Vitality Quest A guidebook on how to Cure yourself of ANY disease, Healing cancer, and Freeing your Self from the Unholy Bondage System that is modern-day society. By Michael Zeng ©2014 Michael Zeng Vitality Quest MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Please note these statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. They are an account of personal experiences and a lifetime of study. This information and the opinions contained therein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Statements are opinion and not constitutable as facts or medical evaluations. This material is for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Since there is always some risk involved with publishing alternative works, the author, publisher and distributors are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions or procedures described hereafter. ©2014 Michael Zeng Preface Well darn. I can’t believe I am writing this. I’m practically done with the book as I type this, and have just a few revisions to make before I register for the copyright and publish this baby on the internet. It’s been a bit rough for the past couple of weeks, but I’ve managed to pull through, and see this book to the end. I decided to write a book like this, cause there’s a lot of people out there who could seriously use this knowledge. People need to know the Truth, plain and simple. Anyway, this book is the culmination of a few years of research, personal experience, trial and error, and a lot of pain and tears. But you don’t need to know that, do you? Maybe you do, I don’t know. I do know that this book wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my ma’s encouragement to write one. This book is for the sick, dejected, hopeless, confused, enraged, depressed, unhealthy, ill, lost, faithless, and the ignorant. If you are not any of the kind I have just mentioned, this book is still for you. Cheers! About the Author Hey, I’m Mike. Some people call me Michael, Mick, Mike, Zeng, or the Holy One. Joke. Harrrr. My name’s Mike Zeng, and I was born in Jersey, right on the outskirts of Manhattan. I’ll cut to the chase on why I’m qualified to write a book like this. I got real sick a couple years back, doctors couldn’t help me, so I did a lot of research, and cured myself. Then I found out that people all over the world are doing the same thing, and curing themselves of cancer and diseases that the establishment said were uncurable. And then I found the Truth. Aside from the mind-blowing revelations that have been bestown upon me, I like to travel, spend time in nature, read, and consume fine wine, great movies, and tasty food. I love women, and I love being a man, so that just about sums up who I am. Joke again. It’s bit simplistic to just write about myself, saying I am this and I am that. We are so much more! Maybe you will meet me one of these days and you will see how awesome I am! Until then, enjoy this book that I have created for you. Oh, and I meditate. Yup. In Honor and Dedication to my Loving Father and Mother Thank you for Everything! & Praise be to God Clickable – INDEX Introduction My Story and the Lie that I fell for Truth of GMO Organic food Truth of Health Stuff to seriously avoid Detoxing – Juicing – Smoothies The Power of Fasting News and Television Four Elements -earth, water, fire, air Skin brush – Coffee – Enemas/hydrotherapy Clay Radiation Negative People, your Environment, and the News – Stress Exercise and movement – Chairs and Invasive Surgery – EMF Here are some people who are living the LIFE, being HEALTHY, and FREE! Rant Sauna – Grounding – Sound Therapy Color Therapy – Massages – Sun Gazing – Inversion Table Kinesiology – Good music – Dark Room Therapy – Algae/mud Bath Superfood and Supplements – Probiotics and Fermented Foods Bleeding gums & Dental Self-sufficiency Parasites, signs that you have em, what you can do Money Issues – True Health is Wealth! Sexuality Genes Who are these Evil Men trying to make us sick/dead? Meditation Qi gong, yoga, tai chi, tantra Spirituality, Truth, Universe, Religion THE PLAN The End…or is it? Introduction So if you're reading this book, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you are: -sick in some way and desperate to get some answers -quite healthy, and looking for some nuggets of info to get even healthier -skeptical of doctors/psychiatrists/information that "authorities" will shove into your brain -have doubts about reality Well, I guess you're in the right place, by some odd twist of fate. So I'll cut to the chase, and tell you that in this reality, things are not what they seem. Especially when it comes to your health; a lot of people have been running around in circles, trying to make sense of this entire matter. Now more than ever, people are getting sick left and right. Before you hit the age of 60, most people will experience mild to chronic bouts of depression, arthritis, mania, osteoporosis, diabetes, tumors, cancer, crazy allergies, low energy levels, paranoia, colon/lung/liver/kidney disease, and a list of 10,000 other degenerative diseases that exist on this planet. And why haven't we found a cure for cancer? Why are people turning to medication these days, and why is it so ineffective? Why are people going around berserk and losing their shit? What's the whole deal with this planet, and what are we coming to? The truth is, that we are all starting to wake up now. We are starting to realize, one by one, that we've been lied to for decades, and that things are not what they seem! People realize that they really do live in a matrix, and that the truth is ready to show itself to those who are ready to experience it. MY STORY So yeah, as a kid, I was never quite active. I was raised on a steady diet of processed and cooked foods, while staying inside studying and playing video games. This would last until around 8th grade, when I started getting into basketball. So highschool comes, acne starts popping up on my face, and the frustration begins. I can't focus in school, I get depressed, and my energy levels start plummeting. I go to see some dermatologists and psychiatrists and they can't seem to give me an answer either. In fact, they give me some meds and say: "here take these and let's see what happens. Hopefully this will work, but in the case that it doesn't, come back later, and I'll give you something else." What the fvck? Now if you're sensitive, pardon the language, but seriously, what the heck? You're a doctor. You're supposed to be able to help me out here, and cure me. You're supposed to lift me back up on my feet so I can get on with my life. Instead, you want me to take these meds and see how I'll turn out? Meds that haven't been fully tested out, and for all I know, could just be a mixed up batch of 400 chemicals that scream "death"? Hey man, that's not cool. So I did my research, and stumbled upon a treasure trove of information. Slowly but surely, I started applying what I learned, and guess what? My acne started going away, my energy levels start shooting up, and my depression began to die off. Well, I'll be damned. Turns out all this holistic and alternative medicine does work! And then I looked at it deeper, and realized that none of what I learned is "alternative" in any sense. It is just the truth. Here it is: If you deviate from what nature intended you to do, then you will become sick. Now isn't that so simple? Unfortunately in today's society, that is near impossible given what the average American tends to do. Do you guys honestly think it is natural to work a 9-5 job in an indoor airconditioned environment that is stimulated by artificial lighting, with barely any oxygen coming in. How about eating food that's not real and drinking water that's not clean? Think sitting down all day and not getting any exercise all day is natural? How about smoking tobacco laced with stuff that'll make you weep, if you knew what those companies actually put in 'em? Think it's natural to watch television, worry about bills/taxes/mortgages, and not realizing the truth? Not knowing the truth can kill you. I swear to it, that is the case. Look at people in the ghettos, and people going to war over petty things, men who are violent, people who commit crime, those who suffer, people living in poverty, etc. Right, the world is a pretty messed up place, and some people who are born into that are very unfortunate. I'm saying this cause I know people who were raised in poverty. They barely made it out, and such a traumatic event leaves you...damaged, and scarred. But it doesn't have to be that way! People can heal, but it's going to take some work, faith, and a whole lot of right living. So jump down this rabbit hole with me, let us go into the "brighter tomorrow", and walk the path towards Vitality and Happiness. Let us know the Truth! The Truth of GMO and their relation to Cancer & Disease I'm sure by now, you've heard a thing or two about Monsanto, and there's this whole deal with GMO, organic, non-gmo, refined, processed, etc. Back then before GMO came out into the public, it was being experimented with by scientists. They would feed gmo-tomatos to rats, and they would observe the rats, looking out for any results. As you know, we test stuff out on rats before we do on humans, because they share almost the same dna structure as us. Well, the rats got massive tumors and scientists were like, "shit, we can't use this!" Well, it got released into the public anyway, and now people are eating 'em up. You can taste the difference between GMO and real food. Real food tastes so much better, cleaner, and holier. Not trying to scare you guys, but GMO foods literally attack your genes and start unraveling the cell structure. If you ever turn on the media, people on the news will say that it's not a big deal and that it's safe to eat. Well, they're bloody liars, don't ever listen to em, cause they'll feed your mind and beliefs with garbage. Garbage! So gmo feed is given to animals like cows, chickens, fish, and in turn, we kill em off in the most inhumane ways so that they all release massive amounts of stress hormones into their bloodstreams. Man, I forgot to mention that they're all cooped up together, not allowed to roam outside in their natural environment, shot up with antibodies, and growth hormones to make em grow super big and fast. Well, that's not natural, and the animals get super sick, so we pump em with vaccines to make them immune for the time being, while they begin to degenerate in the process. When you eat the animals after that, you're literally consuming the suffering essence that's been retained in their meat/eggs. It's like you're eating the pain of the world, and what you eat you become. Wonder why people are so messed up? All that meat you see in the meat markets are blue/black. It's just that we've added red food coloring to them to make em look tastier and appealing. Same thing with white rice, stay the hell away from that stuff. In fact, try to stay away from rice, since they're usually tampered with half the time. You never know how many pesticides and insecticides they're spraying on em. IF you don't know the source of your food, don't eat it! The same practice is applied to fruits and veggies. It's nuts! As for processed and refined food, that's just garbage. We can't even call that food. Anything that comes in a box, bag, package, be wary of! Organic Food There is nothing special about organic food except for the fact that it is clean and normal food! It is food that was grown in a natural manner, without the contamination of gmos, insecticides, herbicides, or any other chemical that gives growth to cancer. Buy it, and don’t complain about the cost because you can not put a price on health. Listen, when I started switching over from gmo to organic, my acne went down, and my depression faded away. Stop eating processed, refined food and start putting in good food. Keep is raw because the life force Is still retained. If you have to eat cooked food, then do it around once a week. Try not to overcook it cause then you will kill off the vital life force. Look, our body needs life force. It needs energy cause without it, we will shrivel up and just waste away to nothing. When you go shopping, keep your eyes peeled out for these labels! The non-gmo project is a organization that genuinely cares about the health of the consumer. You can rest assured, that the food you are eating is genetically clean. Truth of health: Far too often, doctors will only treat the symptoms of a disease. They do not address the root of illness and that is why they are not successful. Ask yourself, “what is the root of your disease?” I will tell you now, it is your lifestyle! If you are sick in any manner, then it is your body shutting down, and giving your warning signs. Thank God, you are getting warning signs, because now you can take action! Don’t disregard your body and it will reward you with everlasting bliss and health. It’s not so complicated; just give it clean air, water, food, light, movement, sex, and happy thoughts. Clean out the bad, and take in the good! Stuff to seriously avoid: -GMO foods -Processed, refined food. Food that isn’t food. -sugar, sugar, sugar. Avoid this like the plague. -Smoking -Drinking -plastic -sterile water -Tap water -Medication like pharmaceuticals -Antibiotics -Sitting down constantly -Artificial lighting and heating -Stress -Negative people and environments -Newspaper -vaccines -Stress -Constant eating -Chemicals, additives, preservatives, metals, fluoride -Bad toothpaste -synthetic hair, skin, body, soap products -painted walls and furniture that aren’t organic. They give off formaldyhide, which is toxic gas. -rooms that are closed off from oxygen -showers that have no filters on them -synthetic clothing -bad footwear. Thick soles affect force distribution through your legs, which affects your hips, which in turn affects your internal organs. Your body will become dysfunctional before you know it. Bad footwear and high heels lead to hammer toes, bunions, bursitis, and a thousand other food maladies. There is a billion dollar industry when it comes to orthopedics. -invasive surgery, unless you’ve been involved in some serious accident. -glasses I know, it’s a lot to take in, but seriously, this stuff can kill you. Living the modern day lifestyle in ignorance can kill you. I’ve almost gotten killed off a few times, so seriously, take what I say into consideration. Enough of the bad! Now, let’s talk about the good and the Truth. =D Detoxing Stop flooding your body with toxins. Minimize the input of toxins so the body can start healing itself. We have many options so that you can start detoxing yourself. You’re going to come up with a lot of detox symptoms, but fight it out and tough it through. They will go away eventually. That is just your body getting rid of all that gunk! Symptoms: headaches, fevers, fatigue, low energy, itchiness, fogginess, light-headed, running nose, aching body, body odor, emergence of old illnesses, allergies, lethargy, hunger pangs Juicing Juicing is soooo good for you. We don’t get enough nutrients, living the way that we do. Most people are seriously malnourished. Fear not, because the power of juicing will save thee! Buy a juicer, preferable a good model, like the Omega Juicer 4000. If you’re on a detox diet, this is the perfect way to boost your energy. Go on a juice fast if you can. Angela Stokes is known for her 93 day juice fast. That’s right, 93 days without any food, but juice. Now, you don’t have to take it to that extreme, but shoot for at least one week of juicing. AIM: One week juice fast. It’ll be hard if it is your first time doing it, so you can work your way up to it. Start out with a 2-3 juice fast, and work your way up, by adding on more days. You’ll notice that the hunger dies out after rd th the 3 of 4 day, and then you will hear nothing but the singing of the heavenly angels. You will start to believe again, and the light will cast away the darkness of materialism. You will see the Truth, and realize you are so much more than just a Human. You will start the realize the Divine within, and know that all things were indeed made for you. Now if you’re tired of hearing me babble on about spiritual mumbo-jumbo, I’ll make it clear and short. It will be pure bliss ! Effin’ pure bliss. You’ll know what it means to be in nirvana. Juice fasting is a good alternative to water-fasting if you’re still stuck in the normal grind of daily life. Benefits of Juicing: -serious energy boosts -clarity of mind -happy body -you’re getting a serious dose of nutrients that will keep you sane and healthy! -greatly aids detox processed -strengthens immune system Recipes: Seriously, just throw in whatever fruits and vegetables you can get your hand on. You want more dark leafy greens than sweet fruits, because too much sugar will upset your body. Ideally, you want to keep it 75% leafy greens, 25% fruits. You can use the fiber to make stew, or just blend up em in a blender. I highly recommend the Omega 800 Juicer! It is an awesome investment. Smoothies Smoothies are so nutritious and healthy for you! Just get all your fruits and veggies and just toss em into a blender. Once again apply the 75% veggie, 25% fruit rule. The vitamix is a model I highly recommend, or you can buy a normal blender that costs around $100. Maybe you can find one for even cheaper. What’s so cool about blending your food, is that your body will instantly absorb it. The blender will chop up everything for you, so you wont have to take energy to digest the food that you consume. Consider it to be a liquid meal! Cows are chewing all day long, so they can digest the grass that they consume. That’s why they’re chewing all the time, but we don’t have time to sit around all day chewing on food. Just grab some clean grass from a forest, and toss it into your blender. Grass is actually highly nutritious. Wheatgrass is mentioned in the bible, and it is said that consuming it can restore eyesight and improve immune function. The healthiest and strongest animals on this planet don’t eat meat. Cool, eh? Think about it; you got gorillas, horses, elephants, and ox. They’re always munching on grass, roots, leaves, berries and they’re massive! Get the notion out of your head that you need to eat meat to be super strong and healthy. I’ll touch upon this whole “should I eat meat or not?” debate later on in this book. Here are some recipes for smoothies that you can start making: Make sure that they are all organic and clean food! -apples, carrots, kale, celery -celery, beets, cucumbers, kale -cucumbers, bitter melon, oranges, kale, celery -cucumbers, kale, celery, arugula -apples, garlic, cucumbers, kale, celery, parsley -cilantro, apples, cucumbers, celery You getting my drift yet? You could go wild with this idea, and have a lot of fun. Plus, not only are these smoothies really easy to digest, but they are also super tasty. Just make a big batch into the morning, pour em into a jar, and now you have a meal big enough for the whole day. Smoothies are banging! Fasting Fasting will cure anything if done properly. If you’re afraid of something awful happening to you, then spend some money and go to a fasting retreat. They’ll help you out over there. If you want to experience the truth asap, and cure yourself of anything, then hear me out. Jesus fasted for 40 days out in the wilderness. Markus Rothkranz fasted for weeks out in the deserts of the West. Personally, I’ve gone for days without food and have known many people to have pulled off 3-8 day water fasts. It’s simple: don’t eat any food, don’t engage in intensive activity, stay way from negative stuff, drink lots of clean water, get lots of fresh air, and sunlight Why does fasting work? What happens is that when you stop consuming, you give your body a chance to rest. Eating involves digestion, and digestion takes up a lot of the body’s energy. I mean, A LOT. If your body is constantly spending energy to digest food, how can it possibly direct it to healing. When you stop eating, your body can start directing energy towards regeneration and healing. Fasting is mentioned all throughout the religions of the world. Stop hating on religion, because it’s been completely misinterpreted in the recent century. I’ll get to that later in the book, and finally explain to you all, what religion TRULY is, and how it can help you on your path to Complete and utter awesome bad-ass vitality. That’s right, religion can help you become healthy. No, not mainstream religion, because that’s all washed up phony talk, I’m talking about religion real . Real enlightenment, real spiritual experiences, real consciousness expansion, real awareness. No more misery, no more depression, no more emotional upsets, no more stumbling around in darkness. Everything will be resolved, and you will be able to move on. “If you bury your face in a bag full of food, you will never know Truth.” News Don’t listen to mainstream media, cause they will bash organic food, fasting, and anything form of action that makes sense. Instead, they will tell you that it’s okay to take meds, vaccines, work jobs, eat shitty food, and seeing your doctor, etc etc. They’re all bloody tossers, so let’s get it straight: You are going to learn how to think for yourself as of now! You are going to learn how to come to your own conclusions! You are going to learn that the Truth has been hidden away from your very eyes, when it’s been hiding right beneath your eyes. Stop listening/reading to mainstream news. If you really want facts, I suggest you look into alternative new sources on the internet. Even then, I suggest you stay away from em, cause there’s not much positivity to be found. Hearing bad news can quickly turn your body into an acidic state. Trust me, you don’t want that, because your brain will release stress hormones into your body. Stress can kill and that will be elaborated on in detail, later on in the book. Turn off the news. Read a book or something, hug a tree, pet a dog, go outside for a stroll. There are a billion and one other things that you can do besides planting yourself on a couch in front of a devices that pumps out radiation at your body. Turn off the TV and start living. Turn of the TV and start living! Got it? Turn of the TV and start living! Four Elements The four elements is an excellent model to follow if you’re looking to simplify all of this information. Basically, here it is: Your health is determined by your relationship to the four elements; they are fire, water, earth, and air. If your relationship with the elements are not good, then you will become sick. Fire : How are you getting your light and heat? Water Earth : Is your water clean and fresh? Is it tainted? : Where are you getting your food from? Is it grown organically from the soil, or are you eating it from a factory. Air : How clean is the air that you are breathing in? Are you in a dusty office room or a house all day long, with the windows closed, and “ventilation” that barely allows any oxygen to pass through? Your health will depend on our relationship to the elements; it will come down to what you consume, and what you expel. Think about it for a moment: you eat food from the earth, you poop out earth. You are pooping out soil. You drink water, and you piss it out. You breathe in air, and you are breathing it out. You take in light from the sun, and you sweat it out( interestingly enough, light will radiate outward from your body when you are sweating. This has been proven with special photography. ) So there you go, you take in the elements, and you expel the elements. If you’re consuming stuff that is of nature, you will get sick. If you’re not expelling all of that material on a constant basis, you will get sick. Food tends to get stuck in the bowels of people; it will rot, ferment, and pollute the bloodstream. I know, it’s really gross, but you can also do something about it, if you are one of the sick and unclean. It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re sick, and it sucks, but you can do something about it! Read on my fellow humans, read on! So now, I will get more specific about each element, how the modern day society dweller is in a very dysfunctional relationship with the elements, and lastly, I shall provide you with a solution! It sounds oh-so-complicated, but believe me, you will come to understand the model very quickly. It is simple, clean, and pleasant! Earth element Food grows from the earth, as do plants, and animals in a sense. Basically, whatever, you consume from the geosphere can be considered to be of the earth. It can get a little tricky here, because a lot of times, people are uninformed when it comes to organic farming practices. Americans could care less about the foods that they eat, but maybe they don’t really know what’s going on behind the scenes. Either way, modern day farming practices really mess up the soil and taint the food. If you eat food that’s been raised in a messed up manner, then your relationship with the Earth element is going to be messed up. There’s no need to get into the specifics. Trust me on this, and just know that if your relationship to the Earth element is chaotic, your health will be chaotic. How do you remedy that? Make sure the food that you eat is as clean as possible. -Be sure that the seeds that are using the grow your food are nongmo/heirloom. -Make sure the soil is good clean soil. -Stay the hell away from chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, hormones -eat from nature; plants, herbs, wild food, etc (this part will be elaborated on later on) Water element Water is pretty serious and dire to our well-being. Regardless of how dirty the water is, if a human is dying of thirst, they will drink it. Stay away from tap water, because it is just plain poison. The water pipes date back to the Lincoln Administration and a lot of them haven’t been changed. If you ever visit a water plant, you’ll notice that the vats will pump fluoride, chlorine, and phosphoric acid into the water supply. Let’s not forget the fact that a lot of these pipes will run underground alongside sewer pipes. Since both pipes are rarely repaired, contamination through leakage is inevitable. Testings have been on the water, and a bunch of weird stuff shows up. You got fluoride, chlorine, acid, birth control drugs, and 50+ pharmaceuticals. Hey, what the hell man? Keep in mind, too, that our ancestors would stay the hell away from water if it wasn’t exposed to sunlight. It was almost instinctual, and they would always be on guard if their water was coming from a well. One of Jesus’s scribes in the 1800s wrote a couple of letters, stating suncured water is a great way to cure disease. Here’s what you can do: Get a filter, preferably reverse-osmosis. If you can’t afford one, then at least, boil your water. Brita filters don’t cut it. They don’t filter out the chlorine, only the taste. You can distill your water too. Anyway, pour your clean water in a glass jar and let it soak outside in the sun for a few hours. Revitalized water! Isn’t that wonderful? This is vital guys. We can fight off hunger for about a month before we succumb to starvation. With water…we will generally die of thirst within a week or two and move onto the next life. Water is important! Question where your water come from. Really think hard about what is being put inside the water. Don’t be paranoid, just be reasonable. Fire Element We need heat to survive. Too much of it and we die, too little of it and we die. We need heat and light to really thrive on this planet. Where are you getting your heating and lighting from? I hope it’s not artificial. Lightbulbs aren’t good for your health, and they certainly don’t make a substitute for the sun. Living in a constant temperature isn’t good for your health either. Our ancestors were always exposed to extremes of cold and heat, and were super hardy. Keep in mind that artificial heaters will let out cooked deionized air that isn’t too good for your health. Being cold isn’t such a bad thing. Just don’t be too cold. Take a cold shower and go out there in the snow, and rub it all over your chest. This will cause your skin to contract, which will get blood rushing all throughout your body. Your skin is the largest organ on the body covering 70%. You’re thinking, “what does this have to do with heat/fire?” If you keep on taking hot showers all the time, your skin becomes too relaxed, saggy, and loose and it loses that muscle toning. If you want toned supple skin, then I suggest you step out of your comfort zone and step into the cold showers of doom. Yes, of doom! It’s really not that bad and it will boost your vitality. You can switch back and forth between hot and cold and this will really send the blood all through your body, organs, skin. When you step out, you’ll truly feel alive. Your heart will be beating as start drying yourself off, and you’ll start feeling awesome. Don’t you want to feel awesome? Heck yes, so carry on and start applying what you read, right now! Also, if you want warmth, I suggest you go by a fireplace. Lights can throw off our body’s biochemistry. Our circadian rhythm is ingrained into our body, due to ancestry. We generally eat a lot when the sun goes down, and we head to sleep after that. We’ve really thrown off our biological clocks, because of all the electronics that we are exposing ourselves too. Picture this scenario “It’s 11 pm, and you’re watching television, with the lights turned on full blast. Your cell phone rings and you pick it up to answer your friend. Meanwhile, your laptop is making sounds because your friends are pestering you on Facebook.” Fool! You should have gone to bed a few hours back. Why is there light on when it is dark outside? That makes no sense. Your body won’t take too kindly to it. TO DO: Go to bed early, stay away from artificial lights, minimize your exposure to electronics in general, and especially after the sun goes down. Air element It is said that air is the most important and vital element to our health. We can fight off hunger for a few weeks, and thirst for a while too, but if we deprive ourselves of oxygen, we will die rather quickly. People are so hung up on silly diets, and overly concerned with the type of food that they put into their body, that they tend to overlook this very important part of the formula. Don’t get me wrong, because I am all about clean food and water, but I am more crazier about air. We need it! Without it, we are just rag dolls. It is very sad that a lot of people stay cooped up inside of their houses and officers, where there is poor ventilation. There is no coming in of real oxygen, and there is dust floating all over the room. It’s bad, because dust will interfere with your general health and detox process. The dust that floats around is dead skin cells. Your skin is constantly shedding itself due the body’s nature of constant detox. What is the point of shedding that if you breathe it back in again? The paint on the walls, tables, chairs, shelves, and plastic coating on objects give off fumes that are toxic to the body. If you must stay in such an environment, at least get an air ionizer, air-filter, and some plants into the area. Plants are lovely, because they have the ability to absorb poisonous fumes. Not only that, but they give off oxygen, and are very lovely to look at. They will certainly bright up the area! Open up the windows whenever you get the chance. Seriously! This is huge, and a lot of people tend to ignore this, because we have this notion that we different from other animals. If your relationship with the 4 elements are messed up, you will be messed up! You will be messed up! So by now, I’m sure you get the message. Always ask yourself, “what is my relationship with this and that element, and what can I do to improve it?” We are no longer looking at quick fixes, because we all know by now, that putting a band-aid on the wound will not do the trick. We must develop sustainable ways of living and change our lifestyles to align ourselves with nature, if we want to become healthy and happy. You must do this if you want to survive and thrive! You must do this if you want to know the Truth! It is clean, simple, healthy, and happy. Skin Brush If you don’t skin brush, then now is the time to do so! Basically, you get a skin brush and just scrub your skin vigorously! Here’s a whole list of benefits: -Improved blood flow and vitality -Your skin can breathe now, since pores are open -By brushing, you scrub off all the accumulated dead skin cells. -You improve the healing process of your body Remember that your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it is constantly detoxing. Every now and then, you gotta scrub off all of that dead stuff of your body. If you don’t, it’s just gonna sit there, and it’ll slow down your detoxing mechanism. Make sure you buy a skin brush with fibers that are all-natural. You don’t want plastic or anything synthetic being scraped against your skin. I suggest you find a Yerba-Prime skin brush on Amazon. They lost for months, and the fiber is made from the fibers of plants. Your skin will be happy! Besides, the brushes are cheap. So yeah, go buy em’ and start scrubbing right after you wake up, and before you take a shower. You will thank me for it! Coffee Some people love drinking coffee. Some people hate it. There’s a lot of controversy when it comes to drinking coffee; it’s either bad or good. Personally, coffee tastes great, but it tends to stain my teeth after a while. If you’re perfectly healthy, you have no need to drink coffee for that energy boost. Also, some people’s bodies don’t respond well to it, due to their genetics. I’m pretty sure that the majority of people living in East Asia didn’t cultivate coffee, so it’s like a foreign substance to us Asians. If you are going to drink it, keep it organic and go for the Bulletproof brand. The company that makes em say that it will boost your IQ by 20 points. Who knows, why not give it a try? I will tell you this, if you drink it constantly, you will become dependent on it for energy. Eventually, you will come across an energy crash, and that is never a good thing. Your body is very important to you! Organic Bulletproof Coffee I stress this constantly, because our body is connected with our mind and it is all tied in with our spiritual health. Forget about going to churches and listening to people preach about God, and reading words off of scripture that most people can’t comprehend these days. Experience God for yourself! Experience the Divine! Throw yourself into the Love and Awareness that the Universe has to offer to you. This is truly about experiencing the Limitless and uniting yourself with the Light. I don’t mean this on a New Age feel-good level. No, no, I am talking about real serious experiences that will blow your freakin’ skull off. There’s been a huge plan to suppress the spiritual side of humans, and so far it’s been very successful throughout modern society. The daily grind of jobs will keep people numb and ignorant of the Truth. I ranted, so please, forgive me. Where I was going with this is that, if your body is messed up, you are going to have a hard time experiencing the Truth. Your body wants you to be happy and content, but if you abuse it, it will not be happy. If your body is not healthy, then it is very likely that you will be very irritable. Why would you want to be sad, angry, and depressed all the time? It doesn’t any sense now, does it? You only have one life to live, so live it well and sensually! Enemas/Hydrotherapy I know some people have qualms about having a tube shoved up their butthole, where water comes in to flush out everything in the bowels. You should seriously try it, because so much nasty stuff will get clogged in your bowel. Once that happens, disease will slowly develop. Go to a drugstore and buy a water douchebag with a nozzle and tube. Preferably, you want to wash out your bowel will pure water, but a lot of people don’t have the money to buy spring/water. You can either use tap water (which is gross), or you can just buy a gallon of reverse osmosis water from a Walgreens or whatever. You fill up the bag, shove the nozzle in, and then let the water run into your butt. Let the bag empty out, and then crap out all of the stuff that’s been accumulating inside of your body. Plaque can stay there for years from accumulation of too many toxins, and will prevent the body from absorbing nutrients. Plus, that stuff will ferment and reintroduce toxins into your bloodstream. Positions for enema People are getting sick over and over again, without ever curing themselves. Now when you do this, it might be painful at first, cause there’s so much stuff just wanting to come out. You’ll be flushing out all that yuck, and you’ll be so disgusted when you see what filth can actually reside within a human body. The ancients were very fond of using enemas to clean out the body Once you’re done, you’ll feel like heaven, and your sinuses will actually clear up. You’ll be so empty and clear, and the voice of the Universe will sing through you. Hand of Go At last, you will see the Lord Christ standing at the Right -woops, didn’t mean to let that out. I kid. Seriously, give it a try and you’ll find out that it’s not too bad. Who knows? You might even grow to like them. There’s some 80 year old Japanese doctor who never gets sick and looks like he’s 50 something. His secret is doing quick daily enemas during the morning, along with practicing a lifestyle of hygiene and good-living. So go out, buy one, and your body will be super happy. You will be super happy! Clay Did you know that eating clay is good for you? No seriously, it’s healthy, just give me a minute to explain. All aboriginal cultures in the past have always enjoyed eating clay, because it is part of a natural diet. It is what pulls out all those toxins from your body. Women would always start craving clay when they got pregnant, because it is natural. You can’t just eat any clay, however. You gotta go for the bentonite allnatural clay, and make sure it is organic and free of evil. Take it in small doses at first, preferable a tablespoon with a large glass of warm water. So many times, we are unable to detox toxins and metals because they get so embedded into our body. You would be surprised how well toxins and chemicals will bind to our skeletal and brain structure. Eating clay will pull all those toxins, along with radiation particles such as cat-ions into the clay as it travels through your system. Then you poop it out, and voilà! Eating clay is part of a whole diet. Radiation Radiation isn’t as bad as people out to be. I could get into specifics about how awful it is, but if you know how to make yourself immune to it, you won’t have a thing to fear. Yeah, radiation is everywhere in this world, but it’s also present in every-day living. You won’t notice it, but we are constantly getting poisoned by radiation. You can’t do much about it, unless you forsake society and start living in the wild, but since so many people are unwilling to take up such a feat, I will impart you with a bit of advice. You can bulletproof your health against radiation, by living properly. Negative People, your Environment, and the News Hey listen, if you’re around people who are grumpy, angry, and down, then you are gonna feel the same way too. Emotions are almost contagious and you are who you surround yourself with. Save yourself before you can save others! If someone is down and needs a helping hand, then give it to them by all means. But if someone makes you feel like crap and is draining you of your energy, then it is time to move on. They might think you are a self person, but forget about their opinions. Man never rose to do great things by being concerned with the opinions of others. Great people had many enemies. Now I’m saying you go out there and start fights, but I am talking about learning to take care of yourself. This is your health, life, and happiness at stake here. The outside world influences us in so many ways. You could be feeling positive, but then you flip on the television. We all know that there’s nothing positive to be heard. Half of it is all buillshit and propaganda. If you want real info, at least get them from a veritable source. Anyway, I was getting to the point that negative news hast he ability to turn the body into a very acidic and stressful state very rapidly. Most tv networks will emit some sort of vibrational frequency that will throw off your harmony. I’ll get into that a bit more later on. Another thing is that if you’re in a bad environment, you’re most likely not going to be happy. If you live in a ghetto, then hop on a bus and fly the heck out of there. If you live in a super crowded area, and you don’t want to be there, then get the heck out! Don’t give me the excuse of, “oh, but the money.” Find a way! Darn it, pick up some slack and open up your eyes to the fact that you have control over your life. You are in control! No one can determine your fate and no one can take away your dreams. Start living, is what I say! Stress Stress will kill you faster than anything in this reality. Okay, so I am exaggerating a little bit. Getting hit by a bus will most likely end your life. Well, that wouldn’t actually do you in, if you were a master of Qi. You’re probably thinking, “what is this guy talking about?” Hey look, if you’ve followed me this far so far, and you’re still reading this book, then you gotta trust me. I’ll explain it to you later. Seriously though, stress is BAD for you. People get the notion that being stressed out is normal and okay. Well, it’s not. Stress will frazzle up your nervous system, attack your immune system, disrupt your hormones, and generally just take away from your health and happiness. If stress is occurring, then it is your Body, and Spirit trying to tell you something. It could be that job that you are working, or that coworker of yours who is pissing you off. It could be the place you live in, the foods you eat, down to the clothes that you wear. Your beliefs can cause you stress. Driving causes stress. Sitting causes stress. Not exercising and sitting on a couch all day will give you stress. Stop what is bad for you. Identify it as quickly as possible, and stop it. Take care of the issue at hand, and you will come to terms with a lot of aspects of yourself. You will be more calm, accepting, peaceful and loving. There are a lot of destressing principles and ways to fight it off, but the best thing to do, is to just get rid of the root cause of it. If you live a super hectic lifestyle that places a thousand demands on you, I suggest you calm down before you give yourself a heart attack. Look, unless you a high performer who is very productive and doesn’t crack under stress, then you should not be living that lifestyle. It will age you and make you unhealthy. Do you want to look old, feel old, and to be unhealthy? What? Of course not!!! Go out for a nice walk in nature, look at the skies, the clouds, reconnect yourself with your Divine self, and look inwards for the Truth. The truth has always been inside you. You just need to accept it and reclaim what is rightfully yours. There’s no turning back now. It is time you cross over to the other side…of LIFE! Exercise and movement If you’re overweight, then I suggest you start exercising. If you’re unhealthy, start exercising. If you’re healthy, that’s great! Start exercising! Whether it’s jogging, walking, swimming, jumping, playing a sport, or hiking out there in the woods, do yourself a big favor and start exercising! When you move around, you are getting oxygen into your body. It is so invigorating. People who sit down all down, let the blood in their bodies stagnate. When that happens, disease will start occurring. It doesn’t matter if you eat the best foods and follow all the other protocols, because if you don’t move around, you will slowly weaken. Movement is energy. We are energy, and energy must flow if it is to live the Truth. We must move if we are to live the Truth! Lift some weights, go out for long walks, run, or just go out for a short walk. Bottom line: move. Chairs and Invasive Surgery I figure that I would lump these two topics into one subject. Chairs are horrible for you. They are actually a recent invention and they are responsible for the modern day sedentary lifestyle. As you already know, that lifestyle will lead to disease. Sitting means you are not moving, and that means your energy is stagnating! Whoever invented this horrible device was probably possessed by some demon, who had nothing else on his Mind except the best interests of Falsity. Don’t be a victim of Falsity. Sitting down will mess up your posture, and puts your hip into a position of flexion. When that happens, other muscle in the body have to compensate for such an unnatural position. Once you get up from that chair, your body is still in that position. Since your body is dysfunctional from sitting down, you will only be strengthening that dysfunction when you exercise. I know, it sounds messed up and a bit complicated so read up on Peter Egoscue’s book “Pain Free”, when you get the chance. It will clarify a lot of what I have said and you will learn all these cool exercises to put your body back into function. Seriously! Think about it, cause our ancestors would never sit down in chairs. Whenever they had to sit, they would go into a squatting position. A lot of surgery that is performed invasively on the body is quite unnecessary. I am talking about cases in which the patient has not been involved in a life threatening accident that requires immediate attention. I am talking about cases of people complaining about their knees, hips, shoulders, etc because they think they are getting “old” or because their body just isn’t strong. Nature designed our bodies to be very strong! It is only cause of our way of living, that we’ve become so messed up. Invasive surgery can be avoided by doing certain exercises that address the root cause of dysfunction. Dysfunction leads to other muscles compensating for weak and tight muscles. The site of the pain is rarely the problem! – PETER EGOSCUE Example: I have a friend whose mother needed surgery for her back. It was going to be some serious invasive surgery because she was in a lot of pain. She had some crazy herniated disk and it was really bothering her. Now when a disc becomes herniated, it is because the spine has become so dysfunctional. This is due to the hip being flexed into a certain posture, that other muscles have to compensate. Eventually all those others will become weak too. I could get more scientific, but I suppose I will save that for another time. Now this problem of hers didn’t happen over night. People don’t get a herniated disc overnight, that’s just not possible. This dysfunction of hers, was building up very slowly from years of living an inactive and sedentary lifestyle. Think about what the modern person does: They wake up at 7, shower, eat breakfast, and drive to work. That car ride usually lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. Once they arrive at work around 9, they proceed to sit down at their desk where they proceed to work till 12. So far that is around 4 hours of sitting down. They now get up to grab some lunch, and they proceed to sit down…in a chair, where their hips get thrown into dysfunction. They finish lunch and proceed back to work where they work for another few hours until 5. And then what? Then they drive back home. Upon arriving at home, they have dinner, seated in a chair. Perhaps afterwards, they’ll sit on a sofa and watch some television, not deciding to move around, or lounge around on their laptop, while they are sitting in a chair. Well I will be damned. That totals to around…9-10 hours of sitting down…in a chair…in a device that wreaks havoc on the hips. If you have a job that involves you standing up, then awesome for you! If not, I seriously consider a career change, or buying a standup desk. HAIL THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, PRAISE BE TO THE ALMIGH – :ahem: oops, didn’t meant to let that slip out… Anyway, it is no wonder why my friend’s mother ended up getting a herniated disc. Dysfunction does not occur overnight. It occurs after years and years of misusing and abusing the body that your Creator has given you. And start walking around when you get the chance, damnit. Don’t you want to live? Don’t you want to be happy and full of life? EMF Emf stands for electromagnetic frequency. Every electronic on this planet emits it to a certain degree. Computers, entertainment systems, cellphones, wi-fi, satellite, cellphone towers, cars, electricity lines, generators, etc. They are frequencies that we can not see, but they are quite damaging to our health. If you stick around these frequencies long enough, you will get sick. They are the equivalent to minor radiation, and you would be wise to minimize your exposure to EMF. Reduce your usage of electronics and you will find that your thinking becomes clearer, and your soul more peaceful. EMF negating necklace Safespace in usage If your lifestyle requires you to constantly use a cellphone and laptop, then make sure you get an EMF negator. They are inexpensive, and they will act as shields against the EMF frequency. I remember that back in the day, I used to watch a lot of Netflix shows on my laptop. I would do this for hours on end, and I’d come out of it feeling like crap, tired, and just cranky. Then I started using this EMF negator device which I purchased off the internet for 20 bucks. The thing worked wonders, cause I was able to stay glue to my computer watching episodes of Burn Notice. Now obviously, I don’t advise you to have that kind of lifestyle, cause it’s just not healthy. But hey, if you have an office job that involves a lot of computer usage, this is the thing for you. But in all honesty, I advise you to ditch the office lifestyle. Ditch the job, sell the house, fly out to some tropical island, and just live an awesome lifestyle. “But I have kids, but this, and that, and cash isn’t enough, but, but, but…” Shut up, you’re just making excuses. Providing for your family is noble, don’t get me wrong. But if you’re struggling to make cash, you’re probably spending less time with your kids, right? Don’t you want to spend more time with them? Don’t you want to live a lifestyle in which you aren’t a slave to the system? I know you want more freedom in your life. I know it, cause no one wants a crappy life of dullness and mediocrity. EMF negating cellphone stickers Don’t let your life slip past you. Time will tick by so quickly, and before you know it, you will be super old, and full of regrets, asking yourself, “where did all my time go?” You’ll have nothing to show for it, and you will most likely be alone…forever. Now I am citing an extreme example, but I am sure you get the drift. Dare to chase after your dreams, and fight for the life that you really want! Here are some people who are living the LIFE, being HEALTHY, and FREE! No aging, no disease, no worries. Just bliss, happiness, and Truth! Markus Rothkranz Markus is over 50, but people always think he is so much younger! He is a raw foodist and is super big on eating clean food, living out in the wild, and living the most out of your life! He grew up as an unhealthy kid, and was plagued with a host of health problems. One day, he decided that he had enough, so he took off his clothes, and went into the desert. He left it all behind. 40 days later, he came out a new Man. He had been given the Truth and now he is spreading the Word! He is a true inspiration and a Warrior of the Light! Cara Cara and Markus go hand in hand! They are partners who have chosen to be with each other on this furious and wonderful journey that is Life. Cara owns a raw food restaurant and is big on the whole “clean yourself out, eat healthy and clean” gig. She is a huge advocate of eating raw clean whole organic food like the rest of us here, and is 48. Yup, 48. They’re just so cool, so strive to be healthy and cool just like them! Stop by their youtube channel when you get the chance, and they will share all these cool and tasty raw food recipes. Peter Ragnar Peter Ragnar is the man! Born pre-baby boomer, people always mistake him to be a lot younger than he is. Some people think that you get weaker as you grow up. That is not true! You only get stronger with age! Peter is on a raw plant diet and is a fascinating human being. He is a big promoter of human longevity, and is a serious practitioner of meditation and qi gong, the energy manipulation system of the Chinese. Look at that vitality! Keep in mind that he also lives out in the mountains of and is self-sufficient. He is far far away from the grasps of modern day society, but do not mistake him for a recluse! Every now and then, he will invite people over to his house of righteous Holiness where he teaches people how they can achieve the results that he has! Don’t you want to be ageless as you grow older? Don’t you want boundless health, vitality, and strength? Don’t you want people to be shocked when you tell them your real age? Even if you’re not a senior, and have none of those interests, I am sure that you are astounded by people who transcend the ordinary. If you are a youngster, then I congratulate you for exposing yourself to the facts of reality. We were meant to be strong, healthy, and WILD! I remember talking about Peter on an internet forum one time. I was so excited to share the knowledge that there were people who were so vibrant that they had become ageless and impervious to disease. Some bloke on the forum goes, “why would anyone want to become that strong and healthy? Perhaps it is a matter of vanity.” Hey retard (I use this term with loving affection), you just don’t get it, do you? The whole point of being vital is being normal. Modern day thinking has come down to such petty notions that being vital is a special thing. It’s quite normal, because that was how nature intended us to be. It is because modern day living has made us so unhealthy, that we become shocked or even surprised when we see someone who is exceptionally vital. Anyway, I wouldn’t want to fight Peter. The man would probably tear my skull off (with love). Mick Dodge You don’t know about the wildman Mick Dodge? Why, he is an ex-Marine who lives in a tree stump out in the Forests of Washington state. I kid, but he probably does at times. This man is real cool, cause he speaks from the perspective of a man who was plugged into the system. He had messed up feet, poor health, a car, a house, etc. Ya know, all these things that tie you down at some point in your life. So he ditched them all, including his shoes, and went off to live in the wilderness of Washington state. He would just camp out there in the wild, building shelters, eating/drinking from the elements, hunting, and just fighting off the elements. These days he has built a nature-based gym that emphasizes functional exercises. Watch the TV show The Legend of Mick Dodge . I know, I know, it is just a show, but it will give you the gyst on how some people choose to live their life. Anyway, this guy is a boss. Don’t mess with him! Dara Dara is also a member of the raw food/heal yourself movement that is currently overtaking this planet. She is around the age of 50 and still looks young and beautiful as ever! Stop thinking that you gotta look old as you age. Looking old is a sign of disease and poor living. She is a big fan of fasting, juicing, making smoothies, and all that good stuff, so take your time to stop by her youtube channel. I am sure you will find it to your liking. =] Now if you’re a 200 year old-Taoist, then I will give you permission to look old. (joke) Not really. People can live past the age of 200, if you know what they are doing. A Vegan Bodybuilder Now if you think that you can’t get big without taking a bunch of supplements, check out this guy! I don’t know his name, but I do know that this guy hasn’t touched processed and refined foods since he was a youngster. He has also abstained from meat and cooked foods. It goes to show that you don’t need to eat a bunch of junk to get strong! Remember what I said before about the strongest animals eating grass and herbs? Uhm…I would not want to fight this man either. Angela Stokes Angela Stokes went in a 90 day juice fast. That should say everything about this awesome person! It should also tell you that people can go on without food for extended periods of time. Imagine the courage it took for her to achieve this! If she can do it, then so can you! If she can heal herself, then so can you! Tamara St. John This lady is bad-ass. She is bad-ass cause she got cancer and her doctor told her the same stuff that most doctors tend to tell their patients. -Cancer is uncurable -We don’t know what it is or how it starts -You’re gonna die if you don’t get chemo. -You might die anyway, even if you get chemo. -Take these meds and MAYBE, you will get better -But you might die anyway, so give us all your money before that happens. Get chemo! “Well, to hell with that.” I am sure that is why Tamara said before she took matters into her own hands and started researching into how to cure cancer in a holistic, gentle, and effective manner. Well guess what? Her cancer is gone, and now she just published a book on how to cure cancer yourself. She is a mouthpiece for the Truth, and will not feed you with lies and deceit. When it comes to people like us, we aren’t going to beat around the bush and mislead you. We just want the best for our fellow humans. We all deserve to be healthy and happy, It is your birth right. Rant Hey, if you’ve read this far, I am so glad for you! Hopefully by now, you’ve assimilated some of this information into your understanding. I only wish the best for my fellow brothers and sisters, and for them to expand their awareness. Be aware that this world is a messed up place. Be aware that there are forces acting against you every second of your life, when you live in modern day society. Be aware of the darkness that lies out there. But also, be aware that there is also good. If one does not know evil, one can never know good. And the good is fabulous and fantastic, and deserves every ounce of piety that we can give. And we shall give, over and over again, because that is what the Light will require of us. If reading this book has hurt your feelings, that Is too bad. If you are ignorant enough to discount the fact that a lot of dwellers of modern-day society are destitute, empty, and broken, then shame on you. If I’ve offended you with that last remark, then shame on you even more. Stop being so damn sensitive and get some thick skin. If you feel the need to criticize this book and drop a barrage of flaming insults because I touched upon some aspect of yourself that is too afraid to embrace the truth, then I only ask that you eat me. Eat me hard. I say all of this, because you must wake up! You must see what is out there in this terrible and beautiful world of ours! We have become so boxed in our ways of thinking, that we don’t even know that we don’t know! It is a double ignorance, and nobody wants to be ignorant. No one wants to be stupid! No one wants to live in falsity and darkness. If you are a liberalist or republican, then shame on you for believing that politics is so simple enough to be divided into only two parties. If you are a die hard patriot, then I salute you. If you are a war veteran that sees the corruption that is occurring on a daily basis in our very country, then I salute you. If you are a gun control advocate, then I hope you take the liberty to educate yourself on the facts. If you are brainwashed by the media, I urge you to wake the hell up and to start thinking for yourself. If you think that you have to rely on other people for your wellbeing, then you are a shmuck. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about getting along with other people, but I am talking about this: “Oh, I work very hard so I can pay my bills because if I don’t, then “they” will turn off my water, heating, electricity, food, and my shelter will be taken away.” Hey, you know you can gather your own water? Did you know you can solar generate your heat? You can gather food outside of your house? How about getting a generator for your electricity? Build your own house damnit! Wake the hell up and work your way towards self-sufficiency. If that’s too hard, then sell everything, and embark on a travel across the world. Be like Rolf Potts! If you haven’t read his book Vagabonding , then do it! It will open up your eyes, and set your heart on the path of Truth. Every person needs to be alone for an extended period of time so that they can discover themselves. They need this to come to terms with aspects of themselves that have never been resolved. Society can’t help you resolve these issues. Only you can, but you have to be willing to take that step out of the door. You have to be willing to strike it out on your own. You have to be willing to put it all on the line, if you want to discover the Truth. Irrational? Perhaps, if you’ve been bred with the flawed thinking pattern of a society dweller. It is irrational to live in an environment that is literally killing you by the second. Who is the irrational one now? Hey, if I hurt your feelings for speaking “out of line”, then awesome. My job is done. Be alive, damn it. Wake up to your infinite potential and embrace it all! Welcome the glorious horror that is Life! From this hour I ordain myself loos'd of limits and imaginary lines, Going where I list, my own master total and absolute, Listening to others, considering well what they say, Pausing, searching, receiving, contemplating, Gently, but with undeniable will divesting myself of the holds that would hold me. -Walt Whitman, "Song of the Open Road” Sauna Going to a sauna is a great way to sweat out all of those toxins that have been stuck inside of your body. The Native Americans were particularly smart when it came to curing disease, cause they would always use sweat lodges. Make sure it is a sauna and not a steamroom, but steamrooms end up pumping chlorine into the steam, and that will only make you sicker. Sweating is seriously great and awesome for your health, and you will come out of the sauna feeling so much more cleaner and healthier. Now you can find some spas around your areas, or you can buy your own sauna. There is a portable version that is available on for 400 dollars, and it beats having to buy the typical infrared ones that cost around two grand. Mayan Sweat Lodge Grounding Take off your shoes and start walking on the Earth, barefoot! We were created without shoes and it was meant to be that way! There is a billion dollar industry when it comes to orthopedic inserts, but you don’t know any of that stuff. Just take off your shoes and socks, and frolic about in Nature. There is energy that radiates from the Earth, and we are unable to absorb it because of the shoes and the cement that blocks us off from the Source of Health and Wellness. It is actual energy, and there are actual electrons being transferred from the Earth into your body, when you are grounding yourself. The Earth will share its electromagnetic force with you, and it will take away all of that stagnant energy that has been accumulating inside of your body. There’s a science behind grounding/earthing, and it would do some good for those who are interested, to do some research on the subject. There are tons of information out there on the internet, and a few books have been written on the subject. Reconnect yourself with the Source and be in Bliss! Sound therapy I don’t know too much about sound therapy, but it certainly does wonders. The Tibetans were pretty big on this and would always use singing bowls while chanting, to cure a person of their afflictions. Within sound is a frequency that can either harmonize or disrupt the vibrational frequency of a human body. I also recommend that you listen to Frequency purifying tracks. They are available on the internet, and will balance out the frequencies in your body. They also release a lot of stress, and will leave you with a sense of bless and calm when you are done listening to them. Recommend: Holosync meditational tracks David Halperns Alchemical Balancing Tracks Native American Healing Music Tibetan Healing Music Hindu/Buddhist Spiritual Chants Soothing, relaxing, harmonious, and blissful music Disease have a certain frequency about them, along with parasites, worms and viruses. Interestingly enough, the Russians are starting to come out with some advanced portable technology that will soon be affordable to the general public. These devices are frequency generating devices and emit frequencies according to the type of disease that needs to be treated. This technology is also used to balance out the many intricate and subtle systems of the body and end up leaving the patient with a sense of clarity and wholeness. Buying the technology is quite pricey ( around 1-3k), so it is better to find a practitioner in the area, and pay them for their services. Color therapy Stop wearing dreary colors like black/gray/brown and start adding some brightness and vibrancy into your life. Spend some time just starting at some really bright colors and see how your body responds to it. There are color therapy programs available for download in the internet. If you don’t want to do that, then start surrounding yourself with the color association of the element that you think you need more of. For people with a lack of vitality, they could use some more fire in their belly, so they should surround themselves with bright red colors. As for those who need more brightness and positivity, they should go for white and yellow. You starting to get my drift here? You can really go crazy with this stuff, and it is fun! Massages Get some massages! If you have the money to blow, then you should definitely get them. They are so relaxing and they will take away any stress that you have. People tend to get stressed out often, and that stress will knot up in their muscles. Eventually they lead to a lot of discomfort and tension of the spirit and mind, so it is best to relax whenever you get the chance. Foot massages are highly recommended, because when certain parts of your feet are massaged, certain organs in your body get stimulated. The art of reflexology deals with the association of body organs and parts of the feet, and is studied by foot therapists during their training. Types of Massages: ( I am sure there are many more ) Rolfing Deep Tissue Swedish Massages Foot Massages Face Massages Sun Gazing Contrary to popular belief, staring at the sun will not harm your eyes, unless done so improperly. Stop wearing sunglasses and take off your glasses when you do this. Don’t attempt this when the sun is at the highest point of the day, and never stare directly at it when you first start doing this. Observe the sun from your peripheral vision and let the sun’s rays enter your eye. Keep this up for a few minutes. This will allow you to absorb the energy from the sun into your brain and will keep you healthy overall. It is used today as it was in the past, as a way to decalcify the pineal gland so that you open up your mind’s eye to experience spiritual realities. 5 to 10 minutes of this, early in the morning will have you feeling more spiritual and in tune in no time. Inversion table This stuff will lengthen out your spine to prevent you from shrinking. It will counteract the effects of gravity and can possibly lead overall growth. When you use this device, all of the blood will rush to your head. It will stimulate certain glands in your brain that are responsible for producing growth hormones such as testosterone. Spend about 10-15 minutes doing this every day. The best time is to do it upon waking up. It will get all of that lymph and toxins moving throughout your body, and it will leave you feeling great! They are a great investment and easy to assemble. Kinesiology The study of movement is a beautiful science. A lot of people living in modern day society are falling into dysfunction and suffering for it, because of their lifestyles. Wearing improper footwear, excessive sitting, and sleeping on uncomfortable objects, generally lead to dysfunction. There are exercises out there that will realign your body to that of its natural design, and it will allow you to utilize more oxygen, energy, leading to more vitality and a sense of wellbeing and calm. Find a certified kinesiologist around the area, and have them do a diagnosis on your to see if your body needs any adjustments. Your body will thank you down the road. Good music Stop listening to mainstream music. Seriously, that stuff will brainwash you in believing that you need to think like this, dress like this, be like this, strive for this, talk like this, etc etc. Besides, the majority of these mainstream artists are worshipers of darkness. If you don’t get this reference, that is fine. You are forgiven. Find some good music and listen to it. Enough said! Dark Room Therapy The shamans of old used to use this practice on the people they were training and healing. The person would be placed in a room with no access to light or sound, and they would be deprived of their senses for hours on end. This was done in order to reintegrate the consciousness in order for healing to take place. There’s some recent therapy that involves a dark room and the user floating in a tub of water. I haven’t tried it myself, but I advice you do a bit of research on it. Now, this isn’t for everyone. If you’re desperate for a healing and to become whole again, then you should definitely give it a try. For the majority of people out there, this can be a very intense experience due to a lot of emotions that people have chosen to suppress( or just never understood ). Such a reintegration of the psyche can be very painful, but it is for the better. Algae/Mud Bath Mud baths are great, and people pay a lot of money for them. They are seen as disgusting to some people, but those blokes don’t know the health benefits that such a wonderful treatment can offer. Such bathes allow the mud to pull out the toxins from the skin. It is the same concept with a facial mask, but on a bigger scale. You will feel so clean and vibrant afterwards. It is like your skin will be breathing for the first time. Algae baths are very detoxifying and nourishing. While you bathe in them, your body will eject toxins and soak in the nutrients and vitamins that the live algae has to offer. It is the same effect with moss baths. They have such services all over the East, so if you decide to stop by China, be sure to visit these places! Super Foods and Supplements Food isn’t what it used to be and that is a given. A can of spinach back then in the 1950s had more nutritional value than the stuff you are buying down at your super market. The quality of soil has fallen due to our improper modern day farming practices which ends up destroying the land. Soil has lost a lot of its nutritional value and with it, the food that is being grown out of it. So you’re going to want to supplement your body with some awesome stuff to get those much needed vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc etc. Forget about vitamins. There is a billion dollar industry when it comes to the vitamin industry. The whole concept of “take this pill and be healthy” while Americans eat themselves into cancer on a steady diet of dead food makes no sense. Vitamins are a gimmicks. I’m talking about those multivitamins, vitamins K, C, B whatever, calcium, etc etc. They will end up burdening your kidneys, doing more harm than good, and your wallet will be a lot light because of it. Now, let’s forget about all that bad stuff, and bring in the good! Bee Pollen Pollen will contain a lot of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Take a few spoonfuls a day and notice your energy start to shoot up. Pine Pollen This stuff will seriously ramp up your testosterone. It’s been used by Chinese traditional medicine for thousands of years and is an effective herbal remedy when it comes to increasing low energy, fatique, depression, etc. Take as much of this as possible throughout the day! E3 Super Algae Superfood full of algae that is harvested from lakes. It is full of essential vitamins and minerals and they are all highly absorbable. This is superior compared to the “vitamin” crap you buy at your local vitamin shop or supermarket. They sell it at wholefoods. Wormwood Kills off parasites. Oregano Oil Kills off parasites Candida Free Dissolves candida. Kill off those pesky buggers. Rosemary Oil Reduces inflammation. Digestive Enzymes If you’re low on digestive power, then take a few of these after you have a meal. I advise that you take em especially after a heavy meal involving lots of meat and carbs. Don’t rely on them too often, because then they just become a crutch. You are better off fasting for a few days instead. That will reset your digestion right away. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Get the Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar by Braggs. That stuff will kill off any cold and will make you piss out toxins like crazy. It dissolves kidney stones and improves your immune function. Once you drink it, it will have an alkalizing effect on your body and will improve your digestion, especially if you have low stomach acid. Mix 2 tablespoons in a glass of water, and do this twice or three times a day. Oxy-Powder If you want to clean out your bowel, then this is the supplement to take. You will be crapping out all of that stuff that is caked to the inside of your intestines. It is a supplement that will introduce a lot of oxygenated magnesium into your system, which is responsible for bowel functions and overall nervous system health. Liver-Free Herbal formula that will dissolve liver stones, while cleansing out your liver. A lot of toxins will be leaving your liver while you do this, so it is best to drink lots of water while you’re taking this product. Chanca Piedra Amazonian herb that is nicknamed stone-breaker. If you have a dirty liver/kidneys, than this is the herb to be taking. Herbal Formulas You can go crazy with this stuff. There is so many of them out there, and they are all so good. Go for the wildcrafted and organic herbs, because those have the most potency. If you’re into tinctures and over 50, you could take those instead. If you have the herbs, you can make tinctures yourself. It is not too hard to do so. Maca You can take this in powdered form. It will increase your testosterone and sex drive! It also tastes sweet. Fo-Ti Chinese herb that will boost your sex drive. The list goes on forever, but the list of supplements that I provided should give you a good place to start. Keep in mind that these are supplements! Don’t expect to get healthy just by taking these supplements alone. If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, then taking all of this stuff won’t do you any good. Probiotics and Fermented Foods Probiotics are good bacteria that reside within our gut to regulate our digestion and maintain health. When people get terribly sick, such as the is with cancer, they will have a very low amount of probiotics. This is due to the modern day lifestyle which involves an overload of toxins in our body, which leads to the good bacteria dying off. Now, there are several ways to replenish the good bacteria in your gut. This first is by taking probiotics. People are debating on which strains are he best, and which form is the most absorbable. You have many options, between taking them in a powder, pill, or liquid form. It is entirely up to you. I’ve tried all three methods, but the powder and liquid methods really do the job for me. Another way to introduce probiotics into your system is to start eating more fermented foods. You can make your own such as kimchi, fermented cabbage, garlic, onions, turnips. There are videos that will teach you how to do this online. These fermented vegetables are so rich with probiotics, and they are very tasty too! By eating a steady diet of organic and fermented foods, you will be on your way back to health and vibrancy! Bleeding gums & Dental Self-sufficiency If you gums are bleeding and you have teeth issues, then that is a serious sign that your health is in a state of chaos. Your first step, upon reading this, might be to rush your way on down to the doctors and ask them to help you out. Heck, you might even beg them. Okay, maybe not, but wouldn’t you feel better knowing that you can take care of yourself dentally? Well, you can so open up your ears and listen up! -Stop using fluoride toothpaste -Make your own organic toothpaste with sea salt, baking powder, and zeolite -Floss, but don’t floss like a madman. Be very gentle with your teeth. -Stop snacking, because that leads to a lot of sugars breaking down in your mouth, throughout the day -Fasting strengthens the teeth -A healthy and normal whole organic clean diet will strengthen the teeth -Exercise will strengthen the teeth -Get a copper tongue scraper, and scrape out all of that yuck and filth that is coated onto the back of your tongue. Do this everyday and you will find yourself with better and fresher breathe -Rinse out your mouth daily with a some water mixed with sea salt. This will kill off any bad bacteria that resides in your mouth. -Use a toothbrush that is BPA-free, free of plastics, and overall, ecologically sound. -Food-grade hydrogen peroxide is EXCELLENT, when it comes to killing cavities. Add a few drops of this stuff into a glass of water, and rinse away after your meals, and before you go off to bed. I got a cavity two or three times, and I would always take care of those suckers with hydrogen peroxide. This stuff can also cure cancer, if you really know what you are doing with it! -Lay off the shitty processed foods. Seriously. -Find a holistic dentist and get those mercury fillings removed from your mouth. That stuff will cause autism and it will make you stupid. It will also rob you of your vitality and lead to cancer if you keep that stuff in your mouth long enough! Punch your dentist in the face if he or she has been putting this horrible stuff into your mouth. Get those bad fillings removed as quick as efffing possible! Parasites, signs that you have em, what you can do If you are not super healthy, or if you’ve been really sick one time or another in your life, it is very likely that you have parasites residing in you. I know, that sounds absurd, but it is the case with us humans. They say that the majority of the world’s population is infected with parasites, and that is not too far-fetched of a claim. You could potentially have parasites inside of you, feeding off of your food, and robbing you of your energy. Look for the following symptoms: -Low energy, low sex drive, fatigue, depression, mood swings, digestive disorders, cardiovascular issues, foggy thinking, poor vision, itchy anus, itchy skin, allergic reactions to a lot of foods, low willpower, diminished quality of life They spread because people have terrible hygienic habits. They’re all over the place on pets, on public doorknobs, surfaces, floors, in the air. They also get into your food too. A single sushi roll could potentially have up to 10,000 parasites eggs. That’s pretty gross, dude. Now, if you are very healthy, then your super strong immune system will be like a fortress, against the parasitic entities that are constantly trying to invade your body, and destroy your health. That, however, is not the case with the majority of people. A lot of people are already sick and infected so here’s what you can do about it: -Stop doing all that is bad for you. Antibiotics and vaccinations lead to a weakening of the immune system in the first place, and creates an acidic environment in which cancer and parasites can thrive. Cancer is a parasite, so fight it off, and kill that sucker for good. -Follow everything in this book. -Fasting will weaken the parasite during the first few days. If you go on an extreme fast, your body will start to dissolve the parasites by itself. -There are powerful herbal formulas that will shred the parasites and dissolve them. -Do enemas -Junk and processed food, along with meat, will feed these parasites, so cut them out of your diet. Once again, juice fast, and fast. -Vibrational sound therapy to blast the parasites to bits and pieces. Each parasitic organism operates at a certain sound frequency and they find certain frequencies to be the death of them. A local practitioner in your area should be able to help you out with this. This can also be used to dissolve stones, cancer, and other diseases. Money Issues – True Health is Wealth! If you haven’t been living in a cave for the few decade, you know that there is a huge economic shift occurring across the globe. This has led to a lot of people getting laid off from their jobs and having a hard time finding employment. A lot of people are looking for ways to make more money, and then there are some who simply wished they had more money. For whatever odd reason, our culture equates money with freedom. Now, you don’t need money to be free, but you do if you plan on living within society. Money will back up your life’s mission. Aside from that, it is not the be allend all. I am no expert on making money, but I will dispense with whatever advice I have gained from my years of learning. There is a difference between the rich and the poor and that is in the habits that they have. Poor people have habits that keep them poor, while rich people have habits that keep them rich. Poor people will work for their money, while rich people will have money work for them. For example, the cashier down at your local Burger King is working for their money. They are engaging in labor to receive monetary gain. Now, I’m not saying it’s wrong to work for your cash, if you’re trying to get up off your feet, or if you’re saving up for some project or travel. There is something wrong in working for your cash, if that is all you do for the rest of your life. Rich people will have their money work for them. What I mean by that, is that they will set up some system that will allow them to make money passively, while they are away. So an example, would be me setting up a website that sells health products. Since the system is automatically regulated, I can be sleeping or on a flight to Thailand, while someone from across the globe decides to purchase one of my products. Bam. Money comes in just like that, while I am off doing something else. This also applies to investments but that is a bit different. Now a lot of people don’t know this, but money making is simply a skill. If you are not good at it, then you can only get better at it. There are plenty of books out there that will give you a good education on how to get rich. A book I recommend reading is “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. The author illustrates many fine points on how poor people can get rich, and why some poor people never do get rich. If you were born into a rich family, then awesome for you. You are blessed. If you come from skid row, but are looking to make more money, then an education will never hurt. Also, another difference between the rich and poor is in their quality of thinking. Poor people will think small, while rich people think BIG. They are willing to dream BIG dreams, and are willing to put themselves on the line. Risk and money go hand in hand, so you have to be willing to step out of that comfort zone that society has conditioned you to stay put in. Small thinking example: “I want to make some money so I can pay rent.” Big thinking example: “I want to make some money so I can buy a castle. Maybe 100 acres of land down in Virginia. Damn, I sure like that beach island on the coast of Chile…hmm…” See where I am going with this? Poor and rich people thinking differently and act differently. If you can figure out the “how” part of the equation, then you’ve already changed your life. Rich people make money by providing more value to people. Whether it be selling off land, houses, cars, health products, or fun, they are doing something that people are willing to pay them big bucks for. Meanwhile, you have the guy who is working at the local A&P, providing a low level of value to his clients. I say clients, because you are always self-employed. There is no boss, or The Man in your life. You are an enterprising self independent human being who works for himself. So basically what I am trying to say is that Prosperity is within your reach. Becoming financially free isn’t a far off thought, and is very much achievable if you really put your heart to the task. Now you don’t have to become a millionaire or a billionaire to be rich. Being rich simply means doing what it is you really want to do in this life. Being rich is going wherever you want, seeing whatever place it is you desire, meeting whoever you have in mind, and engaging in whatever interest you have with no financial worries. You could do this on a 5k a month salary or a 200k a year salary. The choice is ultimately yours, As Donald Trump would say it, “Think BIG and kick ASS!” Sexuality Sex is good for you and natural. It is what makes the world go round. It is Love in action. You are making Love when you have sex. You are Love when you have sex. Sex has been taboo throughout a lot cultures for some time now, especially in modern day society. There has and is a war being waged on sexuality, to bring men and women into conflict into each other. But that shouldn’t be the case, because the Feminine and Masculine are sacred aspects that need to be honored and experienced. There is so much to this that must be elucidated on, but for now, celebrate the fact that you are human! Celebrate your Divine Animal self. Celebrate that part of you that is You! For men: If you can’t get it up, it’s because you’re unhealthy. It’s not because you are old! Just follow everything I’ve outlined in this book, and your noodle will be happy as it was, when you were a youngster. Combine the advice below with what I’ve already outlined. Exercise is good for sex and your sex drive Regardless of testosterone levels, men who exercise have a higher sex drive, and have harder and longer-lasting erections than men who don’t. Moderate cardio – 30 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week will do it Weight training is also good Squats and compound exercises produce the highest testosterone levels Outside the gym, competitive contact sports have very clear correlation with increase sex drive and performance. Single best exercise for sex life has nothing to do with self image or testosterone levels 50-100 squeezes, alternating between 5-10 seconds Over time, by increasing the strength and control over these muscles, you will achieve harder erections that last longer. Yoga postures relieve pressure from the prostate by opening the hips and base of the spine at the coccyx. Increased blood flow and nerve healthy Men that practice yoga have a lower incidence of prostate cancer Huge benefit of yoga is the ability to relax the mind at will, even during stressful exercise. Genes Your genes have been damaged due to an unhealthy lifestyle. That is fact. The good news is that your genes have the wondrous ability to repair themselves . They can change themselves within minutes of altering your thought process. Epigenetics is starting to come out with some fascinating studies that say you can alter who you are ( your genes ), just by having different thoughts. Isn’t that something? If you want to know more about it, then read “The Genie in your Genes:Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention”, and have your mind blown. You are no longer a victim. You no longer have to be afraid. You can change! You are Free! Who are these Evil Men trying to make us sick/dead? A lot of us already know the answer to this pervasive question. It would be foolish to believe that it is mere coincidence that a war has been waged against our health, livelihood, happiness, and spirit. One Word: Illuminati. Who cares about these tossers? Without evil, there would be no good. That is the balance of the Universe, and it is terrifyingly beautiful. If you don’t know who they are, then you should do a bit of research on them. There are tons of information on them out there on the Internet. Or just head to a Barnes and Noble and start reading up on them in the New Age section. This isn’t conspiracy theory, but conspiracy FACT. So many people out there are quick to denounce such claims of a group of evil-minded aristocrats who have infiltrated every branch of government in almost all of the countries. They denounce such claims of corruption, and that there is no shadow government. They denounce the fact that such people exist, just as they denounce the True Nature of Reality, God, and the Spirit of Man. Ignorant Fools! But you know better, don’t you? You know that the nagging feeling in your gut is trying to wake you up to the fact that there is more to Life than meets the eye. Meditation Boy oh boy, there are so many benefits to meditation! -Improved immune system -Calm and Peaceful Attainment -Destressing -Consciousness expanding -You will feel more grounded, whole, and connected Just sit on the ground or a chair, close your eyes, and let your mind adjust itself to the emptiness and fullness of your Self. You can start out for 10 minutes and work your way up to 30 minutes, and then up to an hour if you’re really into it. Heck, some people meditate for hours on end. There is so much to meditation that has been brushed aside by mainstream science, but the Ancients knew what it was all about. It was a tool to expand their mind and Spirit so that one could experience God and be in Union. So yeah, it’s going to feel really uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to it, and you will come to Love it. Our monkey minds are so busy chattering due to constant distractions in society. I gotta pay this, gotta do this, gotta eat this, gotta read, gotta go here, gotta see this person, gotta be like this, gotta go to work, gotta be distracted, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta. Your mind is like a raging ocean, and it must be calmed down by the Divinity that is inherent within you. Claim your Peace and Freedom starting RIGHT NOW! Qi gong, yoga, tai chi, tantra This stuff is good for you. Seriously. All of the mystical and health promoting arts in every culture have a purpose and that is to align the practitioner with God, Universe, Nature, Reality. Go on youtube and search for videos on all these subjects to expose yourself to what is out there. You will start to get a glimpse of what is right for you, and will start to realize the Truth for yourself. The truth has always been inside of you, and the truth if You! Spirituality, Truth, Universe, Religion This is a touchy subject for the spiritually inept. It will push a lot of buttons and a lot of toes will be stepped on. Hey look, I am not trying to piss you off here. Stop being so sensitive. The Truth is the Truth whether you like it or not. No matter how much it is denied by the faithless, the godless, skeptics, and cold-hearted rationalists, the Truth still stands, towering over such petty and flawed perceptions. The Truth is simple and beautiful. It is God, Nature, Consciousness, Universe, Christ Consciousness, Reality, Perception, and whatever name you want to assign it. It is everywhere yet nowhere at once. We are all One, yet we are Not. We are all God, yet we are not. Religion has been misinterpreted on a large scale, due to the corruption of teachings that are handed down by institutions. Let us all turn to the Universal and True religion, and put aside our differences on which religion is right or wrong. The purpose of the True religion is to aid people in developing higher modes of awareness in order to experience God. Instead of talking about God and merely conjecturing, you must experience God for yourself. That was what religion was for (and it still is, if you have a discerning eye), but now people are associating them with terrorism and barbarianism due to the actions of religious zealots/extremists. Step outside of the box that society has placed you in, and start connecting yourself with the World. You will realize that you are not alone, and that there are higher forces at work on this planet of ours. My words are not for everyone, but those who understand Me will understand the Nature of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through my words, you are freed from the chains that society has shackled you with. It is through Me, that you will be able spread your wings and fly towards the bright and warmth of the Light. I am you, and you are Me. Get it? If you don’t, then get it! If you still don’t get it, then sit with yourself and do nothing, until your Mind comes to stillness. Only then will you understand. Only then, will you get it! I might as well have written this book in parables, but hey. Enough about riddles! Here is the plan so you can become a Light-Man! THE PLAN Cleanse with enemas, juicing, fasting. This is really important! Heck, everything is important! Take this seriously! Your health is at stake! Your life is at stake! Your spirituality is at stake! Stop doing what is bad for you! This means eating tainted food, drinking tainted water, not getting enough exercise, smoking, drinking, doing drugs, vaccinations, prescription meds, staying inside all day, harboring resentment, getting stressed out, etc etc. Eat clean non-GMO nuts, veggies, fruits, Ezekiel Bread (It’s gluten free) Make smoothies Juice, fast, repeat Exercise Drink Clean water, and get lots of fresh air and sunlight Earth Yourself! Practice Forgiveness and release pent-up emotions Remove yourself from negativity Meditate and pray Laugh, smiler, dance, sing, scream. Get rid of those old emotions and let the new ones in. Get that energy moving baby! Have sex and be happy Spend a lot of time within and in Nature. It’s only natural! Haha, get it? (lame pun) Travel and see the world! Cause there’s so much to see and experience. You don’t live forever! Do all those therapies that you read about earlier and notice a difference in your vitality and outlook on life! Quit your job and flip everybody off. Joke. Not really. Repeat this for the rest of your life. This is now, your new lifestyle. =D The End…or is it? Congratulations! You have made it down the rabbit hole, and you are still alive! Give yourself a big pat on your back, cause you really deserve one. Not many people are too willing to look at the Truth, but you are different! You are not just anybody, but a somebody, unique and beautiful! Just know that the journey doesn’t end here. The quest of Life is one that never ends. There are many more rabbits holes that will pop up along the way. You will have to jump down all of them, just like you have done with this one. But you already know what lies in wait for you on the other side. You already know that this Wonderland you have arrived in, is eternal and forever! And then suddenly, you will arrive at a profound realization: Being Alice isn’t so bad after all. Thank you! You guys are awesome. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my book. It really means a lot to me. I know that sounds cliché but it really does, and I’m grateful that there are people out there willing to lay down their egos for the Truth. Keep in touch with me, stop by my website and drop some comments. I will be more than happy to answer your questions! Also, I’d appreciate it if you don’t distribute copies of this ebook. Even men like me need to make a living! =] Below is a picture of me. Yes, I am a real person! Gasp. Peace be with you!
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