,| 14 Dininv out , UMIUHMM Weekend Plus, O a 5-7 I|Q|»I«W»IM«TH7|MI««»IHHIMM»MIMII«IIMHM«IMIMMMMIM»IM«HM»M •«••••••• ••• MM. A club that knows how to celebrate "Sony? Why should I be sorry? W W ^ P » u ! ^ ^ corespondent We're not out of theater, this is There are bridge clubs for bridge just another branch of it" players, yacht clubs for boaters, Beard's comment rings true even a procrastinators club for throughout the restaurant busithose who may get around to join- ness, and especially at the James ing. But where can people who Beard house. The James Beard share the love of food, wine and Foundation, a non-profit organizacamaraderie go to get a perfect tion, creates the stage where chefs balance of their passion? from all over the world can come You can join the James Beard and "perform" their craft, prepare Foundation located in New York their dishes behind the scenes and City or attend their events. serve their food on Villeroy & NAOMI KOOKER/WEEKENDaUS Co-founded by master chef Julia Boch china to a captive, hungry Child and Peter Kump, president audience, Members and nontodln, profHUonU and rwvprofniloMl, and M r M l t o gathind at tht RyUnd Inn In of Peter Kump's New York Cook- members can attend these din* WMMhouM r m m ytort f * Worn* F t * Ntw England Clambakt, a Frlanda of Jan*i Board ing School and Peter Kump's ners, as well as Friends of James furi-tit*. And yta, tha ehafa Ha hoWoga (aa watt aa tobtteu roaitad in s t m t d ) . Ranowntd School of Culinary Arts, the James Beard Dinners and events held in raataunrtaur (TrHacca Qri, MoMraehM) Draw Nkportnt with hit aon Andrew; Gray Kuni, Beard Foundation was created in restaurants throughout the states. •mouth* ehaf of LaiplnaaaaatTha ft RaglaHoM m Naw York City with hla daughter Julia; memory of their dear friend James As Beard loved new adventures Beard, who died in 1985, but left and was always interested in new Thao Sohoomggar, araeuUva ehaf of Naw York City • San Domanlco; paatry chef Paul Connors his zest for life and passion for food trends, the James Beard and chol MtehatJ Sohlow of la Cuclna In SomtrvJIU; and chef Craig Shelton of tha Ryland Inn food so strong in the hearts that Foundation, coming into its eighth all anjoyid balng out of the kKchan for a changa. knew him that something had to anniversary this November, conbe done to carry on his legacy. Susan Weaver and pastry chef house offers an unusual alterna- archives open to members. tinues to offer different dining exHe also left behind his brown- periences, tive where business associatescan Here is a sampling of upcoming Bruno Feldeisen, 5757 at The Four stone on West 12th Street in Mantake their clients. "Every time you Beard dinners and events to beSeasons New York. Members $75; hattan, which was saved when The approximately 4,000 mem- go to the Beard house, there is a held at the Beard house: guests $95. chefs and friends rallied together bers come from all corners of the different experience," says the Oct 15 - Duck Charcuterie Contact the James Beard Founafter Beard's death to raise money business world, including the resWorkshop with Ariane Daguin of dation, 167 West 12th St., New to buy it, The brownstone is the taurant world. It's a fun spot for foundation's Director of Public Re- D'Artagnan, Jersey City, N.J. York, N.Y. (212) 6754984, for memchefs to get away from the kitchen lations Jeanne Wilensky foundation's home, bership information and a calenMembers $45; guests $65, To many, James Beard was the and taste what their peers are The Beard house is also a re- Oct. 20 - Chocolate Dinner with dar of upcoming events, pioneer who brought. American doing; and for some, the Beard source center, with its library and food and cooking into the- limelight. He wrote numerous cookbooks, along with a syndicated column and magazine articles; he spoke on the radio and gave cooking classes all over America. James Beard also has been credited with bringing Americans the first televised cooking show. It is not surprising such a prolific and energetic man began his career in the theater. In his college days at Carnegie Mellon University, Beard studied acting and voice, and eventually traveled with a theater troupe. Alter attempting an opera career in London, he returned to New Yak where he taught briefly before setting up his first business; catering cocktail parties. Those who knew him remember him as warm and charismatic, He loved parties, gossip and loved getting people together. "The food world gravitated to his house," exclaimed Peter Kump who knew Beard for 13 years and is now president nf the foundation, Kump, who first met Beard while taking a cooking class with Simone Beck Simca a1 Beard's house, fondly recalls his presence, "He was an enormous man,an impressive man - gnat physical stature with girth and height," Beard was wavm and friendly right from the start, said Kump. One time while Kump and Beard were cooking, their conversation turned to their alma mater Kump had also been acliw in Carnegie Mellon's drama department. Kump asked his friend if he were ever sorry he had left theater,Ac• coring-to Kump; -Bc'tird- replied,' 'Presents I! BALLROOM DANCING Sat., October IS 7:30 to 11:30 pm The Joe Rcsetar Orchestra Dinner/Dance •CashBar Call For Reservations Tan & Gratuity Not Included per person \Restaurant •CocktailLounge^ Private Parties OPEN7 DAYS Box 391, R.D. #3, Hampton, NJ 06827 * Phone 73S7689| AUiwUve ttabi DcfttBinni vith Ike forcat fro« iUMmporch diniiy( I The Original "Hon« Pop" /County Qettainnt tioce 1968. Daiic ll*» food at ton than reasonable price*. Daily ipecakllteeknaracoeuble. Ooted Hoodi^«Holk)^ 168 ML bethel Bd • f t a n , HERB PATULLO'S COACH N' PADDOCK Weddings • Banquets • Parties For All Occasions FRIDAY & SATURDAY DINNER SPECIALS! • Broiled Chicken Breast 09.BS * Veal Parmlglana (with spaghetti) # 1 1 . 9 8 • Broiled Pork Chops $11.95 • 14 oz Sirloin Steak #18.98 Mn Lobster Tails* 012.95 All Entrees served with potato, veg & Salad "ART And The Fabulous Female Vocalist "WILLIE" 86 Rtc, 173 West • Hampton NJQ8827«(908) 735-7889 DIR,Rlc78W.Exitl2'4mitcsw •rt of Clinton • FAX 90B-793-292.1 OCIOBERFEST HALL0WE Sat., Oct. 29 HUNT 7:30pm-l 1:30pm 'llh Bob Danncr's Little German Band - Cash Bar NoCovifChirgi . RESERVE YOUR HOLIDAY PASTY NOW! Sun,, Oct, 30 ll:00am-2:00pm COSTUME CONTEST Prizes, candy, Fun For Al[t ADULTS C H I L D ^ 1 North Vossellcr Ave., Bound Brook 3562692 'FOE 358-9888 4 ROOMS AVAILABLE 25•150 PEOPLE BRUNCH & PUMPKIN person Tax & Gratuity Not Ind.
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