Leitlinienentwicklung: Perspektiven der internationalen Zusammenarbeit Hans C. Korting, München Dermatologische Qualitätssicherung Dermatologische Qualitätssicherung Leitlinien und Empfehlungen 6. Auflage 2009 Leitlinien und Empfehlungen Herausgegeben von H. C. Korting • R. Callies • M. Reusch M. Schlaeger W. Sterry 1. Auflage 2000 Herausgegebenvon Korting H.C., Callies R., Reusch M., Schlaeger M.. Schöpf E.. Sterry W. Berufsverband Dewuher Bermaiolopen B V D D ABW .Wissenschaftsverlag EDF Guidelines for Dermatology in Europe Dermatologische Qualitätssicherung Edited by W. Sterry • C. Griffes • H. C. Korting Leitlinien und Empfehlungen 6. Auflage 2009 Herausgegeben von H. C. Korting • R. Callies M. Reusch M. Schlaeger • W. Sterry European Forum ABW • Wissenschaftsverlag ABW • Wissenschaftsverlag e. Europur DetmdbakcyFewneinnual rreelin - »Wem Inte.dnit Eseke J je hirg,hikicome.01.9e:i•GEcrem Derrratordu Mutes arme rreetro] , • En F'op_13 ,..ezle siebleth, k 3, her, umdaar 1 Ur.. Mark3ege .• - I - Europe-6i n De rma "111.13une Entrmaluctlark efrag elkIttbaek I. Plombe r 1412011■ 24211 Forum ,r1) " 7 A I • . • .er '• • • Cuuden • '}ek birze. • SOP for creation of European Dermatology Guidelines Step Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Task EDF Guidelines Decision of topic of specific guideline Committee (EDF-GC) EDF Board Confirmation of the choice and level of guideline (S1, S2 or S3) plus suggestion to the Guideline Committee of potential chairmen and subcommittee members. EDF Guidelines Foundation of subcommittee for specific guidelines. Nomination of Committee EDF members (50 %) as well as identification of possible EADV members (25 % of members for the subcommittee) who could work within the subcommittee. Chairman of EDF guideline committee asks EADV president for approval. Finally nomination of a chairperson of the subcommittee by the group. EDF-GSubC Development of a business plan (see attachment) EDF Board Confirmation of business plan and signature of the contract for financial support of guideline EDF Guidelines Identify all existing guidelines for the specific guideline (active Subcommittee process: literature survey plus contact to Dermatological Societies) (EDF-GSubC) EDF Guidelines Select the guidelines with highest quality. Criteria for selection: Subcommittee 1. Availability of strength of evidence 2. Availability of strength of recommendation 3. Evidence of mechanics of literature review (adhere to the recommendations of the Cochrane collaboration. These standards should assure high quality for the systematic literature search as well as for the critical appraisal of the papers. For further information see http://www.cochrane.org/crgprocedures/chapter4/1.htm and documents available at EDF Guidelines Secretariat (Mrs. Janine Schweiger, [email protected]) EDF Guidelines Identification/nomination of additional 50 % EDF members for the Subcommittee EDF-GSubC from amongst the authors of the best guidelines Chairperson of Consider involvement of other disciplines and patients´ Subcommittee organisations EDF Guidelines Meet Subcommittee 1. to decide the author of the first draft (normally the chairperson of the subcommittee) and to discuss the present guidelines, their strengths and weaknesses 2. 6 months later to discuss the draft (consensus conference) Chairperson of Circulate the guideline draft to national dermatological societies for Subcommittee comments Guidelines Circulate final version for approval among members of the guideline Subcommittee subcommittee Chairperson of Deliver final version for comments to Subcommittee EDF guideline committee chairperson, who forwards it to EADV Board and to UEMS EDF Guidelines Review and comment guideline Committee EDF GC Send guideline for official approval to UEMS (formal approval) chairperson EDF secretary Distribute guideline for in advance information to EDF members and National Dermatological Societies (actual list of societies and their presidents at EDF guidelines secretariat) Months duration 0,5 at EDF Meeting 1 1 1 1 0,5 1 6 2 1 2 1 2 1 Step Responsible Task Months Duration 1 EDF Guidelines Committee (EDF-GC) Decision of specific guideline Ø 2 EDF Board Confirmation of the choice and level of guideline (S1, S2 or S3) plus suggestion to the Guideline Committee of potential chairmen and subcommittee members 0,5 3 EDF Guidelines Committee Foundation of subcommittee for specific guidelines. Nomination of EDF members (50%) as well as identification of possible EADV members (25% of members for the subcommittee) who could work within the subcommittee. Chairman of EDF guideline committee asks EADV president for approval. Finally nomination of a chairperson of the subcommittee by the group. at EDF Meeting 4 EDF-GSubC Development of a business plan (see attachment) 1 5 EDF Board Confirmation of business plan and signature of the contract for financial support of guideline 1 Step Responsible Task Months Duration 6 EDF Guidelines Subcommittee (EDF-GSubC) Identify all existing guidelines for the specific guideline (active process: literature survey plus contact to Dermatological Societies) 1 7 EDF Guidelines Subcommittee Select the guidelines with highest quality. Criteria for selection: 1. Availability of strength of evidence 2. Availability of strength of recommendation 3. Evidence of mechanics of literature review (adhere to the recommendations of the Cochrane collaboration. These standards should assure high quality for the systematic literature search as well as for the critical appraisal of the papers. For further information see http://www.cochrane.org/ crgprocedures/chapter4/1htm and documents available at EDF Guidelines Secretariat (Mrs. Janine Schweiger, [email protected]) 1 8 EDF Guidelines Subcommittee Identification/nomination of additional 50% EDF members for the EDF-GSubC from amongst the authors of the best guidelines 0,5 Step Responsible Task Months Duration 9 Chairperson of Subcommittee Consider involvement of other disciplines and patients‘ organisations 1 10 EDF Guidelines Subcommittee Meet 1. To decide the author of the first draft (normally the chairperson of the subcommittee) and to discuss the present guidelines, their strengths and weaknesses 2. 6 months later to discuss the draft (consensus conference) 6 11 Chairperson of Subcommittee Circulate the guideline draft to national dermatological societies for comments 2 12 Guidelines Subcommittee Circulate final version for approval among members of the guideline subcommittee 1 13 Chairperson of Subcommittee Deliver final version for comments to EDF guideline committee chairperson, who forwards it to EADV Board and UEMS 2 Step Responsible Task Months Duration 14 EDF Guidelines Committee Review and comment guideline 1 15 EDF GC chairperson Send guideline for official approval to UEMS (formal approval) 2 16 EDF secretary Distribute guideline for in advance information to EDF members and National Dermatological Societies (actual list of societies and their presidents at EDF guidelines secretariat) 1 EDF guidelines published as book in 2009 Guidelines Responsible authors Expiry date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Melanoma (S1 – S2) Garbe 5/2012 Cutaneous malignant lymphoma Whittaker 8/2011 Basal cell carcinoma Stockfleth 8/2008 Actinic keratosis (S2) Stockfleth, Kerl 5/2009 Chronic urticaria Zuberbier 8/2012 Venous leg ulcers (S3) Neumann 3/2011 Immunoglobulines (S1) Enk 8/2011 Psoriasis (S3) Rzany 11/2012 Photodermatoses Murphy 12/2012 Physical and cholinergic urticaria Maurer 12/2012 Dermatopathology Kerl, Sterry 9/2012 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER 46 (2050) 2 7 0-2 8 3 avallabie at www.sciencedirect.corn •••• dir IM. •;'ScienceDirect ELSEVIER iournal horriepage:www.erconline..com Current Perspective Diagnosis and treatment of melanoma: European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline Claus Garbe Ketty Peris b'rn, Axel Hauschild Philippe Saiag Mark Middieton ", Alain Spatz I'', Jean-Jacques Grob g>', Josep Maluehy Julia Newton-Bishop Alexander Stratigos iJniHubert Pehamberger Alexander Eggerrnont Center for DellYtat0Oncoiogy, Department of Dermatoiogy, Lieber meisterstr. 25, 72076 Tübingen, Germany EJC JEADV OCTOBER 2009, VOLUME 23, SUPPLEMENT 2. Ettropean S3-Guidelines on the systemic treatment of psoriasis vulgaris D Pathirana, AD Ormerod, P Saiag, C Smith, PI Spuls, A Nast, J Barker, JD Bos, G-R Burmester, Chimenti, L Dubertret, B Eberlein, R Erdmann, J Ferguson, G Girolomoni, P Gisondi, A Giunta, C Griffiths, H Hönigsmann, M Hussain, R Jobling, Maronen, L Kemeny, I Kopp, C Leonardi, M Maccarone, A Menter, U Mro-wietz, L Naldi, T Nijsten, J-P Ortonne, H-D Orzecho wski, T Rantanen, K Reich, N Reytan, H Richards, HB Thio, P van de Kerkhof, B Rzany Einführung D01:10.111 /j.1610-0379.2006.136172.x Leitlinie 53-Leitlinie zur Therapie der Psoriasis vulgaris Alexander Nast I, Ina B. Kopp, Matthias Augustin3, Kirstin-Benita Bande'', Wolf-Henning Boehncke5, Markus Follrnann6, Markus Friedrich', Matthias Huber, Christina Ka h11,Joachim Klaus'', Joachim Koza9, Inga Kreiselmaler'°, Johannes Mohrl 1, Ulrich Mrowietzl°, Hans-Michael Ockenfels12, Hans-Dieter Orzechowskia, Jörg Prinz' 3,Kristian Reich14,Thomas Rosenbach', Stefanie Rosumeck 1, Martin Schlaeger16, Gerhard Schmid-Ott17, Michael Sebastian ',Volker Streit19,Tobias Weberschock', Berthold Rzany' (1) Division of Evidence Based Medicine (dEBM), Klinik für Dermatologie,Venerologie und Allergologie,Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin Psoriasis-Leitliniengruppe der WG • Journal compilation Blac Wen Verlag. Berlin •JDCG • 1860-602£290515uppl 2 -51 JDDG Supplement 2.2006 (Band 4) Si Deutschsprachige Autoren der nationalen sowie europäischen S3-Leitlinie zur Psoriasistherapie in alphabetischer Reihung (I) Deutsche Leitlinie Europäische Leitlinie Augustin M Burmester G-R Banditt K-B Eberlein B Boehncke W-H Erdmann R Follmann M Hönigsmann H Friedrich M Kopp I Kahl C Mrowietz U Klaus J Kopp I Koza J Kreiselmeier I Mohr J Mrowietz U Blau: Autoren beider Leitlinien Deutschsprachige Autoren der nationalen sowie europäischen S3-Leitlinie zur Psoriasistherapie in alphabetischer Reihung (II) Deutsche Leitlinie Europäische Leitlinie Nast A Nast A Ockenfels H-M Orzechowski H-D Orzechowski H-D Reich K Prinz J Rzany B Reich K Rosenbach T Rosumeck S Rzany B Schlaeger M Schmidt-Ott G Sebastian M Streit V Weberschock T Status on New European Guidelines (I) Guidelines Responsible authors 1 Acne Gollnick/Rzany Androgenetic alopecia (S1 - diagnosis) Blume-Peytavi Androgenetic alopecia (S3 - therapy) Blume-Peytavi Atopic eczema Ring Autoimmune bullous skin diseases Hertl/Feliciani Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans Garbe Extracorporeal Photopheresis Knobler Gonorrhea Neumann 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 Due date Not approved by UEMS 14.10 Herpes Hidradenitis suppurativa HPV-vaccination 13 Gross Lichen planus finished In progress according to schedule overdue Status on New European Guidelines (II) Guidelines Responsible authors Step according to the EDF Guidelines SOP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Due date Lichen sclerosus Lupus erythematosus Merkel cell carcinoma Garbe Psoriasis with arthritic involvement Rzany Pruritus (S1 – S2) Ständer Squamous cell carcinoma Garbe Syphilis Hegyi Topical steroids in pregnancy Wojnarowska Vitiligo Taieb/Picardo 14.10 27.10 - finished In progress according to schedule overdue Europäische Leitlinien: Besondere Vorkommnisse im Kontext der Psoriasis-Leitlinie (I) • 2/2009: Übersendung des Leitlinientexts durch den EDFLeitlinienbeauftragten an die Präsidenten von EADV (Prof. Giannetti) und UEMS (Prof. Gollnick) • 5/2009: Zustimmung durch die UEMS nach Modifikation (keine Stellungnahme seitens der EADV) • 8/2009: Elektronische Veröffentlichung der Leitlinie Europäische Leitlinien: Besondere Vorkommnisse im Kontext der Psoriasis-Leitlinie (II) • 9/2009: E-Mail von Co-Autor Prof. Giunta: – „I‘m really sorry to arise these issues after the online publication, but …“ – „Regarding the new S3 Guidelines, I noticed 3 inaccuracies that I do believe it is mandatory to change in the chapter we wrote on Etanercept.“ • 10/2009: Revision der Leitlinie im Sinne eines Erratum Darstellung des Ablaufs in Anlehnung an die des EDF-Leitlinienbeauftragen Prof. Sterry 14TH MEETING OF THE European Dermatology Forum JANUARY 21-22, 2011 LUZERN, SWITZERLAND Meeting Program Friday, January 21, 2011 11.00 - 12.30 EDF warking groups Guidelines Education Genodermatoses Database Room Meeting Saturday, January 22, 2011 Room 8.00 - 9.00 Liaison rneeting 9.00 Reports of the European sister societies Chairpersons: Peter Fritsch, Annamari Feanki - 10.00 1) 2) 3) 4) EADV ESDR UE1v15 ILDS Disc LASS ion Frank Powell Vincent Piguet Magdalena Czarnecka-Oieteracz Jean-Hilaire Saurat Eieltapean-guiddiiie - Geoeile-Suche - Windows Internet Einilurer Pettp:Armov.gcoijecKtearch7reckitizaurchpbcFEurciroan-gulidEireb.aqacacdugigLrfa r\ ,.31Starkseite erl) • r cpa an -.3 U d ei n - Garde-Siche Web SHder Tideas Mn&19E452 Shüreirry E-MailMehr • Gocsie 1 Alles- ig.Bilder videe, IV:en r München Stand cri ändern european-guideline Suche Lingger 38.56c...oc D Ergehe aa iG,17 Sekunderi:i monEUROPEAN GUIDELINES [ Dese Seile übersetzen ] PDFrAdiabe A: ruht - Schnellansicht The guldeline was deyeleped within the Frame erk ofthe COST ACTION 812 'Las back pein g uidelin es for its management' i33LIECI by 1he European CD111111i9sicrn. Das Vifsib Seiten Sur Deutsch Seiten aua Deutschland übersetzte fremd 9 prachige Seiten Mehr Optionen •91 nEurope Oism- Senn Uhersetzen ] to develop and produce European evidenc e-based guidel ines for the manage rn e n1 wirsvv.ac 1:uineuneezirp: • In lache Ergebnisse anzeigen n backpaineu rcpe crg EuropeanUniong ufdellin et[Diese rre uhersetzen ] 5 Noir 2010 ... Liste cif European Union Guidulirim relating to- mach Inas. buth Chose pubhshpd as adepted in Austrahe arid those publiehe-d es not a.Glegrted in ,.. vont tga auedu-2s AitrriLierr guideh htm - Im 2 r.re - EuropeanIVI Beb eines A.geriew - Seientitleuidellinee- Scienkille .hersetzen 41thaugh 1hase documents are EXLIticled from the scops of the procedure for European Union g uidenn es. they heve reimrin Torehe regiwanen as weil es the mwx em eurapa eur niumanguidefirsearbackgraiind ntm -In Cache IPDFT EuropeanGuldennes OrtRSdieiticinProteefilmt inElenterRe.dialüciv -[ niese seileübersetzen ] neeitoi rrni PEIHAdohe Acrobel UK 1c carni au1 1hE 91 u dy -Eurrop ean Gutdelhies on Radiaten Protection in ._. er .europa_eulenergip'nuclearirradi oproLectiono...1136_en.pdf -ÄhnlicheSeiten Ergebnisse anzeigen von pumpe eu pof' 17 _Druthen • Seite • • Extras • .3.'ehiyc...avcil 1 ast heinatellungen 1Anmelden . ...Are, bac kuainouropra.crginahrfilaseG-LGuidelinais.ndi • 4hnliche SElt.5:" — - European Guidekinefor the ManaQement ofPervic_ rnfrarnrriatore [ Diese Seile ohersetzen ] PDFlirdobeAcrobat - Schnellansicht PID Treatment Guidelines - Europe 2006 ',.15 - 2E108 minor update doc page 1 European Guideline for the Management of Pelitic Inflammatory Disease ettfini..iu Et org.:IE gionveurope.PICLy5.pdt - ..kniniche Seden /G4 Pelvic if 11e pain CONCEPT VERSION EUROPEAN GUIDELINES ON THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF PELVIC GIRDLE PAIN. COST ACTION B13 "LOW BACK 12AIN GUIDELINES FOR ITS MANAGEMENT" The guidelines are devekiped within the frarnework of the COST ACTION 813 'Low bac* pain: guidehnes for its rnanagement", issued by the European Commission, Research Direetorate-General, Department of Policy, Coordination an d.Strategy Andri Vleeming (chairm an) Clinical an atonnist Hanne B Albert Physical therapist Hans Christian Östgaard Orthopedic surgeon Britt Stuge Physical therapist Be regt Sturesson Orthopedic sur-geon (NIL) (DK) (SWE) (NOR) (SWE) WG4 Pelvic girdle pain Objectives The focus efWorking Group 4 (VVG4) is te produce a guideline en pelvic girdle pain (POP). The VVG4 will formulate a rationale to support the proposition that POP is a specific form of back pair'. The guideline will provide recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic girdle pain. The guideline seeks te impreve the clinical management af PGP by making recornmendations that are acceptable to healthcare professionals and their respective organizations. Other objectives are to initiate new research and to promote consistency in definitions, diagnosis and treatment between the various healthcare previders_ aritlerinBurtipe -WIndorn. Internet Geher l ig ha l:K.1 14p% -...loparloirnix.. - Stark 'erre° • 0 .0.15,:kger. Europe • COSI ACTION 81:3 FIGPLIP1 U.ClIVINFE:SIQH RESEAR C hE 1:11FtECTQFIArE ELEVE R en LEIlif BACK RAIN! GUIDEL1KE5 FEFR ITS 141MIAGE141 EN T 410.5. GOEIE 5. 5T1:111ICTZIRE 1.1.ANAELEIIENT CURIMITTEE WEIftK2PKI EIFICI lie 1 OKUTE LOHBKK 1:0;41 Alma. go lf struetures Objecthee5 WOFINIRCI 019EIlle 2 G1ir11}141{LIYAI 15111F21C zwar The nimm abjecIthrea aF this CCIST achan art: WCIFIKOIA 'MICK& ä PR inpmax IN LEIN BACR RAIN WElitr4shA GRO•uP mCrvie nnentzPAN Luns O& EVIDUKCC unnts ▪ to derelop ar1d produce European Ericleoce-13.99ed g_lidelinds for the managemern of acur.e low tack pain rl onrrore rare • to rhavälop am:1 praducia Eurapiaan G:ArlsrirG.bassid Far the management of chrwir Iow hark Min in ünnlery CAM ■ (C1 Cle'eelOp arid produce European eoldemcd.baged wIdellnds for the pre•errtion aF low Leck pain m onmare rare • to oroniorG i-nolGrnsntitian af thGsä guidälhas To ensure an eidence baded approarh, recommendahong wll he - based an Cixhrene and olther .5-5,5-ternertic reuiews and an exirti-IQ national g.ndelines, TM4 guderiies sl9ouln nelp heafth rare Drohiden co malre eineree-based dezislons.. ihould irnprove d7e qualtN and autrarne af heaFth rare, ahauld lead to a more rational and effident usä aF namumms. and shauld idärrtiv gap.; in theäxisting sdGrrtilt cs•idonco ordor to prem.so F.turo rc-s<arch Working Graupe Three Working Groups have been e5tabliered: worUng gruup an ELeapean 'JunieheG rür aNLe lerw bad< 2 warking group an Eu-apLan guidälinGs For dirank low b.arkpän, 3!iw.prkirio grnup an European .auldelineä For preventim M low hark( pari. thräG ..contng groLcis will trark acrardng ta a sind ar •Dewig ainung at e.dence -based 'jwdebnes ifeemed bu uelFor evaibh. Narren w .1 • .>-• fm:te - Euruuedu Ui duii quidelines. - WIndue.e., Inteeei Eieleeer httpewny.tga.gov.aupixsihtmlfeigui:leh.hfrn -v 7,4 .31e - dEurap3anUrionciuldEllue 9 4- 11 4 ,7 theike (M.) - 5eike • 1 1.-Z QuilA I I nrep1312:1 I Se ei ,ch the r rcrlurk regeer TGA - sareguarclIng pubLk health Et salety. In Australla by regukatEng reedicknes, inedkal devkae. bLood I tusues SkillQty lifklefeittivat Kr 1 CA - ' Regulativri Mutnteil by the TU, Iniul mi wem' I ui -- Reell15.M thrtilla .1.IJA quidccrel European Union guidelines Please Note; ■ Cl:: me -1 zipes Fresc.-q:;,on medicines Blood 22. tissuee Where Europe.' i Union guidelines adopted in Australia hclude referel-Kes to EU legisladon (including EC D rectives and Regulations), the requiremenzs contained in the referenced EU leg'slaban are not applkcable to the evaluatien ofpreschphon meckines by the TGA. The Ausbalian legislative requirements applying 4a prescription medicines are contained in the Therapeutm: Guuds Art 1939 and the TheraPetitiC Goods Regulations 139Q, as well as in various legislative instrumenta such as Therapautic Goods Orders, Notices and Determinadons, see Le9slation T.:]5 & rahm' there peutic Reloed infßrrretiori ELI zuldeLinee Rolateal infarmreim Adwerkis:- p EU guide!ines - .L.DCPTED ir Z..ustrs ;la clinical #97h7 EU TA& ines - NOT adcpLed.Z-us!..rella Consufkatiens ar eiJzpkimn oF EU guidelineslr. Ausealle Toniman technical document (eiD) Ccmmit-tees EU guidel ines - REPLACED ar SU-,V3EDEC .;.previclusly published as Eump en Agency Fm- Coynetig ad ofled .' Evaluatic r sf Medicimal P.-adus fET-1E1..jr1 ceUSIness sen. ice s F±i..'nernents. Labellinqipackaging EU guidetines newly published Tha following have been published in the last .1 months. Legislabsr P egulacanueloyr12 .LJL1 Scheid u ling medicinesipvisons _dopzu. Guideiirles adopted In the last 4 menths • (PINIVICI-1/2.26/915 ICH TOrliC M3 (R2) Note For Guldance an Rubh shed: TGA Internet sitG Effectiv ei 5 November 2010 SafetyStudles for the Condu ct of Human CIMlull Trials and Mar*etlosi A uthOli sation for PharmaceuticalG Exkras • EJrc Dea Medicines Agency Ime 2009 CPMRICH/286/95 IC:H Topic M 3 (R2) Non-Clinicat a fery Studier for the Conduct of Human Chnical Trials and Marketing Autherization for Pharmaceuticals Step 1. NOTE FOR GUIDANCE ON NON-CLIMCAL SAFE TY S TUDIE S FOR THE C:ONDUCT OF HUMAN CLIVICAL TRIALS AND MARKETING AUTHORIZATION FOR FHARMA CEU TICAL S (CPMPICH286195) TRANSMISSION TO CHMP July 2008 TRANSMISSION TO INTERESTED PARTIES July 2002 DEADLRCE FOR COMMENTS APPROVAL BI' CHMP DATE FOR COMING Duo OPERATION October 2002 Jurte 2009 December 2009 For coruments and questions please contact: [email protected] 7 Wentrerry Circus, Canary Wharr, Londm, Eil LI-119. UK ,:dA-2(11 7A 15 95 7E Fax (14-2D:.75 23 7E. 40 E-malt: Icht2emea.eurnina.e.i hr.p9Ayerw.emea.aurapa.eL Eurapear FlecIlmlie5 Agency, 20E9. Raprarluctlar Is aueluise:1 pro:Ade:1 7.1e source 15 ankrowladgen f H eripp.in Morlirinrq Agr:nry lainranrw.; Internet Eiirrer litplrexoy.erna.europa.euremmArclex.ispkul=.1pagesjhame(Hame_Page.ispüjvenebleEtrue 10 r: kl,t Eurr r nn, -1ni, 1 EUROPEAN MEDIC1NES AGENCY SCIENCE MEDICINES FIFAITI-I Text size; Hume- Find medicine Regulatary Sie da' tope 1:ermumegrk .... eiy nes ji i=s 5rte-wIde search pe 2 ept iirmi = us quick li -.1.s O Find InFoi•atIon rot•.. aur datebase of rnedi rines - Including man medicinee, Veterinary mediz.rer. Pfriad' medir.ines. Oulck seerch 0' ac bo Ehe Medianes se-Ehan fa,rnere t.phans t6 E4el Padents arid carers Healthcare pröfessremals •ou find when y u need. A Weda professbnals Latee meeis I► Business SanefiPasiteur withdraursits marketinq authari5ation applition for Emerliu, pandernIc Influenza ward ne (H5rJ 1) (ep lir wirf an, I nacrltrared, a djuva nte EI) The Eurapea n MedizineG Aupancy has beanfcirmalb. notified by Sanofi PastEur oF its cleosion to wrthdraw rts applicaban rar a cenbralieed marketina autlion3ation for Ernerflu, a pandenur influenza uac<ine (splrt wirion, inarti,;ated, adjuvantee ietriami1194/2004 fir9130-11, 30 pg cif haerflagg lutinin ahiminium h4draxide 3djuuant. suspension for injection. I> Read nwre 6 Media predessfanals What'sNew cm the web9ite ± (2.Elubrigredo Aue' ity - 5aiei allfit Lguidehme5 - 5cieHlint muideliiteS - WindiMe EK.I.olOrnr htti.».......amaeurcipa.eeferraxide..x.icomui=pageereglimalfg eneralAg erierg_cccitent 01:0343.1tpbsrurl=malusfregiaUccis.yegaatims.ltprisrid=Walt01.K05BCCIZIPcb ,49 Eurci:eanf4acloresAgaltrf - Böankilt .2.111.1he6 -5c1.1 0 L ?rir arksekr r.1) •!et: . X. 111_ •3 2e riL ,! Crucen • khe EUROPEAN tvIED1CINES AGENCY g..um:I. MEM' NiN 1 I EAi 1 f [ Text size: Home And medldne special topics Document library News & events Partners F Home FR.epulaieN I ►human Hurruin Pre-autharisation Post-OPiniOn MEGiC:r.Eg hscientine :‘ de senrck etwißrks About us Quick links 0 uidell!•es Scientific guidelines Email a Friend Help Impertant nute an docurneni Formats;411 Microsoft Office document5 iubmitted to the European Medicines Aciency mu st be in Post-authorisation a Format compatible with M3 Office 2003. Office 2E107 and Office 2 EI 10 formats tannot currentiv he atcepted. Product information The Co mrrittee for Medio nal Products for Human use i.CHMP) prepares scientifl r guid el in es. in consultati an with the competent authorities of the EU Member states, to help apolicants prepare niarketino authorisation apulication5 for medicinal products for - Scientific advize and protocol assinance SCientirIC puidalines QuariLy human u SE Guidelines sre irrtended to pnn•icte a hasis for practical harmonisation of the manner in or hich the Eu member states and the European Medicines AciQncy Interpret and .3poly the detailed recitiirero ents for the demon stration of Quality, safet9 and f5cacy They dlsu 11U1rJ Lu er lbule u iaL .1[41litaLiulib IM 111.111,..MUrly duLI IU' iS.11]4/1 I .11•M piepdies.' in LUILLAir led ui Ltie D..1111111111 uk.rakty BECIEDGIICa 15 rn anner that will be recounised as vali by the Acienc,.. For the assurance of qualrty oF medianal pro duuts, guidelinue are tomplementary Instruments to European Pharm.scupsela rnonographs and chaptera. 5inike • . — Extras • European Guideline for the Management of Peh-k Infiammator5 Dkease Date: August 2OO Proposed Date for Review: December 20,09 Adithorz: Prof Ionothan Ross B DiB }.0 FRCP(Ed) FRCP (Loni) Whittall Street Chic Whittall Street BimiioghamB4 6DH Lid TeL 0121 237 5721 Fax 0121 237 5729 email: jemathau_rusehohtpct.nlis.ul: Prof Philippe Tucllin MD. FACOG Clinique Universitaire de Gynecologie-Obetetrique Maternite Regionale de Nancy_ France email:p judlin'c4naternite chu-nancy fr Dr. Li3beth Mim 1D Dr. Department of Ohstetricl and Gynecology 537 avidovre Hospital Kettegaards Alle 22 DK 2650Hvidovre Denmark email: Lisbeth_Nilas@hh_hosp.dk RD Traimmit Goillaktqc - Ezropa 2411.61:5 - 233 miELDT updx--;,thic pap 1 Eur J Nuel Med Mol bnagirig (2008) 35..251—R85 IDOL 10.1007/e3259-007-0694-9 G [ADE LINE S EANIWESC guidelines for radionuclide irnaging of cardiac function B. Hesse • T. B. Lindhardt • W. Acampa • C. Anagnostopoulos • J. Ballinger • J. J. Bai • L. Ed enbrandt • A. Flotat s • C. Germane • T. Cmeiner Stopar • P. Franken • A. Kelion • A. Kjaer • D. Le Culudee • M. Ljungberg • A. F. Alaenhaut • C. Marcassa • 1 Marting • F. MeKiddie • W. M. Sehaefer • L. Stegger • R. Underwood B. Hesse (21) • K Kjaer • J. tvlarving L) partinent of Clinical Phy5,iology and. Nuclear Medieine, University Hospital of Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, Copenhageri, Derrrnark bbessi.,•grh_hocip_dk Preamtile The European guidelines for radionuelidc imaging of eardiac function hark bcen cicvcdopc..d und er the auspices of the European Council an Nuelca.r Cardiology (the johlt grou.p of the Cardiovascular Committee of the Eu.mpean Association of Nuclear Medieine and af the Working Group an Nuelear Cardiology of the European Society af Cardiology). The aim of the authors has bin to present the state-of-the-art applications and protocols approved by experts in the Field and to disseminato this information to the Europcan nucica.r cardiology corntriunity_ Ihr guidelines ate dcsigncd t0 a.ssist physicians and other healtheare Seh.aefer Nuelear Medicine Department, University Hospital, Aachen University of Teehnology, Aachen, Germany L. Stegger Department of Nuelear Medieine, University Hospital [Münster, M ün Cürmany Undc....rwol.).d. Department of Nuelear Modieine, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK Future tasks in European guideline management: relevant alternatives • Guideline development coordination with corresponding bodies of EDF addressing the various medical specialties collaborating with UEMS, possibly forming a new European umbrella organisation, • Guideline development coordination by various national umbrella organisations such as AWMF, possibly forming a new European umbrella organisation URIS -European Unron of fledlcalSanclalisb -riorosned bY Mal Internee Soll »web -Windoes Internet Enpiorer • --, 11E41 1z5Z 3tadselte ( LEre - European Linon aF Piedra' Speo zieh - poner... x1 - _ Drud,..E:n • 'Pons. UEM S LIK4fle Dr.cm 5-ehlee.84-44t.,Shied; 111. Ar. de ia ev.wanne' 5 - 1050 eIR1.1.54RL5 V.2(.4441.34 ag, Poncy tre —32- 3-149.513.14 Chxumonts UNION EUIROREENNE DIES MADECINE speCIALPSTE9 EUROPEAN UNION OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTE Woricke Groups UEMS Secricas . _ The UEMS Section ef Dermato Vererecegy EACCME UEFA S News Puhncarfons Ha mepAge Sei ion Enationed Assocranons Preideng Seeden L ink3 Pirofeeloir Magdalena Czarnecka-Operacz, NID,PhD PL - PCIZNAN mczaine2Ounloedunl ecrerary SBzuen Prof..Faber5 TEIILEN Beertsenhoven 4 NL - 6321 PR WIRE 9 -mail psteesdel.azm Merrilzkers 1 :,dir ?Aa I I box nl. 2-2-47.4131,-X7413 : • gwekome te1G-1-14— GMelimes interrbananall Pieta alt -windorrs Entsink Eeptorer e I ,— 2,37 4 4 StarlsEite P.1) = .c> Vielraue G-I-N—Gudginn Inkernatiord Pickroork - CM"! Drudual Member Login 1 ti Password 1 Guideliries International Network 11:2%1F Tou 4111-..1117 C.• T- AC.TPoTrrES I_TBRARY FVEhres newsl_FrrEa: 07R111. c.ON are her= Kurie 5ite E earch ES Guidelin es search Evidence G•I N Welmite Search - .i.earzh Site Follow us an Facebook stay cri top of the latest UpdateS, event9, and lir Wl-kat's New - ,■••1 ■iriary programme CrHi 20,„ news aba ut G-C-N1 and rneet vdth us at taue of our next annuaL conferencel Corne Wekorne to oUr Web5itC Dear colleagues. Lookng back at my first months ran dedare that 1 am veri praud to he the neer Chau- of G-I-N. We expenenced a farrtasbt tongress In thE wonderful E.eth n.2 of Chicago, with alrflOgt 450 celeauues trOrn 31 countries anpund the world. Hioh Guideline ad aptation surre., TrIQ .9th G•I - N coniererue wiII take plane in seou.i. South Korea dWorld. Design Capital 2010) an Abstract submissions and treck-. 28-31.augrat 2011. G-]-N Strategy 2010-2013 The soererfit tammittee of the 20 11 tonterente i 3 working an the preparation of stimulating plenars "Penary Sessions I-V" s essions around the them e; - Mark LInkIng evidenterFxdIcy, and practice." your calendars: Ae.orE : 6 5eke = Dee = G-I-N: Allgemeiner Ansatz • Introduction The Guidelines International network, G-I-N, is a global network, founded in 2002. It has grown to comprise 94 organisations and 77 individual members representing 46 countries from all continents. The network supports evidence-based health care and improved health outcomes by reducing inappropriate variation throughout the world. • G-I-N mission… ... to lead, strengthen and support collaboration and work within the guideline development, adaptation and implementation community G-I-N: Hauptziele • Providing a network and partnerships for guideline organisations, implementers, end-users, researchers, students and other stakeholders • Assisting members in reducing duplication of effort and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of evidencebased guideline development, adaptation, dissemination and implementation • Promoting best practice through the development of opportunities for learning and building capacity, and the establishment of high quality standards of guideline development, adaptation, dissemination and implementation. J • A I •• " •.. AGREE •Cariacl.14Yek.alsp kh• a..Grzeomhberaten AG REE Instrument AGNKERN Prcelmck Parkwen Dowrduad ehe Auree Instrument AG•ZEEnFoleumwerL 'Tau can downkleid the Agee Enatrument or %neve 1k on-line. Si-nply dick an the reght 1111K. luntrunl.•1 tuane z ccc LI51114.1141:1111:11.134.111:1•11n ■ Agree Enerurnerot - PDF versiDn ChnlMe Ctle ipre...•aw.me3 .Aew iehk. ürX•iejng. 0.reeds itididoe iticrabak Reader ta hc viewed) Aprirarxd .y1ri•dh•klual imato•rrmfflelikenr. Agree MAromefit di•.‘läpa..11k Cankari anal.. r yuFdYISKrf Prellzatk.ne.2.1.:11 ssler,wmcs• - ....ängeeSSed .0,Erfi;Ori Sue2eki for cioring na your h2rd-idinvo. (reed; Winvp (o exkract lt and Adobe Acront Reader to Im ,Iewed) Glied( for 'Umskeims of the ANKRE( Instrumenten your lonounooclIching fiere AGREIterd:ronic Llbr•nr GmaleIm. 13•4•41:19111 AGILTZ Lnytrunmell Naucunl .M ET 41abaeban • ZGCL Zjte :flezted He,e1, Z 71..kker • • kt! biraß • AGREE: Rolle und Steuergremium • What is AGREE? AGREE is an international collaboration of researchers and policy makers who seek to improve the quality and effectiveness of clinical practice guidlines by establishing a shared framework for their development, reporting and assessment. • Who are the participants? The collaboration has the participation of a core of European countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom as well as Canada, New Zealand and the USA (See list of AGREE members). Global medical guidelines: a relevant option? • Guidelines by WHO as examples, • Guideline by CIOMS as another example. Global medical guidelines by WHO wower .cems.ch -W1ndoffl 1(t! ••••• mgernet Eiewer httpliciame.rhe .Ä Stallsee ro.e.00me.ch - h ceH Drud.r, : Seile COUNCIL FOR INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF MEDICAL SCIENCES ein World Health Organization CH-1211 Geneva 27 (Swilzerlandl - OI MS New Horne Ab mit Publications Activ ines UPDATES erarikaiCormarderationg for Derehumerri. arra' Appdrtibrr txf a roebilit ibr modiceal Prodarr Kisk dieflaggeweg t'The plan Is to develop a pragmatic conseoso 5 iluidelipe5 to be used fty induer? and regukbars. ;.J;G% dick Here CiOMS Furrn 1 LATEST PUBLICATIONS KEIN C10115 Woi. king Group 1X Ne are olea seid to announce the lauoch of C]OMS working Group IX,an News ermldal frwevem. Firm. PradtkalAspectscif Signal DetectIonlnPha rrnacov igiance Report of CIOMS sivoddrig Graue The Report of CICK's :5 Woeldne Group :.;111 atme prenaray to pro.vide a cetr9tahenäce eFotdrosecan~devne deine horrw soenetest eheir Omaneonichelee esrrteess and prace ree:and to paCtiCal advice. Read ra c re dick Here FATIEL 131.512/551041 k .15 mith gxeot pleo5ure !Irak CIOMS can ontiounce to vier tnenibet5 the specken in the CIOMS lincraalionall'ancl Disansire inmemory oE Protze 5 of Zkrigniess.BEITAM7751:j nn tbe topic: Time berptemerizrziiim of etkimm' priaciA-5 iuleedicinefrorR behilf to bedsiük. Hon.dzo pirrmidan rue hieegrate rime Iren ranze of kis pudern with wienre (reszarcir and erimirs) Ilae pole' diseassionw2be held in the tnetoory of Professor Zt.eniets! 3einkolvild etw:L .4,e take place an Tuesele. :Cos ealer 2010 frotn 08:45 to 13.43 in roma M303 at W1-10 Headquarters in Geneva SPLIKEP2 Irgi.tiLahüdlei 111k:ei {luideline, kir Eperlernloiteral Studie: International EthicAl Guidefnes for Epithemiological Stiches The Guid e 'Ines set forth Ethicol g tido n ce nn how suiderniologists - Eis well asthose e•ho sponsu, revIew, or carticipate in the 511Jdle3ther. chnduct -Ehould identlf and respond to the ethicad issues that are raised by the prooess of prcducing this information. Read ro o re ......1=1 Here Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences • The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) is an international, nongovernmental, not-for-profit organization established jointly by WHO and UNESCO in 1949. • CIOMS serves the scientific interests of the international biomedical community in general and has been active in promulgating guidelines for the ethical conduct of research, among other activities. CIOMS promulgated guidelines in 1993 entitled International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects. These 15 guidelines address issues including informed consent, standards for external review, recruitment of participants, and more. The Guidelines are general instructions and principles of ethical biomedical research. http://wikidoc.org/ 0 • ealt International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjetts II> Prepared by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) in collaboration with the World Healt h Organization (WHO) CI MS Geneva 2032 CIOMS Guidelines • The CIOMS Guidelines, formally known as International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects, is a set of ethical principles regarding human experimentation. • Created in 1993 by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and updated in 2002, these 21 guidelines (15 in the original report) address issues including informed consent, standards for external review, recruitment of participants, and more. The Guidelines are general instructions and principles of ethical biomedical research http://wikidoc.org/ Global medical guideline by CIOMS Organisational aspects of global medical guidelines: a global scenario • International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) joins CIOMS, • CIOMS coordinates global guideline work, • CIOMS collaborates with the World Health Organization (WHO) acting as a clearing house based on the AGREE instrument. Global medical guidelines: the complexity challenge • Problem: management of diseases may have to be different in highly developed and emerging/developing countries, • Solution: for every major disease management is defined reflecting the current situation in the health care system: the "two velocities approach“. The evolving medical guidelines scheme: a trias • National guidelines, • Supra-national guidelines, if considered helpful (EU, NAFTA?, and others), • Global guidelines
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