St. James of the Valley School Handbook 2013 - 2014

St. James of the Valley
School Handbook
2013 - 2014
School Office
Parish Office
Web Page
Table of Contents
Admission and Registration Policy
General Information and Policy
Academic Information
Dismissal & Transportation Policy/Procedures
Attendance, Withdrawals, Health & Safety
Student Code of Conduct and Discipline
Uniform Dress Code
Education Commission & PTA
Miscellaneous Policies
Welcome to all the new members of our school community and welcome back to all those who
were with us last year!
This handbook is provided to acquaint you with the St. James of the Valley School (SJOV)
community and to facilitate cooperation with the administration, teachers, and oth er staff
members in providing quality Catholic education.
It is our goal to provide the best possible academic education for your children, but more
importantly, it is our goal to continue the work that you as parents have begun by instilling in
your children basic Catholic values and attitudes.
Our Mission
St. James of the Valley School, in partnership with family and parish supp ort, nurtures
students in Gospel values and in Catholic faith traditions. Within our learning environment
and through our worship experiences, students develop and strengthen their intellect,
embrace and increase their faith, and connect and grow as a community.
Our Beliefs
1. We believe that Christ is the reason for our school.
2. We believe that Gospel values are alive in our school through Word and Witness.
3. We believe that liturgy, prayer, sacraments, and service are essential to our Catholic Christian
4. We believe that children are unique gifts from God.
5. We believe that parents are primary educators of their children.
6. We believe that development comes from spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual nurturance.
SJOV is a parish based elementary school operated, supported, and directed by St. James of
the Valley Parish. It is governed by our Administrator, Pastor, and advised by our Education
Commission. We adhere to the policies of the Archdiocesan and Are a Commissions on
Education. SJOV is a graded school, accredited by the State of Ohio, offering a kindergarten
through eighth grade sequential program.
The Administrator and/or Pastor may amend this handbook at any time without prior written
No student is excluded from St. James of the Valley School solely because of race, color,
religion, gender, national origin, or ancestry.
Admission and Registration Policy
General Admission Policies
A. No student may be excluded from St. James of the Valley school solely because of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, or ancestry.
B. Families seeking admission for students in grades 1-8 are to complete the following
1. Provide an original birth certificate and baptismal record for each child. Copies will
be made by the school office and the originals will be returned.
2. Complete an enrollment form and pay the enrollment fee.
3. Sign a release of records which will be sent to the previous school.
4. Agree to a probationary period of one quarter.
C. Parents seeking the admission of their child/children to SJOV must agree to follow the
regulations and policies of the school outlined in the Parent / Student Handbook.
D. Classroom limitations: The maximum number of students per class will be determined by
the Administration and/or Education Commission. Optimum class size should not exceed
28 students in grades 1-8 and 24 students in kindergarten. However, exceptions may be
made at the discretion of the principal.
Acceptance into St. James of the Valley School is contingent upon the receipt and review
of applicable transcripts and records from the student’s prior school. If St. James of the
Valley School can meet the academic, psychological, and physical needs of the student,
he/she will be accepted for a one quarter probationary period.
Decisions on admission and readmission are made on an annual basis.
All registrations are provisional, that is, subject to the approval of the respective Pastor and
the Principal.
Annual Registration
Registrations will be accepted only during the year of entry into the school. Children from
families already enrolled at St. James of the Valley School shall have first priority in
registration and acceptance. These children will be registered through the school. Children
from families who have not attended the St. James of the Valley School in the previous year,
must be registered through the school or parish in the spring or summer prior to their
attendance at the school. Registration and decision on readmission are made on an annual
Registration Throughout the School Year
Registrants seeking admission into SJOV after the completion of the designated annual
registration will be accepted through the principal and admitted upon the approval of the
pastor. This is normally handled on a first come, first serve basis.
Registration fee must be paid prior to acceptance. The registration fee is $100 per
student and checks should be made out to the St. James of the Valley.
Admission Requirements and Priorities
A. Age Requirements
1. No child may be admitted to kindergarten at St. James of the Valley School unless he/she
is five years of age on or before September 30 of the year of admittance.
2. No child may be admitted to first grade at SJOV unless he/she is six years of age on or
before September 30 of the year of admittance.
B. Priorities for Admission of Students (Grades K-8)
1. First priority is extended to registered members of St. James of the Valley Parish and nonmembers who have children currently enrolled at St. James of the Valley School.
2. Second priority is extended to registered members of St. James of the Valley Parish who
do not have children currently enrolled in the school.
Third priority is extended to families outside St. James of the Valley Parish.
Waiting List Policy
In the event a waiting list is necessary, a child will remain on the waiting list for the following
year in the same position and priority as long as the following conditions are met:
1. They remain parishioners in good standing.
2. They have registered on time.
3. They have the approval of the pastor.
Kindergarten Admittance Policy
1. No child may be admitted to the Kindergarten at St. James of the Valley School unless
he/she is 5 years of age on or before September 30 of the year of admittance. Children
who become 5 between October 1 and January 1 inclusive, are considered underage.
2. Admittance to the kindergarten program at SJOV is on a first come, first served basis with
priority given to:
A. New kindergarten students who have a brother or s ister presently enrolled at SJOV
and whose parents/guardian are parishioners in good standing.
B. New kindergarten students w hose parents/guardian are parishioners in good
C. New kindergarten students with a brother or s ister presently enrolled at SJOV and
whose parents/guardians are non-parishioners and are in good standing at the
D. If all openings are not filled using the first two categories, acceptance is based on
a first come, first served basis.
E. If registration openings remain, after the registration period is closed, they will be
filled on a first come, first served basis.
3. Registration will begin on the Sunday of Catholic Schools Week (usually the last Sunday in
January) at Open House.
3. As with grades 1 through 8, registration for kindergarten (whether full day or half day)
requires a $100.00 fee per student.
General Information
Child Protection Policy
Any adult who works with students is required to participate in the Archdiocesan Child
Protection Training. Fingerprinting is required and additional training is provided through
parishes and at our school. Contact the Safe Environment Coordinator to schedule.
School day – 7:55 AM to 3:00 PM. School doors will be opened at 7:30 A.M. Children are to go
immediately to the gym. They will be supervised until 7:45 and then they are escorted to the
classrooms. No children should be dropped off at the school before 7:30 a.m. The school
doors will remain locked until that time.
Recess – All children are expected to go outside for noon recess, weather permitting. Children
should be dressed properly for outdoor recess. Children will play in the designated area. No
rough play is permitted.
If a parent wishes his/her child to be excused from noon recess, the request must be made in
writing and state the reason the child is to be kept indoors. Since no child should be in the
classroom by himself/herself, the child will stay in the office until it is time to return to the
Phone Calls
Communication between parents and teachers is critical and a t certain times it will be
necessary for you to speak with your child's teacher. Messages for teachers shall be handled
through the school office.
Students may be allowed to use the phone in the office with permission of the classroom
teacher and the secretary.
Please try to call the school before 2:40 p.m. to make transportation changes. Dismissal
begins at 3:00 p.m. and there is a lot of activity in the school office at this time.
Visiting the School & Picking Your Child Up From School
If your child must leave school early, please send a note of explanation to the teacher. Parents
must come to the office and the child will be called to the office. No child will be released to a
relative or friend without parental permission. Parents are not permitted unannounced visits to
their child’s classroom during the day.
Cafeteria Policy & Procedures
St. James of the Valley School participates in the U.S.D.A.’s hot lunch program and offers a
Class A Hot Lunch. Cafeteria Menus are sent home every month in the Wednesday packet
system and also posted on the school web site. Milk, juice, and snacks are also available to
students who pack their lunch.
Free and reduced price lunches are available to families who qualify for this program.
Application forms are sent home at the beginning of each school year and are available upon
request throughout the year. All information supplied on the application is kept strictly
Information and prepaid lunch options are sent home in the beginning of the school year. If
necessary an increase in cost may be established by the Food Service Manager. Written
notification will be given.
The cafeteria manager may require cash or a money order if checks are returned for non payment due to insufficient funds.
Report cards will be held if students have an outstanding balance in the cafeteria.
Weekly Wednesday Envelope System
All letters/flyers from the school, the parish or the community will be distributed on
Wednesdays in a large envelope that will come home with the youngest child from each
family. An exception to the Wednesday schedule may occur at the beginning of the school
year or in the event of long vacations or breaks. You are asked to return it as soon as possible
with your communications to us enclosed. If the Wednesday envelope is lost, there is a
replacement fee.
Individual letters or communications may be sent out to individua l students or grade levels in
special situations. We will try to keep these occasions to a minimum.
Classroom parties are permitted for special occasions in grades K thru 8 at the discretion of
the homeroom teacher. School parties will not begin before 2:00 p.m. unless the class has
specials scheduled for this time.
Gift exchanges among students are not permitted.
Private party invitations should be mailed from home or must include the entire class.
Academic Information
The curriculum at St. James of the Valley School is child-centered. It endeavors in all areas of
learning to develop the potential of each student to the utmost.
Programs adopted by the school are based on the course of study, Teaching for the 21
Century, adopted by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and in accordance with the minimum
standards of the State of Ohio.
The school calendar and schedule for classes and activities meet, and in some areas exceed,
the minimum standards for Ohio Elementary Schools and the Archdiocesan Education
Religious Education
Religious education is the essence of Ca tholic schools. Religion class is a core course
conducted for all students enrolled at SJOV. All students are required to take and pass the
religion class at each grade level. Grades are given based on class participation and retention
of subject matter taught. Incorporated into each grade's class are Eucharistic Liturgies, prayer
services, and the practical instruction on Church seasons, such as Advent and Lent. All
students are also required to participate in prayer services and liturgies.
Instruction and preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy
Communion, and Confirmation are provided in class at the appropriate grade levels.
With the exception of religion books and some workbooks, students use textbooks purchased
through the state of Ohio Auxiliary Service Program. Proper care must be taken of all books;
that is, they must be covered at all times and carried to and from school in bags of some
durable material. Restitution must be made for damaged or lost books.
Homework will be assigned with consideration to the student's age, grade level, and subject
area. Homework assignments are considered an outgrowth of class work and the
students are expected to be conscientious about completing this task.
Since students learn and accomplish assigned tasks at different rates, it is sometimes difficult
to determine a specific time for homework assignments. The following is the recommended
time for homework:
Grades 1, 2, & 3
Grades 4 & 5
Grade 6
Grades 7 & 8
15 to
30 to
45 to
60 to
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
75 minutes
All classroom assignments are expected to be submitted on time.
Academic Rules & Consequences
Homework serves as an extension of classroom learning and gives students practice with
certain skills. If a student does not complete the work and return it to the teacher on time, it
is considered a missing assignment. Not completing homework because of sports or extra curricular activities is not acceptable. Teachers at each grade level will determine appropriate
consequences for missing assignments, and will give details about their homework policies to
the parents at Open House.
Reporting Pupil Progress
SJOV utilizes a variety of methods to apprise parents of their child’s progres s in school. The
goal of these different communications is to help the parent and the teacher work together to
provide for the needs of the child.
Interim Reports will be sent home to parents of students in 2 nd through 8th Grade each
quarter. These reports are sent near the halfway point of the quarter and need to be
reviewed and signed by a parent.
Report Cards are sent home with all students at the end of each quarter. These reports
will indicate progress and areas of needed improvement. Academic skills as well as growth
in social and personal responsibility are reported. Parent attention and focus should be
given to the social and personal responsibility marks as well as the academic marks.
Conferences - Scheduled Parent/Teacher conferences are held after the first quarter. See
calendar for conference dates. Notices are sent home indicating the time schedule of the
conference. During the conference, the child's progress and development will be reviewed
and discussed. Parents are encouraged to contact the school for additional conferences
with the teacher(s) and/or principal, should the need arise.
Parents in grades 4 through 8 will have access to their child’s grades through the OptionC
program. Parents who are current in their tuition and fees will be issued access.
A Cumulative Record is maintained on each student in the school. This record contains
detailed information regarding the student's growth in academic skills, scores on
standardized tests, and attendance. School authorities will furnish other schools with this
data upon written request and with at least 24 hours notice. Records will be mailed
to the new school. Records will not be released to parents. Records will not be released if
tuition and fees are not paid in full.
Grading Scale for Grades 4 through 8
Below 70
Academic Honor Roll Criteria
Principal’s Award
First Honors
Second Honors
4.0 grade point average = A in all major subjects
3.7 grade point average = A average (B or above in all)
3.0 grade point average = B average (C or above in all)
The 5 subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies, Religion, and Language Arts are used for these
Academic Honor Awards.
Effort Award (Grades 4 through 8)
An Effort Award is given to students who have 1 in all subjects for effort, no check marks
under personal development or in the first 6 categories of work study on the report card, and
no detentions or suspensions during the grading period. All subjects, including Art, Physical
Education, and Music are counted for Effort Awards.
Athletic Eligibility
A student who receives an “F” on their report will not be eligible to participate in parish
associated athletics.
Testing Program
Children in grades 2,3,4,5,6, and 7 are given standardized tests chosen by the Archdiocese of
Cincinnati in the spring of the school year. Currently the Archdiocese requires the
administration of the Iowa Test. Different grade levels will take different elements of the Iowa
In accordance with the regulations from the Ohio Department of Education, the Archdiocesan
School Office has developed competency-based education programs for English composition.
Provisions shall be made for periodic assessment of pupil performance, including testing at
least once in grades one through four, grades five through eight, and grades nine through
All EdChoice students in Grades 3-8 are required to take the Ohio Achievement Assessments
Promotion & Retention
Promotion from one grade level to the next is dependent on the child's ability to successfully
complete the course of study at his/her grade level. At the primary level, Grades 1 -3, a pupil
should be promoted if he/she has done satisfactory work in the language arts program,
especially reading, and has given evidence of adequate social development.
At the Fourth through Eighth Grade levels, a pupil should be promoted if he/she has done
satisfactory work in Reading, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.
Summer school or hours of private tutoring by a licensed educator may be required of
students who have an incomplete mastery of a subject area before being admitted to the next
grade level. Decisions concerning summer school and retention are to be made by the
principal in consultation with the teacher(s) involved.
Retention at the same grade level for the following school year will be required of a student
who has failed to complete the requirements at his or her grade level. If a child has an "F"
average in two or more of the major subject areas, he/she will have to repeat the grade.
Payment of Fees & Fines
All fees and money owed to the school must be paid before final report cards will be
given. These include, but are not limited to fines incurred because of damage to textbooks,
library fines, lunch money, and fees imposed when children are not picked up on time.
Cafeteria fees and After School Care fees are considered school fees. Records will not be
transferred to another school until fees are paid. Students may be removed from the school
for non-payment of delinquent fees.
All children will be provided the opportunity to regularly make use of the library. In the event
of lost or damaged books, the amount to be paid will be determined by our librarian. Report
cards will not be given to students with overdue books or fines owed the library.
Release of Records to High Schools
Upon request, the St. James of the Valley School office will forward records to two high
schools once records are complete. Any additional requests will require an addressed,
postage-paid envelope.
Field Trips
Field trips are an important part of a child's instruction in a particular area of knowledge or
experience, and children are expected to attend. Permission slips w ill be provided by the
school. The permission slip must be returned before any student is permitted to take part in a
field trip. For liability reasons pre school age children may not accompany chaperones on any
field trip. Field trip chaperones must be a parent or legal guardian and must meet the
Archdiocese requirements for fingerprinting, background checks, and participation in VIRTUS
training. .
Children who are consistent discipline problems will not be permitted to accompany their
classes on field trips. Parents will be notified of the child’s exclusion from the field trip.
In situations when private cars are used to transport children, seat belts must be available for
each child in that car. Bus transportation is strongly encouraged.
Dismissal & Transportation Policies and Procedures
Car Riders and Car Pools
For the safety of our children, please follow these procedures:
Arrival: Vehicles should enter school grounds via West Hill Lane. Please stay to the west side
of the orange barrels. Do not exit via West Hill Lane. Go completely through the parking
lot and exit via Linden Lane. Students should report to the playground or gym and will be
supervised from 7:30 a.m.-7:45 a.m. Students will not be allowed in the building prior to
7:30 a.m.
Afternoon Dismissal for K: Parents of half-day Kindergarten students are asked to drive in
front of the primary door and wait in their cars until the students are dismissed. A note must
be sent to the teacher or school office if someone other than the parent will be picking up the
Afternoon Dismissal for Grades K-8: Dismissal begins at 3:00 p.m. Cars picking up
students should enter school grounds via West Hill Lane. Cars should exit the parking lot via
the Linden Avenue exit. Parents of car riders should stay in the parking lot and not come into
the office to pick up their children. Students are supervised until 3:15 p.m., at which
time they will be sent to the After-School Care Program to await their ride. A fee will
be charged for this service.
General Dismissal Policy
Children will be dismissed from school beginning at 3:00 p.m. The dismissal will take place
when specific buses are called or when “car riders or walkers” is announced.
To keep your child safe, the school office should be notified of any change in a child’s
transportation status with a written note or phone call. This includes the following
circumstances and all ages of children:
1. a child who is to ride with a different parent or adult
2. a child who normally rides a bus and is being picked up or has permission to walk
3. a child who has permission to w alk to the library after school
4. a child who is normally picked-up but needs to ride the bus
5. and any other change in the child’s transportation status.
No child will be kept after school without a parent’s knowledge and consent.
Once students are dismissed, they should not remain on school grounds unless
participating in a school/parish sponsored activity.
Visiting the School & Picking Your Child Up From School
If your child must leave school early, please send a note of explanation to the teacher. Parents
must come to the office and the child will be called to the office. No child will be released to a
relative or friend without parental permission. Parents are not permitted unannounced visits to
their child’s classroom during the day.
Bus Transportation
For 2011-2012, bus transportation will be provided for students who reside in the Cincinnati
Public School District, the Princeton School District, and the Winton Woods School District. Bus
stops are determined by the public school district of residence. Children will be picked up or
dropped off only at official stops.
It is the policy of public school transportation departments that students may only
ride buses within the district of residence.
Lists of eligible students are kept on file at the public schools’ Boards of Education. SJOV will
notify the public school districts of withdrawals, new enrollments, or changes of address.
Notification of transportation, bus stops, etc. is the responsibility of the public school district .
This information is not provided by St. James of the Valley School.
If no one is at home when a child is dropped off after school, the child will be taken to the
district bus compound.
Bus transportation for half-day kindergartners is not guaranteed by public school districts
serving SJOV.
Walkers must observe the safety regulations of the local community.
Bike Riders
Students who choose to ride their bikes to school must follow these procedures:
1. when arriving or exiting the school and parish property, the student should
dismount and walk the bike to the bike racks
2. the bike should be placed in one of the bike racks on the school property
3. the bike must be secured to the bike rack with a bike lock
4. there should never be more than one rider per bike.
Students who ride their bikes to school should follow the laws of our local community as they
ride. St. James of the Valley School is not responsible for theft or damage to bikes while they
are parked on the school or parish property.
School Closings Before the Start of the School Day
When inclement weather threatens, please listen to the radio, watch television, or check the
news and school websites. Any announcements concerning SJOV will be made individually.
SJOV will announce a two-hour school delay for safety reasons and/or if the majority of our
students would be affected by bus delays.
SJOV school delays will be announced on the radio and television stations a nd will be
sent via the School Announcement System.
School will begin at 9:55 AM.
Students should arrive no earlier than 9:30 AM.
The School will NOT be open for students prior to 9:30 AM.
There will be no morning kindergarten.
If the weather continues to deteriorate, it is possible that the delay will be changed to a school
If your child’s bus district is not on a delay but SJOV is, you are responsible for
providing transportation to school. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD ON THE BUS, a s there will not
be anyone at school to supervise your child. If you are unable to arrange transportation, your
child will be marked absent. (We must have an accurate count of students in the building for
safety reasons.) This would be considered an excused absence.
If SJOV is not delayed, but your bus district is delayed, school will begin at 7:45. You
may either transport your child/children or send them on the delayed bus. In this instance,
students will not be counted tardy, but they will be expected to make up missed work.
SJOV will announce a school closing if safety dictates and/or if the majority of our students
would be without bus transportation. SJOV School closings will be announced on the radio and
television stations and will be sent out via the School Announcement System.
Emergency Early Dismissal
Students at SJOV live in various school districts in southwest Ohio. On rare occasions,
inclement weather may cause one or more of these school districts to decide to dismiss
students before the end of the regular school day. SJOV does not have input and is not
consulted in any district’s decision to dismiss early. When a school district decides upon an
early dismissal, buses will be sent to pick up SJOV students who live in that school district.
When a school district decides upon an early dismissal, that decision will be broadcast on the
radio and television. SJOV will notify parents via the School Announcement System. On days
when it appears possible that inclement weather may cause an early dismissal, parents should
listen to the radio and television for information about the specific school district in which they
In any other type of emergency situation (i.e., fire, tornado, bomb threat, gas leak,
etc.), SJOV will seek and follow the advice of local safety and emergency personnel.
Parents should ensure that home and business telephone numbers provided to SJOV
are kept current. This will help guarantee effective notification in case of an
Attendance, Withdrawals, Health & Safety
The laws of the state of Ohio require the school attendance of every child between the ages of
six and eighteen years during each day the school is open. Regular attendance at school is
critical to the academic development and success of the child.
If a child has to be absent from school, the state of Ohio recognizes the following reasons for
which the absence can be excused:
1. Personal illness
2. Death in the family
3. Doctor or Dental appointments
4. Religious services
5. Emergencies
6. Court appearances
7. Other requests for an excused absence must be approved by the principal.
Verification of the reason for an absence may be required by the principal.
We do not encourage students to miss school for vacations, but there are times when
circumstances dictate that this is necessary for a family. Absences for vacation will be
excused when the following criteria are met:
1. The school office and homeroom teacher are notified in advance of the vacation.
2. The vacation is with the student’s family.
3. The absences do not exceed five school days.
Work that the student misses during the vacation will be made up at the discretion of the
If a student’s absence is unavoidable, we ask that the parents call the school office at 821 9054 between 7:45 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on the day of the absence. When the student
returns to school, a note stating the date and reason for the absence should be sent with the
student as a record of the absence.
The note should also contain the parent’s signature.
All absent notes are kept on file for the entire school year. After five (5) consecutive absences
in a quarter, the school may require a doctor’s note.
Children who arrive at school after 7:55 a.m. and before 9:00 a.m. should report to the office.
These students will be counted as tardy. If the student has a doctor’s appointment, dentist
appointment, or orthodontist appointment, he/she should bring a doctor’s written verification
and the tardy will be excused and not be counted towards a detention. Students who
accumulate five (5) tardies will be assigned to a detention. Students who leave school afte r
1:45 p.m. will be considered to have an early dismissal. Early dismissal designation will be
noted as a tardy for report card purposes.
Arrival at school between 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. will be counted as ½ day absence.
Departure from school after 11:30 a.m. and before 1:45 p.m. will be counted as ½ day
absence. Students who leave school after 1:45 p.m. will be considered to have an early
No child will be dismissed from school during class hours without a note or phone call from the
parent or guardian. The note should be presented to the homeroom teacher in the morning.
Parents should come to the office to sign their child out of school.
Students who attend school are expected to participate in all curricular and extracurricular
activities during the regular school day. If a child is unable to participate in
an activity such as recess or gym class, a note should be sent to school explaining the
reasons that the child cannot participate in that activity.
Students are expected to make-up all in-class assignments and homework missed during
an absence within a reasonable length of time determined by the teacher. Books and
assignments will be sent home with another student at the request of the parent
or they may be picked up by the parent or guardian in the school office. If the
parent or guardian plans to pick up the books and assignments, please call the
school office and give us a reasonable amount of time to gather the books and
assignments, preferably at the end of the school day.
To participate in a school or parish sponsored event, the student must be present in
school on the day of the event.
In order to receive recognition for perfect attendance, the student’s attendance
record must be perfect. This means that the student can have no absences, no
days tardy to school, and no early dismissals.
Withdrawals or Change of Residence
To withdraw a student, the new school office should send a written request for records to St.
James of the Valley School. All fees must be paid before records will be sent to another school
or district. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to obtain the student’s personal
possessions on his/her last day of attendance. St. James of the Valley School will mail the
report card to the parent. If a student is absent for ten (10) consecutive days and we have
not received a records request or notification of a reason for the absence, the Missing Child
Law requires our school to notify legal authorities that the child is missing.
If you change your residence or telephone numbers during the school year, please notify the
office of the St. James of the Valley School to report your new address and telephone number.
If the address of your childcare provider changes, please inform the St. James of the Valley
School office, as well as your local school district’s transportation office of this change.
Health & Safety
The maintenance of a complete health record is required for each child. Any child who is not in
compliance with the immunizations that are required by law will not be re -admitted to school.
Sections 3313.67, 3313.37 of the Ohio Revised Code set forth mandated immunizations
required for preschool through grade twelve. The State of Ohio requires the parent/guardian
provide this information no later than the fourteenth day of school attendance.
DTP (3-5 doses depending on age)
Tdap (booster prior to entering 7 th grade)
Polio (3-4 doses depending on age)
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) (2 doses)
Hib (3-4 doses, depending on age)
Hepatitis B (3 doses)
Varicella (chicken pox) (1 dose depending on age)
In accordance with state law, the school nurse will conduct screening programs for vision
(grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7); hearing (grades K, 1, 3, 5); and scoliosis (grades 5, 6, 7, 8). The
purpose of these screenings is to monitor the health of our students. If the parent does not
wish for their child to be screened at school, they must notify the school in writing. The
parent must then provide evidence that the screening has been performed by another health
care provider. The results of the private screening will then be placed in the student’s
permanent health record. Failure to comply with the proof of the private screening could
result in the child’s removal from school until the proper evidence is provided.
Children who become ill or are injured at school are sent to the school office/ health room. If
the illness or injury warrants, the child's parents will be notified. If a child is found to have a
fever, the parents will be notified and the child will need to be picked up. If your child is sent
home from school, he/she should be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.
No child will be dismissed from school without specific parental permission. Parents are
expected to transport or to make arrangements for transporting a child who is sick or injured.
Each child must have an emergency medical authorization form on file in the St. James of the
Valley School office. Parents must complete and return the emergency medical authorization
forms at the beginning of each school year. Please be sure that all telephones on the forms
are current and updated when changed. These forms provide for the student’s emergency
care and/or emergency hospitalization if required.
St. James School has a Nit-Free Head Lice Policy.
Random head inspections will take place within the first 8 weeks after the start of
school in the fall.
The inspector will report any findings of live lice or nits to school personnel. With each
case of lice that is found, a letter of notification will be sent home with all students so
that continued inspections will take place at home.
When lice are found, all siblings will be checked, along with the entire grade(s)
Any students found to have lice will be immediately removed from the classroom.
Personal items (backpacks, spare clothes, etc.) will be sealed in a plastic bag, and
parents will be notified to pick up their child.
Children found to have an active case of lice must have head inspections prior to
returning to the classroom. The child’s hair must be Nit-free to return to the
classroom. Proof of treatment must be shown by bringing in the box or receipt of
purchase of an appropriate lice remedy.
Once a child returns to school, lice checks may continue on a weekly and biweekly
basis for a minimum period of 2 months following the initial case of lice.
Lice checks may be done at the request of the teacher and/or any school staff
reporting “scalp scratching”. The times and days of rechecking are at the discretion of
the nurse or qualified health care volunteer.
Bed Bugs
If a student with bed bug bites has been verified in our school, the parents of the child will be
notified. The parents of the children who share a locker with the identified will also be notified
by phone and a notification letter will be sent out to all parents.
At school, we will take steps to prevent the spread of bed bugs. If it becomes necessary to
bag book bags and coats in plastic bags in lockers, those steps will be taken. Parents of
children identified with bed bugs will be asked to bring in an extra set of clothing including
undergarments. This extra set of clothing will be heat treated in our dryer. When the affected
students arrive at school, they will be given the treated clothing to wear for the school day.
The clothing that they wore to school will then be treated in the drye r. To protect the
children, we will be as discreet as possible. We will continue to use this procedure until
parents provide verification that they have treated their homes, or the children are free of
As a Catholic community, we must remember that children and families do not intentionally
infect themselves with bed bugs. While bed bugs were once associated with poverty and poor
hygiene in homes, they are now prevalent in our society and know no social class barriers.
Families should not view bed bugs as a stigma or an indication that their home is not clean.
You have a responsibility to our school family to communicate to the school if your home has
this problem.
When possible, medication should be administered at home. It is not legal for over-the counter medication to be kept in the school health room for routine use. According to Ohio
Revised Code #3313.713, when medication must be given to the student during the school
day, the following will apply:
1. Medication must be brought to school by a parent or guardian in the original pharmacy
container in which it was dispensed by the prescribing physician or pharmacy. This
applies to both prescription and over the counter medication.
2. The school nurse or other designated individual must receive and retain a statement which
complies with state law and is signed by the physician who prescribed the drug or other
person licensed to prescribe medication.
3. Written request must be obtained from the parent or guardian of the student, requesting
that the school nurse or an appropriate person comply with the physician’s order.
4. The parent(s) or guardian(s) must agree to submit a revised statement, signed by the
physician or other licensed individual who prescribed the drug, to the nurse or other
designated individual if any of the information originally provided by the physician or
licensed individual changes.
5. No employee who is designated by the parish or school administration to administer a
prescribed drug is liable in civil damages for administering or failing to administer the
drug, unless he/she acts in a manner which would constitute “gross neglig ence or wanton
or reckless misconduct.”
6. No student is to furnish medication of any kind to another student. No student is to
accept medication of any kind from another student.
7. No student is to carry any prescription or over the counter medication to or at school.
8. Students whose parents and physician judge that they have sufficient maturity to control
the use of inhaled medications will be permitted to retain their inhalers, provided they
have submitted a completed medication form signed by their physician.
9. Request forms for the administration of medication are available in the St. James of the
Valley School office.
10. Medications will not be stored over the summer. Parents will need to notify the St. James
of the Valley School office to arrange the transfer of medication from school to home.
Emergency Drills
Drills will be held at regular intervals, as required by law. These are an important
safety precaution. Directions will be given in each room at the beginning of the year
and posted in a visible place. We ask that all adults who are in the building at the
time of a drill follow the same rules as the students. These will include fire drills,
tornado drills, lockdown drill, and any others required by law.
Student Code of Conduct and Discipline
Goals of Discipline
St. James of the Valley School is committed to providing a safe, positive learning and working
environment for everyone in the school community. Discipline means the systematic
development and training of a child’s physical, social, moral and spiritual capacities through
guided instruction and controlled self-activity. It is the purpose of St. James of the Valley
School to aid parents in the formation and education of Catholic children and all of the children
within our school.
The Student Code of Conduct and Discipline governs student activities at all times on or off
school property, during and after the school day. The concept of school law entitled “in loco
parentis”, extends the school the right to act in place of the parent whe n the child is at school.
This legal concept is the basis for Codes of Conduct or Discipline Plans in all public, parochial,
and private schools. Discipline goals focus on fostering respect for all and recognizing the
dignity of each person. The following code is intended to prescribe and encourage students to
act in a proper manner and to develop self-discipline.
Student Responsibilities
1. Come to class prepared – have necessary books, supplies, and assignments.
2. Write homework assignments in planner
3. Exercise self-control and be accountable for his/her personal actions.
4. Know and observe all school and classroom rules.
5. Show respect for yourself, for others, and for others’ property.
6. Be safe for yourself and others at all times.
7. Know and understand the dress code in the handbook.
8. Be familiar with the Parent Student Handbook.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
1. Encourage and support your child.
2. Be sure your child attends school daily and arrives on time.
3. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately according to the Parent Student
4. Teach your child, by work and example, respect for the law, for school rules and
regulations, and for the rights and property of others.
5. Encourage and support all school personnel.
6. Provide a time and a place for homework and assist when needed.
7. Read the homework assignment book daily.
8. Assist your child in having the necessary materials for class.
9. Keep the lines of communication open with your child and with the school.
10. Read and be familiar with the Parent Student Handbook of the St. James of the Valley
As corrective measures are taken to ensure appropriate behavior in the classroom, it is critical
that the staff, teachers and administration have the full support of the parents in an effort to
ensure an environment that promotes education. Without this support, the efforts of the staff,
teachers, and administration to maintain discipline will be severely hampered. If parents or
guardians fail to accept corrective actions or discipline, the child may be a sked to withdraw
from St. James of the Valley School.
Teacher Responsibilities
1. Be prepared for class.
2. Establish and maintain a challenging environment where all may learn and achieve
according to their various abilities.
3. Work with students to establish classroom rules.
4. Enforce school and classroom rules impartially and consistently.
5. Communicate child’s progress and behavior to parent/guardian.
Administrator Responsibilities
1. Work in collaboration with students, teachers, and parents/guardians to improve t he
school environment.
2. Support teachers and students in their efforts.
3. Provide instructional leadership.
4. Organize and supervise the work of teachers and staff.
5. Ensure adherence to St. James of the Valley, Archdiocesan, and state school policies.
General Rules That Apply To Every Grade Level
Walk in the hallways.
Speak softly in the hallways.
Use appropriate language and voice at all times within the building.
Be respectful of all people at all times.
Behave in a manner expected of a student in a Catholic school at all times.
Help to maintain the cleanliness of the school, school equipment and grounds at all
Cafeteria Rules
1. Be courteous while moving through the lunch line.
2. Use appropriate table manners.
3. Eat your food only in the cafeteria.
4. Raise your hand to move about the cafeteria.
5. Keep your hands to yourself and do not touch others’ food.
6. Remain seated until dismissed.
7. Clean your place and leave in an orderly fashion.
Playground Rules
1. Stay in designated area.
2. Make proper and safe use of the equipment.
3. Be concerned for the safety of others.
4. Be respectful to other students.
5. Play fairly and exhibit good sportsmanship at all times .
Students should not bring to school electronic devices of any kind, including but not
limited to: video games, palm pilots, radios, CD players, or pagers. Students may not bring
items such as CDs, tapes, toys (unless requested by the teacher), and aerosol cans to school.
All items w ill be confiscated. Cell phones, i-pods, and i-pod like devices are permitted as long
as they are turned off upon arrival at school and stored in the student’s backpack. Cell
phones, i-pods, and i-pod like devices will be confiscated if seen, heard, or used at school
during school hours.
Teachers and staff members may remove inappropriate items from a student’s
possession for a period of time that include s the remainder of the school year.
Inspection/Searches of School Property
Lockers and desks are the property of the St. James of the Valley School. Teachers,
administrators, and the pastor have the right to search lockers, desks and their contents
without notice.
Probation for Transfer Students
As a condition for enrollment of any student new to St. James of the Valley School, the
student and the parent(s)/guardian(s) agree that the student will be on a proba tionary status
for the first quarter of attendance. During the probationary period, the student will:
Achieve appropriate academic progress
Comply with the discipline code of the school
Attend school regularly and promptly
Meet all financial obligations
At the conclusion of the probationary period, a meeting may be held with the administration
and parent(s)/guardian(s) and a decision will be made regarding the student’s enrollment. The
decision made by the faculty and administration is binding and must be accepted by the
parent(s)/guardian(s) on behalf of the student.
Behavior Policies for Students in Grades K – 3...
Behavior policies in Kindergarten through grade 3 are determined by the Classroom Teachers.
The parents will be informed of the behavior expectations and classroom policies at the
beginning of the school year and will be informed of problems during the school year. The
principal has final discretion in all behavior issues.
Behavior Policy for Students in Grades 4 – 8
St. James of the Valley School has a standard discipline code for the school. The expectations
for the students, parents, teachers, and principal have been described in the previous pages
and a general Code of Conduct will be outlined in the following pages Each of the teachers in
grades 4-8 will have a classroom discipline policy that will reflect the expectations and the
Student Code of Conduct. Teachers shall inform the students and the parents of their
classroom discipline expectations at the beginning of the school year. Students who cannot
follow the discipline codes of the classroom will be sent to the principal for additional
disciplinary measures.
The principal, teachers, and staff have the following disciplinary consequences available to
Verbal reprimand and counseling
Written assignments
Parental conferences
Field trip privileges suspended
Participation in any school activities suspended
Attendance at school events suspended
Recess detention
After school or before school detention
Saturday School detention
In school suspension
Out of school suspension
Any reasonable action determined by the staff member, teacher, or principal
Any violation of the Student Code of Conduct may result in a student assigned to one or more
of these disciplinary actions. The assignment of a disciplinary action is the decision of the staff
member, teacher, principal, or pastor. If student behavior becomes severe, the pastor of the
parish may be involved at any level of consequence. In school law, there is no statute of
limitations while the student is enrolled at the same school.
Student Code of Conduct
Any pupil engaging in the types of conduct, either specifically or generally, on or off
school property, like the kinds of conduct listed below is subject to disciplinary
actions that may include detentions, suspension, emergency removal, or expulsion
pursuant to 3313.66 Ohio Revised Code.
1. Damage or destruction of school property, property of school employees, or
property of other students, on or off school premises.
2. Damage or destruction of private property on school premises or in areas
controlled by the school.
3. Assault or threat of assault on a school employee, student or other person
physically or virtually.
4. Harassment of school personnel or other students during school and/or non-school
hours physically or virtually.
5. Fighting, hitting, unauthorized and unwelcomed touching.
6. Taunting, ridiculing, hazing, and bullying (to persecute, harass, or humiliate
another student) physically or virtually.
7. Chronic misbehavior which disrupts or interferes with any school activity.
8. Disregard of reasonable directions, rules, or verbal commands by any school
9. Abuse of any students.
10. Disrespect to a teacher or other school authority.
11. Refusing to take a detention or other properly administered discipline.
12. Falsifying information to any school employee in the legitimate pursuit of their
jobs, or withholding information from a school employee.
13. Forgery or altering of school related documents.
14. No selling of items in the school without approval of the principal.
15. Cheating, plagiarizing, or stealing.
16. Gambling.
17. Extortion of a student or school personnel.
18. Theft or possession of stolen goods.
19. Arson or other improper use of fire.
20. Possession of matches, lighters, or other similar devices.
21. Possession or use of dangerous weapons or ordinance or objects which may look
like weapons or ordinance. Possession or use of objects which may render physical
harm to another if improperly used.
22. Buying, selling, transferring, using or possession of any substance containing
tobacco, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, clove cigarettes,
chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip, or using any tobacco product in any form on school
premises or a school related event.
23. Buying, selling, using, possessing or being under the influence of any controlled
substance (drugs, narcotics, marijuana, etc.); or inhalants, or buying selling,
using, possessing, or being under the influence of any counterfeit controlled
substance on school premises or at a school related function.
24. Buying, selling, transferring, trafficking, using, possessing or being under the
influence of any counterfeit controlled substance (any substance that is made to
look like a controlled substance, or is represented to be a controlled substance, or
that is believed to be a controlled substance) on school premises or at a school
related function.
25. Buying, selling, transferring, using, or possessing any drug or alcoholic
paraphernalia to include instruments, objects, papers, pipes, etc. on school
premises or at a school related function.
26. Possession of electronic communication devices and / or electronic laser pointing
device or electronic light emitting device without expressed written permission of
the principal.
27. Buying, selling transferring, using, possessing or being under the influence of any
alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind.
28. Cursing.
29. Use of indecent or obscene, pornographic, or libelous material in written form or
published virtually.
30. Placing of signs and slogans on school property without the permission of the
principal or parish office.
31. Demonstration by individuals or groups causing disruption to the school program.
32. Truancy.
33. Tardiness.
34. Leaving school during school hours without permission.
35. Presence in areas during school hours or outside school hours where a student has
no legitimate business without permission of the principal or parish office.
36. Failure to abide by the dress and appearance codes set forth in the Parent /
Student Handbook.
37. Engaging in sexual acts; displaying excessive affection; marking or writing on
another student; or other inappropriate behavior.
38. Turning in false fire, tornado, bomb, or disaster alarms.
39. Indecent exposure.
40. Presence on school property with a communicable disease.
41. Convey, attempt to convey, or knowingly possess a deadly weapon, co ncealed
weapon or dangerous ordnance onto school or parish property.
42. Any disruption or interference with school activities.
43. Any type of prohibited activity listed herein, taking place on a school bus shall be
reason for expulsion, suspension, or removal.
44. Any activity which the pupil knows or should know will disrupt the academic
process or a curricular or extracurricular activity either on scho ol premises or on
the premises where a school related activity is taking place.
45. Misuse of a computer, as outlined in the archdiocese technology policy.
Out of School Suspension
In certain situations the administrator may find it necessary to issue an out of school
suspension. The administrator will determine the terms of and the length of the out of school
suspension and notify the parents. No work will be sent home. Assignments will be available to
the student upon their return to school. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the
assignments and complete the work within a specific amount of time determined by the
classroom teacher(s).
A student is removed from the school community.
Offenses Resulting in Immediate Expulsion
A student is liable to immediate expulsion from school for the following reasons:
1. Use of alcohol or tobacco products.
2. Possession, use or sale of illicit drugs, or other hallucinogenic substances on school
grounds or at school-sponsored events.
3. Physical assault or verbal harassment of any student, member of the staff, or other
person in authority.
4. Possession of firearms, knives, explosives, or other dangerous objects and any
facsimiles thereof.
5. Arson.
6. Bomb threat.
7. Repeated disruptive behavior.
8. Gross misconduct.
Procedures to follow in case of expulsion:
1. The case will be discussed with relevant staff, parents, and pastor.
2. Written notice will be sent to the parents stating the reasons for the student’s
3. The student’s withdrawal/expulsion will be re ported to the Attendance Department of
the student’s local school district.
The principal is the final recourse in all disciplinary situations and may waive or impose a
disciplinary action for just cause. Notification will be given in writing to the paren ts of the
disciplined student.
Violent or Threatening Behavior
Threats of physical violence or emotional intimidation will not be tolerated at St. James of the
Valley School. Students exhibiting any behavior considered threatening, overly intimidating, o r
violent in nature will be subject to immediate disciplinary action. Disciplinary action is at the
discretion of the principal. Indefinite suspension or expulsion may result as a consequence of
such behavior.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Students who engage in sexual harassment on school premises or off school premises at a
school-sponsored activity will be subject to appropriate discipline, including suspension or
expulsion. Sexual harassment is any activity of a sexual nature that is unwanted or
unwelcome, including but not limited to, unwanted sexual touching, patting, verbal/written
comments of a sexual nature, sexting, sexual name -calling, pressure to engage in sexual
activity, repeated propositions, and unwanted body contact.
The school’s normal disciplinary procedures will be followed in determining the appropriate
consequence for the sexual harassment. Any student who believes he/she is being sexually
harassed needs to report such behavio r to a parent, teacher, or the principal within a timely
Bullying and Teasing Policy
St. James of the Valley School is committed to making our school a safe and caring place
for all students. We will treat each other with respect, and we will refuse to tolerate bullying in
any form at our school. Bullying happens when someone keeps taunting, hurting, frightening,
threatening, excluding or isolating a targeted student. Staff at our school will do the following
things to prevent bullying and help children feel safe at school:
Closely supervise students in all areas of the school.
Watch for signs of bullying and stop it when it happens.
Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports.
Take parents’ concerns about bullying in a serious manner.
Assign consequences for bullying and/or retaliation based on the school code of
Students at our school will do the following things to prevent bullying:
Treat each other respectfully.
Refuse to bully others. Refuse to let others be bullied.
Refuse to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied.
Try to include everyone in play.
Report bullying to an adult.
Bus Conduct: Student Regulations
The need for strict adherence to school bus discipline is critical for the safety of all children
riding the bus. Children causing a disturbance are putting themselves, the other children, and
the driver in danger. Riding a school bus is a privilege, not a right. When riding a school
bus, students shall:
Be expected to walk a reasonable distance to the bus stop.
Arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled pick up time; the drivers
will not wait for students to walk from their homes to the bus.
Behave at the school bus stop in an orderly manner, not threatening life, limb, or
property of any individual.
Load in an orderly manner and go directly to assigned seats. Students must remain
seated, keeping aisle and exits clear.
Respect the driver and be aware that he/she is in charge at all times and must be
obeyed promptly.
Be courteous; no profane language or gestures will be tolerated.
Keep noise on the bus to a minimum. Classroom behavior is expected.
Not be in violation of safety procedures, i.e., proper street crossing procedures, no
fighting, pushing, shoving, or tripping.
Be aware that Ohio State Law prohibits eating, drinking, chewing gum, or the use of
tobacco products on the bus.
Not be destructive to the interior/exterior of the bus and take an active role in litter
control inside the bus.
No objects, toys, or pencils/pens may be in hands while on the bus.
Not throw or pass objects on, out of, or into the bus.
Not put objects or body parts outside of bus windows.
Carry on the bus only objects that can be held in the laps. Animals of any kind are
not permitted. Large objects and school projects may need to be transported by
Ride only their regularly assigned route. Students will board and disembark only at
their designated stops.
Have written permission, from their parent or guardian and signed by the school
administrator, if they wish to leave the bus at a stop other than their n ormal stop.
Go directly to their bus upon dismissal from school and go directly home when they
leave the bus.
Use the emergency door only in an emergency situation or as directed by the driver.
Disciplinary Action for School Buses:
In the event that disciplinary action is required, the following procedures shall be followed:
First Offense
Driver will submit a written conduct report citing specific actions of the student. A copy
will be mailed home to parents. A copy will be sent to the Transportation Supervisor. A
copy will be kept by SJOV. The problem will be discussed with the student and
consequences assigned if needed.
Second Offense
Driver will submit a written conduct report citing specific actions of the student. A copy
will be mailed home to parents and phone contact will be made. A copy will be sent to
the Transportation Supervisor. A copy will be kept at SJOV. The problem will be
discussed w ith the student and consequences assigned.
Third Offense
Driver will submit a written conduct report citing specific actions of the student. A copy
will be mailed home to parents and phone contact will be made. A copy will be sent to
the Transportation Supervisor. A copy will be kept by SJOV. The administrator will
discipline the student with appropriate consequences which may include the loss of
bus privilege for up to 10 days.
Fourth Offense
Same procedure as in Third Offense except exclusion from bus service may be for up
to the remainder of the school year if necessary after notification of parents.
In the event of flagrant misconduct, any of the four disciplinary actions may be
initiated. The principal is authorized to suspend or remove pupils from school bus
riding privileges.
Uniform Dress Code
The St. James of the Valley uniform dress code has been instituted as a symbol of pride in our
General Guidelines
St. James of the Valley School expects the parents to support the dress code and to enforce
these policies before their children leave home each morning. These guidelines extend to out
of uniform days also. Parents will be contacted if their children fail to meet these guidelines
and the dress code.
Clothing must not be ripped or torn.
Clothing must be clean.
Baggy or oversized clothing is not permitted.
Tight fitting clothing is not permitted.
All pants and shorts must be worn at the waist at all times.
Students may not draw or write on their bodies or clothing.
The teachers and the administration will make the final determination as to the
appropriateness of any uniform or fad item.
Consequences for Dress Code Violations
Consequences for being out of uniform will follow the discipline policies of the school and will
be enforced by the faculty, staff, and administration. At the discretion of the administration,
students who fail to comply with the dress code may be required to call home for proper
clothing to be brought to school.
Dress Code for Grades K-8
All students in grades 3-8 must wear solid black, brown, tan, or navy belts with their slacks or
shorts. Belt loops may not be cut off of slacks or shorts.
Hair should be neat, clean, combed and above the eyebrows. Hair must not be dyed an
unnatural color. Boys’ hair must be above the collar with hair around the ears cut out. Boys
must be clean-shaven at all times. Extreme haircuts and hairstyles are not permitted. The
school administration will have the right to determine the appropriateness of haircuts or
Gym Clothes
Students in grades 5 through 8 are expected to bring a change of clothes for physical
education class. Shorts must be appropriate for athletic activity and for a Catholic school.
Shorts must be worn at the waist at all times. Gym shoes with non-marking soles are
required. Tops must cover the midsection at all times. No cut-offs, tank tops, or inappropriate
clothing is allowed. The appropriateness of all gym clothing will be at the discretion of the
physical education teacher and principal. The dress code for hair, jewelry and make -up must
be followed.
One watch, one ring, one bracelet, and one religious medal of modest size may be worn.
Simple stud earrings, not below the earlobe may be worn.
Plaid jumpers (not skirts) may be worn by girls in grades kindergarten through four. Jumpers
must be no shorter than three inches from the crease in the back of the knee.
No make-up is permitted. Nail polish and artificial nails are not permitted. Writing on the body
or on clothing is not permitted.
White oxford cloth dress shirts may be worn. Long or short sleeves are permitted. Plain white
knit polo-type shirts with a front placket and a collar with long or short sleeves may also be
worn. Shirts should be free from rips, tears, and obvious stains. Shirts should fit
appropriately and not be tight-fitting or baggy.
White oxford cloth dress shirts may be worn. Long or short sleeves are permitted. P lain white
polo-type shirts with a front placket and a collar with long or short sleeves may also be worn.
Shirts should be free from rips, tears, and obvious stains. Shirts should fit appropriately and
not be tight fitting or baggy.
Any undershirt or t-shirt must be white. Writing is not permitted on these shirts. Long sleeved
shirts may not be worn under short sleeved shirts. Only the top button may be open on all
shirts. All shirts must be tucked into the pants or shorts, not folded under.
Heels must not exceed 1 1/2 inches. Clogs, flip flops, and sandals will not be permitted for
safety reasons. Shoes with non-marking soles must be worn in the gym. Heelies (gym shoes
with wheels in soles) are not permitted on school grounds. Shoes must stay tied, buckled, or
otherwise fastened to the feet of the student.
All students may wear navy or khaki twill uniform shorts. No cargo -type pockets are
permitted. Shorts may be no shorter than three inches above the crease in the back of the
Plaid skirts (not jumpers) may be worn by girls in grades five through eight. Khaki skirts are
also acceptable. Skirts must be no shorter than three inches from the crease in the back of
the knee.
Navy or khaki twill straight leg, uniform s lacks with set-in pockets (no denim, no
polyester/knit, no jeans) may be worn. No cargo -type pockets are permitted. No flared legs or
split hems are permitted.
Navy or khaki skorts will be permitted.
Socks or leggings of solid white, black, or navy must be worn and be visible above the shoe.
Pajama bottoms or sweat pants under a skirt/jumper may not be worn during the school day.
St. James Uniform sweatshirts/sweaters may be worn as part of the daily uniform.
Hooded sweatshirts are not permitted to be worn during the school day.
Eighth graders may wear their class shirts on designated days.
Solid navy, hunter green or white cardigan, v-neck, or crew neck sweaters without a
logo may be worn.
Out of Uniform Days
Students must dress appropriately for an elementary school on out of uniform days.
Shorts must be no shorter than three inches from the crease in the back of the knee.
Tops must cover the midsection at all times. No cut-offs, tank tops, or inappropriate
clothing is allowed. Pants must be worn at the waist at all times. The dress code for
hair, jewelry and make-up must be followed. Students who wear inappropriate
clothing on out of uniform days will lose the privilege of being out of uniform.
Out of uniform passes cannot be used on days when the school is going to mass.
Education Commission & PTA
St. James of the Valley Education Commission
The primary function of the Education Commission is to set policy and to act in an advisory
capacity for the operation of St. James of the Valley School and the Parish School of Religion .
Working in close collaboration with the school principal, the Commission shall develop policies
that will enable the school to accomplish its mission of providing quality religious and secular
education to our students, and the PSR, its mission of religious education.
The Commission conducts monthly meetings that are generally held on the second Wednesday
of the month at 7:00 PM. Parents or other interested parishioners may request to have topics
placed on the agenda. Such requests should be given to a Commission member prior to the
meeting. These topics will then be brought before the Commission and will be given limited
time for presentation.
St. James of the Valley School PTA
The purpose of the Parent-Teacher Association is to foster a partnership between parents,
teachers and the principal of St. James of the Valley School. The goal of the PTA is to assist
the school in providing an effective education for the students.
PTA meetings are generally held the Third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Linden
House. All parents are welcome to attend.
Ohio Law Regarding Missing Children
Sec. 3313.672. A pupil at the time of his/her arrival into a public or non-public school shall
present to the person in charge of admission ANY RECORDS GIVEN HIM/HER BY THE
chief administrative officer of the school shall notify the law enforcement agency having
JURISDICTION in the area where the pupil resides of this fact and of the possibility that the
pupil may be a missing child, as this term is defined in Section 2901.30 of the Revised Code.
For the purpose of this section, records mean Vital Statistics information such as name,
address, place and date of birth, gender, and grade placement. It is not required that grades
or credits be sent if, for some reason, they should be withheld. The purpose of sending the
official record is to verify that the pupil was previously enrolled.
St. James of the Valley School will also implement the following:
1. If the principal is notified by school personnel that a missing child is attending St. James of
the Valley School, the principal will immediately give notice of this fact to the department
of education and the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in the area where the
missing child resides.
2. The administrator or secretary of St. James of the Valley School shall provide access to the
student's records to a law enforcement officer who indicates that he/she is conducting an
investigation and that the student is or may be a missing child, as defined in Section
2901.30 of the Revised Code.
3. Each year St. James of the Valley School will include a wallet size photograph of each child
in his/her school records so that a current photograph of each child is kept on record.
Child Abuse Policy
Approved by Archdiocesan Commission on Education 3/31/03
1. All suspected instances of child abuse or neglect shall be reported by the principal to a
designated governmental agency for investigation and action as may be appropriate.
Procedures for reporting such instances and information relevant to identifying victims
shall be made available to all certified personnel and school employees.
2. If the alleged child abuser is a member of the extended school staff, all such incidents
shall be reported to the Archdiocesan authorities as well. This report shall be made to the
Archdiocesan Director of Educational Services, or his designee. If the individual is a cleric
or religious, the Director for Educational Services shall notify the Chancellor and/or
religious superior.
All St. James of the Valley School faculty members, personnel, and volunteers MUST adhere to
the Decree on Child Protection.
AIDS: Guidelines and Procedures
Archdiocesan policy stipulates that each instance of AIDS involving a student or an employee
shall be treated as a strictly confidential and an individual matter. Decisions regarding such
occurrences shall take into account Christian concern and compassion, community health and
well being, and individual privacy and needs.
The Archdiocesan-suggested, administrative procedure for admitting or retaining students or
hiring employees with AIDS has been adopted by the Education Commission.