edddison Tutorial How to design an interactive SketchUp walk through with edddison

edddison Tutorial
How to design an interactive
SketchUp walk through with edddison
edddison is the easiest way to navigate in a SketchUp
3D scene
Version 1.4
How to design an interactive
SketchUp walk through
edddison Tutorial
1. Start SketchUp
Start SketchUp and load the project
that you wish to work with.
Note: Make sure that the edddison
toolbar is installed.
2. Define navigation area
You can define the walkable areas
in your SketchUp scene by creating
bounding boxes.
There are two ways of creating
bounding boxes.
2.1. Option 1 - Define the size
of the bounding box manually
Select the create boundingbox
button in the edddison toolbar.
Set the width, depth and height
of the bounding box you want to
create and define a unique name.
Clicking the OK button creates
a new bounding box SketchUp
object, which can be moved and
sized like other SketchUp objects.
Version 1.4
How to design an interactive
SketchUp walk through
edddison Tutorial
2.2. Option 2 - Define the
size of your bounding box by
selecting scene objects.
If rooms already exist, you can
select the walls or floors of the
room or area and edddison will
then attempt to draw a bounding
box. Simply select all the objects
that should be included in the
calculation. Then right click on the
In the context menu, you can select
Create Boundingbox from
Selection option.
Once you are finished with the
bounding boxes, you can hide them
by unticking the Boundingbox layer.
3. Define model objects
If you want to have movable objects
in your edddison application, you
can define them the same way as
bounding boxes.
Note: Objects must be grouped to
be used as model objects.
Version 1.4
How to design an interactive
SketchUp walk through
edddison Tutorial
4. Create images of floor plans
Floor plans are needed for easy
and precise orientation in the 3D
Create an image (.jpg, .jpeg or
.png) and use it as a floor plan to
be shown on the edddison surface.
Note: The image has to have the
same size as the corresponding
bounding box.
5. Start edddison
Click on the red edddison button to
start edddison.
Note: To make changes in your
SketchUp project, disconnect from
edddison by pressing the red button
6. Create
Select Create new project in the
edddison project dialog.
Version 1.4
How to design an interactive
SketchUp walk through
edddison Tutorial
7. Add a floor plan
Use the create floorplan button to
add a floor plan to your project.
Select a bounding box, the
corresponding floor plan image and
a unique name.
8. Add a point of view
In order to walk around your scene,
you need to create a point of view.
Use the create point of view button
and again follow the wizard.
When asked, use the SketchUp
camera as a the point of view.
9. Add 3D objects
You can add 3D objects the same
way as point of views and floor
plans. 3D objects can be moved in
the scene like the point of view.
Version 1.4
How to design an interactive
SketchUp walk through
edddison Tutorial
10. Additional
There is also the possibility to insert
pictures, slideshows and videos in
edddison. This way you have all
your presentation material in one
program and don`t need to switch to
another one to find all your content.
11. Detailed information
If you need more information about
the settings and the possibilies you
have in the edddison editor, there
is another tutorial waiting for you
on our homepage: edddison.com/
Version 1.4