Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form Instructions DEADLINE - All applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on November 18, 2013. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Send an electronic copy of your completed Application to: [email protected] HOW TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION Before filling out the application read the entire PROGRAM/APPLICATION GUIDELINES. It may be useful to print a copy of the Program/Application guidelines to refer to while completing the application. Information about eligible organizations and expenses are detailed in the Program/Application guidelines. Ensure that each question is answered directly and adequately. Be sure to address all the specific requirements outlined in the Program/Application Guidelines. Answer each question fully or indicate “not-applicable” if the question is not relevant or does not apply to your project. Answers may vary in length depending on the nature of your project or program. Provide reasons and supporting data where applicable to support your application. Demonstrate how your project addresses the grant program priorities. Prepare necessary support materials. Ensure you have all of the necessary support materials electronically (either scanned, pdf or attachment). The required attachments are listed below. Note that Ministry consideration of an application does not guarantee funding. Applications will be assessed on the basis of the information provided by the applicant within the completed application forms and for their ability to achieve the objectives of the program. The Ministry cannot guarantee funding to all applicants, nor can the ministry ensure that the total amount requested by successful applicants will be granted. The ministry reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to fund or not fund any particular project or program for which an application is submitted. The decision to fund all or part on an applicant request will depend on its fit to the program priorities, assessment criteria and the overall demand of funds in the program. Page 1 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form REQUIRED DOCUMENTS - CHECKLIST Completed Application form Completed Templates, Excel document, Tabs A and B: Tab A – Milestones – Projected Results Tab B – Projected Budget Letters of support from any partners, confirming their involvement in the project and verifying any financial and/or in-kind contributions to the project. May use Toolkit - Sample Tools for use with Employers: C-1 - Employer Support Letter Template - Skilled Trades Stream C-2 - Employer Support Letter Template – Information Technology Stream Documents confirming any contributions to the project from other funders, for example, a letter from another government ministry confirming the amount, timing and purpose of its funding Applicant organization’s most recent annual report Applicant organization’s most recent audited financial statement A copy of any Management Letters issued to the Applicant by the Auditor, if applicable A list of the Applicant’s Board of Directors (including names, Board positions, telephone numbers and addresses, occupations if relevant to their participation on the Board) NOTE: If any of the above attachments is not relevant to the applicant, a reasonable equivalent or explanation may be accepted instead. Please clearly label all attachments. Attach other documents only if necessary, for example, if the application form does not allow enough space to complete your Project Description. Please list these other attachments in the application CONTACT INFORMATION Questions about the Invitation for Applications for the Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training program should be directed to OWD staff (available Monday to Friday during normal business hours): Melani Tandon Partnership Development Specialist Phone: 416.314.0321; Toll Free: 1.866.510.5902 TTY: 416.314.0258 E-mail: [email protected] Page 2 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form Section A – Organization Information 1. Organization Name: 2.Organization Legal Name: 3.Web Site URL: 4.Type of Legal Entity: 5. Year Established: 6.Date Incorporated: 7.Corporation Registration Number: 8.Date of Last AGM: 9.Date of Next AGM: 10. Organization Mandate: Section B – Organization Address Information Primary Address: 1. Street Address 1: 2. Street Address 2: 3. City: 4. Province: 5. Postal Code: 9. Province: 10. Postal Code: Mailing Address: 6. Street Address 1: 7. Street Address 2: 8. City: Page 3 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form Section C – Organization Contact Information Information about key people in the organization, including whether they have signing authority or not. Note that only the first group of contact fields are mandatory. All other types of contacts are optional. Organization Contact General contact for the organization. The person who should receive general information from the Ministry including notification of grant opportunities, deadlines and news releases. 1.* Salutation: 2.* First Name: 5.* Phone Number (Work): 3.* Last Name: 4.* Title: 6. Phone Number (Mobile): 7.* Email Address: 8. Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Board Chair This is the most senior elected or appointed official with whom a Minister of the Crown would correspond with. 9.* Salutation: 10.* First Name: 13.* Phone Number (Work): 11.* Last Name: 12.* Title: 14. Phone Number (Mobile): 15.* Email Address: 16. Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) CEO / ED Contact This is the most senior paid employee of the organization. 17.* Salutation: 18.* First Name: 21.* Phone Number (Work): 19.* Last Name: 20.* Title: 22. Phone Number (Mobile): 23.* Email Address: 24. Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Other Contact 1 Any other person with whom the Ministry might wish to contact or additional signing authorities e.g. Treasurer, CFO or Vice Chair. 25.* Salutation: 29.* Phone Number (Work): 26.* First Name: 27.* Last Name: 28.* Title: 30. Phone Number (Mobile): 31.* Email Address: 32. Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Page 4 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form Other Contact 2 Any other person with whom the Ministry might wish to contact or additional signing authorities e.g. Treasurer, CFO or Vice Chair. 33.* Salutation: 34.* First Name: 37.* Phone Number (Work): 35.* Last Name: 36.* Title: 38. Phone Number (Mobile): 39.* Email Address: 40. Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Section D – Organization Capacity Information about the organization including staffing, volunteers, governance, past performance and skills that will make the project successful. 1.* Number of Full Time Staff 2.* Number of Part-time Staff 3.* Number of Volunteers 4.Accumulated Deficit (At most recent year end) 5.Accumluated Surplus (At most recent year end) 6.Describe your organization’s core business or field of activity: 7.How does your strategic plan guide your organization’s activities? 8.Outline your organization’s risk management plan for prevention of abuse to clients, members and staff. 9.How is your Board elected? 10.How does the composition of your Board represent the community it serves? 11.What practices/procedures exist to ensure that the Board conducts its activities with accountability and transparency? 12.Describe your organization’s history of managing similar projects and include past achievements. Indicate what the outcomes of past programs have been. Page 5 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form 13.Describe your organization’s ability and capacity to successfully undertake this project. Provide information on the infrastructure of the training organization including equipment and facilities for the program. 14.Provide details on your staff and relevant staff experience for those involved in the project. If staff have been identified for this project, indicate the expertise, knowledge and skills they bring to the project. 15.Describe successful strategies used to ensure achievement of program outcomes. Were there any challenges identified in past programs? What changes are being made to address these challenges? 16. Describe your organization’s experience developing, tracking and reporting on outcomes and performance measures successfully. Section E – Grant Payment Information Should your application be successful, this information will be used to make payments. 1. Payment Organization Name: 2. Street Address 1: 3. Street Address 2: 4. City: 5. Province 6. Postal Code Payment Contact: Individual who should be contacted for clarifications about banking information or financial matters: 7. Salutation: 8. First Name: 11. Phone Number (Work): 9. Last Name: 12. Phone Number (Mobile): 10. Title: 13. Fax Number: 14. Email Address: Page 6 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form 15. Method of Payment Cheque Electronic Funds Transfer Section F – Application Contact Information This is the person who will be the sole contact responsible for all communication with the Ministry in regards to this application. 1.* Salutation: 2.* First Name: 5.* Phone Number (Work): 3.* Last Name: 4.* Title: 6.Phone Number (Mobile): 7.Fax Number: 8.* Email Address: Section G – Project Information This section contains all of the information about the proposed project except for financial information which is in the next section. 1.* Project Name: 2.* Start Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) 3.* End Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) 4.* Target Sector: Aboriginal communities College or university students/staff Culturally specific (specify in Project Description) Deaf community and/or persons with disabilities Francophone communities General public Immigrant, refugee, newcomer communities Low-income persons Northern Ontario Older women/adults (55 years and older) Rural communities Survivors of violence against women Women at risk of/experiencing violence Young women/men (18-30 years) Other or multiple sectors (please specify: __________) 5.* Project Scope: Local (e.g., neighbourhood, municipality) Regional Provincial 6.* Host Community: 7.* Project Priority: Increasing women’s economic security Training/skills-based education Page 7 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form Other (specify in Project Description) 8.* Project Summary: Provide a brief description of your project to a maximum of 200 words. If your application is successful this wording may be used on the Ministry website. 9.* Project Description a) Describe your project in detail making sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines. b) What outreach and promotion activities will be undertaken to recruit students? c) What assessment and screening activities will be undertaken to ensure acceptance of candidates who are most likely contribute to program’s projected successful outcomes? d) How will skills training be delivered in terms of in-class training and work placement? e) f) What steps will be taken to ensure training will be gender-sensitive and the environment positive in class and on the job? How will work placements be determined, selected and monitored? g) How will student’s employment and income be tracked after they have completed the program? h) How will you work with partners to ensure participants are supported to succeed throughout the program? Key considerations include: a positive learning and working environment for women, nutrition for participants during the training day, transportation to and from training, child care during training, services to find and maintain employment. i) Does your application target women with disabilities? What supports will be provided to ensure their success in the program? j) Does your application target women from diverse backgrounds? What supports will be provided to ensure their success in the program? 10.* Project Objectives: Describe the project objectives making sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines 11.* Rationale / Need: Describe why this project is needed. Consider: local labour market needs/skill shortages, how partners will gain an understanding to best address women’s needs in their training/work environment. Ensure your project does not duplicate existing services, and that it addresses all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines. 12.* Project Beneficiaries: Identify how the project will benefit low-income women and their families. Letters of support should be referenced here. 13.* Risk Assessment and Management: Provide a description of the challenges that may prevent the project from reaching its outcomes. Describe what Page 8 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form activities will be used to mitigate the risks described. 14.* Project Outcomes: a) Provide detailed outcomes that are important to understanding the success of the project. These outcomes should be based on the project objectives. Also ensure there are targeted performance measures for each outcome (see Section I: Performance Measures). b) Complete the attached Tab A - Milestones – Projected Results and include with your submission. 15.* Evaluation Plan / Criteria: Explain how data will be collected, by whom, when, and how it will be analyzed, reported and used. 16. Work Plan The work plan is designed to provide the Ministry with a clear idea of how the organization/consortium is going to carry out the project. The work plan should demonstrate a systematic approach as to how you will accomplish all phases of the project. A comprehensive work plan with specific achievable milestones demonstrates strong organizational capacity and is an indicator of likely project success. *Key Milestones *Activities *Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy) *End Date (mm/dd/yyyy) *Responsibility *Performance Indicator Section H – Project Financial Information Please complete this section on the attached TAB B – Projected Budget Chart in Excel. This section should contain both project/event revenue and expenses. Be sure to address any specific requirements noted in the Program Guidelines relating to eligible and ineligible costs. Section I – Performance Measures There are set performance measures for all projects in this grant category. The target number or “Goal” is all that is required. In addition your project may have specific performance measures; these may be added to the blank areas of the chart. 1. Metric 1 2 3 Enrolment Completion Employment Ministry Provided Performance Metrics 2. Description # of women enrolled in the program # of women who complete the program % of women who completed training who started a paid apprenticeship, a job, self-employment or went on to further training 3. Goal # # % Page 9 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form 1. Metric Client Provided Performance Metrics 2. Description 3. Goal 1 2 Section J – Partnership / Stakeholder Information Record the partner organizations involved with the project plus what their role will be and describe their contribution. Stakeholders who were consulted about the project should also be noted and their contribution described. Be sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines. 1. Name 2.Type 3. Role 4. Description 1 2 Section P – Declaration / Signing The names of signing authorities are pre-populated in the declaration/signing section IF they were noted as signing authorities in the Organization Contact sections. Additional signing authorities may be added. It is recognized that in many cases, the person completing the grant application is not a signing authority. It is the responsibility of the grant contact to ensure they have documented proof of approval from the signing authority(ies) to request grant funds. This documentation needs to be kept and produced if necessary. I hereby certify that Applicants are expected to be compliant with the Ontario Human Rights Code and all other applicable laws. The Ontario Human Rights Code provides for equal treatment in the areas of services, goods, facilities, accommodation, contract and employment without discrimination on the grounds of race, ancestry place of origin, colour, ethnic, origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, family status, marital status, the receipt of public assistance (in accommodation only), and record of offences (in employment only). Failure to comply with the letter and spirit of the Ontario Human Rights Code will render the applicant ineligible for a grant, and in the event a grant is made, liable to repay the grant in its entirety at the request of the Ministry. Applicants should be aware that the Province is bound by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy, R.S.O. 1990,c.F.31, (click here: http://www.ipc.on.ca/index.asp?navid=73) as amended from time to time and that any information provided to the Province in connection with their application may be subject to disclosure in accordance with the requirements of that Act. Applicants are advised that the names and address of organizations receiving grants plus the amount of the grant awards, and the purpose for which grants are awarded is information made available by the Ministry to the public. Declaration By clicking the Agree button, I/we (as indicated below) agree with the following statements; On behalf of and with the authority of the Applicant, I certify that: a) the information provided in this application is true, correct and compete in every respect; b) the Applicant understands any funding commitment will be provided by way of an approval letter signed by the Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues and will be subject to any conditions included in such a letter. Page 10 11 Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program Application Form c) d) e) f) g) Conditions of funding will include the requirement for a funding agreement obligating the funding recipient to report to the Ministry on how the funding was spent and other accountability requirements; the Applicant has read and understands the information contained in the Application Form; the Applicant is aware that the information contained here in can be used for the assessment of grant eligibility and for statistical reporting; the Applicant understands that the information contained in this application or submitted to the Ministry in connection with the grant is subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; the Applicant is not in default of the terms and conditions of any grant, loan or transfer payment agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario; I am an authorized signing officer for the Applicant. ________________________________________________ Name and Title of Authorized Signing Officer ________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________ Date Additional Signing Authority: Salutation: First Name: Phone Number (Work): Signature Last Name: Title: Phone Number (Mobile): Email Address: Date Page 11 11
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