Farnborough Police Neighbourhood Watch Monthly Newsletter - February2014 How to contact us... 999 - for emergencies or 101 for non emergencies E-mail Farnborough SNT at [email protected] Welcome to the February issue of the Farnborough Police Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter! Over several months Farnborough has suffered at the hands of nuisance car drivers, many residents have phoned in to advise your beat team that you can hear various cars/motorcycles frequently identified as ‘boy racers’ or ‘sliders’ with loud exhausts, racing around Farnborough. Unfortunately many of the calls are only reporting loud noise, or racing vehicles with no descriptions or even locations other than somewhere in Farnborough, Cove, Southwood etc. Your beat team are aware of these issues and many of the beats have one of their priorities set to counter speeding, bad driving and anti social driving activities. Sergeant Jamie O’BRIEN of Farnborough SNT has actioned an operation to identify the vehicles and drivers and take action against them contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Police Reform Act 2002. The Police Reform Act allows Police Officers and PCSO’s in Uniform to issue warnings to drivers of vehicles driven carelessly and used in an anti-social manner. A second warning to the same person within twelve months enable’s Police to seize the vehicle they are driving. The operation involves Regular Police Officers, PCSO’S and Special Constabulary officers from the Northern area together with members of Rushmoor Council including CCTV and Parking Wardens working together to gather intelligence and identify and deal with Offenders. RESULT SO FAR:- 2 x persons were arrested for causing damage 5 x other vehicles have been identified as causing a nuisance of which three will be issued with S59 warnings in the near future. We have clear intelligence of the meeting points and routes used. Farnborough SNT will continue to target these people with your help. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Included as an attachment to the newsletter is a checklist form for Nuisance Drivers. Please complete the forms when YOU SEE a vehicle causing a nuisance or behaving in an anti-social manner i.e. wheel spinning, doing donuts, drifting the back end on roundabouts, street racing etc anywhere in Farnborough. BUT IF all you can say is you HEARD a car or you saw a car/s but can’t supply any identifying details please don’t fill in the forms. Try to get a full as description of the vehicle especially a registration number as possible including partial registration numbers (without putting yourself in any danger), then email the details on the completed form back to Farnborough SNT. Help us eradicate this behaviour in Farnborough and make our streets safe. 1 x driver has been summonsed for Dangerous Driving and Dangerous Vehicle Parts. 1 x vehicle was seized under Section 59 Police Reform Act. PS Kevin Futers Immobilise is a free online property register enabling users to create a secure record of personal possessions such as laptops, mobile phones, cameras and various other items. Protecting personal property is extremely important and registering it on Immobilise can assist in reuniting you with your possessions if stolen or in deterring an offender from stealing them in the first place. Click here to visit the Immobilise website or go to www.immobilise.com Request for information - Burglary at St Michaels Abbey, Farnborough Police would like to hear from anyone with information about a local burglary which happened sometime between Sunday February 16 and Thursday February 20. Three Altar cards, which are used in Mass, were taken. One of the cards is A3 size, the others are smaller. Detective Constable Tim Faltermeyer who is investigating said: “The cards are unique and irreplaceable. I’d ask anyone who has been offered these for sale, or who knows where they are to contact us.” EMPRESS & TOWN CENTRE WARD Your SNT team is PC Rob Dunster, PC David Carpenter and PCSO James Charlton. Drug offences in residential premises. Police are still investigating issues of drug use in Pond Road and Coombe Way. Upcoming Events: Summary: Cycle thefts are still an issue around Farnborough town centre and the Farnborough Central development. We are in the process of procuring more cycle locks at a heavily discounted price to assist the public with preventing these incidents occurring. Police have been conducting operations in relation to nuisance vehicles in the area. So far 1 vehicle has been seized, 2 further drivers are under a seizure warning for 12 months and a further 5 drivers have been written to and advised about their vehicles being a nuisance. Currently we have no events planned in the immediate future. Please contact us if you have any requests. Monthly Statistics: The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward are shown below. Beat Priorities: Burglary. The most recent burglary workshop took place on 1/3/14 in Princesmead. Please contact us if you would like us to organise any further similar events. Cycling on Pavements and in the town centre. The Cycle operation, targeting cyclists in the town centre has now been completed. Police have issued, 45 warnings and 4 fines. ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime 7 10 3 7 0 0 CHERRYWOOD WARD Your SNT team is PC Mark Ranola, PCSOs Lynn Anderson, Gordon Pengilley and Nilam Rai. Summary: Burglary non dwelling. This month, a motor vehicle was stolen from secure garage. A shed was also broken into and items were taken. Offenders are using tools to force entry to the property. We would like to encourage the residents to upgrade their security systems and consider being more observant and cautious in their area. Theft of Pedal Cycle. Eleven pedal cycles were stolen from the Farnborough 6th Form College’s premises in one day. Theft of pedal cycles has constantly been major issue in the Farnborough area. Therefore, bike owners are advised to use a decent “D” lock to secure their bike. Use a lock that has the Sold Secure Logo – visit www.soldsecure.com for more information. Also register your bike on Immobilise.com ASB noise-nuisance. We responded to ten noise reports in this month, which was high compared to last month statistics. We would encourage that noise-nuisances are reported to Environmental Health Department at Rushmoor Borough Council. If you are experiencing such problems, please avoid confrontation and report to the right authority for them to deal with the complaint. Beat Priorities: NHW. New scheme are being set up in Caswell Close and Bracklesham Close. NHW scheme is a voluntary system run by local residents in order to create a two way communication between the police and local community. Vehicle Crime. There were three reports of theft from motor vehicle. Three people were arrested in relation to one of the incidents. Offences can take place during any time of the day, whether a vehicle is parked in a driveway, on the street or in a public car park. Please consider fitting alarms or immobiliser in your car. More information about alarms can be found on the Thatcham and Sold Secure Website. Littering, parking issues and ASB in Fairfax Park. A small scale survey was carried out in the ward to understand residents’ concerns and issues. Nearly 60% of the replies were concerned about littering in the area. Therefore, for next two months, tackling litter issue would be added to our priority list. Upcoming Events: Cherrywood Week 15th March – 27th March Spring Clean 22nd March 1000 hrs – 1200 hrs Monthly Statistics: The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward are shown below. ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime 11 9 2 3 1 3 P a g e 2 that this concern remains as a community priority for this ward. COVE & SOUTHWOOD WARD Your SNT team is PC Lee Jeffers and PCSO Michelle Curtis. Summary: On Friday 28/02/14, Cove & Southwood Ward held its Community Forum at Rushmoor Community Football Club, Grasmere Road in Farnborough. The forum was informed that the crime statistics for 2013 – 2014 were on target to achieve the reduction set by the Home Office for this year. It was decided by the community present that the priorities for Cove & Southwood should be: 1. Speeding vehicles on Southwood Road. 2. Nuisance vehicles in the vicinity of Summit Avenue and the tributary roads. 3. Developing Neighbourhood Watch across the ward. Beat Priorities: Speeding vehicles on Southwood Road. Southwood Road has seen two speedwatch operations being conducted during February 2014. On 03/02/14, speedwatch monitored the speeds of 248 vehicles and found 24 vehicles travelling above the enforceable speed. On 18/02/14, speedwatch monitored the speeds of 303 vehicles and found 5 vehicles travelling above the enforceable speed. Those vehicles recorded travelling above the enforceable speed will be contacted by a letter from the Hampshire Constabulary. The community have requested Nuisance vehicles. As a result of numerous complaint over the last couple of months, the Farnborough SNT raised this matter as a community concern for Cove & Southwood. To date, one driver has been reported for Dangerous Driving and a Dangerous Vehicle, one driver has been issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice with a fine of £100 and 3 points on his licence, and 3 drivers have been issued with Section 59 Police Reform Act warnings for anti social driving. A Section 59 PRA warning lasts for 12 months and if the driver or the vehicle is observed to be driving in an anti social manner during this period, then the police have the power to seize the vehicle. Upcoming Events: Police surgeries are held on the 1st Sunday of each month between 10 am and Midday in the Cafe at Morrison's Supermarket, Links Way, Farnborough. Please come and see us if you wish to discuss any concerns in you neighbourhood. Monthly Statistics: The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward are shown below. ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime 4 1 2 2 0 2 FERNHILL WARD Your SNT team is PC Martin Cole and PCSO Mitch While. Summary: This Month we have seen a variety of incidents taking place. The most notable of these are a theft of a pushbike, a theft from a motor vehicle and a tampering with motor vehicle offences. There were also two separate occurrences of thefts from the Co-Op store, for which a male was detained for one of the offences, arrested and remanded in custody. We have also suffered two criminal damage reports within the ward. As a result of the recent beat Forum, Chapel Lane has been added as a priority, the speed watch volunteers already have two dates pencilled in for March as well as the Sandy Lane site. Parking Issues Guillemont School. There is still no news on when the County Council are planning on painting the white lines outside the school. Neighbourhood Watch. We are planning adding more neighbourhood watch within the ward and are in the process drawing up a list of roads that we can canvass throughout the coming Months. Upcoming Events: Beat Priorities: Burglaries. In relation to Burglaries within Fernhill ward we have had no burglaries or non dwelling burglaries through the Month of February. We have been placing the mobile CCTV van within the ward to deter burglary and help to reduce speeding vehicles. Speedwatch. In relation to Speed watch unfortunately one of the date's in February was cancelled. On 27th Feb, 141 vehicles were checked, 4 of which were found to be above the trigger point for which they have been sent letters. Beat surgeries are held on the first Saturday of every Month at The Fox Public house between 10.00 and Midday. Please feel free to come and visit us with any concerns you have, also at the surgeries there will always be at least one local Councillor and often the local County Councillor. Monthly Statistics: The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward are shown below. ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime 2 3 0 2 0 1 P a g e 3 Prevention Surgeries have been well attended so far and we hope this will continue. KNELLWOOD & ST MARKS WARD Parking Issues near to South Farnborough Junior School. Joint patrols continue with the Civil Enforcement officers, we have found that the problems in the area have reduced and there have been no further complaints. Your SNT team is PC David McDonald, PCSOs Jenni Lawrence and Matthew Tulett. Summary: This month we have seen a rise in assaults, however the majority of these are by people who are known to each other, so we do not believe there is an increased risk to the general public. Speeding on Reading Road, Salisbury Road & Sycamore Road. Speedwatch continue to carry out their excellent work to reduce the speeds in the area. Upcoming Events: Of the three burglaries reported, two experienced very low value thefts, though that does not detract from the feeling of invasion in to the personal space. The remaining burglary was a very high value theft of items. We have several Mobile Crime Prevention Beat Surgeries planned for the upcoming weeks. The local beat team will be on hand to speak to residents about any issues that they might have and to provide crime prevention advice to homeowners. Please come and see us on: We would strongly recommend that many high value items are not stored within the home if possible, but instead kept in safety deposit boxes or in safes which are bolted in to the ground if they must be within the home. Sun 9 Mar – Avenue Road 2pm-3pm Sun 16 Mar – Osborne Road 2pm-3pm We continue to see a reduction in Anti-social behaviour reports. Monthly Statistics. The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward are shown below. Beat Priorities: Burglaries. We continue to carry out regular patrols in an effort to reduce burglaries in the area. The pre-planned Crime ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime 4 12 3 5 0 3 ST JOHNS WARD Your SNT team is PC Lee Jeffers and PCSO Lisa Attwood. Summary: The partner agencies including police, Sentinel Housing and the Local Authority are still carefully monitoring several youths that were identified back at the beginning of December 2013 as being involved in causing Anti Social Behaviour on St. John’s Ward. As a result of this continual work with these youngsters the ASB figures for February for the whole of St. John's Ward has fallen to just ONE reported incident. In addition during February St. John's Ward has had no reports of Burglary, Robbery or Vehicle crime. The reports of damage to property have also fallen during February, however police are investigating a report of damage to a vehicle parked in Kingfisher Close on the evening of Saturday 22nd February 2014. From enquiries made by police, we have been made aware of a disturbance linked to a party at a nearby address on the same evening and would appeal to anyone who witnessed this disturbance in Kingfisher Close to contact PCSO 13131 ATTWOOD. Beat Priorities: Anti Social Behaviour in and around the Pyestock Estate: The Local Authority has now placed the order for the new community building which will replace the current partnership ASB Assault Burglary 1 5 0 P a g e building at the rear of Whetstone Road shops. It is planned to remove the old building on 27th March 2014 and some preparation work will then take place before the new building arrives on 14th April 2014. On these dates it will be necessary to cone off some areas around the building location and part of the service roads. Proposals for the use of the new building include, youth clubs, community meetings and private hire to local clubs / community groups. Developing Neighbourhood Watch: Canvassing is now well underway to create new NHW schemes in Woodlands Road and Collier Close. At present St. John's Ward has 51 active schemes with 1350 members. Upcoming Events: Beat surgeries are held on the 1st Saturday of each month between 10 am and Midday in the restaurant at The Plough & Horses public house, Fleet Road, Farnborough and on the 3rd Thursday of each month between 3 pm and 4 pm at The Partnership Building, rear of Whetstone Road Shops, Farnborough. Please come and see us if you wish to discuss any concerns in you neighbourhood. Monthly Statistics: The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward are shown below. 4 Damage Robbery Veh Crime 4 0 0 Advice for all Wards: Many of the cable type bike locks are not strong enough to deter bike thieves. Farnborough SNT are currently selling Kryptonite Silver Secure D-Locks for £20 (RRP £40) so if you would like to obtain one of these then please e-mail us at: [email protected] WEST HEATH WARD Your SNT team is PCSO Harry Collins-Hardman. Cycling on Pavements. The dedicated operation targeting cycling on the footpath and cycling with no lights has now come to an end with warnings and fines being given out throughout the operation. Summary: There were a number of suspicious person and vehicle calls in West Heath over the last month, a number of these have been unknown people hanging around or cold calling. If there is anyone acting strangely in your road, please contact Police via 101 so that Officers can attend and check their details. If they are cold callers we are happy to check they are from a genuine and reputable company as this will combat door step crime to our vulnerable residents. There was a general rise in reports across the ward over the last month however most of these have been dealt with and where appropriate further investigation/patrols are continuing to bring the number down. A vehicle was seized on Fernhill Road this month due to the driver having no insurance and was formally dealt with. Although the operation has come to an end I will be continuing to patrol the areas highlighted as problem areas as will colleagues from Town Centre who also suffer from this issue. Upcoming Events: A Crime Prevention Surgery and Property recording session will be held on 13th March 2014 at Medway shops. I will be there from 6pm to 7pm and welcome residents to come along for general crime prevention advice and to raise any issues/ concerns regarding the West Heath area. Beat Priorities: A Ward forum will be arranged in due course. Blunden Park ASB. Again this month there has been no reports of any Anti Social Behaviour in the area of Blunden Hall and surrounding park area. Monthly Statistics: During patrols some groups have been found however there was no alcohol or untoward activity going on. Patrols will continue especially over the next few months as we start heading towards the warmer weather. The figures for last month’s recorded occurrences in this Ward are shown below. ASB Assault Burglary Damage Robbery Veh Crime 4 6 0 2 0 5 Newsletter Feedback: We welcome your feedback and views on the style, layout and content of this newsletter. Please e-mail your comments to Joe Conway, our Police Support Volunteer who coordinates our monthly newsletter at [email protected] P a g e 5
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