“AN EVALUATION OF SERUM TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN ORAL LEUKOPLAKIA AND ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA” By DR. BHANUSHREE.R Dissertation Submitted to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka. In partial fulfillment Of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF DENTAL SURGERY In ORAL MEDICINE AND RADIOLOGY Under the guidance of Dr. M. MANJUNATH PROFESSOR AND HEAD, DEPARTMENT OF ORAL MEDICINE, DIAGNOSIS AND RADIOLOGY, V.S. DENTAL COLLEGE, BANGALORE. 2006-2009 RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, KARNATAKA. DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I hereby declare that this dissertation/thesis entitled “ AN EVALUATION OF SERUM TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN ORAL LEUKOPLAKIA AND ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA” is a bonafide and genuine work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. M. MANJUNATH PROFESSOR AND HEAD, DEPARTMENT OF ORAL MEDICINE, DIAGNOSIS RADIOLOGY, V.S. Dental College, Bangalore. Date: Dr. BHANUSHREE.R Place: Bangalore I AND RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, KARNATAKA. CERTIFICATE BY THE GUIDE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “AN EVALUATION OF SERUM TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN ORAL LEUKOPLAKIA AND ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA” is a bonafide research work done by Dr. BHANUSHREE.R in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF DENTAL SURGERY IN ORAL MEDICINE AND RADIOLOGY. Date: Dr. M. MANJUNATH. Guide and Head, Department of Oral Medicine, Diagnosis and Radiology, V.S .Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore. Place: Bangalore II RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, KARNATAKA. CERTIFICATE BY THE CO GUIDE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “AN EVALUATION OF SERUM TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN ORAL LEUKOPLAKIA AND ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA” is a bonafide research work done by Dr. BHANUSHREE.R in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF DENTAL SURGERY IN ORAL MEDICINE AND RADIOLOGY. Dr. K.L.MAHADEVAPPA Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, KIMS Hospital, Bangalore. Date: Place: Bangalore III RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, KARNATAKA. ENDORSEMENT BY THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, PRINCIPAL/HEAD OF THE INSTITUTION This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “AN EVALUATION OF SERUM TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN ORAL LEUKOPLAKIA AND ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA” is a bonafide research work done by Dr. BHANUSHREE.R under the guidance of Dr.M.MANJUNATH. PROFESSOR AND HEAD, DEPARTMENT OF ORAL MEDICINE, DIAGNOSIS AND RADIOLOGY, V.S. DENTAL COLLEGE, BANGALORE. Dr. M. MANJUNATH. PROF. AND HEAD DR. USHA MOHAN DAS PRINCIPAL Date: Date: Place: Bangalore Place: Bangalore IV COPYRIGHT Declaration by the Candidate I hereby declare that the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Karnataka, shall have the right to preserve, use and disseminate this dissertation / Thesis in print or electronic format for academic/research purpose Date: Dr.Bhanushree.R Post graduate student, Department of Oral medicine Diagnosis and Radiology VS Dental college and Hospital Bangalore-560004 Place: ©Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences, Karnataka V ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Life can never be a success without the Grace of Almighty, support from family, Guidance from teachers and well wishes from elders. It is of great pleasure to express my gratitude at this juncture to THE ICON OF PATIENCE and my guide to Dr.M.Manjunath, Professor and Head, Department of Oral medicine and Radiology who has been unstintingly guiding me through the itinerary study. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr .Usha Mohan Das, Principal, V. S. Dental College & Hospital for providing me an opportunity to pursue my post graduation in Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology I would like to extend my gratitude to my Co-Guide Dr. H. L. Mahadevappa, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, KIMS Hospital, Bangalore for his constant support and encouragement and guidance during the entire course of this study. My sincere thanks to Dr. Deepak T.A. Associate professor, for his kind support, constant backup and guidance in the upcoming of this work and to Dr.Sowmya Krishna, Senior lecturer ,Dr.Annaji.A.G, Senior lecturer , Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology without whose encouragement, it would have been difficult to finish my work. VI I Acknowledge with sincer gratitude to Dr.Ramamurthy, former Associate professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology who had given guidance in my academics even in short period of time. I sincerely thank Mr.Tejeswi (Statistician) for his speedy work in analysing the result and compilation of the Statistical data for this study. The acknowledgements would not be complete without thanking the many people who have stayed behind the scenes but have made significant contribution for this work. Date: DR. BHANUSHREE.R Place: Bangalore VII LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS AK-Actinic Keratosis ALV-Alveolus ANOVA-Analysis of Variants BCC-Basal cell carcinoma bFGF-basic fibroblast growth factor BM-Buccal Mucosa BMI-Body mass index CEA- carcinoembryogenic antigen COL-Commisure Of Lip CYFRA 21-1-Cytokeratin 19 fragment DPA- Diphenylamine FGFR-1-Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1. FOM-Floor Of Mouth GBS-Gingivo Buccal Sulcus HIF-1α –Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α HNSCC- Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma HPA-Helix pomatia HPV-Human Papilloma Virus IEC- intestinal epithelial cell line LASA-Lipid Associated Sialic Acid LP-Leukoplakia MC-Mast Cells MCM2 LI-Mini Microsome maintenance 2 Labeling Index MN-Micronuclei VIII NANA- N-Acetyl Neuraminic Acid NF-kB-Nuclear Factor kB OC-Oral Cancer OC3-Oral Carcinoma 3 OSCC-Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma PA-Para cortical Area PBH- protein bound hexoses PC- precancerous PHA- phytohemagglutinin RIA-Radioimmunoassay RMA-Retro molar area SA-Sialic Acid SCC-Squamous Cell Carcinoma SP-Soft Palate ST-Smokeless Tobacco S-TSA- serum total Sialic acid TBA- Thiobarbituric acid TNF-α –Tumor Necrosis Factor- α TP-Total Protein TSA –Total Sialic Acid WGA-Wheat germ agglutinin IX ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Altered glycosylation of glycoconjugates is among the important molecular changes that accompany malignant transformation. Various studies in the past have shown the direct relation of Total Sialic acid in premalignant lesions and different malignancies. The purpose of this study is to investigate clinical usefulness of circulatory levels of Total Sialic acid in Leukoplakia, Squamous cell carcinoma and healthy controls of age and sex matched subjects. METHOD: Blood samples were collected from 25 untreated Leukoplakia, 25 untreated Squamous cell carcinoma and 25 healthy subjects. Total serum Sialic acid were evaluated by the simplified quick method by G Sydow and measured spectrophotometrically at 525nm. RESULTS: Serum levels of Total Sialic acid were significantly elevated (P<0.001) in untreated Oral cancer patients as compared to healthy controls and Leukoplakia. Our data also inferred significant difference between 1)control group & Leukoplakia group, 2)control group & squamous group and 3)Leukoplakia group & squamous group with respect to the mean Sialic acid levels (P<0.001). The mean Sialic acid is found to be more in squamous group compared to Leukoplakia and control group and this difference is statistically significant. The mean Sialic acid in Leukoplakia group is higher than control group and this difference is also statistically significant. X CONCLUSION: The data revealed direct relation between significant elevation of serum Total Sialic acid levels in Oral cancer patients and also an ascending order of increase of serum Total Sialic acid levels from healthy controls to Leukoplakia to Squamous cell carcinoma and suggested that potential utility of these parameters in initial diagnosis of Leukoplakia and Squamous cell carcinoma. Key words: Glycoprotein, Leukoplakia, Oral cancer, Sialic acid, Squamous cell carcinoma. XI TABLE OF CONTENTS SI.NO. CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1-3 2. OBJECTIVES 4-4 3. 4. REVIEW OF LITERATURE METHODOLOGY PAGE NO. 5-36 37-46 5. RESULTS 47-62 6. DISCUSSION 63-68 7. CONCLUSION 8. SUMMARY 71-71 9. BIBILOGRAPHY 72-82 10. ANNEXURES 83-88 XII 69-70 LIST OF TABLES SI.NO. 1. 2. TABLES Table 1- Age distribution in 3 different groups Table 2- Gender distribution between 3 groups PAGE NO. 48 49 3. Table 3- Habit distribution between 2 Groups 52 4. Table 4- Site distribution between 2 Groups 54 5. Table 5- Staging in Leukoplakia, GroupI 55 6. Table 6- Staging in Oral Cancer, GroupII 56 7. Table 7- Tumor size in oral cancer 57 8. Table 8- Nodal involvement in Oral Cancer 58 9. Table 9- Descriptive statistics 59 10. Table 10- ANOVA-Sialic acid 61 11. Table 11- Bonferroni Test 62 XIII LIST OF GRAPHS SI.NO. GRAPHS PAGE NO. 1. Graph 1- Age distribution in Three Groups 48 2. Graph 2- Gender distribution in Three Groups 50 3. Graph 3- Habit distribution in Three Groups 52 4. Graph 4- Site distribution in Three Groups 54 5. Graph 5- Staging in Leukoplakia 55 6. Graph 6- Staging in Oral Cancer 56 7. Graph 7- Tumor size in Oral Cancer 57 8. Graph 8- Nodal involvement in Oral Cancer 9. Graph 9- Sialic acid in Three Groups 60 Graph 10- Mean Sialic acid in Three Groups 60 10. XIV 58 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS Fig. No Page No. PHOTOGRAPHS 1. CLINICAL PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING LEUKOPLAKIA ON LEFT BUCCAL MUCOSA 42 2. PHOTOMICROGRAPH LEUKOPLAKIA 42 3. PHOTOMICROGRAPH SHOWING MILD EPITHELIAL DYSPLASIA 43 4. CLINICAL PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING CARCINOMA ON THE RIGHT BUCCAL MUCOSA 43 5. PHOTOMICROGRAPH SHOWING WELL DIFFERENTIATED CARCINOMA 44 6. CENTRIFUGE MACHINE 44 7. INCUBATOR 45 8. SPECTROPHOTOMETER 45 9. REAGENTS USED IN THE ESTIMATION OF TOTAL SIALIC ACID 46 OF ESTIMATED SERUM TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN 10. DIFFERENT SAMPLES XV 46 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Cancer meaning Crab in Greek as these adheres to any part, which it seizes upon it as an obstacle manner. It was Hippocrates the father of medicine coined the term “Karkinos” (for non-healing neoplastic Ulcers) and “Karkinoma” (for solid malignant ulcers).1 Oral cancer is a serious health problem world wide accounting not only for mortality but also responsible for extensive disfigurement, loss of function, behavioural changes, financial and sociologic hardship. Frustration abounds because the cure rate is dismally low for such an accessible tumor.2 Despite improvement in imaging and therapy, the survival rate for patients with these has not changed substantially for many years.3 Oral cancer is the Sixth cause of Cancer related morbidity and mortality globally4 with the incidence reaching high proportion in India, where there is 11.2% Prevalent in males and 11% in females with the site predilection of oral cavity as the second place in males and third in females (Hospital based cancer registry, Kidwai Memorial Institute Of Oncology, Bangalore 2004-05).Clinical, epidemiology and laboratory studies suggest direct etiological relationship with prolonged tobacco use with Oral cancer.4 Despite the recent advances in tumour surgery and multimodal treatment regimes, the prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is still relatively poor. This may be because the symptoms that indicate the presence of the carcinoma often appear when the tumour is in an advance stage.5 Oral cancer is usually preceded in many cases by precancerous lesions or conditions like Leukoplakia or Sub mucous oral fibrosis, is attributed to different types of tobacco chewing.6 1 INTRODUCTION Therefore the early diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCC) would improve survival and quality of life, avoiding the mutilation that physician often have to make to save patients lives. The search for biological marker that could predict the changes in the pre-malignant Lesion would be useful in detecting patients with high risk for malignancy.6 Studies of malignant cells have revealed alteration in cell surfaces and membranes. Many properties of mammalian cells are expressed at, or mediated through, cell surfaces. Glycoproteins and gylcolipids, which form the major constituents of cells, have been implicated in cellular invasiveness, adhesiveness and immunogenesity. They are released in to circulation through increased turnover, secretion, and / or shedding from malignant cell. Changes in serum glycoprotein levels are characteristic of many pathological conditions including malignancy.6 Over the past several decades, experienced gained from the studies of tumours had lead to the recognition of the significant role of glycoconjugates in malignant transformation. Terminal epitopes of carbohydrates have been proposed to play a significant role in cell – cell interactions in the development of cell adhesion and in malignant transformation. One of the most common changes in glycoconjugates during malignant transformation is the increase in size of oligosaccharides resulting in branching sites for incorporation of Sialic acid. The occupancy of Sialic acid at the terminal or near to terminal position underlies its vital role in determing surface characteristic of cells and secreted Glycoproteins. Being non-reducing terminal Sialic acid gained outstanding importance in cancer research6. Total Sialic acid (TSA) consists of Glycoproteins and Gylcolipids bound Sialic acids. These glycoconjugates are released in to circulation through increase turnover, secretions and / or shedding from malignant cells.7 2 INTRODUCTION Sialic acids (N-acetyl neuraminic acid, NANA) frequently occupy the terminal, non-reducing position on membrane glycoproteins. The negative charge due to presence of a carboxyl group enables Sialic acid to mediate a wide array of cellular functions such as transport of positively charged molecular, cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, influence the confirmation of membrane glycoproteins and masking antigenic sites of receptors. The presence of Sialic acid at the terminal or near the terminal position underlies its importance in determining chemical and biological diversity, and characteristic of cell surface and secreted glycoproteins. Human and experimental model based studies have documented clinical significance of this sugar moiety. Numerous investigators have reported possible relation of increased Sialic acid levels with various malignancies.8 The idea of screening and following patients with malignancy by blood – based test is appealing from several point of view including its ease, economic advantage, non-invasiveness and possibility of repeated sampling. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to investigate the serum levels of Glycoconjugate-the Sialic acid in patients with Leukoplakia and Squamous cell carcinoma for its early diagnosis. 3 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ¾ To Asses serum Total Sialic acid levels in Leukoplakia. ¾ To Asses serum Total Sialic acid levels in Squamous cell carcinoma. ¾ To Asses serum total Sialic acid levels in controls. ¾ To correlate the Total Sialic acid levels in Leukoplakia and Squamous cell carcinoma with that of controls. 4 REVIEW OF LITERATURE REVIEW OF LITERATURE LEUKOPLAKIA: The oral cavity is a unique environment. Oral mucosa is a critical protective interface between external and internal environments and serves as a physical, chemical and microbial barrier.9 Preleukoplakia was defined as a low grade or a very mild reaction of the mucosa, appearing as a gray or grayish white, but never completely white, area with a slightly lobular pattern and with indistinct borders blending in to the adjacent normal mucosa.10 “Leukoplakia is the most common precancerous lesion of the oral mucosa.11 DEFINITION AND TERMINOLOGY: Leukoplakia and definable lesions: Leukoplakia (1969) is a white patch of the oral mucosa measuring 5mm or more which can not be scraped off and which cannot be attributed to any other diagnostic disease.10 The World Health Organization (1978) has defined oral Leukoplakia as a white patch or plaque which cannot otherwise be characterized clinically or pathologically as any other disease.12 For many decades, oral Leukoplakia has been defined as a clinical term for ‘‘a predominantly white lesion of the oral mucosa that cannot be characterized as any other definable lesion.’’ In addition, the recommendation has been made to make a distinction between a provisional clinical diagnosis of oral Leukoplakia and a definitive one. 5 REVIEW OF LITERATURE A provisional clinical diagnosis is made when a lesion at the initial clinical examination cannot be clearly diagnosed as any other definable lesion of the oral mucosa with a white appearance. A definitive clinical diagnosis of oral Leukoplakia is made as a result of the identification, and if possible elimination, of suspected etiological factors and, in the case of persistent lesions (no signs of regression within 2–4 weeks), histopathological examination. As a result one recognizes several levels of certainty with which a diagnosis of oral Leukoplakia has been made. The use of a certainty (C) factor is analogous to the use of the C in the TNM Classification for Cancer. C1 Evidence from a single visit, applying inspection and palpation as the only diagnostic means (Provisional clinical diagnosis). C2 Evidence obtained by a negative result of elimination of suspected etiologic factors, e.g. mechanical irritation, during a follow-up period of 2–4 weeks (Definitive clinical diagnosis). C3 as C2, but complemented by pretreatment biopsy in which, histopathologically, no definable lesion is observed (Histopathologically proven diagnosis). C4 Evidence following surgery and pathologically examination of the resected specimen. A 2–4 week interval to observe the possible regression or disappearance of a white lesion after elimination of possible causative factors seems an acceptable period of time for the general practitioner before taking a biopsy or before referring the patient to a specialist for further advice. It is well recognized that the time for a ‘‘reactive’’ white lesion to regress may in some cases be much longer than the 2–4 weeks mentioned earlier. However, it may be hazardous to just observe a leukoplakic lesion 6 REVIEW OF LITERATURE longer than such period without having taken a biopsy or having the patient referred for further advice.11 The sites of oral cavity affected by Leukoplakia were buccal mucosa and the commissure area (76%), buccal mucosa and alveolar sulcus (19%), and tongue (5%). Most of the patients suffered from ulcerative (62%) followed by homogeneous (35%) and nodular (3%) types of Leukoplakia. Fifty-two percent of the cancer sites were from buccal mucosa and alveolar sulcus and the remaining sites were distributed equally among lip, tongue, retromolar area, and buccal sulcus.17 CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION: The clinical features have been classified into; 1. The homogenous type 2. The ulcerated type 3. The specked type The homogenous type is characterized by raise plaque formation consisting of plaques varying in size and with irregular edges. These lesions are predominantly white, but may have areas of a grayish-yellow color. The ulcerated type of Leukoplakia gives the impression that ulceration has been caused by trauma either by trauma either of chewing or of burning in case of reverse smoking. The affected area is usually uniformly red, but yellowish areas of fibrin may be present. The specked Leukoplakia has the characteristic of white patches on an erythematous base.10 7 REVIEW OF LITERATURE CLASSIFICATION AND STAGING SYSTEM FOR ORAL LEUKOPLAKIA (OLEP) STAGING SYSTEM: L (size of the Leukoplakia) L1 Size of single or multiple leukoplakias together <2 c m L2 Size of single or multiple leukoplakias together 2–4 cm L3 Size of single or multiple leukoplakias together >4 c m Lx Size not specified P (pathology) P0 No epithelial dysplasia (includes ‘‘no or perhaps mild epithelial dysplasia’’; equals OIN grade 0) P1 Distinct epithelial dysplasia (includes ‘‘mild to moderate’’ and ‘‘moderate to possibly severe’’ epithelial dysplasia; equals OIN grades 1 and 2) P‘x Absence or presence of epithelial dysplasia not specified in the pathology report OLEP staging system Stage I L1P0 Stage II L2P0 Stage III L3P0 or L1L2P1 Stage IV L3P1 General rules of the OLEP staging system 1. If there is doubt concerning the correct L or P category to which a particular case should be allotted, than the lower (i.e. less advanced) category should be chosen. This will also be reflected in the stage grouping. 2. In case of multiple biopsies of single Leukoplakia or biopsies taken from multiple leukoplakias the highest pathological score of the various biopsies should be used. 8 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 3. For reporting purposes the oral subsite according to the ICD-DA should be mentioned (World Health Organization, International Classification of Diseases. Tenth Revision. Application to Dentistry and Stomatology, (ICD-DA, Geneva, 1992).11 Various etiological factors for Leukoplakia have been mentioned in the literature. They are Tobacco, Candida infection, alcohol, dietary and deficiency states, syphilis, viruses and galvanism. The overwhelming majority of leukoplakias, especially in the tropics, are associated with tobacco usage- so much so that tobacco is considered to be the single most important etiological factor.-textbook.12 Oral Leukoplakia frequently precedes oral cancer and has similar etiologic factors. To investigate the relationship between tobacco use and oral Leukoplakia, as well as the role of tobacco use in the malignant transformation of oral Leukoplakia in the European and, specifically, the central European and Hungarian context, the following points will be discussed: • Epidemiologic patterns of tobacco habits, • prevalence of oral Leukoplakia, • prevalence of smoking and oral Leukoplakia, • effect of smoking on clinically healthy oral mucosa, and • Evaluation of the data and conclusions.13 9 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Pindborg JJ et al and Schepman KP et al have put forth the classification and staging of oral Leukoplakia as: Provisional (Clinical) diagnosis:20 L Æ Extent of Leukoplakia. S Æ Site of Leukoplakia C Æ Clinical aspect LO SI LI No evidence of lesion </=2cm L2 2-4cm L3 >/=4cm Lx Not specified S2 Sx All sites excluding CI floor of mouth, C2 tongue Cx Floor of mouth and/or Tongue Not specified Homogenous Non homogenous Not specified Definitive (Histopathologic) diagnosis: P Æ Histopathologic features Staging PI, no dysplasia 1: any L, SI, CI, PI orP2 P2, mild dysplasia 2: any L, SI or S2, C2, PI or P2 P3, moderate dysplasia 3: anyL,S2,C2,PlorP2 P4, severe dysplasia 4: any L, any S, any C, P3 or P4. Px not specified. PREVALENCE OF LEUKOPLAKIA: Early descriptive studies (performed mainly in India and Denmark) have shown that the frequency of oral Leukoplakia among smokers is so high that, in the absence of controls, the habit could be considered as causative. In a survey of 50,915 Indian villagers, found a prevalence of oral Leukoplakia between 0.2 and 4.9 percent and that intraoral locations varied depending upon the chewing and smoking habits involved. 10 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Studies of the role of smoking in the development of oral Leukoplakia is, strong evidence that; • both oral cancer and oral Leukoplakia can be induced and promoted by tobacco; • cigarette smoking shows a steep increase in the central European countries, and in these countries the incidence and mortality from oropharyngeal cancer ranks among the highest in the world for both men and women; • the proportion of tobacco users (both smoking and smokeless tobacco) among individuals with leukoplakias is high, and a relationship is evident between the tobacco habit and the anatomical location of the Leukoplakia; • cross-sectional studies show a higher prevalence of Leukoplakia among smokers than among non-smokers; • a dose-response relationship exists between tobacco use and oral Leukoplakia; and • intervention studies show a regression of oral Leukoplakia after tobacco cessation.13 RISK OF MALIGNANT TRANSFORMATION: Epithelial dysplasia is usually divided into three categories: mild, moderate and severe. Commonly used histopathological features of epithelial dysplasia 1. Loss of polarity of the basal cells 2. Presence of more than one layer of cells having a basaloid appearance 3. Increased nuclear–cytoplasmic ratio 4. Drop-shaped rete processes 5. Irregular epithelial stratification 6. Increased number of mitotic figures (a few abnormal mitoses may be present) 7. Presence of mitotic figures in the superficial half of the epithelium 11 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 8. Cellular pleomorphism 9. Nuclear hyperchromatism 10. Enlarged nucleoli 11. Reduction of cellular cohesion 12. Keratinization of single cells or cell groups in the prickle layer11. It was suggested that the metallothionein may be a marker to moderate dysplasia and may play a role in oral carcinogenesis14. It has been proved that GSTM1 null genotype may increase the risk for oral Leukoplakia development.15 The development of oral Leukoplakia is strongly associated with exogenous exposure to carcinogens, mainly smoking, chewing tobacco and betel nut. The use of tobacco is the most important, and has been present in 80% of the cases. Oral Leukoplakia shows predilection for man (70%), generally up to 40 years old and may occur as a single or multiple lesion.15 The risk factors include tobacco and excess alcohol use and diets low in antioxidants.16 Tobacco chewing and smoking has been identified as the major risk factors for oral cavity precancer and cancer in India. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, aromatic amines, nitrosamines, etc., are thought to be carcinogenic components present in tobacco. But chewing of tobacco with betel quid increases the concentrations of carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines and reactive oxygen species in the mouth.17 The fact that some oral leukoplakias (OLs) undergo malignant transformation during their clinical evolution and that white lesions are found on the borders of some oral squamous cell carcinomas lends support to the concept that OL is a potentially 12 REVIEW OF LITERATURE malignant lesion. Those patients with OL associated with oral cancer presented with tumours at a less advanced stage than those where no associated Leukoplakia existed.18 13 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ORAL CANCER: Carcinoma of the oral cavity is one of the most frequent malignant tumors worldwide, with major predominance in South-East Asia and India. In India, cancer of the oral cavity is one of the five leading sites of cancer and accounts for 19% of the total cancer cases in men and 7% of that in women.21, 34, 39 Among the oral tumors, 90% are squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which arises from the mucosal lining. This high incidence of oral cancer (OC) in India is due to the widespread habits of tobacco chewing, betel nut chewing and smoking and alcohol.27, 32,33,34,39 The clinicopathological profile of Indian oral cancers shows significant differences from the oral cancers in several developed countries of the world, including the USA, UK, France and Japan, where it is associated with tobacco smoking with/without alcohol consumption. A variety of tobacco habits are prevalent in India and they differ from region to region.39 Many people extensively use smokeless tobacco in the form of nass, naswar, khaini, mishri, pan masala, gutkha, betel-quid (betel leaf coated with slaked lime wrapped around areca nut and catechu) or smoke tobacco in the forms of bidi, chutta, the reverse type of smoking and hooka.39 There are about 300 carcinogenic compounds present in tobacco out of which tobacco-specific nitrosamines have been identified as the most important carcinogens in tobacco. The other carcinogenic compounds in tobacco metabolites are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, a-particle-emit-ting 210 Po (polonium), trace metals, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and phenols.39 In India, the buccal mucosa (cheek) is the primary site for cancer development as against the tongue and the floor of the mouth in Western countries, 14 REVIEW OF LITERATURE which may be due to the habit of keeping the betel-quid and tobacco in contact with the cheek for a long time.39 CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION: 20 The staging of oral cancer has been given based on the size, lymphnode involvement and the presence or absence of metastasis. MÆ Distant TÆ Size of the NÆCervical Lymphnode metastasis metastasis primary tumor Tls: carcinoma in B NO: no node situ involvement detected Tl: tumor <2cm Nl: single ipsilateral T2: tumor >2cm : node<3cm and<4cm T3: tumor>4cm T4: tumor >4cm with invasion of adjacent structures (ie, through cortical bone, deep into extrinsic muscles of tongue, maxillary sinus, and skin) MO: no known metastases Staging: Stage T1,N0,M0 Ml: metastases Stage present T2,N0,M0 1: 2: N2a: single ipsilateral H: node <6cm Stage 3: T3,N0,M0 Tl,T2orT3,Nl, MO N2b: multiple ipsilateral nodes >3cm and <6cm Stage 4: T4. any N.M0 N2c: bilateral or contra lateral AnyT5N2orN3, MO Any TorN with Ml lymphnode <6cm N3a: ipsilateral node >6cm N3b: bilateral nodes Xicm The TNM classification of tumor of oral cavity.21 Assessment of the size of the primary lesion, the number of regional lymph node metastasis and the presence of distant metastasis (TNM) are widely used to define the extent of tumour load and determine treatment options for patients with Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). One of the criticisms of the TNM system is that it 15 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ignores individual histological characteristics of tumours, and it has been proposed that a combined assessment of histological grading as well as clinical staging might provide a more precise measure for predicting the outcome of the neoplasms and deciding the best treatment for each patient.21 Brynes’s IFG system: 21 Morphologic feature score 1 Degree of Highly Keratinization keratinized (> 50% of cells) Nuclear Little nuclear polymorphism polymorphism (>75% mature cells) Number of mitosis (high power field) Pattern of invasion 0-1 2 Moderately keratinized (20-50% of cells) Moderately abundant nuclear polymorphism 50-755 mature cells) 2-3 3 Minimal keratinization (5-20% of cells) Abundant nuclear polymorphism (25-50% mature cells) 4 No keratinization (0-55 of cells) 4-5 >5 Pushing, well delineated infiltrating borders Infiltrating, solid cords, bands and/or strands Small groups or cords of infiltrating cells Marked and wide –spread cellular dissociation in small groups and / or in single cells(n<15) None Host response Marked Moderate Slight Extreme nuclear polymorphism (0-25% mature cells) In OSCC, the presence of tumour metastasis in regional lymph nodes at presentation is the most significant adverse prognostic factor and a major determinant of poor survival and precise indicators to predict local recurrence and/or metastasis might be very valuable.21 16 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Significant association present between the pattern of invasion of the tumour and metastasis of the tumour to regional lymph nodes. Tumours that invaded in small groups or with widespread cellular dissociation showed a higher tendency to metastasize to regional lymph nodes compared with tumours that invaded in pushing fronts or in solid cords and/or strands. These ‘aggressive’ patterns of invasion might imply that tumour cells have already reached a stage in their evolution where they exhibit the molecular events that permit metastasis, such as the expression of cellular receptors and the production of enzymes to facilitate their access to lymphatic vessels.21 There was also a significant association between the degree of keratinization and lymph node metastasis. Patients with tumours that showed minimal or no keratinization had significantly higher lymph node metastasis compared with patients with tumours that showed high or marked degree of keratinization. Evaluation of and specific comment on the degree of keratinization and/or the pattern of invasion in diagnostic biopsies could help in planning the extent of surgical treatment.21 Angiogenesis or neovascularization has long been known to aid progression and metastasis of malignant tumors22. This biological process is complex and mediated by several stimulators, for example fibroblast growth factor (FGF), transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and inhibitors, for example angiostatin, platelet factor IV (PF4), and thrombos-pondin-1 (TSP-1; 3). Since angiogenesis increases with disease progression in several malignant tumors including malignant melanoma, breast cancer, and oral SCC.Potentially, angiogenesis can be used as an independent prognostic marker in human cancers.22 17 REVIEW OF LITERATURE A significant correlation between the MC and micro vascular counts in oral SCC. Angiogenesis as well as the number of MCs appeared to show a linear increase from normal oral mucosa, hyperkeratosis, and pre-malignant dysplasia to invasive SCC. These findings suggest that MCs may up regulate angiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinogenesis, perhaps via the release of MC tryptase. Further, the numbers of MCs and micro vessels may be used as indicators for disease progression.22 HPV 16/18 infection or/and over expression of p53 protein play an important role in developing some OSCCs. And the presence of HPV sequences and mutant p53 are not necessarily mutually exclusive23. HPV is probably unimportant in the pathogenesis of OSCC37.There are conflicting data on the potential role and incidence of HPV in oral carcinogenesis.38 It has been demonstrated that the tumor size, histologic differentiation, and the mode of carcinoma invasion correlate with patient prognosis and tumor metastasis. Furthermore, MCM2 LI provides useful information in predicting patient prognosis with oral SCCs.24 Considerable progress has been made in understanding the genetic basis of the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma.25 Early genetic changes do not necessarily correlate with altered morphology.25 The presence of a field with genetically altered cells is a risk factor for oral cancer. The presence of a large number of pre-neoplastic cells is likely to increase the risk for another cancer. Detection and monitoring of a field at risk and the development of a targeted molecular intervention may have profound implications for oral cancer prevention.25 The initiation of oral SCC, increasing vascularity is observed at the periphery of the tumor. As the tumor continues to grow, further increases of intratumoral 18 REVIEW OF LITERATURE vascularity and the presence of tumor-lined vessels are associated with cancer progression.26 The co-expression of p53 and Ki67 may play roles in carcinogenesis of OSCC and p53 over expression may promote cell proliferation in OSCC. Furthermore, EBV does not appear to be a risk factor for OSCC particularly in the population of northern Thailand.27 OC3 cell line could be valuable in understanding the genetic impairments and phenotypic changes associated with areca in oral keratinocytes.28 The OC3 is the first documented OSCC cell line derived from a primary tumor in an areca-chewing patient without exposure to tobacco. It will be an exploratory tool in identification of the pathogenetic impacts of areca through, the NF-kB pathway.28 Formation of Micronuclei in the Eukaryotic cells is an end point of chromosomal damage or segregation errors. The presence of micronuclei reflects a genotoxic or carcinogenic exposure. The study concluded that a gradual increase in micronuclei frequency from normal to precancerous to cancerous lesions. The MN frequency was increased in preoperative cancer cases and decreased in postoperative cases.29 The pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-α) is a central mediator of the immune response involved in a wide range of immuno-inflammatory and infectious diseases and is the first report that the TNF-α polymorphism is associated with the risk for OSCC.30 The study concludes that vascular distribution and properties of endothelial cells appear to be closely associated with metastasis.31 The study suggests that the process of repeat blood and lymph vessel destruction and neogenesis with the invasion of cancer in the oral cavity helps to maintain the 19 REVIEW OF LITERATURE tumor. The inhibitors of angiogenesis and lymphogenesis may lead to novel therapies.32 The clinicopathological features of OSCC <40 years of age did not show different from older population. For all age groups, clinical stage and the pattern of invasion were the most significant prognostic factors.33 The observation suggest the possibility of that cellular immune response in particular T-cell function, plays a key role in developing lymph node metastasis and the mean PA% is a useful prognostic factor in predicting survival in patients with SCC of the oral cavity.35 HIF-1α has an important role to play in pathophysiology of oral cancer, both under normal and hypoxic conditions, the pharmacological manipulation of HIF-1α has marked effects on tumor growth, and it could prove to be an important target for drug therapy, both in oral cancer and in other hypoxia- dependent disease states.36 The study showed that bFGF and FGFR-1 expressions in fibroblasts at the invasive front are linked to the mode of invasion and the prognosis in OSCC.40 20 REVIEW OF LITERATURE SIALIC ACID: The name Sialic acid comes from the Greek word Silon (Saliva), consistent with the discovery of these carbohydrates in bovine sub maxillary mucin and brain matter (neuroamine) by the German biochemists Blix in 1936 and Klenk in 1941.41 Although Blix in 1938 assumed the presence of ‘Sialic Acid’ in certain of serum proteins, it was not until 1955 that Bohm and Baumeister, by preparing a crystalline derivative from human serum, established the existence of Sialic acid as a component of the prosthetic groups of the serum proteins. The intensive study of the Sialic acids and closely allied substances isolated from a variety of animal tissues indicated that these in fact formed a family of compounds with a common structure which may be considered to be the product of N acetylhexosamine and pyruvic acid. To avoid confusion Blix, Gottschalk, and Klenk in 1957 have suggested that the primary non-acetylated compound should be used as a collective term for acetyl and glycocyl derivatives of neuraminic acid. It is generally considered by Gottschalk in 1960 that human serum contains no free Sialic acid and that 90% of the serum Sialic acid is bound is bound to the α and β globulins. Moreover, the only member of the ‘Sialic’ family so for identified in human serum is the N acetyl derivative of neuraminic acid.42 21 REVIEW OF LITERATURE H O Ac-NH COO¯ CHOH | CHOH | CH20H H H OH OH H STRUCTURE OF SIALIC ACID43 Molecular weight of Sialic acid (C11H9O9)-309.2744 The study aimed at evaluation of Serum Sialic acid in health and disease by Svennerholm using standard containing 18% N acetyl neuraminic acid and observed that increase in serum Sialic acid levels are usually associated with an increase in circulating serum proteins normally rich in Sialic acid. Two classes may be exceptions to this statement, namely, those nephrotics in whose sera high Sialic acid levels are found and the β myelomata. The 19S component of the Sialic acid there is no substantial difference between the Sialic acid content of these globulins in health and disease.42 Several techniques have been developed for the determination of Sialic acids like the tryptophen and perchloric acid (Siebert, 1948), diphenylamine (HCSS, 1956), the Bial and direct Ehrlich Test (Warner & Odin, 1952), Sulphuric acid – acetic acid mixtures (Hess, Coben, Bates 1957), Resorcinol (Svennerholm, 1958), Orcinol 22 REVIEW OF LITERATURE (Reichl (1879) and Thiobarbituric Assay (warren, 1959), all requiring heating the sample with strong acids to bound SA to their free forms.45 SA is acetylated derivatives of neuraminic acid. They are attached to non reducing residues of the carbohydrate chains of glycoproteins and gylcolipids.The suggested biological functions of SA include: (a)stabilizing the confirmation of glycoproteins and cellular membranes; (b)assisting in cell to cell recognition and interaction; (c)contributing to membrane transport; (d)affecting the function of membrane receptors by providing binding sites for ligands; (e)influencing the function, stability and survival of blood glycoproteins; and (f) regulating the permeability of the basement membrane of glomeruli.72 A protein bound carbohydrate, the Sialic acid in serum values were estimated in healthy Indian adults by both Diphenylamine method and Thiobarbituric acid method. Only N-acetyl neuraminic acid has been isolated from the human serum. The average values were 68±2.6 mg percent by DPA and 56±5mg percent by TBA method. Age and sex showed no influence on Sialic acid levels in Serum.46 A Study was done to determine Sialic acid levels in malignancy by using two known Biochemical methods (DPA and TBA).It was inferred that there was significant rise in Sialic acid levels in malignancy. It was also concluded that the Sialic acid levels was significantly more in metastasis case than without metastasis.47 The study was undertaken with the view to establish any significant relationship between the level of Sialic acid present in the serum and the activity of the disease process and also to find out if its estimation can be of the use in the diagnosis and prognosis of different bone disorders. The values of serum Sialic acid in different bone disorders were much more above the normal values in tuberculous and pyogenic infection of the bones and joints, Rheumatoid arthritis and malignant bone 23 REVIEW OF LITERATURE tumors i,e Osteogenic sarcoma, Osteoclastoma, Chondrosarcoma, Adamantinoma, Multiple myeloma and secondaries. Serum Sialic acid level in healthy Indian children and adults are independent of sex but higher in adults.48 A periodiate resorcinol method for the Quantitative estimation of free Sialic acids and their glycosides was undertaken which offers a number of advantages for detecting and determining the Sialic acids. First under experimental conditions, substances generally associated with the Sialic acids, such as sugars, lipids and aminoacids do not react with nor interfere with the method. Second prior acid hydrolysis, a prerequisite for analysis by the thiobarbituric acid procedures is not required for the determination by the periodiate resorcinol method. Third, the method can be used to determine free, glycosidically bound, or total Sialic acid. Fourth, the present procedure is 3 to 6 times more sensitive than the standard or chromatographic resorcinol procedures and thirteen times more sensitive than the specific enzymatic and Thiobarbituric procedures. Micro quantities of the Sialic acids or their glycosides can be detected on paper chromatograms.49 An automated method based on the Svennerholm resorcinol method was successfully used to determine glycosidically bound Sialic acid and free Sialic acid. This method is directly applicable to sera without any previous treatment which is a considerable advantage.50 A comparative study of estimation of Serum protein bound hexose, methyl pentose (fucose), Sialic acid, hexoseamine and seromucoids have been estimated in patients of Ischemic heart disease between age group 40 and 50 years and adult age and sex matched, male volunteers of the armed forces personnel with the normal controls and proposed that raised Glycoproteins may form the earliest artherogenic index.51 24 REVIEW OF LITERATURE The work was to investigate the potential utility of protein bound carbohydrates Mannose, Galactose, Fucose as biochemical markers of breast cancer and to guide chemotherapeutic treatment in maximizing their destruction. The result did show a good relations of increasing protein bound fucose with progressive breast cancer and decreasing fucose with responsive malignancy. Changes in protein bound Sialic acid; mannose and galactose show only limited correlation with the clinical status of the malignancy. Of necessity, because of a delay in developing methodology, the samples which were analysed for Sialic acid had previously been thawed analyzed for fucose, mannose and galactose, then refrozen. Although the effect of one freezethaw cycle on Sialic acid analysis seems relatively small, it would be desirable to perform all analyses at the time the sample was first thawed.52 A study was conducted to determine the Level of glycoprotein- associated carbohydrates(neutral hexoses, hexoseamine, Sialic acid and fucose) in the serum of patients with either local, regional and metastatic cancer, patients clinically cured of cancer, and controls(smokers and non-smokers) and compared with normal serum glycoproteins, carcinoembryogenic antigen(CEA), and with lymphocytic activity to phytohemagglutinin(PHA).Tumor burden was directly related to protein- bound carbohydrate levels in patient groups. Levels of bound carbohydrates reflect the sum of all the changes in serum glycoproteins, but primarily changes in the acute phase proteins (α1-acid glycoprotein, α1-antitrypsin, haptoglobin, and ceruloplasmin) found in the α-globulin fraction of serum. Increase in protein bound carbohydrates in tumor bearers were not related to increase in CEA. Increased levels of the acute phase protein occurred in individuals in depressed in vitro lymphocyte reactivity to PHA. A significant positive correlation was found between lymphocyte reactivity and levels of α2HS-glycoprotein.The results suggest that serum protein-bound carbohydrates or 25 REVIEW OF LITERATURE glycoproteins may be of adjunctive value in assessing tumor burden and immune reactivity in cancer patients.53 A study was done to determine serum Sialic acid level in malignant melanoma and association with tumor burden and concluded that increased serum Sialic acid could prove to be a valuable clinical monitor of change in tumor burden as a result of therapy or change due to recurrence of disease following treatment.54 The study was emphasised on the circulating levels of Glycoprotein in serum of Human cancer. Patients with either localised or advanced metastatic malignancy have significantly elevated mean serum values. The highest levels occur in patients with lung, GI, Gynaecologic cancer, lymphoma and malignant melanoma. Patients with leukaemia and multiple myeloma have slightly elevated values, but they were not significantly different from. Patients following curative surgery have normal values while patients in clinical remission following chemotherapy have elevated mean serum protein and NANA levels. Elevated levels were also occurred in patients with benign tumors and 12% of patients with non malignant disease. Tumor cells appear to shed macromolecules which contribute to the observed elevation of serum protein and Sialic acid levels.55 A study was done to correlate the Glycoprotein between circulating level and disease status and to correlate NANA levels with response to therapy. In the metastatic disease, after debulking surgery had a drop in their serum NANA value to normal levels following a transient rise in the intermediate postoperative period. Chemotherapeutically treated cases showed tumor regression or stable disease and drop in their serum NANA level. In metastatic progression cases showed rise of NANA in serum. But there was no rise of NANA with local relapse of the disease(two chest wall, one lung mass and brain metastasis) and concluded that serial serum 26 REVIEW OF LITERATURE glycoprotein titres deserve further consideration as a monitor of response to chemotherapy of metastatic disease.56 The study was taken up to examine the potential diagnostic value of serum NANA in malignant melanoma and compare this with other suggested predictors of tumor recurrence in patients with stage I disease and stage II lymphatic extension and inferred that patients with lesions > 1.75mm and NANA <2µmol/ml have a more than 12-fold greater risk of recurrence by 2 years than those with lesions ≤ 1.75mm and NANA ≤µmol/ml.57 The study was undertaken to determine the potential clinical application of Sialic acid in the evaluation of the extent of neoplastic disease and its response or lack of therapy in a group of patients with advanced malignancy of a variety of histology types. It has been demonstrated that serum NANA correlates both with disease progression and remission. They emphasise the importance of serial measurements in evaluating a patient’s course. The changes in serum NANA appear to be related to the overall changes in tumor mass i,e, minor responses were associated with very small changes in NANA, while tumor progression and partial remission demonstrated larger changes and inferred as a biologic marker for malignant disease.58 A simple procedure is described for the detection of Sialic acid in serum. After a direct addition of Ehrlich reagent to serum and incubation at 560C for eight hours, the resulting mixture is diluted with saline. After centrifugation, the colour in the supernatant is determined at 525nm in a spectrophotometer. Serum Sialic acid was significantly greater in cancer patients than in normals. Cancer patients with metastases had significantly greater in cancer patients than in normals. Cancer patients with metastases had significantly greater Sialic acid than cancer patients without metastases. In two cancer patients, Sialic acid levels returned to normal after 27 REVIEW OF LITERATURE surgery. The diagnostic usefulness of 95.6% was similar to that report with a limited spectrum of tumor. However, Patients with inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, Crohn’s disease and psoriasis also showed elevated Sialic acid levels.59 A modification of the method reported by R.J.Shamberger for detection of serum Sialic acid is described. The whole procedure takes less than one hour. It is based on the release of bound Sialic acid by heating with 5% perchloric acid. After cooling and brief centrifugation, the supernatant is heated for 15 min with Ehrlich’s reagent at 1000C. Thereafter the absorbance of the developed in the sample is measured at 525nm. The values obtained were within the estimated serum values of different methodology.60 A study was conducted to evaluate use and limitation of serum Total and lipid-bound Sialic acid concentrations as marker for Colorectal cancer by high performance liquid chromatography method and compared to carcinoembryogenic (CEA) as markers for colorectal cancer. Significant elevation of NANA and LSA was found compared to CEA. NANA and LSA showed as promising supplemental markers for staging and monitoring colorectal cancer and could be used as a valuable marker in patients whose initial tumors donot produce CEA.61 A prospective study was done to evaluate the roles of serum NANA and LSA concentration in the detection and staging of cancer and the follow-up of treatment in patients with genitourinary malignancies including prostate cancer, bladder cancer, renal cancer, urologic diseases and compared with normal volunteers. The results showed a low incidence of elevated values in patient with early stages of cancer and a high incidence of false positive values in serum NANA concentrations in patients with benign urologic diseases, especially prostatitis. Serum NANA and LASA concentrations were highly correlated with the stage and grade in patients with 28 REVIEW OF LITERATURE advanced urologic cancer, and may be used as markers of tumor activity during follow-up under treatment.62 A study was conducted for Biochemical marker for Tumor diathesis and early cancer and indicated that 1) serum α-1 acid glycoprotein and Sialic acid were increased in lung cancer. But 20% pulmonary tuberculosis patients were also positive.2) Serum polyamines determined by Radioimmunoassay (RIA) were increased in cancer patients. The positive rates for cancer of lung and oesophagus were 84% and 100% respectively. However, whether serum polyamine can be used for early detection of oesophageal cancer awaits further studies. 3) An unknown fluorescent compound in urine found in normal people but was very much decreased in cancer patients. This compound showed cystostatic effect on tumor cells in vitro. 4) Serum antibodies against EBV associated DNAse could be used as a marker for Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC).63 Study was conducted for management of patients with Gynaecologic cancer by serum Sialic acid determination by an enzymatic technique and inferred that the Sialic acid level became larger in ascending order of uterine myoma, benign ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, corpus cancer and ovarian cancer. The SA level proved to be significantly higher in cancer patients showing poor prognosis than those having good prognosis irrespective of the category of therapy and it reflected well the clinical course of cancer patients. In patients who receive a combination therapy and need to be followed up for a long term, complete follow-up is sometimes impossible with tumor-derived markers alone. Even in such cases, the Sialic acid level will work as a useful follow-up marker because it is non-specific to histologic types of cancer.64 The study was carried out for usefulness of Serum Glycoconjugates in Precancerous and cancerous diseases of the Oral cavity. These results suggest that 29 REVIEW OF LITERATURE combined evaluations of biomarkers like TSA, LSA, mucoid proteins and PBH may provide useful biochemical indices for clinical assessment of the spread and invasiveness of disease in oral cavity malignancy and is important in monitoring the large population of tobacco and arecanut chewers who may develop OC, the predominant types of cancer among men in India. In addition to their value in early detection, they can also help in staging of the disease.8 The study was aimed at determining the sensitivity and specificity of serum TSA and LSA as markers for carcinoma of the Uterine cervix. The result showed TSA concentrations in patients with cervical cancer were found to be correlated with advanced-stage disease. LSA concentrations were only in stage IV of the disease and concluded that measurement of TSA or LSA appear to be of no value for the early detection of cervical cancer or to complement the clinical staging of this tumor.65 The study was to asses individual and combined usefulness of serum levels of TSA, LSA, and LDH in diagnosis and management of patients with cervical carcinoma highly specific spectrophotometric methods. The levels of all markers were significantly higher in untreated cervical cancer patients compared to the controls. TSA was found to be the most sensitive (90.74%) marker for diagnosis of cervical cancer. Combined use of the markers revealed maximum (100%) sensitivity. In comparison between early (stage I + II) and advanced (stage III + IV) malignant disease, the markers showed significant changes. TSA and LSA values in patients who did not respond to radiotherapy were significantly higher than those of the responders. The result suggests that combined evaluation of the markers is helpful for diagnosis as well as treatment monitoring of cervical carcinoma patients.66 The study was under taken to evaluate the relative utility of TSA, LASA, TP, TSA/TP factor for detecting and monitoring the progression of cancer stomach, 30 REVIEW OF LITERATURE breast, colorectal region and gall bladder and their reliability as cancer marker in these diseases. A significant rise in TSA and TSA/TP factor and a decrease in serum TP levels were found in all cases of cancer. This increase was directly proportional to the degree of metastases. i.e., tumour burden. Serum TP levels were found decreased in all patients. Rise in LASA levels was not significant. Raised TSA/TP levels became lower to certain extent after effective therapy. Hence it can be inferred that all the TSA and TSA/TP are not specific, they are however sensitive markers regarding detection of malignancy and useful in monitoring cancer progression and/or recurrent while evaluating the efficacy of various cancer therapies.67 The concentration of serum total Sialic acid (S-TSA) is risk marker for cardiovascular mortality and atherosclerosis. Since the mortality from coronary heart disease is higher in the united states than in Japan. One could expect the S-TSA to be higher among Caucasian US citizens than among Japanese citizens, a hypothesis that is tested in this study. And concluded that higher S-TSA level in Caucasians living in Minneapolis compared to Japanese living in Akita, Japan is in concordance with the higher cardiovascular mortality in the US. Differences in S-TSA levels may reflect international differences in the prevalence of atherosclerosis.68 The study was conducted accepting serum Sialic acid as a reputed cardiovascular risk factor, and its relationship to lipids, plasma fasting insulin, blood pressure and body mass index in normal individuals. In females there was a strong univariate correlation between serum total Sialic acid and plasma fasting insulin and glucose concentrations, although in males there was a weaker univariate correlation between serum total Sialic acid and fasting plasma glucose and the insulin resistance index. In addition, serum total Sialic acid significantly correlated with systolic blood pressure, fasting serum cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations and body mass 31 REVIEW OF LITERATURE index in the females. In males serum total Sialic acid significantly positively correlated with fasting serum cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations and correlated inversely with the hip/waist ratio. The study concludes by accepting further research to explore serum TSA as a reputed cardiovascular risk factor due to lack of relevant factors for varience.69 The role of Sialic acid in the neoplastic process prompted to investigate the TSA, LSA, TP and TSA/TP values of plasma in BCC and AK. Data analysis indicated a significant increase in TSA and TSA/TP values in the BCC and AK (pathologic controls) group when compared with the healthy controls. When AK and BCC groups were compared, no difference between TSA, LSA,TP and TSA/TP values were observed. No significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of LSA values. The results indicate that TSA and TSA/TP along with other clinical and histopathological criteria may be valuable in establishing diagnosis of BCC.70 The study was conducted to investigate the circulatory levels in serum TSA, LSA and fucose in Precancerous lesion and cancer of the Oral cavity and noticed significant elevation in the serum levels of TSA and LASA in patients with the precancerous and cancer lesions when compared with the controls. Serum TSA levels were elevated significantly in patients with cancer when compared with those with precancerous lesions. Circulating TSA and LASA levels were found to reflect tumor burden and correlated well with stage of the disease. However, serum fucose levels did not show an increase corresponding to stage of the disease. The result suggests that combined evaluation of these markers may be useful in predicting early malignant change and also in assessing the spread and invasiveness of the disease in cancer of the oral cavity.6 32 REVIEW OF LITERATURE The study was conducted to find out the relationship between Sialic acid and nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). The four groups according to the presence or absence of type 2 DM and degree of albuminuria were; Group A- patients with DM and no albuminuria; Group B- patients with DM and microalbuminuria; Group C- patients with DM and albuminuria; and Group D – control group. The following parameters were assessed: body mass index, lipidemic profile, creatinine clearance, Sialic acid, presence of coronary artery disease and presence of diabetic neuropathy. Type 2 DM patients had higher levels of Sialic acid compared to the control group. Among diabetic patients, those with signs of nephropathy (groups B and C) had higher levels of Sialic acid than DM patients without the signs of nephropathy (group A). Sialic acid showed a strong negative correlation with creatinine clearance in diabetic patients with albuminuria. It is concluded that Sialic acid could be used as a marker of renal dysfunction in various stages of diabetic nephropathy.71 The study was aimed to determine reference values for serum Sialic acid in women and men among well characterised healthy population in a random sample and showed that blood pressure and serum SA are associated in both in women and men independently of age and BMI. This implicates one mechanism behind the earlier observation about the association between SA and cardiovascular risk. A possible explanation of these findings is that serum SA reflects acceleration of the atherosclerotic process by increased blood pressure which is a known independent risk factor for atherosclerosis. In women, age and the use of contraceptive pills are factors increasing serum SA. In men smoking increases serum SA. The biological mechanism(s) causing increased serum SA in various diseases including cardiovascular disease are far from clear. Furthermore, because contraceptives, 33 REVIEW OF LITERATURE smoking, BMI, and other factors, including menopause, increase SA, it is difficult to give reference values of serum SA separately for different age groups. On the other hand, the present study supported the conclusion that SA is relative stable among men 25-64 years of age and among women 25-54 years of age.72 The study was aimed to evaluate the total Sialic acid (TSA) content in endometrial cancer tissue in relation to normal and Hyperplastic human Endometrium. TSA content was significantly higher in endometrial cancer than in the control tissue obtained from women in both the proliferative and the secretory phase of menstrual cycle. Tissue TSA content was higher in the secretory phase than in the proliferative phase though the differences were not significant. This supported the view that endometrial cancer is associated with the increasing content of SA in the tumor tissue.73 The study was conducted to analyse the diagnostic value of the novel tumor markers α-L-fucosidase activity (AFU) and TSA in HNSCC. And compared the results for these novel markers to those of SCC antigen, CYFRA 21-1 and CEA, paying special attention to earlier TNM stages of the carcinoma. Finally the combinations among these entire tumor markers have been analysed to asses the possible improvement of the diagnostic sensitivity using a panel of tumor markers for HNSCC. The results concluded that the combined use of AFU and TSA/TP with CYFRA 21-1 may be useful in predicting early malignant transformation, thus improving the dictation rates of premalignant lesions of head and neck and HNSCC at early stages.5 The study was to investigated the levels of expression of Sialic acid and Nacetlygalactosamine reduces on the cell surface of a normal intestinal epithelial cell line, IEC-6, and in two colon adenocarcinoma cell lines with different metastatic 34 REVIEW OF LITERATURE potential Caco-2 and HCT-116. The study demonstrated that the level of expression of WGA-and HPA-binding glycoproteins varied among the three cell lines used and appeared to be associated with the origin of the cell types. On the basis of these observations it is possible to suggest that WGA-binding but not HPA binding, appears to be associated with metastatic potential, at least in these cell lines and the results support the concept that cell membrane sialylation is important in determining the metastatic potentials of cancer cells.74 The relationship between Sialic acid and metabolic variables in Indian type 2 diabetic patients was evaluated in this study and found that elevated serum and urinary Sialic acid and micro albumin concentration were strongly related to the presence of micro vascular complications like diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy and cardiovascular risk factor in Indian type 2 diabetic subjects.75 The study was undertaken to findout the serum total Sialic acid levels in smokers and users of smokeless tobacco in the form of oral powder (Maras powder) and compared with the healthy controls. The TSA concentrations were significantly higher in the sera of smokers and Maras powder users than those of control subjects. The mean serum TSA level was found to be lowest in the control group and highest in the mars powder users. But, there was no significant difference in serum TSA levels between smokers and maras powder users. The results concluded that serum TSA was affected by ST use as seen in smokers. This finding may be an indication of harmful effects of ST use as maras powder as well as cigarette smoking.76 The study was carried to find out Total and Lipid bound serum Sialic acid levels in cancer patients with different primary sites and differing degrees of metastatic involvement and indicated significant increases in the mean TSA and TSA/TP values in the cancer patients and in the pathologic controls (non malignant 35 REVIEW OF LITERATURE diseses) when compared to the normal controls and a significant decrease in the mean TP values in the cancer patients and pathologic controls when compared to normal controls. No significant difference was observed between groups in LASA values. And concluded that TSA, TSA/TP was the most useful of the markers tested for detecting malignancies and monitoring therapeutic intervention and disease progression.77 The investigation was aimed at determining the clinical significance of TSA and LSA in Oral precancerous conditions and Oral cancer. The investigative data revealed significant elevations of TSA and LSA in untreated oral cancer patients as compared to healthy individuals as well as patients with Oral precancerous conditions and suggested potential utility of these parameters in diagnosis as well as determining clinical stage of the malignant disease.7 The study was intentionalised to investigate towards tissue and serum α2-3and α2-6-linkage specific sialylation changes in oral carcinogenesis. The findings suggest that increased sialylation of tissue and serum glycoproteins in patients with oral cancer and OPC are associated with oral cancer development and treatment monitoring of the patients. The increased levels of α2-6- and α2-3-sialoproteins and their enzyme activities are found to be associated with various stages of neoplasia. The data also suggests that malignant transformation in oral epithelium is accompanied by α2-3-Sialylation, whereas, α2-6-sialylation may be associated with disease progression and metastatic potentials. These results also provide a foundation for in depth studies in to the role of sialylation-associated early changes in OPC cells.4 36 MATERIALS AND METHODS MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY SOURCE OF THE DATA: This study was carried out in Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Vokkaligara Sanga Dental College and Hospital, Bangalore and Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore. METHODS OF SELECTION OF DATA: I. Sample Size: 1. Total number of subjects: 75 2. Patients with Leukoplakia: 25 3. Patients with Squamous cell carcinoma: 25 4. Age and sex matched controls for comparison of results: 25 II. Selection of Cases: a. Inclusion Criteria: 1. 25 patients of Oral Leukoplakia (Histopathologically proven) 2. 25 patients of Squamous cell carcinoma (Histopathologically proven) b. Exclusion Criteria: Patients were referred to General physician for opinion to evaluate for any systemic disease status like diabetes mellitus, Ischemic heart disease, different bone disorders like pyogenic arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, malignant bone tumors.Subjects with any of the above mentioned diseases were excluded from the study. III. Selection of Controls: Included age and sex matched 25 healthy individuals with the same exclusion criteria as that of selection of cases. 37 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY SAMPLE COLLECTION, STORAGE AND HANDLING: 1. The subject is seated comfortably with the arm supported. Aseptic measures are used and tourniquet is applied 2 inches above the elbow of the upper arm. The site of the puncture is cleaned using sterile gauze dipped in 100% alcohol. Using a 5ml syringe with the needle size of 0.55 x 25mm. 5ml of blood is drawn from the anticubital vein. 2. The blood is allowed to clot and the serum separated by centrifugation. 3. Serum Sialic acid is estimated through a simplied quick method from G.Sydow. MATERIALS REQUIRED: 1. Sialic acid Powder (Only for working Standard solution) 2. Ehrlich’s Reagent (p-dimethylamino benazaldehyde solution) 3. 5% perchloric acid (HClo4 solution) 4. Adjustable Micropipette of 1000µl. 5. Centrifuge 6. Incubator 7. Spectrophotometer ESTIMATION OF SERUM SIALIC ACID: PRINCIPLE: Free Sialic acid in serum reacts with Paradimethyl aminobenzaldehyde (Ehrlich’s Reagent) to form a pink colored solution. The absorbance of the color 38 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY developed in the sample at 525nm is proportional to the total Sialic acid concentration in the serum. STOCK STANDARD SOLUTION: 25 mg of SA powder was measured by physical balance and was dissolved in 10 ml of deionized water. The dissolved solution was transferred to a 25 ml volumetric flask. Water was added to make up the volume up to 25ml. (conc:1mg/ml). WORKING STANDARD SOLUTIONS: 1. 100mg% solution: The concentrated solution of 100 mg % was prepared by pipetting out 5 ml of stock solution via micropipette (1000µl x 5). 2. 80 mg% solution: 4ml of primary standard solution was pipetted out from remaining 20ml of stock solution into a second conical test tube. 1 ml of deionized water was added to it. Therefore 4mg of SA is present in 5ml solution concentration=80mg% 3. 60 mg% solution: 3ml of stock solution was pipetted out from remaining 16 ml of stock solution in to third conical test tube. 2ml of deionized water was added to it. Therefore 3mg of SA is present in 5 ml solution concentration = 60 mg% 4. 40mg%solution: 2ml of stock standard solution was pipetted out from remaining 13 ml of stock solution in a fourth conical test tube. Therefore, 3ml of deionized water was added to it. Therefore 2mg of concentration=40mg%. 39 SA is present in 5ml solution MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY 5. 20 mg% solution: 1ml of stock standard solution was pipetted out from remaining 1ml of stock solution in to fifth test tube. 4mg of deionized water was added to it. Therefore 1mg of SA is present in 5ml solution concentration = 20mg% PROCEDURE: Simplified Quick method by G sydow. Preparation of Standard curve: In another set of 6 test tubes, ♦ 0.5 ml of standard with 2.0 ml of 5% Perchloric Acid and incubation for 5 min at 100oC. ♦ Cool down; centrifugation at 2500 x g for 4 mins. ♦ 1.0 ml of clear supernatant added to 0.2 ml of Ehrlich's reagents; Heated for 15 min at 100oC. ♦ Cooling the mixture and addition of 1.0 ml of water. ♦ Optical density measurement at 525 nm against reagent blanks in spectrophotometer. ♦ The OD values were plotted in a graph paper against Sialic acid concentrations of the standard solution to obtain a linear curve. CALCULATION: The serum (0.5 ml) collected from all 50 cases and 25 controls were subjected to similar treatment. The OD values were plotted in the standard 40 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY graph (curve) to obtain the serum levels of Sialic acid in controls and cases60. SIGNIFICANT FIGURES: Suggested Significance: 0.05<P<0.10 Moderately significant: 0.01<P≤0.05 Strongly significant: P≤0.01 41 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY PHOTOGRAPH 1: LEUKOPLAKIA OF LEFT BUCCAL MUCOSA PHOTOGRAPH 2: PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF LEUKOPLAKIA 42 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY PHOTOGRAPH 3: PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF MILD EPITHELIAL DYSPLASIA PHOTOGRAPH 4: CARCINOMA OF THE RIGHT BUCCAL MUCOSA 43 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY PHOTOGRAPH 5: PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF WELL DIFFERENTIATED CARCINOMA PHOTOGRAPH 6: CENTRIFUGE MACHINE 44 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY HOTOGRAPH 7: INCUBATOR PHOTOGRAPH 8: SPECTROPHOTOMETER 45 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY PHOTOGRAPH 9: REAGENTS AND STANDARD USED IN THE ESTIMATION OF TOTAL SIALIC ACID PHOTOGRAPH 9: ESTIMATED SERUM TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN DIFFERENT SAMPLES 46 RESULTS RESULTS In our comparative study, Serum Sialic acid were estimated in three groups consisting of 25 subjects in Leukoplakia designated as Group-I, 25 subjects in Squamous cell carcinoma as Group-II, and age and sex matched 25 subjects as controls in Group III. I. Age distribution-Result: The age distribution in three different groups are; In Group I with Leukoplakia, the age distribution was between 20-70 years, 7 cases (28%) were in the age group of 20-30 years, 6 cases (24%) were in the age group of 31-40 years, 3cases (12%) in the age group of 41-50 years and also in 51-60 years, 6 cases (24%) were in the age group of 61-70 years(Table 1, Graph 1). It was inferred from our study that peak occurrence of Leukoplakia was between the age group of 20-30 years. In Group II with 25 cases of Oral Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma), the distribution of age was between 30-75 years. 4 cases(16%) were between the age of 31-40 years, 10 case(40%) were in the age group of 41-50 years, 7 cases(28%) were in the age group of 51-60 years, 4 cases(16%) were in the age group of 61-70 years (Table I, Graph I). It was noticed from our study that peak occurrence of SCC was between the age group of 41-50 years. The age distribution among Group III was between 20-75 with 5 cases (20%) between the age of 20-30 years, 6 cases (24%) were within the age of 31-40 years, 4150 years, 51-60 years respectively , 1 case(4%) was in the group of 61-70 years and above 71 years respectively( Table 1, Graph 1). 47 RESULTS Table 1: Age distribution in three different groups Age Lp-Group-I No SCC Group-II % No Controls Group-III % % No 20-30 7 28.00 0 0.00 5 20.00 31-40 6 24.00 4 16.00 6 24.00 41-50 3 12.00 10 40.00 6 24.00 51-60 3 12.00 7 28.00 6 24.00 61-70 6 24.00 4 16.00 1 4.00 >71 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 4.00 Total 25 100 25 100 25 100 Graph 1: LP Group-I Age distribution in the three groups SCC Group-II 45 Control Group-III 40.00 40 % o f p atien ts 35 30 28.00 28.00 24.00 25 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 20.00 20 16.00 15 16.00 12.00 12.00 10 4.00 5 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 Age group (yrs) 48 61-70 >71 RESULTS II. Gender distribution-Result: The Gender distributions between Three Groups are; In Group I, Gender predilection was noticed. Of the 25 patients, 21 cases (84%) were males and 4 cases (16%) were females (Table 2, Graph2). It was inferred from our study that Leukoplakia occurrence was predominant in males. Of the 25 cases in Group II, 12 cases (48%) were males and 13 cases (52%) were females (Table 2, Graph 2). It was noticed from our study that almost equal predilection for men and women are noted. In Group III of 25 subjects, 15 cases (60%) were males and 10 cases (40%) were females (Table 2, Graph 2). Table 2: Gender distribution between Three Groups Gender LP-Group-I No % SCC-Group-II No Controls % No % Male 21 84.00 12 48.00 15 60.00 4 16.00 13 52.00 10 40.00 25 100 25 100 25 100 Female Total 49 RESULTS Graph 2: Gender distribution in the three groups 90 Male Female 84.00 80 70 % o f p a tie n t s 60.00 60 52.00 48.00 50 40.00 40 30 20 16.00 10 0 LP Group-I SCC Group-II Group 50 Control Group-III RESULTS III. Habits distribution-Results: Habits distributions between three Groups are; The entire Group I subjects had deleterious oral habits. Of which 11 case(23.40%) had smoking habits, 20 cases (42.55%) had smokeless tobacco(chewing) habit, 4cases (8.51) were alcoholic, 6 case (12.77%) had the habit of smoking and smokeless tobacco habit, 4 cases(8.51%) had ST and alcohol habits, 2 cases(4.26%) had Smoking, ST and alcohol habits(Table 4, Graph 3). In Group II , only 1case (2.86%) did not had any oral deleterious habits. 9 cases (25.71%) had smoking habit, 20 cases(57.14%) had smokeless tobacco habit. 5 cases (14.29%) had both smoking and smokeless tobacco habit.(Table 3,graph 3) In both Group I and Group II subjects smokeless tobacco habit (chewing) was the predominant deleterious habit. The subjects in Group III did not have any deleterious oral habits. 51 RESULTS Table 3: Habits distribution between Two Groups LP Group - I SCC Group II Habit No % No % None 0 0.00 1 2.86 Smoking-A 11 23.40 9 25.71 ST-B 20 42.55 20 57.14 Alcohol-C 4 8.51 0 0.00 A+B 6 12.77 5 14.29 B+C 4 8.51 0 0.00 C+A 0 0.00 0 0.00 A+B+C 2 4.26 0 0.00 Graph 3: Series1 Habit distribution in two groups 60 Series2 57.14 50 % o f p atien ts 42.55 40 30 25.71 23.40 20 12.77 14.29 8.51 10 8.51 4.26 2.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 None Smoking-A ST-B Alcohol-C A+B Habit 52 B+C C+A A+B+C RESULTS IV. Site distribution –Result: The Site distribution between Group I and Group II are; In Group I, the lesion showed different site of involvement in the oral cavity. 23 cases (52.27%) involved buccal mucosa, 10 (22.73%) cases involved commissure of lip, 3(6.82%) cases in retromolar area, 2cases (4.55%) each in Gingivo buccal sulcus, Buccal mucosa and gingivo buccal sulcus, Lip and Gingiva respectively (Table4, Graph 4). The lesions in Group II were distributed at different sites in the Oral cavity. 14 cases (31.82%) involved buccal mucosa. 2 cases (4.55%) in alveolus, 8 cases (18.18%) in retromolar area, 2 cases (4.55%) in floor of the mouth and Tongue, 4 cases(9.09%) in Gingivobuccal sulcus, 5 cases(13.36%) in Gingivobuccal sulcus and Buccal mucosa, 3 case(6.82%) in commissure of lip, 2 cases(4.55%) in gingiva, 1case(2.27%) in Tongue and floor of the mouth. 1case(2.27%) in palate (Table 4, Graph 4). It was noticed from our study that both in Group I and Group II, Buccal mucosa is the site of predilection for LP and SCC respectively. 53 RESULTS Table 4: Site distribution between Two Groups LP Group - I SCC Group II No % No % BM 23 52.27 14 31.82 ALVEOLUS 0 0.00 2 4.55 RMA 3 6.82 8 18.18 RMA+SP 0 0.00 0 0.00 FOM 0 0.00 2 4.55 TONGUE 0 0.00 2 4.55 GBS 2 4.55 4 9.09 Sites BM+GBS 2 4.55 5 11.36 ALV+FOM 0 0.00 0 0.00 COL 10 22.73 3 6.82 LIP 2 4.55 0 0.00 GINGIVA 2 4.55 2 4.55 TONGU+FOM 0 0.00 1 2.27 PALATE 0 0.00 1 2.27 Graph 4: LP Group-I Sites distribution in two groups SCC Group-II 60 52.27 40 31.82 30 22.73 18.18 20 10 4.55 11.36 9.09 6.82 4.55 0.00 0.000.00 4.55 0.00 4.55 6.82 4.55 0.00 4.55 0.000.00 4.554.55 2.27 0.00 0.00 2.27 0.00 Sites 54 TE LA PA U+ NG TO GI NG FO IV M A P LI L CO M FO V+ AL +G BS S BM GB UE NG M TO FO SP A+ RM A RM VE OL US BM 0 AL % of patients 50 RESULTS V. Staging in Leukoplakia -Result: Of the 25 Subjects in Group-I, 24 cases (96%) were in stage I and 1case (4%) was in Stage II of clinical staging (Table 5, Graph 5). Our study showed the out numbering of LP in clinical Staging I. Table 5: Staging in Leukoplakia – Group-I: LP No % Stage 1 24 96.00 Stage 2 1 4.00 Total 25 100 Graph 5: Stages of Leukoplakia 4% 96% Stage 1 Stage 2 55 RESULTS VI. Staging in SCC-Result: Clinical Staging of Oral cancer in 25 cases of Group II showed, Stage III of 17 cases(68%) and 8 cases(32%) of Stage IV(Table 6, Graph 6). Our study showed the out numbering of SCC in Clinical Staging III. Table 6: Staging in Oral Cancer- Group-II: SCC No % Stage I 0 0.00 Stage II 0 0.00 Stage III 17 68.00 Stage IV 8 32.00 Total 25 100 Graph 6: Staging in Oral cancer - Group II 17 18 16 N o . o f s a m p le s 14 12 8 10 8 6 4 0 2 0 0 Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage 56 Stage IV RESULTS VII. Tumor size in SCC-Result: TNM staging in 25 cases of Group II revealed 5 cases (20%) reported with Tumor size of T1, 13 cases(52.00%) with Tumor size of T2, 4 cases(16%) with Tumor size of T3, 3 cases(12%) with Tumor size of T4 (Table 7,Graph 7). The study showed the Outnumbering of SCC subjects in T3 Tumor size. Table 7: Tumor size in Oral Cancer. SCC-Group-II Tumor size-T No T1 5 20.00 T2 13 52.00 T3 4 16.00 T4 3 12.00 % Graph 7: Tumor size in Oral cancer 13 14 N o . o f tu m o r s 12 10 8 5 6 4 3 4 2 0 T1 T2 T3 Tumor size 57 T4 RESULTS VIII. Nodal status in SCC – Result: The Nodal status of group II showed a significant number of 20 cases (80%) in N1 stage, 1 case(4%) in N2a stage, 2 cases (8%) in N2b stage , 2 cases(8%) in N2c stage (Table 8 , Graph 8). The study showed the Outnumbering of SCC subjects in N1 Nodal state. Table 8: Nodal involvement in Oral cancer. SCC-Group-II Nodal involvement-N No % N1 20 80.00 N2a 1 4.00 N2b 2 8.00 N2c 2 8.00 Graph 8: Nodal involvement in Oral cancer 20 20 18 N o. of nodes 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 2 2 0 N1 N2a N2b Nodal involvement Metastasis was not noticed in any of the cases. 58 N2c RESULTS IX. Serum Total Sialic acid –Result: The Serum Total Sialic acid levels were estimated in all the three Groups and the arithmetic mean along with Standard deviation was calculated. (Table 9, Graph 9, Graph 10). Group I showed the mean of 76.18 mg/dl with the standard deviation of 17.08 mg/dl; the interval of mean between 69.13 to 83.23 mg/dl, with the minimum of 45.00 mg/dl to a maximum of 107.00 mg/dl. Group II showed the mean of 95.68 mg/dl with the standard deviation of 18.45mg/dl; the interval of mean between 88.06 to 103.30 mg/dl, with the minimum of 54.00 mg/dl to a maximum of 125.00 mg/dl. Group III showed the mean of 60.22 mg/dl with the standard deviation of 4.92mg/dl; the interval of mean between 58.19 to 62.25 mg/dl, with the minimum of 51.50mg/dl to a maximum of 69 mg/dl. Our study showed the ascending order of Serum Total Sialic acid levels in Controls, LP and SCC. Table 9: Descriptive Statistics: Group N Mean Std. Deviation 95% Conf Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Min Max Control 25 60.22 4.92 58.19 62.25 51.50 69.00 Leukoplakia 25 76.18 17.08 69.13 83.23 45.00 107.00 Squamous 25 95.68 18.45 88.06 103.30 54.00 125.00 59 RESULTS Graph 9: Sialic acid in three groups: 140.00 Sialic Acid (mg/dl) 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 Control Leukoplakia Squamous Group Graph 10: Mean Sialic acid (mg/dl) in the 3 groups 95.68 100 76.18 S ia lic a c id ( m g /d l) 90 80 60.22 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Control Leukoplakia Group 60 Squamous RESULTS X. ANOVA – Result: ANOVA (Analysis of variants) was carried out between three groups and the results was conclude that there is a significant difference in the mean Sialic acid levels in the 3 groups (P<0.001) (Table 10). Table 10: ANOVA ANOVA Sialic Acid (mg/dl) Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of Squares 15769.860 15750.920 31520.780 df 2 72 74 61 Mean Square 7884.930 218.763 F 36.043 Sig. .000 RESULTS XI. Multiple group comparison - Result: In order to find out among which pair of groups there exist a significant difference, Bonferroni’s test was carry out between three Groups with multiple comparison and inferred that; there is a significant difference between control group & Leukoplakia group, control group & squamous group and Leukoplakia group & squamous group with respect to the mean Sialic acid levels (P<0.001). The mean Sialic acid is found to be more in squamous group compared to Leukoplakia and control group and this difference is statistically significant. The mean Sialic acid in Leukoplakia group is higher than control group and this difference is also statistically significant (Table 11). Table 11: Multiple Comparisons- Bonferroni Test Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Sialic Acid (mg/dl) Bonferroni Mean Difference (I-J) (I) Group (J) Group Std. Error Control Leukoplakia -15.96000* 4.18342 Squamous -35.46000* 4.18342 Leukoplakia Control 15.96000* 4.18342 Squamous -19.50000* 4.18342 Squamous Control 35.46000* 4.18342 Leukoplakia 19.50000* 4.18342 *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. 62 Sig. .001 .000 .001 .000 .000 .000 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound -26.2144 -5.7056 -45.7144 -25.2056 5.7056 26.2144 -29.7544 -9.2456 25.2056 45.7144 9.2456 29.7544 DISCUSSION DISCUSSION Carcinoma of the oral cavity is one of the most frequent malignant tumors worldwide, with major predominance in South-East Asia and India22, 39. Among the oral tumors, 90% are squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which arises from the mucosal lining. This high incidence of oral cancer in India is due to the widespread habits of tobacco chewing and smoking and alcohol 28,33,34,39. The transformation rate from premalignant to malignant varies from 0.6 to 36 % 1. Leukoplakia is the most common premalignant, potentially malignant or precancerous lesion of the oral mucosa11. In our present study conducted in VS Dental College and Hospital, Bangalore; included 25 Leukoplakia cases, 25 Squamous cell carcinoma cases and 25 age and sex matched controls. Among 25 Leukoplakia cases the age distribution was between 20-70 years. The existence of Leukoplakia even in earlier ages up to 15 years was noticed which was related with the usage of tobacco10. Our study showed gender predilection for men in Leukoplakia up to 84% which was almost similar to other study16. This can also vary depending on the geographical variation and usage of tobacco10, 16. Every case of Leukoplakia had the habit of usage of tobacco either as smoking or smokeless (chewing) form or in some with addition usage of alcohol. Smokeless tobacco usage was most common. Oral Leukoplakia frequently precedes oral cancer. They both has similar etiologic factors8 and can be induced and promoted by tobacco; 14, 79 There are about 300 carcinogenic compounds present in tobacco out of which tobacco-specific nitrosamines have been identified as the most important carcinogens 63 DISCUSSION in tobacco. The other carcinogenic compounds in tobacco metabolites are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, a-particle-emit-ting 210 Po (polonium), trace metals, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and phenols18, 39. The site of predilection for Leukoplakia being buccal mucosa and then commissure of lip in different studies18 correlates with our study. Leukoplakia in stage I clinical staging has outnumbered. In Oral Cancer of Group II including 25 patients were between the age distribution of 31-40 years with 40% of the patients were in the age group of 41-50 years and 28% were in the age group of 51-60 years. The similar study was showing the wider range of age distribution between 14-80 years of age with the median age of 43 years7. Almost equal predilection for males and females in our study which is contradictory to the sex predilection in India which in turn depends on the usage of tobacco4, 7, 10, 22, 39. In India, the buccal mucosa (cheek) is the primary site for cancer development as against the tongue and the floor of the mouth in Western countries, which may be due to the habit of keeping the betel-quid and tobacco in contact with the cheek for a long time4, 18, 39 which is similar to our study. Only one patient did not have any oral deleterious habit. In our study, majority of the patients were in Stage III clinical staging of SCC with T2 tumor size, including Lymph node involvement in all the cases. This may be due to lack of awareness as majority of the cases are poorly educated and are from rural background6. Tumor markers are substances specific for certain tumor or cancer cells and thus could be of appreciable diagnostic and prognostic value in cancer patients67. 64 DISCUSSION Many properties of the mammalian cells are expressed at or mediated through, the cell surface. Among these properties are those which distinguish a malignant cell from normal cells. As neoplastic changes are expressed at the cell surface, altered surface characteristics are essential for the abnormal growth and behaviour of malignant cells8. Substances like Glycoproteins and Gylcolipids are major constituents of cell membrane, and hence, cell-surface Glycoconjugates are important in malignancy8. Glycoproteins are usually defined as protein- carbohydrate complexes in which oligosaccharides and / or polysaccharides are joined by covalent linkage to specific amino acids of proteins. The carbohydrate portion contains amino sugars (glucosamine, galactosamine or Sialic acid) and hexoses (galactose, mannose) or fucose8. Sialic acid is thought to be important in determining the surface properties of cells and has been implicated in cellular invasiveness, adhesiveness and immunogenesity8. Sialic acids (N-acetylneuraminic acid, NANA) frequently occupy the terminal, non-reducing position on membrane glycoproteins. The negative charge due to presence of a carboxyl group enables Sialic acid to mediate a wide array of cellular functions such as transport of positively charged molecules, cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, influence the confirmation of membrane glycoproteins and masking antigenic sites of receptors. The presence of Sialic acid at the terminal or near the terminal position underlies its importance in determining chemical and biologic diversity, and characteristics of cell-surface and secreted glycoproteins. Human and experimental model based studies have documented clinical significance of this sugar moiety4. 65 DISCUSSION These Glycoconjugate are released into the circulation through increased turnover, secretion. And / or shedding from malignant cells. Increased quantities of Glycoconjugate like total Sialic acid (TSA) have been detected in serum of patients with different types of malignancies, indicating their usefulness in diagnosis or monitoring therapy8. In our present study, Total serum Sialic acid was estimated using a simplified quick method by G Sydow. The OD values were plotted in the standard graph (curve) to obtain the serum levels of Sialic acid in controls and cases. The values obtained are within the range which was noticed in different studies60. The interval of mean was between 69.13 to 83.23 mg/dl in Group I, between 88.06 to 103.30 mg/dl in Group II and between 58.19 to 62.25 mg/dl in Group III. Analysis of variants was carried out between three groups and the results was conclude that there is a significant difference in the mean Sialic acid levels in the 3 groups (P<0.001) (Table 10). In order to find out among which pair of groups there exist a significant difference, Bonferroni’s test was carry out between three Groups with multiple comparison and inferred that; there is a significant difference between control group & Leukoplakia group, control group & squamous group and Leukoplakia group & squamous group with respect to the mean Sialic acid levels (P<0.001). The mean Sialic acid is found to be more in squamous cell carcinoma group compared to Leukoplakia and control group and this difference is statistically significant. The mean Sialic acid in Leukoplakia group is higher than control group and this difference is also statistically significant (Table 11). 66 DISCUSSION Our results are correlating with the different studies done by different people corresponding to the level of Total serum Sialic acid in different untreated malignancies and oral precancerous lesion of the oral cavity6, 7, 8. SCC of different sites other than oral cavity also showed significant increase in the level of Total Sialic acid due to its increased turn over, secretion and shedding from malignant cells4,5,47,52,54,55,56,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,70,73,74,77. In our study, Group III did not have any deleterious habits compared to Group I and II except only one patient in Oral cancer, who had either smoking or smokeless tobacco oral habit- which is one of the risk for developing Leukoplakia and Oral cancer in India. The rise in the level of Sialic acid was also noticed in both smoking and smokeless tobacco habits indicating its harmful effects76. The changes in serum TSA was noticed in different systemic diseases like diabetes mellitus, Ischemic heart disease, and different bone disorders like pyogenic arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, malignant bone tumors43,48,69,71,75. The patients in our study did not have any systemic disease. So, the increase in the TSA in both LP and SCC is due to increased turnover, secretion, loss of adhesiveness and / or shedding from Premalignant and malignant cells. Serum TSA can be used for initial diagnosis, monitoring therapy of premalignant and malignant lesions and even recurrence of malignancy4, 5, 6,7,57. The idea of screening and following patients with malignancy by blood test using simplified quick methodology by G Sydow is appealing from several point of including its ease, economic advantage, non-invasiveness, and possibility of repeated sampling. But the disadvantage is that since TSA is elevated in different disease entities, it can not be considered as specific Tumor marker. Further studies are required to 67 DISCUSSION include Total Sialic acid would be helpful as a specific Tumor marker in the initial diagnosis of Leukoplakia and Squamous cell carcinoma. 68 CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Our Present study has gathered following Conclusions from the Assessing of Serum Total Sialic acid in Oral Leukoplakia, Squamous cell carcinoma and age and sex matched controls: ¾ When the patients age and sex attributes were considered, the highest incidence was observed in the 3rd decade in Leukoplakia and 5th decade in OSCC. Males out numbered in Leukoplakia and almost equal sex predilection in OSCC. ¾ Definitive association was found between the harmful habits of tobacco chewing with smoking and alcohol consumption to the incidence of LP and SCC. ¾ The Smokeless tobacco usage was found to be related to the occurrence of LP and SCC with the site predilection of Buccal mucosa. ¾ Significant elevation of serum Total Sialic acid in Leukoplakia and Squamous cell carcinoma was assessed. So TSA in serum can be used as Tumor marker in LP and SCC. ¾ The level of Serum Sialic acid in LP with mild dysplasia (1 case) is not significant compared to LP without dysplasia but the level of serum TSA in poorly differentiated OSCC compared to well differentiated and moderately differentiated OSCC is significant. So more sample assessment of LP with dysplasia may be significant in initial diagnosis. ¾ The Simplified quick methodology by G.Sydow in the assessment of serum TSA is less time consuming, less invasive, cost effective and values were within the levels found by different methodology. So, this method 69 CONCLUSION can be considered as a standardized method for the evaluation of TSA in serum for initial diagnosis of LP and SCC. Further studies are required to confirm the clinical usefulness of serum TSA as an early diagnostic tumor marker. 70 SUMMARY SUMMARY Oral cancer is becoming the great threat to public health due to its potentiality of morbidity and mortality globally which is having almost equal predilection for males and females due to increased usage of tobacco. This demoralizing disease entity is well documented to be preceded by Oral precancer lesion like Leukoplakia which has the same etiologic factors for both. During carcinogenesis, any intracellular micro-environmental change may lead to alteration in the cell surface membranes constituents, releases certain molecules in the blood which are called Tumor markers. The Glycoconjugate - serum Total Sialic acid is one of the Tumor markers. The study involving serum TSA in Oral Precancerous Lesion and Oral Squamous cell carcinoma is limited. In our present study, we had considered 25 patients with Leukoplakia, 25 patients with Oral cancer and 25 age and sex matched subjects as controls for assessing serum Total Sialic acid levels in these three groups and comparison between the same. Betel nut chewing and smoking had an influence on the occurrence of Leukoplakia and oral carcinoma. The assessment of Total serum Sialic acid assay was carried out using a simplified quick method by G Sydow for LP and SCC and in controls. The OD values were plotted in the standard graph (curve) to obtain the serum levels of Sialic acid in all three groups. 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Age 3. Sex 4. Adress 5. Occupation II. CHIEF COMPLAINT: III. HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: IV. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: 1. Medical 2. Dental 3. Family History V. PERSONAL HISTORY: VI. CLINICAL EXAMINATION: VII. GENERAL EXAMINATION: VIII. VITAL SIGNS: 1. Pulse 2. Temperature 3. Blood Pressure 4. Respiratory Rate IX. LYMPH NODE EXAMINATION: X. LOCAL EXAMINATION: 1. EXTRA ORAL EXAMINATION: A. Inspection B.Palpation 83 ANNEXURES XI. INTRA ORAL EXAMINATION: 1. SOFT TISSUE EXAMINATION: A. Inspection B.Palpation 2. HARD TISSUE EXAMINATION: A. Inspection B.Palpation XII. PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS: XIII. INVESTIGATIONS: 1. Haematological 2. Biopsy 3. Serum Sialic Acid Estimation XIV. PHYSICIAN OPINION: 84 ANNEXURES CONSENT FORM I ………………………… son / daughter of ………………… aged…………………., resident of ………………………. Being under the treatment of ……………………….. Do hereby give consent to the performance of diagnostic procedure of…………………………… upon myself. The procedure has been explained to me in my language and I will be solely responsible for any complication arising out of such procedure. I agree that no responsibility will be attached to the surgeon or the hospital staff. Place: Date: Signature of the patient/ parent Signature of witnesses 1. 2. 85 ANNEXURES 1. TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN LEUKOPLAKIA SL NO NAME AGE / SEX HISTOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS OPTICAL DENSITY LEUKOPLAKIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITH MILD DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA LEUKOPLAKIA WITHOUT DISPLASIA 0.332 0.25 SIALIC ACID IN mg/dl 78 60 0.19 45 0.41 97 0.383 90 0.21 50 0.27 64 0.35 83 0.245 57.5 0.45 107 0.21 50 0.25 60 0.395 93 0.412 97 0.36 85 0.26 62 0.31 74 0.38 90 0.35 83 0.32 76 0.29 69 0.38 0.4 90 90 0.27 64 0.38 90 1 2 BIMARAYA SATTAR 58/M 68/M 3 YOGESH 28/M 4 GANGADHAR 37/M 5 RAJESH 30/M 6 SHARIFF 30/M 7 SAMPATH KUMAR 54/M 8 RAMACHANDRA 43/M 9 KUMAR 32/M 10 RAMACHANRACHARI 61/M 11 CHANDU 35/M 12 AMEER 25/M 13 ISMAIL 39/M 14 RAGHU 62/M 15 CHANDRAIAH 64/M 16 GOUTHAM 25/M 17 LAKSHMINARAYAN 63/M 18 SUKANYA 46/F 19 SHIVAKUMAR 36/M 20 SRINIVAS 30/M 21 AJAYKUMAR 30/M 22 23 LEELAVATHI PARVATAMMA 49/F 65/F 24 SHAMANNA 38/M 25 SHARADAMMA 55/F 86 ANNEXURES 2. TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA (SCC) SL NO NAME AGE/ SEX 1 2 3 MAHADEV GOWDA PUTTAMMA BHASKAR 51/M 60/F 32/M 4 RANGASHREE 45/F 5 6 HANUMANTH RAJ BABU 50/M 45/M 7 KVR SHETTY 69/M 8 RAMANJAPPA 55/M 9 AROGYAMMA 70/F WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC MODERATELY DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC MODERATELY DIFFERENTIATED SCC POORLY DIFFERENTIATED SCC MODERATELY DIFFERENTIATED SCC 0.23 0.23 0.33 SIALIC ACID IN mg/dl 54 54 78 0.425 100 0.32 0.323 76 76 0.39 94 0.5 120 0.3 71 HISTOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS OPTICAL DENSITY 36/M WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC 0.402 95 11 12 13 14 SHANKAR HUNDEKAR MUNIYAMMA MUNIYAMMA KEMPAMMA SHANTAMMA 45/F 55/F 55/F 50/F 0.41 0.42 0.42 0.45 98 100 100 107 15 SRINIVAS 40/M 0.52 125 16 17 18 19 ROJA SHARADAMMA BASAPPA NAGARATNA 38/F 48/F 50/M 45/F 0.43 0.41 0.42 0.43 103 98 100 103 20 HONNEGOWDA 48/M 0.45 105 21 22 NARASAIAH VICHITHI 68/M 65/M 0.49 0.5 117 120 23 PRABHAVATI 60/F 0.4 95 24 LAKSHMAMMA 48/F 0.41 98 25 VENKATAMMA 60/F WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC MODERATELY DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC MODERATELY DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC POORLY DIFFERENTIATED SCC EARLY INVASIVE DIFFERENTIATED SCC WELL DIFFERENTIATED SCC MODERATELY DIFFERENTIATED SCC 0.44 105 10 87 ANNEXURES SL NO NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 KAMALA LAKSHMIDEVI USHA CHANDRAKALA SUSHEELA SHASHIRABBAS MAHALAKSHMI VASANTH KUMAR INDIRA KRISHNA URTHY SATISH REVANNA MADHUSHARMA MANJUNATH PADMA SHAKUNTALA RAJU LATHA MATHUR GOWDA RAMARAJU RAMAIAH DORAISWAMY CHANNAMMA NARAYAN RAO VEERANNA 3. TOTAL SIALIC ACID IN CONTROLS AGE/ OPINION FROM OPTICAL SEX PHYSICIAN DENSITY 70/F 60/F 28/F 21/F 30/F 60/M 45/F 55/M 55/F 41/M 26/M 35/M 20/M 31/M 50/F 41/F 45/M 35/F 48/M 37/M 40/M 60/M 40/F 74/M 65/M TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN TAKEN 88 0.27 0.26 0.29 0.27 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.23 0.25 0.27 0.26 0.28 0.24 0.28 0.27 SIALIC ACID IN mg/dl 65 63 69 64 55 60 58 55 55 55 60 60 63 51.5 55 55 60 55 60 65 63 68 58 68 65
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