30 BUSINESS DAILY I Tuesday July 8, 2014 ... ================================================================== ~ Life: Enterprise Lessons from global tournament on how to stay ahead ofthe pack Ie Excel'ent ...~-- ery Good ood ~"erage Innovators areUSlI3IIy the marketleaders butfailureto continuously improve give competitorsroom totakeupleadership. fllf NIFACE NGAHU t week, I met some women who hadjust returned from Brazil. They agreed that the Brazilians arewelcoming people and that the country has diverse cultures and people. It thrives on this diversity. Brazilianmen, they added, are alsochanning and handsome. Thiscolumnhas previously capturedthe male perspectiveat length that this slight addition fromfemalefans isquite refreshing. Market TaJJc picked three big lessons forbusinessfromthe performanceofteams in the WorldCup. li Coaching is cnlcialto perfonnance The first lesson is that effective coaching leads to high performance.The coachand other experts on the technical bench are the backbone of everyteam. In many circum- 2From land'sEnd sail away to While defenceisnecessary, play offence tostayahead or MARKET TALK are in their national teams their performance is not as impressive. This is a question that everyleader shouldask about the teams theyhavein the business.In this era ofknowledgeworkers, it hasbeensuggested that competitive advantageisnotnecessarilydrivenbycostefficiencybut byideasand intellectual know-how. The person who created M-Pesais one of the reasons Safaricomhas been such a success. In other wordsonepersoncan create a new innovation that can bankroll a companyfor decades. stances you will find that the coach'sdecisions could make the differencebetween a team proceedingto the next stage or being defeated. Accordingto International PersonnelManagementAssociation, managementtraining aloneincreasespersonal effectiveness by 20 per cent. While this is combined with coaching which include goal setting, collaborative problem solving, practice, feedback, supervisory involvement and evaluation of end results,. Productivityincreasesby 88 per cent.This meansthat coaching isasimportantin business as it is important in soccerand other team games. There has been very good display of defence by goal keepers and defenders at the tournament. The lesson for business isthat youhaveto keep competitors from encroachinginto yourbusiness or scoring into your tenitory. Youraim is to score in their territory Many coaches replaced strikers with defenders after scoringearly ,onlyfor the opponents to strike back and overtake then. In busmess, ies:l:me:applies.You haveto take the offensive tostay ahead ofthe pack. Sinceno condition is permanent, early mover advantages should be solidifiedby consistent actions in terms of new moves. Therehas beenatendencyformostinnovativecompanies to be overtakenbylessinnovativebut more "renovative" ones.In such casesbeing a fast followerbecomesa good strategyto win. Effective fastfollowers improveon the ideasofcompetitorsand eventuallybecomecategoryleaders.Innovators are usually the market leaders but failure to continuouslyimprovegivescompetitors the room to take up leadership. Defendwhat you have but alwayslook fornew opportunities,improvementsand applications. In the words of one military expert, if you don't moveyou will be shot. Across Island Republic (B) 1Airport sign Ilollow- welcoming 3AII·powerful men withpointto English sign (8) make. possibly (10) 9 Ultimate proof 01 drug taken 4 Pick upcircular offering support belore match (4,4) (5,5) 10 Extraordinary gesture (6) 5 Fellow's son picked upa II Gladly avoid one leftabandoned 'Buddhist design OJ at sea- abarely recognised figure (4,6) 6 Sh~rt life01 current resident in Slough (4) . 12Closelylollow oldwrite< (4) 7Mayperson, say, getting upset 13Very lively and amusing lecture (10) putonsomething to wear? (6) 16Ghastly retreat,second lortommies BSuppress line? What's unusual atthefrontOJ 17l1iegal position afterrundown wing? (7) 14labou~s leader overcome bydisease and stress (10) 20Anticipating employment, woman and man sign onhere 15King and I sets make cracking musical (4,2,4) (6,4) eastorwest(4) speed test(4,4) drunk (3,3,4) 19China holds one shortpollthat's 25Book one has returned about capital (6) decisive(7) Not withme, being separated!(6) American killer (B) 24Flyer heading offfrom capital 01 Maryland vandals tag sow, piglets with graffiti ~ Vandals broke into aMaryland petting zoo this week and painted graffiti onasow and her piglets, police said onWednesday. The taggers used blue veterinary antiseptic spray topaint "Hello my pretty" ontheG50-pound, three-year-old mother attheGreen Meadows Petting Farm in Monrovia, Maryland. Each ofthe117-day-old piglets had a letter spray-painted onit, but farmer Ken Keyes, theGreen Meadows owner, isnot sure what word "'>iI<'fi ;'l'''f<";~~;\IIO!d~ tl)ex l)1ightJ~. "lts some sortofmessage," hesaid. More graffiti painted onawall said "Urbana Rules;' a likelyreference to nearby Urbana High School, Keyes said. "I think itwashigh school kids;' hesaid. "I don't think it's a middle-aged couplethatsaid 'Iefs gotagsome pigs.''' No animals were harmed. The vandals also stoleatortoise named Henrietta. Keyes filed a report with theMaryland State Police, who areinvestigating along with Frederick County AnimalControl. •*'"** '" **'" .*•• *"''''*'" * .. . .. ; ._r ~;~." ,,~. . :-I.'" Robbers attacked anelderly gun collector in his western Pennsylvania home and escaped with an arsenal of31 firearms, at least 14 of which arestill missing. Three armed men wearing masks kicked in the door ofthen-year-old man's house inSharon, 75miles northwest of Pittsburgh, ataround 12:30 a.m. Wednesday and took firearms including anAK-47, handguns, rifles, shotguns, other semi-automatic weapons, ammunition and historic pistols, police chief Michael Menster said Thursday• LTD U Down 27like very observant person to jointeam onradio (4·4) » SUDOKU PUZZLE You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic and not mathematical ability Y A 9 E OSCAR O S K S E S TOODLEP P BMCAGKUI CRACKL ING INN IT 5 9 2 AILLENCU MALAYA 1 6 5 3 4 8 7 MAN UE BATISTE rUNLA E ENNUI 037 contains 1-9. A ERTUR NICOSIA YARRO H .I Europe (4) KNIGH T INEARNEST 21 Artistbeing terribly intimate? 26Aprisoner inside withaSouth EMIASOEO REBUS LIME ATER S 1B People goslowly atfirstindriving 23Fool about to getatchap almost Fill the grid so that every rovv, fNery column and every 3x3 box TIMES 25,032 PHARMACY lorden (B) How to play The writer is theMarketingDirectora/SBQ Research. [email protected] TWitter@lmgahu Pixie 16Husband means to accept plan . 22Royal address approached from Talent Some teams are star studded- they have stars who deliver high levelresults in the European premier leagues.Butwhen they about that? (B) 2 1 3 GROGSHOP SUDOKU036 2 1 4 6 3 7 8 5 9 3 9 5 4 8 6 1 7 2 5 2 1 _LU_ ti" 7 6 ,.3 3 8 5 7 4 5 2 9 8 6 7 1 3 2 1 2 4 8 6 7 9 5 2 1 8 6 3 4 9 3 8 6 7 4 ~ ~"6 3 2..4 .9 1 , 5 19 6 1 4 7 3 5 9 ~ .8 6 8 5 8 3 . .,. . . .. .. 5 9 4 9 4 8 5 2 6 ,;- - I ,. ,, :
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