AAR Agency Seminar Programme “Time management and organisational skills training”

AAR Agency Seminar Programme
“Time management and organisational skills training”
An interactive workshop for business development
Presenter: Diana Jervis Read, JR Performance Coaching
Wednesday 12th November 2014
2 Sessions:
9.30am to 12.30pm (registration 9.15am)/ 2.00pm to 5.00pm (registration 1.45pm)
Delivered by Diana Jervis Read of JR Performance Coaching, this session will help people who battle with large workloads,
a high amount of deadlines and unpredictable work, and/or multiple clients and bosses. It also has something to teach
people who think their time management is spot on! It incorporates new and favourite techniques, including some that
are not to be found in any text book but which Diana’s coaching clients have found invaluable.
Course overview
By DISC psychometric profiling, this course analyses each delegate’s strengths and weaknesses in time management, and
gives bespoke tools and techniques for each person present to make more hours free; keenly prioritise even unforeseeable
workloads, minimise stress and procrastination; and increase control, concentration, delegation and motivation. This
naturally improves work/life balance. It is the only course of its kind that uses psychometrics to give bespoke advice.
Summary of workshop syllabus
Introductions and goals of the day, including identifying personal objectives and goals for the session
DISC Profiling: The advantages and pitfalls of each DISC style in general and in relation to time management
The significance of values and their link to effective time efficiency
Setting and achieving SMART goals
Personalised time saving tools and techniques, including: Covey’s time diagnostic tool, followed by an exercise
using it, email hygiene, other people’s agendas (boundaries, managing expectations, assertiveness, saying no),
delegation, calendars, Pareto’s law, scheduling priorities, achievable joblists, self-coaching techniques including
NLP, overcoming procrastination
Exercise re-effective responses to time pressure
Recognising the signs and behaviours that lead to burnout
The delegates will:
 gain a new awareness of themselves and where they can strengthen their time efficiency, according to their
personal strengths and weaknesses
 learn smarter goal setting
 have several new, customised tools to try out that will make more time
 understand how to protect concentration
 have fewer oversights by incorporating new systems outlined.
Who should attend?
New Business Managers or Directors. All those involved in client relationships.
About the presenter
Diana Jervis Read ran 2 award winning PR consultancies Jervis Read PR and Jervis PR, for over 20 years. She
sold the first to largest international marketing group at that time, FKB Carlson, and as part of her remit
began to coach her team of different marketing disciplines in time management and productivity. In 2003,
she carried out counselling and coaching training to become an accredited coach with the Coaching
Academy and her seminars are based on what her clients have found the most useful.
This seminar will be held at:
The Penthouse, IPA
44 Belgrave Square
London SW1X 8QS