INSIDE: How to help the

INSIDE: How to help the
squadron’s efforts to get a DATES TO REMEMBER
new lease. (page 6)
Board Meeting: Sept. 14
Mooring Meeting: Sept. 7
Labor Day Regatta
Sept. 3,4,5
A Ladies’ Regatta? (page 7)
Commodore Cleat on the
Mend (page 16)
The Burgee - September 2010
From the Commodore
N27º20'14" W82º34'25"
1717 Ken Thompson Parkway
Sarasota, Florida 34230
Phone: 941-388-2355
Fax: 941-388-5524
[email protected] 
Manager: Nancy Carolan
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Manager: Joanne Hawkes
Maintenance Technician: Nelson
Webmaster: Mike Halliday ([email protected])
Burgee Editors: Jenifer & Mo Tamman
([email protected])
2010 Board Members
Alan Pressman (941-350-1559)
[email protected]
Vice Commodore:
John Huber (941-650-7020)
[email protected]
Rear Commodore:
Bill Niblock
[email protected]
Michelle Lee (941-350-7444)
[email protected]
David Jennings (941-650-7354)
[email protected]
Race Captain:
Robert Miller (941-795-4646)
[email protected]
Fleet Captain:
Sara Allen (941-224-9025)
[email protected]
Regatta Director:
Gregg Knighton
[email protected]
Social Coordinator:
Cassandra Roznos (941-907-2620)
[email protected]
Education Coordinator: Lindsay Krienen (941-527-6292)
[email protected]
From The Editor
Many thanks to Lindsey for helping with the
transition and all the hard work she has put into
publishing the Burgee every month for many years.
Jen and I will endeavor to live up to her high
standards. We are looking forward to contributing to the
squadron in the best way we can. Please say hello if you
see us on the water or at the docks.
Cheers, Jen and Mo Tamman
Page 2
As we enter the month of
September I am aware that this is
the number one month for the
likelihood of a hurricane coming
ashore in Florida. By now, all of
us at the Squadron will have
done our part in making all of the
Alan Pressman
boats on both shore and in the
water safe and well prepared for the big blow. A few
years ago the Board of Directors at the Sarasota Sailing
Squadron adopted a hurricane action plan that is currently in place. For many years now we have “dodged
a bullet” and have seen them pass to the north or south
of us, but we have avoided a direct hit. The key to the
survival of our facility may be in implementing the steps
in the plan prior to an anticipated hit and to the remedial
work after a storm has passed. All members should
take the time to review with staff some of the steps we
will need to take if a storm is headed our way. Volunteers will be needed.
When I was a kid I was always aware of the
new fall season which usually foretold big changes.
Back to school after the long summer off always led to
new teachers, new classmates, and new learning experiences and were all laid out ahead in the anticipation
of a new school year. And as an adult, I always get a
sense of a “new year” entering the fall, which I know, is
really just the back half of the current year.
And the election season at the Squadron begins
anew with the fall season. It will soon be time for a new,
fresh Board. Elsewhere in the Burgee you will see the
slate of candidates chosen by the Nominating Committee. Lou Magliano chaired this committee this year and
the members of the Squadron owe Lou and his committee members our thanks for doing this work this summer.
In addition to the slate that the Nominating
Committee selected, there are two additional candidates
who are running: Incumbent Vice Commodore John
Huber (who was not nominated by the committee) has
qualified for the election by having his name posted at
the Squadron and receiving more than the minimum
number of signatures to secure a position on the ballot.
And member Barry Milbourn is running for Rear Commodore. Some of you may remember, Barry ran for this
position last year too.
There are ample opportunities for additional
members to step forward and run for board positions
this coming year. If you feel you want to contribute to
your Squadron as a volunteer board member, throw
your hat in the ring and run. Qualification for a ballot
position is simple and straightforward. You can refer to
your Bylaws publication or you can contact the Election
Judge, Nana Bosma, whose column and contact information you will find elsewhere in this Burgee edition.
The Burgee - September 2010
And staying with the “new” theme, this September Burgee issue is the first that has been edited solely
by our new “editors in partnership” team, Jen and Mo
Tamman. David Jennings and I had a good and we
think, productive meeting with Jennifer last week as the
torch was finally passed by our former and longtime
Burgee editor Lindsay Kreinen. We are expecting some
great things from Jen and Mo as both of them have
years in the newspaper business with Jen at the Sarasota Herald Tribune and Mo at the Wall Street Journal.
So thanks to both Jen and Mo and we look forward to a
new look in the Burgee and some innovative ideas to
And it is the season of the new lease here at the
Squadron. As you by now know, our current lease expires in November of this year. David Jennings and I
have continued to dialogue with the mayor and city commissioners and have had a number of meetings with city
staff members. It seems that our idea of “dripping our
message” on the City Commission at their meetings has
been working. Members seem well informed about our
lease expiration and about our proposal for a new long
term lease. On Friday David and I met with Marlon
Brown and Mary Tucker at the city. We were invited in
to present our terms for a new lease. We expect to
have a response from them shortly. We‟ll keep you
Last month, we had two speakers at the Monday August 16 City Commission session speak on behalf of the Sarasota Sailing Squadron. Luffing Lassie
Linda Schwartz and member and racer Bill Johnsen
spoke during the opening minutes of the evening session. Both did a super job of conveying who we are and
what we do as well as where we want to go in the future. And both ended their remarks with an invitation to
the members to visit us and see the Squadron in action
during our 64th annual Labor Day Regatta on September
There were about 30 Squadron members in the
gallery during these presentations and I think the Commission is well aware that we have the ability to pack
the halls with members if we ultimately need to. But at
the moment, groups of 2-3 dozen attending in support of
one or two speakers at each session seem to be effective in the “message drip”.
The next scheduled Commission meeting is on
Tuesday September 7 at 6pm. If you are available to
attend, please come and show your support for your
Squadron. We expect to have two short presentations
scheduled. Twenty to thirty in the gallery will be ideal.
In the meantime, please try to find time to write
a letter to the mayor and the commissioners. Their
names and addresses/email address are noted below.
Let‟s really crank the message machine up over the
next sixty days as we get closer to our lease renewal
As a final comment and in the spirit of “new”, I
would like to propose a little something for the next
Commodore. It has been four years now that I have
served the Squadron. I was first elected in November
of 2005 and served in 2006 and 2007. I got a year off
for good behavior. And I was elected again for the
2009 session and re-elected for the 2010 session. It
has been a good and I‟d like to think productive time
during an important period of the Squadron‟s history. If
you come to the General Membership meeting and
election on November 21, I‟ll take a stab at reviewing
some of the history of accomplishments at the Squadron during this period. I‟ll try to be brief.
For the most part, a board position is a thankless job, and the satisfaction in serving is in the knowledge that a board member is trying to leave the club
better than he or she found it at the beginning of service. No comps, no free beer at the bar and not even a
free spot at the docks once in a while after staying over
the three night limit. And so I‟d like to propose at our
next board meeting a little “something” for our future
Commodores. Yes, I know we are the “anti-yacht club”,
but a little tradition isn‟t always bad and I think we need
to begin a new tradition. Yacht clubs have been doing it
for years, which doesn‟t necessarily mean it is a bad
I‟d like to see the Board adopt a rule that will
permit the Commodore to have a reserved parking
place with a nice sign indicating that it is the Commodore‟s parking spot! There it is. I‟ve said it. Lets‟ show
the next guy a little respect and honor his or her service.
And I‟d like it to go into effect the day after the
November general election so that the next Commodore and all future Commodores can enjoy this very
small, but pretty nice little perk. It is a small thing but
sometimes small appreciations can go a long way to
telegraph the gratitude and appreciation towards a
board member. I hope you will support this move and
will also appreciate that it is not for me, but for all future
And so I look forward to all of the new changes
at the Squadron that I expect in the coming months.
And I am equally looking forward to the final three
monthly board meetings that I‟ll preside over. And Secretary David Jennings who is running unopposed at this
point for Commodore is gearing up for his position as
Commodore. I expect he will make one of our best
Commodore‟s ever and I can‟t recall any incoming
Commodore who was more prepared for the post than
David is.
And so while the cooler weather and fair winds
return this fall, I‟ll be looking forward to all of this free
time I‟ll have as a “Past Commodore” and can‟t wait to
find time to go sailing. And I hope that you too, will find
time to go sailing this fall.
Page 3
The Burgee - September 2010
We’re Sailing on
Thursdays Again
Ellen McKeefe
It must be September.
We‟re back out sailing on Thursday mornings with all the new
Lassies who just completed
Learn to Sail week. You‟ll read
more about them in the October
During the summer,
Sarasota Sailing Squadron
Commodore Alan Pressman
asked the LL‟s to support the
Squadron‟s efforts to secure a
long term lease with the City of
He and the SSS
B o a r d S e c r e t a r y, D a v i d
Jennings, decided that speakers
from the various facets of the SSS can best present
their position on the lease issue to the City Commission. LL Captain Linda Schwartz was the first to do
so. She addressed the Commission in mid-August,
“What makes the Squadron unique for all of us is that
it is still affordable. For many families, other more
expensive yacht club venues are not an option and it
is not only an economic issue. The big clubs do not
offer small boat programs. As small boat sailors, we
do not have another option. We need this facility and
we need it to be affordable.”
Linda‟s presentation was solidly backed by 19
LL‟s and spouses who attended the session; Linda
and Bill Tiffan, Lisa and Willy Dodds, Fran and Charlie
Mericle, Debbie and John Shuck, Leslie and Joe Panzarella, Michelle Lee, Rachel Harvey, Margaret Swift,
Jo Dzina, Marilyn Watkins, Carol McDowell, Lorri
Kaighin, Jane Lyons and Tom Schwartz.
As Alan and David had hoped, the Commissioners and Mayor Kelly Kirschner took note of the
enthusiastic LL turn out. Never known to miss an opportunity to celebrate, the LL crowd then had a beer
or two at Mattison‟s City Grille.
Though never in doubt, the 28-year symbiotic
relationship between LL and SSS was made even
more solid that night. And when we are asked to
show up at another City Commission meeting, we will.
Captain Linda and Robin Wall have been
busy developing an LL website with a local web designer. Preliminary mock-ups look good. To offset
some costs, advertising space will be available to LL
business owners. Rachel Harvey‟s excellent photos
of many LL events are showcased on the website.
Details next month.
Hot shot Sunfishers are signing up for the
Performance Women Sunfish Clinic at SSS, September 18 and 19. Eight-time Sunfish World Champion
Page 4
Eduardo Cordero will work with participants on tactics,
starts and marks; all just shortly before the Sunfish
Women‟s North American Championship at the
Squadron, October 1st through 3 .
Gillian Whatmore is behind a 420 program for
this sailing season. 420‟s were incorporated in the
Learn to Sail program and will be sailed monthly beginning in September. YSP has nine 420‟s rigged
and ready for training so we need to thank David
Livingston and Dalton Tebo for sharing them with us.
As a new season gets underway we need to
acknowledge our indefatigable race committee. I do
not have all the names yet but you know who you are.
We want to tell you in advance that without you there
would be no season, no racing, no Thursday morning
tradition. So, thank you, race committee.
Yes, it‟s still stifling; hot and humid. After all,
it is September in Florida. But the mornings are a tad
fresher and that first cool October morning is not too
far off. See you on the water next Thursday morning.
Current BOAT US members wishing to renew
at the reduced rate of $15 should write the
group name and number on their renewal bills
and return them to Boat US with their payments.
Group Name: Sarasota Sailing Squadron
Group #: GA82296S
The Burgee - September 2010
Bob Twinem
Wow, looking back we are actually doing quite a
bit of sailing this summer. The racing weather has continued to be warm but we have had good consistent
breezes off the gulf to keep us moving and grooving.
Last weekend we tried something new for our fleet racing, although sailing on the bay all summer has been
close to ideal.
The mid day heat has taken its toll on us, as we
get the boats in and out of the water. Last Saturday we
launched the fleet about 4:30 and were racing at the
circle a little after 5:00. We had 4 very tight evening
races then we gathered back at the squadron for a pot-
luck dinner and story session. Sitting under the covered
area with the breeze off the gulf was quite comfortable
and we were able to enjoy great food and conversation
into the night.
All were in agreement that this schedule made
for a more comfortable and fun experience. Although we
are not keeping track of the races etc. this summer, casual observation is that we have already raced about as
much as we did all of last winter. Maybe this will bode
well for the upcoming season.
Tip of the day:
Sometimes it is necessary to keep sailing on a header to get to the preferred
side of the course. Keep an eye on the
big picture on the beat.
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The Burgee - September 2010
If you wish to make your voice heard, I strongly encourage you to write a letter or send an
email to the Mayor and City Commissioners in support of moving forward to instruct the
City to begin to draw up a long term lease renewal for a minimum of thirty years and for a
rate of $1.00 which is in line with other City leases with other not for profit groups in Sarasota and with the lease terms of the Davis Island Sailing Center in Tampa.
Your voice matters and your views count.
Make your views known.
AT 6 PM!
Mayor Kelly M. Kirschner
District Three
1565 1st Street, Room 101
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: (941) 954-4115
Email: [email protected]
Vice-Mayor Fredd "Glossie" Atkins
District One
1565 1st Street, Room 101
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: (941) 954-4115
Email: [email protected]
Commissioner Richard Clapp
District Two
1565 1st Street, Room 101
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: (941) 954-4115
Email: [email protected]
Commissioner Suzanne Atwell
1565 1st Street, Room 101
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: (941) 954-4115
Email: [email protected]
Commissioner Terry Turner
1565 1st Street, Room 101
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: (941) 954-4115
Email: [email protected]
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The Burgee - September 2010
Laboring for Months for Three Days of Racing
Bob Miller
Race Captain
Hundreds of racers will be on the water this
weekend for what promises to be a momentous
Labor Day regatta while plans are moving forward
for fall and winter races.
Some of you may remember the “Bikini
Cup.” It may be coming back with the new and politically correct name “Ladies at the Helm.” Men are
welcome aboard ship but they will not be allowed to
man the tiller or sheets. We hope to schedule this
race before Christmas.
We also are finalizing efforts to bring back a
singlehanded race in November.
Looking back on months of preparations for
64th Labor Day Regatta, we should thank and recognize Gulf Auto Clinic of Bradenton, the event‟s
Platinum Sponsor, and all the other sponsors who
contributed either money or services to this event.
Planning for the races began in earnest in
July when VC John Huber presented a well-thought
-out spreadsheet on the event to the planning
board. John‟s leadership and efforts made it much
easier for Regatta Director Gregg Knighton to pick
up and run our planning meetings.
We planned for over 200 entries and five
different courses on Sarasota Bay. Greg also recruited sailors in the Charlotte Harbor area and
more than fifteen PHRF boats were expected to be
added to that fleet. The board even authorized up
to a seven day advance stay at the Squadron with
no charges for berthing for boats arriving from more
than 30 miles away.
Regatta winners will receive trophies made
especially for this event. Knighton replicated the sail
shape using actual sailcloth of most of the regatta‟s
classes of boat. They will be matched with model
boat hulls and masts designed by Noble Awards, a
well-respected sailboat trophy maker located on the
East coast of Florida.
Finally, thanks to all the Friday night skippers who have stepped up and fulfilled their responsibility to serve on the Race Committee. A schedule of names and dates was included in the August
Burgee and can be found on the Squadron website.
Launch your boat and join in one of the
many sailing events offered at the Squadron.
See you at the starting line….
Race Results
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The Burgee - September 2010
after sailing. It is inconvenient for boat owners
to be required to move another member‟s
boat out of the way.
Security System Member Nathan Needel is
donating cameras and equipment for our upgrade to the current Club security system.
Our thanks to Nathan for his generosity and
Mowing Reminder to our members, please
mow the area around your boat, and dump
any standing water in your boat. The office
has mowing equipment for your use.
Welcome back Luffing Lassies! Two luncheons will be hosted at the club to celebrate
Learn to Sail Week on August 26th and September 3rd.
Good luck in the new school year for all the
summer YSP children who were here for
summer sailing!!
See you at the Labor Day Regatta!!
Happy Sailing!
Message From the Manager
Moorings Holders We have volunteers inspecting the moorings this year, and as you
fill out your Mooring Inspection Form, check
on the condition of your gear. Maintaining the
gear is a responsibility of the mooring holder.
As you receive information please take corrective action where indicated.
Volunteers A special thank you from the
office for our volunteers who assist on a daily
basis, and for those volunteering for the Labor Day Regatta. We still have a few slots
open, so if you‟re free please call the office.
Big Danny‟s Auction and donations from
members and friends yielded $6,000 for his
children. Thanks to all, especially Jason
Boat Yard I‟m happy to report that the large
boat yard is full. As a reminder, please put
your boat away in the spot you are assigned
Luffing Lassie
Captain Linda
The Luffing Lassies elected a new
Captain in May. She is Linda Schwartz.
Linda has been a member of the Sailing
Squadron for only one year; so it didn‟t take long for
her to catch the spirit that makes the Sailing Squadron
the gem that it is.
Linda retired from a twenty year career in the
United States Army in 2002. After I listened to her stories about Army life, I was not surprised that her leadership qualities surfaced so rapidly at the Squadron.
After enlisting in 1982 she was trained and assigned
as an automotive maintenance specialist in Alaska and
Fort Hood, Texas. By 1987 she was selected, trained
and commissioned as an Ordnance Warrant Officer, a
non-traditional role for a woman and was one of only
nine female Automotive Maintenance Warrants in the
entire U.S. Army at the time. In September of 1990,
she deployed with her unit to Saudi Arabia and Iraq
during the first Gulf War, “Desert Storm.” There, she
was the Maintenance Office for a Transportation Battalion and supervised the readiness, recovery, and repair of all vehicles from small trucks to 60-ton tank
transporters as the Army Corps formations pushed
forward from the Arabian ports across the desert into
Iraq. Coordinating the activities of six truck companies
from Active Army, Army Reserve, and National Guard,
Linda learned the fine art of juggling glass balls; a skill
Page 8
that easily transitions into getting women
sailors to work together or herding cats.
Her next assignment was supposed
to be a dream job in beautiful Germany.
When she reported in after her 30 days of leave,
she was informed that she would be re-deploying
to Kuwait in 5 days for 3 months with a brigade of the
8th Infantry Division. The dream turned out to be a
nightmare. Months later, she returned to Germany to
serve as a Battalion Maintenance Officer in Mannheim
where everything was the first priority. Advancing in a
variety of increasingly challenging technical and
ile S
The Burgee - September 2010
leadership positions over the next ten years, she rose
to the rank of Chief Warrant Officer Four and retired as
the senior female Automotive Maintenance Technician
in the active Army force.
Linda‟s husband, Tom, retired from the Army
in 1992 while both were stationed in Germany. After
his retirement, they would move to wherever Linda was
stationed and Tom took various jobs with defense contractors along the way until Linda‟s retirement in 2002.
Tom enjoyed his role as “camp follower.”
Returning to Fort Hood after her assignments
with the 8th Infantry Division and the Combat Equipment Group Europe, Linda and Tom bought a Catalina
22 and subsequently, a Catalina 25, which they sailed
in nearby Stillhouse Hollow Lake. At that time, Linda
served as first mate and crew for Tom, while they enjoyed lake sailing in central Texas. She says she didn‟t
really acquire her sailing skills until she joined the Luffing Lassies.
After her retirement they had to decide where
they really wanted to settle down. At that time they
were in Fort Benning, Georgia. Instead of returning to
a traditional, military retirement area in Texas, they
followed the advice of Linda‟s brother who suggested
Sarasota because of its cultural richness, natural
beauty and proximity to the Gulf waters. They arrived
in Sarasota in 2003, fell in love with the lifestyle and
bought a home in located in the Palm Aire area.
Once settled into civilian life, Linda first tackled
her priority project of getting a degree in History, an
interest that she loves. With USF providing the intellectual stimulation for a slower pace of life than managing
the repair of tank engines and transmissions, she excelled in the academic world and got her History degree, “Summa Cum Laude.” In her balanced life program, she joined a local gym and eventually became a
trainer. There she met someone who heard about this
group of women who loved sailing and offered a program for learning to sail. “Would she be interested?”,
she was asked. “Wow, yea I would!” Linda replied.
Moving from a Catalina 25 to a seven-foot
Pram was a real challenge. “I think I spent the first six
months as a sailor in the turtle position, trying to get
back in my boat instead of riding in the boat. Sailing a
Pram is a really interesting experience, by the way.
I‟m a grown woman and the Pram is designed for
young people. I found out that I needed to bend where
I don‟t have joints. In learning to sail by yourself, you
spend a lot of time learning from your mistakes,” she
said. “One day, however, a little light comes on in your
head and everything comes together: wind direction,
tacking, trimming the sail, everything connects, and
you finally „get‟ it.”
Linda now owns and skippers her own Sunfish
and no longer feels unsure when helming her boat. In
addition to sailing with the Luffing Lassies on Thursdays, she sails whenever she has an opportunity to
meet with other Lassies to enjoy the freedom that sailing provides.
Not surprising, as soon as Linda joined the
Luffing Lassies in 2008, she was elected Captain of
the Pram fleet. Her Army experience as a leader in
maintenance and repair management was put to good
use in keeping the Prams in bristol condition. Her hus-
band assisted her in that chore and is also helping with
the chase boats and Jacques Brisson on the Luffing
Lassies Committee boat.
In May, as the Lassies celebrated the beginning of their 37th season, Linda was promoted to Captain of the Club. What is her response to all this responsibility, “I‟m having the time of my life ,” she says.
She adds, "I spent my first year developing new friendships with some remarkable women for whom I have
tremendous respect. We women from diverse backgrounds share a common love for an active lifestyle,
sailing and preserving our physical and emotional well
Linda and Tom are also active in the cultural
life of Sarasota. They are active members of the
Ringling Museum, Mote Marine and regularly attend
performances at the Oslo, the Van Wezel and Florida
Studio Theater. They are active in support of the Boys
and Girls Club of Sarasota and Tom is a Mentor with
the Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Their family circle
includes Linda‟s thirty year old son, Tom‟s two grown
children, and four grandchildren; two boys and two
girls ages five to ten. Linda says they also find the
time for just the two of them to try to snag a fish or two
or kayak in this beautiful community.
What a life!
The Aug 10 Board Meeting, Nominating Committee Chairman, Lou Magliano presented the following slate of nominees to the Board of Directors and the membership:
Commodore: David Jennings
Vice Commodore: John McKay
Rear Commodore: Bill Niblock
Treasurer: Pamala Paschall
Secretary: Mike Halliday
Regatta Chairman: Gregg Knighton
Race Captain: Bob Miller
Social Coordinator: Chris Ranney
Education Coordinator: Scott McWilliams
Fleet Captain: Sara Allen
Two others also are running for election:
Current incumbent Vice Commodore John Huber is
seeking another term as Vice Commodore and
Barry Millbourn is running for Rear Commodore.
The Committee declined to nominate more
than one candidate for a single position even though
at least one current board member indicated a
desire to run again in the November election but
were not selected by the Committee.
Contact the Election Judge, Nana Bosma, at
(941) 306-7776 or [email protected].
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The Burgee - September 2010
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The Burgee - September 2010
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The Burgee - September 2010
Sarasota Sailing Squadron Board of Directors
Minutes of the July 13th, 2010 Board Meeting.
Cassandra Roznos, Social
Alan Pressman, Commodore
David Jennings, Secretary
Michelle Lee, Treasurer
John Huber, VC
Lindsay Krienen, Education
Bob Miller, Race Captain
Bill Niblock, RC
Sara Allen, Fleet Captain
Gregg Knighton, RD
Pressman called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
Commodore Pressman began the meeting by acknowledging two very important volunteers. Flowers were presented to Lindsay Krienen for the many years she has been producing the Burgee and to Joanne Hawkes on here
10th anniversary of employment at the Squadron.
Miller motions to approve May minutes, Lee 2nds. All in favor.
Member Access: Jason Roznos said Danny W. is in hospice care and the outlook is not good. A fundraiser is
planned for July 24th. He feels we need to do something significant to honor the significant role Danny has played
in the club over the past 2 decades.
Organization Reports:
YSP; David Livingston reports now in 6th week of summer camp, 2 more sessions to go. 320 kids in program to
date. Good group of counselors this year. No issues to speak of. Everything going smoothly. Race teams are active with 10-12 Optis, 10-12 Lasers. Wednesday night dinghy races are attracting between 7 and 35 people. 5 more
weeks of this. 2 Regattas in Texas last month. Good YSP turnout. Details on YSP website. Mast broke twice on
Buzzelli boat. Seems to be engineering problem. Boat is for sale.
Luffing Lassies; Michelle Lee congratulated Rita Steele on taking top honors in the world with her Sunfish.
SBYA; Huber said slate of events is finalized. It will be put on our calendars.
Nominating Committee; A report sent in by Lou Magliano was read announcing committee members Tim Bell,
Dave Wilson, Lisa Dodds and Joe Practico. Current Board members have been contacted and candidates are signing up for positions. Committee to meet week of July 17th to review candidates. Interviews to begin 4th week of July.
Election Judge; Nana Bosma in attendance but nothing to report at this early date.
Managers Report: Nancy Carolan reported…piling caps have been installed, she has touched base with a couple
engineering firms who may work on technical specs for dock rebuild. Groups include Tignor Group, Coastal Engineering, Erickerson Engineering and Weiler Engineering. YSP safety list is 90% complete. Membership is 805.
12 new members in June. Year to date lost 81 members but gained 54. Accounts receivable is at $37,000.
Joanne and Nelson are working on big boat inventory, working with Standing Rules Committee on updates, electric
relay broke on house but fixed by Kelly Green and Nelson. Electrical problems shut down power in YSP area and
main gate. 3 bids were received. Problem fixed for $3,600. 3 thefts in May/June. Double kayak and inflatable
dinghy from one member. Another lost a custom trailer. Police reports filed, tapes being reviewed. Police recently
apprehended someone who confessed to stealing 3 outboards from the Squadron. They will be recovered and
returned. Members must secure their property and report suspicious behavior to the office. Hurricane season
started and all members are urged to secure boats, check lines, install tie-downs, etc…The City recently asked for
2009 and 2010 financials as well as membership information, rate sheets and boat storage rates as they prepare
for upcoming lease negotiations. A new boat work agreement for the club is being created for members needing to
work on their boats. Letters have gone out to 25 members regarding “dead boats”. The club‟s power boats are
scheduled for bottom cleaning and painting later in the month. The club is running a number of fundraising events
to help Danny with his bills. Meeting with Infinova and member Nathan Needal about security cameras. Nathan
has agreed to donate cameras at a total value of $10,000. The club will lay fiber optic to be able to use this equipment.
Nathan Needal reported he wanted to donate the materials so the Squadron can spend their money on infrastructure no hardware. The club plans to run fiber optic or Ethernet connections from main building to bldg. A, bldg. B
and bldg. C.
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The Burgee - September 2010
Old Business: Dock specifications are done and will be worked in to the Long Range Plan in time for City Lease
Everything we could salvage off the pontoon has been taken and it will be heading to the landfill soon.
Standing Rule Changes and By Law changes were proposed to the Board via e mail and they were passed.
New Business: Commodore Pressman reported that Maurice and Jennifer Tamman have agreed to take over for
Lindsey K. in producing the Burgee. August will be their first issue.
$1,250 has been collected for Danny W. to date. Discussion ensued regarding disbursements. Jason Roznos is
point person and will talk with Danny about what he would like the group to do with the money.
David Jennings motions to have our website and Breezy Blast direct members to to learn more
about contributing to Danny and his family. Allen 2nds. All in favor.
Board/Committee Reports:
Michelle Lee, Treasurer: Submitted a mid year report showing net income of $149,000, an $82,000 improvement
over same period prior year. Total income decreased $49K but expenses were decreased and regatta income was
up. This net income of $149K is against a plan of $134 so we are up $15K over plan. Additional year over year
comparisons include cash $503K v. $470, Accts Rcvbl $37K v. $45K, Liabilities $19K v. $18K and members equity
of $1,193 v. $1,182.
Cassandra Roznos, Social Chair: Next pig roast is set for August 21 st. July 24th is the Danny fundraiser which
will include a water slide, dj, BBQ and silent auction.
Lindsay Krienen, Education: Happy to be handing off the Burgee to the Tammans. This will give her opportunity
to refocus on Education. Red Cross is planning CPR course, press releases being issued on Danny fundraiser
and the Labor Day Regatta.
Gregg Knighton, Race Director: Ron Pletsch has parts for the hoist but ladder not big enough. Miller has lined
up Gulf Coast Auto Clinic to be main LDR sponsor. $2,500. DJ and karaoke machine are scheduled. Press boat
being lined up for SHT, Bradenton Herald, Charlotte Sun and dignitaries.
Bob Miller, Race Captain: Still looking for Gold level sponsors at $1,000 and $500 sponsors, too. Dave Wilson is
contributing $100 for the finish line. Sunday and Friday sailing is continuing. 14 boats were in the Firecracker.
Sara Allen, Fleet Captain: Kacey and others are wrapping up the inspections. Committee met recently but had
no new business.
Bill Niblock, Rear Commodore: 2 bids due in for dock work. Plan for dock replacement is done. Long range
plan is kicking in to gear. Ramp remediation may be deemed not necessary.
Alan Pressman, Commodore: Executive Committee met to discuss agenda, e mail votes on Standing Rules and
Bylaws, YSP, new Burgee editors, dead boat identification, commissioner meetings, personnel issues, and leases
at similar clubs around the State
Jennings motions to adjourn. Krienen 2nds. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:39 PM.
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The Burgee - September 2010
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The Burgee - September 2010
Homegrown sailors competing around the world
Four girls competed at the US
Junior Women's Singlehanded
Championship for the Nancy Leiter
Clagett Memorial Trophy at Coral
Reef Yacht Club on July 18-24. Laser
Radial, 46 boats (8 races). Results:
Molly McKinney 2nd place, Christi
Frost 14th, Wendy Reuss 26th and
Sophia Schultz 29th. The conditions
were windy with winds up to 25 knots
and higher. On the 4th day the last two
races were canceled due to Tropical
Storm Bonnie approaching Miami.
Nicholas Schultz qualified to
compete at the USODA British Nationals at Weymouth/Portland, England on
July 24-30. Nico finished 7th place out of 154
boats (12 races) in the Junior fleet.
Chris Stocke and
Molly McKinney qualified to compete at the
Cabrillo Beach Yacht
Club, San Pedro, CA on
August 1-4. In the Radial division a total of 27 boats participated
(10 races). Chris finished in 3rd place and
Molly in 13th place.
Viktor Wettergren and Brian Firth competed in the Laser National Championship
in Milwaukee on August 12-15. A total of 57
boats competed in the Full rig division. Viktor
finished in 22nd place and Brian in 44th
place. The conditions were light wind.
Jack Flamiglietti, Ben Mohney and
Sami Tornese competed in the US Sailing's
Chubb U.S. Triplehanded Championship
on August 14-19 in San Diego, CA. In the
Lightning division a total of 11 boats participated (11 races). The trio finished 4th place.
Our Summer Camp offered five twoweek sessions and it was a very successful
one. Over 350 students participated in various learn to sail classes as well as more advanced classes.
Registration for the YSP Year Round
Program is open and it offers many courses
such as: all ages of Learn to Sail, Race
Teams in Opti Green, Opti R/W/B and Laser
and High School sailing. For more information,
at If you have any questions, please email David Livingston at
[email protected] or call
(941) 504-4236.
Don‟t forget…
The Squadron‟s policy is that all contractors must have 1 million dollars in liability insurance, with the Squadron listed as the additional insured. Examples of this are: working for others on Squadron property
or the mooring field, charging people to sail, etc.
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The Burgee - September 2010
SSS S t u f f
ONLY $14
See display in the bar area of the clubhouse!
Volunteers are needed for the Buzzelli
Multihull Regatta October 22, 23, and 24.
Sign up sheets will be posted after Labor
Day. Positions include: bar, registration, dinner, race
committee, and clean up.
Times will be posted at a
future date. Please call/email Joanne at 388-2355 or
[email protected]
Volunteers are also needed for non-regatta
weekends and work parties. Please sign up for bartending for Saturday or Sunday. You can bartend 10-3, 114, or 12-5 pm. It's a great way to meet other members.
Please call/email Joanne at 388-2355 or
[email protected].
Work parties are held every Wednesday and
Saturday from 9-12 noon; just show up and sign in.
Commodore Cleat is convalescing at my
house, lounging on the love seat, camping out
on the couch, and lying on the lanai. He ferociously eats up to five cans of Fancy Feast per
day and is enjoying being spoiled. We love
having him as part of our family.
The Cat Committee will convene for its first
meeting at 6:00 Thursday, September 16, on
the porch. Topics to be discussed include: revaccinating all cats; trapping, transporting cats
to and from the vet; fundraising and housing
sick cats when needed. All members are welcome to participate so please let me know if
you can [email protected].
Squadron feast
August’s New Members
Please welcome
Georgia Hardage
Charles Bright and Leone Kotze
Armando Garcia
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The Burgee - September 2010
Pat Murphy’s Ball Busters
SQUADRON DATE 072810 It was so hot and humid
today that I can not blame anyone for not coming to our
Ballbuster Work Party today. No wind and lots of humidity and heat. The body drips sweat and it doesn‟t evaporate. Our painters, Ruth & Chuck Nordman, finished the
chair rail back of the office and kitchen and then
scraped off the peeling paint from one of our picnic tables for painting later. Ron & Don cut out and built two
more garbage can covers for the ladies room and
checked on the level of a table on the main dock. Bob
Haynes used his blower (we can‟t find the Squadron‟s)
to blow off the Pavilion and straightened all chairs and
tables while Dan Robinson dug and cut out Brazilian
Peppers and Australian Pines along the northwest side
of the point. Jaye Villain and Alan Titcombe worked on
laying out a shed extension of the Power House for the
storage of a lawn mower, wheeled weed eater and
some other lawn equipment while I (as the boat hook
that we used to turn on and off Pavilion lighting had
taken a hike) got a newer one from the office and attached it to a brass chain so (I hope) it can‟t be removed again. I also worked on a list of deceased members for metal plaques to be attached to Annie‟s lamp (a
sawed off part of a mast from a Great Lakes Schooner)
that stands in the clubhouse next to the couches.
SQUADRON DATE 080410 Another hot summer day
with several jobs continuing. Ruth & Chuck Nordman
The Sarasota Youth Sailing Program needs donations!
Pay NO SALES TAX on boats
purchased from the SYSP!
Call for updated list—new boats come in regularly.
Boats can be seen at the Sarasota Sailing Squadron, City Island,
1515 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota, FL
Phone 941-504-4236
SYSP is a 501c(3) Non-Profit Corporation
P.O. Box 2706
Sarasota, FL 34230
continued sanding and painting picnic tables at the Pavilion while Ron & Don exchanged white chairs from the
Main Dock Deck with new tan plastic chairs as the new
ones had much larger feet and consequently won‟t get
caught in the cracks between the deck boards like the
others and break or cause whoever is sitting in it to fall
down. They also began re-screening the top part of the
Stone House screen doors. Jaye Villain and Alan Titcombe continued building the frame work for a new
shed at the Power House for the storage of mowers and
weed eaters. Nelson and new member Vinnie Algozino
spent the morning knocking rust off the metal supports
that surround the hoist to get it ready for painting with a
2 part epoxy. I picked up junk on the point this side of
the hoist and drove around the storage area and picked
up some boards, concrete blocks, and a trailer axel. On
the way home I took a list of plaques of departed members (15) to the Trophy Shoppe for Annie‟s Lamp and
two office chair canvas seats to Knighton Sails so they
could build replacements.
SQUADRON DATE 081110 A rainy day with few Ballbuster‟s showing up. However, Ron & Don were here
and helped Wanda with stocking the bar while Jaye Villain came to finish roofing the small yard equipment
shed but his helper, Alan Titcombe didn‟t show and it
rained cats & dogs so Jaye couldn‟t set up his equipment so it will have to wait until next time. Jaye along
with Walter Wyatt, Ron Birney and I moved a small picnic table to the main dock deck and a large one to back
of the clubhouse where they used to be. Jaye carried
one end of the table by himself while two (or three) of us
handled the other. Jaye and I moved tables and chairs
back to where they were before last nights Board Meeting. Ruth & Chuck Nordman sanded and painted the
aluminum of the Stone House bathroom screen doors
bronze. I changed out several lights behind the bar and
several on the porch until I had to leave for an Eye Doctor appointment on Tuttle Ave. Ron finished the lights I
didn‟t have time for.
SQUADRON DATE 081810 All the rain fell yesterday,
so we started with a cool breeze from the southeast and
finished with lots of unbearable heat. However, Ron &
Don helped Wanda stock the bar, Ruth & Chuck Nordman completely cleaned the BBQ grill. Fortunately three
younger members showed up and mowed various parts
of our ever growing grass with Bob Mendoza and Ed
Fisch concentrating on the entrance way and area
around the power house where Jaye Villain and Alan
Titcombe roofed the new mower shed with plywood and
then finished it off with tar paper. Chris Ranney mowed
the areas surrounding the clubhouse and BBQ pit. I, in
preparation for the Labor Day Regatta, put the box of
piling caps on the north porch in a storage area in the
Work Area and then put pistol grips on several hoses in
the YSP areas. Rob Barnette moved some more rocks
out of the area west of the five floating docks so we can
store more dinghies.
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The Burgee - September 2010
Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor:
For the last several months, I served on the selection committee with five other members to interview and select the slate of
recommended candidates for next year's Executive Board. We have
been criticized for not choosing incumbents, and not recommending
two candidates when both were qualified.
First, only one incumbent was challenged by another candidate; in all other cases, the incumbents were either not running at all,
or had made it very clear that they would welcome the chance to " take
a break" if someone qualified would take their place. That only left the
position of Vice commodore, the incumbent being John Huber, challenged by John MacKay. The other day I had a conversation with
John H, who felt that we had made our decision based on his view of
how we should proceed with the mooring field issue; honestly, this did
figure into the discussion, and may have been more important to some
of us than to others. But the predominant issue was the lease with the
city. Right now we are putting off major work needed on both the
wave fence dock and the main dock, which needs to be replaced,
because we have no long term lease with the city. That is paramount.
John MacKay was instrumental in past years negotiating and
writing leases with the city for the Squadron. This gave John MacKay
a decided edge over John Huber ( this is my recollection of the discussion, I'm not necessarily speaking for the other members.) Not knowing this, I can see why John would feel slighted being the incumbent.
My reasoning was that the three Commodore positions
should be filled with people experienced with the ongoing negotiations
over the lease, and the needed structural improvements of the
docks. David Jennings has his head wrapped around the lease issues
as well as or better than anyone else in the club. Bill Niblock, being a
thirty year member and the architect who designed our facilities is an
obvious asset. His presentation at the last board meeting on long term
planning would give the City Commissioners a good idea of the potential improvement in what the club can contribute to the community. I
would enjoy seeing Bill present to the city on our behalf. John MacKay's substantial experience in negotiating with the city is the reason
we chose him.
I hope this helps put to rest some of the questions about
how we arrived at our decisions. Good luck to all of the candidates,
and thanks in advance for your service
Joe Pratico
This column consists of letters received in response to
recent articles or to address other issues at large within the SSS. The
purpose is to provide a forum for positive and constructive views on
articles and matters published in The Burgee.
The Editor requires that letters are expressed in a positive
way, with avoidance of negative terms, grammar or descriptions. This
column is not to be used for negative comments or innuendos about
any person, product, device, company, institution, association or profession, whether intentional or not. The Burgee, as a publication, is
presented as professional as possible, therefore, an appropriate standard of grammar and expression is expected. The author of the letter
is responsible for ensuring the facts are accurate and encouraged to
cite references. All letters may be edited for clarity and grammar, and
the Editor reserves the right to print or edit all submissions.
Letters to the Editor should be sent to
[email protected] and contain the
subject line “Letter to the Editor”.
Deadline is the 20th of each month. Submissions must
include the author name and telephone number in order to provide
means of verification.
The crews of Squadron sailboats, Peacemaker, Quidam and
Windswept at anchor in Abacos, Bahamas. April 2010.
Photo by Dave Ash.
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The Burgee - September 2010
Sarasota Sailing Squadron
1717 Ken Thompson Parkway
Sarasota, FL 34230
Kiteboard·Windsurf·Kayak·Stand Up Paddle
(941) 954-1009
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