Use PETSC and SLEPC package to solve large scale linear system ---quick start Sheng Yi Wang, Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University 2011/07/29 Outline PETSC ---Vector ---Matrix ---linear system solver SLEPC ---eigenvalue problem solver PBS 2 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 What is PETSC ?? PETSC = Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation PETSC is intended for use in large-scale application projects. PETSC support MPI, that can parallel execute. PETSC can interfaces many external software ex: Matlab, Mathematica, MUMPS…etc 3 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 What can PETSC do?? Vector operation Matrix operation Linear system ( sparse or dense) Ax=b Nonlinear solver ODE & PDE solve ( steady state or time dependent) 4 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 User’s background Some knowledge of parallel (MPI command) You are familiar with C/Fortran language. You are familiar with Linux environment. PS: PETSC can be installed in Windows (but you have to install many other packages) 5 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 How install?? Step1 : Set environment variables PETSC_DIR ex: PETSC_DIR=/home/sywang/petsc-3.1-p8; export PETSC_DIR Step 2. Configure (to check your environment) ---BLAS, C compiler, (MPI) must be installed ex1: ./configure PETSC_ARCH=intel-64-complex -with-cc=icc --with-fc=ifort --with-debugging=0 -download-c-blas-lapack=1 --download-mpich=1 --withscalar-type=complex 6 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Ex2: ./configure PETSC_ARCH=intel-64-O3-real --withcc=gcc --with-fc=gfortran --with-debugging=1 --with-blaslapack-dir=/opt/intel/mkl/ --with-mpidir=/opt/mpich2 --with-scalar-type=real --downloadmumps=1 7 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Step 2: make all Step 3: make test Set PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH to ~/.bashrc If you install PETSC successfully, install SLEPC is very easy 8 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Don’t be afraid, install the PETSC is the most difficult process, after that , all you need to do is the following: 1. Call function 2. Set parameter 3. Show the output and explain the results 9 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Start using PETSC 10 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 11 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Declare Variables Vec Mat KSP PetscInt PetscScalar PetscScalar PetscErrorCode 12 sol, rhs; Mtx_A; ksp; ii= 10; value[3]; val_rhs; ierr; PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Rough coding PetscInitialize(); ObjCreate(MPI_comm,&obj); ObjSetType(obj, ); ObjSetFromOptions(obj, ); ObjSolve(obj, ); ObjGetxxx(obj, ); ObjDestroy(obj); PetscFinalize() 13 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Vector 14 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 I. Vector Vec a VecCreate(MPI_Comm comm,Vec* x) VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &a) VecSetSizes(Vec v, PetscInt n, PetscInt N) VecSetSizes(a,PETSC_DECIDE,20); 15 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 I. Vector VecSet(Vec x,PetscScalar alpha) VecSet(a,1.0) VecSetValues(Vec x,PetscInt ni,const PetscInt ix[],const PetscScalar y[],InsertMode iora) VecSetValues(a,1,0,-3, INSERT_VALUES) InsertMode : INSERT_VALUES, ADD_VALUES 16 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 I. Vector VecSetRandom(Vec x,PetscRandom rctx) VecSetRandom(b,r) VecSetFromOptions(Vec vec) VecSetFromOptions(a) VecDuplicate(Vec v,Vec *newv) VecDuplicate(a,&b) 17 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 I. Vector VecView(a,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD); VecAssemblyBegin(a); VecAssemblyEnd(a); VecDestroy(a); 18 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 19 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Example presentation Example 1: Create Vec and use some basic vector operation 20 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Matrix 21 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 2. Matrix Mat MatCreate(MPI_Comm comm,Mat* A) MatCreate(PETSC_SOMM_WORLD,&mtx_a) MatSetSizes(Mat A,int m,int n,int M,int N) MatSetSizes(mtx_a,PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE,10,10) MatSetFromOptions(Mat A) MatSetFromOptions(mtx_a) 22 mtx_a PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 2. Matrix MatSetValues(Mat A,PetscInt m,const PetscInt idxm[],PetscInt n,const PetscInt idxn[],const PetscScalar v[],InsertMode addv) MatSetValues(mtx_a,1,1,1,1,2.0,INSERT_VALUE) 23 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Example I have a small matrix s_a [1 2 ;3 4] but I want to insert s_a into global matrix mtx_a and the index is (1,2) MatSetValues(mtx_a,2,1,2,2,s_a,INSERT_VALUE) 00000 00120 00340 00000 24 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 2. Matrix MatAssemblyBegin(Mat, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY) MatAssemblyEnd(Mat ,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY) MatDestroy(Mat ) 25 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 26 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 **2. Matrix: Matrix-Free If you don’t want to create all matrix ( the matrix is too large),PETSC allow users write their own matrix operator extern int mult(Mat,Vec,Vec); MatCreateShell(comm,m,n,M,N,ctx,&mat); MatShellSetOperation(mat,MATOP_MULT,(void(*)(void)) mult); MatDestroy(mat); 27 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 2. Read matrix from file In many case, someone has created the matrix, so we don’t rewrite the matrix, we just want to read the matrix and solve them quickly, how to do that?? If you have matrix which is ASCII format(just store the nonzero element , i , j, aij) we can call PETSC function to transfer ASCII to binary file ( PETSC can read them very quickly) 28 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Binary file PetscViewerBinaryOpen(MPI_Comm comm,const char name[],PetscViewerFileType type,PetscViewer *binv) 29 PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,fileout, FILE_MODE_WRITE,&view) PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Example presentation Example 2: Read matrix in ASCII format and transfer them to PETSC binary file Example 3: Read matrix from PETSC binary file and create a vector and use a basic matrix operation 30 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Linear System (KSP) 31 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 3.Linear system solver : KSP Linear system problem: give matrix A and vector b solve Ax=b The dimension is too large to find inverse, and the matrix is sparse, so we need to use iterative method to solve them. The basic method to solve linear system is Krylov subspace methods. 32 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Linear Solvers in PETSC 33 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 3. Linear system solver : KSP First of all, set the matrix A and rhs vector b Declare Variables KSP ksp KSPCreate(MPI_Comm comm,KSP *ksp) KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&ksp) KSPSetOperators(KSP ksp,Mat Amat,Mat Pmat,MatStructure flag) 34 KSPSetOperators(ksp,A,A, SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN) PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 3. Linear system solver : KSP KSPSetType(KSP ksp, const KSPType type) KSPSetType(ksp,KSPGMRES) -ksp_type KSPSetFromOptions(KSP ksp) KSPSetFromOptions(ksp) KSPSolve(ksp,Vec b,Vec x) KSPSolve(ksp,b,x) KSPGetIterationNumber(KSP ksp,PetscInt *its) KSPGetIterationNumber(ksp,&it) 35 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Preconditioner In many case, the matrix A has large condition number, so we need use a proconditoner to reduce condition number PETSC provide many preconditioner, and some of them can use MPI to parallel. 36 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Precondioner in PETSC 37 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 3. Linear system solver : KSP KSPSetFromOptions(KSP ksp) KSPSetFromOptions(ksp) KSPGetPC(KSP ksp,PC *pc) KSPGetPC(ksp,&pc) PCSetType(PC pc, PCType type) PCSetType(pc,PCBJACOBI) -pc_type 38 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 How to Parallel ?? MPI- Message Passing Interface PETSC and SLEPC support MPI and user don’t have to call MPI function mpiexec -np 4 yourprogram mpirun -np 8 -machinefile mf yourprogram PETSC_COMM_SELF PETSC_COMM_WORLD PETSC and SLEPC initial will include mpi.h, so if you want to use MPI function,you can use them, too 39 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Assign parameters at run time Serial : ./ex4 -ksp_type bcgs -pc_type lu -ksp_rtol 1e-4 ./ex4 -ksp_type bcgs -pc_type lu -ksp_rtol 1e-4 ./ex4 -ksp_type gmres -pc_type asm -ksp_rtol 1e-8 -ksp_max_it 20 Parallel: In one node : mpiexec –np 4 ./ex4 -ksp_type cg -pc_type sor - pc_sor_omega 1.8 ksp_rtol 1e-4 -ksp_view In multi nodes: mpiexec –np 16 –machinefile mf ./ex4 -ksp_type cg -pc_type asm -ksp_rtol 1e-4 -ksp_view -ksp_monitor_true_residual 40 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Example presentation Example 4 : Read matrix from a binary file, and call PETSC function to solve linear system. And show how to assign parameters at run time 41 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 makefile include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/base linearsym : linearsym.o chkopts -${CLINKER} –o linearsym linearsym.o{PETSC_LIB} ${RM} linearsym.o 42 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Bash script #!/bin/bash for((i=10;i<=30;i=i+5)) do ./linearsym -n $i -ksp_type gmres -pc_type jacobi -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_view > result_gmres_$i done for((i=10;i<=30;i=i+5)) do ./linearsym -n $i -ksp_type cg -pc_type jacobi -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_view > result_cg_$i done 43 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Perl (bash script like) #!/usr/bin/perl for ($i=1; $i<=199; $i++) { $sor_omega=0.01*$i; system("~/program/openmpi2/bin/mpiexec -np $i -machinefile mf10 ex4 -fin m22103 – ksp_type cg –pc_type sor –pc_sor_omega $sor_omega -log_summary > m22103_cg_sor_omega$sor_omega"); system("echo $i"); sleep(3);} 44 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Eigenvalue (EPS) 45 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 4.Eigenvalue Problem Solver: SLEPC SLEPC the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations Standard Eigenvalue problem : give matrix A, want to find unknown vector x and value k Ax=kx General Eigenvalue problem : give matrix A and matrix B, want to find unknown vector x and value k Ax=kBx Still , the matrix is very large and sparse. 46 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 How to install SLEPC Export SLEPC_DIR =/home/sywang/petsc-3.1-p6; ./configure (they will follow the PETSC environmental setting) Make all Make test 47 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 48 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Declare Variables EPS eps; Mat A,B ; PetscInt ii,nn = 10,col[3]; PetscScalar value[3]; PetscScalar kr,ki; PetscErrorCode ierr; 49 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 4.Eigenvalue Problem Solver: SLEPC EPSCreate(MPI_Comm comm,EPS *eps) EPSCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,eps) EPSSetOperators(EPS eps,Mat A,Mat B) EPSSetOperators(eps,A,B) EPSSetOperators(eps,A,PETSC_NULL) Ax=kBx Ax=kx EPSSetProblemType(EPS eps,EPSProblemType type) EPSSetProblemType(eps,EPS_HEP) -eps_hermitian EPSSetProblemType(eps,EPS_NHEP) eps_non_hermitian 50 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 4.Eigenvalue Problem Solver: SLEPC EPSSetType(EPS eps,const EPSType type) EPSSetType(eps,EPSJD) -eps_type jd EPSSetTolerances(EPS eps,PetscReal tol,PetscInt maxits) EPSSetTolerances(eps,1e-8,200) -eps_tol 1e-8 –eps_max_it 200 51 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 EPS Type 52 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 53 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 4.Eigenvalue Problem Solver: SLEPC EPSSetDimensions(EPS eps,PetscInt nev,PetscInt ncv) EPSSetDimensions(eps,2,18) -eps_nev 2 -eps_ncv 18 EPSCreate(MPI_Comm comm,EPS *eps) EPSSetWhichEigenpairs(eps, EPS_SMALLEST_REAL) -eps_smallest_real 54 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 EPS which 55 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 4.Eigenvalue Problem Solver: SLEPC EPSSolve(eps) EPSView(eps,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD) -eps_view EPSGetIterationNumber(eps, &its) EPSGetOperationCounters(EPS eps,PetscInt* ops,PetscInt* dots,PetscInt* lits) EPSGetOperationCounters(eps,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_ NULL,&lits) 56 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 4.Eigenvalue Problem Solver: SLEPC EPSGetType(eps,&type) EPSGetDimensions(eps,&nev,&ncv) EPSGetTolerances(eps,&tol,&maxit) EPSGetConverged(eps,&nconv) 57 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 4.Eigenvalue Problem Solver: SLEPC EPSGetEigenpair(EPS eps, PetscInt i, PetscScalar *eigr, PetscScalar *eigi, Vec Vr, Vec Vi) EPSGetEigenpair(eps,i,&kr,&ki,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NUL L) EPSComputeRelativeError(eps,i,&error) EPSDestroy(eps) 58 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Spectral Transformation shift & invert In many case, the eigenvalue we want is the smallet (but nonzero),if we don’t use shift and invert, it takes many time to find eigenvalue But when you use invert, you will need to solve linear system, they are done by calling PETSC KSP solver 59 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Spectral Transformation EPSCreate(MPI_Comm comm,EPS *eps) EPSCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,eps) ST st; PetscScalar shift = 2.0; EPSGetST(EPS eps,ST* st); STSetShift(ST st,PetscScalar shift); STSetShift(st,2.0); -st_shift STSetType(ST st,STType type); STSetType(st, STSHIFT) -st_type shift 60 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 61 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Spectral Transformation Shift-invert need to solve linear system. We need to call PETSC function In general we, set parameter in command line ex: -st_type sinvert -st_ksp_type cg st_pc_type asm -st_ksp_rtol 1e-10 -st_type sinvert -st_ksp_type bcgs st_pc_type sor -st_pc_sor_omega 1.8 eps_monitor_draw 62 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 makefile all: eigensym include ${SLEPC_DIR}/conf/slepc_common eigensym : eigensym.o chkopts -${CLINKER} -o eigensym eigensym.o{SLEPC_LIB} ${RM} eigensym.o 63 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 How to get info from PETSC and SLEPC ./linearsym -ksp_view ./eigensym -eps_view ./linearsym -ksp_monitor ./eigensym -eps_monitor ./eigensym -eps_monitor_draw_all ./linearsym -log_summary 64 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Example Example5 : Read a matrix from a binary file, and find its eigenvalue 65 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 PBS PBS = Portable Batch System PBS is first developed by NASA You need to write a bash script and submit job to the cluster 66 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Script #PBS #PBS #PBS #PBS -N -q -o -e Job_name queue_name (according to cluster) result_file error_message #PBS -l node=2:ppn=4 #PBS -l nodes=node01:ppn=4+node02:ppn=4 67 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 info Submit job : qsub your_sheell Check job Check node : pbsmodes pbsnodes –l free 68 : qstat qstat -n PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Reference Hands-On Exercises for SLEPC PETSC home page : user guide: SLEPC home page : user guide: Matrix market: 69 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29 Thank You 70 PETSC & SLEPC 2011/07/29
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