'. '1 ) , 'I Abstract Role of Antimicrobial Agents in Treatment of Melioidosis: Analysis of Cases Series from Other Countries. Aswapokee N.* *Department of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand. J Infect Dis Antimicrob Agents 1986; 3: 123-126. Treatment of melioidosis with antimicrobial agents resulted in unsatisfactory outCQme especially in septicemia form. Despite appropriate regimens, the fatality rate in such manifestation is still as high as 80 per cent. From English literatures during 1947 to 1986,41 articles were re viewed. One hundred and fifty-three patients were reported with adequate data involving demo graphic, clinical information and outcome of treatment. Almost every case contracted the dis· ease in Southeast Asian countries and Australia. The age ranged from 1 day to 79 years old. There were 37 septicemic and 116 nonsepticemic melioidosis. In septicemic form, those who re ceived appropriate and combined treatment had 83 per cent fatality rate, wilDe in localized form this rate was only 2.5 per cent. Those who received appropriate but single therapy had higher fata lity rate. None of the sufferers who received inappropriate or no treatment survived. This descriptive analysis of the case series shows trend of outcome of both septicemic and nonseptice mic melioidosis. Exact information is needed and should be accomplished through experimental study. 123 :;lIn"" 3 H"'1J~1Jn" 3 n. fl. -n.li. 2529 124 Ii baJ~mHJt~~fHDUh fl~~ b~€l~iiu~'V\11 U nntn ~1~1£HJ1 . ~lnm1i.Jbn<il'lJ€l.JbbW'Yl~'Yl1.Jfl~i'tn~~bbt'ltn~1~JJ1tJ lllJ.ljj·m:::: b'V\~ld wlJ":h~.Jbbiib~€l Pseudomonas pseudo~allei ~::::{1Cil€l bbii.Jbb1.J~aJ1n€lU 6311tJ 11lu€ln 60 11tJ ~lhtJa'm1'V\tY (nl1 ~~b~€l ~ln111:::: b'Ylfl bb tlUb€lb'ilml1flm~ 1€ltJt'l:::: 90) bb t'l:::: €l €1ft b<il1 b~tJ tIl'V\ t'lltJ ~f11 U'V\ t'l€l~'Yl~ t'l€l.J b'liu fl t'l€lbb1 aJ b'V'li'tfl€l t'l, b<il<il1::::fltJ fl ~u, doxycycline, cotrimoxazole,1,2 bbt'l::::tJ11mJ ~ .JBn'V\t'lltJWf1 b'liU cefotaxime, ceftazidime, piperacillin bbt'l:::: ~t'lm1tn~1'Yl1.Jfl~i'tntr.J11lbDu~ 1u~JJltJ~bDuhmuw1::::~ iielCil11<illtJ~l bbCilifn~€l.J1~ , ciprofloxacin3 ,4 u1w€lh 1€ltJt'l:::: 80 hfl n<il1aJ ~ fhu~lJ"'wfhDUb ftw~~hiitJ iielCil11<illtJ ft .J~.J til bDU1 ::::m: b1 t'llmu " i ~iill1:::: ~'Yl1i 1l1W ~ ~ bbU.JbDU 21llbbUU ?l€l ~ 1u 153 , '" 11tJiib~W~$hiitJ 3711tJ iim1Wi~b~€lbUw1::::fi 116 11tJ m1Wi~b~€lbUW1::::~bDU~ll€l~aJlnnl1€lltJ1::::~U (Cil111,'j~ 2) bbCil 11£1 .J1UthU1 'V\~11l't~U'Bnl1bDU'jji'tCilb~€lt .J'V\1€lbUtJUW ~U ~.J1~ V\ t ll.c::>. , a b~1bm1::::'V\~~U ~.Jbbii~::::1itJ1~tln~€l.J5 ~itwir€laJm~tJ1ff1Jm1tn~1 ~ b~w~$hiitJ bb~::::m1~~b~€lb~W1::::fi ~, t~tJb~W1::::'jji't~'lJ€l.JtJ1 m11~tJ111aJnU'V\1€lH\~tJ1Cilt'l€l~~U 1::::tJ::::b1t'll'lJ€l.Jm1tn~1 ~.Jiim1aJ~l~~1um1'j.b~J1Hhm1 bbulH5m1tn~lbDU 3 bbUU ~€l lltull1.Jll1::::~'Yl1i1l1Wm1tn~1 m1~n~ld1~11U11aJ11tJ.Jm 1. fIl·ri"'Jnn~n·nJl~"lI ~'B m1tn~1~1tJtJllllJ-nlU::::~ii , ~lJ1tJ~lnCil1,'jll1:::: b'Ylfl~ii€lci~,'j'V\ aJ~ t"m ~€lm1tJ~m€laJt'lmui11u ll1::::~'Yl1i 1l1WCil€lb~'B1U'V\ t'l€l~'Yl~t'l'B,'j 1~bbn flt'l€lbb1 aJb 'V'li'tfl€l~, 1Ub~€l,'j1llbbUU'lJ€l,'jh fl 'jji't~'lJ€l,'jm~1if m11itJ1b~tJ1'V\1€l11aJ bbt'l:::: b<ilCil1::::fltJfl~U, doxycycline, cotrimoxazole, kanamycin, cefotaxime bbt'l:::: ceftazidime 1::::tJ::::b1 t'll~tn~l b~€lbtJum1mb n€l ,'j~U1um1tt l1tJ~n~lb~€l,'j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m1tn~1hml€lhJ bbt'l::::1'JYb111tJUbfimJnm1tJ .J1u1u111::::mrI1'YltJ fIl11vmn~'UIl1111::"1I ~€l m1tn~1~ltJtJ111~.ljjlU:::: ~Ui ~11lii111::::ff'Yl1i1l1w'il€lb~'B b,rU bWUfl~t'lU, bb'BaJWflt'l~U, 2. b~U'il::::i1$lu bb~::::€l::::iJbfl$lU bDU~U 11m1aJ11tJ .J1U ~lm11 ft11 'ill ,'jll1:::: b'Ylfl~ bDU1l1~1 el.Jn t"J~ ~.Jbbo/iiJ fl.ff.1947 ~.JU~~Uu (fl.ff.1986) ~lJ1tJ~€l mtJ1 bWff bbt'l:::: hm~aJ lJ uwnnoiJm;!t'lb~tJ1nu uwYinoiJ€laJt'l'Yl1.Jfl~i'tn~€l \J bbU1J'lJ'B.Jm1~~b~€lbaJ~'B'BtJ t~ffft 'jji'tCil'lJ'B.JtJ1~1itn~1 a A I Q..oo <l..- Q.I b~tJ1'V\1m1aJnu 1::::tJ::::b1m'lJ€l.Jm11n~1 bbt'l::::e..Jt'lm11n~1 oiJ€laJt'l t~tJ 1ift111bbm3J ~ € 1bfl11::::'V\ d base ,~,yf1vunnfflln ~'B 13Jii11tJ.Jlum1H'tJ111~.ljj1U:::: b~€l,'j ~ln~lJ1tJ ~ ,'jbbn m1 aJn €lU1 ~m1tn ~1 , ~ wUl11u 153 1ll lJ m11iftll A 3. 11tJ 11tJ~lJ1tJl~tum1tn~lbbuufi 1 ~lmu , ~, 142 bbt'l::::1~tum1tn~lbbuufi 2 11aJnUbbUufi 3 ~lmu 11 11tJ m1tn~lbbUl.J~ 1 ii~.Jfi111'lf£J1l1~:alU::::~b'V\aJ1~ft 3J'jji't~ b~tJ1'V\1 €l 11aJnu W1Jl11u 153 11tJ iim11'lftJ1lllJ-n1U::::b~tJl 42 11tJbbt'l::::H 11aJnu 100 11tJ 11tJ.J1U~.J'V\aJ"~11m1aJ1~ii41 UUU6-461u~lWdUd b,~€llbm1::::V;e..J~m1tn~1~1tJm1HtJ1bbUUo/iHi ii ~lJ1tJ~1~tUnT'l11tJ.J1Ubbt'l::::iiojj€l3Jt'lmui11U<il1aJ~~€l,'jm1153 11tJ ~ ~ bDU'jj1tJ 80 11£Jbbt'l::::'V\ru.J 11 11tJ 11lu'Bn 62 11tJ ~.J 79 iJ bU ~tJ " 32.96 ± 16.8 iJ mtJ~,'jbbo/i 1 lU , iihm~aJ 30 11tJ (Cil111,'j~ 1) 'U'.. II .:l ~I .:l .,:::.,,d. <;.. :iI_'1 \1f1b~lJ'Utl~Hu1U '" d Q..I lJ 11 1 tum1tn~1~1~b'V\aJ1::::~aJ'V\1€l11l1~tum1tml-1 q . ~lnnl 8 . 'U 1 2 ~U1tJ~,'j ~ , 2 mlaJ . "'-1'" q.o!! f11'Hl~I'l1tlml'll~'¥l 'Utl1tJ1~\?ll.:l '1116 ntJ (ntJ) , .!\ :iI _1 utl~ / 'l1tl.:ll(Jtl'YIlJUtl~ ~1'Y1U.:lH't1~l~~l~tl1~~1'Y1U.:l 88 14 2 ihtlUl':ifl 2 tllU1~ 6 6 I'itllJ~f)'YIlJ1f) / epididymis 4 ·ml)JVlV'\.lhn1~'H. m~hHlflflnl~lI~fl. )J~I'~dJVlI~IlVl'Un. SLE, 'VllHY11 . , l~lJ{~ bb"~fl~1JlJlflll nephrotic lJdN"~ 1 llV V\ , Q..o' _I mTI111'U I 'it,; 30 11U 14 WU11 'V fib 'V\aJ1::::ftaJbb~::::11aJnu'V\ t'lltJi'f1 a1UhflfibDub~w1::::fiii'ilCil11 , , , .:l I:!ll V\ 'U d I "'VI .. Cil1tJbWtJ \11 €ltJ~:::: 2.6 baJ'B b~tJ1m 'V\ aJl::::ftaJbbt'l::::11aJnU U11tJ'Yl b~ (11tJ) U1~HH't1'f1.:1m1lJ d 'it,; e..Ju1tJmuUb~W<ilflbaJtJaJ€l<il11<il1tJft.Jtl.J1€ltJ~:::: 83.3 tl,'jbb3J~:::: b~tJ1 , <i ~lln:1l11 .d :iI 2 m~~f)H't1~'lJtl fllu;:;1'U'llfl.:llltl.:l (l'iu, 1!llJ) 2 J Infect Dis Antimicrob Agents 125 Vol. 3 NO.3 Jul.-Sept 1986 b~UflB~11:lJnUbCilCil1:::«[Jfl~'\.l,1~~~b~1:lJ~'Ylin'\.l, fl~mb1~b~uflB~nUm'\.l,lif[J$f'\.l, 'V\1Bm11ibCilCil1:::«[Jfl~'\.l,11~nu m'\.l,lif[J$f'\.l,1~ij~'Ylib~1:lJn'\.l, (indifferent) ~lnm111Udl~ 11[J.,j1'\.l,fl~.,jdff .,juBn1~1~i~ b~'\.l, ~.,j~ ~Cil1.,j1:::'V\'-J1.,jm1 li[J1 b~[Jl OJ l1ifll'i'ifllll "'.. 11lU ~1'\.l,m1H£J1 Y11U 'V\1B11~ 12 10 83.3 3 1 33.3 0 11 100.0 1~EJ~1u m111Udl :lJiiB :lJ~~lm1[J .,j1'\.l,~tJl[J @1l.,jU1::: b'Yl fll'\.l, , v v m1~n~ld m~1~bb'\.l,1~~fl111'1 ~.,j~~"lJB.,jm1fn~1~1[JlijCil1.,j1 ~l'V\fUdUbbUU'Yl1.,jfl~UnYl.,j 2 ~m \J ~ I b~'V'I~~hiJmb~::: hmil.'V'I1:::Yi I bbCiliiB ~t:lb 'V\ ~lU~::: lib U'\.l,iiB ~~Yi bbU'\.l,B'\.l,1~1~b 'V'I11::: bU'\.l,iiB ~v ~Yi v v , mBUCilnCih.,j'V\~1[JB~1.,jbn[Jlnu~n~ru.::;Y1'\.l,qj1'\.l, ... ~ 11Udl:lJb.l]l.,j'V'l11J:U.1 77 2 2.5 32 4 11.1 0 1 100.0 (baseline characteristic) "lJB.,j~tJl[J~m~iJ~~CilBm1fn~lbbCil v 1~~1~11{l,;tl~11bm1:::~1~ BH~1U1~nl1.,j'1111UbbUUb~'V'I~, v ~hiJ[JijBCil11Cil1[J~.,j ~.,j'1 ~1Mum1fn~1{ln~B.,jbb~::: hflbil.'V'I1:::~ v v ijBCil11Cil1[J~l ~lUd1[J~1~1~fum1fn~lb~[J1~ijlBm~1B~ , Cil111.,jYi 3 ~1ue·H'lm1fmml1nlijm1 , ijBCil11Cil1[J1mJt:l::: 100 fm~11uuUUCih.,j'1 .,;, 'j}..., 'i:::U:::n'll'YI 'lmnn 1'\.l,~tJlm~'V'I~~hij[Jij11[J.,j1Ud:::[J:::Ldmm1fm~1~.,jbbCil 21'\.l, v ~'\.l,~.,j 2 tI hmijfhnm.,j (median) 2 ium~ ~tJl[J~1~fum1 fn~11~~.,j 2 iU~1~bU'\.l,~tJl[J~~.,jbbnm1~1unB'\.l, ~tJl[J~1~ v v funnfn~l 2 t1ijB~11m~[Jl lUd1[J~bU'\.l,bil. 'V'I1:::~1~funn v fn~lbUUd:::[J:::b1t:l1~.,juCil 2 l'\.l,~.,j 9 b~B'\.l, l~[Jijf\lmn.,j (median) 2 iU~l~ .". G 1;)TiW ~lm1[J.,j1'\.l,~11Udl~1~'V'IU11 ~~nnfn~lhm~~BB[Jl~ft~ ~1[J£J1UD'h'\.l,:::1~UCilnCil1.,j1u~lniiB~~1'\.l,U1:::b'Ylfl1'Yl[J~ln ~B 1'\.l, 1UbbUUb~'V'IMbij[JijBCil11Cil1[J~.,jbb~~:::1MU£J1B~1.,j{ln~B.,j u~:::l'\.l, 1UbbUUij1B[J hmil.'V'I1:::YiijBCil11Cil1[J#1lUCil~B.,jH[J1'\.l,1'\.l, ~lUd1[J \J I \J I \J v, Yi1~fum1fn ~11~b 'V\ ~1::: ~ ~'V\1B 1~1~funnfn ~11~ij11[Jl~ 1B~b~[J ij1::: $f1i'\.l,1i'\.l,:::471~11[J.,j1'\.l,~tJl[Jih~Bl'\.l,m:::bb~b~B~ v ~ bbCil'V\1[J1~bB.,j1~[J1~1~fum1fn~1 bb~:::nnlu~'it'[J";hijb~Bl'\.l,m:::u~ b~B~mlU'V\~.,j~ln~~tJl£JBBn~ln h .,j'V'l£J1U1~1Ubb~1 !J.,j1~m1U v ~.,j~lb'V\Cil"lJB.,j~~m1~lbU'\.l,hfl~1~Cil1 .,jbbUUb'll'\.l,d bbCil~lm1[J.,j1'\.l, , ~~nnfn~l hfl"lJB.,j~tJl[J~lmb'V\~.,j~'\.l,'1 ~.,j'V\~~ ill 1~bii1hl1 b~B P. pseudomallei bU'\.l,b~B~ijm1~~'\.l,bb1.,jbb~:::nBhfl1~b~~B bb~:::m1fn~1hfld~1[J[J1UD'h'\.l,:::~b'V\~1:::~~b Yhii'\.l,~~:::'Y1l1~ ~tJl[JijlBm~1B~#JllCil1~U1.,j ~1'\.l,nnl~£J1UD'h'\.l,:::b~[Jl'V\1B"h~ ~.,j1~ijm1~ n ~1'Yl~ ~B.,j1'\.l,fl'\.l, ~~::: UB n 1~i~ b~'\.l, ~.,jiiB1~b U1 [J U "lJB.,jlijl~lijwci.,j m1~n~11'\.l,'V\t:lB~'Yl~~B.,j'V'lUl1m1Hfl~mb1~- 1. 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