TASPLAN MEMBER How to access your Super ISSUED | JULY 2013 If you currently have an account with Tasplan Super or Tasplan Pension and you are entitled to claim your benefit, you need to complete the attached form and return it to Tasplan. Please note that Commonwealth legislation requires that super is ‘preserved’ until a person retires after reaching their Preservation Age (see p3). You may be able to access some of your super early if you have an “unrestricted non-preserved” benefit (you will see this on your last statement), or if you meet certain conditions. If you are not eligible to claim your super, it must remain invested with a complying super fund, like Tasplan. Before moving your money from Tasplan to another fund, you should carefully compare the fees, services and benefits of both funds. In particular, check that any insurance cover you currently have will not be lost. If you are self employed you will need to make sure you have claimed any tax deductions you are entitled to before making a full withdrawal from your account. Changing Jobs? You can take your Tasplan account with you! Just give your new employer your Tasplan member number. They can call 1800 005 166 if they have any questions. Are you retiring? If you have met your ‘Preservation Age’ (see page 4), you might wish to consider using a Tasplan Pension account to turn your super into a regular income stream instead of withdrawing the full account balance. This could provide tax benefits and may help you manager your day-to-day cashflow in retirement. There are complicated tax and social security issues which may affect you depending on whether you take your super benefit as a lump sum or receive it as a income stream. Tasplan encourages all retiring members to seek financial advice to ensure your benefits are protected. Contact us on 1800 005 166 if you want to know more about Tasplan Pension or if you would like a referral to a qualified financial planner in your area. Processing Timeframes Once we receive all required documentation (including your certified ID), we will process your benefit payment within 5 business days. You should also allow 1-2 days to post or EFT your payment. Withdrawal fee Please note that an $80 withdrawal fee will apply to all full and partial rollovers and withdrawals from you Tasplan account. TP/BPR 84.3 11/13 ISS13 TASP11140 Tasplan Ltd. ABN 13 009 563 062 AFS Licence No. 235391 1 of 6 TASPLAN MEMBER Certifying your identity ISSUED | JULY 2013 Why do we need to do this? What does a certified ID look like? When you withdraw money from super you need to prove your identity. Your super is your savings, just like your bank accounts, so we need to be sure that it goes to the right place. This is a true and correct copy of the original. If you don’t provide your certified proof of ID, the forms may be returned to you which could delay your super payment. Simply follow this easy 3 step process: 1. Visit your local Police Station or Post Office* Take your driver’s licence or passport* to an authorised person. 2. Get your ID certified To certify your documents, the authorised person needs to compare a photocopy to the ORIGINAL and stamp or write the following details on the copy: • ‘This is a true and correct copy of the original’ • Their Qualification or Position (such as police officer) • Their name • Their address or phone number, and • Their signature and the date it was signed. 3. Send it to us Attach a copy of your certified ID to your completed claim forms. DR IVE RS LIC EN CE LIC NO:123456 DOB:29/07 /1983 Expiry Date:20/05/ 2019 Name: John Smith Qualification/Position: Police Officer Tel: 1234 5678 Date: 01/01/2013 James Citizen Address Who can certify your ID? • A Justice of the Peace • Police Officer • Australia Post employee (with 2 year’s + service) • Pharmacist • Legal Practitioner • F inance company officer (with 5 year’s + continuous service with one or more finance corporations) • Notary Public Officer • Commissioner for Declarations • A n officer with, or Authorised Representative of, a holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence. • Send it all back to: TASPLAN, GPO Box 1547 Hobart TAS 7001 *There are other acceptable ID documents you can use. At least one document must show your full name, date of birth and address. Please refer to the ‘Certifying your identity’ fact sheet on our website or call us on 1800 005 166 for more information. Customer Service 1800 005 166 Tasplan Ltd. ABN 13 009 563 062 AFS Licence No. 235391 TP/BPR 84.3 11/13 ISS13 TASP11140 FIND OUT MORE > tasplan.com.au 2 of 6 How to Access Your Super Use this form to access or rollover your Tasplan Super or Tasplan Pension account. When completing this form, please use a black pen and BLOCK letters. This request will be invalid if unsigned. Once completed, please return to: TASPLAN, GPO Box 1547 Hobart TAS 7001 Free call: 1800 005 166 Email: [email protected] Section 1: Your Details Member Number Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■ ■■■■ Mr/Mrs/Ms/MissSurname ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Given Names ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Street Number/PO Box Street Name ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Suburb/Town/City StatePostcode ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■ If you have provided a PO Box address above you must also provide a street address. Street Number Street Name ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Suburb/Town/City StatePostcode ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■ Contact Telephone Number ■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ Mobile ■■■■ ■■■ ■■■ Email Address (use upper case and lower case as appropriate) ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■ I agree to provide my Tax File Number (TFN)*: Yes OR No *You might pay extra tax or your withdrawal might get delayed if we don’t have your TFN. Please see the warning on p5. Section 2: Proof of Identity Important: When you withdraw money from super you need to prove your identity. If you don’t provide a certified copy of your ID, your super withdrawal will be delayed. Please see the front of this form for an explanation on how to get your ID certified. ■ ■ I have attached one photo document; OR I have attached one non-photo document A and one non-photo document B Section 3: How much do you want to withdraw? ■ ■ I want to make a full balance withdrawal I want to make a partial withdrawal of $ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ , . Please note that for all partial withdrawals you must leave a minimum balance of $2,000. 3 of 6 Section 4: Reason for requesting a withdrawal You have to meet a “condition of release” to access your super. Please tick the option that applies to you. If none of the options apply to you, please contact us on 1800 005 166 to check if you are eligible to access your super. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I am over 65 – Please complete sections 10 & 11. I have retired / reduced my work hours to less than 10 hours per week – Please complete sections 5, 10 & 11. I am rolling over to another super fund – Please complete sections 6 & 11. I have an unrestricted amount available – Please complete sections 10 & 11. I am making a Small Balance Claim – Please complete sections 7, 10 & 11. I am suffering Severe Financial Hardship – Please complete sections 8, 10 & 11. I am withdrawing on Compassionate Grounds – Please complete sections 9, 10 & 11. Section 5: Retirement Conditions What is my Preservation Age? I declare that: ■ I have reached my Preservation Age and have reduced my working hours to Date of birth less than 10 hours per week and do not intent to return to full-time work. To - 30 June 1960 55 I have stopped working or changed jobs since turning 60, 1 July 1960 30 June 1961 56 but am not permanently retired. 1 July 1961 30 June 1962 57 1 July 1962 30 June 1963 58 1 July 1963 30 June 1964 59 1 July 1964 - 60 I reduced my hours on ■■ ■■ ■■■■ / / . ■ I stopped work / changed jobs on ■ Preservation Age From ■■ ■■ ■■■■ / / I have reached my Preservation Age and have permanently retired. I stopped work on ■■ ■■ ■■■■ / / . . Section 6: Rollover Fund Details Please note that you don’t need to rollover your Tasplan account if you’ve changed jobs – just give your new employer your Tasplan account number and tell them to call us on 1800 005 166 if they have any questions. Please provide your other super fund’s details below. Fund Name ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Member Number ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Street Number/PO Box Street Name Suburb/Town/City StatePostcode ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■ Australian Business Number ABN Superannuation Fund Number (SPIN/SFN) ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ Section 7: Small Balance Claim I confirm that: ■ ■ ■ I have less than $200 in my Tasplan account; and I am not working for a Tasplan employer; and I am either unemployed or working less than 10 hours per week. 4 of 6 Section 8: Severe Financial Hardship ■ ■ ■ I have completed and enclosed a Severe Financial Hardship Questionnaire and Statutory Declaration. If I am claiming more than $1,000 I have attached original evidence of financial hardship equal to or greater than the amount of my claim. I have attached a letter from Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs/completed the Centrelink Authority Form . Please note that the letter/Authority form must be received by Tasplan within 21 days of the date on the letter. Section 9: Compassionate Grounds Claim ■ I have attached an original letter from the Department of Human Services authorising the release of superannuation from my account on compassionate grounds. Section 10: Cash Payment Details (EFT) Please advise where you would like us to pay your funds. Name of financial institution ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BSB Number Account Number ■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Name account is held in Section 11: Residency ■ I declare that I am a permanent resident of Australia or an Australian citizen. Section 12: Declaration • I understand that it is not compulsory to provide my Tax File Number (TFN). However, if I choose not to quote my TFN, the Trustee is required to deduct tax at the top marginal tax rate plus Medicare Levy. • I have read the Tasplan Privacy Statement and understand how Tasplan intends to protect my personal details, particularly in relation to the collection, storage, quality, use and disclosure (sharing) of personal information. • here the full balance of my account is to be paid from Tasplan, I hereby release the Trustee from any further liability to me or my executors, administrators W or dependants in respect of my participation in the fund and request and authorise the termination of my membership in the fund. • here my benefit is being rolled into another fund, or a withdrawal is made from my Tasplan Super account (excluding rollovers to Tasplan Pension), W I approve the deduction of benefit payment fees (if any) from the benefits rolled over (subject to legislative restrictions). • I have read this document and declare that the information supplied by me on this advice is correct. Your Signature Dated (DD/MM/YYYY) ■■ ■■ ■■■■ 5 of 6 Important information Why do we need your Tax File Number (TFN)? What units are redeemed to pay a partial claim? Super funds are legally allowed to ask for your TFN. You don’t have to give it to us, but if you don’t you may pay more tax on your contributions and benefit payments, and we won’t be able to accept personal (after-tax) contributions from you. It could also delay payment of your benefits. If you close your Tasplan account prior to providing your TFN, we will be unable to refund any additional tax that you may have paid. Approved claims are paid by selling units from your account based on your selected Future Transaction percentage(s). Claims are not paid based on your current account balance split. The Future Transaction percentage(s) determine the investment options and proportions for the redemption of units. We have to follow laws on how we use your TFN, and these may change in the future. If we transfer your super to another fund, we will provide your TFN to the other super fund unless you tell us not to in writing. For example, a partial claim of $5,000 from an account with $20,000 (invested 50% in the MySuper Balanced option and 50% in the Cash option) with a Future Transaction selection of 100% MySuper Balanced will have the partial claim of $5,000 redeemed from the MySuper Balanced option only. If a Switch request is submitted to change the Future Transaction percentage to 100% Cash option prior to submitting the claim, then the partial claim of $5,000 will be redeemed from the Cash option only. Do you need your insurance cover? Did you know that your insurance cover will cease automatically if you close your account or leave an insufficient balance to cover ongoing payments? If you need to keep your insurance in place please contact us on 1800 005 166 to discuss your options. What unit price do I receive? Members can submit a Switch request to change their Future Transaction percentages prior to lodging their partial claim. Please ensure the Switch is submitted (and allow time for it to be processed) before you submit your partial claim. Please call us if you need any help. Tasplan calculates new unit prices for each investment option each week. These unit prices reflect the positive or negative movement in the underlying investment values and are applied to the units held by each member to determine your investment value. PLEASE DO NOT FAX 6 of 6
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