you’re fired! »»Legal Product Focus How to Limit your Liability When Terminating With and Without Cause by Carissa Tanzola There are two principal types of termination: “with cause” and “without cause.” “With cause” is termination for a reason that could include, for example, misconduct, wrongdoing or poor performance. A “without cause” termination assumes the employee is not at fault, but the employer wishes to terminate the employment relationship nevertheless. For example, the termination may be required due to restructuring, insufficient demand for the employee’s skills or cut-backs. In a non-unionized workplace, an employer can end an employment relationship for any reason whatsoever without having to justify its decision. The only caveat is that the reason for the termination must not breach a contract or law such as the Human Rights Code or the Occupational Health and Safety Act. you’re service. (In Ontario, for example, it is roughly one week for every year of service up to a maximum of eight weeks.) A separate concept, often confused with notice or termination pay, is severance pay Depending on the employer’s total number of employees, the size of its payroll and the employee’s length of service, severance pay may be owed in addition to termination pay. In Ontario, severance pay can be up to an additional 26 weeks. These statutory minimums cannot be contracted out of by the employer or the employee. fired! How to limit your liability when terminating with and without cause By CArissA TAnzolA Termination without Cause T here are two principal types Termination without cause comes of termination: “with cause” with a price. In every employment conand “without tract, whether verbal orcause.” written, it is cause” is terminaimplied that“With the employer will provide tion for a reason could include, “reasonable notice that of termination.” This for example, misconduct, wrongdocould be working notice or pay equal to ing amount or poor the performance. A “withthe employee would have out cause” termination assumes earned during the reasonable noticethe employee is not atnotice fault, has but two the comemperiod. Reasonable ployer wishes to terminate thelaw. emponents: statutory and common ployment relationship nevertheless. For example,Notice the termination may Statutory beProvincial required due to restructuring, employment standards insufficient demand the employlegislation sets out the for minimum peee’s of skills or cutbacks. riod reasonable notice to which an In a non-unionized workplace, an employee is entitled upon termination employer can end employment without cause. Thisan is often referred relationship for“termination any reason whatto as “notice” or pay,” and without having to justify itsoever is based on an employee’s length its of 66 4 4 Fitness Business Business Canada Canada Fitness July/August2011 2011 July/August Common Law Notice Without a valid and enforceable termination clause in a written employment contract, an employee is also decision. only caveat is that entitled toThe common law reasonable the reason the termination must notice. Thisfor is known as “common law not breach such notice” and ais contract awarded or by law courts in as the Human Rights Code or the wrongful dismissal claims. Occupational Health and Safety Act. The underlying purpose of common law notice is to give to the employee Termination without Cause the time (or pay in lieu of time) to seTermination without cause cure similar employment. Common comes with price. In emlaw notice is aassessed byevery considering ployment contract, whether verbal the employee’s length of service, availor written, it is implied that the emability of equivalent employment, relployer will provide “reasonable noevant education, training and experitice termination.” This could be ence,ofand age. working notice or calculation pay equal to There is no easy tothe deamount the employee would have termine common law notice entitleearned during reasonable notice ment, and it canthe range from a low of a period. Reasonable notice has two few weeks to a high of 24 months. This components: statutory and does not take into account additional common law. damages which may be awarded as a result of the employer’s poor behaviour during the termination process. If the amount of common law notice to which the employee is entitled is greater than the statutory minimum notice entitlement, the common law notice prevails (the two are not added together). Limiting Liability An employer can limit its exposure to common law notice by ensuring that employees sign a written contract outlining the amount of reasonable notice he/she will receive if they are terminated without cause. A carefully worded termination clause usually provides for a notice period which meets the minimum statutory requirements. Securing a Release Whenever possible, when the proposed settlement payment is above and beyond the contractual or statutory minimum(s), the employer should request in exchange for the payment that the employee execute a full and final release in favour of the employStatutory Notice er. This can prevent an employee from Provincial employment standards bringing future claims against the emlegislation the minimum peployer, limitsets the out employer’s exposure riodbring of reasonable notice to which an and closure to the issue. employee is entitled upon termination without cause. This is often referred to Termination with Cause as In “notice” or “termination pay,” and both unionized and non-unionit is based on anan employee’s ized workplaces, employer length can terof service. (In Ontario, example, minate an employee for for cause. In this it is roughly one week every year case, the employer is notfor required to of service up to a maximum of eight provide either statutory or common weeks.) law notice. concept, ItA isseparate impossible to listoften all of conthe cirfused with notice or termination cumstances that could constitute pay, is severance pay. Depending the just cause. However, generallyon speakemployer’s total number of employing, the following are examples of just ees, the size of its payroll and the cause: employee’s length of service, severance pay may be owed in addition to »» • Serious misconduct Such as theft, »legal which meets the minimum statutory termination pay. In Ontario, severrequirements. ance pay can be up to an additional employer may want to secure a redishonesty and assault. 26 weeks. These statutory minimums lease for the reasons outlined above. cannot be contracted outduty of by Release Technicallyaspeaking, the release may • Habitual neglect of or the incom- Securing employer or the employee. possible, whenless thethan proobtained for a payment petence The employee must clearly un- beWhenever posed settlement payment above the minimum statutory or is contracderstand the requirements of the job, and the contractual statuCommon Lawmust Notice tualbeyond requirement. However, or there is a the requirements be reasonable should Without a valid and risk minimum(s), to structuringthe theemployer settlement in and the employee mustenforceable have been giv- tory request inifexchange for the termination clause in written emthis way; in the future thepayment employee en the opportunity toaimprove. that the employee execute full and ployment contract, an employee is successfully challenges thea allegation final release favour of adjudicator the employ-to also• entitled common law reasonof cause it isin open to an Conducttoincompatible with the er. from able notice. This is or known as “comsetThis asidecan theprevent releasean onemployee the basis it was employee’s duties prejudicial to bringing future claims against the emmon law notice” and isduring awarded by secured for insufficient consideration. the business Activity working limit employer’s courts wrongful dismissal To avoid thisthe possibility, it isexposure advisable hours in that interferes with theclaims. employ- ployer, bring closuretotopay thean issue. The underlyingobligations purpose ofor comfor an employer amount at ee’s employment is com- and mon law notice to give totothe least equal to the statutory minimum. petitive with orisdamaging theememployee the time (or pay in lieu of Termination Cause Alternatively, anwith employer should enployer’s business. time) to secure similar employment. In both unionized and an non-unionsure the release includes agreement Common law notice is assessed by ized workplaces, anthat employer can teramong the parties the employee • Wilful disobedience considering the employee’s length of minate an employee for cause. In this was terminated for cause. service, Onus availability of Proof of equivalent em- case, the employer is not required to provide either statutory or common The onus is on the employer to Practice Tips notice.terminating an employee, ask prove just cause on a balance of prob- lawWhen is impossible to list all of the cirabilities. Just cause must be based on theIt following questions to assess and cumstances that could constitute incompetence or misconduct rather limit your liability: than on mere dissatisfaction with per- just cause. However, generally speakfollowing are examples of just formance or concern for potential mis- ing,• the Is there an employment contract cause: conduct. If an employer is unable to with the employee limiting notice to InbotH unIonIzedand non-unIonIzed WorkplaCeS,an demonstrate just cause, the terminaemployerCan tion is considered to be without cause and the employee will be entitled to termInatean reasonable notice. employeefor Securing a Release CauSe. Even in a case of just cause, an ployment, relevant education, training, experience and age. There is no easy calculation to determine common law notice entitlement, and it can range from a low of a few weeks to a high of 24 months. This does not take into account additional damages which may be awarded as a result of the employer’s poor behaviour during the termination process. If the amount of common law notice to which the employee is entitled is greater than the statutory minimum notice entitlement, the common law notice prevails (the two are not added together). Limiting Liability An employer can limit its exposure to common law notice by ensuring that employees sign a written contract outlining the amount of reasonable notice he/she will receive if they are terminated without cause. A carefully worded termination clause usually provides for a notice period 8 4 Fitness Business Business Canada Canada Fitness July/August 2011 2011 July/August •Seriousmisconduct Such as theft, dishonesty and assault. •Habitualneglectofdutyor incompetence The employee must clearly understand the requirements of the job, the requirements must be reasonable and the employee must have been given the opportunity to improve. •Conductincompatiblewiththeemployee’sdutiesorprejudicialtothe business Activity during working hours that interferes with the employee’s employment obligations or is competitive with or damaging to the employer’s business. Securing a Release in a case of just cause, an the Even statutory minimum? employer may want tocontract secure adoes re• If the employment lease fornotice the reasons outlined above. not limit to the statutory miniTechnically speaking, the release mum, does it address notice at all? may be• Why obtained a payment less than is thefor employee being the minimum statutory or contracterminated? tual requirement. However, there • How long has the employee beenis a risk to structuring the settlement in employed? this way.isIfthe in the future the employ• What employee’s position, ee successfully the allegaand how easy willchallenges it be for him/her to tionsimilar of cause it is open to an adjudifind employment? cator to senior set aside the company release onis the • How in the the basis it was secured for insufficient employee? consideration. To employee? avoid this possibil• How old is the ity, it the is advisable ancause employer • In case of a for with ter- to pay an amount leastsense equaltoto the mination, does it at make offer statutory minimum. an some amount of noticeAlternatively, in exchange for should ensure the release aemployer full and final release? includes an agreement among the parties that the employee was terminatedTanzola for cause. Carissa is a lawyer with Sherrard Kuzz LLP, a management-side employment and laPractice bour law firm inTips Toronto. Contact her at 416Whenorterminating an employee, ask 603-0700 by visiting www.sherrardkuzz. the following questions to assess and com. limit your liability: The information contained in this article is provided for general information purposes only • Is there an employment contract and does not constitute legal or other profeswith the employee limiting notice sional advice. Reading this article does not to the statutory minimum? create a lawyer-client relationship. Readers • If thetoemployment contract are advised seek specific legal advicedoes in not limit notice to the statutory minirelation to any decision or course of action mum, does it address notice at all? contemplated. • Why is the employee being terminated? • How long has the employee been employed? • What is the employee’s position, and how easy will it be for him/her to find similar employment? • How senior in the company is the employee? • How old is the employee? • In the case of a with cause termination, does it make sense to offer some amount of notice in exchange for a full and final release? FBC •Wilfuldisobedience Onus of Proof The onus is on the employer to prove just cause on a balance of probabilities. Just cause must be based on incompetence or misconduct rather than on mere dissatisfaction with performance or concern for potential misconduct. If an employer is unable to demonstrate just cause, the termination is considered to be without cause and the employee will be entitled to reasonable notice. Carissa Tanzola is a lawyer with Sherrard Kuzz LLP, a management-side employment and labour law firm in Toronto. Contact her at 416-603-0700 or visit The information contained in this article is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice. Reading this article does not create a lawyer-client relationship. Readers are advised to seek specific legal advice in relation to any decision or course of action contemplated.
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