Pharmacy in Vegetables Page 1 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables Report By Yulia Berry ALL MATERIAL ©COPYRIGHT 2008-2009, YULIA BERRY, GREAT HOME REMEDIES, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTION, RESELL, OR COPYING OF THIS MATERIAL IS UNLAWFUL. NO PORTION OF THIS BOOK MAY BE COPIED OR RESOLD WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO USE THE FULL FORCE OF THE LAW IN THE PROTECTION OF ITS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INCLUDING THE CONTENTS, IDEAS, AND EXPRESSIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED UNDER BOTH AMERICAN AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW. Although we make every effort to be accurate the publisher disclaims any personal liability, loss, or risk incurred as a result of any information or any advice contained herein, either directly or indirectly. All mention of promises to earn money either implied or not implied are strictly based on the authors opinion. The Publisher does not intend to render any legal, accounting, or other professional advice in the document contained herein. The author makes no representation or warranties of any kind with regard to the completeness or accuracy of the contents of this book. Disclaimer The intention of this book is not to replace medical advice or to be a substitute for consulting a physician. If you are sick or have health problems, you should see a physician before trying any home remedy. If you are taking prescription medication, you should never change your diet without first consulting your physician as any dietary change will affect the action of that prescription drug. Although this book is about homemade medicine, the author and the publisher disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects arising from trying any home remedy mentioned in this report or changing your dieting without appropriate medical supervision. Page 2 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables FOODS FOR HEALTH AND HEALING For many generations, people have known that eating certain foods such as leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits had beneficial effects on the body. People ate them and started feeling better and soon word spread around about the added benefits of some nutritionally superior foods like whole grains, soy and cruciferous vegetables. No one could really explain how they worked, but everyone knew that they did. Even certain supplemental health products like lecithin and brewer’s yeast have been around for the past six decades, benefitting people, without people knowing exactly what was in these products that made them so good for you. Today, thanks to scientific understanding of these foods and the effect their various components have on health and healing, a whole new vocabulary was developed to help explain them. Terms like phytochemicals, phytonutrients, phyto food and nutraceutical began to spring up and were bandied about in order to help us understand the positive, if still somewhat mysterious, effects that these foods had on our immune systems. Page 3 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables The term nutraceutical was first coined in 1989 by Doctor Stephen de Felice, the director of New York’s Foundation for the Innovation of Medicine. He used it to describe a food or supplement that has a medical health benefit including the prevention and treatment of disease. Dr. Felice was concerned about the lack of funding for nutraceutical products and came up with several good ways (doctornauts, NREA) to encourage research and public education into these products. More recently, the protective, disease fighting compounds of plants began to be classified under a new term: Phytochemical . “Phyto” is a derivative of the Greek term for plant, and the use of it is meant to emphasis the key role of the plant source for these potentially life enhancing compounds. Phytochemicals are substances that cannot be categorized as nutrient (vitamin, mineral, carbohydrate, fat, or protein) necessary for sustaining life, but scientists do not doubt their various healthful, disease preventive benefits. In fact, as research continues, phytochemicals (or phytonutrients as some call them) might make the leap from beneficial plant component to essential nutrient status. THE “PHYTO” EVOLUTION Phytochemicals are bioactive compounds developed by plants to help them deal with the dangerous affects of oxygen. Back in the beginning, oxygen levels in the atmosphere were low until plant life began to spread and turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. Since oxygen is a byproduct of plant metabolism, it is considered a pollutant to them and soon plants had to evolve in order to deal with these highly reactive oxygen molecules. Plants adapted and survived and became the oxygen tolerant plants of today and soon developed other biochemical defenses against fungi, viruses, and DNA damage. Then animals came along. Along with the essential vitamins and minerals that plants provided, animals were also able to borrow from them the protective benefits from these evolved phytochemicals saving them the time (a few million years or so) it would have taken them to evolve them on their own. This borrowing continued through the eons, each new species benefitting from these complex plant compounds. Like their animal ancestors, people also benefit from these built “phyto” natural defense mechanisms, but our own advancements in Page 4 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables food technology has led us astray from nature’s benefits. FROM EVOLUTION TO REVOLUTION Scientific Advancement is a lot like owning an old pickup truck. Once scientists figure out how to fix one problem, another one comes creeping up on them. The beginning of the twentieth century saw advancements in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections. In the industrial world, the top killers like polio, influenza and pneumonia saw a dramatic drop. Advances in agriculture and industry had helped people live longer relatively healthy lives, so much so that the new top killers in industrialized countries are age and lifestyle ailments such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. While advances helped people live longer, they also ended up giving us new problems to think about. Our culture’s departure from fresh fruits and vegetables to readily available processed foods took away many of these beneficial compounds that researchers found to be “non-essential” to life. DURING THE 70’S The 1970’s saw a revolution happen within the food science community, when researchers began to see links between what people ate and their general health and longevity. Around this time, doctors began to become concerned about the supposed link between dietary cholesterol and heart disease and cancers. While this link turned out not as important as scientists once figured (eating cholesterol does not necessarily lead to dangerously high cholesterol levels in the blood) it did mark the beginning of a trend. Doctors, researchers Page 5 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables and people themselves began to shift their focus from merely treating an ailment, to actually trying to prevent it. Studies surrounding folic acid and its role in the health of pregnant women and their children also helped spur on the phytochemical revolution. Studies done on pregnant women showed that a diet lacking in sufficient amounts of folic acid led to higher rates of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Other studies found that a diet deficient in Folic Acid (B-9) along with B6 and B12, led to higher level of homocysteine (an amino acid linked to fat build up in the arteries) in the blood stream and greater incidences of heart attack and stroke. Since then, population studies were conducted which examined the link between people’s diets and their general health and well being. In one epidemiological study the health of Japanese Americans who ate a typical American diet was compared to Japanese people who ate a more traditional diet. Another such study focused on the diet of the French population as compared to the standard American diet. Hundreds of these population studies were done and researchers soon started seeing a link between diets high in plant based foods and lower rates of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Another study involved senior citizens who ate a diet rich in fish, grains and vegetable compared to those who were more particular in what they ate. In this study, those that ate more veggies had the tendency to lead more active lives thus showing a link between health and diet. Other studies showed a link between whole grains and vegetables and a 40 percent drop in colon cancer. A study on women found that those who ate a diet rich in fruits and vegetable had a 25 percent lower risk of getting breast cancer. DANGERS Soon thereafter, during the 80’s and 90’s, researchers and scientists began to mine fruits and vegetables for these nutriceuticals hoping to isolate them and use them as medicines and other things. They found many of these different compounds to hold great promise as disease fighters and immune boosters. They also saw potential of these plant components as cancer blockers and heart disease preventers. However, they also began to discover that these plant Page 6 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables produced biochemicals and vitamins were not as effective on their own. Some even proved to be dangerous, increasing the risk of certain types of cancer THE SOURCE OF GOOD HEALTH Since scientists are still not to too sure how all of these different plant chemicals interact with each other, the best way to benefit from them is to go directly to the source. Eating a well balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains is the best way to benefit from the life enhancing benefits of these plant compounds. To protect yourself against cancer and heart disease, eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Along with all that roughage, be sure to include nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes into your diet. Doing this is more likely going to give you increased vitality than an isolated phytochemical. Here are some of the more important phytochemicals that can be found in fruits and vegetables Page 7 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables CAROTENOIDS Carotenoids are pigments what give many fruits their distinctive color. They are responsible for the colors red, green, yellow and orange and represent a large family of different phytochemicals including some of the more well known ones like beta carotene and lycopene. Carotenoids can help protect you against the risks of heart disease and stroke. They can also help prevent certain types of cancer and may even help improve vision. Carotenoids are also believed to improve lungs function, and reduce some of the complications that come with diabetes. Carotenoids can keep people looking and feeling young. Some research even indicates that certain members of the carotenoid phytofamily may actually be able to reverse the aging process. Carotenoids can be found in fruits and vegetables that are dark green, yellow, orange or red. Some of the more useful carotenoids are: Beta-Carotene: Thought to do everything from slowing down the aging process to improving lung function, beta-carotene is found in fruits and vegetables that are yellow-orange (mangoes, carrots, cantaloupe, pumpkins). Beta –Carotene is also found in green vegetables like broccoli and spinach. Lutein: Great for helping you keep your eyesight keen as you get older. Some studies have indicated that lutien also decreased the risk of cataract and macular degeneration, which is one of the leading causes of blindness in the elderly. It also may help reduce the risk of several different types of cancer. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and collard greens are the best sources of lutien, but it is also found in kiwifruit and broccoli. Lycopene: A diet rich in this red causing carotene is believed to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease. People wishing to get their lycopene naturally should eat red fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, red peppers, grapefruit and watermelon. Some experts believe that this prostate friendly phytochemical is even more accessible in cooked tomato products such as ketchup or tomato sauce. FLAVONOIDS Another large and well known family of phytochemicals is the flavonoid family. Page 8 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables Flavonoids are known to be powerful antioxidants , helping neutralize the negative effects that free radicals have on the body. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that attack the cells of the body. They are thought to contribute to many different health problems including the onset of cancer and heart disease. Free Radical damage is also thought to accelerate the aging process. There are many types of flavonoids found in a wide variety of foods including both chocolate and wine. Each flavonoid out there seems to display a unique health benefit. Here are the five most beneficial ones: Resveratrol: Thought to help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, blood clots and stroke, resveratrol is found in red grapes. Red grape juice and red wine are also high in this beneficial flavonoid explaining the so called “French Paradox” which is a study that shows that despite their fatty diets and propensity to smoke, the French have lower incidences of heart disease and cancer. Anthocyanins: Believed to reverse the effects of aging and prevent urinary tract infections, a diet high in anthocyanins can help improve balance, coordination and short term memory. The highest concentrations of anthocyanins are found in blueberries, but they can also be found in cranberries, cherries, strawberries, and plums. Quercetins: Thought to help reduce inflammation caused by allergic reaction and prevent the growth of neck and head cancers, quercetins are found in many different fruits and vegetables. Some studies also indicate that these phytochemicals also may help protect the lungs from the effects of pollution and cigarettes. They can be found in apples, pears, cherries, grapes, onions, leafy greens, green tea and red wine. Hesperidin: A defender against heart disease, hesperidin is found in abundance in all citrus fruits and juices. Tangeritin: Like the name may suggest to you, tangeritin is another useful phytochemical found within the citrus family. It is thought to help prevent head and neck cancers. PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS Phenolic compounds are believed to help reduce the risk of heart disease and Page 9 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables cancer as well as help decrease cholesterol levels. Though this phyto-family is not as prolific as the carotenoids or flavonoids, it is still very beneficial. Most berries, prunes, red grapes, kiwi, currants, apples and tomatoes all contain phenolic compounds. One extremely beneficial phenolic compound is ellagic acid which is found to help prevent cancer and reduce cholesterol. It is found in red grapes, kiwi, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and currants. ISOTHIOCYANATES This is another phytochemical family that has shown the ability to inhibit both cancer and tumors. One of the best known isothiocyanates is sulphoraphane, which is thought to help reduce the risk of colon cancer. This phytochemical can be found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. MONOTERPENES Monoterpenes are another class of phytochemicals found in the essential oil of citrus fruits and other plants. They are thought to have many antitumor properties and to display chemopreventive activity in laboratory rats. One well studied monoterpene is limonene, which is found in the edible white part of the rind of citrus fruits including oranges, grapefruit and tangerines. Studies have shown that limonene can help protect the lungs and even prevent certain types of cancers. INDOLES Indoles are another cancer fighting family of phytochemicals. They are especially good at preventing breast cancer. Indoles can be found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, and turnips. ALLIUM COMPOUNDS Allium compounds are found in members of the allium (onion) family and are believed to lower the risk of cancer as well as lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Garlic, onions, chives, leeks and scallions all contain allium compounds. Page 10 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables BEETS HEALTH BENEFITS The beetroot stimulates digestion, improves bile flow and metabolism, activates the liver function, has light diuretic and diarrheal effects, has anti inflammatory and anti microbial properties, strengthens the blood vessels and lowers high blood pressure. The biologically active substances called betaine and betanin found in beets have anti tumor properties, help to assimilate protein and take a part in the formation of choline, the substance that improves the liver function and enhances the activity of liver cells. Cellulose and pectin help to cleanse the body from toxins and slags. Nicotine acid improves the blood flow. Vitamin U stimulates the healing of stomach ulcers and duodenum ulcers. Vitamins C, RR, B9 and B12 and cobalt take a part in the formation of blood. Iodine improves mental activity. By the way, a beet has more iodine than any other vegetable. The combination of potassium and calcium promotes a healthy cardio-vascular system and normalizes the acid-alkaline balance of blood. Magnesium hinders the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels and the development of hypertension. The other important substances found in beets include manganese, cadmium, molybdenum, fiber, Folic acid, iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, Thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamins A and B1. Page 11 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables WARNINGS Do not use beets, if you have diabetes. Instead of beets, use the beet tops (leaves). Do not use beets, if you have hypotension (low blood pressure). If you have gastritis, a stomach ulcer or a duodenum ulcer with high acidity, combine beet juice with carrot juice. You should not use home remedies with beets during an advanced stage of your chronic disorder. See your doctor if you suspect a serious health problem. HOME REMEDIES USING BEETS ALLERGY: Peel 1 raw beet and grate it. Add ½ cup of warm cooked oatmeal cereal. Eat 1 cup of the mix twice a day. It is very effective for cleansing your body and getting rid of slags that can promote allergies. ANEMIA: Peel 1 raw beet, grate it, put it in a glass jar, add 200 ml of vodka and leave the jar in a warm dark place for 2 weeks. Filter the extract and take 2 table spoons of it 3 times a day before meals. ENLARGED ADENOIDS: Mix 1 part raw beet juice, 1 part honey and 1 part water. Insert 2-3 drops of the mix in each nostril 2-3 times a day. Gargle your throat with the same mix during the flu season. BLOOD CLEANSING COCKTAILS: Mix 1 part raw beet juice, 1 part raw carrot juice and 1 part raw cabbage juice. Take 1 cup (240 ml) of the mix, add 1 tea spoon of honey and 1 table spoon of radish juice. Drink 100-150 ml of the cocktail twice a day 10-15 minutes before meals, morning and night. Mix 1 part raw beet juice, 1 part carrot juice and 1 part apple juice. Drink 100150 ml of the cocktail twice a day 10-15 minutes before meals, morning and night. Mix 40 ml of raw beet juice and 60 ml of carrot juice. Drink this amount twice a day before meals. Page 12 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables BODY CLEANSING FROM THE CELLULAR WASTE PRODUCTS: In the mornings mix 1 table spoon of raw beet juice and1 table spoon of vegetable oil. Shake it and take it 30 minutes before breakfast. Continue the treatment for 7 days, then take a 7 day break, then repeat the treatment. During this period exclude dairy products, sugar and honey from your diet. It helps with headaches, stomachaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, edemas, numbness and arthritis. CONJUNCTIVITIS: Grind 100 g of beet tops (leaves) and 100 g of Plantain leaves. Mix everything, wrap the mix in a piece of gauze and apply it as a compress to your eye. CONSTIPATION: Boil 1 medium beet, peel it, grate it and add 150 ml of honey. Eat it during the day. Drink 150 ml of raw beet juice mixed with 150 ml of water before you go to bed. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION (especially for old people): Eat 100 - 150 g of boiled, grated beets every day for a long time. It helps with atherosclerosis, too. HEADACHES: Peel 1 raw beet, cut it into thin slices and apply them to your forehead and temples (fix them with a bandage). Change the slices when they dry out. Apply beet tops (leaves) to your forehead. In 15 minutes your headache will go away. HYPERTENSION AND NERVOUSNESS: Drink 1/2 cup of raw beet juice 3-4 times a day. If you feel that you just can not drink raw beet juice, add 25-30% of carrot juice or apple juice. INSOMNIA: Mix ½ cup of raw beet juice with 100 ml of honey and drink it before you go to bed. GALL STONES: Cut 3-4 beets into small pieces and boil them until the water in the pot thickens and looks like a syrup (It will take at least 2 hours). Drink 3/4 cup of the syrup 4 times a day. The stones will be dissolved without much pain. MENOPAUSE: Drink 50-100 ml of raw beet juice 2-3 times a day. This is a very effective remedy for hot flashes. NOISE IN EARS: Peel 1 raw beet, grate it, put it in a glass jar, add as much Page 13 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables vodka as just to cover the beet and leave the jar in a warm dark place for 3 days. Filter the extract. You can use it during the next 10 days. If something is left after this period, throw it away. Insert 1-2 drops of the tincture in each ear. You must clean your ears right after the procedure. Take a clean Q-tip, wet it in warm vodka and clean each ear inside. PMS: Drink 1/2 cup of raw beet juice 3 times a day. TONSILLITIS AND ANGINA: Take 1 cup of raw grated beets, add 1 table spoon of vinegar and leave it in a dark place for 10 hours. Filter the extract and gargle your throat with it 3-4 times a day. BEETS IN ONCOLOGY Beets are an effective additional help to traditional treatments of cancer. Beets activate the immune system and stabilize the cell metabolism. One of the most remarkable and tremendously successful programs for treating many different kinds of cancer tumors was commenced in the late 1950's by Alexander Ferenczi, MD., at the Department for Internal Diseases at the district hospital at Csoma, Hungary, using nothing but raw, red beets. Portions of his intriguing medical success were translated from Hungarian and reprinted in the Australian International Clinical Nutrition Review for July 1986. Dr. Ferenczi's clinical report included methods of administering the beets and several very important case studies; In D. S., a man of 50 years of age, a lung tumor was diagnosed by me and subsequently confirmed in a Budapest hospital, which corresponded clinically to lung cancer. I started the treatment with beetroot in the described manner. After 6 weeks of treatment the tumor had disappeared. After 4 months of treatment he gained 10kg. (22lbs.) in weight, the erythrocyte (mature red blood cell) sediment rate (e.s.r.) was reduced from 87 millimeters/h to 77mm/h. Thus, he represented the symptoms of a clinical recovery. Dr. Ferenczi concluded his medical report with this undeniable fact: "The results achieved with beetroot are no worse than those with well-known chemical Page 14 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables preparations, such as those with Tetramin (an experimental anti-neoplastic) He attributed the anti-cancer strength in beets to their natural red coloring agent, BETAINE. ( BEET JUICE LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE A new study from London concluded that drinking 500 ml of beetroot juice daily can significantly reduce the blood pressure. In the study the blood pressure was significantly reduced 3 hours after consuming the beet juice. Also, the effect lasted up to 24 hours after ingestion. ( Hypertension - Journal of the American Heart Association Published online ahead of print 4 February 2008, doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.107.103523 "Acute blood pressure lowering, vasoprotective and anti-platelet properties of dietary nitrate via bioconversion to nitrite". Authors: Andrew J. Webb, N. Patel, S. Loukogeorgakis, M. Okorie, Z. Aboud, S. Misra, R. Rashid, P. Miall, J. Deanfield, N. Benjamin, R. MacAllister, A.J. Hobbs, and A. Ahluwalia) Page 15 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables HOW TO TAKE BEET JUICE CORRECTLY 1. Drink 600 ml of raw beet juice a day (start from 1 tea spoon and increase the amount very gradually, so your stomach gets used to it). 2. Drink 100-200 ml of raw beet juice 5-6 times a day. The time breaks between drinking should be even. 3. If you drink beet juice 5 times a day, drink it every 4 hours and once in the middle of the night. 4. Try to drink the juice on an empty stomach, 10-15 minutes before meals. Warm it up before drinking. Drink it with small swallows. Hold each swallow in your mouth for a while. 5. Do not include yeast bread and acidic juices in your diet while you drink beet juice. 6. Additionally, eat 200 g of boiled beets a day as a side dish. The treatment is for 6-12 months with no breaks. WARNING: Do not drink freshly squeezed beet juice. There are some substances in it that can have a poisonous effect with vomiting, hiccups, sleepiness and lowering the blood pressure. Also, your body will refuse to accept it in the future, even if you do not get any side effects. You have to keep the juice in your refrigerator for a few hours before drinking it. Page 16 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables HOME REMEDY FOR VERY EXHAUSTED CANCER PATIENTS: Mix 2 cups (1 cup is 240 ml) of aloe juice, 2 cups of raw beet juice, 2 cups of radish juice, 2 cups of cranberry juice, 2 cups of black currant juice, 2 cups of birch juice, 2 cups of St. John's wort extract, juice of 10 lemons, 200 ml of vodka and 500 ml of honey. Stir everything well, pour it in a pot (or a jar), cap it and leave it in a dark cool place for 3 weeks. Shake it once a day. Filter the mix and take 30 ml (1 oz) of it 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals until you finish the whole amount. BEAUTY REMEDIES USING BEETS LIGHTENING LOTION: Mix 1 part raw beet juice and 1 part cool boiled water. Wet a cotton pad in the mix and rub your face with it. Wait for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with warm water. Repeat it daily until the freckles start fading. NOURISHING MASK FOR OILY SKIN: Boil a small beet and grate it. Take 2 table spoons of the grated beet and add 1 tea spoon of Camphor alcohol. Apply the mask on your face for 20-30 minutes and wash it off with cool water. Repeat the mask 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks. (Camphor alcohol is the most common medicine based on camphor. It is obtained by dissolving camphor crystals into alcohol (96 degrees), a ratio of 1:9. In order to obtain 100 g of product, mix 10 g of camphor and 90 g of alcohol, put them into a bottle, cap it and stir the product well, until they mix.) NATURAL SCRAB FOR ANY SKIN TYPE: Grate 1 raw small beet and add oatmeal cereal (not cooked), a ratio of 1:3. Apply a thick layer of the mix on your cleansed face, neck and decolletes for 10 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Repeat the mask 2-3 times a week for 6-8 weeks. ANTIWRINKLE MASK: Boil 1 small beet for 2 hours, let it cool, then peel it and grate it. Add 1 table spoon of aloe juice, then add 3 table spoons of raw milk and 4 table spoons of St. John's wort extract. Apply the mask on your face for 10 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. Page 17 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables REJUVENATING MASK: Mix 1 tea spoon of raw beet juice with 1 tea spoon of cream. Apply the mask on your face with a cotton pad and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. NOURISHING MASK FOR ANY SKIN TYPE: Grate 1 small raw beet. Take 1 tea spoon of the beet and add 1 tea spoon of sour cream and 1 tea spoon of raw egg yolk. Apply the mask on your face for 20-30 minutes and wash it off with warm water. HAIR MASK WITH AN ANTI DANDRUFF EFFECT: Grate 1 raw beet with the skin still on it. Apply the beet on your scalp and hair, cover your head with a plastic hat and a towel. Leave the mask for 30-40 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Repeat the treatment 1-2 times a week for 3 months. Page 18 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables CABBAGE HEALTH BENEFITS Cabbage reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, and alleviates rheumatism and skin problems. Cabbage juice is very effective in treating ulcers and colitis. New research has discovered that phytochemicals in cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, work at a much deeper level. These compounds actually signal our genes to increase the production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process through which our bodies eliminate harmful toxins. Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene. These anti-oxidants help to fight free radicals that are damaging the cell's DNA and increase the aging process. The high amount of beta-carotene may cut the risk of cataracts. Raw cabbage is rich in folic acid, which lowers the risk of having babies with Spina bifida. Cabbage contains isothiocyanates, which are phytochemicals that inhibit tumor growth and protect cells against free radicals. There are also B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, manganese, zinc and sodium in cabbage. WARNINGS Do not eat cabbage (I mean the vegetable, not the juice) if you have gastroenterocolitis, internal bleeding, pancreatitis, a high acidity level in your stomach, a stomach ulcer or a duodenum ulcer. Cabbage is an example of insoluble fiber. This type of fiber passes through the digestive tract without being digested and irritates the colon. Cabbage reduces the absorption of iodine. Make sure you do not suffer from thyroid disorders and intake additional iodine. Page 19 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables HOME REMEDIES USING CABBAGE BRUISES, GOUT: Apply fresh cabbage leaves to the tender spots. CABBAGE DIET IF YOU HAVE THE FLU: Eat only raw cabbage for 1-2 days and nothing else. Drink water as much as you need. This diet is VERY effective. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, COUGH: If you have a deep dry cough, mix 1 part raw cabbage (cut it into small pieces), 5 parts water and 1/5 part honey. Keep the mix on a steam bath for 30 minutes. Add as much boiling water as you had in the beginning. Drink ½ cup of the warm mix 3-5 times a day. FESTERING WOUNDS, FROSTBITES AND ULCERS: Cut fresh cabbage leaves into small pieces. Mix 1 part the leaves with 1 part raw egg white and apply the mix to the festering wounds or ulcers. GASTRITIS, STOMACH ULCER AND DUODENUM ULCER: Drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed cabbage juice 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals. HEADACHES: Apply cabbage leaves to your forehead. INSOMNIA: Drink 1/2-1 cup of raw cabbage juice before you go to bed. KIDNEY DISORDERS: Mix 1 part raw cabbage juice with 1 part honey. Take 1 table spoon of the mix 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals. Keep the mix in your refrigerator. OBESITY: In the beginning drink ½ cup of freshly squeezed cabbage juice 3-4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. Gradually increase the amount to 1 cup of cabbage juice 3-4 times a day. The treatment is for 3-4 weeks. PSORIASIS, WET ECZEMA, SCROFULA, THERMAL BURNS: Cut a few cabbage leaves into small pieces and boil 1 part the leaves with 2 parts milk for 5 minutes. Add 1 part bran to it and rub the mix into your tender spots. Page 20 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables STOMATITIS: Rinse your mouth with a mix of 1 part cabbage juice and 1 part water. THERMAL BURNS AND FESTERING WOUNDS: Cut cabbage into small pieces and mix it with a raw egg white. Apply the mix as a compress on your tender spot. THROMBOPHLEBITIS: 1. Break off fresh cabbage leaves and beat them with a kitchen hammer. Rub one side of the leaves with vegetable oil and apply this side to your sore spot where you have thrombophlebitis. Fix the compress with a bandage and leave it for 24 hours. The treatment is for 1 month with no break. 2. Break off fresh cabbage leaves and beat them with a kitchen hammer. Take 1 cup of white dry wine, put it on heat until it starts boiling and pour it in a wide bowl. Soak the leaves in the hot wine and apply them as compresses to your tender spots. Fix the leaves with a bandage and leave them for 12 hours. You should apply the compresses twice a day for at least 3-4 straight days. SAUERKRAUT BRINE The results of a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry concluded that sauerkraut is a cancer inhibitor. The study discovered that the fermentation of cabbage produced a substance called isothiocynates, which prevents cancer growth, particularly in the breast, colon, lung and liver. Also, sauerkraut contains phytochemicals which are created during the fermentation process. These phytochemicals help to boost the immune system which leads to a decrease in a number of health problems. ( ) Page 21 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables HOME REMEDIES USING SAUERKRAUT BRINE HEMORRHOIDS ACCOMPANIED BY CHRONIC CONSTIPATION AND SEVERE BLEEDING: Drink 1 cup (240 ml) of sauerkraut brine 3-5 times a day. LIVER DISORDERS: Mix ½ cup of sauerkraut brine with ½ cup of raw tomato juice and drink this amount 3 times a day after meals. The treatment is for a few months. CABBAGE IN ONCOLOGY Young women who eat four or more servings per week of raw or lightly cooked cabbage -- such as coleslaw or steamed sauerkraut -- may significantly reduce their risk of breast cancer later in life, according to the results of a study led by Dorothy R. Pathak, Ph.D., of the University of New Mexico. ( Human population as well as animal studies consistently show that diets high in cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, are associated with a lower incidence of a variety of cancers, including lung, colon, breast and ovarian cancer. Now, research published in the International Journal of Cancer (Zhao H, Lin J) suggests that bladder cancer can join the list. ( In a study published in the British Journal of Cancer, the researchers show that in laboratory tests, a compound called indole-3-carinol (I3C), found in broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, and a chemical called genistein, found in soy beans, can increase the levels of BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins that repair damaged DNA. ( Page 22 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables TUMORS: 1. Take the root of a very big cabbage, wash it, let it dry, cut it into small pieces and grind the pieces into powder. Take 3 table spoons of cabbage powder, add ½ L of dry red wine and leave it in a dark cool place for 14 days. Shake it regularly during this period. Take 30 ml (1oz) twice a day, morning and night, for 10 days. Then take a 10 day break. Alternate the 10 day treatment with the 10 day break until you get the good result. 2. Take 1 fresh head of cabbage, cut it into fine pieces, put the pieces in a bowl and pour as much fresh sunflower oil in the bowl, as you need to cover the pieces. Take 2 table spoons of ground Onopordum Acanthium l. leaves (scotch cotton thistle), add 300 ml of boiling water, let it sit for 30 minutes and filter the extract. Mix the oil that you used to cover the cabbage pieces in the bowl with the scotch cotton thistle extract. Drink the whole amount in the morning on an empty stomach. 3. Take 1 table spoon of ground cabbage root (you can use fresh or dry roots), add ½ L of boiling water, cover the pot with blankets and let it sit for 8-10 hours. Filter the extract. Take ¼ cup of the extract 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. ULCERATED TUMOR ON THE BREAST: Break off fresh cabbage leaves and beat them with a kitchen hammer. Apply the leaves to the ulcer. BEAUTY REMEDIES USING CABBAGE REJUVENATING, PORE TIGHTENING & SOOTHENING MASK WITH SAUERKRAUT: Apply 100 g of sauerkraut on your face for 10 minutes. Watch that the brine does not go into your eyes. Rinse it with cool water. REFRESHING MASK FOR RESILIENT SKIN: Grind raw cabbage leaves and mix them with 1 whipped egg white. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Follow with your moisturizer. Page 23 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables CARROT HEALTH BENEFITS Carrots are a source of calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, selenium, vitamins A, C and E, Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin. Beta-carotene, an orange pigment found in carrots, belongs to a group of compounds called carotenoids and has antioxidant properties that may reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. It is also an important source of vitamin A, which is necessary for normal vision, night vision, bone growth and tooth development. Lutein, another antioxidant found in yellow carrots, also belongs to the group of carotenoids. In the body lutein can be found in the central area of the retina, called the macula, of the eye. Lutein fights against age-related macula degeneration, which is a leading cause of blindness and cataracts in older adults. Carrots are easily digested and beneficial for the digestive and gastrointestinal tracts. They have been used for centuries as an effective diuretic. The increased urine flow helps to flush out toxins, stones, gravel, calculus, uric acid and other obstructions from the kidneys that cause chronic kidney and gallbladder diseases. This flushing action also helps to relieve gout and arthritic conditions, which are caused by accumulated toxins (uric acid, etc.). Carrots are considered a fine urinary antiseptic that relieves bladder and urinary infection, including cystitis. The tannins in carrots act as an astringent that helps to treat diarrhea. Carrots are considered an aperient, a substance that exerts a mild laxative action Page 24 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables without purging. This mild stimulating action helps to relieve constipation and encourages the elimination of intestinal waste, as well as the expulsion of intestinal worms, including roundworm. A research from the Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica (Mexico) has found that a diet rich in carrots, tomatoes and leafy vegetables reduces the risk of adult asthma by 20%. WARNINGS Avoid carrots, if you have stomach ulcers or duodenum ulcers in the advanced stage. Avoid carrots, if you have an inflammation in your bowels. Carrots can stimulate uterine contractions and pregnant women should be very careful consuming carrots. Page 25 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables HOME REMEDIES USING CARROTS BRONCHIAL ASTHMA: Take 1 table spoon of carrot seeds, add 1 cup of boiling water and leave it in a warm place for 12 hours. Drink ½ cup of the extract 5-6 times a day. CHICKEN POX: Boil 100 g of carrots with 60 g of coriander until the carrots become soft. Filter the water left from boiling and drink the whole amount once a day. ECZEMA, FROSTBITES, THERMAL BURNS: Apply fresh grated carrots to your tender spot. It helps to calm the pain and stops the festering process and speeds up the healing process. GALL STONES, KIDNEY STONES, BLADDER STONES: Take 3 table spoons of carrot seeds, add 3 cups of boiling water and leave it for 8 hours in a warm place or pour it into a thermos. Drink 1 cup of the cool extract 3 times a day before meals. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Take 3 table spoons of carrot seeds, add 3 cups of boiling water and leave it in a warm place for 12 hours. Drink 1 cup of the extract 3 times a day. IMPETIGO (FOR CHILDREN FROM 3 TO 10 YEARS OLD): Eat 50-150 g of carrots a day (the portion depends on the age). Or drink the same amount of carrot juice adding a little bit of salt. The treatment is for 1-2 months. Rash will disappear. INTERNAL PARASITES (FOR LITTLE CHILDREN): Eat 100 g of raw grated carrots every morning on empty stomach. Or take 1 table spoon of fresh carrot juice in the morning on empty stomach and 1 table spoon of the juice before your child goes to bed. MEMORY LOSS: Every day eat raw grated carrots with added vegetable oil. STOMATITIS: Rinse your mouth with carrot juice a few times a day. Page 26 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables TUBERCULOSIS (EARLY STAGE): Grate 3 table spoons of carrots, add 1 cup of milk and boil it for 10 minutes. Take 1 table spoon of it 4 times a day before meals. It is also recommended to take 1 table spoon of a mix of 1 part carrot juice and 1 part honey 4 times a day before meals. HOME REMEDIES USING CARROT TOPS BLADDER STONES (SMALL): Mix 1 part ground carrot tops and 1 part ground parsley. Take 1 table spoon of the mix, add 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for 30 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup of the extract 3 times a day before meals. FIBROMYOMA: Take 2 handfuls of dried or fresh carrot tops, add 1 L of boiling water and let it sit for 30-40 minutes. Drink it without limitations until the bleeding stops. HEMORRHOIDS: Take 2 tea spoons of dried carrot tops, add 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for 30 minutes. Drink ½ cup of the extract 3 times a day before meals. INSOMNIA: Apply a few layers of carrot tops to the back of your head and your feet. It helps even if you are exhausted from insomnia. MYOMA: Cut carrot tops (leaves) into small pieces. Take 1 table spoon of the tops, add 1 cup of boiling water and let it sit for 30 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup of the extract 3 times a day before meals. PROSTATITIS: Apply compresses made of crushed carrot tops to the bottom of your stomach and your crotch every night before you go to bed. VARICOSE VEINS: Wrap your legs with carrot tops and fix the tops with a bandage. CARROTS IN ONCOLOGY The latest research reveals that a compound called falcarinol, which is a natural Page 27 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables pesticide found in carrots, is the specific component that reduces the risk of developing cancer. BEAUTY REMEDIES USING CARROTS NOURISHING MASK FOR OILY SKIN WITH ACNE: Grate 1 carrot, add 1 raw egg yolk, 1 tea spoon of vegetable oil and 1 tea spoon of ground uncooked oatmeal cereal. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. Also, this mask helps to preserve the sun tan. NOURISHING MASK FOR NORMAL SKIN: Grate 1 carrot and add 1 tea spoon of wheat flour and a few drops of lemon juice (or sauerkraut brine). Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. MASK FOR OILY SKIN WITH ACNE: Grate 1 big carrot and apply it on your face for 20 minutes. Wash it off with cool water, then rub your face with a cotton pad wet in lemon juice. DEEP PORE CLEANSING MASK: Grind 1 carrot, ½ peach and ½ cucumber in a blender and add 150 ml of yogurt. Apply the mask on your face, neck and decolletes for 10 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. MOISTURIZING, REVITALIZING AND ANTIWRINKLE MASK FOR ANY SKIN TYPE: Mix 1 part grated carrot and 1 part grated apple. Apply the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. Page 28 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables LIGHTENING MASK IF YOU HAVE FRECKLES: Mix 2 table spoons of carrot juice with 20 drops of lemon juice and rub your face with the mix 2-3 times a day. Leave the mask on your face for 20-30 minutes then wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. VERY EFFECTIVE REJUVENATING AND LIFTING MASK: Mix ½ cup of carrot juice with hot cooked oatmeal cereal and add ½ cup of ground wheat sprouts and 2 table spoons of lemon juice. Apply the mask on your face for 5 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. NOURISHING MASK FOR DRY SKIN: Grate 2-3 carrots and add 1 raw egg yolk. Apply the mask on your face for 20-25 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Repeat the mask 1-2 times a week. Page 29 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables CUCUMBERS HEALTH BENEFITS Cucumbers are a good source of vitamins A and C, Folic acid, arginine, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, cucurbitacins A-B-C-D, fructose, galactose, isoquercitrin, mannose, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium and rutin. Cucumbers strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and stimulate hair growing and digestive process. It is recommended to include cucumbers in your diet, if you have atherosclerosis, anemia, hepatitis, constipation, enemas (especially, the enemas related to cardiovascular disorders) and thyroid disorders. Cucumbers are very low in calories, which makes them a perfect addition to your diet and they have cleansing and diuretic properties. The cucumber skin is rich in fiber, magnesium, silica, molybdenum, and potassium. The skin helps to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol level and supports bowel regularity. Topically, cucumbers are great for puffy eyes, sunburns, burns, dermatitis and help you to get a glowing radiant complexion. WARNINGS Do not eat large quantities of cucumbers, if you have stomach or duodenum ulcers. Avoid cucumbers, if you have chronic nephritis or nephritis in the advanced stage or an advanced stage of a kidney stone disease. Diet specialists do not recommend to combine cucumbers with tomatoes and dairy products. Page 30 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables HOME REMEDIES USING CUCUMBERS DERMATITIS: Apply raw cucumber flesh to the tender spots. Include fresh cucumbers in your diet, if you have chronic dermatitis. EDEMAS, CONSTIPATION: Cut 100 g of fresh cucumbers into small pieces, add 1 glass of boiling water, put it on low heat, cover it and boil for 5-7 minutes. Let it sit for 10 minutes and filter the extract. Drink ½ cup of the extract 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. JAUNDICE: Boil overripe cucumbers with dry stems and drink the extract as much as you want. LIVER DISORDERS: Take 1 table spoon of ground overripe cucumbers and 1 table spoon of ground dry cucumber stems, add ½ L of cold water and boil it on low heat for 5 minutes. Take 2 table spoons of the extract 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Make a fresh extract every day. STONES IN KIDNEYS AND GALL BLADDER: Cucumbers and cucumber juice help to eliminate the stones. Cucumbers with a bitter taste are more effective for this remedy. OBESITY: Drink ½ cup of a mix of cucumber brine with 1 table spoon of 10% vinegar 3 times a day for 2 weeks. You can repeat the treatment in 1 month. TUBERCULOSIS (LUNGS): You will need to dry out the cucumber seeds and grind them in your coffee grinder. Take 1 g of the ground seeds 3 times a day and wash them down with water. The same remedy helps with SPLEEN TUMORS. TUMORS UTERINE PROLAPSE: Eat overripe yellowish cucumbers in very large quantities for 1 month and the uterus will return to the right place. HOME REMEDIES USING CUCUMBER JUICE ATEROSCLEROSIS: Drink 20 parts cucumber juice, 20 parts tomato juice and 1 part garlic juice. Page 31 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables ATHEROSCLEROSIS, RHEUMATISM: Drink a mix of 1 part cucumber juice, 1 part carrot juice and 1 part of beet juice. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS: Mix 20 parts cucumber juice and 1 part honey. Drink 50-100 ml of the mix 3-4 times a day. FESTERING WOUNDS: Fresh cucumber juice is a great cleanser for festering wounds because it has a strong anti-microbial effect. GASTRITIS WITH HIGH ACIDITY: Drink ½ cup or 1 cup of cucumber juice twice a day 1 hour before meals. Also, you can eat raw cucumbers with honey. GOUT: Drink 1 cup of cucumber juice 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The juice helps to eliminate uric acid from the body. HAIR LOSS: Rub fresh cucumber juice into your scalp. Include cucumbers in your diet. TO IMPROVE MEMORY: Drink 1 cup of cucumber juice a day. Also, you can add some garlic juice and tomato juice to it. The result will be even more effective. TO IMPROVE METABOLISM: Drink a mix of cucumber, carrot, apple and beet juices, ratio is 1:1:1:1 TO STRENGTHEN THE NERVE SYSTEM: 1. Drink 100 ml of cucumber juice a day. 2. Drink a mix of 2 parts cucumber juice, 2 parts black currant juice, 1 part apple juice and 1 part grapefruit juice. 3. Drink 20 parts cucumber juice, 20 parts tomato juice and 1 part garlic juice. TOOTH ACHE, STOMATITIS: Rinse your mouth with fresh cucumber juice. Page 32 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables CUCUMBER DIET A cucumber diet is one of the most popular diets. Cucumbers are very low in calories because they consist of about 95% water with a chemical composition close to distilled water. The main dish of the diet is cucumber salad: Cut 1 kg of cucumbers into pieces, add 1 oz of low fat mayonnaise or sour cream and a pinch of salt. Also, you can add some dill, parsley, basilica or celery. Divide the salad into 3 portions. Eat the first portion at 12-2 p.m., the second portion at 4-5 p.m. and the third portion at 7-8 p.m. Every time you can add 50 g of dark bread. You can eat some fruits at night. In the morning eat a low calorie breakfast (no more than 200 calories), tea or coffee with sugar. Take supplements with vitamins while you are dieting. Follow the diet for 1 week or 1-2 times a week. The diet stimulates digestion, cleanses the bowels, improves your metabolism, regulates the balance between salt and water, has diuretic properties, improves your skin condition and does not give any allergic reaction. BEAUTY REMEDIES USING CUCUMBERS ACNE: 1. Take 4 table spoons of ground cucumber, add 300 ml of boiling water and leave it for 4 hours. Use the lotion to rub your face and apply compresses to acne. 2. Grate 1 fresh cucumber with the skin still on it. Take 3 table spoons of the grated cucumber, add 2 glasses of boiling water, leave it for 3 hours and filter the extract. Add 1 table spoon of honey to the extract and stir it well. Wash your face, wet a cotton pad with the mix and rub your face with it. Leave it for 30-40 minutes, then rinse your face with cool water. During the period of treatment, it is recommended to drink herbal teas with nettle or burdock. Page 33 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables DARK SPOTS, FRECKLES: Rub your face with fresh cucumber juice or a slice of cucumber 3 times a day for 1 month. WHITENING MASK: Mix 1 part grated cucumber with 1 part grated apple and apply the mask on your face once a week for 15-20 minutes. MASK FOR WITHERING SKIN WITH LARGE PORES: Grate 1 cucumber and add 1 raw egg white. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it with warm water. Use the mask, if you need to quickly moisturize your skin. Also, it has whitening, cleansing, energizing and revitalizing effects. MASK FOR FLABBY SKIN: Mix 1 table spoon of grated cucumber with 1 tea spoon of honey. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Repeat the mask 1-2 times a week. MOISTURIZING ANTI WRINKLE MASK: Grate 1 cucumber and add 1 table spoon of aloe juice, 1 table spoon of St. John's wort extract and 1 tea spoon of vegetable oil. Stir everything well and apply the mask on your face. Avoid the eye area. Leave the mask on your face for 20-25 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. Page 34 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables ONION HEALTH BENEFITS Onions have dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, Folic Acid, Selenium, Zinc, Iron, Chromium and Calcium. Research has shown that onions have strong anti-bacterial, antiinflammatory, anti-microbial and anticlotting properties. Onions are very rich in Flavonoids, phytochemicals known to provide protection against cardiovascular disease. Onions are a great source of fructooligosaccharides that stimulate the growth of healthy bifidobacteria, suppress the growth of potentially harmful bacteria in the colon and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Quercetin, another important component found in onions, has anti-inflammatory, anti-cholesterol, anticancer, and antioxidant qualities. Onions may be especially beneficial for women at the stage of menopause who have increased risk for osteoporosis by destroying osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone. Onions are effective against many bacteria including Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella, and E. coli. Onions strengthen the immune system, help with asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, colds and diabetes, prevent atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease, and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. Researchers determined that the varieties, such as Shallot, Western Yellow, New York Bold, Northern Red, Empire Sweet, Western White, Peruvian Sweet, Mexico, Texas 1015, Imperial Valley Sweet, and Vidalia, have the highest antioxidant properties and the abilities to inhibit cancer cell growth. Page 35 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables Onions are sodium, fat, and cholesterol free and have only 30 calories per serving. WARNINGS Consuming large quantities of onions can lead to stomach distress and gastrointestinal irritation that may result in nausea and diarrhea. There are no known interactions with drugs except that they can amplify the action of coagulants. HOME REMEDIES USING ONIONS ANTHRAX: Bake 1 onion in hot ashes, mash it with butter and apply it to a sore spot. If the spot turns black in 3 hours, this is a sign of anthrax. Apply the fresh compress to the spot for another 6 hours. The spot should become raised. Take a bird feather, wet it in nitric acid and lightly rub the spot. Again apply a baked onion mashed with butter to the spot for 2 hours. Then rub the spot with nitric acid. Alternate the procedures every two hours for 48 hours. The spot should disappear after this time. ATHEROSCLEROSIS: 1. Grate 100 g of onion, add 1/3 cup of honey and leave it for 4 days. Take 1 table spoon of the mix every 3 hours. The treatment is for 30 days. 2. Drink 30 drops of raw onion juice 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The treatment is for 30 days. BLADDER STONES: Fill in a ½ L glass jar with grated white onions. Pour vodka in the jar till the top. Leave the jar in the sun for 10 days. Drink 1 table spoon of the tincture morning and night 20 minutes before meals. BRONCHITIS: 1. Grind 500 g of onions, add 400 g of sugar and 50 ml of honey. Then add 1 L of water to the mix and put it on low heat for 3 hours. Pour it in glass jars or bottles (try to use the ones made of dark glass) and keep the treatment in your refrigerator. Take 1 table spoon of it 4 times a day before meals. 2. Grind 500 g of onions, squeeze the juice and add 500 g of sugar to it. Leave it Page 36 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables in the sun for 15 days. Take 1 table spoon of the mix 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. This remedy helps with bronchitis accompanied by asthmatic complications. CATARACT (in the beginning): Mix 2 parts raw onion juice and 1 part honey. Insert 1-2 drops in the eye ONCE A MONTH. COUGH: 1. Mix 1 part grated onion, 1 part grated apples and 1 part honey. Take 1 table spoon of the mix 3 times a day. 2. Take the brown skin from 10 onions, add 1 L of water and boil it until only a half of the water is left. Drink 2/3 cup of the water 3 times a day, adding some honey. This remedy helps with very severe cough. CRACKED HEELS: Grind a white onion. Wash and dry your feet. Apply ground onion on your heels for 2 hours. Then wash your heels and rub St.John's wort oil (Pour vegetable oil on fresh St. John's wort herb just to cover it and leave it in the sun for 2 weeks until it turns into a ruby color.) DIFFICULTY OR SHORTNESS IN BREATHING: Bake whole onions in hot ashes and eat them with honey or butter. FLU: Peel 2 medium sized onions, put them in ½ L of boiling milk and let it sit for 20 minutes. Drink 1 glass of the hot milk twice a day, morning and night. The flu will be gone fast. INTERNAL PARASITES: Grate 1 medium sized onion, add 1 cup of boiled water and let it sit for 12 hours. Drink ½ cup of the water 30 minutes before meals for 4 days. Eat 1 raw onion on an empty stomach in the morning for a few days. Page 37 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables LOSS OF HEARING: Take 1 big onion, cut the top off and make a hole inside of the onion. Put 1 tea spoon of caraway seeds inside the onion, put the onion top back and tighten it with a thread. Bake the onion in the stove for 20-30 minutes. Insert 2 drops of the warm onion juice (taken from inside of the onion) in each ear before you go to bed. (Warm up the juice before using it.) MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: Mix 1 cup of raw onion juice and 1 cup of honey. Take 1 table spoon of the mix 3 times a day1 hour before meals for 3 weeks. Continue the treatment up to two months, if it is necessary. PYELONEPHRITIS: Take 1 table spoon of brown onion skin, add 1 cup of boiling water and boil it for 5 minutes. Drink 1-2 table spoons of the extract 3 times a day before meals. WHOOPING COUGH: Mix 1 part raw onion juice and 1 part honey. Boil the mix for 10 minutes. Take 1 tea spoon of it 5-6 times a day. ONIONS IN ONCOLOGY Researchers at Cornell University have found that members of the onion family with the strongest flavor are the best varieties for inhibiting the growth of liver and colon cancer cells. Phenolics and flavonoids, found in onions, help to prevent cancer by mopping up cell-damaging free radicals and inhibiting the production of reactive substances that could damage normal cells. Flavonoids are also known to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory effects. In an analysis of eight studies from Italy and Switzerland, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that older adults with the highest onion and garlic intakes had the lowest risks of colon cancer, ovarian cancer and throat cancer. SKIN CANCER: Apply compresses made of boiled or half baked onion to the sore spot. Page 38 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables BEAUTY REMEDIES USING ONIONS LIGHTENING MASK FOR OILY OR COMBINATION SKIN: If you want to lighten dark spot or freckles, rub your face with fresh onion juice morning and night. Apply some sour cream after rubbing, leave it for 10 minutes and rinse it with warm water. LIGHTENING MASK FOR OILY SKIN: Mix 1 part onion juice and 1 part apple cider vinegar. Wet a thin towel in the mix and apply it as a compress on your face for 15 minutes. Repeat the treatment daily until the spots start fading. This mask also helps with acne. MASK FOR DRY SKIN: Bake 2 onions, mash them, add 2 table spoons of honey, apply the mask on your cleansed face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. LIGHTENING MASK FOR DRY SKIN: Mix 1 part fresh onion juice with 1 part honey. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Page 39 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables POTATO HEALTH BENEFITS Potatoes are very rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 (it takes part in the formation of all new cells in the body and is needed for normal brain function), copper, potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, Folic acid, quercetin, flavonoids and kukoamine (a blood pressure lowering compound). Quercetin has anti-tumor properties, according to a study in the British Journal Of Cancer. It also helps with chronic prostatitis and cystitis and prevents heart diseases, cataracts and respiratory diseases. The other nutrients, found in potato, include carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, carotenoids and caffeic acid, as well as unique tuber storage proteins, such as patatin, which exhibit activity against free radicals. Potatoes are good for stomach ulcers, duodenum ulcers and stomach acidity. The potato juice is also considered a good liver remedy and can be helpful for gallstones and other gallbladder problems. A new study from YorkTest (England) found that potato is one of the best tolerated foods, which is a great news for those who suffer from the food intolerance symptoms, such as an irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, migraines and fatigue. Unfortunately, food intolerance has became a major problem for many people (and manufacturers). WARNING In all remedies use raw potato juice during the first 10 minutes after you prepare it. Page 40 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables HOME REMEDIES USING POTATOES ATHEROSCLEROSIS: Eat 150-200 g of raw peeled potatoes 1-2 times a day. DIABETES: Drink ¼ cup of raw potato juice 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Gradually increase the amount to 1 cup 2-3 times a day. This remedy lowers blood sugar. ECZEMA, DERMATITIS, ERYSIPELAS: Grate ½ cup of sweet potatoes and add 1 desert spoon of honey to it. Apply the mix as a compress to your tender spot every day for 2 hours. FATIGUE: Boil a few potatoes with the skin still on them. Drink 1 cup of the water left from boiling 3 times a week. GASTRITIS WITH HIGH ACIDITY: Grate raw sweet red potatoes, squeeze the juice and take 2-3 table spoons of the juice 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. HEADACHES: Drink ½ cup of raw potato juice 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. To make the juice, grate potatoes with the skin still on them and squeeze the juice. Every time prepare a fresh portion. HEMORRHOIDS: Make a suppository of sweet potatoes. The suppository should be 3 cm long and 0.8 cm wide. Insert the suppository in the rectum before you go to bed and leave it for the night. The treatment is for 15-20 days. This remedy helps with even very old hemorrhoids. MASTITIS: Mix 1 part potato starch and 1 part vegetable oil. Apply the mix as a compress and change it twice a day until you get a good result. OBESITY: Drink 150-200 ml of raw potato juice 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach. Page 41 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables PEPTIC OR DUODENUM ULCER: 1. Peel a few potatoes and boil them without salt. Drink 50-100 ml of the water left from boiling 3 times a day. 2. Drink ½ cup of raw sweet potato juice in the morning and 20 minutes before lunch for 2-3 weeks and take 1 week break. Then repeat the treatment for another 2-3 weeks. SWEATING: If you sweat a lot, eat 1 medium sized raw sweet potato every morning on an empty stomach. POTATOES IN ONCOLOGY The bright orange color in sweet potatoes denotes large quantities of beta-carotene, which is an essential component for vision, promotes bone growth and tooth development, and helps maintain healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes. (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), Florida State University, The Vitamin Collection.) Beta-carotene protects the heart and cardiovascular system, boosts immune functions, speeds recovery from respiratory infections such as colds and flu, and promotes wound healing. In a study published in 1996, Italian researchers investigated the relationship between selected nutrients and breast cancer risk in 2,569 women with the disease and 2,588 women with no history of cancer. The results showed significantly less risk in women with high beta-carotene intakes. (Negri E; La Vecchia C; Franceschi S; DAvanzo B; Talamini R; Parpinel M; Ferraroni M; Filiberti R; Montella M; Falcini F; Conti E; Decarli A. Intake of selected micronutrients and the risk of breast cancer. Int J Cancer, 1996 Jan, 65:2, 140-4.) Results from the Chicago Western Electric Study published in 1996 suggest that surviving prostate cancer is more likely in men with higher beta-carotene intakes. The study involved 1,899 middle-aged men who were followed for a total of 30 years. During that time, 132 men developed prostate cancer and survival was found to be less likely in those with low beta-carotene intakes. (Daviglus ML; Dyer AR; Persky V; Chavez N; Drum M; Goldberg J; Liu K; Morris DK; Shekelle RB; Stamler J Page 42 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables Dietary beta-carotene, vitamin C, and risk of prostate cancer: results from the Western ElectricStudy. Epidemiology, 1996 Sep, 7:5, 472-7.) Research suggests that women with low beta-carotene levels in their cervical tissues may be at increased risk of cervical cancer. Laboratory studies show that beta-carotene can slow the growth of cervical cancer cells. (Muto Y; Fujii J; Shidoji Y; Moriwaki H; Kawaguchi T; Noda T Growth retardation in human cervicaldysplasia-derived cell lines by betacarotene through down-regulation of epidermal growth factorreceptor. Am J Clin Nutr, 1995 Dec, 62:6 Suppl, 1535S-1540S.) The following remedies are for an early stage of different kinds of cancer 1. You will need fresh potato flowers. Keep them in a well ventilated place, in the shade, until the flowers dry out. Take 1 table spoon of the flowers, add ½ L of boiling water, boil it for a few minutes, cover the pot with a few thick blankets and let it sit for 3 hours. Drink ½ cup of the extract 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The treatment is 4 L of the extract. Page 43 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables Page 44 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables 2. Cut potato sprouts into pieces 0.5 cm long and dry them out in a dark ventilated place. Put 200 g of the sprouts in a glass jar, add 200 ml of 70% alcohol, cap it and leave it in a dark place for 8 days. Shake the jar regularly. Filter the tincture and keep it in your refrigerator. First day: mix 1 drop of the tincture with ½ cup of warm water and take it 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Second day: mix 2 drops of the tincture with ½ cup of warm water and take it 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Every day add one more drop of the tincture until you start taking 25 drops of it (mix it always with ½ cup of warm water). Continue taking 25 drops 3 times a day until you finish the whole amount of your prepared tincture. MYOMA OF UTERUS: Drink ½ cup of raw red potato juice every morning on an empty stomach for 6 months. Take a 4 month break. Repeat the treatment. Page 45 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables BEAUTY REMEDIES USING POTATOES GREAT MASK FOR WRINKLED SKIN AND PUFFINESS UNDER THE EYES: Boil 1 potato with the skin still on it, peel the skin and mash the potato. Add 1 tea spoon of sour cream or olive oil. Apply the warm mask under your eyes and on the wrinkles (around your eyes, mouth, forehead, etc). After the mask cools down and becomes hard, wash it off with cool water. Follow with your eye cream and moisturizer. MASK FOR TIRED WRINKLED SKIN: Boil 1 potato with the skin still on it, peel the skin and mash the potato. Add 1 tea spoon of hot milk. Apply the hot mask on your face and your neck (or your décolletage) and leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse it off with hot and then cold water. SOOTHENING AND WHITENING MASK FOR VERY DIRTY HANDS: Mix 1 part warm mashed potato, 1 part lemon juice and 1 part wheat flour (instead of the flour, you can use 1 part warm milk). Rub the mix into your hands and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. Repeat the treatment twice a day for a few days. This mask helps, if you have to work with soil, for example. MASK FOR RED HANDS: Boil two medium potatoes with the skin still on them. Peel the skin, mash the potatoes and add 2 tea spoons of lemon or cucumber juice. Apply a thick layer of the mask on your hands for 15-20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Follow with a nourishing hand cream. Repeat the mask every night before you go to bed until you get a good result. POTATO LOTION FOR ANY SKIN TYPE: Rub your face with a cotton pad wet in raw potato juice. The juice has a great moisturizing and calming effect. GREAT COMPRESS FOR FLABBY WRINKLED NECK: Boil 2 potatoes with the skin still on them, then peel the skin and mash the potatoes. Mix the hot puree with 1 tea spoon of olive oil and 1 tea spoon of glycerin. Put the mask on a light cotton towel, apply the towel to your neck and fix it with another towel. Leave the compress for 15-20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Page 46 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables TOMATO HEALTH BENEFITS Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K ( it is important for maintaining bone health.). They are also a very good source of molybdenum, potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, chromium, and vitamin B1. In addition, tomatoes are rich in vitamin B6, folate, copper, niacin, vitamin B2, magnesium, iron, pantothenic acid, phosphorous, vitamin E and protein. Recent research shows that genetically modified tomatoes that contain edible vaccine could be used against two of the world's most lethal viruses - HIV and hepatitis B. Researches from the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology (Russia) placed DNA from both viruses into tomatoes. Experimental mice were found to have developed high levels of antibodies against the viruses even on body surfaces where viruses can gain entry through sexual contact, when they were fed with a solution containing the powdered tomatoes. Dr Amanda Walmsley, a researcher from Monash University, is now working to produce vaccine against bird flu in tomatoes. Dr Walmsley was part of a team that developed the world's first plant-made vaccine to be approved by the US Department of Agriculture's Center for Veterinary Biologics. WARNINGS Avoid tomatoes, if you have gastritis with high acidity, gall stones or bladder stones, a stomach ulcer or a duodenum ulcer. Page 47 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables HOME REMEDIES USING TOMATOES LIVER DISORDERS: Mix 1 part tomato juice and 1 part sauerkraut brine. Drink 1 glass of the mix 3 times a day after meals for a long time. TO LOSE WEIGHT: Drink a mix of 2 parts tomato juice, 4 parts apple juice, 2 parts pumpkin juice and 1 part lemon juice. SCABIES: Fry 1 part raw tomatoes in 1 part vegetable oil. Rub the oil in your skin 1-2 times a day. VARICOSE VEINS: Apply slices of raw tomatoes to your veins and leave them until you start feeling a tingling or itching sensation. Wash the tomatoes off and rub some sour cream in your legs, going from your feet and up. Continue the treatment until you get a good result. HEALTH TIPS If you eat raw tomatoes, add vegetable oil. If you have the alimentary canal disorders or gall stones, put raw tomatoes in boiling water for 20 seconds, then take off the skin. This will help to avoid heartburn, nausea, stomachaches and bloating. TOMATOES IN ONCOLOGY Lycopene is the chemical that gives red color to the tomatoes. It is very rich in antioxidants and fights prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Also, it possesses anti-clotting properties, making it ideal for prevention of strokes and heart attacks. The Food & Drug Administration has issued a qualified health claim on tomatoes and tomato sauces indicating that ½ to 1 cup of tomatoes or tomato sauce weekly may be beneficial in reducing the risk of prostate. A recent study has concluded that the combination of tomato and broccoli enhances the anti tumor activity and helps to slow the tumor growth in prostate cancer. "When tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, we see an additive effect. We think it's because different bioactive compounds in each food work on different anti-cancer pathways," said the lead researcher, John Erdman from the Page 48 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables University of Illinois. (Cancer Research, January 15, 2007, Volume 67, Pages 836-843 "Combinations of tomato and broccoli enhance antitumor activity in Dunning R3327-H prostate adenocarcinomas". Authors: K. Canene-Adams, B.L. Lindshield, E.H. Jeffery, and J.W. Erdman ) BEAUTY REMEDIES USING TOMATOES PORE TIGHTENING MASK: Put 1 raw tomato in boiling water for 20 seconds. Peel the skin, mash the flesh and add 2 tea spoons of almond or wheat bran. Apply the mix on your face and neck for 20-30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. MASK FOR OILY SKIN: Rub your face with a slice of tomato or tomato juice. Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse your face off with cool water. SOOTHENING AND NOURISHING MASK FOR DRY SKIN: Mix 2 table spoons of tomato juice and 2 table spoons of flour. Apply the mix on your face, cover your face with a light towel and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. If your skin is dry, sensitive and red, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to this mask. NOURISHING MASK FOR NORMAL SKIN: Mix 1 mashed tomato, 2 table spoons of cottage cheese, 1 table spoon of milk and 1 table spoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. MOISTURIZING MASK FOR DRY SKIN: Mix 1 raw mashed tomato with some potato starch and add a few drops of olive or vegetable oil. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and follow with your moisturizer. Page 49 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables ABOUT THE AUTHOR My name is Yulia Berry. I became a health researcher because I am allergic to a lot of medicine, in particular antibiotics, sulfonamide-based groups of drugs, penicillin, Novocaine, etc. Also, I get allergic reactions to most cosmetic products. That is why I always had to look for alternative cures. I have tried many home remedies and found that they really work and do not give any allergic reactions. Since then it has become my passion to collect the most effective alternative cures. I interviewed many people and included the home remedies that worked for them in my collection. I've been doing it for years. A part of my huge collection has been published on my website Great Home Remedies. In September 2007 I released my ebook Aloe – Your Miracle Doctor where I did a very extensive research on the Aloe Vera's miraculous healing abilities and included in the report over 150 tested home and beauty remedies. I am planning to continue writing more ebooks on interesting and unusual topics related to home remedies. Hopefully, you will get a chance to read them. Thanks for your kind interest and all the best in your health and success, Yulia Berry Page 50 of 51 Pharmacy in Vegetables RESOURCES Great Home Remedies – Collection of FREE tested home remedies, healthy diet plans and beauty tips. Fat Fighting Foods is a 260-page ebook, outlining the foods, explaining why they fight fat and how to prepare them and combine them, so you’ll know exactly how to get started. These amazing foods will help you achieve your perfect body and improve your health! Amazing Hydroponic Secrets...Do you want to be part Secrets of a Hydroponic Revolution? Hydroponics allows us to grow the plants, fruits and vegetables of our choice-even in limited space--without using soil. It's an amazing way to produce perfect specimens and offers TONS of advantages that traditional gardening can't come close to touching! Page 51 of 51
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