7 LOS Al/GELES HEBAjLD: MONDAY MORNING. JUNE 8, 18811. STEVE WHITE AS PRESIDENT Stranger Occurrences Than This, Remarks Hutchison THE CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY Some of the Alleged Methods in Vogue There Criticised . BROUGHT Peculiar Complication* Between fgjj a Policeman and HU WII* Officer Scott Reynolds of the city police force arrived In the city Saturday night, having under arrest a prisoner, but of an unusual character, being no less a person than his own wife. As mentioned In tho Santa Ana correspondence yesterday, Mrs. James Rouse, or a woman going by that name, was arrested In Santa Ana Saturday afternoon by a deputy sheriff on a telephonic notice from Los Angeles stating that the police held a Warrant for her arrest for grand larceny. In Attempting to ESCAPADE -4F**\\ MINES AND MINERS BACK TO ANSWER Mrs. Rouse was Mrs. Nellie Reynolds, the wife of Scott Reynolds, the officer who arrived on the affernoon train and took her back to this city. She Is a Read So-called Juvenile natter Found comely woman of 26 years, and was emIn the School Books ployed as a waitress When Reynolds married her In 1894. They have no children and for some time things have not Stranger things have happened than gone right with them. A few days ago be next that Steve White should the Mrs. Reynolds skipped out ostensibly to president of the United States. relatives, visit but after she had gone The probability that the Democratic husband discovered that she had seplatform willbe doubly planked for free her money and some valuable cured all his silver grows stronger every hour, and papers, and evidently Intended to leave the probability that the Republican Accordingly the warrant for good. platform willhave a gold plank of triplecharging grand larceny was sworn out. plate wages more heavy every minute. It seems that she started north, but Yet, the south and the west and the stopped at, Saugus and doubled back on middle states are clamoring for frco her tracks to Santa Ana, where she took sliver, and they come perilously near lodgings under the name of Rouse. One being able to get lt. story to account for Mrs. Reynolds' acWith an able, active, stumping, camis that she was to meet a party In paigning candidate of such masterful tion Santa Ana with whom she became aceloquence and national repute as thut quainted In this city, and who was exappertaining unto Stephen M. White in Orange county Sunday night. of the holy city, the Democrats can pected Reynolds brought his wife back and command more of the approaches to the tho couple went to their residence on Hill White House than they can hope to win street. The matter will undoubtedly be this season In any other possible way. patched up between them and the case up dismissed when called In court, which The Populists have already put Oregon as a small deposit on their wager may possibly be today. Reynolds is a good officer and has been on the force to win a comfortable slice of the congressional pie, and they have an eye on for several years. Much sympathy is the western and southern and middle expressed for him in his trouble, political potpie that Is sections of the now on the lire. The Republicans are OF welcome to all the congressional slices they can get west of the Allegheny mountains. A friend of mine with a purse and some Dissatisfied With Home Restrictions brains' offers a round wager that no one They Hurriedly Go North party will have a majority in the next Th* Struggle! ot Children READ THIS LETTER but has not yet figured up how much that little game of pinochle really cost him. $1.60 In, TWO GIRLS congress. It Is with much pleasure that I learn The Young Women of dood Character So Par that some of the most recent arrivals As Known, But They Interprettd among our would-be candidates for conQentle Restriction As Abuse gress for this district are much pleased with the country, and that several of them have already expressed their intenthin of locating here permanently, Two young women of this city, who whether the coming political convenare so far as known, of irreproachable character, on Saturday night disaptions favor their candidacy or not. peared and have not yet been found, although probably While lt is generally admitted that sevdetinitely located. good rudely trampled eral fellows were The escapade Is nothing in the nature during the late Democratic primaries, elopement, of an but seems merely to lt Is a matter of record that the comhave been the result of pique engendered munity Is perfectly delighted at the by certain scoldings which the girls had privilege of weeping over the political received from their mothers. The young graves of some of the queerest politi- ladles are Clara Oman.not quite 17 years cal monstrosities that were ever on exold, Millie Schauer, 19, who is somehibition and vainly attempted to strike timesand called Millie Holcomb, that being an attitude. her mother's name. To strike an "attitude" it is necesClara had until lately resided with her sary to be able to stand; and some of at the Pennvllle lodging house. the late victims were notorious for their mother No. 630 South Main street, but for the ability to "fall down" on every propopast few weeks has been stopping with sition and every platform. her chum, Millie, at the latter's residence, 740 South Spring street. Mrs. Some of the attaches of the Los Angeles public library have so many outsld9 Oman Is a widow and has supported daughter by her own labor. herself and easy it is too becoming attachments that for their friends to get rare books hidShe put Clara through the high school den away for them till they call, while and then expected the girl to secure a situation and assist in her own support. the general public Is met with the statement that those books are out. There This she was slow in doing, and Mrs. are also a few highly favored ones who Oman had chided her for her dilatory are permitted to take out two books on methods. Finally Clara went to stop one card, while the public waits In a with Millie. The latter lived with her condemnatory state. mother and did a little housework about the residence. Mrs. Holcomb supported good Some people with tender them by giving electric treatments and stomachs complain that many of the baths. She had no intimation that her waiters at the local Ice-cream and soda daughter was dissatisfied with her lot joints are in the habit of handling the and her sudden departure fell like a Ice-cream with bare hands, instead of thunderclap. using spoons for that purpose. There On Saturday evening Mrs. Holcomb are also some who think that the bucket returned to her home at about 8:30 of water under the counter In which from up town and found that Millieand several hundred dishes and glases are Clara had left, taking with them Clara's flopped around every day?to the defile- trunk, Millie's guitar and their clothing. ment of both water and glasses?should In the bureau drawer were two notesbe changed every two weeks, at least; one addressed to Mrs. Holcomb from perhaps oftener. Millie and one to Mrs. Oman from her They simply notified the pardaughter. Any one who has ever seen the ents that the girls would no longer be struggles of school children who attempt to them, but had decided to to read the alleged "Juvenile" stuff that a burden go out In the world and seek their forIs found In most of our school books, tune. They would soon secure work, and has noted the infinite disgust with which they approach the huge words they knew. The girls had borrowed small sums that asinine authors use for the consecured cealment of thought, will not hesitate from different friends and to condemn the stuff found in most of enough to secure tickets to Bakersfield, was checked. point the trunk the school books now in use In this state. to which The Ignorant pedants who compiled the They took the night train for the primary geography of the state series north, and the frantic mother, who had comare peculiarly blameworthy. rushed off in search as soon as she letter, of the prehended the import It would seem that the trains on tho missed catching the runaways by about San Diego and San Francisco lines five minutes. The police authorities might carry mail oftener than once or were notified and have telegraphed or twice a day. At present one can ahead to Bakersfield to stop the girls. mail letters but once or twice a day on No word has yet been received of their either line. If Uncle Sam does not get detention, although they should have enough out of California revenues at arrived there at i oclock yesterday present, he ought to levy on us for more morning. now pays Just this state into tho naMrs. Holcomb Is wild with grief over tional treasury only about six times as girl's foolish action, but Mrs. Oman much as the national treasury pays her Is more composed and philosophical. back to the state. freak The affair seems purely a foolish part of the two girls who thought Some of the alleged art critics who are on the being restricted abused by raving about the beauty of a "kissing" themselves by firm but wholesome parental authorpicture in the June number of a certain ity. ladles' Journal, have evidently failed to note the fact that the picture in eviOIL PRICES STEADY dence represents the fortunate young man as standing on the wrong side for of Saturday What effect the firemay a right-handed young man with kissing night have upon in the oil region intentions, and under favorable clrcumthe price of petroleum today remains to stanees. Perhaps the artist was left- be seen. The loss of oil was large and handed. Yours truly, will have an appreciable effect in diminishing stocks. EDWARD L. HUTCHISON. It had not been the intention ot the exchange to make any today when the reguprices advance in A QUIET LITTLE QAME lar weekly meeting of the directors ocFlayed may curred, Ha cause a change Pinochle and Pound a Willing but events Opponent of mind) and a slight Increase in the Commercial men are, as a rule, a rate Is possible. Exchange members report a brisk pretty shrewd class, but some are a little for oil at $1,25, the f. o. b. rate, more so than others. To Illustrate the demand during and the month of May more oil expedients which are resorted to to balk sold, even at the prices then prevailone another and secure an order, tho was any ing previous month in the hisfollowing good story is told about two torythan of the organization. * well-known jollygood fellows who have time once In awhile to devote to someTHB A. R. U. NOf HOODWINKED thing besides business, but are up to snuff. At a regualr meeting of local union This season it has been the custom No. 80, A. R. tl., held last evening, the among the wholesale clothing trade to following resolution was unanimously have one of the members of the firm adopted: travel along with the drummer on at Resolved, That the would-be amnesty least one trip to lend eclat to his visit granted by the S. P. Railway of Kenand Impress the merchant with the tucky in regard to raising the black list great Interest the wholesalers take in which was held against the strikers, Is regarded as a political move by the his business and the close personal relations which should be sustained. The company, and further thai lt la an indramatis personae In the present In- sult to Intelligent men to expect them to stance are Ike. Hyman, a member of accept the so-called amnesty. LOUIS L. DODGE, the San Francisco house of Steiner, Strauss & Hyman, who was piloting a Secretary Local Union No. 80, A R. U. new man, Harry Adler, over his route. Tha London Markets The third party is Sid. Shirek, who travLONDON, June 7.?The falling away In els for a rival Arm in the Bay city. rates during the week has been llscount The trio met in San Diego a few days lue to the release of funds from the treasago, and Hyman Immediately learned ury, but there Is unlikely to be any further lecline In view of the Impending halfthat Shirek had an appointment at a yearly demands and the stock exchange certain house to meet a clothing mersettlement next week, in which there Is a chant with whom he expected to place teavy mining and home railway account, a good oredr. Mr. Shirek is a great derhe stock market was fairly busy, the being still 'iinds and colonial votee of the fascinating game of pinstocks strong, especially for' Cape Colony and ochle, and so is Hyman. The latter owing to the satisfactory Cape budSfatal. fixed it so that Just before Shlrek's time ret, showing a surplus of £1,250,000 sterto keep the appointment he was iniug. Railways were weaker on reallzaveigled Into a game with him which lons and heavy stocks being all lower. American securities were quiet with small \u25a0oon became intensely interesting. Only novements pending a definite announcesmall stakes were played for and Shirek nent regarding the gold standard, though won. Adler was, all this time, among hey were slightly firmer at the end of the the missing. street prices, but the voek on firmer Wallwas By and by he turned up with a Joyful tmount of business small. Foreign seiuritles were generally Improved. Transwink at Hyman, and the pinochle game higher on raals were the better outlook. was closed, Shirek having $1.50 the best Zoal shares have risen to flfty on the, beof lt Hyman and Adler had Just time lef that the amalgamation of the manuto catch the first train out for Los Anacturers of the United Kingdom had been 'ompleted. The price of thread was raised geles with the merchant's fall order cent. There.was an enormous busl2V4 per In their books. Shirek went gleefully less In the mining market and a general to sell his big bill, down walked In and idvance. The Rand mines have risen 3% heard the startling news that the merSimmer and Jack, 2V4; Golden Ends, Deep chant had placed his order. He was md Robinson's 1%. , - ? Mark Walser and others from Fresno and Tulare counties are making arrangements to go to the upper waters of Kings river as soon as the snow melts for a mine which tradition and search says exists somewhere in that wilderness. Whether or not they will succeed in finding it remains to be seen. Thj chances are, of course, against finding any oM lost mine, as such things are seldom found, although often talked of. But there 13 something alluring In tales and legends of this sort which has always attracted men, and perhaps always will do so. It is the old Shipe mine that is searched for. Before Shipe was killed at Vlsalla, in early days, he had a gold mine lsomewhe)-te In the mountains from which he procured all the money he needed, and once or twice a year he visited Vlsalla and thought nothing of spending $1000 in riotous living. Then he would load up his mule with supplies and again disappear in the mountains. The supposition has been general that he procured his gold from the Sampson Flat placers; and this was the opinion held until recently by Mr. Walser, Judge Carter and others who purchased the Sampson Flat mines a year or so ago, and worked them as well as they could during the dry year just closing. But recently information has come to light which would seem to indicate that the Sampson Flat region is not far enough back in the mountains. An old. Indian living in a remote rancheria Tulare county has volunteered the in-In formation that the Shipe mine is beyond Tehipite valley. He says he saw Shipe working there two or three differenf years, and that he thinks he can go to the place again, although he is now old and feeble. He says once since then he undertook to pilot some men to the mine, and would have done so, but one day he overheard them plotting to murder him when they reached the mine. They spoke In a language which they supposed he could understand, but he did understand not it. That night, they had fallen asleep, the Indian after his sneak and left them. For made years afterwards he kept his peace; but now he says he Is willing to show the Way to the mine. The locality Is so elevated that lt is useless to go before the middle of summer.?Fresno Republican. Jslffiajl/L _ a burden and death would have been welcome. I was treatee by various specialists without avail. I finally resolved to give Dr. Wong Him, of No. 039 Upper Main street, a trial. Of course, like many others, I had no faith in a Chinese doctor, but lt took only a few doses of his lifegiving herbs to knock all tho skepticism out of me. In just live weeks the doctor pronounced me cured, and now I can truthfully say that I never was healthier and never felt better In my life. My sight and hearing are both fully restored; that obnoxious cough, constipation and plies are entirely cured, and I am rapidly having gained forty gaining In llesh, pounds In two months. earnestly recommend all sufferers and I skeptics to give the doctor a trial and be convinced of his superior skill as a physician. JOHN M. STEVENSON, 620 Bellevue avenue. Los Angeles, Cal. ,vas X' yC 6fa yf I Leave for * 2:05 9:00 9:00 2:30 '? pm El Paso .... " " ........ ... "" .. " " "" : ........ .... """ .... " . .... . . .. ... ....... .... .... ... . .... ... .. .. " " .. .. ..... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .. A SPECIALTYo »TIS Suae " " "' " """ """ '? " " """ "" " ' '* Southern California Railway Poland Address f?nrlr ftUtVJt PARISH'S UKUQ BTORS, Water t5? p,Eb( iBROADWAY ftpS 1 leave station ?* and^arrlve \u25a0 7 mln. earlier ml westbound and leave 7 later eastbound. CHICAGO EXPRESS--DAILY To Denver. Kansas City, Chicago, St.Louls. Leaves dally 10:15 am. Arrives dally 1:25 pm SAN DIEGO TRAINS. Lv *9: am. 2:00 pm. Ar 12:01 pm, *7:15 pm . SAN BERNARDINO TRAINS. P-Lv 7:30 am, 10:15 am, 4:00 pm, 5:45 pm, O-Lv »9:55 am, 5:10 pm. P-Arrlve 8:55 am, 9:45 am. 1:25 pm, 6:15 pm O-Arrlve '11:00 am, 7:15 pm. REDLAiNDS TRAINS. P-Lv 7:30 am, 10:15 am, 4:00 pm, 6:45 pm O-Lv '9:55 am, 5:10 pm, P-Arrlve 9:45 am, 1:25 pm, 6:15 pm, O-Arrive *11:00 am. rTver'side^trains; P-Lv 7:30 am, 10:15 am, 4:00 pm. O-Lv ?9:65 am, 5:10 pm. P-Arrlve 9:45 am, 1:25 pm, 6:15 pm. O-Arr «U:00 am, 7:15 pm. PASADENA, MONROVIA AND AZUSA. Lv 7:30 pm, 10:15 am, 1:35 pm, 4:00 pm,5:45 pm Ar 8:55 am, 9:45 am, 1:25 pm, 4:15 pm, 6:15 pm ANAHEIM AND SANTA ANA TRAINS. Leave 9:00 am, 2:00 pm, 5:10 pm. Arrive 8:50 am, 12:01 pm, 7:15 pm. TRAINS. Leave "9:05 am, 10:00 am, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm. Arrive 8:29 am, 3:55 pm, 5:22 pm, "6:13 pm. SANTA MONICA TRAINS Leave "9:05 am. 10:00 am. 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm. Arrive 8:55 am, 5:05 pm, "6:13 pm. PERRIS AND SAN JACINTO TRAINS. 0-*9:55 am. Leave P-*7:30 am, Arrive P-*1:25 pm, *6:lspm, 0-11:00 am. ELSINORE AND TEMECULA TRAINS. Leave P-«7:30 am G-*9:55 am. Arrive P-«l:25 pm, "6:15 pm. O-*ll:00 am. ESCONDIDO. I FALLBROOK! Lv '2:00 pm | Leave *9:00 am. Arrive '12:30 pm. \ | Arrive *7:15 pm. P-Vla Pasadena: O-Via Orange: ?daily <jsy except Sunday: "Sunday only: all other j{ trains dally. Ticket office, 129 N. Spring st. <*» and La Grande Station. .55. JxT /a\ jfa I PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Goodn.ll, Perkins & Co., General Agents San Francisco. Northern routes embrace lines for Portland, Ore., Victoria, B. C, and Puget Sound, Alaska and all coast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES. TIMETABLE FOR JUNE, 1898. LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO For? Port Harford... Santa Barbara. Pt. Los Angeles. Redondo Newport San Diego " S. S. Corona, June 2, 10, 18, 26, July 5. S. S. Santa Rosa, JuneO, 20, 28, July 6. For? I 8.8, St. Paul, June 8, 18, 24, July 2. East San Pedro. and S. S. Eureka, June 4, 12, San Pedro way ports.... 20, 28, July 7. For? San Diego .J PORT LOS ANGELES AND REDONDO Rosa, June 8, I S. S. 24,Santa July 2. 16. S. S. Corona. June 4, 12, I 20, 2S, July 8. Rosa, 2, 10, For? I S 18,S.26,Santa July 4. San Francisco... Corona, Harford.... S. S. June 6, 14. Port Barbara. Santa \u25a0 I 22, 30, July 9. LEAVE~SAN PEDRO AND EAST SAN manhoodßoredss tlon ola famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ncr2bv|S yona or diseases of tho generative organs, auch as J,osi J \T Insomnin, Falnslnthe JtacU,Seminal Emissions, Nervous Manhood. VS Debility V £H/ \V> ->> Pimples, T Vufltness to Marry, Exhausting Var-, e ie \\gmWfL Oonatipatlon. Itstops nil losses by day or Drains. night pr«»- a n< onlckW V Dfasof discharge, which ifnot checked leads to Sperm. i-sihusa and arpoßr ano i.n MrTtrl AFTER a 'he horrors ot Impotencr. CVPIDERE cleaaaw u« -. ver, ?* tha kldneyaandthenrlnaryorgonsolsUllmnnritlea, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS STATE LOAN & TRUST COMPANY OF LOS AiNQELES CKPITHL PHID \JP IN GOLD COIN A General Banking Business Transacted . - - $500,000 Interest paid on time deposits. Wi act ns trustees, guardians, administrators, eta Safn Deposit Boxes for Rent. DIRECTORS AND OFFICER* H. J. WOOLLACOTT P"»W«ntj J P. TO'.Vf.LL. first Vice-President; tVAKKffX OILLET.IMf. Teeident: .luhn w. A. OFF. Cashier; it B. LKWlS.Aaar.tnt Cashier; OEOHOt) nOWEji R S "OWELI., P. if. BK P 9. ? . _.?»_ °- ' * NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA THE 1 AT I.OS ANGRI.FS - JttKKSrW. Capital ana Profits ¥270,000 00 OFFICERS J. M. C. "AR81.15.... 0. H. H. M. LUfZ A. HADLEY. DIRECTORS 'I T SAHJK* J °H- CHURCHILL, '' ' SECURITY SAVINGS BANK President Vice-Presld. Nt Cashier ?^ W2W!e* OKORGE luml, KI.OrCKE, VHS ( Has removed to its new quarters In New Building, Northeast Corner Main and Second Streets M, S. HELLMAN,Vice-President J, F. SARTOBI, President W. D. LONGYEAR, CaShhW DIRECTORS?Herman W. Hellman. J, A. Craves, M. L. Fleming, Maurice s. Hellman, Henry J. Fieisouvtn. j. H. Bhantalana, F.O.Johnson, c. A. siiaiv, w, L. craves, J. F. Bartorl. \V. D Long year. 5 per rant Interest paid on term, 3 per cent on ordinary deposits OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN SOUTHERN" CALIFORNIA. Farmers' and Herchants' Bank of Los Angeles, Cal. Capital Paid Up, $500,000. i>820,030 Surplus and Resjrva, W, Cn'itar; 1. W. HELLMAN". President; H. W. HF.LLMAN, Vloe.Pr->sl l=nt; H. J. Director.)?W. O. HELMANN, Assistant Cashier. 11. PERRY. O. W. CHILD3. J V. FRA.N'3I9. C. K. THOM, I. W. HELLIIAM,JR, 11. W. HELLMAN", A. GLA3SEL, T. L. DUCIUii I. «T. HELLMAN. Correspondence. Invital Special Collection Department. Safe Deposit lio.<r.eif.>r Rant. [UNION BANKGFSAVINGS { \u25a0 CAPITAL PAIC Tl 520.600 223 S. Spr'ng St., LCS ANGELAS, CAL. and OFFICERS ctaccToar H. W. Stiittson Wm. Ferguson V E. Mr Van Pmt. V -e PieM w^hier C. G HarnBoil S. H. ho*t It. K. Bailer A, E. Pomeroy 3. A. Butler 1; PAIPON Of 1.08 ANGELES Capital stock atOo.OM Surplus and undivided profits over.. 230,003 President. J. M. ELLIOTT. W. o. KERCKHOFF, V. President. FRANK A UIBSON, Cashier. 0. B. SHAFFER, Ass't Cashier. STREET SAVINGS BANK MUM AND TRUST COMPAaTV Main, Junction of Spruix nnd Temple sts. (Temple Block), Los Angeles. Capital paid up ttoo.ooe Officers and dlrec tors: T. L. I. N. Van Nuys, Vice President;Duque. J. V.President! WiachtaL Cain let! H. w. Hellman, Katpara Coba, 11. w. u'.Melveny. J. B. Lankersnlni, o. T. Johnson, As* Haas, W. (t. Kerckhofi. Money loaned on real estate. DIRECTORS: J. I). Bicknell, J. M. Elliott, F. (1. Story, H. Jevne, w, c. Patterson, J. D. Hooker' Wm. G. Kerckhoft. No public funds or other preferred deposits r» paired by this bank. Tj 08 Flva per ceut interest paid on term deposits. EItMAN-AMERICAN HAVINGS BANK t Cor. Main und First sis., Los Angeles, Cal. Paid ti;icapital $100 000 0) Surplus and undivided profits 87,453 51 Ponet, President; L. W. Bllnn, First Vlca Victor President; C. N. Flint, Second Vice President; M. N. Avery, Cashier; P. F. Schumakar, Assistant Cashier. Directors? Dr. Joseph Kurtz, L. W. Bltnn, Huso Zuuer, 0. N. Flint, H. W. Stoll, M. N. Avery, c. Brode, Victor Ponet, I. A. Lothian. Emanuel Eyraud, interest allowed on deposits Money loaned on real estate. G1 ANGELES NATIONALBANK. United States Depository. Capital t.VH),oo» Surplus 42,5'J0 Total $312,500 GEORGE H. BONEBRAKE WARREN GILLELEN F. C. HOWES E. W. COE President Vice President Cashier Assistant Cashier SAVfNQs HAWK". HON. Main st, i E. Plater, Pres. It. w. Hellman, V. Pram \V. M. Caswell, Cashier. D rectors-I W Hellman, J. E. Plate- H. W. Hellman, f, w. Hellman, jr., W. M. Caswall. Interest paid on deposits. Money to loan oa Atao, elaas real estate. .a DIRECTORS: George H. Bemebrake, Warren Glltelen. P. M. Green, Charles A. Marriner, W. C. Brown, A. W. FTancisco, E. P. Johnson, M. T. Allen, F. C. Howes. This bank has no deposits of either the county or city treasurer, and therefor*no preferred creditors. .. LOS ANGELES' LOS aUiELEg TERMINAL fit ' Los Representative Wholesale and Dealers, Retail Business Men and Firms IN EFFECT MAT 4, 1896. Angeles Depots: East end First and Downey avenue bridges. street Leave Los Angeles Leave Pasadena for for Pasadena. Los Angeles. »»7:48 a. m. a 8:15 a. m a 8:50 a.m. a 9:30 a. m a 10:50 a. m. all:30 a. m a 12:45 p. m. a 8:30 p. m a 4:50 p. in. a 5:30 p. m. a 5:35 p. m. Downey avenue leaving time 7 minutes later June, Leave Los Angeles IL've Altadena for Altedena June. | for Los Angelos. a 10:30 a. m. a 9:30 a. m I a 3:30 p. ra a 4:30 p.m. I All trains start from First street depot. Leave Los Angeles Leave Glendale for Los Angeles. for Glendale a. m b 8:02 a. m. b~7:20 c 8:43 a. m. o 8:00 a. m a 1:12 p. m. a 12:30 p. m ..a 6:02 p. m. a 5:20 p. m. East Leave Los Angeles ILeave San Pedro for Los Aufor Long Beach and geles. East San Pedro I a 7:15 a.m. c 8:15 a. m a 10:30 a.m. a 9:15 a. m a 1:10 p. m a 4:00 p. m. p. 5:16 m a Btween East San Pedro and Long Beach 10 minutes. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW W. H. SHINN, Wilson blk., Spring st BICYCLES "KEATING," Hawley, King <fc Co., =10 N. Mala, FRUITS AND VEObTABLES 1 LUDWIQ & WAGNER, Mott Market, tel. 53i HOTELS SAFES. SCALES, REFRIOERATORS CHAS. W. ADAMS, 333 N. Main. Tel. 1547. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALHERS SOOTH <fc ROW, 150 8. Main st. Tel. 134). WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN 0. STOESAK, 611 S. Spring St., bet. Sth an let*. Directory of aye. and Jefferson st. In effect May 24. 1896. Los Angeles I Leave Redondo for Leave for Redondo I Los Angeles Dally|7:3o a.m Daily 9:05 a. m Daily 10:45 a.m Daily m 1:30 p.p.m.D'ly p.m.D'ly ex Sun 5:30 3:45 ex Sun 5:45 p.m.Sund'y only 4:30 p.m.Sunday only For passenger and freight rates apply at depot, corner Grand avenue and Jefferson street. Telephone West L L. J. PERRY, Superintendent. PASADENA AND LOS ANGELES ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Cars leave Fourth and Sprinir streets. For Mount Lowe and Echo Mountain? 8:00, 9:00 a. m.; 3:00 and 5:00 p. m. Returning Alpine Tavern, C HsfYTPI IIU 1 CLj SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CATALINA. Los Angeles i tti S * erson, att'y. Steamer for Avalon connects with 1:10 p. m. train daily, except Sundays. 8:15 a. m. Sundays. Trains, connecting at Altadena for all points on Mount Lowe railway, leave Los dally at 9:30 and a 3:30 p. m. Anrrelespavilion and hotel. Grand scenery. Fine Telescope and searchlight. b?Dally except Sunday, o? a?Dally, only. Sundays only, d?Saturdays Special rates to excursion and picnic parties. Depots east end of First street and Downey avenue bridges. cigar City ticket office, Greenwald's store, corner Second and Spring streets. depot. offices, First street General W. WINCUP, General Passenger Agent. ".uj-aos ABBOTSFORD INN, cor. sth and lT.opt.t9l. lira LAW, COLLECTIONS, MERCANTILE RBP'Tf STANDARD COLLECTION MERCANTILE Co., (too,) «100,000, 211.212 Stimson. A. C. Brod, _ DEPOT: Grand DEPOSITS HOTEL METROPOLE 1&1? K CATAM*A HOTEL ARCADIA ggrjgg BBHEI* HOTEL HOLLEHBECK SFXaZL"?* HOTEL RAMONA ZT^ THIBD BTa ABBOTTSFORD Ijj Z^lt^orM BPBI a HOTEL PORTLAND * "* HOTEL BRUNSWICK Ameriuan-Europeao pitas? proprietor. HOTEL HOLYROOD AND NINTH BT., RIVEtV I Prop. MDniVCI KUntLL side. E. J. - D c , Cochrane, MAIN Davis, BOEIARLTON iSJSLsT" IBOTEL AVALON DriCnulLit - COM,EA " UfITCI BDCUfviTD J E- o'brien, prop'b. nUILL Fourth and C sts., San Diego J. M. Griffith. Pres. J. T. Griffith, V. Fits. F. T. Griffith. Secretary and Treasurer. Geo. R. Waltes, Supt. of Mills. J. M. GRIFFITH COMPANY, Lumber Dealers, And manufacturers of 'flrilsiic in work oi Every Description. leave 7:30 a. m. Doors, Windows, Blinds and Stairs. PEDRO 3:16 p. m. S. S. Eureka, June 7, 15, For Pasadena and Altadena?Every 20 934 N. ALAMEDA ST.. Los Angeles, CaL 23, July 1. mtnutes from 8:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Half San Francisco S. S. St. Paul, June 3, 11, hourly before and after these hours. and July 19, 5. ports 27. street. gay / Office, 222 W.W.Fourth D. LARRABEE, Supt. via San "Cars to connect with steamers Manager. CLARK, General (Arcade E. P. depot) Pedro, leave S. P. R. R. at Contractor in Asphalt Work 6:05 p. m., and Terminal R. R. depot at 5 For? " CCPIDIME strengthens and restores small weak organs. Tha reason sufferers are not cored by Doctors is because ninety per cent an I-??seled wltfj Prostatitis. CDPIDENB Is the only known remedy to cure without an operation. cOM testimonigiven and money returned Ifsix boxes does not effect a permeeont euro. als. Awritten guarantee for 15.00, by mall. Bend for fbsh circular and testimonials. $1.00 a box, six "?wi. p. O. BoxBo7B,SsnFrancisco. Cnl. ja?^ vrwiTfrrwn Addi OFF ft VAUGHN. Northeast corner Four th and Spring Street*, A Paint for Floors U. R. BOWERS & SONS, 451 S. Spring j><^E FEE Trains via Pasadena LV arrive at Downey-ave. LEAVE ISENOUR'S 7:30 am 1:30 pm 1:30 pm 1:00 pm *7:50 am "B:2s am 8:55 am 9;50 am 10:40 am I 3r, pm ?3:05 pm 6:01 pm *7:43 pm and East Pasadena POISON popular paper of tbe Pacific Coast. During the past year lthas made inch !? strides rapid forward, both tn circulation and all tho features that make a truly metropolitan journal, that lt has astonished all competitors and become a general During 1396 Itwill, with the aid of new machinery forgo with tbe masses. favorite ahead even at a greater rate than It has done In WOS. The Los Angeles Herald . Ar. from pm;S. Fran., Sao/m'to pm & East, via Ogden pml...Portland. Ore... Dr Whlte In Southern California VIS 1911 j Destination J ~~ ?' Of Its political faith within five hundred miles ot Los Angeles. Itreacbaa thornsands ot merchants, bankers, lawyers, doctors, retired capitalists, well-to-do maehenlos and politicians wbo take no other dally publication. Retail merchants an crowding tbe advertising columns ot The Herald, realizing that lt la the medium and the only medium through which they can reach one-hairth* people \y TAIiI.i..?MAY 27. . .. ... Is the Only Daily Newspaper Afs yr O Diseased * W,LLING TO WA,T FOR OUR _____ LINES OFTRAVEL i j.-.i'a.vV kJU'I'I'HERN yAi..fiv XJtf 7:50 am ?8:2o am " 9:25 am « ?11:28 am 12:2o pm 3:50 pm " ?? JiSS pm ?0:15 pm ??7:15 pm 8:00 am 9:55 am Riverside 9:25 am Redlands 1:00 pm 2:30 pm San Bernardino 4:4S pm pm 4:30 and Colton 6:35 pm 8:00 am Pomona & Ontario 9:55 am 9:20 am 9:55 am 2:30 pm 1:00 pm 4:30 pm.. " 4:48 pm pm 5:26 pm 6:85 8:o0 am Chtno 8:50 am 4:30 pm 9:65 am " 6:26 pm 6:85 pm 8:00 am Covlna, San Dlmas 8:50 am ?2:30 pm and Lordsburg *1:00 pm 5:25 pm 6:36 pm Monrovia, 8:05 am *8:16 am Arcadia ?11:20 am and Duarte 9:50 am ?3:05 pm *i:iflpm 6:00 pm 5:05 pm " 8:00 am We cure Emissions, Santa Barbara.. 12:10 pm 4:00 pm 9:50 pm' " 9:10 am Santa Ana and 9:05 am ?2:00 pm Anaheim ?11:55 am 5:10 pm j. 5:20 pm 10:05 am Whlttier and Fill8:00 nm ?2:00 pm ton Wells ?11:66 am 5:10 pm 5:20 pm ?9:10 am Tustln 9:05 am pm 5:10 »5:20 pm * ??8:30 am|Long Beach and 8:13 am 9:00 ami San Pedro 11:20 am 1:40 pm 5:15 pm " 5:05 pm "7:15 pm Ten Years. ?*8:0O am Santa 7:45 am Here Monica 9:00 am 8:65 am ??9:30 am am ??9:45 10:00 am ?J 12:17 pm "12:40 pm ??10:30 am 3:10 pm 4:20 pm pm ??2:00 pm "4:30 p 6:15 pm 6:10 pm n ??5:36 pm ??5:30 pm 6:00 pm ilary Syphilis permanently cured in 16 to "7:00 pm 35 days. Yon can bo treated at home for ??7:15 pm " "9:30 pm the same price under same guaranty. II 10:00 am Soldiers' Home.. 12:17 pm you prefer to come here ttewiH contract 6:00 pm 4:20 pm to pay railroaC fare and hotel bills,aml no "9:45 am "S:00 am Port Los Angeles charge. If we fail to euro. If you have token mer?9:00 am 12:17 pm cury. lodide potash, anu still have aches and "9:30 am "12:40 pm pains, Mucous Patches In mouth, Sore Throat, ?10:00 am 4:20 pm Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on "10:30 am "4:30 pm any part of thalwdy, Hair or Eyebrows falling 1:10 pm.. 6:10 pm out, It lathis Syphilitic BLOOD POISON that "2:00 pm.. we guarantee to core. We solicit the moat obsti"8:30 am ..Catallna Island.. "7:16 pm nate oases and challenge the world for a ?1:40 pm ?JJ.tfj am " we cannot cure. -J'hls disease has a; ways ?9:40 am .Chatsworth Park. »4:12 pm a ftI eel the skill of the most eminent physicians. 6500,000 capital behind our ancondtChatsworth from and ar,ione.l guaranty. Absol tite proofn sent sealed ott rives at River Park?Leaves Station, San Fernando st, implication. Address COOKREMEDY CO* only. 101 Ma irM Xnvaple, CHICAGO. XLI» ? Sundays excepted. ?? Sundays only. THE INSIDE TRACK. "IK O w a non-poisonous All S. P. Co.'s trains stop at First st. remedy for Gonorrheas, (except the four San Francisco trains) and Gleet, Spormatorrheea, Whiten, unnatural dii- Commercial st. (except the 9:00 oclock San Mmjuwr in 1 to 5 evening train), in business cenFrancisco charges, any or V tlon, inllammaBmkwf DotGuaranteed to Htrleturp. fPmjf irritation or ulcera- ter of the city, saving time and street car Sjni flrrerenu contagion, tion of macone memfares to passengers. Noc-astringent. General Passenger Oflice, 229 S. Spring \u25a0?S%THEEVHNSCIItHIOtCo. brines. o BSH sow by wrueaisie, street^ flPnt wrapper, n USA 2hbs or 'jmVm\ l>y expreHU,Plain prepaid, for bottlM. «' "r 3(tent \u25a0 Circular en reaueet. BLODD \4mW9kvt\L^SsMl We have the largest practice on the Pacific Coast treating every form of Weakness and Private Corner Main and Third Street, over Wells-Fargo. public: 1 was seriously afilicted for about ten years with lung, liver and kidney troubles. Tongue could never express the misery J endured during those 1 was reduced in fjesh until I was years. my sight and hearing a mere badly skeleton: impaired; was constantly were troublee with constipation and piles, and had a severe chronic cough. In short, life The Herald voy \VxMWSWLHSSm»' HM n**fi MEN ONLY 1890. To tho / only SPECIALISTS In So. Cal. for DISEASES of WE ARE The eight-hour law for miners goes into effect this week in Utah and there is more or less uneasiness as to its reCan In nearly all cases be checked and overcome by sults. The mine owners and smeJters Dr. Cordln's Chocolate Emulsion it 1b pleasant to take, ejend 5c for Sample, 221 J>avlsStreet,SauFranclsco, Cal claim that If they are forced to acknowledge the law they cannot work their SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE REmines and smelters and pay present celved by the undersigned until Wedwages. Some are proposing to pay the nesday, June 24, 1898. for boring, casing and a ten (10) Inch well (to he reduced to men by the hour instead of the day, piping eight (8) Inches when 10-lnch casing can be say they and will close down unless this used no further) at Perris Indian School, can be done. At Park City, according Perris, Calif. A well has been sunk to a to the Patriot, the men at the Daly and depth of 400 feet, and bidders maw propose Ontario have been put at work in comeither to complete that well or sink anpliance with the law of eight- hour other at new location. An adequate supshifts, and this Is also the case of the ply of water for domestic and Irrigating purposes to be obtained by contractor, Daly West, Crescent, Anchor, Cumberotherwise no payment whatever will be land and Creole. At that camp, at least, made by government. No bid In excess given thirty-five hundred ($3500) dollars will of being the new law is a fair and be considered. Right reserved to reject any impartial trial.?San Francisco Examor oil bids, or any part of any bid. Work iner. to commence within thirty days after notice of approval of contract. Each bid must accompanied by a certified check or be Los Angeles parties who have been draft upon some solvent national bank examining the sulphuret mines at Cafor at least two hundred ($200) dollars, to jon peak returned yesterday and are be forfeited to the United States case well pleased with the propertis xam- any bidder receiving an award shallinfail to execute a contract, with good Ind. They expect to invest heavily In promptly a number of the prospects and will sink and sufficient sureties, according to terms his bid. For further information apply a number of shafts to determine the of to EDGAR A. ALLEN. Sup t Indian School, Perris, Calif. extent and value of the ledges.?San Diego Tribune. 6-20 I The W\ It is very unfortunate for the mining industry of this state, says C. G. Tale in the Examiner, that Speaker Reed is pursuing the course he Is as it will probably result in klllng the mineral lands bill, from which som uch was expected. This bill was only intedod to classify the lands or railroad giants, so that tho mineral lands Would stand reserved for the miners and not fall into the hands of the railroad companlcs.for whom they were never intended. The companies have always protested that they did not desire any of its mineral lands, yet under the system pursued they have been for years acquiring, and still continue to acquire, them. Once patented to the railroad companies, miners must purchase from them at their price instead of government at a fixed price. It is probable that if Mitchell of Oregon had not insisted on making the provisions of the bill apply to his state as well as to California it would now be a law. When the Montana and Idaho men were after their law the California men kept their hands off. though greatly desiring the same relief. Probably Oregon did not want to wait until all her mineral lands had been absorbed. At any rate the complication had given Mr. Reld a chance to help the railroad companies Instead of the miners. By the time another session of congress is held and the subject considered the railroad companies will have patented most of the lands, and then they will let the bill pass. It Is evident that they have beaten the rrtlners ofCalifornia this time. Dr. Talcott & Co. BE. I 1 J. A. FAIRCHILD P Cars to connect via Redondo leave Santa Fe depot at 9:50 a. m., or from Redondo railway depot at 9:05 a. m. Cars to connect via Port Los Angeles R. R. depot at 1:10 p. m. for leave S. P. steamers north-bound. Plans of steamers' cabins at agent's office, where berths may be secured. reserves company The the right to change the steamers or their days of sailing. For passage or freight as above or for tickets to and from all important points In Europe, v apply to W. PARRIS. Agent, U4 W. Second St., Los Angeles. BANNING CO.SLS2 Hand-picked, South Wellington Lump mAi VV/nL AT $1 ° Field PER TON Delivered Cement and Catallna Island Serpentine and Soapstone Agents for SANTA CATALINA ISLAND, also lor W. T. Ca's ocean excursion steamers, tugs, yachtiand pleasure launches. Telephone 3. Room 31 Bryson Block lose only the Alcttraa brands of Asphalt, which aie the purest and highest trades known and are guaranteed frte bom coal tar or petroleum residuum. > Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO TUB District Attorney of Los Angeles county, that I, the undersigned, Intend to apply to the Honorable State Board of Prison Directors for the privilege of being paroled, at a meeting of said board, to be held at San Quentln, on the 13th day of June, 1896. GUY M. ROBERTS. M .. ,
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