How to Get the Clients You Want And the Money You Need With Brian Whetten, Ph.D., M.A. Welcome! Please print this page, write in your call details and PRIVATE PIN CODE below, and tape it to your wall. Then print the rest of the handouts and bring them with you on the call, okay? I’m looking forward to connecting with you, and seeing how we can create exceptional value for you and those you serve. Brian Call Details Date: ______________ Time: _____________ Dial In Number: ________________ PIN Code: ___________ (Your Private Code) 3 Tips To Get The Most Out Of This Call 1. Print this sheet out so you can write and take notes during the call 2. Visit to watch four short videos, and to register for your $197 Practice Building Kit - Free 3. Start exploring the value you would receive from a full, abundant practice Special Note: This teleseimnar starts on time according to so please dial-in five minutes early so you don’t miss any content, and so you have a chance to introduce yourself to the call. Your courtesy will be most appreciated. [email protected] 1 What You Can Learn By Participating In This Call 1. The six ________ that will cause clients to enroll themselves in your practice 2. The seven ________ of practice building 3. The single most important thing to know about building your _______ practice 4. The fastest, easiest, most _________ way to build your ideal practice Plus….towards the end of the call we’ll be offering you a ____ and a special offer. (Six Blanks: Questions, Stages, Ideal, Business, Efficient, Gift) [email protected] 2 What Have You Been Taught About Selling Your Services? What are you doing now – or what do you think you should be doing – to get new clients? Feel free to brainstorm and ideas that come to you… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Key to Heart-Centered Enrollment Most practice builders think that getting new clients is all about what we show and ________ to people But exceptional value doesn’t come primarily from your solution. It comes from your clients’ _________ And effective, enjoyable enrollment doesn’t come from telling people about your services. It comes from asking the right ___________ (Four Blanks: Tell, Needs, Questions, Business) [email protected] 3 The Six Questions of Value Based Enrollment 1. Where are you _______? 2. Where do you want to ______? 3. What’s in the _______? Now Blocks Future 4. What’s the best solution for your _______? 5. Why _________ you want to invest in this solution? 6. Why _________ you? (Six Blanks: At, Be, Way, Needs, Would, Wouldn’t) [email protected] 4 Questions 1 and 2: Where Are You At / Where Do You Want to Be? So let’s try this out… Where are you at, in terms of your current practice? And where do you want to be? For example… Now Future How many clients per week are you seeing? How do you feel about the sessions you have with your clients? How much money are you making per month? How do you feel about your ability to get new clients? How often do you get stuck in busy work or procrastination? How much are you charging per hour? How many hours per week are you devoting to your practice? [email protected] 5 The Seven Stages of Practice Building The Seven Stages of Practice Building are an easy way to gauge where you’re at on the journey of practice building, and where you want to be. We’ve modeled them both on the ________ colors and on the idea of different martial arts belts which you receive for different levels of mastery Here are the core goals of each stage. 1. Student. Graduating from a professional training program. Goal: trust in the value of what you’ve ________ Approximately 80% of practitioners earn their red belt 2. Intern. First five unpaid regular, repeat, individual clients. Goal: trust in your ability to provide exceptional ________ to clients Approximately 70% of practitioners earn their orange belt (Three Blanks: Chakra, Learned, Value) [email protected] 6 3. Apprentice. First five paid regular, repeat, individual clients. Goal: trust in your ability to get clients to ______ for your services Approximately 60% of practitioners earn their yellow belt 4. Practitioner. Covering your monthly expenses (typically $3000-$4000/month) so you can afford to make your calling your full time career. Goal: trust that you can pay for your core monthly _________ Approximately 40% of practitioners earn their green belt 5. Master Practitioner. A full, abundant practice with a waiting list (typically $7000$10,000/month). Goal: trust that you can bring in new clients at _________ Approximately 5% of practitioners earn their blue belt 6. Teacher. Creating value on a larger scale, through a combination of classes, information products, individual sessions and group sessions (typically $10,000 $20,000/month). Goal: trust that you can run a _________ Approximately 1% of practitioners earn their indigo belt 7. Leader. Building a scalable organization that serves people even when you’re not the one doing the work. Goal: trust that you can take an extended retreat or _________ Approximately 0.1% of practitioners earn their purple belt Which belt are you currently working on? _________________________ Which belt do you want to earn? (Within the next 2-3 years) _____________________ (Five Blanks: Pay, Expenses, Will, Business, Vacation) [email protected] 7 Question 3: What’s in the Way? What’s standing between where you’re at and where you want to be? What skills would you need to develop to build your ideal practice? What blocks would you need to move through? Feel free to brainstorm any ideas that come forward for you… The One Thing I Wish Every Practice Builder Knew Traditional business doesn’t _________ for purpose driven practice builders It doesn’t work practically and it doesn’t work __________ Four Reasons Why Traditional Business Doesn’t Work For Us 1. Your services are not an impersonal ___________ 2. Your value is not based on offering the ___________ prices 3. Your value is not based on helping people ___________ from their issues 4. Your paradigm is not based on scarcity and __________ (Six Blanks: Work, Energetically, Commodity, Cheapest, Hide, Stress) [email protected] 8 Question 4: What’s the Best Solution for Your Needs? If your goal is to earn your blue belt and have a full, abundant practice, you need to acquire and bring together five core ingredients. 1. A Valuable ____________ - An offering that provides exceptional value. 2. A New ______________ - A new, different, more loving way of doing business. 3. A Proven ____________ - A recipe for business success. 4. Heart-Centered Enrollment ____________ - A set of new abilities sourced from your existing strengths. 5. __________ - Assistance with the challenges that automatically arise on the path to success. The fastest solution is one on one _____________ The most cost effective solution is the 6 _________ Practice Building Academy (Seven Blanks: Service, System, Approach, Skills, Support, Coaching, Month) [email protected] 9 How Does the Practice Building Academy Work? The next ________ starts its 6 month journey on November 2nd Each team is limited to no more than ________ students Classes meet the first three Tuesdays of each _______ from 1:00 – 3:30 pm Pacific All calls are recorded, and you can dial in from anywhere in the world Barring emergencies, I personally teach each class The Academy is entirely based on answering one question: what _______? It gives you your “business in a ______” It includes a *tremendous* set of educational, experiential and support ____________ For more information on the Academy, please see the following: - Academy web page - Academy overview - Academy application (Six Blanks: Team, 20, Month, Works, Box, Resources) [email protected] 10 What Does it Require? Mutual Fit: Admission is by application and mutual _________ We look for people who are Caring, Conscious, and Committed Investment: Your financial investment is $495 per month for 6 months Your time investment is 5-8 hours per week for 6 months Your emotional investment is a commitment and a ____________ to receive support and to baby step through any fears that come up during the process (Two Blanks: Interview, Willingness) [email protected] 11 Would You Like to Go On Another “Date” Together? Value based enrollment is all about building relationships based on stair steps of trust and _______________ It’s a lot like ______________ But most people’s approach to sales either involves __________ on the first date, or never asking for commitment at all. So here’s an easy way for us to take the next step together towards supporting you in building your ideal practice. The Get More Clients Now 1-Month Teleclass – Starting October 5th - October 5, 12 & 19, 1:00 - 3:30 pm Pacific Time - It serves both as a stand-alone program and as a bonus, optional first month of the Academy - Your registration fee can be applied to your Academy tuition - This gives us an opportunity to build relationship, start creating exceptional value, and see if the Academy would be a mutual fit (Three Blanks: Commitment, Dating, Proposing) [email protected] 12 Special Offer - Get More Clients Now 1 Month Teleclass Here’s an invitation, as a way of taking the next step towards what we hope will be a long term relationship with you. OPTION 1 A one month, Academy level teleclass $495 Learn what it takes to build your ideal practice Diagnose and avoid 9 major practice building mistakes Discover if you’re really ready to build your ideal practice Practice the most crucial heart-centered enrollment skill See if the Academy is a mutual fit A one hour coaching call with Scott $150 Individualized recommendations for your practice Personalized support in helping you get to where you want to go Regular Price $645 Your Price $195 OPTION 2 Includes everything in Option 1 Plus: The Selling By Giving Home Study Course $645 $995 Your “business in a box” Learn a new, different, more loving way of doing business Master a system that actually works - for you Regular Price Your Price $1640 $495 Both options come with a complete, 100% money back guarantee Either investment can be applied to your Academy tuition To register visit [email protected] 13 Questions 5 and 6: Why Would You Want to Make This Investment? Why Wouldn’t You? Why would you want to make this investment? (In the Practice Building Academy?) The key here is to help people differentiate benefits from ___________ Why wouldn’t you? The key here is to help the people differentiate reality from ___________ This is where _____________ sales and marketing often gets into trouble. Practice Building Academy Benefits Here are some of the benefits graduates have reported receiving: Owning the value of your services “Brian, I have to share that this 4th chapter was incredibly powerful for me in seeing that I truly have a valuable service and package (me!)” – Frances Fuji, Executive Coach Learning a new, different, more loving way of doing business – one that works for you both practically and energetically “Thank you from the bottom of my bank account. Why knew business could feel so good!” – Melanie DuPuy, Breathing-Life Coach Discovering a proven, step by step recipe for success “This course has been absolutely life-changing for me! I know without a doubt I’ll be able to implement what I’ve learned and make a success of my practice. And it’s simple!” – Liesel Teversham, Energy Healer Mastering the art of heart-centered enrollment “I have doubled my income since taking this class, my income is now regular and consistent, and I no longer fear selling my services.” – Nilofer Safdar, Energy Healer Transforming the way you feel about selling your services “My income almost doubled after taking this class. It helped me release my fears and judgments around money and it gave me some great ideas and tools for marketing my business.” – Stephanie Wiltgen, Educational Consultant (Three Blanks: Bullshit, Resistance, Traditional) [email protected] 14 Some more benefits graduates have reported receiving: Support in working with challenges as they come up “To think, I almost gave up – inches from the water trove, the paradise of doing my true heart’s desire and being paid well for my offering. Thanks, Brian!” - Marsha Jane Orr, Small Business Coach Earning at least one more practice building “belt” in 6-12 months “After graduating from the Academy, I built my practice from nothing to $16,000 a year, in a single month, just by giving out 9 gift certificates and then following through on what I’ve learned.” – Susan Bryan, Life Coach Creating your soul-centered, six-figure practice “Thanks to Brian and Selling By Giving, I increased my income by $74,600 in one year. This stuff works!” - Susan Ortolano – Relationship Coach Doubling or tripling your income “I referred a colleague…he mentioned that he’s not even done with the program and has doubled his client load!” – James Stevensen, Massage Therapist Developing trust that you really can create your ideal practice “This is the class I’ve been waiting for my entire life.” – Aileen McKenna, Energy Healer Plus, people have gotten book deals out of the program, transformed their marriages, developed the self-confidence to pursue their dreams, overcome debilitating patterns of procrastination and victim consciousness, and more… Our Exceptional Value Guarantees If you don’t receive exceptional value from the Home Study Course, you can return it at any time for a full refund. If you complete the Practice Building Academy and don’t receive exceptional value from it, you can receive a full refund. (Our goal here is both to build trust while also supporting your commitment to yourself. For more details, please see ) [email protected] 15 Two Free Gifts Please take advantage of our free gifts to you - Register for your $197 Practice Building Kit ( - Claim your $49 Special Report on The Seven Stages of Practice Building - email [email protected] to receive this Why Wouldn’t You Want to Make This Investment? Here are some common things we hear from people. What if it’s not a fit for me? What if I don’t have enough time right now? What if I don’t have enough money right now? What if I don’t have what it takes to be successful? What if my services don’t really offer exceptional value? What if I’m too scared? What if I’m not good with technology? What if I’m not good at business? What if I don’t have enough motivation? Our goal isn’t to __________ you that the Academy is a fit for you. Our goal is to help you figure out what’s reality for you and what’s ___________. Because fear is an almost perfect way of knowing when you’re on __________. (Three Blanks: Convince, Resistance, Course) [email protected] 16 Special Offer - Get More Clients Now 1 Month Teleclass If you received exceptional value from what you learned today, please take advantage of our special offer so we can continue with what we started today. OPTION 1 A one month, Academy level teleclass $495 Learn what it takes to build your ideal practice Diagnose and avoid 9 major practice building mistakes Discover if you’re really ready to build your ideal practice Practice the most crucial heart-centered enrollment skill See if the Academy is a mutual fit A one hour coaching call with Scott $150 Individualized recommendations for your practice Personalized support in helping you get to where you want to go Regular Price $645 Your Price $195 OPTION 2 Includes everything in Option 1 Plus: The Selling By Giving Home Study Course $645 $995 Your “business in a box” Learn a new, different, more loving way of doing business Master a system that actually works - for you Regular Price Your Price $1640 $495 Both options come with a complete, 100% money back guarantee Either investment can be applied to your Academy tuition To register visit [email protected] 17
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