College of Arts & Letters University of Notre Dame Staff Administration Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 27, 2014 Offices Represented: East Asian Languages and Literatures; Economics; English; Film, Television, and Theatre; Gender Studies; German and Russian Languages and Literatures; Glynn Honors Program; Hesburgh Program; History; Institute for Latino Studies; Institute for Scholarships in the Liberal Arts; Irish Language and Literature; Maritain Center; Music; Office of Communications; PhD in Literature; American Studies; Anthropology; Art, Art History and Design; Arts and Letters Computing; Center for Children and Families; Center for Creative Computing; Center for Ethics and Culture; Center for Philosophy of Religion; Classics; College Seminar; Computer Applications Program; Constitutional Studies; Creative Writing Program; Cushwa; Design, Copy, and Logistic Services; Philosophy; Program of Liberal Studies; Psychology; Review of Politics; Romance Languages and Literatures; Rooney Center; Shakespeare at Notre Dame; Theology; Undergraduate Dean’s Office; and University Writing Program. Offices Not Represented: Journal of Formal Logic, Medieval Institute, Academic Advancement, Africana Studies, Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures, Center for the Study of Religion and Society, Political Science, Reilly Center, and Sociology. 1. Welcome – Rob Becht Rob introduced new staff members: Sara Nunley, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Emily Matz, Department of Music Deborah McGuigan-Jones, Center of Ethics and Cultures Rachel Fulcher Dawson, Leo Program New policies: Everyone received an email from Rob regarding donor thank you notes, informing us how these will be coordinated between Development and individual offices or programs. If you have any questions you may contact Rob. You should have received the new policy and format concerning how Emerti offices will be managed. If you have any questions you may contact Rob or Matthew Fulcher. HR implemented a new policy for online direct deposits and tax withholding changes. This online tool is located at insideND. Announcements: Staff Appreciation Luncheon is May 22nd at Club Naimoli; more information will follow. Rob reminded everyone that mid-April is the date for the process to be completed in Endeavor. 2. ALCO - Dave Mastic Dave needs to know all incoming faculty and visitors by April 19th. You need to mark them as “accepted” in the personnel database. This is how Dave knows they are coming and he’s able to communicate with them regarding their computer. August 15th is the date that their computers will be in their offices ready for installation. ALCO will communicate with them to schedule an appointment for computer installation. Dave will meet with Mo today to receive a list of departing faculty who will be reminded to return the computers to the University. May 6th ALCO’s offices will be moving from Decio to 251 O’Shaughnessy. Windows7 is the minimum supported system for PCs. Microsoft is no longer supporting Windows XP. The University will be switching to the Google email and calendaring system . Faculty, staff, and students will use the same calendar system when the transition is complete. Dave advised us to do some house cleaning with our email to make the transition easier. Those of you who haven’t received their new computer, Lenovo’s waiting for the chassis that the computer sits in. Computers will continue to be replaced as supply allows. 3. Office of Communication – Jane Murphy Jane is the new director for the Office of Communications; she hails from out east. with 30 years of experience in the newspaper business. Jane talked about the work that the Office of Communications offers: graphic designs, conference posters, redesign websites, videos, news releases, and any interesting news story about your department. You may contact Jane if you have any questions or information to share. 4. Space - Summer Renovations - Mathew Fulcher ALCO is moving from Decio to O’Shaughnessy for two reasons: faculty shortage space this year and ALCO will now be in a more efficient and modern space. O’Shaughnessy Hall’s network will be upgraded to category 6 wires. The wireless network will be upgraded as well. This project will last all summer. The stairwell doorways will be upgraded to be in compliance with the ADA code. This project will start right after graduation. Automatic doors and restrooms will also be added. The Great Hall of O’Shaughnessy will be refurbished; because of the Great Hall’s historical significance it will look the same but more lighting will be added. This project will probably take all summer to finish. Matthew will send an email with exact dates as to when these projects will start. 5. Miscellaneous – Mo Marnocha Remember to send separation forms to the Dean’s Office for your visitors who are not returning next year. Temps being hired are not being processed properly. Communicate with your faculty so that the temps are put in the system and are paid in a timely manner. Andrew Brown who is a HR recruiter, will start the process of background checks and drug testing for new hires. Inform your new hires that Andrew will be asking for their date of birth and Social Security number. Regarding incoming faculty, in order for Dave Mastic, Matthew Fulcher, and Kathy Knoll to be notified of office space and a computer you must complete the following information in FileMaker Pro: check the accepted tab and put in the effective date. 6. SAS – Brenda Teshka The Monkey Survey concerning whether or not you had confidence with the current SAS members did not have any surprises. It did help the members to evaluate whether or not they had the time to participate. As a result Nell Collins, Heather Denton, Katie Schlotfeldt, and Michelle Thornton resigned. The new members are Eileen Barany, Kelli Brown, Laurie Mastic, Maribel Rodriguez, and Rhonda Singleton. The current President is Brenda Teshka, Vice President is Darlene Nowakowski, Secretary is Lynn Holbrook, and Eileen Barany holds a new position as media officer, maintaining the website and email. 7. Post Docs – Lisa Ellam - Coordinator, Office of Postdoctoral Scholars Lisa talked about the services her office provides along with the help of Kim Patton, Associate Program Director. Lisa coordinates the appointment process, working with HR, General Counsel, and the ISSA Office. Kim Patten works in currier services and professional development for the postdocs on campus. Together they try to create a community for the postdocs. More information can be found on their website, If you have any questions you may contact Lisa at 631-8208. Diana Dickson, in the Dean’s Office, is a great resource and she can answer a lot of your questions, 631-1792 or [email protected]. Remember to send the paperwork to the Dean’s Office for Associate Dean, Mark Schurr’s signature. Lisa commented that even if the postdoc is not being paid, the paperwork still needs a FOAPAL number on it, in order to assign them to a department. 8. Book Club – Rob Becht and Valerie Sayers Rob introduced the College’s Book Club; the first book we will read is Valerie Sayers’ book titled, Who Do You Love. Valerie gave a short synopsis of the story and will join us when we discuss it. Contact Linda Brady, [email protected], if you are interested in participating. The Dean’s Office will order the books and Linda will contact everyone when the books arrive. April 30th is the date that we are planning to get together to discuss our half-way point through the book; lunch will be provided. More information will follow. The Meeting Adjourned at 9:45 a.m. Next Meeting is Thursday, April 24, 2014 At 9:00 a.m. Location TBD
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