JULY 30, 2002 FRED HOLABIRD AMERICANA’S AUCTION #14, RARE BOOKS, MINING REFERENCES & MINING HARD GOODS PAGE 37 351. Gems. Where and How to Find Gold, Gems or Junk by J. Alan Hitchens, signed by author. Copyright 1975 by J. Alan Hitchens, artwork by Egon J. Batai, Printed by National/Acme Printing, Spokane, Washington, Second Edition. 76 pp. Covers a brief history of prospecting, research, tools to take with you, where to go, discusses gems and junk, and talks about other things one may find while out in the field. Very fine. Est. $25-50 (no illustration) GENERAL 352. General. Encyclopedia Britannica Shipping Box Sides. Great for office display wall hanging! Three sides of a shipping box for Encyclopedia Britannica. Two of the box sides have the same printing with “The Encyclopedia Britannica Standard of the World, Fourteenth Edition, Blue Cloth, Books - Keep Dry”. The third side has “John Van Riper” in black with shipping tags attached. All three pieces measure the same at 11 x 19”. Very fine. Est. $25-75 (no illustration) 352.5 General. Misc Pamphlets, Publications & Books. Lot of 17 different pcs. “Is My Old Book Valuable,” “Victor-City of Mines, Gold Rush Days,” “Nevada Ghost Towns and Gold,” “Woodworking Tools,” “The Village Cooper,” “101 Ghost Town Relics,” “Wyoming Roundup,” “Volcanic and Seismic Hazards on the Island of Hawaii,” “The Fist in the Wilderness,” “Nevada Lost Mines and Buried Treasures,” ‘Cable Railway Company’s System of Traction Rail Ways for Cities and Towns,” “The Pioneer Light Passenger Locomotive of 1851,” “Splendors of the Sky,” “The Wonderful Partnership of Animals and Man,” The Archaeologist at work,” “El Morro National Monument New Mexico,” “Room to Roam: a recreation guide to the public lands.” All very fine. Est. $25-75 (no illustration) 353. General. Laws. Justices’ Teatise, by Langdon, 1870. Excerpt from the Preface: “The author of this treatise has directed his labors, in its compilation, with special reference to the duties and office of Justices of the Peace... It is not enough that a Justice of the Peace should be impartial and sensible - that he should be honorable and practical; all this is useful in a Justice, but, at best, is as uncertain as may be the causes bearing upon his friendships or exciting his passions.”Leather bound, with nicks and scratches. Back cover missing. Est. $75-150 (no illustration) GEOGRAPHY 354. Geography. Humanities. Mingling of the Canadian and American Peoples, Vol 1, by Marcus Hansen, 1940. A professional thesis on the interplay between the two countries. 274 pages, indexed. Original paper dust jacket. Extremely fine. Est. $20-40 (no illustration) 355. Geography. Surveying. Topographic Surveying Including Geographic, Exploratory, and Military Mapping, with Hints on Camping, Emergency, Surgery and Photography,by Herbert M. Wilson, Geographer, USGS; Member American Society of Civil Engineers. First Edition, Second Thousand. Published by John Wiley & Sons, New York and Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London, 1902. Copyright 1900 by Herbert M. Wilson. Printer – Robert Drummond, New York. 910 pages including index, also has a short catalog at the end of other books published by Wiley & Sons, illustrated. Hadcover, brown cloth, gilt lettering on spine. Cover is well worn with a rip on front cover. As the Preface states: “This book has been prepared with a view of bringing together in one volume the data essential to a comprehensive knowledge of topographic surveying.” The book covers everything from how to survey for different kinds of maps to office work to camping and tents. Fine. Est. $25-75 GEOLOGY 356. Geology. Beryllium. Beryllium Publications. Lot of 3 different volumes. Professional Paper Numbers 229, and 318 (2). Mica and Beryl Pegmatites in Idaho & Montana, and two copies of Occurrence of Nonpegmatite Beryllium in the U.S. All Vf, some damage to the cover of one of the second two. All complete with maps. Est. $50-100 (no illustration) 357. Geology. Economics. USGS 19th Annual Report Part III. Two Volumes. Covers 1897-98. Published in 1899. Several different papers regarding widespread geologic enconomics, inlcuding a paper on Crystal Falls Iron District, MI, Coos Bay Coal Field, OR, and Indian Territory Coal Fields. 785 pages, hard bound, with many illustrations and fold-out maps. Vf, loose binding at front of book, normal wear to cover. Est. $75-150 358. Geology. General. 19th Annual Report of the USGS, Part V, 1899. Forest Reserves of the West, 1 volume. 400 hard bound pages, with very nice photos of clear cutting, and tree falling. Central Library seal inside of text book. Cover a bit worn, including wear to the Atlas, but otherwise Vf. Est. $100-300 (no illustration) 359. Geology. General. 20th Annual Director’s Report. Part I, 1899. Describes the work done throughout the west over the previous year with a lengthy appendix on triangulation and spirit leveling. Mainly discusses USGS work throughout the US. 551 pages, including maps. Very fine, cover is worn, making it difficult to interperet print on spine. Est. $50-100 (no illustration) 360. Geology. General. 20th Annual Report of the USGS, Part V, 1900. Two (2) volumes. Forest reserves in the Western US. Includes separate volume with plates and maps. 498 pages, with some fold-out maps and photos. Approximately 10 maps in atlas booklet. Both hard bound, both with adhesive Central College Library stamp on inner cover, the book also with a seal on the first page for the same library. Covers worn. Est. $150-300 (no illustration) PAGE 38 FRED HOLABIRD AMERICANA’S AUCTION #14, RARE BOOKS, MINING REFERENCES & MINING HARD GOODS JULY 30, 2002 361. Geology. General. 2nd Annual Report of the U.S.G.S., 1880-81, published 1882. This volume covers several key western mining areas. Leadville, 85 pp, Comstock, 30 pp, Grand Canyon, 110pp, production of metals, 70pp. 598 pp total, index. Contains a large paper on the production of precious metals in the U.S., by J. W. Powell. There is extensive work on the Comstock, Grand Canyon and Leadville. The opening page has the printed letter of resignation of Clarence King, a great loss to the survey and to geologic exploration. In King’s letter he comments that he is unhappy being a desk geologist and would rather be in the field. Many fold-out maps and etchings of geography. Vf, binding a bit loose, and some damage to outer cover at binding. Gilt image on cover. Est. $150-300 362. Geology. General. 9th Annual Report of the U.S.G.S., 1889. Covers the Charleston Earthquake, 320 pp; Geol of Cape Ann, Mass, 75 pp; Geol of Hot Springs deposits 60 pp; geology of Colorado 27 pp. Includes discussions on Earthquakes, the glacial composition of Massachusetts, Hot Springs, and the geology and physiography of NW Colorado. 717 pages, with several etchings, tables and maps. Hard bound, Xf, with slight wear to cover. Est. $50-100 363. Geology. General. AAPG, SEPM & SEG Guidebook to Field Trip Routes to Oil Field Geology, 1952. This field guide was for the Joint Annual Meeting at Los Angeles, CA, 1952. Field trips included destinations such as: Palos Verde Hills, San Andreas Fault Zone, San Joaquin Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area. Each trip has road logs and maps, points of interest with descriptions and pertinent geology. On the last page is a map sleeve with several maps and a round Mileage Accumulator. If the locations visited along the field trips are not now residential lots, the field stops would be very interesting even today. 290 pages, rigid soft bound black cover that is spiral ringed. 11 x 9. Very fine. Est. $25-75 364. Geology. General. General Geology Publications. Lot of 4 different volumes. Cataclastic Rocks, Prof. Paper 687, by Michael W. Higgins, 1971. 97 pages with images of specimens. Two (2) volumes of Batholiths & Volcanoes, Prof. Paper 604, by R.W. Tabor, 1969. 67 pages, with many photos and other illustrations. Maps included. Petroleum Systems of the United States, Bulletin 1870 by Leslie Magoon, 1988. 68 pages, few illustrations, consisting of graphs. All areXf, some with bends to covers. Est. $20-40 (no illustration) 365. Geology. General. General Geology Related Publications. Lot of 3 pcs. Occurrence of Nonpegmatite Beryllium in the US., prof. Paper #318, by Warner et al, 1959; Evaluation of the Lead-Alpha (Larsen) Method for Determining Ages of Igneous Rocks, Bulletin #1097A, by Gottfried et al, 1959; Publications of Geological Survey, 1942. All soft bound, with minor damage to covers. Est. $20-40 (no illustration) 366. Geology. General. General Geology Related Publications. Lot of 5 different volumes. Melanges & Their Bearing on Late Mesozoic & Tertiary Subduction…, Prof Paper 1198, by Kenneth Fox, 1983. 40 pages, with map illustrations. Precambrian Geology of the US…, Prof. Paper 902, by Philip King, 1976. 85 pages, with illustrations. Geology of an Upper Cretaceous Copper Deposit in the Andean Province…, Prof. Paper 984, by Peter D. Rowley et al, 1977. 36, with many illustrative plates. Composition and Properties of the Pierre Shale and Equivalent Rocks…, Prof. Paper 1064-B. 114 pages, inluding graphs and illustrations. Maps included. Geochemistry and Petrology of the Alkalic Igneous Complex…, Prof. Paper 425, by R.L. Erickson. 95 pages, with maps. Fine to Xf, some with wear to covers. Est. $20-40 (no illustration) 367. Geology. General. General Mining Related Publications. Lot of 2 different volumes. Iron-Depositing Bacteria and Their Geologic Relations, Prof. Paper 113, by Edmund Cecil Harder, 1919. 89 pages, with photos. Minerals of the Momtmorillonite Group: Their Origin and Relation to Soils and Clays, Prof. Paper 205-B, by Clarence Ross, 1945. 79 pages, with illustrations and photos. Both Vf, the first with tears at binding. Est. $10-20 368. Geology. General. Geographical and Geological Survey Reports. Vol. I, 1889. 745 pages, hard bound, no illustrations. Xf, wear to cover at edges and joints. Call us for better description. Est. $75-150 369. Geology. General. Geologic & Outdoor Books. Lot of 4 different books. The first is How Old is the Earth? by Patrick M. Hurley, 1959. 160 pages, 7x 4. The second is the World of Geology edited by L. Don & Florence Leet, 1961. 262 pages, 8 x 6. The book is made up of several short articles from other authors. Several photographs. The third book is Marine Geology of the Pacific by H. W. Menard, 1964. 271 pages. Original dust jacket with minor wear and small tears. This was a student’s textbook at one time with several passages in highlighter, 9.5 x 7. The last volume is New Way of the Wilderness by Calvin Rutstum, 1958. 280 pages. This book is soft bound with a cover of a tent in the woods. The book is on camping and surviving in the woods. Indexed. All very fine. Est. $20-40 JULY 30, 2002 FRED HOLABIRD AMERICANA’S AUCTION #14, RARE BOOKS, MINING REFERENCES & MINING HARD GOODS PAGE 39 370. Geology. General. Geology Textbooks. Lot of 7 different books. (1) Physical Geology by McAlester & Hay, 1975, 439 pages, 9 x 7, hardbound, brown cover with a rock hammer. (2) Foundations of Geology by Longwell & Schuchert, 1931, 328 pages, indexed, 9 x 6, hardbound, green cover, wear to edges. (3) Physical Geology by Longwell, Knopf & Flint, 1939, 602 pages, indexed, 9 x 6, red cover with wear to edges. (4) An Outline of the Principle of Geology by Field, 1941, 209 pages, indexed, 8 x 5, blue soft cover with white print, published by Barnes & Noble. (5) Principle of Sedimentation by Twenhofel, 1950, 673 pages, indexed, 9 x 6, burgundy hard bound cover, extremely fine. (6) Historical Geology by Dunbar & Waage, 1960, 556 pages, indexed, 10 x 8, hard bound cover with a view of the Grand Canyon, extremely fine. (7) Sedimetary Rocks by F. J. Pettijohn, 1949, 526 pages, indexed, hard brown cover with wear to edges and the binding strip semi detached. All fine to extremely fine. Est. $50-100 371. Geology. General. USGS 19th Annual Report, Part VI, 1897-98. Lot of 2 different volumes. The first volume extensively covers iron ores, trade and production, the second a bit more varied. Extensive write ups that cover the metallic and non-metallic resources as of 1895. The first volume, Part VI, has 650pps and the second is Part VI Continued, with 706pps. Hard boards with original gilt design on front covers and gilt lettering on binding. Minor wear to binding. Very fine. Call for better description. Est. $150-300 372. Geology. General. Metals & Non Metals Except Fuels, 1910, U. S. G. S Bulletin 470, 1910, 557 pages, indexed. This report comprises several short papers on gold & silver, copper, lead & zinc, rare metals, iron & manganese, aluminum, asphalt and structural materials. The gold & silver section includes articles on the Gravels of the Trinity Basin, CA; Economic Geology of the Carson Camp, Hinsdale County, CO; and others. The copper section has articles on the Burro Mountains, New Mexico and Ducktown, Tennessee. The other articles cover various locations in the United States. Tape repairs to binding and cover is slightly detached. Very fine. Est. $25-50 (no illustration) 373. Geology. General. Misc. Geology Publications, Pamphlets & Books. Lot of 11 pcs. Petrology for Students. Gold Hobby. Fractional Precipitation of Some Ore Forming Compounds at Moderate Temperatures. An Introduction to the Geology and Mineral Resources of the Continental Shelves of the Americas. Iron Minerals and Ores. Reserve Mining Controversy. Fundamentals of Electric Logging. Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium Analyses of Ultramafic and Mafic Rocks from the Stillwater Complex, Montana. The Story of Old Faithful Geyser. Structural Geology of the Confusion Range, West Central Utah. Tunneling Technology. Oregon Geology. Est. $25-75 374. Geology. General. Physiographical Maps of Southeastern US. Lot of 7 pcs. Also two covering Colorado. All would have accompanied bound reports. The first five are map plates from the 12th Annual USGS report. 19” x 24” and 29” x 49”. All Xf. Est. $50-100 375. Geology. General. Potash Publications 1912-1954. Lot of 4 different publications. The oldest is Potash Salts, 1912, by W. C. Phalen, U. S. G. S. An overview of production, locations, and general chemistry and mineralogy of potash. The second is Topographic Features of the Desert Basins of the United States with Reference to the Possible Occurrence of Potash, 1914, by E. E. Free, U. S. Dept of Agriculture Professional Paper 54, 65 pages, indexed. The report extensively covers the basins of Nevada and southern California including such places as Deep Springs and Columbus Salt Marsh. Original cover missing and front pages slightly detached. The third is Potash in 1916 by Hoyt S. Gale, U. S. G. S. The report offers a broad overview of the Potash industry. The opening introduction gives a historical background into the term potash and helps establish the early commercial deposits. In 1916, there was over 9000 tons of potash produced for a value of $4.2 million. The last volume is Further Studies of the Distribution of Uranium in Rich Phosphate Beds of the Phosphoria Formation, U. S. G. S. Bulletin 1009-D, 15 pages, indexed. All are very fine except where noted. Est. $25-50 (no illustration) 376. Geology. General. Pre-Cambrian Geology of North America, Bulletin 360, by Charles Richard Van Hise, 1909. 939 hard bound pages, with two fold-out maps. Leather accents at binding and tips of cover. Fine, front cover is broken at binding. Est. $50-100 377. Geology. General. Story of the Rocks, Fourteen Weeks in Popular Geology, by J. Dorman Steele, Ph.D. Published by A.S. Barnes & Co., 1870-1877. Inscription on blank page before title page is “Letticia Estella Case, Devils Gate, 1889”. First leaf is inscribed with “Miss Madge Blackurte, St. Mary’s Acad, Salt Lake City”. Illustrated, 300 pages, with notes at the end. Hard bound, with fancy design on cover and spine. In fine condition, cover is quite worn, with water damage and tears. Est. $75-150 PAGE 40 FRED HOLABIRD AMERICANA’S AUCTION #14, RARE BOOKS, MINING REFERENCES & MINING HARD GOODS JULY 30, 2002 378. Geology. General. Systematic Geology & Descriptive Geology, 1877 & 1878. Volumes 1 and 2. Vol. 1 has 26 fabulous color plates of western sites, while the text is general geology of the west. Vol. 2 has 25 fabulous color plates of the west with text as follows: Nevada about 400 pp; Utah about 150 pp; Wyoming area about 310 ppg. Systematic Geology by Clarence King, U. S. Geologist, 1878, 803 pages, indexed. This volume represents King’s culmination to his Survey of the Fortieth Parallel. The second volume was actually published a year earlier than King’s volume. Descriptive Geology by Arnold Hague & S. F. Emmons, 1877, 889 pages, indexed. The volumes are full of landscape sketches drawn along the Survey as well as the maps that were made of the topography and geology. These volumes are classic works that mark the breakthrough of physical sciences in America. Clarence King was the leader of one of the Great Surveys that not only catalogued the West but launched American scientists in the international limelight. Wear to bindings and edges. Very fine. Est. $400-800 379. Geology. General. USGS 18th Annual Reports I and II. Lot of 2. The first is the Director’s report, describing USGS work throughout the US, generally focusing about one page per area. 440 pages, hard bound, with gilt image on the cover. The second, Volume II, consists of papers chiefly of a theoretical nature. 653 pages, nicely illustrated with photos, etchings and maps. Both have Central College adhesive stamps on inner cover, the second with an additional seal stamp for the same library. Both are in fine condition, with normal wear to hard covers, and slightly loose binding. Est. $100-200 380. Geology. General. USGS 20th Annual Report, Part III, 1900. Focuses on the precious-metal production in districts lying in Oregon, Idaho and Montana. Nicely illustrated by plates, color maps, and photos. 595 pages. Both are hard bound, both with an adhesive and seal Central Library stamp at inner cover and first page. Spine is a bit loose, cover is worn, making it difficult to interperet print on spine. Est. $100-300 381. Geology. Hydrology. 20th Annual Report of the USGS, Part IV, 1900. Focuses on the calendar year 1898 stream measurements. Several Photos included in 660 pages. Hard bound, with wear to binding. Stamp and seal for Central College Library. Est. $50-100 382. Geology. Mineralogy. Dana’s System of Mineralogy. Vol. I and II, of James Dwight Dana & Edward Salisbury Dana of Yale, Univ., 1837-1892. Seventh Edition, entirely rewritten by Charles Palache, et al, 1958. Approximately 834 pages each. Blue hard covers in extremely fine condition. Est. $50-75 383. Geology. Mineralogy. Mineralogical Publications. Lot of 10 different pcs. Field Test for Minerals, Davison, E. H., 1940. Published by Chapman & Hall, 60pp, indexed, softbound. 12 plates of hand specimens, a chart on mineral identification and text on blowpipe analysis. Getting Acquainted with Minerals, by English, George, 1934, 324pp, indexed. Minerals of California, Bulletin 173, 1956, 452pp, no index, bibliography. Seven (7) issues of Mineral Information Service, c.1958. All in very fine condition. Est. $50-150 384. Geology. Mineralogy. Mineralogy Related Publications. Lot of 3 pcs. Dana’s Textbook of Mineralogy, by Edward Salisbury Dana, 1932, revised by W.E. Ford, 851 pages; A Handbook of Rocks, by James Furman Kemp, E.M., D.Sc., 1918, 272 pages, inscribed by two owners, one in pen, the other stamped; Minerals Yearbook, 1938, Review of 1937, compiled by H. Herbert Hughes, 1938, 1339 pages, Indexed. All Vf, with wear to hard covers. Est. $50 75 385. Geology. Minerals. Minerals of California, Bulletin 136, 1948. CA Division of mines professional paper, by Joseph Murdoch and Robert W. Webb. 402 pages, hard bound. Vf-Xf. Est. $25-50 (no illustration) 386. Geology. Paleontology. 20th Annual Report of the USGS, Part II, 1900. 953 pages, with extensive plate collection. Hard bound. Damaged cover at binding, also very worn making it difficult to interpret spine. Est. $200-400 387. Geology. Paleontology. Fossil Book: the Exciting Story of Plants…During the Past Two Billion Years, by Carroll Land Fenton. Published by Doubleday and Co., 1958. Tells “the story of life during the past two billion years… what fossils are, where they are found… and how they are related to plants… and other living creatrues living on the earth today.” 482 pages, hard bound, with colorful display of fossils on dust jacket. Many images throughout. Xf, dust jacket is a bit damaged by folds and tears. Est. $25-50 JULY 30, 2002 FRED HOLABIRD AMERICANA’S AUCTION #14, RARE BOOKS, MINING REFERENCES & MINING HARD GOODS PAGE 41 388. Geology. Petrography. U.S. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, by Clarence King, Vol VI, Professional Paper No.18, 1876. 297pages, with about 50 additional pages consisting of microscopic plates. Large, green hard bound book with gilt lettering at spine. Vf, with some wear to cover. Est. $75-150 (no illustration) 389. Geology. Religious. Sermons in Stones; Scripture Confirmed by Geology. Written by Dominick McCausland, Barrister At Law in 1858. Published by Richard Bentley, London. The page opposite the title page has a chart that shows the geologic time scale relative to one of the six days it took God to create the Earth. For instance, on the fifth day was Permian. On the beginning of the fifth day was also the “First Evidence of Sunshine and Seasons”. This is interesting because on the third day, or Devonian, was the first appearance of land plants. The text of the book uses the geologic observations of the day to explain the writings of the Bible. This type of approach to the rationalization between religion, Creationism and the earth sciences, Evolution, still takes place today in several different books. Original hard bound binding. Gilt image of a book with The Holy Bible on one page and Genesis on the next page. 245 pages. Small tear in binding. Minor wear and some fading of cover. Very fine. Est. $100-300 390. Geology. Stratigraphy. Index to the Stratigraphy of North America, by Bailey Willis, accompanied by a Geologic Map of North America. Professional Paper No. 71, 1912. 894 pages, with maps at back. Hard bound, brown cover, with gilt lettering at spine. Est. $2575 (no illustration) GERMANY 391. Germany. Mining. Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Geologischen Reichsantalt by Druck Von F. B. Geilter, 1867. This 464 page softbound book is written in German and presumably discusses the geology of a location, district or region. There is a large format fold out map and chart. The map shows the structure and other pertinent facts pertaining to the geology. The map also has two cross sectional views. The last page of the book also shows a small format fold out cross sectional view. The front and rear covers are nearly detached. Pages are slightly curled and display chips and wear. Fine. Est. $25-75 (no illustration) GOVERNMENT 392. Government. General. Descriptive Catalogue of Government Publications, 1774-1881. Published in 1885. 1392 pages, the last 100 pages of which consist of an index. Hard bound, with leather spine and corners, and colorful paper board cover. Fine, damage where cover meets binding. Est. $150-300 393. Government. General. Guide to the Study of the United States of America. Published by the Library of Congress, 1960. 1193 pages on diplomatic, and local state history. Hard bound, with gray cover, red, gold and blue at spine. Xf. Est. $25-50 (no illustration) GREAT BRITAIN 394. Great Britain. Mining. British Mining Related Books. Lot of 12 different pcs. 1.) Derbyshire Lead Mining Through the Centuries, by Nellie Kirkham. Published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro. First published in 1968. 132 pp, illustrated, with index, hardcover with dustjacket. 2.) Cornish Mining: The Techniques of Metal Mining in the West of England, Past and Present, by Bryan Earl, published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro, 1968. Hardbound with dust jacket, 118 pages with illustration. 3 & 4.) Essays in Cornish Mining History, vols. 1 & 2. By D.B. Barton. Published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro. 1968 and 1970. Each is approx. 200 pp, illustrated, with index. Both are hardbound with dustjackets. 5.) The Cousin Jacks: The Cornish in America, by A.L. Rowse, published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, NY, 1969, 451 pp with appendix and index, not illustrated. Hardbound with dustjacket. 6.) A Guide to the Mines of West Cornwall, by D.B. Barton, published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro, third edition, 1973. 48 pp, illustrated, small format, color cover. 7.) Botallack, by Cyril Noall., published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro. 1972. 170 pp, illustrated, with index, hardbound with dustjacket. 8.) The St. Just Mining District, by Cyril Noall., published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro. 1973. 179 pp, illustrated, with index, hardbound with dustjacket. 9.) A History of Copper Mining in Cornwall and Devon, By D.B. Barton. Published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro, Third Edition, 1978. Softcover, 96 pp with index, illustrated. 10.) Lead lMining in the Mid-Pennines. By Arthur Raistrick. Published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro, 1973. Softcover, 172 pp with index, illustrated. 11.) East Wheal Rose; The History of Cornwall’s Greatest Lead Mine, by H.L. Douch, published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro, second printing 1979. 87 pp, softcover, illustrated. 12.) The Stannaries, A Study of the Medieval Tin Miners of Cornwall and Devon, by G.R. Lewis, published by D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro, First Published in 1908, Reprinted 1965. 199 pp, indexed, hardbound with dustjacket. Several, if not all, of the books have red pen markings in the interior. Otherwise all are extremely fine. Est. $100-300 395. No Lot.
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