HOW TO BUILD A SIMULATION/GAME {Proceedings of the 10th ISAGA conference. Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. VOLUME II Von d&r UNIVERSFTATSBIBLIOTHEK HANNOVER TECHNiSCHE INFORMATIONSBiBLIOTHEK UB/TIB Hannover Ubernommen 8 , 9 , 1 0 AND 11 AUGUST International Simulation And Gaming Association 4.2 Dr. H.W. Tromp, Polemological Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Political attitudes and political behavior in international arieie - a simulation study of deoision-making. 4.3 309 Dr. H.A.J. Struyker-Boudier and ir. R. Kin, Department of Pharmacology, University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Computer simulation of the oardiovasoular system: A research tool for the study of the pathogenesis and therapy of high blood pressure. 321 Volume II Chapter 5: Simulation and Games in education and training. 5.1 In the social sciences. 5.1.1 Dr. Cathy S. Greenblat, professor in the Department of Sociology, Douglass College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA and dr. J.H. Gagnon, Departments of Sociology and Psychology, State University of New York at Stone Brook, USA. Dr. Linda R. Rosen, C.S.G., Enterprises, EaBt Brunswick, NJ, USA. Designing VOMP and CIRCUMSTANCE: A case study. 5.2 In technical and management training. 14 5.2.1 Dr. C. Brand, Lecturer in Business Organisation, Management Centre, Brighton Polytechnic, U.K. Approaches and problems in the design of complex portable games for management 25 training. 5.2.2 Professor ir. J.G. Balkestein, ing. F.L. Langemeijer, ir. J.H. Morreau, mr. P.J.J. Renders, Industrial Mechanisation and Mechanism Section, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. Business simulation games in the training of mechanical engineers at the Eindhoven 43 University of Technology. 5.2.3 Ing. I. Spilker, Department of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. Designing and programming a management game for industrial 89 engineering. 5.2.4 Drs. W.J.J. Laseur and drs. R.H.C. van Oosten, School for Organization and Management (Interfaculteit Bedrijfskunde), University of Groningen, The Netherlands. The management game at the School for Organization and Management Bedrijfskunde), (Interfaoulteit University of Groningen, The Netherlands. 5.2.5 Ir. C.J. Vriesman, Policy analysis Department, Delta Department (System Management Division), Rijkswaterstaat, Den Haag, The 106 Netherlands. Decision making for getting work in the construction industry. 133 5.2.6 Ir. C.J. Vriesman and Mr. J. van der Spek, Policy Analysis Department, Delta Department (System Management Division), Rijkswaterstaat, The Hague, The Netherlands. Decision making for oontrolling a storm- 145 surge-barrier. 5.3 In medical training. 5.3.1 Drs. J.H.G. Gerritsma and drs. J.A. Smal, Department of Medical Education Research and development, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Realism and adult education: an analysis of the oonsequenoee of two design approaches for simulation in continuing medical education. 167 5.3.2 Ir. R. Min and dr. H.A.J. Struyker-Boudier, Medical Department University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Computer simulation in problem oriented 186 medical learning. 5.3.3 Drs. Ch. Phaff, Skills Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, University of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Simulated patients in the Medical Faculty 197 of Maastricht. 10 5.4 In urban planning. 5.4.1 Dr. H. Law-Yone, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Haifa, IsraSl. Some problem dimensions of urban game 212 design. 5.4.2 Dr. Colin J.B. Wood, Department of Geography, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The Saanich land use game: Abstract and 223 reality. 5.' In science education. 5.5.1 Dr. E. Addinall, dr. H.I. Ellington, mr. F. Percival and mr. M.E. Smythe, Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology, Aberdeen, , i Scotland. Designing science-based simulation games - 233 a cyatems approach. 5.S.2 Drs. G. Aupers, Polemological Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Calamix. 5.(> 242 In language teaching. 5.(>.1 Mr. John P. Lonergan BA MEd FRSA, Padagogische Arbeitsstelle des Deutschen Volkshochshulverbandes, Frankfurt am Main, BRD. Using role playo with adult beginners in foreign language classes. 11 249 5.7 In art education. 5.7.1 Mrs. Beverly Richards A'Court, Kingston Polytechnic, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, United Kingdom. Art arena games: education through art. 258 Chapter 6: Simulation/Gaming and policy-making. 6.1 Dr. W. Thomas Nichols, International Studies Institute, Department of Political Science, Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa., USA. Bow to simulate a political process, national or international. A contrast between making your own simulation and 278 using a published one. 6.2 Mr. Robert C. NoeT, POLIS Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. The POLIS methodology for distributed politioal gaming via computer 6.3 networks. 295 Mr. S. Kadivar, Ph.D., Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. Applications of SIR WALRUS - A policy decision game with a list of future researoh 309 topics. 6.4 Drs. L. de Boer, Pcgd organization development group, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, drs. E.J. Ritzema van Eck, School for Organization and Management 12 (Interfaculteit Bedrijfskunde), University of Groningen, The Netherlands. A participation procedure for a building projeot of a Pogd-offioe at leeuvarden. 6.5 Mr. F.P. Gout and mr. T. Janusch. What kind of game should be built? • 327 j 13 345
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