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<>, University of Connecticut
October 4,
I 9 5 5.
In the morning
I attended the
regular weekly
mee~i ng of the
Board of Directors of the Willimanti c 'I'rust
Company. It
lasted until
11: 45, so I did
not get into the
office at all
during the morning.
In the afternoon I worked at the 01'1'1 ce until
3:10 p.m. 1 then came home and saw the last
two innings of the last game 01' the World
Series, mn by the Brooklyn Dodgers over the
New York Yankees.
I then went over to the Agriculture Auditorium and presided at the regu~ meeting of the
Faculty 01' the College of Arts and Sciences.
The program was mainly routino. There were
resulutions on the retirements of Messrs.
Oroteau, Cheney, and Kulp. New members of the
Faculty were introduced. 'l'here were some
routine course changes. We were out well
before 5 p.m.
I spent much of the evening f~~ wri ting letters.
Also watched a television show and did some
October 5,
1 9 5 5.
All day at the
office. I had
a lonp." talk wi th
Jaimie Arjona.
President Jorgensen caae in
to ask me to
~ead a committee
on convocations
for the Di amond
Jubilee. He wants several of than
for students, one for faculty, etc. I suggested
the possibility of holding, during the jubilBe
year, a convocation at which we would have
every living U.S. NObel prize winner. Also on
another matter I suggested that the new donnitories be named after Connecticut towns. I
pOinted out the possibilities of gettIng local
support through than, etc. The .l?resident
said he had never thought of it, but that he
was taken with the idea and thought it worth
followi ng up.
At 4 p.m. I !resided pver a meeting of the
:ramlt y of the School 0 f Home Jl.eo nomi c s. It
was llrgely a waste of time, and ran until
after 5 p.m. I had hoped to get out early
to work on the Rivulet, and as it was, I
did get one barrow load of canent mixed and
placed before dark. I am. now working on the
Hi vulet itself, as distinct from the pool.
The pool, finished now for some days and quite
hard, appears to leak badly. I judge that i
have u sed too much fi nely-crushed stone in
the mix, which makes the mix loose and porous.
I shall give it one further test, but then
I fear that I shall have to line it Wi. th
a straight cement-sand mixture.
October 6,
1 9 5 5.
A solid morning
in the office.
Got off sane
dictation. Edith
went to Hartford to see
her mother.
At noon I drove
to Shady Glen
and had a sandwich for lunch. ThEIl on to
Hartford, where I did some shopping. Then
back to East Hartford, where I went to Mr.
Young's telescope facdlOry and talked with
him abut the possibility of getting clockwork
put on II\V telescope.
At 4:30 I went to Mrs. Mahoney's, 26 Sumner Steeet,
where I met Mrs. Mahoney and Lester Shippee.
We talked until 5: ro, and I then drove Mrs.
Mahoney to the Hartford lilub for a dinner
meeting of th Liaison Committee, which ran
from 6 to 9: 45 p.m.
got a haircut
on the way to
work. Then at
the offi oe until noon. LUring
the noon hour I
drove to the
hospi tal in
Willimantic and
dictated a number
of letters there. 1hen down to the Connecticut
BaDk and .rist Company for a conference with
October 7,
1 9 5 5.
Willis Ridgeway. Then back to the office, where
I woIi{ed until 4: 30. Conferences wi th R 'ccio,
Carter, and dome chap who is head of the educational. work of' the New York Stock Exvhange.
At 4: 30 I came home and put a lining of' cement
inside the pool in Circle Park. The cement
which I already had there was so porous that
water soaked right through it. 'Jhe ;ater level
dropped so fast you could see it go down. I
continued, of course, to use the part already poured as a foundation, and merely put
a half'-inch layer of' cement and sand over
it, omi tti ng thi s time the f'inely crushed
rock which I had used in consldera'Jle quantity
October 8,
1 9 5 5.
A rainy day. I
set out to work
in Curcle Park,
but the rain was
too heavy, and I
let it go. I did
drive up to Mansfield SUpply and
get some cement
to use tomorrow
if' it clears up.
In the af'terjoon Edith, Dan, and I went over
to the Stadium and sat in the rain to watch the
Connecticut f'ootball team beat the University
of'Massacbusetts in a close and exciting game,
marred by a good many fUmbles and slIppery
At 11 a.m. Edith and l had gone to the church
to attend the funeral of Arthur R. Merrill, who
died last Wednesday at the age of 78. I had
known him ever since I came to Storrs to work
in 1924. I saw him last at the hospi tal on
Fri day, a week: ago yesterday. I di d not take
it that he was then apatient. ~ was standing
in the lobby in his regular street clothes as
I walked through, and we chatted for a minute.
He has had serious heart trouble now for some
time. When I learned of hi s death on Wednesday
Edith and I went right over to their house
and called on IIrs. Merrill.
October 9,
1 9 5 5.
All mo rni ng, and
during the early
afternoon, I wo,rked on the Rivulet
in Circle Park.
I finally got the
base completed, but
will probably have
to line it wi. th
a cElllent- sand mortar to keep it
from leaking.
When I got the Rivulet done I put the leaf mulcher
on the rotary lawn mower, but didn't actually
put it into use. The leaves are now beginning
to came down fairly rapidly, and the colors are
fairly good.
At 4 p.m. -di th, Dan, and I drove down to Mann's
for Mrs. Lyman's birthday party. Those present
were a mixture of generations, running from
Miss Whitney (aged 87) to Robin Wedberg (aged
about 5). Miss McDonald, Mrs. Stephan with two
sons, Mrs. Steimneyer, the two Mann daughters
with their blsbands, the Wedbergs and Waughs,
Paul Putnam's mother, and, of course, Al and
Roberta Mann.
In the evening Edith went out to some meeting,
and I read the morning newspapers and wrote sane
I spent the morning
at the office. At
noon I took lunch
at the Grill with
the Fann Bureau
Directors, after
which I met wit h
thEm briefly at
their request, and
in the President's
absence, to answer
their questions concerning salaries of mElllbers of
the staff of the College of Agriculture. When
Perregaux retired recently he made ~e srong
statEIII.ents at a retirEment party in ,. artford to
the effect that we discriminate against the staff
October 10,
1 9 5 5.
of the' College of Agriculture by making them work
eleven months of the year but paying them the
same annual rates as those whi oh we pay to those
staff memners who work but nine months. This
had caused some coY'ment. Perregaux: had stated
that we are losing our best men in the field of
agri vul ture for thi s reason. Now the fam bureau
directo~ wanted to know the facts.
I explained
our policies as best I could, and they stated that
they were fUlly satisfies and discharged their
commi ttee.
After this Sedgewiok aDd Hugh CI ..k came in for
an hour to discuss the presentation of the matter
of required attendance at the senate meeting
which was to oome later in the afternoon.
At 4 p.m. I presided over the first meeting of
the senate this fall. It ran for two hours, and
the main topic of di scrussion was the ma~ter of
required attendance. For about 25 years our
facuity has followed a policy of offering its
classes to students but not rewuiring the students
to come. No student is required to attend classes,
and our rules state that the instrictor may not
reduce the student t s mark on accou t of a bsences. This policy of voluntary attendance has
always been under more or less attack, and recently
the trustees have raised serious questions about
it. I thought that the senate would today retreat
from their long stand on the matter. but they did
not. In fact, the sentiment expressed for the
present system was the strongest and most unanimollS which I have heard in many years. I fear
that the President and the Board of Trustees may
be Up83t over this, but I hope that things will
turn out all right.
In the moming I
attended the regular
1 9 5 5.
directors' meeting at the bank.
For ODee we got
out prkmptly at
11 a.m. Then
Bill Casey and I
looked over the
property between
NOrth Street and
Church Street which
the directors have quietly and secretly discussed
as a possi ble site for a new bank.
October 11,
I got to the office a little before 11: 30 and
worked there until noon. Then again 1'rom 1-4
o'clock. At 4 I presided over a short and
completely useless meeting 01' the Faeul ty of
the School of EUsiness Administration. It
lasted for twB:aty minutes.
At 5 p.m. ~ith and I picked up the Carters and
droe to hartford, where we went to the .t1a rtford
Club. The trustees and the administrative staff
there put on a dinner in honor of President and
Mrs. 10rgensen, marking twenty years of service
by the President. The President appeard on
the campus to take over his duties on Ootober 12,
1935. The affair went off well. There were
about 70 people there
about 20 trusjrees and
wives, aDd abc_ut 50 deans and directolts and
wi ves. lie had a good dinner, with broiled lamb
chops, at $4 a plate, and then Shippee gave a
short talk, I gave a sanewhat longer one (mine
ran about 10-12 minutes), and Ray Brock gave a
short one. We gave gifts to President and
Jorgensen, and President 10rgensen responded.
The party broke up about 10 p.m.
October 12,
1 9 5 5.
Columbus Day, and
the business offices
of the Uni versi ty
were closed. Classes
continued as usual;
I had a conferenoe
with President ~or­
gensen until 9:50.
Then dashed to
Hartford to meet
Dr. Hrones, who came in on the 10: 38 train from
Boston. ¥fe are considering him as a possible
dean of our School of Engineering. I drove him
out to storrs through delight:f'ul fall weather
and amid fine autumn colors. I took him around
the campus, and then we met the President at the
Student Union Building at noon. At 12:30 others
jo ned us there for lunch: Whetten, Coogan,
Tippy, and Timoshenko. We then left Hrones with
the three engineering department heads, and I
picked him up again at 3: 30. Drove him around
the canpus a 11 ttle more, and then to Hartford,
where we ate an early supper at the Statler
Hotel. I then put him on the trai for Boston
about 5:45 p.m.
Hrones made a good impression on me. I doubt if
we would be able to entice him away from M.l.T.,
but I think we may well decide to try.
October 13,
1 9 5 5.
I worked at the
office all morning.
Got off a little
diotation. Had
a conference with
Dean Carter and
another wi th Dean
Whetten. Letters
have now gone out
announcing salary
increases for members of the professional staff, and questions are
beginning to trickle baak.
At 11 o'clock Dean May came in for an hour on
budget pro blams.
I spent the afternoon at the office.
At 6 p.m. Dlrt Hall icked up .a.di th and me and
drove us out to hi s camp on Crystal Pond in Eastford. Here we found his wife, one of his married
daughters with her little child, and Dr. &; -rs.
Gilman. We had pie and coffee, and talked until
11 p.m. Dlrt's place is pleasant, and right on
the edge of the lake near its outlet. It is on
a rather narrow "bay" or ann of the lake. OUr
evening's talk ran largely to politics
especially to the recent town election. Burt Hall
and I fe;t that the Republican Town Committee
had made a grave mistake in the matter, "lhile
Ruby Gilman felt that it was the duty of Republican voters to support toe party ticket no
matter whom they nominated. I would have preferred to have had the conversation run on other
topics, but Burt raised this one and stuck to
October 14,
We got some rain
last night, and the
1 9 5 5.
radio announces
that an "extratropical stonn"
has built up off
the New Jersey
coast and is headed
our way -- what
we sued to call a
"Nor' easter".
It rained much of the morning, and at noon I
anpti ed the rain gauges to sta rt a recording
of what followed.
I spent the day in the office. Got off a good
deal of dictation. Carter was in to tllk over
salary matters. Youn8 Called on the same subject
and we held a long telephone conversation.
Sallllrlihl,:y ,
October 15,
I wor tid at the
office u~til about
11 a.m. Then drove
1 9 5 5.
to Willimantic in
a heavy rain and
bought a cOllple of
bags of cement and
$17 'WOrth of groceries. Then home,
where the hard rain
continued all afternoon. At 8: 30 a.m. the rain
ga:llges held 2.68 inches; and by 5: 30 p.m. they
had collected an additional 1.05 inches for a
total. of 3.73 inches since yesterday noon.
I couldn't work outsoors, so I worked arowd the
house durlng the afternoon and spent the eveming
October 16,
1 9 5 5.
Still rainijg hard,
and the radio reports heavy flooding in southwestern
Connecticut. The
rain gauges showed
1. 38 inches at
8: ro a.m. and
another 0.64 inches
at 5 p.m., for a
total of 5.75 inches
since J!ri day noon.
At 10 a.m. ~th, Dan, and I left for New Haven.
The trip was wi thout incident. We saw many places
where rivers had overflowed their banks, but the
highway was everywhere in good-hape. We saw 8
helieopter only 50 feet or so above our heads
at one spot on the Merri tt PaIkway. 'I e got to
New Haven and about noon, and went straight to
Bob's roam. we had taken his record player down
wi th us, and turned 1 t over to him.
we found Bcbb feeling well and happy, and enjoying
his work. He says that he likes histology the
least and anatomy the best of his subjects. We
went up to Kaysey's to eat, and then back to
Bob's roam, where we stayed until 3 p.m. Then
home without incident. The trip ran us to 126
October 17,
Right after breakfast I picked up
1 9 5 5.
Brannnell and McKain and drove to
Hartford, where we
went to a meeting
at the State Department of Education
wi th Messrs. Flaharty,
Robinson, s.nd Ross.
Flaharty and I
gave the other four their instructions, and
then I left at about 10:15 and went to town,
where I did some shopping. Bought some books
and some marine charts.
ad a sandwich for
lunch. At 1 p.m. I picked ur McKain and
Brammell and drove home. Spent the afternoon in the office.
Had supper at the hospi tal in Willimantic,
followed by the regular monthly meeting of
the board of 'J;rustees. To nw surpri se the
bard decided NO'l' to run a campaign for funds
at this time. There was, however,a long
discussion of the matter.
October 18,
a:.& 9
I sp·nt the morning
at the bank, at
the di rectors'
The Provosts
Council met all
afternoon in its
first session of the academic year. There was
a good turnout. 'Ine meeting w s scheduled
to stop at 3 p.m, but ran alon~ until after
4 o'clock. President Jorgesen dropped in for
a very short part of it.
The uni versi ty beginning class in astronomy
h8i made arrangements for interested mEmbers
to come to our house tonight to look through
the telesvope. To be sure, there isn't
much to look at. Saturn and Jupiter are invisible at appropriate times, and Venus, which
is of some interest in the crescent phase,
is also poorly situated. But I had thought
that the thin and waxing crescent moon might
be better than nothing. AS it turned out,
it was camp'etely and heavily overcast, and
no one showed up save for two girls who came
together. Danny and I went out and showed
thEm the telescope itself; but there was
nothing for than to see through it.
All day in the
offi ee, with a
seri e s of con1 9 5 5.
ferences. Carter
came in at 11: 45
and stayed until
1 p.m., right
through the noon
hour. Sedgewi ok
and Northby were
in. I had two
rather long student conferences. Riccio and
October 19,
the Presi dent were in.
before supper I put together the fOTIns
for the base on which I an to mount the
pump for the Hi vulet in Circle Park.
Edith went out for the evening, and I stayed
at home and read. Last night and tonight
Dan has shown much interest in going over
my nautical chart s while I read the correspondi ng part s from the Coast Pilot. He
seeks out the lights and buoys that are
mentioned, and tri es to find the courses
for entering harbords, etc. I am surprised
at how much of it he understands
although I am wise enough to understand that
the main basis for his interest is the hope
that I will became so engrossed that I will
overlook the fact that it is hi s btntime.
October 20,
1 9 5 5.
hour later than usual.
I woke up about
5: 30 a.m. with a
sore eye and a
dull headache. I
got up and too~ an
aspirin and went
back to bed, but
got 11 ttle more
sleep. Finally got
up at 8 a.m., an
My stomach was a little
off, and I felt rocky. If it had been
Saturday or SUnday I would have stayed abed,
but I had too many connni tments ahead f'or that
J.!.di th went to Hartf'ord to see her mother as
soon as Dan had lef't for school.
I drove over to Bradley Fi eld and "pi eked up
Dr. Lewt:i3 fran the 10:03 fJ#ft plane. He
came in from Chicago as the third person interviewed for the deanship of our School of
Engineering. He was here all day, and made
a rather poor impression. I got him back
to Storrs about 11:30, and at 12:30 went
to lunch with him at the President's Lounge
in the Student Union Building. Others there
were Jorgensen, Whetten, Carter, Tippy,
Timoshenko, and Coogan. The Engineering
Department heads kept him for the afternoon,
and I came home and took a nap in an attempt
to recover f'ram a bad headache. I picked
Lewi 8 u·- again at 4 p.m. and talked with
him until 5: 30. Then brought him home,
where we had dinner, and then ruShed off
to the airport, taking Edith and Dan With
us. Barely made his plane at 7:20 p.m., and
then home to bed.
October 21,
All day at the
of'f'ice. Conferences
with Northby, Carter,
Dean May, Jorgensen, et ale Jorgensen had a long co~
ference today wi th Dean Brammell, and told
me afterward that Br~ell came in quite upset over the fact that he had not redeived a
salary increase. Wanted to know if he should
reti:re next year when he becomes eligible.
October 22,
I 9 5 5.
Spent mo st of the
day on the pump
base for the Rivulet in Oi rcle Park.
First I dug the
hole for the base,
about 2~ feet deep;
Filled the bottom
wi th rocks and
crushed rock. Then
put in the fonns,
mixed the concrete,
and poured it. This
took me from 8: 30
a.m. to about 2:30 p.m. ~~th a half hour
off for dinner.
~i th
and Dan spent the morning at Dan's
School Fair.
When I finished the base for the pump, including the installation of the wiring and
the piping, etc., I started the leaf muleher
and did a little worlc with it. Also ran
the electric cable underground from the pump
base to the cellar and through the cellar
wall into the cellar.
After supper Edith, Dan, and I went over to
the Ratcliffe Hicks Arena and saw the anmal Horti cuI ture Ehow.
October 23,
Outdoors wolking
alma st all day. I
first installed the
pump on the pump
base which I made
yesterday. 'l'hi s invol.ed cutting and
threading some
pipe, etc. Carried
in a little wood
for fireplace use
next winter.
Spent the afternoon mulching leaves. The
leaf fall is not yet completed, but we had
a heavy frost last night, and the leaves
fell heavily today. Many of them were down.
before today.
My rotary mower has been actibg up lately.
It has been very hard to start, and I took
the head off the engine today and cleaned
it up. This seemed to do no good whatever.
A~so the cutting blade came loose late in
the afternoon, and I spent some time
sharpening it and re-installing it.
In the evening Edith went to the movies wi th
Mrs. Wed berg. I stayed at home and read.
October 24,
It was a rather
overcast day, which
1 9 5 5.
I spent primarily
in the office. In
the afternoon
Ricoio and 1 completed our inspection of the Eduoation Building. I
then presided over
the regular monthly
meeting of the
Faculty of the College of Agr culture, where they re-cOnsidered
their action of' last month rela" ive to courses
in physics and chemistry, and came out with
What seamed to me a somewhat more sensible
In the eve bing the astron~ class was arain
sehedul ed to COI!le over for a look through
the telescope, but again it was clo dy and
they did not come. Edith went out to the
annual meeting of the church, and I stayed
at ha.e and read.
October 25,
Down town right
after brekafast.
Bought for $22.50
a second hand
24-inch bi b;,rble - O'Ct~k
to give Dan on his
birthday. Attended
the regular meetin~ of.~the bank directors.
Afterward I picked up Idit~, who had gone
down for a dentist appointment and had left
her car to be winterized, and brought her
home wi th me.
b'pent the afternoon in the office. Got home
a little early and too~ the fonns off the
pump base at Circle Park. Patched the cement.
Reports called for cold weather tonight, so
turned off most of the outdoor irrigation.
Just before supper Dan and I took Edith down
town to get her ear.
October 26,
All day at the
office. I had a
short conference
wi th President Jorgensen just beare
dinner. Spent
most of the afternoon dictating.
I tried out the
new Rivulet arranggement at Oi .ele Park
today, and was
highly disappointed When the pump did not
function. Possi bly there was some air leakage in the suction line. The electric motor
worked perfectly, and 'Whatever difficulty
there was was in the pump.
Right after supper 1 fell asleep in my chair
and slept there for almost three hours. Then
go t up long enough to get to bed.
Charlie Hill called me today and told me, to
my amazement, that he wants to be administrator
at the hospital. He is to retire at the
Thread Company J"amIary I after 50 years of
service there, and wants to take on the hospital duties for a year or two nwhile we break
in a new young man". I shall, of course,
talk the matter over with the conu:n1ttee, but
my own first reaction to it is negative. Unfortunately Charlie is very popular in the
communi ty, and has given very lonr- and umIsually
able aervtce to the hoapi tal, so there will be
embarrasanent it' the canmi ttee decides to
turn him down, and I feel sure that his feelings will be hurt in such a case.
Edith went in to Hartford today to see her
mother, and I had lunch at the Grill with
Dean Hewitt.
October 27,
I 9 5 5.
I spent the day in
the office
most of it at dictation. I had a
ntnnber of conferences ~~ Jirgensen, Whetten,
Carter, iili••; the
man Who substi tutes for Kelleher vmen
he is away, etc. I took the rotary lawn
mower doW} to Markland's in the morning. It
has became very hard to start. 1~ey told me
that they could :fix it "rig,ht away", and suggested I wait. I waited :for an hour or more
while they worked on it, and since they were
no nearer gettinf it started than they had been
at :first, I came along back to the office.
At night they still did not have it started.
October 21,
1 9 5 5.
It was 'l'eachers'
Convention Day in
the puiJlic schools,
so Dan had the day
o:f:f •
I had a telephone
call late yesterday a:fternoon :from
Gelndon Scoboria,
the State Personnel Director. he had had a police report
showing th tone o:f our :fa cuI ty rembers was
arrested :for "lewdness" in Wilmington in
August. The report gave lurid detail. I
asked Dean Oarter and Dave Phillips to consider the matter over night. Today they came
in with recommendations, and I got th1l' President
to come in.' We decided to tell the chap that
he has the choice o:f: (1) resigning at once;
(2) being suspended :for one month while .he
goes back to Wilmington to fight the case;
or (3) being dismissed at once.
Dick Belden came in thi s morning and stayed
for about an hour and a half. We had a very
pleasant talk.
furing the noon hour I drove to Willimantic
and got off some dictation at the hospital.
October 22,
Right after breakfast I went ou t and
1 9 5 5.
worked on the pump
which is supposed
to activate the
Rivulet in Circle
Park. I have been
trying it the past
counle of days, but
eould not get it
to operate. This
morning I finally
got it going just before 9 a.m. and let it
run continuously until 5 p.m. It did not
throw quite so large a volume of water as I
had hoped for; but it was satisfactory.
I spent eh morning at the office. Got
a lot of work done. President J"orgeBsen
came in for an hour's conference.
In the afternoon Edith, Dan, and I went over
and saw the football ewn beat New Hampshire
20-7. The prognosticators had all picked
New Hampshire to win easily,but in fact the
Connecticut team outpiayed than completely.
It was a fine, warm, springlike day.
In the evening I set the clocks b8ck an hour
to mark the end of daylight time. Starting
tomorrow all times unless otherwsie noted
will be eastern standard time.
October 30,
1 9 5 5.
Shut off the water
in the irrigation
system today and
amp ied the pipes.
Got out the leaf
muleher and mulched
same leaves. The
Markland boys got
it fixed yesterday.
They found that it
had a blown head
gasket. About
11: 30 a.m. it
started to rain, and kept it up the rest of
the day. I came in and read the papers. I
had the new Rivulet \~rking almost all day.
In the late afternoon my sisyer, Esther, came
in for an hour's viSit, which I enjoyed
greatly. Sh is spending a couple of days
wi th her daul?,hter, Loi s, over in 1~id0ver.
October 31,
At 9 a.m. I
went down to the
Uni versi ty' s
Studio, where
Sol Wollman took
some photographs
of me for the
University publicity
files. Then to the
o 'fice, where I
Spent the rest of
the day.
Dean Hewi tt came in for a long talk during the
morning. Dean Carter came in wi th Dave Philli 'PS
to go over the matter of the erring staff member. Late in the day Carter came back to say
that Phillips had seen the chap, who immediately
agreed that the charges were correct, and resigned effective tomo~row.
I had an afternoon conference with Dean Whetten,
and also spent some time in the Registrar's
Office. Picked up the old Faculty Minutes,
containing records of the Faculty meetings from
about 1896 on. The early minutes make interQsting reading. 'I'he school of thoE days was small
and relatively simple. The problEms seem minor
by today's standards. Yet I am sure that they
involved as much of human nature and human ambition and aspiration and frustration 8S do the
records of today. I think of three successive
President's who were deposed -- Koons, Flint,
and Stimson
and I reali ze that there were
troubles and problems whi1:h seemed insoluble,
even if today they seem very small indeed.
TOnight is Haloween, with a full moon. Danny
went out and collected candy from the neighbors.
This is a Cc;stom which has grown rapidly in
reent years, and one of which I heartily disapprove. Many child -'en stopped here to beg.
November 1,
I spent the morning
at the bank directors' meeting.
All afternoon in the
office. I had several
short conferences:
Dave Phillips reporting on yesterday's "resignation";
Northby to discus s oertain proposed changes in academic regulations; President
Jorgensen to discuss developments concerning the
proposed medical-dental school; a number of
telephone calls resulting from the fact that
one of our ri ding horses, used in equi tation
classes, contracted encephalomyelitis and had
to be killed today, raising questions of possible cancellation of equitation classes; etc.
And today I received another call telling that
a young temporary member of the staff was
twice convicted some years back of indecent
exposure and impainnent of the morals of minor
children -- the second staff case in a week
involving morals 1
November 2,
I worked at the
office until 10
a.m., and then went
to the College of
Agxiculture Building for a meeting
of the committee
which is making pJans for the meetings of the
American Institute of Biological Sciences next
August. Dr. Cox of the national committee
was here for the meeting, which lasted an hour
and a half.
In the afternoon Ihad a succession of appointments until 4 p.m., vmen I presided at the
regular meeting of the Faculty of the School
of Home Economics. Got home just before 6
At 6:30 Mavis Gillette Sande came in with her
four Ii ttle daughters and her husband. Mavis
and Sandy are starting their first vacation
since the children were born, and are leaving
the two youngest of them, Kimberley and Natalie, with us for Ecii th to take care of. We
had a late supper, and then got the two 11 ttle
girls to bed about 7:45 p.m. 1~ey were tired,
and went right to sleep.
November 3,
I didn't feel
very good thi s
morning. Had
sane slight
abdominal cramps.
But nothing
serious enough to
stay at home in
the face of what
promises to be
a busy and long
I actually spent much of the day in dictation.
At 5 p.m. I started off in s light drizzle for
Thompsonville, driving via Staffarrd Springs,
West Stafford, Samers, and Hazardville. I felt
sick, and seriously thought about pulling off
beside the road and trying to get a half jour's
nap. I got to Thompsonville a little before
6 o'clock and found the Silhouette Restaurant
just a few feet south of the Massachusetts line
on Route 5. I then drove back a mile or two
and went to a large .A&J? super market. I still
felt sick at the stomach, but got out and went
inside and walked around the aisles for three
quarters of an hour. Then went back and pa:rlced
by the Silhouette Restaurant. I walked up
into Massachusetts (Longmeadow) and back, and
kept walking for ten. minutes or so tryin§ to
get some fresh air. Then went into the estaurant, where 1 was scheduled to be the speaker
at a dinner meeting which was to start at 7
0' clock.
I timed myself to come in right on
the dot, so I 'WOuldn't have to stand around and
talk. No one was there yet. The waitress
told me the meeting was scheduled for 7: 30. I
read the paper for a while, and finally men
began to drift in and head for the bar. One
of them was the man who had inv~·ted me. He
told me unblushingly, "We always state the time
at 7 O'clock because we kno w that everyone will
be late, and that way we can hope to get started
about 7: 20. n Actually we got started about
8 o'clock, wit¥ a pitifUlly small crown. The
sponsors were the Enfield Chamber of Commerce.
We ate a mediocre meal, and I was then introdu ced
a little after 9 and spoke until 10 o'clock.
I then got right out and headed home and arrived
about 11 pm. or a few minutes after. I felt
better as soon as I started to speak. I suppose it is a case of self-hypnosis. Tjose
few people who were ther seaned enthsiastic
about my talk, but I felt that it was e. wasted
evening. I talkedm by request, on "The Uni versity of Connecticut."
November 4,
1 9 5 5.
Rei ny all day.
I spent most of
the moming dictating save for
an hour wi th President Jorgensen and
a half hour with
Dean Aekennan.
In the afternoon
I had a long
session with Tom RoberLs on admiBsion matters.
At 6 o'clock I left for Willimantic and went
to the Country Club in a downpour. The lmerican
Thread Company was putting on a dinner in honor
of Charlie Hill, who was completing 50 years
of work for the company. I had been. invited
to attend and to "say a few words" for the
hospi tal, on whose Board of 'l'rusteess Charlie
has served ever since the institution was
opened in 1933. There were 50 people there,
approximately. I sat at the head table next to
P.S.Howe, the president of the company, and
had an interesting vi si t with him. The
treatsurer of the company, Mr. A.U. Fox, came
up and introduced himself. He said that he
was interested in my last name, since he used
to worll: wi th a man named Dan Waugh in J lipan.
I told him that this was my oldest brother.
He was surprised and pleased. He said that
Dan "taught him what he knew" about banking,
and was the best man he ever worlred with.
He said that he felt that Dan had suffered
some rather sudden setback while still in
Japan, in the nature of s slight stroke or
something of that kind, after which his
rapid progress in the bank had suddenly
ceased. He said that Dan was the smartest
man in the far eastern f ree of the bank, but
could not and would not "sell" himself. He
had had a "battle" in the wast, and had lost
out to another chap who was mentally far hi s
inferior, but who did a "selling job" on the
company exeouti ves. He said that Dan was
always shy and reti ring, and would not push
Such parts of thi s as I can
judge, ring true to me. Dan has al.ways been
shy, and it would nauseate him to have to
put up a high-pressure selling job on his own
bel!talf. He is a sensi ti ve sou1,t1. In t the
idea that he perhaps suffered a slight shock
before leaving the orient is a brand net>,r idea
to me, and I do not have any way of judging
the likelihood of its being true.
I was very favorably impressed wi th Mr. Fox,
and also wi th Mr. Howe.
Charlie Hill announced during the that
he intends to retire January 1. I had known
that this announcement was coming, since
Charlie had called me a week or so ago to
say that he would like to be named administrator of the hispital after his retirament.
I got a haircut in the morning.
November 5,
1 9 5 5.
I got to the
office about 9
a.m. and worked
there until 12:30 •
.An hour and a
half of this time
was spent in conference with Nate
After dinner Dn
and I went down to Willimantic and did some
I spent substantially the entire
Novanber 6,
day today working
I 9 5 5.
on a Ii ttle "pump
house" to cover
and protect the
electric motor
and pump which
feed the Rivulet
at Circle Park.
It is turniIlf! out
to be an attractive anall house. I completed
the walls today, and still have to mate the
roof, attach it, and paint the entire thing.
The main time was taken in the "decorations".
The walls are made out of 3/4-inch lumber,
but instead of leaving the outer faces flat
and plain and uninteresting, I took my router
and routed out line Ibn than. Mainly they are
parallel horizontal lines representing "clapboards", but there are also windows, doors,
etc. On the end wnere the water discharges
there is even a Emall "porch" with turned
"pillars". On the front the windows are
actually cut through so that there can be
glass behind than; but on the other sides the
windows are cut beck into the wood perhaps
and eighth of an inch, and will be painted
I broke off only long enough in mid-morning
to take Kimberley and Natali e Sande (the two
11 ttle girls who are spending ten days with us)
over to see the cows and the sheep.
November? ,
1 9 5 5.
I had a long conference with Dean
Whetten in the
morning, and a
short one with
Dean Carter. I
also had a long
session wi th a
student and went
yhrough a heavy
Monday morning
In the afternoon I spent over three hours
wi t) Dean Carter, working on revisions of the
plans for the Social SCience ~ilding and the
Humantities Building. Didn't get away fram
the office until 5:45 p.m., which is long
after dark this time of year.
November 8,
1 9 5 5.
In the morninf I
want to the regular
bank di rectors'
meeting. Got back to
the office at
In the afternoon
I worked at the
office until 4 o'clock and then presided at a
fifteen-minute meeting of the Faculty of the
School of Bstiness Administration.
In the evening I went to the monthly meeting
of the Storrs Rod & Gun Olub, and then horne
to watch televi sion.
Last ni gh t as we
went to bed we
heard student
1 9 5 5.
shouting, and
decided it was
either a football
rally or the anmal
campaign for the
~ayor of Storrs".
When .I. went to
the offi oe thi s
morniD,f:: I passed Whi tney and Holcomb Halls
(girls' dormitories) end noted hundreds of
pieces of sod on the sidealks, on the hi ghway,
etc. Then I noticed the bicycle stand by the
Beach Building was tipped over. As soon as I
got to the office I in~uired, and found there
had been a serious student brawl last night
far beyond the ordinary youthful prows.
Students had stoned police with bricks, had
broken windows, hS.d ransacked one of the
vottages, etc. The affair had been planned
in adVance, with WTitten notices posted inViting the students to riot; I had an immediate
report from Messrs Reid, Northby, and Cohen,
and was highly pleased at the Care wi th
whi ch Reid has hancled the matter. I called
the President at his home, and he came right
over. We authorized the immediate and permanent di smissal of eight students, and much
of II\Y day was taken up with various problems
connected therewith.
November 9,
I broke off long enough for a half-hour conference wi th Dean H e v..1.· t and Schwarting on
matters of admission requirements in the
School of Phannacy.
In the afternoon I presided over the regular
meeting of the Fa cuI ty of the School of Enginerring. Ihey adopted a resolution requesting
a change in the method of electing the Uni versity Senate, su(?iZrsting that it be pepresentayive of the schools and colleges instead
of at-large.
In the evebing I went down to the hospital in
Willimantic and, from 7 p.m. until shortly
after 11 o'clock, met vdth Roland Jordan,
Ed Preston, and Nobby Bortolan going over the
credentials of applicants for the position of
administrator of the hospital •
November 10,
1 9 5 5.
The fi rst thing
thi s morning I
had a short conference one
of our young
Chemi stry instructors who
was convicted
five years ago of
di sorderly conduct after having been arrested on charges of
indecent exposure and risk of injury to a
minor. This is the second sex case which we had in two weeks. This time I do not
know what ultimate action we shall take, if
I dictated until 11:45.
'rhen went to the
anrrual ceremony inducting the new uni versi ty
scholars. They were here with their parents,
and after the f-/4f-¢lMf ceremony and the
photographs we had a fine lunch in the
6liudent Union fucldine-.
'l'her. back to the office, where I had a session
with Dean Carter until late afternoon.
After supper I made the roof :for the pump
house which will go out in Circle Park. Then
spent the evening reading.
Nove:nber 11,
1 9 5 5.
Anni stice Day, or,
as they now n~e
it, Veterans'
Day. The only
people in the
Building were
the President,
Mrs. Chariers,
(My secretary), B.nd 1. The Presi dent and I
had a long morning conference, and the spent
most of the afternoon together.
When I got home I gave a first coat of paint
to the Pump lbuse in 01 -rcle Park.
Bobby has been wri ting lately thate has been
sick. 1hey have diagnosed his difficulty as
prostatitis, and they are also somewhat doubtful about one of his ureters. He is to have
x-ray examinations next week, after cystoscopic
inspection of th·., bladder thi s week. I judge
that he missed some classes one day.
Novanber 12,
I got to the
office at 9
1 9 5 5.
o'cl.ock and
worked alone
there until 10.
'Ihen President
Jorgensen came
in, and we had
a alk. At
11:30 Mr. Farrell,
a Providence, Rhode I Bland banker and trustee
of the Uni versi ty of Rhode Island, came in by
appointment. I took him around the csmpus,
and showed him the dormitories and the faeulty
housing; I left him a 1 p.m., and dashed to
the student union buildin~ for a dish of
ice cream. I had intended to get a sandwick
for dinner, but they were out of them.
then rushed to the stadium, arriving just
before the 1: 30 kickoff. Met Adi th and Dan
at the stadium, and we saw the Uni versi ty of
Rhode ~ sland win by 25-0. Then back home for
the evening.
I worked arouna.
the "farm" mo st
of the day. Gave
1 9 5 5.
another eoat of
paint to the
pump house. Pk ant ed
lily bulbs. Mixed
SOOle cement and
c sst a fl front
door step" for
the pump house.
Planted a lot of
dogwood seeds which I had picked on September
29th. I had di vi ded than into two equal (by
weight) 10 s. One lot I had wrapped in
a plastic bag and frozen in our deep-freeze.
They had been frozen ever since the day they
were picked. The other lot was put into a
plastic bag and kept outdoors in the shade.
I shall see if ei ther lot gr ws, and if there
is any tifferance in their rate of germination.
I spent much of the afternoon mulching leaves
in the back yard.
November 13,
The Sands came late in the evening and took
their two little girls, Kimberly and Natalie,
who had been wi th us for 10 days or so. I
had to puch their car to get it started When
they left.
November 14,
1 9 5 5.
A busy day. I started
off right after breakfast and drove to Deep
Ri ver via Columbia and
Hebron and Colchester.
Crossed the river on
the Hadlyme Ferry,
being the only car on
the boat. ~eriver
was very hi ~ from
the recent heavy rains.
I was due at the Valley
Regional High School in Deep Hi ver at 10 o'clock, but
was a half hour late from 1 sing my way. I was directed to the wrong school, and then given grossly
incorrect information as to how to reach the right
one. I finally arrived and had an hour wi th the
principal, Mr. Plante, and hi s personnel men, whose
name was Stenbergere or something Similar. We di scussed their cooperative program for superior students.
I got away from Deep River about 11: 30 and drove to
Hartford. Had a conference wi th Ray Longley in the
State Auditor's office. Then had a sandwich lunch
and did a little shopping. At 3:40 p.m. I picked up
Dick Belden and Carter Atkins, and drove out to Avon
to Lester Sjippee's summer place. 'l'he view over
the Fannington Valley is superb. The members of the
LiHison Committee gather d, a.nd had appetizers and
cocktails. At 6 we went to the Hartford Club and
had dinner, and then a meeting which lasted until
11 p... Carter Atkins gave a report on his survey
of higher education.
Just tefore leaving Hartford for Avon I saw John Ring,
one of the Security cf ficers at the Um versi ty, and
he told me that there ha'·, been another near riot last
night, and that tonight's Hartford newspapers had a
front-page story on it.
Len Riccio called me last night to say that the doctor has ordered him to take a cojplete rest for one
month because of coronary insufficiency.
The University
dent .Jorgensen
so they had to
they are fully
Senate met this afternoon, but Presiis in Michigan and I was in Hartford,
take care of thEmselves
whi ch
capable of doing.
NovEmber 15,
I attended the bank
director's meeting
in the morning. Then
had lunch in Willimantic, since Edith
was in Hartford.
In the afternoon I
had a long conference
with Dean Oarter.
Also a long talk wi th
Miss Spencer of the MathEmatics Department, who
wanted to discuss with me her course in astronomy.
I spent the evening reading.
November 16,
1 9 5 5.
I spent most of the
morning at dictation.
Right after dinner I
had a conference with
some bi rd who had come
in to tell me what a wonderful dean of engineering
he would make. He had no appointment. He had had
an undergraduate major in engineering at Swarthmore, and then had gone into actuarial work. Had a
doctorate in actuarial mathematics and statistics
under Rietz at Iowa. Had worked as a consultant
on quality control problens. I tried in my subtle
way to tell ~ that we weren't looking for anyone
wi th his training, btl t I made li ttle impression on
While he was there talking my ear off, I got a telephone call from Dr. Gilan saying that ex-Dean "'entry
had just died. He was well this morning, but suffered
a heart attack righ t after dinner thi s noon. Dr.
Gilman was able to relieve his pain, but could not
get the heart '\Jnder coiltrol. It was beating 180
times per minute. I went down and called on Mrs.
Gentry briefly, and made arrangements for the college
edi torial office to get out a newssS:.tory.
In the evening Esith and I tried spraying enamel on
the second-hank bicycle which we are giving Dan
for hi s birthday tomorrow. It merely acted as a
paint remover, softening and blistering the several
coats of old paint. It took us over two hours to
remove it, and then the bike looked much worse
than it had when we started! Edith intends to
paint it with ordinary paint tomorrow.
Edith and I painted
the bike for Dan's
birthday right after
1 9 5 5.
breakfast. Then ue
left for Hartford and
I went to the office.
I had a series of
conferences all morning. At dinner time
I came home and got
my own lunch. The
bike was still wet, but I put it away out of sight.
Then back to the office for the afternoon.
November 17,
In the evening I put the bike together, assembling
the new mud-guards, the wheels, etc. It was still
November 18,
Dan is 8 years old
today. We gave hbn
his presents at breakfast time. We sent
him around wi th
"slips" to find hi s
bike, which pleased
him greatly.
I worked at the office
until 9 o'clock. Then
to the l i brary, where I worked bri efly. I vms
surprised to discover, quite by random when I was
looking up material on "Sonnenuhren" in a Gen"an
encyclopedia, to run across an article on "Solmisation" which explaiBed the so8ree of the names which
we COIImonly give to the no s of the musical scale.
'They are taken from an old hymn (date 1026 AD)
in honor of Saint John the Baptist, being the
first syllagles of the first six lines, and the
initials of the qords in the last line, as
!!1 queant lan s
Resonare fi bri s
Mira gestorum
!....amuli tuorum
Sol ve poIlu ti
Labii reatum
Sancts loannes
In early years the word "lit" was used where we
now use the word "do". Originally thi s scale
had but six syllables, ending with La; but later
the seventh was added, taking the initial letters
of the words in the final line.
See Vol. 17, p. 519, Der
Grosse Brockhaus. See also
articles on "Solfeggio" in
English language encycs.
At 10 o'clock 1 went to the Student Union Building
ballroom to welcome a group of educators to a
conference on Measurement. 'They were a half hour
late in starting. I spoke, and then listened to
the following paper. Then, on the way back to the
office, I stopped at the Armory and had a chest
x- ray talen.
I had a busy afternoon, during the latter part
of 'Which Mr. "eid came up to give me the particulars
on our latest problem of student diseipline. Last
night theee coeds smuggled a drunk football player
into their donnitory, up three flights of stairs
to their bedroom, where, according to their
story, he took off his shoes and pants and then
got into bed, Afterward, under the covers and
out of sight, he took off all the rest of his
clothing save at-shirt. 1ne girls went into a
c1oset, disrobed, and put on pajamas. Th~ then
got into the second bed in the room, which was
directly beside the first. (This is the way
th~ tell the story).
At this stage the housemother knocked on the door, having been told by
other girls that they heard a man's voice on
the floor. The girls screamed for the football
player to hide under the bed. He crawled under.
The housemother came in, ajd got him to come out,
wearing nothing but a t-shirt. She called the
police. By this evening the 1'ootball player
and the three coeds were all ex-students. It all
sounds like a french comedy.
Right after greak1'ast
I took Dan out on the
highway in front of
1 9 5 5.
the house and taught
hire to ri de hi s new
bicycle, which he
got yesterday for
his birthday. To my
amazement he was
actually riding it
within less than five
minutes. He rode
over and over again from here to Wedgergts and
back. To be sure, he still can't get on by
himself, and has some trouble getting 01'1'; but
he gets along unbelievably well.
November 19,
I went to the o1'fice a little after 9 o'clock.
About 10 O'clock President ~orgensen came in, back
from a week in Michigan. We talked until 12: 30.
For an hour of the time Mr. "eid was wi th us,
going over recent disciplinary eases.
I t started to snow durinp: the morning, and by the
time I came home the ground was covered and the
snow was falling fast. But we dressed vmrmly
and went to the football game, whi chwr-:s nlayed
with a layer of snow on the field. Dan left after
the third quarter was well under way, and came
home wi th the "edbergs, but Edi th and I stuck
it out to the end. Our tRam beat Holy Cross to
the surprise of everyone by the soore of 6-0.
We spent the evenine reading and eatching television.
November 20,
1 9 5 5.
'l'he radio weather
report thi s morning
stated that Hartford
has had 890 degree
days so far, compared
with a normal fifUre
of' 870. Thus our
small sample so far
is 2.3% colder than
The ground is blan.l{eted
wi th snow, and thi s morning there is a cold wi nd
from the northwest which is drifting the light
dry SIlOW somewhat. The thermometer is (8 a.m.)
at 24° F. Edith and I both stick close to the
house; but Dan was up bright and early, just
aching to get out in the snow, and immediately
extracted a promise f'rom hi s mother that he need
not go to Sunday School today so that he could
enjoy the snow !
I spent mo,st of the day cleaning out my study,
which was badly in need of it. I didn' finish
it, however. Late in the afternoon I started
to feel somel·.ne t under TB r
no reei se complaint, but just "under the weather." I ate a
light supper, although I didn't want it, and
went to bed at 8 p.m. I felt somewhat as
though I were corning down iA.1 th ecoId
dull aches in the si nuses and aching back muscles. I had a bad chill, and also ihru &:llt that
I had a fever, but the thennometer didn't bear
this out.
Novembrr 2l,
1 9 5 5.
I slept fitfully
last night, and still
felt "punk" in the
morning. Stayed abed
until 7: 30 a.m.
Edith has been complaining lately that
there are mice in
the house. YAsterday
afternoon I set three trans in the cellar and
two in the attic. This morning I had one mouse
in the cellar and another in the attic. Ire-set
the trap s and put them bEck.
I ad a busy dey at the office, des';)i te the fact
that I didn't feel like being there at all.
First I had a long, long session with one of the
foreign language teachers who had parked in the
wrong place, received a ticket, refused to pay any
attention to it, and was now being haled into
court. 'I'hen Van Bi bber came in for a lo~ talk.
He ~'fas ollo"ved by Mrs. 1i.ay, who had some budget
probl~s to discuss.
The President vms in a couple
or times.
After dinner I took a ten-minute nap, and then
went back for a long meeting with department heads
on the coope~ati ve high school program for superior students.
I got home about 5 p.m. and tried to get a nap
before going out for the evening, but had been at
home for only 5-10 minutes when I got a telephone
call from Mr. Rei~ sayin~ that the security people
had received a cornplaint about a roubery, had
gone to one of the dorr1i tories on a routine investigation of it, and had stumbled on to a homosexual situation involVing four ct our students.
We have certainly been having our share of bad
publicity lately. Within the past few weeks we
have had front-page newspaper stories on:
a.) A "ban on swearing": descrt be:! by the press
8.S a ruille that any of our students who swear
.rill be Siffinissed from college. Actually as I
understand it, a few students had taken to
shout-ing obscenities at passing co-eds, and
were told that if 1Ihey continue:! they would be
diffinissed from college.
b.) A "panty-raid", which was actually a planned
brawl as a challenge to uni versi ty authori ty,
with serious personal assault and destrmction
of property.
c.) A second and far less serious escanade
in which students SDontaneously celebrated a
football victory by burning up some frater-ni ty
d.) The suspension of 9 fraternities for
use of liquor :iImmD: weekend before last.
The Hartford "Courant" carries an edi tonal
today taking the side of the students, or
what they take to be the side of th students.
Actually the respensi ble student .le aders
have opposed these escapades.
frhe papers have not yet learned of the two most
lurid occurrences:
e.) Three coeds take a drunken football player
to the third floor of a girls' dormitory,
where they are found at 11 p.m., the man
wearing nothing but a t-shirt and the girls
in pejamas.
f.) Now a group
f homosexual s.
I 1ilked briefly with the Presidenton the matter,
and then left, suffering from a bad headaohe,
fr Willi~antic. Attended the regular meeting of
the hospital trustees.
Novanber 22,
1 9 5 5.
Still feeling far
below normal. I ate
little today. Had
occasional very slight
stomach cramps. A
continued dull head
ache. No appetite.
Aching muscles.
I sent the morning
at the Bank Directors' meeting. 'lhen home to get
my own lunch, ""'di th being in harcford.. 'ThEIl to
the office, where I spent much of the afternoon
in dictatlBdlon. President J"orgensen came i.n and
we talked about the recent bad publicity (see two
preceding -pages.) I learned to my surprise and
shock that the homosexual case 'Which arose yesterday i nvol ve s not only 4 student s, but a1 so a
former member of our staff
a reti red Dean !
'Ihis is Mr. Johnson, retired professor of ehanistry
and former dean of the College of Pha~acy.
'l'his will make a juiey morsel f r the rress !
'Ibe prinCipals have been arreSlbed, and the cases
will come to court, so I see no ,,Irey to escape
publicity on them. President J"orgensen tells me
that he had a complaint about J"ohnson some 10
years or SO ago, while the College of Phal1llBcy
was still in New Haven, but that the eomplainant refeeed to supply details or to make a formal public complaint •
.il.di th brought her mother back home wi ill her to
be with us for 'l'hanksgi ving.
After supper Edith and I pi eked up Anne Kinsey and went to frown M.eeting. I was elected
moderator. It was a sehnol meeting, and almost
wi thou t argument the meeting, wi tj1l.eaab ut 300
people present, voted to build two new schools
and make a maj 0 r addi ti on to another, and to
appropriate ~i'550,OOO for the purpose.
Anne Kinsey came home with us and we
10 p.m.
NOVEmber 23,
I 9 5 5.
Dim and j. went down to
Leon Dimock's in Gurleyville thtt morn-
ing and got a 231<--pound turl':"ey ror tomorrow.
I'hen I went to the offi ceo Dick Belden CaIn8 in
about 9:30, and we talked uLtil the trustees
mGeting at 11 0' clock. Part of the time .fresident Jorgensen 'was with us. ~'e talked mainly
about the re~ent newspaper publici ty, and the
various episodes which gave rise to it. Lea
marsh came in hriefly.
spent a good share of the day in dictation,
and for the 1'1 rst time in some time clean;;d u~
my floders.
'l'he trustees stayed in session until after 3
p.m. I'hen Elmer Vlat son came in for a talk.
President Jorgensen joined us jor a time.
About 4:15 p.m. c,.ordon Reid came in to ask for
ad ice as to the handling of some aspects or
the homosexual case. I called the President, and
he joined us in rqy Office. We talked there
until almost 6 p.m. 'l'he problems are difricul t,
and one of the difficulti.s is that we are not
'BUre on our own part of some of the legal questions.
Present plans are for us !o consult the Stilte's
Attorney in Rockville on "riday.
The President today received a formal letter
from the Attorney ~eneral, Mr. bracken, stating
that the complete power of operation or the
Universi ty lies in the ward of lrustees, and
that neither fti culty nor students have any powers
save those given th~ by the Board. 'lhe problem
has not been with the faeulty, but with certain
stuents, who have been asserting that they have
various sorts of rights entirely aside from
those given them by the .coard. 'rhe letter was
far more canplete and sweeping than I had anticipated, although I have maintained rrom the first
that the powpem lay exelusi vely wi th the Doard.
In other words, I was not surprised at the finding, but, rather, wi th the sVJeeping language,
and the failure to hedge or restrict it in any