TUGboat, Volume 0 (9999), No. 0 1001 How to teach LATEX? Cognitive science curriculum case study Pawel Lupkowski Abstract In this paper I will present my experience in teaching LATEX in an introductory Information Technology module. I will present my syllabus for the module and the idea of embedding LATEX skills into other subjects in the cognitive science curriculum. I will also compare the results of the LATEX course evaluation for its four editions (2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013). Introduction In this paper I want to share my experience in teaching LATEX as one of the elements of Information Technology module. The module is a part of the cognitive science curriculum at the Institute of Psychology (Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna´ n).1 In my opinion embedding LATEX in this course brings many benefits for the cognitive science students. As E. Wessler [2] points out, learning LATEX is not only learning how to typeset documents. Students also learn troubleshooting (dealing with compilation errors, redefining commands etc.); they are gettig familiar with the command line environment; they think more about the general document structure and its content. For many of our students it is also the first encounter with the WYSIWYM approach (and terms like ‘a source file’ or ‘compilation’) — which they will use extensively during various programming related modules later on. The paper is structured as follows. First, I will roughly present the Information Technology module syllabus. Afterwards I will focus on the LATEX course outline. Then I will discuss elements of the evaluation for the module (concerning LATEX). 1 The Module Contents The Information Technology module is obligatory for the first year students of cognitive science. Until the last year it was offered in the second semester, from now on it is taught in the first semester. The aim of the module is to introduce information technology tools necessary to prepare documents mainly for academic purposes. The module syllabus covers text processing as well as preparing and editing raster and vector graphics. The criterion of choice for the software used in the module is wide availability for students (free licences, no payments, versions 1 For IP AMU cognitive science curriculum see http:// kognitywistyka.amu.edu.pl/en/?page_id=10. offered for different operating systems).2 During the module (15 classes, 2 hours each) students are getting familiar with the following programs: Open Office Writer, LATEX, Open Office Impress, LATEX Beamer, Open Office Draw, Inkscape, GIMP and Scribus. The module assessment is based on three projects (text processing with Writer, text processing with LATEX, and graphics) and ten assignments (in the form of short practical tests and homework). As for the text processing part of the module, students are presented with two approaches WYSIWYG (Writer) and WYSIWYM (LATEX). The idea is to give them an opportunity to compare and evaluate these options. Both, Writer and LATEX parts of the module have similar structure. First students learn how to format text (text alignment, page settings, non-breakable spaces, en-dash vs em-dash etc.). Then more advanced features, which are necessary in the academia context, are introduced. Students learn how to typeset mathematical formulae, build tables with proper captions, how to insert an image and add a caption, how to add footnotes. Afterwards they learn about logical document structure (sections, subsections), managing bibliography, generating table of contents, list of figures, list of tables and alphabetical index. 2 The LATEX Course Outline The LATEX part of the Information Technology module (usually) takes 3 classes for the issues connected with preparing an article, one class for the multimedia presentation, and one class for the final assignment (the project). The first class covers the following topics: (a) Introduction: short history, the idea behind WYSIWYM approach, LATEX standard document classes. (b) How to compile a document? Standard errors during the compilation. (c) The article class: a preamble, basic text formatting (new line, new paragraph), font styles and sizes, non-breakable spaces, en- and em-dash, comments, page break, enumerated and itemised lists, LATEX special symbols. During the second and third class we write a paper. This involves the following issues: sectioning the paper, abstract environment, tabular and table environments, includegraphics and figure environments, footnotes, mathematical mode, quotes, list of tables, list of figures, table of contents, cross references, bibliography with BibTeX and alphabetical index. 2 The syllabus along with the module materials (in Polish) are available at http://www.staff.amu.edu.pl/~p_lup/ (section ‘Teaching’). How to teach LATEX? Cognitive science curriculum case study 1002 The fourth class is devoted to LATEX Beamer presentations. Students get acquainted with the class options, structure of a presentation, presentation themes, useful commands (pause, list’s displaying options, hyperlinks between slides, blocks). On the LATEX classes students use the Texmaker editor.3 Earlier I tend to use only simple editor with syntax highlighting (like gedit) and compiling source files using the command line. However, it appeared to be much more time consuming than using more advanced editor like Texmaker. The cost is that using Texmaker some students ignore compilation error messages (which is less likely in the command line case). My idea for these classes is that students should have as much hands on experience with LATEX as it is possible, so I have decided to use Texmaker and buy us some more time for more exercises. I always pay attention to the compilation logs (especially error messages) and try to convince my students that it is important part of using LATEX. The general schema for classes is that I prepare some sample source files and then we use them during the classes. Usually we add some new commands and then students compile the source and try to explain how the new commands work. All the LATEX classes end or start with a simple assignment, like e.g. • Compile a given source file and using the compilation log find errors in the code (misspelled commands, open environments etc.). • Search for a BibTeX entry and add it to a given *.bib file, then use it to generate a bibliography. • Prepare an itemised and enumerated list using a given template. • Prepare a table using a given template. • Format a given text according to a given template. One of my aim in teaching LATEX during the information technology course is to convince students that it is really useful tool, and that they will have an opportunity of using it during their studies.4 To obtain this effect I always try to offer at least one assignment concerning LATEX which is at the same time an assignment for some other module. This needs some cooperation and synchronisation with other teachers, but students really value these joint tasks. Examples of such tasks are (in all cases detailed conditions were given for the content as well as for the ‘technical’ side of the work): 3 http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/ It is worth to mention that we offer our students a document class for typesetting M.A. theses. 4 Pawel Lupkowski TUGboat, Volume 0 (9999), No. 0 • Preparing a presentation for the Introduction to Cognitive Science course in LATEX Beamer. • Solving tasks for the Introduction to Logic course and typesetting the solution in LATEX article class. • Solving tasks for the Logic I course and typesetting the solution in LATEX article class. Number of such joint homework assignments changes from year to year (in this year edition two of such assignments were offered to students). The main assignment (the project that ends the LATEX part of the module) is to typeset the paper according to given requirements (the paper is offered in a form of a rough text). The result is a camera ready paper, with abstract, sections, figures, tables, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, alphabetical index and bibliography (generated with BibTeX). Students have 1.5 hour to complete the assignment. In the next year edition of the course I am planning to use a very interesting assignment presented in [1]. The idea is, that students should choose and explore a LATEX package related to their personal area of interests and then prepare a presentation about the package and the scope of possibilities it offers. This gives students an opportunity to see wide range of possible LATEX applications and should help to reach one of the course aims (namely to show that LATEX might have a practical value during their studies). 3 Evaluation Since the first edition of the Information Technology module I end it with an evaluation. I gather opinions about the course and the set of programs presented. Here I present the results concerning LATEX in comparison to Open Office. As I have mentioned earlier, the structure of classes for Open Office and LATEX is very similar in order to allow students to compare two different approaches to text processing. One question in the evaluation questionnaire concerns programs which students perceive as useful. Table 1 contains comparison of the results for LATEX and Open Office. It might be noticed that for the editions from 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 LATEXwas highly valued by the students (in the 2009/2010 edition the numbers for LATEX are even higher that the ones for Writer). The same we can observe for LATEX Beamer (in the 2009/2010 edition Impress was not included in the set of programs for the course). The significant change might be observed in the case of the last course edition. One of the possible explanations for the tendency change is that the Information Technology course was moved to the first semester. TUGboat, Volume 0 (9999), No. 0 Year 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 N 32 13 13 10 LATEX 94% 80% 85% 40% Writer 81% 80% 85% 90% 1003 Beamer 55% 80% 23% 50% Impress – 40% 23% 60% Table 1: Evaluation results: ‘Mark the program that you think will be useful for you’. Selecting more than one checkbox was possible, so percentages may add up to more than 100%. 2009/2010 too short enough 48% 52% 2010/2011 too short enough 2012/2013 too short enough 0% 35% 65% 2010/2011 too short enough 30% 2011/2012 too short enough too long 7% 31% 2012/2013 too short 20% enough 0% 70% 62% 80% 100% Figure 2: Evaluation results: assess the amount of time for a program — LATEX Beamer. 40% 60% 2011/2012 too short enough 2009/2010 too short enough 46% 54% 30% 70% 100% Figure 1: Evaluation results: assess the amount of time for a program — LATEX. (This also might indicate the need for changing the course profile, because the first semester of the curriculum is probably too early for referring to academic experience of students and the high-school background is too diverse.) Other part of the explanation might be also the low number of people who actually filled out the evaluation questionnaire. It is worth to mention that the evaluation is carried out on-line and taking part is voluntary and it is not the part of the assessment process. In the evaluation questionnaires student may also give their opinion about the amount of time spent on working with a given program. Results are presented in Figures 1 and 2. Generally speaking the amount of time spent on LATEX is rated as ‘enough’ (with a significant number of voices that the time spent on LATEX should be longer). Again the numbers for the last edition are larger than for the previous ones. This might be explained by the low number of students who took part in the evaluation, but I personally hope that this is the effect of a greater number of LATEX related assignments offered in this edition. Summary When I think about the Information Technology course I see that the LATEX part is the most challenging for students. However, it might be noticed that this part gives them a lot of satisfaction and joy (successful compilation usually ends up with a big smile). Undoubtedly this part is also the most enjoyable part of the module from my perspective. At the end, let us take a short look on the main problems that students report while learning LATEX on my course: • Writing in Polish in LATEX is difficult at the begning. The reason for this is Polish diacritic signs encoding. It seems that the existence of three possible ways in which they might be encoded (utf-8, ISO 8859-2, cp-1250) is still a rather surprise for the students. • Students are a little bit confused by the number of auxliary files produced by a source file compilation. • The installation process of a LATEX distribution under MS Windows is unintuitive for an average user of this operating system. Especially the part when you need to install LATEX editor separately. • Despite the fact that much attention is paid to this issue, many students ignore compilation errors. Often this leads to many frustrations (especially during the final project). • I find it hard to convince my students that the formatting of the source file also matters, that the code should be clear and tidy. Perhaps this comes later, on the programming courses. And for the balance let me also list the items that students value most in LATEX: • The need of thinking about the logical structure of a document (sectioning) which is natural in LATEX in comparison to e.g. Writer. • Using BibTeX (especially the fact that bib entries for most texts are already available on-line, so building bibliographies is really easy). • Texmaker’s ease of use, especially easy compilation; auto-completion of commands, labels and bibliography entries; and also available wizards. How to teach LATEX? Cognitive science curriculum case study 1004 TUGboat, Volume 0 (9999), No. 0 References [1] Ryan S. Higginbottom. Teaching LATEX at a Liberal Arts College. The PracTEX Journal, (1), 2011. [2] Evan J. Wessler. An Argument for Learning LATEX: Benefits Beyond Typesetting. The PracTEX Journal, (1), 2010. Pawel Lupkowski Institute of Psychology Department of Logic and Cognitive Science Adam Mickiewicz University Pozna´ n, Poland [email protected] http://amu.edu.pl/~p_lup/ Pawel Lupkowski
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