Bowel Cancer Screening Programme South of Tyne Screening Centre HOW TO PREPARE FOR YOUR COLONOSCOPY USING MOVIPREP BOWEL PREPARATION (Afternoon Appointment) Page 1 of 4 Introduction You have agreed to take part in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. As part of the screening process you will have already provided a sample of your stool for examination in which traces of blood have been detected. A colonoscopy examination is now needed to investigate your large bowel further. Colonoscopy is the term used to describe the inspection of your large bowel (colon) with a flexible camera (colonoscope). This leaflet tells you how to prepare for your colonoscopy examination using both MOVIPREP sachets. You must also follow the special low residue diet set out in this leaflet. What is MOVIPREP? MOVIPREP is a strong laxative which is supplied in a box containing four sachets that contain a whitish brown sugar free lemon flavoured powder. 2 sachets are marked ‘A’ and 2 sachets marked ‘B’. Each pair of sachets (A & B) need to be mixed together with 1 litre of water to make a drink. Why do I need it? The colonoscopy is carried out to look at the lining of the bowel. To have a successful examination of your bowel you must ensure that your bowel is empty and clean. If the bowel is not cleared of bowel motion, it would be impossible to see all of it adequately and this could mean the test would have to be repeated. Before taking the MOVIPREP Please read the back of the MOVIPREP packet and contact the Screening Practitioners on the telephone number on the back of this leaflet if you answer yes to any of the following questions and they were not discussed at your pre-assessment: • • • • Are you allergic to any of the ingredients listed on the packet? Are you taking Warfarin or Clopidogrel tablets? Are you a diabetic on insulin or tablets? Do you suffer from any kidney disease? When do I start to prepare for my colonoscopy? The day before your appointment At 4pm • You may have a light meal before you start taking MOVIPREP • If you take any oral medication, do not take it an hour either side of drinking your dose of MOVIPREP • Do not eat anything after 6 pm Page 2 of 4 • • • Do not eat again until after you test Do not have milk in any form You may have clear soup, soft drinks (not fizzy), black tea or coffee (without milk) fruit or herbal teas, Oxo, Bovril or marmite. Sugar or sweeteners can be added if required. At 7pm • Pour the contents of one sachet A and one sachet B into a jug. Add 1 litre of water to the powder and stir until the powder is completely dissolved and the solution is clear. Add cordial to taste if required (not blackcurrant) • Drink one glassful of the MOVIPREP drink every 15minutes until you have drunk it all (taking about 1 hour) • It is important that you drink an additional 500mls (or 1 pint) of water or clear fluids as listed above before bed. Remember - No milk in any form. What do I do on the morning of the colonoscopy? At 6 am • Remember you are not allowed to eat anything until after your test • Make up your second litre of MOVIPREP as above and drink it over the next hour or so. • It is important to drink an additional 500mls of water or clear fluids during the morning. • You may continue to take all your usual medications as normal • You are allowed to drink clear fluids only until 1 hour before your appointment time. Attend the Endoscopy unit at your appointed time. What can I expect? After you drink MOVIPREP you will have lots of watery bowel movement, so stay near to a toilet because you may need to use it urgently. You may experience some abdominal cramp – this is normal in some people. The skin around your bottom can become red and sore due to frequent diarrhoea. A barrier cream such as Vaseline or nappy rash preparations can protect the skin. The soreness is temporary and will disappear in a few days. Are there any side effects from MOVIPREP You may experience headaches, nausea and sometimes vomiting. Abdominal bloating can Page 3 of 4 occur and, less frequently, abdominal cramps. Most side effects are due to dehydration and can be avoided by drinking adequate amounts of fluid. Please inform the nursing staff on arrival if you are not passing clear liquid as you may require an enema prior to your procedure. If you require any further advice or information regarding your bowel preparation you may contact: The Bowel Cancer Screening Centre Monday to Friday (8.30am – 5.00pm) 0191 4456179 Out of hour’s numbers Contact the Accident & Emergency Department at; Queen Elizabeth Hospital switchboard Information Leaflet: Version: Title: First Published: Review Date: Author: 0191 482 0000 NoIL201 1 How to prepare for Colonoscopy using Moviprep (afternoon) May 2009 May 2010 Mary Ritchie This leaflet can be made available in other languages and formats upon request Page 4 of 4
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