HOW TO MAKE IT TO 100 POINT OF LIGHT AWARD TO GLENN KELM Eleanor Rupert, FREA Life Member, just celebrated her 100th birthday at Orange Park Medical Center. No, she does not live there, she WORKS there as a volunteer every Monday bringing newspapers and pitchers of water to the patients. Eleanor has volunteered at the hospital since 1995. What did she do before she began volunteering at the hospital? Putting your beliefs into action is something that Glenn Kelm has done for many years. Governor Charlie Crist recently recognized Glenn for his work in starting a food cupboard in his church in 1992. The cupboard grew as people saw the need and donated food. The cupboard had to move into a food warehouse that provides food for 1,500 families through seventy non-profit groups in Pasco County and surrounding areas. Glenn says he is retired but look at what he is involved in: he has been member of FREA West Pasco for eight years, was Vice President four years, two years as President, and currently District Director. It did not take the folks in West Pasco a long time to see that he was a person who could lead them to do more for their community. Glenn leads by example as he is actively involved in his church as a Sunday School Teacher for the super seniors, church clerk, pas tor’s council, and the choir. He also is a blood donor—he has given 15 gallons which is 120 pints!!! He also donates platelets and red blood cells. Representative Bilirakis sent Glenn a copy of his statement to the H o u s e o f Representatives and we have reproduced it on page 3. Glenn, thanks for your great work with and for people! Eleanor retired from education in 1976 but continued to work as a substitute teacher until she was 88. She has been involved in education since 1928 in Pennsylvania. She and her husband moved to Green Cove Springs in 1952 and she began teaching there. She has two daughters, and the 71 year old daughter said, “In our family, age means nothing.” (Times-Union, 07/05/08). Eleanor’s mother lived to 106 and her sister made it to 98. Barbara L. Roush, FREA member from Clay County, sent us two articles about Eleanor. Barbara said that two words quickly come to her mind about Eleanor —“dedicated and compassionate!” We wish Eleanor a belated Happy Birthday and we hope that she continues to volunteer at the hospital where she brings much joy and happiness to the patients. The true measure of life is not its duration but its donation. 1 GREETINGS FROM MARIE GREIN I returned with special recipes and other new ideas to share. The Florida Retired Educators Association (FREA) is alive and well. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The FREA travel team, consisting of Esther Twitchell, Virginia West, Horton Barnes, Barbara Williams, and myself, just completed the tour of Florida. During these two weeks of travel, we crossed the state from north to south and east to west, in heavy rainstorms and bright sunshine. While we were heading east from Tallahassee, we came through the area of NO gasoline. Station after station had its pump handles covered with bags, indicating no fuel. Our gas indicator kept moving downward. We had a few anxious moments before we found a station with cars lined up at the pumps! During the last few years, questions arose concerning the frequency of assemblies and workshops. I have established an Ad Hoc Committee composed of Esther Twitchell, chairman, Beverly Kelley, Virginia West, and Dolores Garvis to research and gather data from the membership about these issues. Attendees at the district workshops completed a survey. If you did not attend a workshop, you may contact members of the committee to share your thoughts. This information will be shared with the Executive Committee to determine the next step. As part of my message at the workshops, I reminded members that many of us had signed the pledge card for Divided We Fail. As you remember, Divided We Fail is an AARP movement urging our governmental leaders to forget political allegiances and work as statesmen, on two issues: financial security and affordable healthcare for seniors. It is now your task to study the candidates’ positions and vote on Tuesday, November 4. The district workshops were outstanding. Each District Director and the host units provided a day of instruction, entertainment, delicious food, and an opportunity to meet members. Some units had members who made souvenirs like note cards, bookmarks, etc. Such talent! FLORIDA RETIRED EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Remember to take some time to enjoy this glorious fall season! 10051-5TH ST N., SUITE #108 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33702-2211 (727)577-6400 (727)577-6445 (FAX) Web site: Lois Lawrence, Volunteer of the Year Correction (An affiliate of the NRTA Division of AARP) FREA Bulletin is published 3 times a year (July, October, March) “errare humanum est” - The Latin phrase says to err is human and we did make an error in the last Bulletin and we do apologize for the misidentification of the picture on page eight of the Bulletin. Lois Lawrence We had the picture of Lois Lawrence but we said it was Donna Johnson. We apologize to both ladies for our mistake. Lois Lawrence was Volunteer of the Year for District 1 and a new plaque was sent to her. Robert J. Safransky, Ph.D., Editor 6296 Fallingleaf Court, Pinellas Park, FL 33782-2050 Phone: (727) 545-7885 E-mail: [email protected] Eric Filson, Co-Editor [email protected] Largo, Fl. President: Marie Grein, Clearwater, FL [email protected] President-Elect: Esther Twitchell, Indian River, FL Secretary: Wendy Bice, Gainesville, FL Treasurer: Horton Barnes, Bushnell, FL FREA State Director: Virginia West, Jacksonville, FL Barbara A. Williams, Executive Secretary [email protected] Elizabeth “Libby” Brut, Database Administrator [email protected] Ginger Wheale, Administrative Clerk [email protected] EDITOR’S NOTE: The editor has exercised the privilege of editing Bulletin material where space was limited or when similar information was received. 2 NRTA NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE IN WASHINGTON, D.C. Pictured Left to Right—Esther Twitchell, FREA President Elect, Marie Grein, FREA President, Micheal Geisen, the National Teacher of the Year from Oregon, and Barbara Williams, FREA Executive Secretary. Our Connections: Our Shared Success National Conference Brings Together NRTA: AARP’s Educator Community and Leaders of State Retired Educators’ Associations. A three person delegation from FREA represented retired teachers and other school personnel at the national conference in Washington, D.C., from September 3-8, 2008, and helped celebrate AARP’s 50th Anniversary. Featured speakers included pension expert Beth Almeida, from the National Institute on Retirement Security. Participants also heard from top AARP executives, Hop Backus and Tom Nelson, about the deep commitment that AARP and NRTA have to REAs. National Board member and AARP’s President-elect, Lee Hammond, also spoke at the Conference and shared his background as a former educator and President of the Maryland Retired School Personnel Association. At the closing breakfast, conference attendees responded with a standing ovation for the extraordinary and inspiring presentation by Michael Geisen, the National Teacher of the Year! “I am pleased that REA Leaders, NRTA and AARP recognize the value of a strong working relationship so that, together we can enrich the lives or our members,” said Megan Stevens Hookey, Interim Vice President of NRTA. Escambia REA’s RIF Excellence Honors Banner Award On the left is Mary Pat Forgie, President of EREA, and Elaine Sites, RIF Chairperson. 3 Florida Retired Educators Foundation Membership - cont’d I hope that each one of you, a valued member of FREA, have renewed your membership for FREA and your local unit for 2008-2009. It is very important to keep our membership numbers up and growing so that we can meet our goals for this year. Ellen James, FREF Chair The mission of the Florida Retired Educators Foundation is to build community between retired educators and future teachers by providing assistance through scholarships. To accomplish this vision, last year the Board of Trustees wrote new guidelines, procedures, and policies. We define who we are, where we want to go, and how to get there. In addition to these new guidelines, the Board unanimously adopted a statement of Investment Policies. Under that Policy an Endowment Committee was appointed and charged with the responsibility for the management of the assets of trust funds. I would hope at this point that your Membership Chairman would have given out a list of members who have not renewed for this year. Please contact the members who have not renewed yet and inform them that they are missed. Also, check on the new retirees and call those that live near you encouraging them to join FREA and your local unit. Hopefully some of you already have earned “With Four You Get More” and some of you are looking for some retirees to invite to join to make your fourth new member. I would love for each unit to have at least one person to get the recognition of “With Four You Get More” – your unit would love it too!!! This Endowment Committee has met regularly throughout the summer to review the fund’s assets, and make decisions about them. While the market has not been kind to these assets, we are taking steps to decrease our losses and thereby replenish the fund. This committee is reviewing our portfolio to determine how to remedy the losses we have incurred. Some success has been accomplished but our task is not yet over. An Inspirational Poem: “DO LESS” Author Unknown Do less thinking And pay more attention to your heart. Last year our fund raising experiences were profitable and we expect to do more of the same this year. We want to continue those fund raisers with the knowledge that they made a difference . . . in the money that was raised for scholarships to help build community with future teachers and the networking that helped build community among retired educators. As these two communities come together, we will know that we are accomplishing our mission. Do less acquiring, And pay more attention to what you already have. Do less complaining, And pay more attention to giving. Do less controlling, And pay more attention to letting go. Membership Do less criticizing, And pay more attention to complimenting. Marilyn Kerr, State Membership Chair School has started, in fact, it has started twice this year in many parts of the state. Hopefully our state will not experience a hurricane and certainly not another tropical storm like FAY. We can say that our summer is over and we have begun a new year for the units in FREA. Do less arguing, And pay more attention to forgiveness. Do less running around, And pay more attention to silliness. Do less talking, And pay more attention to silence. Marilyn Kerr read this at the Board Meeting. 4 August Ocala Safari to Discovery A monthly, October through April, Safari question will be put on the FREA website ( on the first of each month. The answer can only be sent in during the month of the question. Research the answer if you must. Because many people do not have internet service, we have printed the monthly questions below. You may send in only the answer for October in October. November in November, etc. Please send your monthly answer in an e-mail to [email protected] or send a postcard to FREA, 10051 Fifth Street North, Suite 108, St. Petersburg, FL 33702-2211---Attn. Libby Brut. Each response MUST contain your name, your unit, your phone number or your e-mail address, and the correct answer. Please contact Marie Grein (727-799-1552 or [email protected].) if you have a question about the process. All correct answers will be put in a basket and one winner will be drawn each month. The monthly winner will be posted on the website. The prize is a free $30.00 registration to the 2009 assembly and convention in St. Petersburg. There are seven months in the contest so there will be 7 free $30.00 registrations. October---question #1--- Ankarana, a Special Reserve included in the WWF's Montagne d'Ambre Reserves Complex, is a small limestone massif or island of "Tsingy," sharp limestone pinnacles, penetrated by many caves and canyons. Some of the caves have collapsed, forming isolated pockets of unique flora and fauna that are also home to crocodiles, lemurs, birds, reptiles and insects. It is located on the fourth largest island in the world. What island nation claims it? November---question #2---These 355 foot high falls are in the Zambezi River and a railroad bridge 651 feet long, crosses just below the falls. The surrounding land is a public park. They were discovered by Livingstone on November 17, 1855. What is the name of the falls? December---question #3---Reference to this continent was found in the writing of ancient Greeks. The area around this land was visited by British and American whalers, 1778-1839. This land has a large population of flightless birds and birds considered to bring bad luck. Scientific study on the mainland was carried out by German, Norwegian, Belgian and British expeditions. What is the continent? January---question #4---The city of Rio de Janeiro has on one side, a beautiful beach with the island known as 'Sugar Loaf' and on the other, a jungle. The modern city has wide avenues and skyscrapers. What monument with outstretched arms overlooks the city? February---question #5---Petra is a complex of 800 monuments carved into rose-red sandstone cliffs. Established 2,000 years ago, this complex lay undiscovered for centuries. You reach the ruins by way of the sig ---a narrow chasm---to view the tombs, funerary, halls, temples, and gateways. It contains a Roman theater and the Treasury, a carved 140' high building. In what country is Petra located? March---question #6---Xi'an once was the largest and richest city in Asia. Today it contains the Ming Dynasty Walls and the Wild Goose Pagoda. It is guarded by a 2,200 year old army. This army is composed of the_________________________. April---question #7---The Hermitage Museum occupies the Winter Palace, a 1,000 room residence that was home to 6 czars. It encompasses works by masters of western European art---from Rembrandt to da Vinci---as well as Egyptian, Chinese, Greek, and Roman artisans. In what city is this treasure located? Start looking up the answers and send them in on time! We are looking forward to seeing the winners in St. Petersburg! 5 FALL LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS DISTRICT 1— District Director Pamela Schwartz planned an outstanding first workshop. There were different and unusual breakout sessions. One was the Native Paths Cultural Heritage breakout, which had a mobile display in a bus. Thelma Bruce conducted a live auction as part of the FREF fund raiser. Thelma Mosley, District Director, presented the awards earned by the units, for 2007-2008. DISTRICT 5 – Martha Claire Beckham had her last hurrah as outgoing District 5 Director covering for the new D i r e c to r St e ph a n i e Athens, who was in Spain. Martha Claire received a certificate of appreciation for her many years of service to FREA on the local and state level. DISTRICT 2 - Dr. Lettie White conducted the FREF fund raiser, which consisted of passing the hat and a silent and live auction. District 2, Director Rev. Daniel Hall, led all the units in raising money for FREF. DISTRICT 6 – District Director Glenn Kelm and unit DISTRICT 3 –Director, Flora Williams-Woodfaulk introduced Simmons Buckeye Don from Florida who brought welcoming remarks and a very informative talk about Perry. The unit presidents, as shown, presented reports on the yearly activities of their units. a recipe for Elephant Stew. members carried out the theme, “Recipe for the Future.” As members arrived to register they received an apron in the spirit of the theme. Each participant also took home a special “Beat That Cookbook” which included DISTRICT 7 – Director, Dolores Garvis provided a day of different activities for all attendees. One break out session included a hands on session led by JoAnne Roth, using stamping and scrapbooking techniques. The Charlotte County “Crazy Crooners” brought an original musical tribute celebrating their 35th anniversary. DISTRICT 4 - The musical group from Alachua REA presented a selection for the opening session of District 4’s workshop, FREA Safari To Perfection. 6 DISTRICT 8 – Dr. Ann Winn, District 8 Director and Michael Ferger, President of Central Brevard worked together to plan this outstanding workshop, Hunting For Excellence. Central Brevard unit members made bookmarks and note cards for all who attended. An unusual breakout session, “Updating and Revising Bylaws” was led by Virginia West, FREA State Director. Join the SAFARI in St. Petersburg Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront DISTRICT 9 - Esther Twitchell, President-Elect and Chairman of the Assembly/Workshop c o m m i t t e e , presented a survey to obtain data from participants as to their feelings concerning annual assemblies and workshops. Director, Catherine Mc Cartney asked Darlene Dawson, District Legislative Chair, to bring an update regarding the Florida amendments to be voted on November 4th. May 27th thru May 29th, 2009 for the 55th Annual Delegate Assembly & Convention CHANGE OF ADDRESS Please check your mailing label for accuracy of address, zip code and name. If you know of someone who is not receiving his/her Bulletin, please let us know so we can check for accuracy of name and address. DISTRICT 10 - Flora Jackson, District Director, presented awards earned for 2007-2008 to the unit Presidents as they reported on the units’ yearly activities. Carrying out the theme from Michael Patterson, speaker, at the 2008 Assembly and Convention, were break-out sessions on Keeping The Brain Sharp and Brain Power. Name: _____________________________________ Old Address: ________________________________ ___________________________________________ New Address: _______________________________ ___________________________________________ New Phone: ________________________________ Email Address:______________________________ Please complete and mail to: FREA 10051 5th St. N. Suite 108 St. Petersburg, FL 33702-2211 or Email to: [email protected] 7 Legislative Committee News All FREA members are asked to contact your Senator and Representative in the Florida Legislature to let them know we do not want them to make investment decisions for the State Board of Administration. Larry Carmichael, Chair In July, Mr. Ash Williams was appointed Executive Director of the State Board of Administration (SBA) replacing General Bob Milligan who had agreed to fill the position temporarily last February. Mr. Williams left this position some 12 years ago to explore opportunities in New York; we are glad to have him return, and will hope to have him at our next General Assembly. He will be playing a key role in the SBA effort to comply with recent legislation (Senate Bill 2310 of the '08 Session) which provides that ".. the SBA, consistent with its fiduciary duties, may invest up to 1.5% of the FRS Pension Plan (our Florida Retirement System Trust Fund) in technology and growth investments of businesses domiciled in Florida or whose principal address is in Florida." The legislation also suggests the SBA may use small, state -based investment management firms to facilitate their development and growth. The question of great importance to us and to all governmental agencies in FRS is: Will this new legislation significantly impact the investment success of the SBA, and thereby impact the financial security of our Trust Fund? At this point in the process, it appears the SBA is taking careful steps to insure that any new investing activity for this legislation meets the requirement that it will have equivalent economic features, including risk and return characteristics, as other available activities. It would seem likely that there will be no significant impact in the near future. School Supplies Contribution Janet Ford, Cultural Affairs Chair The Palm Beach County Retired Educators Association recently made a significant contribution of school supplies – pencils, crayons, high lighters, glue sticks, index cards, tissues, and zip lock bags to the Gold Coast Federal Credit Union for their annual drive. The Credit Union allows the PBREA to hold their executive board meetings at their newly renovated facilities. They generously support the unit scholarship program and Santa’s elves bring pocket calendars to the December luncheon. However, Mr. Williams will be required to report to the 2009 Legislature on how well the SBA has done in implementing the new legislation. It is in our interest to make legislators aware that we are watching to see that the Trust Fund is not harmed. In the Investment Advisory Council meeting on April 17 this year, the consulting firm of Ennis Knupp reported that the employer contribution rates for the FRS are likely to remain essentially unchanged for the next 15 years. This analysis was based upon many factors, but one of the most important one is the anticipated long term investment return. Over many years, the SBA has consistently ranked among the best in the universe of large retirement system investment returns. Anything that interferes with this success can have impact on the required contribution rates that employers must send to the FRS. Palm Beach REA is happy to be able to repay their generosity by making this donation to their annual drive. Thank you Gulf Coast Federal Credit Union! 8 WE HAVE COME A LONG WAY! CALENDAR OF EVENTS Yes, we have come a long way in the way we communicate. FREA is looking into the possibility of sending The BULLETIN via email to members who would opt for this method of delivery. It would benefit the environment as we would need less paper and energy to print and deliver. The second benefit would be to FREA’s finances as it would reduce our costs. If you would like to receive the BULLETIN via email, please send your name and your email address to: [email protected] We are hoping to be able to send you the spring Bulletin via email. Thank you for sending your email to Libby! November 12-13, November 13-14, November 16, January 31, February 2008 2008 2008 2009 1, 2009 February 12-13, 2009 March 6, 2009 March 11-12, 2009 March April 16-18, 2009 1, 2009 May 27-29, 2009 Virginia “Virgie” Hyman Cone September 3, 1908—September 13, 2008 Virginia “Virgie” Hyman Cone was an educator, pioneer, and a leader in her district and in the state. Her goal was to celebrate her 100th birthday, which she did in style on September 6th with family and friends. She requested that no public memorial be held. FREF Trustee Business Mtg. FREA Executive Committee Florida Retired Educators Day Membership count calculated for Unit Delegates and FREF DEADLINE for March FREA Bulletin Board of Directors Meeting DEADLINE for FREA Office to receive Delegate names FREF Trustees Meeting Scholarship selections State Legislative Comm. Mtg. Annual Report of UNIT Leaders and UNIT Operations to FREA Office and District Directors FREA Annual Delegate Assembly & Convention, The Hilton, St. Petersburg COME Cruise With Us MEET NEW FRIENDS 13 Night Transatlantic Eastbound Cruise Departing Fort Lauderdale, Florida April 12, 2009 She was a graduate of Florida State College for Women and received her Master’s from the University of Florida. She was a teacher, Guidance Counselor, Dean of Girls and Principal of Lee High School in Duval County. Virgie was the first woman principal of a high school in Duval County! When she retired she moved to Jasper, Florida, and restored the house built by her grandfather. She was able to do much of the work herself. Virgie was appointed to the Rehabilitative Services Advisory Committee. She started an Area Agency on Aging and spent much time lobbying for issues concerning the aging. The Virgie H. Cone Mental Health Center in Hamilton County was dedicated in her honor. PORTS OF CALL INCLUDE: Ponta Delgada, Azores; Madeira (Funchal), Portugal; Vigo, Spain, and Southampton, England. ENJOY THE SHIP’S MANY AMENITITIES: Ice Skating Shows, Mini-Gulf Course, Flat Screen TV, Exercise Programs, Pool Deck and Spas. Your hosts: ARLINE & RON ZILLER look forward to traveling with you. For further information contact: Arline Ziller, Travel Specialist Home: 954-781-4445 email: [email protected] Fax: 954-781-5841 Virgie was President and Legislative Chair of the Hamilton REA unit, was District 3 Director, served as FREA State Legislative Chairman, 1990-1992, and continued on the committee through 1992-1993. All of us have benefited from her work as an educator and an FREA member. 9 NRTA APPOINTS NORSMAN TO LEAD LIFE LONG LEARNING Investment Advisory Council Meeting Report by Larry Carmichael The Investment Advisory Council met Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008, at the State Board of Administration (SBA) in Tallahassee. General Bob Milligan was still acting Executive Director for the SBA in directing SBA staff in the reporting and interaction with the Council. Mr. Ash Williams is scheduled to replace Gen. Milligan on October 20th. Annette Norsman has been named to lead the build out of life long learning opportunities with AARP Services. Annette will develop the long term vision and strategy for Lifelong Learning and over the implementation, which will offer rewarding opportunities, programs and products to AARP members who want to continue to learn and grow. The two main topics of discussion were the economic situation on Wall Street and implementation of Senate Bill 2310 (investing Trust Fund monies in Florida based companies). SBA staff presented figures on market values of select holdings in the financial sector, including Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, as of September 12. On that date, the unrealized loss amounted to just over ½ of 1 percent of the Trust Fund's overall assets. At this time, it is not possible to predict what the actual losses will be, but the amount should be much less. For 16 years, Annette has served as the director of “NRTA: AARP’s Educator Community.” Under her leadership, NRTA developed a strong portfolio of benefits and programs, including Staying Sharp forums and Live and Learn, which is now transitioning from a print to an online publication. Annette’s new position, as Director of Lifelong Learning, began April 28, 2008. The overall situation with lower stock prices means that our Trust Fund is down considerably in market value right now. It had gotten up to $138 B when the DOW was at the 13,000 mark, but it is now down near the $120 B level. However, all legislative decisions about the fiscal status of the Fund are based upon its "actuarial" value, not the market value. The actuarial value is computed by averaging the market value over the past five years. Therefore, this value does not bounce up and down with the market and allows the legislature to make decisions about the required contribution rate on a more stable basis. It is actually a more realistic way of presenting the funds value as 2/3rds of the fund is invested in domestic, foreign and global stocks. Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. STATE HISTORY BOOK ATTENTION ALL UNITS Please check out the second page of the Historian packet. It has all the information you should need regarding submitting materials for our State History book. On the other topic, the SBA is moving forward with selection of a management firm to accomplish the "investing in Florida technology and growth" law passed last session. The selection date is set for December 12; well after Mr. Williams is aboard and giving ample time for review of all responses from firms invited to negotiate. As yet, no movement of funds has taken place specifically to implement the law, and although the Senator who introduced the legislation has been kept informed about the process, we won't know what the legislative reaction will be until the session next March. I’m hoping to hear from many of you so that most of our units will be represented. Just think how interesting this will be to those that follow us in years to come! Looking forward to hearing from you. Jeanne Brockman, State Historian 5818 SE 230th Terrace Hawthorne, FL 32640 352-41l-2235 [email protected] The Council will meet again December 4, 2008. 10 In Memoriam—FREA Members June 21, 2008 to September 20, 2008 DISTRICT 1 Estelle Bonner Gulf Breeze Joan Cantrell Thomasville Lodia Chestnutt Somerset Evelyn C Dillree Gulf Breeze Muriel M Edwards Vernon Odessa S Garrison Pensacola Doris B Hall Gulf Breeze Sue Kelley Waxahachie James W Seaver Dade City Charlene H Webster Milton Margaret Wooten Defuniak Springs DISTRICT 2 Mary M Andreasen Marianna Billy D Barlow Port Saint Joe Barbara E Roady Tallahassee Pencie W Wester Grand Ridge DISTRICT 3 Mary N Barker Live Oak Ruby N Collins Perry Elizabeth Cundiff Live Oak Fronia Dexter Tallahassee Mary F Martin Live Oak DISTRICT 4 Lois G Knudsen Lake City Bessie M Reese Shalimar Charlie Roberson Gainesville Melvarose G Scippio Lake City DISTRICT 5 Robert C Brown Jacksonville Martha S Bleckley Orange Park James J Kane Deland Robert F Keegan Jacksonville Anita B King Saint Augustine Mary L Liddell Daytona Beach John D Nadal Tucson Frances C Price Columbus Helen I Safara Jacksonville John R Shank St Augustine Ray R Stasco Green Cove Springs James R Wilder Sr Jacksonville FL GA NJ FL FL FL FL TX FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL AZ IN FL FL FL FL DISTRICT 6 Lula Belle Berg Sefner Evelyn June Brashear Dunedin Elizabeth W Danner Saint Petersburg Alice S Di Betta Tampa Winifred D Hall Tampa Carrie R Harwell Lakeland Miriam K Hill Valrico Lavina Laybold Tallahassee Patricia A Mc Cleary Garden City Theda F Steil Perkasie Donald I Stephenson Pflugerville Russell D Stichler Palm Harbor Mary E Swirles Clearwater Raymond A White Tarpon Springs Corlyss L Winters Saint Petersburg DISTRICT 7 Rodgers A Bradley Sarasota Alma L Parker Fort Myers Barbara L Proctor Clearwater Corinne N Sharrock Sarasota Fay K Williams Fort Myers DISTRICT 8 Modesta H Brown Greenbelt Ruth T M Hill Leesburg DISTRICT 9 Elnora B Kilmer Fort Pierce Frances C Rotunda Vero Beach DISTRICT 10 Clayton L Coleman Delray Beach Wilbern A Dorris Apollo Beach Joseph V Dugoni Pembroke Pines Dorothy M Dyckes Homestead Dorothy Jane Golder Fort Lauderdale Annabell R Griffis Deland Goldie Hilderbrandt Ormond Beach Pauline K Mc Shane Vero Beach Richard C Melear West Palm Beach Carolyn G Westbrook West Palm Beach Audrey B Williams Lithonia Alma L. Parker May 23, 1925 - August 18, 2008 Alma was born in Ft. Myers to Olivia and John Parker. She graduated from Dunbar High School in 1943. She graduated with Honors in Elementary Education from Bethune-Cookman College. She earned a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education from Eastern Washington State University. She began teaching in Miami-Dade County and was a supervisor and Principal of Frank C. Martin Elementary School in Richmond Heights, Florida. She retired from Miami Dade County in 1979. She is survived by her sister and nieces and nephews and a host of cousins and dear friends. She was a vibrant and involved member of FREA She served as State Chairperson of I&PS (Informative and Protective Services) from 1994-2000. She was currently serving LEE County REA as president at the time of her passing. She will be missed by all. 11 FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL NY PA TX FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL MD FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL GA STATE ONLY Margaret A Beavers Naples Mary C Bell Fort Lauderdale Lewis H Bennett Pompano Beach Milton Berman Boynton Beach Izrael Besser W Bloomfield Peter Bohaczyk Port Orange Rose M Chile Tampa Milton S Cooper Jacksonville Beach Jeanette M Daniels Sanford Peggy Dannecker Greensboro Ohse E Davis Orange City Miriam S De Graff Germantown Thomas E Dodamead Winter Haven Linda Drake Graceville Louis Field Boynton Beach Earl W Fortier Sr Boynton Beach Mary E Godwin Gainesville Norman Goldstein Centennial Rosalind Goldstein Centennial Ruth A Gunter Fort Lauderdale Berniece F Head Miami Betty S Holmes Mount Dora Wilma J Humphries Tampa Rose Leavitt Hollywood James W Maddox Panama City Murray Magen Boca Raton Willie B Mallette Jacksonville Jean J Mark Jacksonville Lawton S Mathews De Funiak Springs Frank Maxwell Immokalee Charles Menendez Jr Tampa Ann M Mengers Ocala Eugenia S Nobles Pensacola Samuel Oroszi Vandalia Merilyn J Richie Coral Gables Everett L Roberts Clearwater Richard G Roland Tampa Gladys S Rubin Boca Raton Joseph Rubin Lantana Benjamin Schneiderman Delray Beach Samuel Silverstein Delray Beach Louise G Smith Green Cove Springs Phillip Weissman Satellite Beach Harriet Weitzenfeld Marietta Betty J Wright Sneads FL FL FL FL MI FL FL FL FL NC FL MD FL FL FL FL FL CO CO FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL OH FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL GA FL Ethel Marie Hawkins , 1916 - 2008 Ethel was born in Calgary, Alberta Canada in November 14, 1916 and passed away April 25, 2008. Ethel began her 20 year career as a math and science teacher in and around Clay County. She was a devoted educator and was passionate about helping struggling students gain confidence in their math studies. A scholarship fund has been established in her name at Clay High School for a student of need who has made the most significant improvement in math. Ethel was an active member of the Clay County Retired Educators Association. She also served as FREA Secretary in 1989-1990 when Dr. Mary Zellner was FREA President. Florida Retired Educators Association 10051 5th St, N., Suite #108 St. Petersburg, FL 33702-2211 10/08 Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Florida Retired Educators Association ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED This Is Not A Dues Notice! Annual Dues notices are mailed in June Check #: ____________ State Amt:___________ Do not use this form if you have already paid your dues to the Local Unit or to FREA. Please do not pay twice. Legis Amt: ___________ If joining or renewing return entire page. FREA membership dues $30.00 per year. Card:________________ Total: ______________ For FREA Use Only Checks should be made payable to: Florida Retired Educators Association (FREA), 10051 5th St. N., Suite #108, St. Petersburg, FL 33702-2211 (Please Print) Please complete the entire application when mailing in dues. All information is for our computer and is considered confidential. Thank you for your assistance! Circle One: Miss, Mrs., Mr., Dr., Other New Member Date Your Name Renewal Date of Birth: Month / Day / Year Mailing Address Apt. / Condo / Lot # City State Social Security # Telephone # (Area Code First) Retired from School District/County Zip Membership Type: General Associate County Date of Retirement/State Position at Retirement E-mail address Subject Specialty Are you a member of a Local Unit? ___ Yes ___ No Name of Unit: If not, would you like Local Information: The membership year for FREA is July 1st through June 30th. 2008 – 2009 FREA Is Not Working To Preserve The Past, But To Secure The Future 12 Yes
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