money expenses business - employes of plana plans - and waste And 1 ing hirthat' In your not do ask to secure Ein"'^l? penny one the It frank leak every office. risk any bool: you look reduce handling factory you will whole your and to for the buy your contains book than printed no send to your woiad $8.00 times Yet to you give You Argument dollars will qq want expect and - But Organisation." could printed matter value I So of believe honestly lasued of its ers print- our copies real have volume even made. print, "Factory about from opinion Organization" I that more in book from advance "Factory boolt save other Reason receive fo^ today Is announcement will a hear may of your benefit public Watson's P. I matter a warEiest^and our that so the tain cer- And writing am of from feel you. Is this I more- friends, Thursday C. that few a I to Importance I tion Interest of and have ycu before any Explana- tenth. rooelv"d that news be and you I morning Boms unusual to January Colby: printers our 'personal wins Mr. dear Papa's Office, them. Merely Persuaand induce- sion ment will letter use not not only of the book on the mall worth send pin tonight envelope $2.00 a if bill possible to - this and enolosed. Yours funitv, not for to $6,00 cseh you, for you my check In all $2.10 $2,00 but I will remit you in for to addition postage your you pay the trouble in looking book. and over la alone I Merely Clincher send The will $2.00 you forward approval. remittance but not be as a a as regarded And If then. ter chapdeposit. an,v .sin^e very generaldissertation. This contrast the use of the personalelement. truly. illustrates the bilities possi- 96 foolish. You TALK LETTERS MAKING saying might just as well attach stickers, is an envelope" and "This is a sheet of inanely,"This ' ' paper. If you asked salesman a priceson likelythat he for his best hurdy- clear his would gurdy or what-not,it isn't and launch into a seventeenth throat,hitch up his trousers He would snap out century prelude. Not much. have something like this,and skirmish for a sale: "We three stylesof hurdy-gurdys, one at so much, another at this much, sales and ' ' and so on. The salesman is interested in "Why not take a lesson of him, then, and chop off the hackneyed preface? "What is the of obscuring the real issue by a lengthy prelude, sense useless apology, a request to write,or begging for permission so to your are you. advise? Get down to brass tacks prospect'sattention from Note how in his this manufacturer and catch the start. goes straightto the point opening: "Dear Mr. "Your Davis: goods leave the factoryin the test dition. of conBut how do they reach their destination? Any freighthouse is likelyto be over-crowded day, and any piled high with freight. platforms and wharves open Your goods are not favored" they are just as likely to le And rain may a sudden leftoutside as any. absolutely may ruin them. not insure "Why fog againstrust or " your shipments against rain,snow, warp or mildew. You can solutel do it ab- Waterproof Wrapping. "Andrews' Waterproof is made of just three things: ing heavy tough paper, perfectwater-proofingand reinforccloth,givingextra toughness and strength.No matter how awkward or irregularthe shape of your product, with Andrews' sharp corners or wUl projections not poke through. And TALK LETTERS MAKING 98 phrase as, "Hoping to hear from you by return mail, typed we are," is as bad as the correspondentwho uses stereoexpressionsthroughout. Both blunt their effect on the prospect. closingparagraph should force the prospect into action" not put him to sleep with such hackneyed expressions as "trusting we shall hear from you" and Such conventional baggage only "begging to remain." loads down means nothing. The prospect a letter and The knows that he will answer If your for his business "hope" you and "trust" letter. your demands communication a distinct close,say something new, typicalof life, as, for instance : "Sign and mail the order now, before it slipsyour mind." "Just say "Can you to unread basket because they to end they look as overlook afford to of is the samples this when It's "we bored as letters yours." it lars dol- means closes you man-to-raan tossed to the waste personality. From beginning alike. They "beg" this and "trust" do" are are lack and "You with are lost the on element " don't" until the reader neighbor's one-record ing correspondents are learn- your Successful talking machine. that hackneyed salutations the are you?" Millions that. and the word and strained prospect, that it the ofiSee talk on complimentary is,above all paper that gets the orders. buy is whetted RESOLUTION ed^e. Don't overstrop it; to a razor don't hit it with prime put it to a work! brick. When it's CHAPTER The would Youtomorrow, a hundred know fault your it is sales his story with that perplexing who man respondents cor- your might you they couldn't your yet obvious and and sit down must As in the to analyze you respondence cor- your fact one pick ^that " beginning of the sales investigation into the body the "we" each writer as you to come literallypeppered has objectionable word. There is the swer an- your From "so have this,and a the want impressed with question. beginning to end, to by push find that will shot letters,you "we" much would you through. letters,underscoring it,you about you all be wratli might bring might quiz and ten-to-one will if, sales letters kindling least burning You salesmen. paper in interest only the to solve the most If you of your "We" a were you is too missive. At sales letters you there fires. carpet, are your see to the of your apart could you basket. when If you up waste threaten, but Element probably leap your empties the answer "You" morning why XIII what and "We" intend "We" statement so" do? to the to offer; "We" do that. How letter consists average are regarding "ours"'i But my The of, contemplate what do 7 care interests affected closest thing to is "you." you, and The ending never of attraction source is "me." to me, concern TALK LETTERS MAKING 100 correspondentkills a hearing because For he begins talking about himself instead of "you." ing showare example, a clothier writes me a letter: "We ens woolthe most attractive line of spring and summer in the city. The cut of every garment is the latest in style." and up-to-the-minute thus And the that NOW wanted if for more prove is in this for had they suit a are How ? $35 as time you same me. what I showing They may I care will it affect my my as business Again, own Smith, you spend $15 should. you How just as stylishand you have teen feel better as can able wear- paying $50 for. in the clothes,and will be saving money." " For than you If they had said this matter. "Mr. of clothes will look better and at the me fact that they me written: By making it? suit for a You me roll? But we The told attractive line in the city. What is,what bank letter hasn't doesn't particularlyinterest the most about a to know. the woolens have of kind ah ! that would here is desk, that a have letter that gets touches my been as a ferent dif- close to pocketbook, my heart. a manufacturer perfected and writes me today: prepared to interests are "We have supply our new, double-rimmed, rust-proof,excelsior gas patent-lined, all." the peer of them When I receive that burner does it affect my cost of production? I hold letter how stock in the gas burner industry. He might as well no mud the discoveryof a new announce puddle on South are nQW " Main Street so far as my concerned. TnE But "YOU" he had suppose ELEMENT said: "See 101 here,Mr. Gas Burner, spend $2.50 a month more for gas lightthan you should,and yet in spiteof this waste you are not getting the brilliant illumination you are paying for. I can cut your gas bills in two, give you letter,clearer,brighter And the whole outlay light,and save you $2.50 a month. you will be to you gas the writer had different and somewhat mail to the and talk Look box about with the new our himself so is the he you get close to if you is interested himself. It would probably hurried have Forget yourself order. money man's been have profits, needs, desires. and he yours. letter and your You your be may reader king of his other every sentence the ruling power in doesn't know it. To little kingdom. own He things to think about, he isn't interested are doing. And yet he is the man you must many in what a other world, but own I would it from begin DON'T with "AVe." your said that ? propositionfrom his point of view at your will readily see expect once to get he is sure only when I at became of his money. any of gettingsome alive to the He money when proposition this letter : I received Retailer: "Mr. is it that you "Why lose of one burners." Suppose has simply the priceof good more other man hard " the retailer are " cash through bad compelled debts than to any in business? have to charge up to bad debts, "Every month you scores of good fat accounts that dead-beats refuseto pay. Mrs. Jones and so puts it goes " you season off;Mrs. Smith after season. tells you You to could waitj almost MAKING 102 Formal Dear Sin- JuBt received. Accept " "our" to stock thanlce for We gleil of catalog our forward are you -which a favor yovar in this tunity oppor- showing Stock Hoom 6t:/leB reedy all the the some of shown* elnply represent selected sellers best as by our two hundred from leading retailers the "Our" Of styles TALK LETTERS carry we innedlate for It course Is which styles our use. to Inposslble make. we show The trations Illus- season's the end fifty by designed styles selling our force. Our "Our" oxfords of the at the shoes fitting slip at the summer.' Black Tan, guarantee they heel We sense every dose and the then assured shoe Green* In Red" of full Is something to you value if for that you your Is to care money . Ve make can fall you to for find style any Illustrated required In our the shoe desire at Just you catalog We forward the time. will present of order prepaid receipt your upon will strive to serve price and you most not do coolest Patent. and be If In ior superpossess not do They gap are have Our Guarantee vital Importance "Our" catalogue fit they I of spent correct oxfords qualities. ankle; for "Our" are Our word* satisfactory the shoes with In a manner. Yours very truly. Nothingrobs a letter of directness so much as a lack of the "you" Here is an actual letter which illustrates particularly well element. absence of direct appeal because of this fault. an This tries to sella man and his needs,tut pairof shoes,not by talkingabout the prospect about himself and his product. Note the " " prevalenceo*' our" and are in every " mere are words " paragraph. Half the words we cept, acmachinery of this antique variety,through which a nd The the real meat so strive," on. glad,make, specific we that " catch the eye " could be into compressed two short paragraphs. Then the same note how letter. The dealer comes salesman would, and turns propositionis handled in the rewritten to the customer's over side,justas a clever in to help him "geta fit." "That's right," real calamity. What is this and you want he says; "a poor fit is a and this and this right here " you'llfind those verv is things. So a stock of shoes among the entire letter shows an which under- THE "YOU" Dear "Your" shoe Mr. ELEMENT 103 Sheldoni What aggravating IB uncomfortabl* more than and shoe? 111-flttlng an troubles "Your" wants In Make up your Ufa win you your satisfies pinch wrlnhle or shoe a of run "lnd that your up that so long quality. no is And yoa loD.g it whether mede of science I want supplied to 54 will be last. for surprised trim and of wear. cah you stock our foot. your to find For Dickson of or patent, gun metal the best stock that very how shoes, tan, are leather produce. catalog today you under it But for. styles Select is requested separate your style what is only one you will find cover. tion attenon you of were the trated. Illus- the finish style and then in simply till blank on order the the and si"e nuipber, and width to us mall want, you today. If there are little any peciillarities about about tell them. foot, us your to With this information guide us we will send all 'you, charges prepaid the very Is received, a oraer day that your pair of shoes fit thst, will you perfectly. tTiat you like Do to grasped dey you comfortable, test In built will attractive "Your" tunity sonewhere shoe a to call particularly the "Easy Last' new This be 37. may Just looking oppor- its the to .page "Your" choice and retain literally The goln^ very have lines so They observe the closely that ease and points comfort, give "natter how particular be, nay you Is that the shoes combine the three been have for looklnf; end comfort wearing you style, " Make will you the nor not side. cool under Dickson there wants will that little "Your" from " heel will time feels on, E^ppearance featiires detail that the once that the perfectly that and "Your" that at this for shoe at shoe follows It that slip over put stylish assured the thst foot, your "first comfort to you does not that the at a toe, shoe a mind a have smallest Send best, not miss this obtalii real, genuine your order at once Yours shoe " very opportunity comfort. today. truly. standingof "your" shoe troubles and "your" needs,and offers the articlethat will bring"you''satisfaction. shoe it exploits as an 104 MAKING start a through "Now bad could could we lost by how to local retailers tell you stop this;suppose of a simple collection tellyou retailer down one the money debts. suppose we by store with new TALK LETTERS in Illinois that enabled scheme him used to make thirtyof his hardest and slowest customers pay wp the hundreds of dollars they owed him. for penny penny Wouldn't to get itf you jump at the chance "Now, then, in the book described by the circular enclosed, " " get this can you plest, collection system; the sim- very successfulcollection system ever devised o system that does not require the assistance of an expensive alone can a system that you collector; operate, and the only expense is the cost of two or three two-cent most "" is the kind of That cash drawer. The letter that a of attractive argument guns salesmanship are either get out buy because and attitude of the letter. letter shot somewhere there would not shown If this reason A "We me interest in my believe that you tire manufacturer have interested in We are our enclosingour describes answers favor of the your are and fective ef- I must me. take the shot. has been I the pointed their air of foreign interests, why I should budge an propositionuntil by everlastingly harping on me and had concern in the no and collections" your interested in your some make never been have stand or up directlyat my I wouldn't. inch,and 1AM leveled of the way "you from jars money ow affairs. And are W"^der you have can reallyinterested in we. inquiry with this: fourteenthstatingthat you my advertisement Wonder you on Wonder booklet which tread. We would Tires. illustrates be very MAKING 106 Molasses and make can The they are is interested offers to put money in his cash decide must gathers in at your the a just about element the think may subject to It is he is no me human man. it more will order and low other fel- the is ject to in- determined into your cultivate letters, of his game, and look salesman he sizes empha- it selfish, but I repeat that the nearest The me. trait " as ace-high theme infallible Personal THE on. he reads When that. idly by while sellingend buying point. mentions You than There the buyer's side on abilityto get over A good propositionthrough his eyes. the never have you of the "you" some so the benefits. when now early," and drawer. whether stand good profits,or And line in this proposition because interestingpropositionto him this letter he You to get it somewhere. going big profitsby getting in grocer make TALK LETTERS as Good a with you is you. physical law. Will machine-finished sale is ing. passto Buyers preferto deal man successful The dealer of the future must ter approach his sales,his leter's writingproblems,from the customside. It is not enough collect today's for your competitor is collecting profits, tomorrow's good will. to IV Part COLLECTIONS HANDLING COMPLAINTS AND Satisfaction Sell ^ sold, goods mean simply sellingdoesn't in OUCCESS it customers means satisfied. It bills means handled complaints It sellhim paidoutside well as Irritatingback threats nor got never square treatinga means as on you principles. ajteryou deal man before. do aggravating good-will settlement talk a of court, and and customer; brought back a disappointed chip-on-the-shoulder attitude drives ' " a trade away. But " Be your courtesy, tact, open-minded antagonism, disarm bring back business. fair. Aim to goods sell melt ness fair- tion, opposi- and satisfaction, will sell themselves. XIV CHAPTER Collection IT is thing one he wants ; vital difference True, both of to induce it is that something Correspondence a quite another he letters him Just he needs that of your settlement him personal practiceof a justiceof is for his own to enclose request your good that the money Furthermore, that a man and talk element when spur more adherence a great induce account, owes " mere on and you to those intimate formalities ments ele- same a an man its qualities, persuade him buy, to interest must you the him that finallyinduce "mail in so it him today." bilities possimany supplementary qualities personality, " touches that do little more next get tate irri- than antagonism. see to the many seUing distinctive paper the golden rule, prove the and settle, Kecognizing this,collection and in collection letter has just as a make "you" to he he give up have the demand, persuade or to the collection letter. it,prove the sales letter for those as the you as it and selling a in therein built largely upon are his interest in win him the sales and between something that to induce And wants. salesmanship. article, you to take man the use small element of form accounts managers of danger letters. they coming are In are in the of a too more strict handling course, of an COLLECTING economic BY necessity,but in LETTER 109 commercial business,at who is worth least,the man sellingthe first time, and whose trade is worth retaining, is certainlyworth individual a attention in the settlement according CLASSIFIED their to collection accounts two of his bills. fall pretty strictlyinto divisions: ordinary commercial accounts ; and ment, of treat- maimer they should and accounts be considered ment instal- separately Getting the righttone into commercial collection letters is largelya matter of gettingthe rightviewpoint and the right perspectiveon what your customer's relation and obligationto you reallyis. It is a mistake,in the first place,to his debt to intimate in the debtor to pay the that you the strictest business but anything as slightest degree that it promptly. consider it look upon as The other than any just obligationor do not you expect suggestion merest a a straightforward eagerly grasped by the misdebtor with intent to evade. Furthermore, it is a take to ask payment on any other ground than that it is business propositionwill be justly due you in exchange for value received. Many correspondentsmake use of the argument that the firm is hard up. "We to be going are wholesale house,"that of a largenumber one their accounts what you owe and we us, frank in tellingyou," we the money. need of our customers unless you remit may wrote Ton who are at least find ourselves in are one only back on part of embarrassing a circumstances." The know put moment that you a new excuse you are write in the a same in his mouth man like that you let him class that he is and that he may not have you used 110 COMPLAINTS AND COLLECTIONS If you think it advisable to talk at all along this line,do it without losingyour dignity. on before. you it is equally important that you the other hand ON consider the debtor firstof all his friendly patronage and so be that he time that he may until he has shown you by requests for settlement that he cannot in perfectlyjustified in or taking a " business like consideration to retain the customer's be made as other kind cordial and trade over A too much surface you reach your furniture customer's got up essary. nec- principles of the debt and endeavor ^the collection letter may " as any ^you " debtor's position. When any are urgency used your out run efforts spread are of ammunition which feelingswith in urgency timid again the trouble caught on fore be- climax. house until the eleventh Now these two too had fears sudden of hurting its request for cash, a series of eleven collection letters. These a increased became seem may in gradually increasing letters this niunber than that you for settlement dignifieda communication sufficient to determine more intend of letter. Ordinarilyfour are demand between course your in the future and stem more to circumstances those legal steps any Steering a middle a does not or Under his business is not desirable to you are trade is valuable ignoring of persistent a his biUs. voluntarilypay to extensions in reasonable any customer's A ask. customer, that a if it is possibleto do be retained granted as from first till the sixth,then the in the seventh did the process with this scheme to the game, he letters and reach was never eighth the that had and not legal stage. once any the more tomer cus- fear COLLECTING Mr. Albart G. BY Mr. You have for the this pronpt Many of our best money-makers How of la the real carrying on know, this another the day Toilet finding Note same how a the we soap time of wishes lays boxes for truly house introduced basis for we ship can a good season. yours, Hammond Co. ft who with his business. until the ninth or and obligation sixth letters. tenth had He come at tte ately deliberand then credit to the good. first letter should the customer's written by the correspondent has fallen behind. givesthe letter a cordial, teous cour- customer customer more sixtydays paid his bill, THE to a threateningfifth and waited the of sive extenmanufacturers the good firstcollection letter impressesthe a the cause be- can give you an unusually and It should you pay the If holiday season. gross beet talk selling that of only ordered. commercial tone of those a selling? one not because which Speer, of Soap this handled, but Very example of your have parations prehave account settled we and feel fident conwill meet with an In this Instance, have during use With An you past campaign you on pusli It to can that You are merit, your that on. As profit fact Venetian they making trade, reminder remittance advertising you them the customers Its busy 80 overdue. In the promptly that well been somewhat equally good 0. holiday overlooltBd Is bills are N. Green: doubtless with us your 111 Green, Randolph, Dear LETTER be courteous in tone, calling attention to the fact that his account and requestingan early settlement. with the fact It is well to at least impress the customer confidence by mentioning that the bill that he has your is somewhat overdue " COSIPLAINTS AND COLLECTIONS 112 ^j probably escaped his attention. Then, as if you had a collection letter at all,follow forgottenthat this were intimate inquiry about with some good sellingtalk,some In short,show your the things that interest you both. that you think of him primarily as one of the firm's man has valued friends. You surprisedto find how a littlesupplementary kind will bring in the customer who really will be talk of this wants be to cordial,for And square. at this you well can afford to be able stage his future business is stillvalu- to you. Prom careless but honest the average like this will pull a partialif not a from the and who man ter let- of full payment Throughout it radiates only the account. of the house delinquent,a the good will intends to settlewithout it is certain to appeal because of its evident difficulty fair play. There is a chance,too,that it wiU pullbusiness as well. customer's THEdetermine action in response to this letter will the whole of succeeding pronature cedure. If he responds at all the chances are that a cordial action personallydictated second letter will save the transunpleasantness. Possibly without making any order more settlement,he may goods. A Chicago silk house uses in this this situation manner "Thank last a lever and writes the customer : you for this morning. I that your as lohich was received for somewhat surprisedhowever, to find the order was letter made no mention of settlement of your We account,regarding which I tvrote you appreciatethe additional business you but cannot very well allow the account the 10th. on are giving us, to become largeron our books. The goods you ordered prepared for shipment, and they will are go now any ing be- forward COLLECTIONS 114 series therefore third in the The urgency. COIVIPLAINTS AND be should matters should crystallize a collection letter and strictly by settinga definite date on which settlement must be made. Here is a good form, for instance ; "You have entirelyignored our two previousrequests We are quently consefor payment of your overdue account. glecting compelled to believe that you are purposelyne- settlement. "We must When no to force necessary should There is received response in is justified creditor is evident The next payment. than of hands such seem letter to the customer are you placing the should attorney; that an a letter, a notification of this. a the face of it. Write on being paid by steps that may of explainingwhy need no from taking any be little more in the account this account insist upon now a short note be perative im- and : "We have made three Each account. is long past due, and why reason requests for payment one you yet of the closed en- have ignored. The account have you not even given us a have delayed payment. you longerand unless it is paid shall without furthernotice,turn it over to we by our attorneys for collection." "We cannot this any firms do not turn MANY until the debtor you carry a accounts collection agency and failed. But put intend least to an handled a threat into back up. a Any to an attorney has tried its methods if you will go to court,by all means, never over do write a that man do it. In other words collection letter that you debtor on who doesn't do not make effort to settle after three requests, should without mincing matters. at be COLLECTING BY letters COLLECTION from is commercial instalment on letters LBTTEE chieflyin 115 differ accounts that the purchase single transaction and there is frequentlylittle probabilityof future business. For this reason the sales element is largelylacking. Eeason for settlement must two points the buyer's honor and his obligation run on to abide by his contract. The prime aim is to prevent the debtor from getting a " behind in than more instalment. one When two remain and if unpaid, the account is doubly difficultto collect, three accumulate,some action or a "cash up" summary offer is almost absolutely necessary to make the account profitable. Because instalment all buyers on propositionsare uniform a be used far more may work. In fact,debtors be may which will meet to basis of payment, form letters extensivelythan in commercial their degrees of indebtedness and classifiedthat so usually sold almost every a series may be objectionand prepared apply to nearly every situation. One collection classes made, made, those " ^those on has divided his accounts man which only the first payment into four has been those on which several but less than half have been those on which more than only a very small amount on For which each half have been made class he has prepared and is stilloutstanding. a series of five letters they have been so carefullydevelopedthrough experiencewith instalment buyers that they are in the vast majority of instances as well suited as personally and dictated letters. houses doing an instalment tion collecbusiness on a monthly basis not to begin a strictly series until a second copy of the monthly statement, Notice" has failed to bring a response. marked "Second If fifteen days pass after this second notice without a It is customary among COMPLAINTS AND COLLECTIONS 116 reply, a first letter should be callingthe debtor's has probably been sent attention to the fact that the accomit overlooked attention. It is requesting immediate not a bad plan to point out in this letter in a courteous the importance of keeping these instalments paid up way promptly. One house follows its request with a paragraph something like this : "Perhaps you have overlooked the fact that in signing this contract you agreed to send us a remittance regularly each month without fail, until your account has been paid in full. This,however, was the agreement and we have naturally planned on receiving the payments in this and manner. feel certain that for your own will findit most satisfactory to adhere "We allow two you pelled to send or instalments to more the whole convenience to this in plan,for if and accrue you are com^ remittance,it work hardship. We will appreciateit if you will may settle the overdue payment at once and see that future instalments reach us promptly each month as they fall us amount one due." If a courteous reply as ten or urgent letter like this does not why the payment fifteen days, a second to in tone should be has not letter bring been at least made a within considerablymore sent. this stage, procedure should be guided by BEYOND surrounding circumstances. buyer who The at least to be be given the perfectlyhonest benefit of the doubt letter should be sent. standing in this "We shoidd and pears ap- and reliable should another courteous One house writes to people of good manner: dislike very much to believe that this delay is due to other than oversightbecause you were so favorably recommended to us by your bank. Still if a remit- COLLECTING tance is not received within a BY LETTER very few days,we shall have 117 alternative." no When such letter a action,there is only one diate procedure toward imme- gets no alternative left open to start collection of the whole amount " due There Either two are turned discount is,a to over this may be approached. be given a "cash up" inducement, may immediate an in which ways the customer that for purchase. the on at additional the settlement;or an once some or agency always preferable,because the money that stillremains and or account attorney. The it offers a article free chance also to retain the be may cash to is up bring in good will of the buyer. "I am for with going a to make one more writes effort," house,"to reach publishing If you will send me at you. the balance due on your an once one amicable a check lector col- ment agreeing cover- with us, I will send to you and as evidence of my account absolutelyno expense appreciationof your fulfilling your part of the contract without unpleasantness,a copy of Wood's "Commercial Law," a volume which every business main should have cumstanc his desk. Only an exceptionalcombination of cirupon to do this and we 'have only a few enables me tage copiesof the book available. If you wish to take advanof this offer,you should let me hear from you at once. Simply enclose your check with this letterand mail today." well and good. If your delinquent accepts this offer, If he does not, your only open road is to go to court. you at THERE are many instances of course, in which neither because up" nor the court is feasible, rant the amount remaining due is so small that it will not warthe cost of either. In such cases, clever,personal the "cash appeal do may the debt is 's sense man always that debts,and himself until conditions has "give me if you harried money" my And get your not want men resort a until he has or them. The a their pay to threats letter will have him to aggravated by and the to touch dishonest man any that course deal. absolutely demand first show case. Do so. been most consider do not proven who is still a chance there of respect for the square Remember of Supposing the business. just one, a COIVIPLAINTS AND COLLECTIONS 118 the severity debtor ordinary pleasant surprise personal understanding of his cordial willingnessto be reasonable your while money the who man flies to early threats waits for his. The Deceptive Aggregate file of five hundred DELINQUENT A ing follow-ups a Monday mornof two dozen complaints an aggregateof petty evasion " stack makes " up of unreasonable " largeto the desk But the debtor sees aimed at it will need, his what are The that looms " man. that never His demands the " complainant " aggregate. puzzleand his shortage, Sarcasm anger him. annoyance, his mind. occupy letter that view, talk from pullsmust his take his standing side, show underof his trouble;and thus arouse his of spirit fairness. will CHAPTER How customers your worth and if your their having, they goods No money. potential business more prospects. If have you than given stops saying good things about it is not And him, if you people see have a it in than a a often bookful of untried deal,he square business your sents repre- never but if you ; stops driving it never to show matter have away. that man a agreed to courteous, tactful way. spark of reasonableness give Most in them abilityto recognize a fair proposition when they of it. If they haven't, they haven't the possibilities would Good customers ever high matter and customers and no concession,however ous, gener- satisfythem. to answers largely a a your more hard a him at least all you about go is satisfied customer a action trans- an being good are such given him have you and he dissatisfied, left him have offeringsand your satisfied old customer A his purchase. tomers, cus- legitimate business is really completed until the with fact to your that bought worth are selling,it is worth are demonstrate to after they have even have Complaints worth are while your you Answer to IFsatisfying XV complaints, like good collection letters, of attitude. There mighty positionand conform to your is no use trying to ideas of what ing assum- make a all square COLLECTIONS 120 deal is. It is better positionand Neither the that he really gained by allowing with anything that a man back talk simply aggravates of pacifying him from more be to over For you. instead is what minded open complainant each anything grievance farther And fair but a assume aroused write customer COMPLAINTS do after all. you become kick may to show is there yourselfto a then things as sees AND settlement ought you kicker the satisfaction of not leaves it than give the to knowing and the before. was unreasonable that he has stirred your temper. thing, do ONE that when the eaiise for comes customer doing Remember over so, and desk. your that the chances Remember that he had he did have. are to be square people want plaint com- every he believed his letter, wrote that most suspiciousof be too not with you, that most people are honest,and that by far the greater of the complaints you at get have a real cause share fault may bottom. The why should you If you are not where out even against you. do when to you though as that he help the about can a as man to have seems good natured you about if he had would a this fellow. I'll show 't talk that way letter that he won't it. do is to find to customer no cause showing real forgetin a to me. month." for him grievance as Everyone else feels about the same get a complaint that appears unjust and Your first impatience prompts you to yourself: "Oh, know thing to proper reason difficulty. the he is wrong for tellingyou man lies,and trouble complaint, be just where a up blame, the to the straightenout And snap not be yours, but that is no you warranted. un- say I'll let him I '11write biTn a COMPLAINTS AND COLLECTIONS 122 bilities possihandle, while quick attention will preclude many of future unpleasantness. Second, take the complaint seriously. For instance, if a orders twenty man say: hack going on that chance and room paper stock "Dear mistake from is which does We not Coidd gotten this confused with next to it in the similar in finishand in the has names given rise twice before. I wish whether "If you it is not and received,we stock and realize that an in the process not you than glad you see that it is in very might of packing to correct which two is lines right very are similarity a this kind once or refer to the book and see of us discrepancy. the a sample of been the order made and man we somewhere we wUl See the difference ? right. going out- over is ordered, but shipping the mediatel im- here up careful to check have it." have of errors just what and that the chance any bond but it shows putting matters by the trouble looked always error learn there is also will send are only protects you interest to cause will have : These would this might be the We more Gordon fact that the shipping or exactly the sample you book? sample a rightr- to match ordered. you there's just for surprised to are seem but intelligence his like this something Blake: bond Take named. you in the stock made was that the customer Mr. Golden sample only insult not you Better write him le certainly is ordered you getting yourself in bad a he ordered eyesight must Your the as on look again." and that be may you The same it to the window do Sir: you. identicallythe If you "Dear and you sample that it is not like the receiptof it writes from, don't from of paper reams your be That serious ANSWERING COIVIPLAINTS vitallyimportant point customer's viewpoint. Look next THE the 123 is that you take at the trouble through his eyes. Just as in a sales letter you can win a prospect'sconfidence by opening with a statement that he recognizesas a matter of fact and then from that point in answergradually leadinghim to your proposition, so ing complaint,you can start out by agreeingwith him and gradually lead him around to your of looking way at the question. If you don't if you state your position firstand try to drag him to it,you are sure to antagonize. A publishersold a business book to a clerk in a railway office and the young on man receivingit complained that in an while the volume might be all right for a man established business,it was of no practical value to him. Now the publisher might have answered that young a " after this fashion man "Dear of no think that because Don't Sir: to use : we you, are going the hook take to seems it hack and ture certainlyunderstood the naof this hook hefore you ordered it and if you didn't want after it,that was the time to say so instead of now to the expense have gone of sending it to you and we after the deal is closed. Under the circumstances,we refund cannot your take the hook that's Understand that's just the tone every in this manner "Dear Mr. You money. hack." what in which day. But one, too he have a many said because complaint is actuallywrote the young swered an- man Gimhel: You because perfectlyjusthow feelthat because your work seem, your you feelabout positionis a detail is limited in its scope, the hook is comprehensiveto help you that would might : I helieve I understand the book. he very much at first thought, a very justnow. And just objection. Century COMPLAINTS AND COLLECTIONS 124 Tailoring Company, Ind. Indlanapolle, Gentlemen! B. F. rlower This The Dickinson ault part one of It eo way, we today's you and for Inpoaelblft any by Immediately old an In to trousers that you Is le this the by done to us them, replace valued alter this and truly have exajulned your the letter or T, Bridges, the 26th which you of trousers la delay yours, Henry We finished the and would ask aa Mr. Dickinson express Very oarefully Th" returning are customer hln. Inconveniencing seriously who ;Han Mr. 'suit. the pressed remedy for us which juat aent you condition. arrived In bad scorched. trouaer leg la badly undoubtedly waa and has and have have returned. After that it dEunaged examination la Impossible In the we for confidently can the say have beem tric elecemploy trousers to We way you suggest. for all our and are tifically scienthey pressing heated so that reach a they never ature temperhot scorch the to surface of the moat enough delicate iron material. The even be left In may one for a without the position scorching long time cloth In the slightest degree. Irons The the to trousers to tailor's scorch a fabric we we trousers to you These aent old easy fashioned are in them ter mat- with a new we decided These pair. sponsible, re- way no to will replace be ped ship- Thursday. promising you that that they this arrive will without not happen delay again, are Yours lost the that feel nevertheless we have Trusting and with in damaged goose. While the undoubtedly were where local tailor shop of your you be pressed, aa It Is a oomparatively three letters through untactful skill and saved when are an vary excellent handling of used. care are a truly. example of how complaint The and first letter trade how was may it may sent be be by a ANSWERING Dear Mr. Brldgesi It we most are not only but thlni from been a orders very please the are accidents he would good and which on of the suits We are totally at could have The He of. proud valued customer has Mr. giving of feel he which on ones occur. desirous keenly were suit a those to little We Dlcltlnson that seems anxious annoying the 125 COMPLAINTS ordered of through has yours, you us. how this why try accident to explain we Investigating* the pair of trousers It? have loss a time In spent replace to to understand But happened. would wo spend rushing through the pair you returned. We will to you got these apologlise to Mr. the sincere as as apology In closing the on ground. Please end malie were we assure that you we be will Very local agent for "made-to-order" It was at least, to his mind a correspondent at the house doubly truly clothes by would we we can for us do only careful. youre, to the house just complaint. answered nesday. Wed- express Dlcl^lnson But he represented. observe how a it. the man, and attemptingto show him how impossible in the firm's shop, he virtually for such an accident to occur lowing folthe dealer of covering a blunder of his own. Then By arguing with it was accuses this,though still protestingthe firm's non-responsibility, he admits that they are complying with the request and sending a And of trousers. new even more unpardonable, he says in the pair will not occur that this again," which closingparagraph "promising all admits practically that the decided counter the fault to be the firm's after all. had long been a good and dealer,who at once to place another firm's Is it any der won- tomer, cusprofitable sample book on his ? in the manner the complainthad been answered suppose gested sugthe in the third letter. Here the writer immediately concedes sincere of the man's complaint,expresses regret and without justice But a or suggestionof protestation co-operative argument, shows him. Even the trousers to new by rushing though the house spirit value it h ere the of the dealer's not have been at fault, recognizes may and the customer's patronage and friendship.Such a letter would the doubtless have meant many a dollar to the firm. COLLECTIONS 126 AND COMPLAINTS reality,because your work is limited now, and because the book is comprehensive,aren't you that very the book will help most? man to wants to get out of the rut, to grow, "Every man who develop into something better. Yet who is the man wins promotion? Is it the clerk whose work is limited to who knows his own routine of details? No, it is the man above him. not only his own work, but that of the man And that is just what this book will enable you to learn. For it givesyou the experiences men of the most successful But in in the country, it describes in detail their methods and the results." And so it ran on, could put the hook exactlyhow showing the customer to profitable use. he reply to either of those letters the young man would have kept the book; but in the first instance he would have kept it because he had to, in the second he that is the difference to. And did keep it because he wanted between the effect of a poor complaint letter and a good one. Now in vitallyimportant point do not argue is in the wrong, with anybody. If the customer do but explain, show him courteouslywhere he is wrong, writes you that goods he ordered If a customer not argue. of you to be sent by express two weeks before,have not ANOTHER been received and " that he doubts whether you ever sent them, don't reply by saying: "// the goods you ordered have not reached you, it is certainlydue to no faultof ours. We sent them it. You and hold should know that promptly the express ceipt re- goods are often lost by the express companies even though the greatest in preparing them for shipment. Under is shown care think you are hardly warranted the circumstances, in we to prove ANSWERING accusing thing you us Bank of COlilPLAINTS 127 When we having sent them. say a depend upon it. If you doubt our responsibili may tional or standing,you may write to the First Naof this city or look ms up in Bun's or Bradnot street's. "However, inasmuch as you say you did not get the goods, we are duplicatingthe order and would ask you to notify us if the first order shows up." This letter, which is typicalof many that go through the mails every day, illustrates not only the bad policy of arguing with your man, but also the mistaie of first antagonizinghim and giving him "insulted injury" back talk and then in the end granting him what he asks. If you are going to concede the justiceof his complaint at all or if you are going to grant him his claim simply do it cheerfullyand make the customer realize as a favor, that you are giving him more than what is justlycoming to him. Write to this man whose goods have not reached him, this style: something in in You are certainlyjustified Chapman: dered complaining over not having received the goods you orby express fullytwo weeks ago. You have been very "Dear Mr. considerate how you "It in waiting so long, and feelabout seems to us fault lies with the the matter that there express appreciatefully we now. can company. be no questionthat The express the receipt received by them in goods were We good condition the very day your order reached us. in urgent need of this stock and we made knew you were we a hold shows that the and packing specialrequestfor quick service in selecting it. "As concerns your hold experiencehas probably shown that their responsibility ceases you, many the moment 128 COLLECTIONS the turned goods are important than we to the express over consider never received technical a ever, How- company. always consider the interests of our we more COMPLAINTS AND customer privilegeof this as kind and transaction closed until the goods a are found to be entirelysatisfactory. "So we are having a duplicateshipment packed and forwarded to you today. We are confident that these goods will reach you almost as soon as this letter,and in and perfectcondition. "The matter of delay in take up them with us, the trace chance the express to reach goods. previoxis shipment at company In they them to charges collect." There have you in every customer that you about are an that not answer a to make ize real- that isn't likelyto forget. the to handle office. with him, you the customer Certainlyyou wouldn 't let right attitude in the to way a into your him littlesales value best get POSSIBLY stop answering complaint is would satisfies the the incidental talk fair,and than more only it is bound point,but service givesthe letter your the customer you should to return you shall we shall have and once meantime, the will thank we you the and if he how personally pick a quarrel came wouldn't yourselfbe consider other than eous court- politethroughout his call. And you would take all through the house if necessary justto demonstrate of giving him a sincerelydesirous the firm was and him how deal. square Remember Picture You'll that the next disappearingand you beside your the customer find your and time you answer desk. complaint. a Then talk to him. old time itch to be vindictive the results the customer alike. vastly more gradually to satisfactory
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