Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Library

4. Display Search Results
Useful Search Tips
1. Combine Search Terms - Boolean
communication and business
aged OR elderly
NOT Mouse NOT computer*
<All Results> are displayed by default.
Find both words :
<communication> and
Find either word : <aged> or
<elderly> or both
Exclude the word
<computer*> from
Note : Find articles about the
animal but not the computer
Result Tips
2. Words With Variant Spelling Truncation
If full text is NOT available:
* computer*
Find words containing a
common word root :
computer, computers,
? Wom?n
Replace a specific number of
characters : woman, women
Only “Citation” is given when full text is not available.
5. Company Profiles
● From the default screen (Basic Search Screen), click
the Company Profiles button.
Scroll through the alphabetical list of companies or
type the name of the company you are interested in
into the “Browse for” box.
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
How To Use
Business Source
3. Phrase Searching - Quotation
“ ”
“business environment rating”
Search the exact phrase.
● Click on the company name for a summarized report or
the highlighted link to display a complete Datamonitor
company report, e.g. Genting, as shown below.
Special Classes For
Searching Online
If you require tutorials for searching
online databases, please
approach our librarian at the
Reference Desk.
We can provide tutorials at
times convenient to you!
What Is EBSCOHOST- Business Source
EBSCOHOST - Business Source Premier is the industry’s
most used business research database, providing full text
for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more
than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. Business Source Premier
is superior to the competition in full text coverage in all
disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This
database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.
b) Advanced Search By Keywords
1. Enter your search term(s) in the text box(es)
3. Specify search
Field (optional)
2. Select an
1. Access through Library OPAC
==> Online Databases
==> EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
==> EBSCOhost Web
2. Choose Databases
Tick the box for Business Source Premier, as
shown below:
3. Searching Basic Search By Keywords.
A) Searching Steps
1. Enter your
keywords in
the Find
4. Limit your
results to
4b. Limit your
2. Click on
Common Limiters include:
- Full Text: article with full text
- Journal : journal or magazine name
- Scholarly Peer Reviewed Journals:
articles from peer-reviewed journals, i.e.
reviewed by experts
- Published Date : specified publication
date range