Configuring an optimal parallel query processing environment in ASE 15.0 using partitions Sudipto R. Chowdhuri Sr. Staff Engineer, Query Optimizer Group, Sybase Inc. Agenda Partitions for performance Types of Parallelism in 15.0 Basis of Parallel Querying Semantic partitioning How to chose your partitioning Case Study using TPC-H Partitions for performance – why ? A brief recap of execution plan Serial Execution Engine in ASE 15.0 • Showplan output is now a tree of operators select a1, a2 from A, B where a1 > 10 and a2=b1 EMIT NLJOIN TSCAN A ISCAN IB B The type of query is SELECT. ROOT:EMIT Operator |NESTED LOOP JOIN Operator (Join Type: Inner Join) | |SCAN Operator | | FROM TABLE A | | Table Scan.. | |SCAN Operator | | FROM TABLE B | | Index : IB | | Forward Scan. | | Positioning by key. | | Keys are: | | b1 ASC Types of parallelism Intra operator parallelism • clones of the operator works concurrently on different data fragments select a1, a2 from A where a1 > 10 QUERY PLAN FOR STATEMENT 1 (at line 1) EMIT XCHG(p=2,c=1) SCAN A Executed in parallel ……….. 3 operator(s) under root The type of query is SELECT ROOT:EMIT Operator |EXCHANGE Operator (Merged) |….2 Producer and 1 Consumer processes. | |EXCHANGE:EMIT Operator | | |SCAN Operator | | | FROM TABLE A | | | Table Scan …with a 2-way partition scan. Types of parallelism Inter operator parallelism (Single Pipeline) • One or more clones of one or more operators working concurrently on different data fragments select a1, count(*) from A where a2 > 10 group by a1 P I P E L I N E EMIT XCHG (p=1,c=1) GROUPHASH XCHG(p=2,c=1) SCAN A The type of query is SELECT. ROOT:EMIT Operator |EXCHANGE Operator (Merged) |in parallel by 1 Producer and 1 Consumer process. …………………………………………… | | |HASH VEC AGGR Operator GROUP BY | | | Evaluate Grouped COUNT AGGR. | | | |EXCHANGE Operator (Merged) | | | | parallel by 2 Producer and 1 Consumer.. …………………………………………… | | | | | |SCAN Operator | | | | | | FROM TABLE A | | | | | | Table Scan. | | | | | | parallel with a 2-way partition scan. Types of parallelism Inter operator parallelism (Multiple Pipelines) • One or more pipelines of operators working concurrently select a1, b2 from A, B, C where a1 = b1 and b1 = c2 P3 EMIT Pipe P3 MJOIN Pipe P1 XCHG (p=1,c=1) SORT XCHG TSCAN A P1 MJOIN XCHG (p=1,c=1) SORT XCHG TSCAN B Pipe P2 XCHG(p=2,c=1) ISCAN C P2 Pipeline Dependency Tree Pre-15.0 parallel plans There are two relevant limitations with pre 15.0 query plan • Redundant scans – Same slice of a table can be scanned multiple times • Bottlenecks – Parent thread may need to do a final table level merge, which can be expensive Pre-15.0 Parallel Execution (Joins) Redundant scans Table A Slice 1 Slice 2 Thread 1 Slice 1 Slice1 Slice 1 Slice2 Join clones Slice1 Slice2 Table B Slice 2 Slice1 Slice 2 Slice2 Thread 2 Redundant scans Thread 3 Thread 4 Pre-15.0 Parallel Execution (Grouping) Slice 1 Slice 1 Slice 2 Slice 2 Slice3 Slice3 Slice4 Slice4 Table A Grouping Clones Thread 1 Thread 2 Grouping with Thread 3 merge Thread 4 Parent Thread bottleneck Basis of parallel Querying in ASE 15.0 Divide and conquer by using partitions INTELLIGENT DIVISION OF DATA Basis of Parallel Querying in ASE 15.0 What is a partition A partitioning is a pair (a,h) where a is an attribute and h(a,N) is a fn that maps any value of a to a non-negative integer k where 1<= k <= N, N being the # of partitions h(Name,2) : Name < ‘O’; ‘O’<=Name < ‘Z’ Name Nelly P’Diddy Dept Optimizer Execution Emminem Execution SnoopDog Access JaRule Recovery Nelly Emminem Optimizer Execution JaRule Recovery P’Diddy Execution SnoopDog Access Basis of Parallel Querying in ASE 15.0 Attribute Sensitive Operators Two relations S and T are partitionable according to a fn h into partitions S0, S1,..Sk and T1,T2,..Tk respectively, then a unary operator is said to be “attribute sensitive if F(S) = F(S0) U…UF(Sk) and a binary operator is “attribute sensitive” if F(S,T)=F(S0,T0)U…F(Sk,Tk) Joins in ASE 15.0 using partitions C1 C2 10 abc 14 15 13 14 xz sob b2c c Table C D1 D2 8 8 14 15 14 15 12 15 14 20 Table D C1 C2 10 14 14 abc xz c 15 13 sob b2c D1 D2 8 8 14 14 15 15 12 14 15 20 Select c1,d2 From C, D where c1=d1 14 14 14 14 12 14 12 14 15 15 15 20 Join as an Attribute Sensitive Operator removes redundancy Groupings in ASE 15.0 using partitions C1 C2 10 abc 14 15 13 14 xz sob b2c c Table C Select count(*),c1 From C group by c1 C1 C2 10 14 14 abc xz c 15 13 sob b2c 1 2 1 1 10 14 15 13 Groupby as an Attribute Sensitive Operator removes bottlenecks What is Semantic partitioning ? Given a row and a partitioning function h(a1,..,aN) on attributes a1,..,aN, we can tell which partition the row belongs to. ASE 15.0 supports different types of semantic based partitioning • Range : partition by range(col1, col2) (p1 values <= (10, 1000), p2 values <= (20, 2000),.., pN values <= (100, 10000)) • Hash : partition by hash(col1, col2) (p1, p2, .. , pN) • List : partition by list(col1) (p1 values in (10, 20, 30), p2 values in (40, 15), .. , pN values in (3, 5)) Local indexes (index with same partitioning as data) are supported in ASE 15.0, which means that they can support the same model. Query operations that benefit from partitioning Query with predicates: • select * from A where a1 in (100,200) and a1 < 40 Table A is range partitioned on column a1 as (p1 values <= (90), p2 values <= (180), p3 values <= (270), p4 values <= (360)) QUERY PLAN FOR STATEMENT 1 (at line 1). The type of query is SELECT. ROOT:EMIT Operator |RESTRICT Operator | | |SCAN Operator | | FROM TABLE A | | [ Eliminated Partitions : 1 2 3 4 ] | | Table Scan. | | Forward Scan. Query operations that benefit from partitioning Query with joins: • select * from A, B where a1 = b1 and a2 = b2 • Case A: Table A and B are partitioned on columns a1 and b1 respectively AND The partitioning is exactly same (say both are hash partitioned 4 ways on a1 and b1 respectively) • Inference: The partitioning on both sides are a subset of the joining columns AND the two tables join on the partitioning columns. Equi-partitioned Query with joins (contd) The type of query is SELECT. ROOT:EMIT Operator |EXCHANGE Operator (Merged) |Executed in parallel by 4 Producer and 1 Consumer processes. | |EXCHANGE:EMIT Operator | | |MERGE JOIN Operator (Join Type: Inner Join) | | | Key Count: 2 | | | Key Ordering: ASC ASC | | | |SORT Operator | | | | |SCAN Operator | | | | | FROM TABLE A | | | | | Table Scan. | | | | | Executed in parallel with a 4-way partition scan. | | | |SORT Operator | | | | |SCAN Operator | | | | | FROM TABLE B | | | | | Table Scan. | | | | | Executed in parallel with a 4-way partition scan. EMIT XCHG (p=4, c=1) MJOIN SORT TSCAN A SORT TSCAN B Query operations that benefit from partitioning Query with joins: • select * from A, B where a1 = b1 and a2 = b2 • Case B: Table A and B are partitioned on columns a2 and b1 respectively AND The partitioning is exactly same (say both are hash partitioned 4 ways on a2 and b1 respectively) • Inference: The partitioning on both sides are a subset of the joining columns BUT the two tables DO NOT join on the partitioning columns. Query with joins (contd) Non equi-partitioned ROOT:EMIT Operator |EXCHANGE Operator (Merged) |Executed in parallel by 4 Producer and 1 Consumer processes. | |MERGE JOIN Operator (Join Type: Inner Join) | | |SORT Operator | | |EXCHANGE Operator (Repartitioned) | | | parallel by 4 Producer and 4 Consumer processes. | | | |SCAN Operator | | | |FROM TABLE A | | | |.. Parallel with a 4-way partition scan | | | |SORT Operator | | | | |SCAN Operator | | | | | FROM TABLE B | | | | | parallel with a 4-way partition scan. EMIT XCHG (p=4, c=1) MJOIN SORT XCHG(p=4, c=4) TSCAN A SORT TSCAN B Query operations that benefit from partitioning Query with groupbys and distincts: • select a1, a4, count(*) from A group by a1, a4 • select distinct a1, a4 from A • Case A: Table A is partitioned on column a1. • Inference: The partitioning column is a subset of the grouping columns The partitioning column is a subset of the distinct columns Query with groupbys (contd) ROOT:EMIT Operator |EXCHANGE Operator (Merged) |Executed in parallel by 4 Producer and 1 Consumer processes. | |EXCHANGE:EMIT Operator | | | | |HASH VECTOR AGGREGATE Operator | | | GROUP BY | | | Evaluate Grouped COUNT AGGREGATE. | | | Using Worktable1 for internal storage. | | | | | | |SCAN Operator | | | | FROM TABLE | | | | A | | | | Table Scan. | | | | Executed in parallel with a 4-way partition scan. In-partitioned EMIT XCHG (p=4, c=1) GROUPHASHING TSCAN A Query operations that benefit from partitioning Query with groupbys and distincts: • select a1, a4, count(*) from A group by a1, a4 • select distinct a1, a4 from A • Case A: Table A is partitioned on column a2. • Inference: The partitioning column is NOT a subset of the grouping columns The partitioning column is NOT a subset of the distinct columns Query with groupbys (contd) ROOT:EMIT Operator |EXCHANGE Operator (Merged) |Executed in parallel by 2 Producer and 1 Consumer processes. | |EXCHANGE:EMIT Operator | | | | |HASH VECTOR AGGREGATE Operator | | | GROUP BY | | | Evaluate Grouped COUNT AGGREGATE. | | | |EXCHANGE Operator (Repartitioned) | | | |Executed in parallel by 4 Producer and 2 Consumer processes. | | | | |SCAN Operator | | | | | FROM TABLE | | | | |A | | | | | Table Scan. | | | | | Executed in parallel with a 4-way partition scan. Re-partitioned EMIT XCHG (p=2, c=1) GROUPHASHING XCHG (p=4, c=2) TSCAN A Query with groupbys (contd) ROOT:EMIT Operator |HASH VECTOR AGGREGATE Operator | GROUP BY | Evaluate Grouped SUM OR AVERAGE AGGREGATE. | |EXCHANGE Operator (Merged) | |Executed in parallel by 4 Producer and 1 Consumer processes. | | | |HASH VECTOR AGGREGATE Operator | | | | GROUP BY | | | | Evaluate Grouped COUNT AGGREGATE. | | | | |SCAN Operator | | | | | FROM TABLE | | | | | A | | | | | Table Scan. | | | | | Executed in parallel with a 4-way partition scan. 2-phased EMIT GROUPBY XCHG (p=2, c=1) GROUPBY TSCAN A How to chose the columns on which to partition ? Partitioning is like a low cardinality index • Use it as a first order of lookup • Use a primary key for partitioning if your query is not using the primary key to lookup a single row Look for columns that join • foreign keys are a good candidate, when primary keys are not. sel ect s_acctbal , s_name, n_name, p_partk ey, p_mf gr, s_address, s_phone, s_comment f rom suppl i er s, partsupp ps, part p, nati on, regi on w here p_partk ey = ps_partk ey and s_suppk ey = ps_suppk ey and p_si ze = 4 and p_type l i k e '%COPPER' and s_nati onk ey = n_nati onk ey and n_regi onk ey = r_regi onk ey and r_name = 'A SI A ' • part(p_partkey) and supplier(s_suppkey) seems ideal. How to chose the columns on which to partition ? Look for columns where partition elimination can be done. sel ect l _orderk ey, sum(l _extendedpri ce * (1 - l _di scount)) as revenue, o_orderdate, o_shi ppri ori ty f rom customer, orders, l i nei tem w here c_mk tsegment = 'H OUSEH OLD ‘ and c_custk ey = o_custk ey and l _orderk ey = o_orderk ey and o_orderdate < '1995-03-06' and l _shi pdate > '1995-03-06' group by l _orderk ey, o_orderdate, o_shi ppri ori ty • lineitem(l_shipdate), orders(o_orderdate) are possible partitioning columns How to chose the columns on which to partition ? Look for columns on which grouping or distinctness is required Select list columns in a union query Do not worry about order by clauses sel ect l _orderk ey, sum(l _extendedpri ce * (1 - l _di scount)) as revenue, o_orderdate, o_shi ppri ori ty f rom customer, orders, l i nei tem w here c_mk tsegment = 'H OUSEH OLD ‘ and c_custk ey = o_custk ey and l _orderk ey = o_orderk ey and o_orderdate < '1995-03-06' and l _shi pdate > '1995-03-06' group by l _orderk ey, o_orderdate, o_shi ppri ori ty order by l _orderk ey, o_orderdate, o_shi ppri ori ty • lineitem(l_orderkey) helps in the join as well as the grouping clause • orders(o_orderdate) helps in grouping and partition elimination How to chose the partitioning type Hash partitions are easy to set up. • Balanced – use sp_help to check out the average skew which is (size of largest partition / average size of partition) • Anything greater than 1.8 is considered bad for parallel operation Do not use large list partitions unless the IN list is reasonably small • Uses a lot of memory • Processing is very CPU intensive because of the IN list being not sorted Attribute sensitive operation like joins, groupbys, distincts, unions do well with hash based partitioning Partition elimination due to predicates is best done using range partitions as inequality predicates can be used How to chose the partitioning degree The parameter “max parallel degree” that controls how much parallelism can be applied to a query is not enforced. A large partitioning degree will flood the system with worker threads. • Check out I/O characteristics and see how much parallelism it supports. • Run something like: – time dd if=“device name” of=“dev/null” bs=2k skip=40 count=80000 • Run N number of such commands in the background to see where the elapsed time seems to be deviating from being constant. Do not exceed the number of engines configured in the system • Re-partitioning is CPU intensive and cannot be avoided Case Study using TPC-H database PART (200,000) PARTSUPP (800,000) LINEITEM (6,000,000) ORDERS (1,500,000) PARTKEY PARTKEY ORDERKEY ORDERKEY NAME SUPPKEY PARTKEY CUSTKEY BRAND AVAILQTY SUPPKEY STATUS TYPE SUPPLYCOST LINENUMBER TOT-PRICE EXTENDEDPRICE ORD-DATE CUSTKEY DISCOUNT ORD-PRIORITY NAME TAX ADDRESS SHIPDATE NATIONKEY RECEIPTDATE ACCTBAL RETURNFLAG MKTSEG LINESTATUS NATION (25) REGION (5) SIZE CONTAINER SUPPLIER (10,000) PARTKEY NAME BRAND CUSTOMER (150,000) TYPE SIZE NATIONKEY NATIONKEY NAME REGIONKEY REGIONKEY NAME Case Study using TPC-H database (partitioning) PART [HASH] PARTSUPP [HASH] LINEITEM [RANGE] ORDERS [RANGE] PARTKEY PARTKEY ORDERKEY ORDERKEY NAME SUPPKEY PARTKEY CUSTKEY BRAND AVAILQTY SUPPKEY STATUS TYPE SUPPLYCOST LINENUMBER TOTALPRICE EXTENDEDPRICE ORDERDATE CUSTKEY DISCOUNT PRIORITY NAME TAX ADDRESS SHIPDATE NATIONKEY RECEIPTDATE ACCTBAL RETURNFLAG MKTSEG LINESTATUS SIZE CONTAINER SUPPLIER [HASH] SUPPKEY NAME ADDRESS CUSTOMER [HASH] PHONE ACCTBAL NATIONKEY NATION [NONE] NATIONKEY NAME REGIONKEY REGION [NONE] REGIONKEY NAME Performance Analysis 6 engines # of threads = 20 # max pll degree = 10 ms PE: partition elimination PJ: equi-partitioned join PG: in-partitioned grouping PE PJ PE PE PJ PG Q1 Q2 PE PE PJ PJ PJ Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Unpartitioned tables in 15.0 PJ PE PG Q9 Q10 Partitioned tables in 15.0
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